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[Opinion] Shortcuts to Power

Everyone's got one.


Jul 2, 2022
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I'm just going stop engaging, they are either a schizo or this is just some form of "indirect trolling" as if they are trying to "parody an occultist", and I'm not going to humor either.
If you don't find this kind of thing entertaining, thats the best thing to do. I have been in this journey for quite a long time and trust me these people are common. They always think they are special however. Best to roll and eye and move on.

I am just here for the entertainment.
Sep 9, 2021
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really? you sound very wise, tell me how certain people dont use the internet, tell me about this "real world" that doesnt include the internet

the earth has named me for my appropriate attributes, i am not concerned about your ability, or inability, to appreciate the words
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great, thanks for that critical information

i am not here for entertainment, this is part of my work
Derailiing the thread and being off topic is part of your work?
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So what we all agree on is that there is no shortcut to power? I will have to read all responses on the first page minus mr sunny side up of course, to make sure Im correct on this.

Actually, there were one or two pro shortcuts. Somewhere tied like 2-2, unless my math is off (quite possible).

Power may be sweet, but there is a cost to anything and everything.
Shortcuts to me seems foolish now after my trial and error in my search for power.
Some things are much too costly for me in my opinion.

However, shortcuts to power sometimes as one pointed out, are pretty common, namely LBRP among many.
Begs the question though -- who has the power, and what book is their source?
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Jul 2, 2022
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I still believe Initiation Into Hermetic is one of the big dogs out there. Results I got from that book was nothing short of amazing. Though its clear to me I never finished it. Not even halfway. Was too immature for it.

Do I believe Bardon was how he was written in Frabato novel? Big no. He was a great magician no doubt. And that is respectful enough imo, no need to deify him.
Apr 18, 2022
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I still believe Initiation Into Hermetic is one of the big dogs out there. Results I got from that book was nothing short of amazing. Though its clear to me I never finished it. Not even halfway. Was too immature for it.

Do I believe Bardon was how he was written in Frabato novel? Big no. He was a great magician no doubt. And that is respectful enough imo, no need to deify him.
What step did you reach?


Jul 2, 2022
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What step did you reach?
I was ready for the second book when I ended my training. Took 3 years. I never got around to go for step nine or start evoking in ZGE, because I wanted to take a year long break to research about Hermeticsm more... Lots of stuff really, history and evolution of occult, Greek and Hebrew alphabets, learning myth, creating my own ritual, etc. Thats what I wanted to do before ascending further.

Funny how it all works, they say that IIH is a microcosmic book. I clearly see that there is a mini abyss in this step, just like how it would be on Saturn Zone. Both of them being eighth step. Its been rough.
Apr 18, 2022
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I was ready for the second book when I ended my training. Took 3 years. I never got around to go for step nine or start evoking in ZGE, because I wanted to take a year long break to research about Hermeticsm more... Lots of stuff really, history and evolution of occult, Greek and Hebrew alphabets, learning myth, creating my own ritual, etc. Thats what I wanted to do before ascending further.

Funny how it all works, they say that IIH is a microcosmic book. I clearly see that there is a mini abyss in this step, just like how it would be on Saturn Zone. Both of them being eighth step. Its been rough.
So you actually completed Step 3?

You must be a millionaire then.
Apr 18, 2022
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Lol huh? Creator of this book wasn't one.
He also died in police custody, are you going to follow in his footsteps?

Whats your point?
My point would be related to this question asked in another thread
What is holding you back from using the same verified powerful rituals to set yourself up right in life?
It's something that always pops into my head when I see for the 9999999th time an occultist claim that they can alter reality but for some reason they choose to remain enslaved to an economic system, losing their most precious resource daily (time).

But if I'm going to be direct, I don't trust anyone who claims they can do all manner of amazing magical feats but they still work for a living, it just doesn't make sense to me. The only reason people work is to attain resources, if you can easily attain resources through magic, why wouldn't you?

If farmers could wave their hands and magically make crops grow without all the daily hard work in the sun, do you really think they wouldn't just do that?

Oh and don't give me the whole "I love my job" excuse either, if someone is an artist for a living and they genuinely enjoy art, they could enjoy it even more if they could do it without quotas, restrictions, deadlines, etc. They'd do it as a hobby if they genuinely enjoyed it, having to do it for money actually just takes the passion out of it.

Anything you do as a job you can do as a hobby or personal passion project, so the whole "I enjoy/love my job" excuse doesn't make sense when it comes to people with "magic powers" and it never will. You could enjoy it even more without the shackles and bureaucracy that comes with being under contract.

Now keep in mind I've read Bardon's three main books and created audiobooks for all of them, that's why I doubt what you're saying. If you had said you went up to Step 2 I'd believe it without question, but you went "overboard" and some of what you said doesn't even make sense if you say you've reached Step 8. You can get the TLDR below.

For example:
I was ready for the second book when I ended my training. Took 3 years. I never got around to go for step nine or start evoking in ZGE, because I wanted to take a year long break to research about Hermeticsm more... Lots of stuff really, history and evolution of occult, Greek and Hebrew alphabets, learning myth, creating my own ritual, etc. Thats what I wanted to do before ascending further.
The entire point of the 2nd book is to contact specific entities so that you can learn more directly from the source. Yet for some reason you put that option on the back burner to go do random research on your own?

That's the logical equivalent of putting Initiation Into Hermetics on the back burner when you reached Step 4, to go learn magic on your own through your own research of random books (notice you didn't do that, because it wouldn't make sense now would it?).

So what you're telling my is: You read a book that taught you magic, it genuinely worked, you can control peoples emotions (Step 3), manipulate the temperature of an environment (Step 5), do "mental wandering" (basically astral projection - Step 8), etc, and at this point you should trust the writings of the author completely.

But, instead of moving onto his 2nd book to learn directly from otherworldly beings based on the author's recommendation (proven reliable source), you decided to go read other random books as "research" when you can't even verify if the information is as accurate as anything offered by the author that taught you to manipulate reality?

That makes perfect sense to you?

Can you understand a bit why someone might doubt your words?

TLDR: You had a golden ticket to learn chocolate and candy making from Willy Wonka himself, and you decided you'd just go to some random library, read some random books about making chocolate and candy, and "try your luck". You honestly expect me to believe that?


Jul 2, 2022
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Oh and don't give me the whole "I love my job" excuse either, if someone is an artist for a living and they genuinely enjoy art, they could enjoy it even more if they could do it without quotas, restrictions, deadlines, etc. They'd do it as a hobby if they genuinely enjoyed it, having to do it for money actually just takes the passion out of it.

Anything you do as a job you can do as a hobby or personal passion project, so the whole "I enjoy/love my job" excuse doesn't make sense when it comes to people with "magic powers" and it never will. You could enjoy it even more without the shackles and bureaucracy that comes with being under contract.
I do not work. Where did I say I did?

The entire point of the 2nd book is to contact specific entities so that you can learn more directly from the source. Yet for some reason you put that option on the back burner to go do random research on your own?
This is so fucking stupid. I don't even know how to begin with this nonsense. Do you know anything of my occult journey? I have been always researching. Yes I did take a break, I mean, have you done the work tough guy? Are you even step 1? Doubt not. You don't really know how hard it gets.

The entire point of the 2nd book is to contact specific entities so that you can learn more directly from the source. Yet for some reason you put that option on the back burner to go do random research on your own?
Don't tell me what the point of second book is, when you haven't passed through literal first step of first goddamn book.

So what you're telling my is: You read a book that taught you magic, it genuinely worked, you can control peoples emotions (Step 3), manipulate the temperature of an environment (Step 5), do "mental wandering" (basically astral projection - Step 8), etc, and at this point you should trust the writings of the author completely.

But, instead of moving onto his 2nd book to learn directly from otherworldly beings based on the author's recommendation (proven reliable source), you decided to go read other random books as "research" when you can't even verify if the information is as accurate as anything offered by the author that taught you to manipulate reality?
I have had multiple evocations under my belt. Yes I do research.

How about the fact that Bardons Jupiter spirits are actually taken from 'Die Adonistiche Qabalah', and they are Saturn spirits there? Bardon, who is so cautious of Saturn spirits that he doesn't bother naming them in the first place, puts Saturn spirits in Jupiter sphere? Either the guy is a fraud or its an occult blind he deliberately put.

You honestly expect me to believe that?
Honestly? No. You are an idiot. But I am pretty sure Fuego could benefit from what I have to say.
Apr 18, 2022
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I do not work. Where did I say I did?
What do you do then?

Don't tell me what the point of second book is, when you haven't passed through literal first step of first goddamn book.
There's no way for me to know if you passed the first step. I'm really just taking your word for it for the sake of the argument.

I am pretty sure Fuego could benefit from what I have to say.
Where did I say he wouldn't?


Jul 2, 2022
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I have done absolutely no work in these last three years. What part of it you don't get? I am saying I don't work and you ask me what do I do? What do you want me to say?

You are absolutely free to prove me wrong by becoming a millionaire when you are at step three. This is a feat the master himself didn't achieve, mind you. We can exchange words all day long but in order to prove your word is truer than these so called "99,99999 percent of magicians", you have to be a millionaire in step 3. Right? Simple.

There's no way for me to know if you passed the first step. I'm really just taking your word for it for the sake of the argument.
How can you ever? People on internet will say anything. A video could be called fake, magic that is done in front of you could be called sleight-of-hand. Its just how it is.

Let me ask you something. You asked me if I am a millionaire. God I wish, but I am not. I haven't worked these last three years, and I have gotten fat because of how much I can simply do nothing. I have that kind of time in my hands. This is up for you to believe. Its fine if you don't.

But, Franz Bardon was not either. Excatly like you said, he died in jail. Should we really blindly follow everything he said? If we do, we have to believe he has been sent by god to teach magick and he is indeed the reincarnation of hermes.

The truth is, that the book is not even hermetic in the first place. Oh the name? Rüggebergs bullshit translation. The original name is 'True Way to Adepthood'. You accuse me of research as if its a bad thing, I find that so weird. You accuse me of research when thats all you have in your pocket, and you clearly didn't get your hands dirty enough to see Bardons tricks.

Like come on bruh. Do better.
Apr 18, 2022
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I have done absolutely no work in these last three years. What part of it you don't get?
The part I don't get is the part I asked about. What do you do?

People who don't work still have to "do" something?

E.g. Landlord - simply owns properties and collects rent

You don't have to answer if you don't want to.

You are absolutely free to prove me wrong by becoming a millionaire when you are at step three.
The thing, is, once I get to that level I'm erasing every trace of myself online and in real life, and then I'm moving to a different country and changing my name. I won't be coming back here to post either. I'm going to become a "ghost" and give myself a complete fresh start.

It's the only way I'd be able to dedicate myself completely to my practice. Plus I think such a life is just convenient. No obligations, no dependencies, just a simple easy life.

Maybe I just can't relate to your mindset but I don't understand why anyone at Step 8 much less Step 3 would even be here. If Bardon's methods are working for you there's nothing you could learn here from anyone that you couldn't learn from an entity you evoked in the 2nd book.

I'll end the conversation here.
Sep 9, 2021
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True Way to Adepthood. Interesting. A title like that in his day .. or even our day .. could setup a person pretty well.
An old teacher used the term newage to sound like sewage. I agree, at least 50% of books on magic are utter bullshit.
Especially when you have no HGA K&C with the HGA, and zero spiritual juice.


Jul 2, 2022
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Maybe I just can't relate to your mindset but I don't understand why anyone at Step 8 much less Step 3 would even be here
I am just messing with people 90% of the time here. Don't let SkullTraill know that though.

Sure, we can end the conversation here.
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True Way to Adepthood. Interesting. A title like that in his day .. or even our day .. could setup a person pretty well.
Der Weg zum wahren Adepten
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Take a look at the link and you will see that I am not bullshitting about this.
Apr 18, 2022
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I am just messing with people 90% of the time here. Don't let SkullTraill know that though.

Sure, we can end the conversation here.
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Der Weg zum wahren Adepten
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Take a look at the link and you will see that I am not bullshitting about this.
BTW I already knew about the original name of the book. I think they should have kept the same name for the English version, don't know why he changed it, but the title doesn't matter if the training works.
Sep 9, 2021
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My point on why I'm not financially set .. is that I have a lot of problems. Which I work on through magic.
I'm broke as shit, yet I read a few occult finance sorcery books when .. keyword when .. I have time to decide if it's real or garbage.
However .. when I've done a Jupiter rite or hit up Bime for financial assistance, I have zero other options in the mundane world.
Yet .. when after that and I'm gifted money from someone else or find it on the ground. I'm at least thankful it came my way.
And that's what the elite don't understand, as none of them have walked in my beaten down shoes.
Could I be mistaken? Yes, but I'm going to give praise anyway since it didn't come from my mundane work.
So ... Will I try the books? Yes. But on my terms.