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Journal Pseudo-intellectual Ramblings and Musings of JMPtD

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


Aug 31, 2021
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Einstein declared the speed of light to be constant.

Twenty years ago light photons were stopped and restarted

I think we can move on from Einstein

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Aug 17, 2023
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Thanks I will now. I seriously think movie level magic within wizardry is near on this planet.
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For Roma about weak nuclear force From that article. “Einstein declared that physical matter was nothing more than a concentrated field of force. What we term a physical substance is, in reality, an intangible concentration of wave-forms. Different concentrations of structural patterns of waves unite to form the myriad chemicals and elements which, in turn, react with one another to form physical substances. Different wave-forms of matter appear to us to be solid because we are constituted of similar wave-forms which resonate within a clearly-defined range of frequencies that control the physical processes of our limited world.”
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So overall it is 2400 degrees of the earth circumference For 144000 arc grid per second?
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and i wonder if this is explaining that 144000 minutes is how long it takes one earth pulsed speed of light to stop? “Einstein believed that "m", the value for mass in the equation, could eventually be removed and a value substituted that would express the physical in the form of pure energy. In other words, by substituting for "rn", a unified field equation should result which would express, in mathematical terms, the whole of existence, including this Universe“
Did I miss aught? Where does 2400 degrees circumference come in? Circumference is always 360 degrees, no?


On Probation
Jul 23, 2023
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Also the article talks about 648 which is in my horology post. “It can be seen that the total harmonic value of the atomic numbers of the combined elements is 648. The square root of this number is 25.455844, the harmonic of which is found in the polar sections of the world grid system. The harmonic 25455844 is also directly associated with the Earth’s magnetic field. Three new elements, recently discovered, have atomic numbers of 116, 124 and 126.What we now need are numbers 108 and 144..”

and the article also talks about a theoretical 370.95199 and in the horological post I talk about something maybe different but something I think means something we can figure out like (100/60)x217=361.666repeating. 361.666repeating + 14.4 is 176.0666repeating. And that is interesting because the 6 thinking measuring down from 24 hours to the third level of 6 (seconds) we get 2:17 which is 137 seconds and that is the fine structure constant, then for 9 root digit to get 217, one can know 60 goes into 100 1.666repeating times and so in a way 217x1.666 is 361.666, and 14.4 + that is 376.0666. And 2.4 minutes is 144 seconds and 2.4 things per second is 345.6, and then 360 - 345.6 is 14.4 which when looking at a day is like 1% of a day. 360/14.4=25. For some reason of course 345.6/14.4=24


On Probation
Jul 23, 2023
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Did I miss aught? Where does 2400 degrees circumference come in? Circumference is always 360 degrees, no?
An arcsecond (denoted by the symbol “) is an anglular measurement equal to 1/3600 of a degree or 1/60 of an arcminute

i Don’t know what I meant but I was trying to understand it more since I’m still confused.
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Ignore that unless someone knows how I can understand a little more hahah. 144000/10000 is 14.4. Circle importance 360 relevancepost on yogaforums can explain 10000 along with one mind method for yoga post there. 100 on each 81 scales and 1900 checking points.
Also it is like 10000 gauss as 1 Tesla by the number.
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Einstein declared the speed of light to be constant.

Twenty years ago light photons were stopped and restarted

I think we can move on from Einstein

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There’s always more to be haded.
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Did I miss aught? Where does 2400 degrees circumference come in? Circumference is always 360 degrees, no?
I think it was somehow about is it 144000 minutes of something counted by seconds or was it also because of one second specifically… I don’t know why I divided by 60 though.
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On Probation
Jul 23, 2023
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But 14.4 x 25 is 360 so we might be working with a minute type of thing if otherwise for 1/3600 degree it is more like 144 x 25 is 3600 Degree for seconds. And then 144x24 is 3456


On Probation
Jul 23, 2023
Reaction score
interesting. How it aligns with the year. there is a physics also quantum physics within the yogaforums post. Also there is that 144 x 25 in that previous post which has 144 coming from 14.4, but there is also 144 seconds which comes from 2.4 minutes and when that is multiplied by 10 like 14.4 was then we have 1440 seconds, maybe for 360x10 or 3600x10, which is like a linear alignment with the minutes of a day for these mechanics. And when 2.4 things per second at a smaller level are there there is 345.6 things in 2.4 minutes (144seconds) which that common factoring as a 25th from 24 25ths of 360 to a 14.4 multiple can be a type of reciprocal like since 345.6/14.4 is 24 then one might notice 345.6 as a 25th of 8640 degrees. So I guess I could see the correlation for 3456 like the other comment as well, from 345.6 x 10 here and then a part of 86400 which is how many seconds in a day.
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Also from 14.4 which was multiplied by 10, here it is further deducted into 144 x 24 which is 3456 which is then multiplied by 25 which is 86400.

then further deducting 2.4 things per seconds within 144 second side which got to 345.6 within 8640, it next is multiplied by 24 to get 8294.4 within 207360

then 14.4 is 3456x24=82944 then within itself times 25 which is 2073600

then 2.4 next becomes 82944 and 2073600

then 14.4 becomes 829440 and 20736000

then 2.4 becomes 1990656 and 49766400
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From there you can do further proceeding or you can do some abstract deduction like what numbers go into them like 100 108 144 648 etc.
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These bigger numbers might be like energy complexions of molecules or something like that.
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When there is a 2.4 per second frequency for 144 seconds (144 is 2.4 minutes), then there is 345.6 things with 14.4 remaining of 360, so in a way 10 repetitions of 2.4 cycles creates 144 from the growing 14.4 which was the difference of 360 and 345.6, so then with the circle like 6 thinking one can make this connection: 144 things counting by 3 root digits in one’s place and nine in others gives us 144 nine root digits by the time that specific counting mechanism reaches to its symbols reading 360, so 360-144 is 216 and that in order are the six numbers before each next number with zero in the ones place like 4,5,6,7,8,9 of special counting of 1,2,3,10…. So, we notice the 360 circleness completion of 3 root digit fractal plus the filings of each 4,5,6,7,8,9ths are apparent, and notably 216/2 is 108 and in a way that could leave a 108 for the 4,5,6ths and 7,8,9ths of a 3,6,9 method thinker, while it is true that the first 108 counting like 1,2,3,10,11,12,13,20… are most actual 81 points plus the next 27 when they might be what we think of as explaining the 81 most specifically, since the next 27 describe the division of the final 9 while still being 27 in alignment with the 27 that directly checks 81; and the 27 and 9 as the most overall points are a fourth in the whole fractal to 144 as there are 27 and nine for each of the thirds of 81 which are more specific “actual” things. And somewhat in an anti realm 108 x 3 is 324 (which divided by 81 is 4) and the makes 36 remaining to 360 so that means 54 made of 6s from the last fourth of 144 (360) are a part of that 324 which also involves every single type of point 3 root digits or 6s from the other 3 fourths of 144 (360) and a fourth is 36 of 3 root digits to clarify.
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So how to explain the 324 in physics maybe say for the 81 part per trillion fine structure constant for example. Interesting. Who knows, maybe it has to do with what is the structure that is between the actual things and the environment.
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2.4 per second is 144 in 60 seconds. When there is 345.6 for 144 seconds of a 2.4 per minute frequency there is 14.4 for each 144 seconds, so that means that in 1440 seconds the 14.4 becomes 144 per 24 minutes (which can be scaled for a 24 hour alignment), and the. The third 144 comes of course from 144 seconds or minutes as well
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And thinking about that comment previously like how 2.4 minutes gives 144 seconds, 2.4 hours gives us 144 minutes and by using that knowledge when using 360 10 times knowing about the 14.4 part other than the 345.6 left then we can understand that yes after 10 cycles there is 1440 minutes coming from tenths of a day but also the 14.4 per cycle gives us 144 per 24 hours and that can help with hexagon division of a day as well as arc grid type of thing like how 144000 minutes is 100 days and 64800/100 is 648 and that has to do with sphere grid points divided by 100 which is also 81 things with a 19 point checking style and when thinking of particles 81 in the fine structure constant in physics as well as the periodic table in chemistry For examples like the 108 (81 with 27 checking method) moons to earth or suns to earth. also to get from 14.4 to 144 per 24 hours one must understand that 14.4 was a piece of 360 and in arc grid 1/3600 of a degree angle is called an arc second so 10 cycles to achieve 144 from 14.4 one multiplies the 360 by 10 getting 3600, so what travels 144 minutes maybe per 24 hours.
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An arcsecond (denoted by the symbol “) is an anglular measurement equal to 1/3600 of a degree or 1/60 of an arcminute.

actually it might be 144 arc second per 24 hours instead of arc minutes and 144/3600 would be 2.4 arc minutes a day if that’s correct. And that would be 2.4 arc degree angles. While it is interesting that 360 has 24 divisors.
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Wikipedia: “In modern times, Earth's circumference has been used to define fundamental units of measurement of length: the
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in the seventeenth century and the
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in the eighteenth. Earth's polar circumference is very near to 21,600 nautical miles because the nautical mile was intended to express one
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of latitude (see
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), which is 21,600 partitions of the polar circumference (that is 60 minutes × 360 degrees). The polar circumference is also close to 40,000 kilometres because
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to be one ten millionth (i.e., a kilometre is one ten thousandth) of the arc from pole to equator (
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). The accuracy of measuring the circumference has improved since then, but the physical length of each unit of measure had remained close to what it was determined to be at the time, so the Earth's circumference is no longer a
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in metres or nautical miles.”

this shows 21600 as how many partitions of earths polar circumference as nautical miles apparently because of namely 60 minutes x 360 degrees looking like one is meant to travel a 60 nautical miles in one degree at a rate of 60 minutes as well making a mile a minute, so what is notable to point out is how the article said 6 is helpful for circles and spheres and remember how in a previous comment 3 root digits in one’s and 9 root digits in other’s place gets us to 360 by symbolic logic while that is equal to 144 9 root digits, so 360-144 is 216 (made of 4,5,6,7,8,9s) and interestingly 2.4 per second gives us 144 seconds which accumulates 345.6 things and then one can understand that since that takes 144 seconds 216 is remaining and has a complexion of its own when considering 144, 216, and then 345.6, 14.4 and then 360 which obviously relates simply to both, so one may say it’s favorable to attribute 216 to the value of 14.4, so then one can further understand that ten cycles of course brings 14.4 to 144 and 216 to 2160, so then the same process is done again with not 2.4 minutes as 144 seconds plus the 2.4 in each but with the three levels of 60 in horology one transmutes focus from seconds and minutes to minutes and hours surely sort of like newtons cradle with perhaps linear mechanical construction of exponential things…, and anyways when the ten cycles are done again to 345.6 and 14.4, as the constant method, this time to the alignment of 2.4 things per minute consecutively for 2.4 hours (144 minutes) one gets the 2160 multiplied by 10 cycles so it works in this way.
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If this doesn’t look like magic is hiding behind, oh let’s just use easy supercomposite 360 degrees or that’s about how many days a year, then point me to the one who knows. Hopefully some magical sequences are derived.

so, 21600/648 is 33.333repeating and 21600/108 is 20 and 21600/144 is 150. So by meathod thinking 33.333 per day gives us 100 in three days and 2.4 arc minutes a day x 3 is 7.2 and from there thinking polarly 72 is half of 144 so 10 x 3 days is 30 days with 72 minutes of arc and so 60 days gives us 144 (neptune takes 60190 earth days to orbit. And at 144000 minutes of arc there are 60000 days. I think mercury has 81 spins in 54 years so that is like a third dividing of things after 33.333 would lead one to think 66.666 but it was 60 (without last .ten and 10 of 100, so 2 levels negative) and then next one would expect 60 but would get 81 per 54 (minus threes it goes to 54 from 60 (also 3 more from 30) and them to get rid of another third it would be 81 loses 27 so it looks like 81 per 54 lacking the level so instead of 81 per 81 it’s in a way slower by this conscious trajectory of manifestation in that alignment…. So, those things are nice ranges of the solar system.

otherwise 24 hours is like a certain limit and maybe 2.4 arc minutes a day for 2.4 at the next big step or first smallest of a whole new section of the scaling process. Should it be another shift one 2.4 up or not since it’s a whole day or 24 hours not 60 hours?
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At least the next three would be 2.4 a day, 2.4 in 60 days and 2.4 in 360 days; 2nd type of second, minute, hour
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21600/108 is 200*
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Interesting fact 144000/40.000032000000005=3599.99712
40.000032000000005 is 144 arc minutes. so 0.00288 away from 3600 so that has direct meaning (288/2=144)
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144 arc seconds*
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Sorry yet again I don’t want to redo this post but actually one arc minute is not 1 degree but 60 arc minutes is a degree.
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Let’s see this post as a dark matter post. Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. i don’t know.
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It might sound like was talking about a circle but I was talking about arcane. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha
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But for example if this was seconds like I think I meant then it isn’t seeming to perfectly align with the arc grid since 2.4 minutes isn’t 2.4 angles.

“actually it might be 144 arc second per 24 hours instead of arc minutes and 144/3600 would be 2.4 arc minutes a day if that’s correct. And that would be 2.4 arc degree angles. While it is interesting that 360 has 24 divisors.”
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Numbers can calculate righteousness. Furthermore we are focusing on thoughts of light speed.
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Structures and limits of body. Mind is what the body is. And even can be
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Meditations of still inflections can heal. Reflections close inflections farther compositions even further and complexions furthest. natural organic vegan body. Om shanti bless good goes to heaven evil goes to hell.
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I am the master of grey matter.
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And yes. I still like the word mantra.
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And always do better holmes.
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So why not earth Vader lept out of the womb a vegan.
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Whose story does this belong to now..
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And I’ve seen animated Star Wars characters in my dreams.
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Ten trillions dots connected
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What spreads 2.4 nautical miles a day?
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Potterrrr? Let me stamp that
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Maybe we should turn on myceliums powers.
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Breath for power.
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Magnetic power.
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Om shanti bless
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enrich and manifest and enrich symbols
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You can look at something moving .1 nautical miles an hour. Even shadows are similar Sometimes.
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And metaphysical sequences with rhythms can be created
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Don’t sin. When one analyzes evil it is that the heavenly body may be hidden.
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Words are what they are but im still using the, because they are pretty accurate
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Furthermore plant power
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Furthermore energy power.
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I’m wondering if the second and minute combination would be favorable for a 360 miles or degrees per day thing.
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1440/24 is 60. 60x6 is 360.
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Do not hurt innocent but fighting hurts by attacking the source and dividing and multiplying by the fruits of the Agni.
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Don’t live a life as it can still be fun. Life for nature and as nature so one can stop anti universe nature. Read one‘s core philosophy you can find on my profile.
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By and by and by and by and by and by.
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Bring the truth to the good and no matter what it is to.
it is it is it is it is it’s.
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Here’s some intelligence one might integrate to how light structures phenomenon and relativities like arc grid work together with more knowledge.
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. One good spell would be creating emotional seeking and control symbols.
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Purer intention purer intention purer intention purer intention purer intention purer intention purer intention purer intention purer intention purer intention purer intention purer intention purer intention purer intention purer intention purer intention purer intention purer intention purer intention purer intention purer intention purer intention purer intention purer intention purer intention
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possible theory for elements.
Dodecahedron is ice (air and water potential)(reflection of eather with things in transparency that are made of harder and softer)

icosahedron is water (softly hard)

cube is earth (maybe packed onto basic 3d changing 360 poles that still definitely embraces 3d, while x and y planes do they may be for example a triangle still but that does not align full 3d meaning to fixed poles)

tetrahedron is plasma (maybe it’s can be 3d but balance is powerful as gravity moves the match along the strip while the strip is the equalizing accelerating force that works to sustain magnetic maybe cube like balance but not necessarily balancing to be sustainable maybe unless it is coherent to a more probably 360 pole balanced shape which may have arcane structure that keeps the ratios coherent throughout the tetra/plasma.

fine Structure constant.
81 scales may have some 60 degree angles based off of the numbers division into threes still being balanced enough for more structure, instead of the 90 for say maybe hexahedron cube. the scales can spread force and refind balance. (Good for a wizard staff)
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also to get from 14.4 to 144 per 24 hours one must understand that 14.4 was a piece of 360 and in arc grid 1/3600 of a degree angle is called an arc second so 10 cycles to achieve 144 from 14.4 one multiplies the 360 by 10 getting 3600, so what travels 144 minutes maybe per 24 hours.

also a way to understand this is instead of 3600 relative to 10 2.4 hours relative to the sphere I think there, one can think of 144/3600 as 14.4 degrees Per day like 864 miles per day or 144 degrees 86400 Miles.
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What speed It is.
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1440 (which is minutes in a day) / 24 minutes is 60. And 144 (which is 144 per 24) x 60 is 8640 nautical miles per day. And 8640/24 is 360 miles per hour so 360 minutes of arc grid per hour which is 6 degrees Per hour which is 360 miles per hour.
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So logically speaking if there are 360 in one triangle of six within a hexagon and there are anyways 8 (three triangles in a way per hexagon) or 4 Hexagons (all 6 triangles per hexagon) then in one whole “hexagon” by either way from 6 360s then one can align it as a degree and there can be furthermore to add to another 24 bigger ’triangles’ 4 or 8 big ones total which is 6 normal days. If there are 24 hexagons in a day with 360 in each then a combination can have 6 or 3 (24 hour like) day units in a day for a day represented by 4 hexagons, and otherwise for a 8 hexagon portrayal of a day counting three or halfandpaired triangles per hexagon one can get 6 or 3 day like units depending on which style the inner hexagons are in a basic way while 3 day like units can be like charge carriers by their shadow opposites the way they work by carrying another thing or by giving the two property structure attribute of efficient complexity as an example of that technology. Also why not notice more arc grid speed perspectives from here like 6 inner day units having things move 2160 per hour. That is 36 degrees, and 36 can fit into some interesting things making 60 things per 36th almost making a stable platform while it might charge up which could be analyzed by dividing 2160 by 2 which is 1080 and then understanding each 27th has 40 and each of 9 has 120. so a tetrahedron like thing getting pulses of 40s and 120s could be a power enriched object if done in a way for magical people as an idea.
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And 4 36s is 8640 miles which is done there in 6 times faster than 144 per 24 minutes. So 864 per 24 minutes is how fast and that means there are 4 216s done in 24 minutes which is like 144 in a way possibly doing itself 4 times per 24 minutes. So this way one can see something functioning together like this could accumulate a 4 144 charges on a long mythical dragon or even recycling while the charge moving slower is traveling in the direction of movement by an internal force or maybe away from direction of movement pushing what is behind to shed off magnetic pulls.
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And of course when this is the technology design one can go faster slower depending on the summoning of methods.
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In a way it would be helpful to think about how much speed because of momentum does mass not get its energies effected by gravity, not because only of the gravity force but also because of the fine structure constant type that magnetically latches on at a rate of however many parts per space and entanglements magnetized per time with the process favorably noticed for time.
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Sean g 137 says we might want to imagine the 137 81 parts fine structure constant as a vortex.
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Aug 7, 2022
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RE: Speed of light
Subtopic: Frequencies and Harmonics
et al,

ANSWER: 40º = 144000 arc seconds --- 1º = 3600 arc seconds --- 144000/3600 = 40

ASSUMPTION: The Pentagram Star uses 72º points of separation to a circle. The number "144" (72 times 2 = 144) is (considered by some as) to be a magical number.
But it should be noted that there are those who believe 2 times
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which is what some believe to be valid some people call the speed of light harmonic is dubious. This requires some shifty cancellations.

This number you have (144000 minutes of arc grid per second) is a guestimation and works on any size circle (of a different radius). Arc Seconds are generally used in navigation and astronomical computations. I took the whole astronomy series when I was at university. I have never used it since. In the digital age, computers do that for you.

The "speed of light" does not have a harmonic. The harmonic is derived by measuring the fundamental frequency and then simple multiplication. So a Radio Station transmitting at a center frequency of 100 MHz, in the FM Band, it will have its first harmonic at 200 MHz, and a second harmonic at 300 MHz - and so on. Verifiable by anyone with a
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A Measurement in terms of "arc" is explained quite well in this
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Keep in mind that the harmonic of a beam of light is dependent on a great number of factors. The frequency of a beam of "visible" light (a very small sample of the overall energy spectrum) changes its measurable frequency depending on the observer's perspective and the angle at which it is observed. If the beam of light is moving toward you - the light will shift in the direction of the "RED" end of the visible light spectrum. RED has a different center frequency than does light that has shifted towards the BLUE end of the spectrum (Light moving away from you).

Frequency (THz)
Wavelength (nm)
Copied from "
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If we split the difference in the frequency of RED we will get ≈ 442 THz as a Center Frequency with the first harmonic at ≈ 884 THz.
If we split the difference in the frequency of BLUE we will get ≈ 637 THz as a Center Frequency with the first harmonic at ≈ 1274 THz.

This is true for any aspect of electromagnet energy (which light is). But it so happens that the concept works for any waveform.

There is such a thing as an X-Band and K-Band tuning forks. They were used to calibrate Police RADAR Speed units when I was a kid.

OK - just my two-cents worth (times 72º = 144 --- magic).

Most Respectfully,


On Probation
Jul 23, 2023
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Interesting. There was a bit about 40s a few comments before which would weft well with that for some creative reasoning. In the horological post there is some about 72 degrees I noticed as well and it links 144 equal to 360 in a way which makes 72 literally 72. 72 degrees sounds great and by those 36s in one of the previous comments that would be 2, and being 2 4ths that structure then order then aura relative chaos then environmental chaos for example can help for construction while triangulation of different light magnets would be cool for construction. thanks for sending all some points.
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To involve with the 144000 second 40 degree alignment then the 36 degree degree theory method that is one fourth of fractal completed at 144, could receive 4 more degrees from the last fourth which has 4 nines and even though this is like another 36, it is actually only taken as a degree for each nine while those nines are for the others two fourths as well but this shows a completion of full structure integration supplementation and interestingly bridging elements with their components as a part of a cycle. So then as the last 9 points of a 36 have 120, 120 is also like a full cycle of 3 40 degrees while I guess there should also be more parts to this full part of the equation, and these are based of the 81 scales which is checked by 63 checking points by one for each three actual points and 27 checking points seem to reveal in the mathematical fractal once in the 3 36s by 9 for each and also their reflection in a more primordial half that are like maybe a sheath that receives or projects from it, and the 27 that’s more general of course has 9 checking points for that as well which makes it a physical structure in a way, and a good point that can be made here for the equation at this point is that another nine may be there bridging the next level of check to 3 points but what if that 9 is actually calibrated/anatomied by the function and simple once space (of many focused surfacing around here) of the first nine and then anyway there can be one three similarly as it is more primordial and then a level of one intersection (algebraically or geometrically).

120 degrees is helpfully called complete here but there may be more or at least things of mechanics illuminated in the metaphysical process. So they could come from the most overall 36 points plus points or reasonings for the levels of 3 and 1 while the 3 and 1 might need a second (special) 9 analysis for creating the bridge. What is 120 x 60 minutes?
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120d x 20 is 2400 degrees. Or maybe first 120d x 2 is 240 degrees
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120x4 is 480 and there would be 5 of those so a pentagon would seemingly help there maybe as a penta tunnel or something.
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120 could be for a color and then there are 3 120s with an overall 120, then there could be five other combinations with 3 possible in each.
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Aug 7, 2022
Reaction score
RE: Speed of light
Subtopic: Frequencies and Harmonics
JMPtD, et al,

Yes, there are all kinds of tricks in numerological application. And many believe these tricks of mathematics have some higher level of truth. Math and numerology do not divulge any special celestial or cosmic truth.

Arc Seconds are key to celestial coordinants in the sky. If you watched the American Science Fiction movie (1997) - "Contact," you hear the actress call out the location of a distant star.

I thought the number manipulation aspect of the 144 had some relevance in "wizardry." I thought in the context of magic. And I thought it might be at the bottom of the original query.

I am a Taurus (First House of the Zodiac • born in the Year of the Dragon) - Cancer Ascending. The is a circle with all sorts of implications. You can measure out all manner of associations involving the number 144 or 144K (and all the variants in between).

Most Respectfully,


On Probation
Jul 23, 2023
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Wow there are some great hopes around here and i think otherworldly too. Thanks for the info RoccoR. i attribute this site to my scientific search of magic. I hope we find something that can give us all further evolutions of course. those sound like interesting stories in the shows and a nice 144 resource. I want people to know miracles are real for the ones who doubt. I just seem to be clutching to start the meditation process, but when I did last year for 3 months there was able to be a laser flashlight that came from me the shape of my face on the wall going wherever I looked and when I rubbed my head that time (somewhat intuitively) then the same light blue light appeared as a big circle on my forehead that I even went into the bathroom to see; bright the lights on an alarm clock. I hope to find more tips that can help us; I am somewhat interested in hope for tapping. The light ability that night was started from the meditations which used imagination which just enriched themselves and created a bright one.
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we can hold our hands out as harmonizes and fall/push them down for bass and proportion force energy when they stay at 6 cycling sequences going below and above getting sequence groups raising the hands to make pentagon etc. arcane combinations moving hands below is possible and those alignments can also be made with circle eclipse triangle square pentagon for singing.
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Aug 7, 2022
Reaction score
RE: Speed of light
Subtopic: The possible existance of Magic.
JMPtD, 8Lout, et al,

To believe in Magic, or some yet to be defined special power, you (must first) have some idea as to what type of energy is the carrier. Humanity knows so little about what the univerrse has.

Most Respectfully,


On Probation
Jul 23, 2023
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In the previous Jain 108 video it talks about the water molecule being 104.5. 104x2 is 208 and 208 is 13x16 and that could mean 13 in each 16 9s. When this balance happens this 81 scales is in descriptive alignment with a theory for the fine structure constant which has 7 being unique so 144 becomes 137 maybe one 9 becomes 7 during a part of the fine structure constant, while the 2 may be bigger or something overriding the other 7. So if 13 in a nine happens that could make that nine a seven because the golden ratio is 1 1 2 3 5 8 13, and then maybe this commonly happens in nature when the whole thing is harmonized by that frequency of 13 for each 16th. 0.5 could come a frequency which makes the first 2 numbers of the golden ratio look quite spicy. Going down from hexagon one gets to triangle and then to get to eclipse here divide 60 degree by a hexagon degree to find so much of a 0.5 degree angle. And then if the frequency stay surging at the golden ratio one may notice that the pentagon attainable from the Jain 108 video can become apparent and maybe the magnetic eclipse energy from one point of a pentagon to the other far two tips flips to a side and charges up the sides which are known to hold the golden ratio while it is namely down by 72 degrees in this example and that is showing half of 144 entirety while 360 is its whole fillable number and 216 may be more thick matter and 144 may be adjoined thinner energy.
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RE: Speed of light
Subtopic: The possible existance of Magic.
RoccoR, 8Lou1, et al,

The 137 fine structure constant is a good spring and that the networks of energies between them is an interesting level of energy for 144.
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216 might be the spreading of the 144 energy form structure like the remaining of the 3 3s that a 3 of 144 would not be most coherent to. 123 but not 4,5,6,7,8,9, so 144 is like the work of the energy and 216 might favorably be the scope of the rest of the material overall inbound to coherency or i guess close potential though I hope the prayers of divine oneness are being properly empowered by the world.
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A pentagon battery which has spring corners being charged with frequencies that when are not held in place are conditioned to spring to water degrees. Sounds nuclear like there is constant force that is still being entangled as a flexible ratio of energy that can be compressed for a long time to fuse incoming absorbing plasma.
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And there could be whatever else to try along with it like the singing combinations and bass “watering” and even complex arcane within the base of many types of polygons adding and subtracting forth making deep combinations.
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as possibly favorable 104.5 compressed solute maybe moves halfish of the time to each rays separated by 72 degrees .5 could also be the angle that projects but it might be notable that it might be the 60 degree angle of the triangle can point in each direction and that 42 degrees is in between the two placements the 60 degrees can shine. Who knows.
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13x9 is 117 and 104 +13 is 117 so the frequency of 104 seems to be easily kept manifested on a side when it is on the other shooting 13.
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Wiki says 42 is the angle rounded for which a rainbow appears. Also check this
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If you multiply the .5 on 104 by 2 with it then we get 209 and that could signify that the 137 that comes from the 208 also has a .5 which comes from that 1 point value, and by the other side of a 72 degree angle that .5 might be a signature of how that 1 point was worth 13 like how 104 + 13 is 117 (9x13, which is nine groups of (9) (though 7 in maybe focus) places which is whole 81 which could be frequency from the fine structure constant)
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What if they put a rainbow inside the pentagon.
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In the pentagram 72-42 is 30 and 30/2 is 15 and 15+21 is 36 like the other angle. 42-36 is 6 so the rainbow can be at 42 degrees of the 72s. But also I thought 42 was in the middle of 72 but the 60 degrees is different than that which was 30 total but who knows if 42 is a magnetic force it skips over for the rest of that side.
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Never mind. I thought 72 was somewhere else. Hahaha
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Also interestingly 14.4 days is equal to 345.6 hours! Holy moly.
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So 345.6 hours is equal to 2.4 hours/things per each unit for 144 total units. What are these mystical units exactly?
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And also 3456 hours makes/conjures/aligns 144 things
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Also it might be a 1:1 ratio for 2.4 things and 2.4 hours so I guess 14.4 days could create a platform that can match a second from a different 14.4 days done perfectly in consciousness amen.
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Or 27.3 + 30 for moon and sun are similar when divided by 2
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this helps measure in for a years focus.
28.8-1.48 is 27.32. 28.8 +1.48 is 30.28. 30.28x12 is 363.36. ((363.36x3)+370.90)/4 is 365.245 which is close to a year
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345.6/14.4 is 24 so that is 6 seconds a thing for 144 seconds or maybe even 1440 seconds.
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[For 14.4 days there can be 345.6 hours and 144 tenths of days and a tenth of a day is 144 minutes.]
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3456/144 is 24 so one might say there are 144 things every 24 hours
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Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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Einstein declared the speed of light to be constant.

Twenty years ago light photons were stopped and restarted

I think we can move on from Einstein

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It's the speed of light in a vacuum that is constant. You can (for example) use wave guides to make light travel faster than light :)
Only problem is, it's of no use :)
You still can't make your spacecraft go FTL :)


On Probation
Jul 23, 2023
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Interesting. the Fine structure constant frequency that can do all things easily is what I’m looking for including light so all things interest me.
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the interesting thing about 144 things a day for 144 days is that we get 20736 which when divided by 216 (the other 2/3s of 360 with 144 as a third with overall points after every nine 9 root digits.) we get 96. 96 is 2/3 of 144 so after another 48 216s we get 144 with 216 seemingly a part of it, so it could be like an alternating system that is maybe sectioned into 20736 and 10368. 31104 as the sum has interestingly 48 factors and anyways here they are which is a group that has a bunch of other alignments. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12, 16, 18, 24, 27, 32, 36, 48, 54, 64, 72, 81, 96, 108, 128, 144, 162, 192, 216, 243, 288, 324, 384, 432, 486, 576, 648, 864, 972, 1152, 1296, 1728, 1944, 2592, 3456, 3888, 5184, 7776, 10368, 15552, and 31104.
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Another interesting one for 432 people is 31104x3 since maybe it has 48 factors, 93312 and 93312/21600 (nautical miles around globe) is 4.32, and 4.32/3 is 1.44.
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Aug 31, 2021
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" Her first trick was slowing a pulse of light to a crawl — 15 mph as it traveled through the BEC. Since then, Hau has completely frozen a pulse and then released it. And recently she shot a pulse into one BEC and stopped it — turning the BEC into a hologram, a sort of matter version of the pulse. Then she transferred that matter waveform into an entirely different BEC nearby — which emitted the original light pulse."

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On Probation
Jul 23, 2023
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144x1000 is 144000 per day. 1000 of 360 degree cycles divided by 6.66repeating is 150. 60 hours x 60 is a 3600 hour unit (imagining a relativity of forms/units to the first of seconds to minutes, and second process of minutes to hours, and specifically belonging for the third of 144 days with 144 in each transfer part) and that divided by 24 is 150 so 150 days is like 150 seconds. And this harmonic is interesting in the light speed per second direction as well as the 150 days subjected to 24 hour days (24 focus for the third process because we knew 3456 is hours due to other process similarities) way while the 150 days way can sign an end of a cycle/lapse alignment because it is figured by not 60 units but instead a 345.6 hours logic alone (also by arcane 24 hour leading to 60 min per hour, 60 second per minute intelligence) which is then multiplied by 10. So a certain logic from seconds as say 1 gives us 10 unit displacement vision after a process, and this 10 is there in a way for minutes to hours which goes to 100 after a another 10 multiple harmonic, and then that 100 is used for 345.6 hour to 3456 hours making 1000 and 360 being multiplied by 1000 moves whatever initial 144 was linked to the maybe “wave/pulse”. And so 144 cycling 360 degrees 1000 times makes the value 144000, and we might want to notice this as a considerably significant science rate to understand the metaphysics (“physics wave of philosophy”) for it being for constant accumulative meaning throughout the three levels of cycles which can help us understand how the physical/conceptual movement works. With this max we can say that there is a certain constant for a process of shorter time than this one and instead of 150 days we’d get 150 seconds from 3600 things that are 60 per second so that divided by 24 60 unit per second we get 150 seconds. So that comes from 60 per 60 per second stage, and the 60 per second and second stage, and the third stage of 345.6 60 per seconds and 3456 60 per seconds. So a 1000 multiple sequence from the smallest 360 to the biggest 360 makes 360000 and the 144 from 60 per 60 per second energy form becomes 144000 per second which is parallel to light speeds somewhat 144000 minutes of arc grid per second which in this case 144000 would be about 144000 minutes of arc grid per second. So the bigger original one would lead us to wonder about 144000 of 60 per 60 hours of arc grid per hour substance carrier wave. And that would have 144 60 per 60 hours of arc grid(maybe) per second which is pretty funny.
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" Her first trick was slowing a pulse of light to a crawl — 15 mph as it traveled through the BEC. Since then, Hau has completely frozen a pulse and then released it. And recently she shot a pulse into one BEC and stopped it — turning the BEC into a hologram, a sort of matter version of the pulse. Then she transferred that matter waveform into an entirely different BEC nearby — which emitted the original light pulse."

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That’s interesting. heres something cool too, I was inside and when I finished writing my last comment, a little white floating thing that comes from the trees came right in front of my face and then stopped. Lolol.
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This was towards the end of that long comment and I guess it could be day instead of hour so it aligns with 144000 per second. So the bigger original one would lead us to wonder about 144000 of 60 per 60 hours of arc grid per day substance carrier wave.*
but those little differences are what are still a question; like there might be a certain permeation condition noticeable for the matter with energy that could cause evolving 10 x faster by a process in a way, and maybe the faster 144000 could set the premise making certain mechanics lolol
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I had a dream last night when the dinosaurs including an alligator, were playing together near the water flying and the fish could fly which were somewhat our size and their side fins were just beneath the water. So I think that if we get this energy movement and energy carrier shape stuff correctly we could be much healthier and much more siddhis.
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the fish weren’t the only ones flying.
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We should teach them to be vegan in all mannerisms same as us.
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For conscious tracks perspective sake each of the 24 seconds, 24 minutes, 24 hours that is what 144 travels through while the 24 hours derived from the middle process is put into constant by the ‘third’ process which has 144 a day for 144 days. i hope this helps people develop more. Thanks for prayers om shanti bless (Divine oneness).
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These are like the arcane layers of light if they hold to be.
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144000 60 60 hours of arc grid per 60 hours from the bigger cycle of three could in a way be the initial distance through one frequency considered accelerated to ahead of light by 1000 (because of the bigger processes level) x 144000 or it could be the 1000 x 144000 speed constantly because it could be called a constant and could maybe be the speed that light becomes eventually, while if it is the initial further distance at the time light speed is reached by the smaller 3 cycles then it might be pulling the light at the present stages or only carrying light that fast because of certain outer space force resistance though that this possible different form staying at the speed of light could be limited for at least at a certain stage if so instead of light going the same speed closer to the source 1 second out.
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not everything on here is necessarily aligned but it is just something to work with
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1440/24 is 60. And 1440 / 10 is 144 for the last of the two different types of processes. and 144 things per day for 144 days could be an internal thing. With 144 things a day for 60 days which is 8640. While there are another 84 days with 144 that could be calculated.
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It seems that I keep relating it to 345.6 but it shows that there can be a range from the three depths within a process and there is physics with 24 hours involved which is important. Also 2.4 an hour for 60 hours gives 144 things simple.
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(3600 x one second)x6.66repeating is 24000.
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