This illusion is called Maya and is very thoroughly explained. And also, it is explained that adhering to rituals and all that is a form of Maya too.
When it comes to any religious system , it doesnt not matter if you cater to the archetypes of duality or non duality if you fail to understand that you have chosen to relate to a matrix where all archetypes and modes of expression therein is controlled by a serpent or sun god force so what we have is various levels of the reptilian superego that splits itself into various avatars and archetypes and emanations thus it plays itself trough itself
When you choose to adhere to a religion from a esoteric point of view you are slowly being assimiliated by the Supreme deity of that religion
Hence the death and rebirth ritual you carry out at the point of initiation, its not you that is slowly becoming god its the god that is slowly becoming you , once you become enlightened you merge with deity but its a parasitic relationship in that it destroyes all your energy aggregates so it can possess you and claim you
These religious universes are all programmed insertions that exist solely becuse the collective subconsiousness are made to uphold them as such. They have no independent existence outside the perspective of the collective subconsiousness and their creators wouldnt even be able to rule this world much less enter it if the collective subconsiousness vote them out becuse they belong to another collective soul group Complex and as such they need mankind to worship them trough free will so they can stay in mans universe and rule over them.
There is a reptilian created icon for every type of energy that is in motion in the universe , this is in the mind of a worshipper interpreted in such a way that you cant do anything without a reptilian force creating it and doing it first
That is why there is a god of war
Or a god of love
Or god of sex
Or god of money etc...
So when you assimilate the masculine and the feminine forces of duality under synthesis eg becoming a timegod where you earn the epithet the mothers of all mothers and fathers of all fathers ( being self created) or becoming a an adi buddah you are only doing what a serpent force did before you and indeed its not even you that plays the god that have stripped the feminine Maya of its own existence by integrating Maya within himself , it is the force that initiated you that plays that part trough you.
You do not even have to worship or believe one or the other 32 Million deities. Krsna himself said so. You can reach him through any method.
Personal or unpersonal. The spirit comes from the soil anyway. It is not yours to begin with so nothing can be stolen. Also how can you steal something in a closed system like this Universe?
The spirit does not come from the soil , the spirit is eternal and allknowing. But religion whant you to believe otherwise so it can continuously incarnate back into a body that has accepted that the spirit comes from the soil and is returned to it which is an ode to reincarnation.
What do you think the universe is ?
Read my thread karma is a matrix simulation
The universe does not exist without collective soul group complexes that birthed it.
Now the sun is also a "bad guy". Is a storm also bad because its rain causes your house to be flooded? Or is it the good guy because its rain, waters arid dried out wheatfields? Perhaps it is your fault they are the bad guys. The storm does not care either way if you think it is bad or good [/QUOTE]
The sun is an archetype of creation and the reptilians have programmed humanity to view it as such , thus when humanity are made to worship it they are mainly being submissive in two ways .
They are made to worship its creators by proxy becuse the collective subconsiousness has been made to believe that the serpent birthed the sun.
2. Becuse the sun is an archetype of creation the reptilians which are the sun god ( creator or the father of the sun gets to decide what creation is all about
So we end up giving them our free will and blessing to create anything they want trough us when we worship the sun
They also siphon of energy and feeds if humanity.
You can liken the sun and the serpent to an analogy
Matthew Delooze said something to the effect of if someone creates an painting and sign it with their initials and then go proceed showing it to a big audience , all the energy that the audience direct at the painting by thinking its beautiful or ugly wont go to the painting itself it goes to the creators of the painting instead .
The same kind of situation applies when humanity are made to worship the sun - the energy goes to the serpent that created the sun.
But the good news is that we can assign other meanings to the symbolism we have previously been made to accept , once we become aware of the enslaving ramifications of any symbolism we can redefine their meaning on an individual level aswell as on a collective level and thus vote out the reptilians from our reality .
Yeah parasites everywhere. But be more realistic. This doesn't concern you
What does concern you are corrupt politicians, lobbyists, the jews and the modern banking system. A lot of construction sites for you to work on. And which you should focus on.
, the politicians are their middle man that QUOTE ] us to vote them in thus we also vote in the force they represent hence the silly farce of voting , its to extract our free will consent aswell as allow the politicians to represent us when they carry out rituals discussed as every day politics.
You dont seem to get that we are bombarded with rituals everyday in almost everything we do.
Even a simple thing as fiat currency is used against us in more ways than one .
Matthew Delooze raises the question How many of you have noticed what is printed on the money bills of the world ..
money carry the faces of royalty or the face of a famous piepd piper for the serpent , this ensures that the reptilian bloodlines and their Masters can feed of any transaction involving money .