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Sigils to completely remove lust and romantic attraction


Jun 10, 2024
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I was wondering how effective Sigil magic would be for this purpose? I am aware of Buddhist methods of meditating on dead corpses and other disgusting elements, they worked for a time for me but I find the craving is there. I would like to see if there are methods to completely remove base primal cravings?


Apr 16, 2021
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Would you willingly tear out one of your own organs? Would you be willing/able to cut out your own kidney, or rip off your own arm? Trying to remove your own desire is akin to removing a limb or an organ.

Lust and romantic attraction are based upon desire, and even Buddhist monks don't try to entirely remove desire. Man without desire is barely human, apathetic and lacking in motive force, very much like someone who is clinically depressed, but not the suicidal kind of depressed, the worse kind, where they can't even bother to put effort towards anything, let alone suicide.

I mean I could whip up a sigil or something to suppress desire for you, but you must first know exactly what you are asking for.

Alternatively, I could give you some meditation resources that would allow you to strengthen your willpower and focus to better allow you to control your urges without killing a large part of what lets you feel emotions.


Jun 10, 2024
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Would you willingly tear out one of your own organs? Would you be willing/able to cut out your own kidney, or rip off your own arm? Trying to remove your own desire is akin to removing a limb or an organ.

Lust and romantic attraction are based upon desire, and even Buddhist monks don't try to entirely remove desire. Man without desire is barely human, apathetic and lacking in motive force, very much like someone who is clinically depressed, but not the suicidal kind of depressed, the worse kind, where they can't even bother to put effort towards anything, let alone suicide.

I mean I could whip up a sigil or something to suppress desire for you, but you must first know exactly what you are asking for.

Alternatively, I could give you some meditation resources that would allow you to strengthen your willpower and focus to better allow you to control your urges without killing a large part of what lets you feel emotions.

Sure we can start out with something simple. I would like to have no sexual and or romantic desire what so ever without losing anything important to my body that I'll have to use i.e brain function, limbs, etc.

But I am okay with no sexual desires, maybe even no career desire, etc. No desire for anything really beauty, fun, friendship, etc.

I don't think desire really serves a purpose in my life at least. Desire fundamentally drives suffering in the world, especially sexual desire. I am very okay with you casting a sigil and helping me remove it. Like I said as long as I don't lose any of my physical functions, or anything that would impede my day to day function or make it an inconvenience.

It's basically an organ that's rotted. A useless vestigal organ such as an appendix or a tonsil. For now I'd like to see if it works on a basic desire such as sexual and romantic desires. Only that, then perhaps I can try to make one myself.
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Also the meditation doesn't really work and it's not useful. I do alot of meditating as a part of my martial arts. Lust and romantic attraction has no role in my life and to allow it to sit there and fester is basically no point. I only want to avoid any extremely negative event i.e rape or beating to bring this about, or to hinder my day to day life. But the permanent removal of attraction, sex, lust, and it's related functions is perfectly fine to me.
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Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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Not sure if this is helpful, but could you not see it as a test / exercise of willpower to resist the desire?

When you say sexual desire: there are more than a few that are either frowned upon or even illegal in the civilized parts of the world. The people who have these desires do not choose to have them, they are born with it. One route is to resist the urge and the other is to surrender to it. It is the difference between (insert the word)phile and (insert the word)sexual.
Neither of them chose to be attracted to a certain group / thing, but both make a conscious choice on whether to act or not.


Jun 10, 2024
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Not sure if this is helpful, but could you not see it as a test / exercise of willpower to resist the desire?

When you say sexual desire: there are more than a few that are either frowned upon or even illegal in the civilized parts of the world. The people who have these desires do not choose to have them, they are born with it. One route is to resist the urge and the other is to surrender to it. It is the difference between (insert the word)phile and (insert the word)sexual.
Neither of them chose to be attracted to a certain group / thing, but both make a conscious choice on whether to act or not.
This is a pointless exercise no? Why would I want to exercise will-power and endure my suffering for what purpose?

I'm not trying to be offensive, there's just no point in suffering. If there's a quick and effective way to end it, I would. I've seen many people ask for love-spells and have other people warn against it. I am removing the problem at the source which is my own desires.

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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@HoldAll had this great quote from Peter Carroll in another thread.


Jun 10, 2024
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If we're already in the realms of non-casual natures. I should expect your base instinct to be one of the fundamental elements you should be able to control, if you cannot influence that then how can you expect to undo the linear nature of the Universe?

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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If we're already in the realms of non-casual natures. I should expect your base instinct to be one of the fundamental elements you should be able to control, if you cannot influence that then how can you expect to undo the linear nature of the Universe?
Well, the nature of the Universe is not linear to start with, so there's that.


Jun 10, 2024
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maybe you needed to read the actual post...

A god ignored is a demon born.

Think you to hypertrophy some selves at the expense of others?

That which is denied gains power and seeks strange and unexpected forms of manifestation.

Deny Death and other forms of suicide will arise.

Deny Sex and bizzarre forms of its expression will torment you.

Deny Love and absurd sentimentalities will disable you.

Deny Aggression only to stare eventually at the bloody knife in your shaking hand.

Deny honest Fear and Desire only to create senseless neuroticism and avarice.

Deny Laughter and the world laughs at you.

Deny Magic only to become a confused robot, inexplicable even unto yourself.

(Peter J. Carroll, "Liber Kaos")
I read it.

Basically some abstract ironic-fate concept where the more you ignore something the more it will come to you.

Which doesn't make sense considering many rich people avoid poverty but they don't seem to be poor do they?

I think it's quite absurd what is written here.


Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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This is a pointless exercise no? Why would I want to exercise will-power and endure my suffering for what purpose?

I'm not trying to be offensive, there's just no point in suffering. If there's a quick and effective way to end it, I would. I've seen many people ask for love-spells and have other people warn against it. I am removing the problem at the source which is my own desires.
In that case the best way, better than any sigil or meditation is this:

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Best of luck 👍

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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I read it.

Basically some abstract ironic-fate concept where the more you ignore something the more it will come to you.

Which doesn't make sense considering many rich people avoid poverty but they don't seem to be poor do they?

I think it's quite absurd what is written here.
It's nothing to do with fate; it's to do with how human nature works. We are not thinking machines; we are feeling machines that can think. Suppressing the most fundamental aspects of being a human does not end well.
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In that case the best way, better than any sigil or meditation is this:

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Best of luck 👍
see also:
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Jun 10, 2024
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In that case the best way, better than any sigil or meditation is this:

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Best of luck 👍

I would consider this if it weren't for the fact that I still need to piss or practice martial arts. I considered it at one point at least although finding a doctor to do this might be difficult.
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It's nothing to do with fate; it's to do with how human nature works. We are not thinking machines; we are feeling machines that can think. Suppressing the most fundamental aspects of being a human does not end well.
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see also:
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Hmmh, people lose feelings/emotions all the time in case of brain damage, or just hormonal changes.

I'm looking for a trade off that doesn't involve radical changes to my body and other pieces of my mind. Or at least any useful pieces.


Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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Trying to totally extirpate sexual urges in daily life is a time-honoured path in various religions, for example:

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The only (humane) way to get completely rid of these urges would be becoming asexual, mundanely most successfully through hormone therapy or, to call a spade a spade, by means of chemical castration as used for sex offenders. Magically? I don't know... chaos (= selfmade) sigils seem to be most suitable to bring about specific one-time results, not long-lasting changes, that's at least my personal experiences. Talismans? Entities? I wouldn't trust entities with such a delicate issue - I can very well imagine a demon inflicting some trauma on me to put me off sex for life (but then I'm probably prejudiced there).

The idea of willed transformation of sexual into magical energy (sublimation, in other words) has always struck me as unfeasible and unrealistics, no matter what tantrics may say. Maybe it's the objects of your desire that trouble you, not sexual desire in general? I don't want to join the modern enligthened chorus of "Sexual urges are ok!" because some are not healthy, may get you into trouble or even in jail, or ruin your life, e.g. in the case of sex addiction. Another possibility is that other issues are involved as well, with sexuality usually being the most conspicuous one because of all those hot passions involved.


Jun 30, 2021
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Looking at how the western world rediscovered naked statues in rome, back in the day's. it seems that trying to cover makes lust go up.

Having a bunch of little kids and a bussy job works best to kill lust and desire. One is just too bussy.

As we all know church is bussy cleaning sexual scandals, so the biggest nofap cult doesnt know a solution either.

Just fap.
And learn semen retention so your orgasm goes up instead of 33 degrees out.. 😁


Aug 17, 2023
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The Nazarene taught, "If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out." A wise teacher would have said, "Learn to live with it, bro."

Projects to extirpate lust &c have always struck me as betraying an even stronger lust for drama.


Jun 10, 2024
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Trying to totally extirpate sexual urges in daily life is a time-honoured path in various religions, for example:

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The only (humane) way to get completely rid of these urges would be becoming asexual, mundanely most successfully through hormone therapy or, to call a spade a spade, by means of chemical castration as used for sex offenders. Magically? I don't know... chaos (= selfmade) sigils seem to be most suitable to bring about specific one-time results, not long-lasting changes, that's at least my personal experiences. Talismans? Entities? I wouldn't trust entities with such a delicate issue - I can very well imagine a demon inflicting some trauma on me to put me off sex for life (but then I'm probably prejudiced there).

The idea of willed transformation of sexual into magical energy (sublimation, in other words) has always struck me as unfeasible and unrealistics, no matter what tantrics may say. Maybe it's the objects of your desire that trouble you, not sexual desire in general? I don't want to join the modern enligthened chorus of "Sexual urges are ok!" because some are not healthy, may get you into trouble or even in jail, or ruin your life, e.g. in the case of sex addiction. Another possibility is that other issues are involved as well, with sexuality usually being the most conspicuous one because of all those hot passions involved.

Dissastifaction comes with every desire, not getting enough, not getting what you want, etc.

I don't really want to play these games anymore it's tiring and quite frankly there is no end or satisfaction to them not even masturbating as per @8Lou1 's comments. I mean magic is supposed to be able to influence fate and mundane matters I don't see why not the matters of your own mind really.
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The Nazarene taught, "If thine eye offend thee, pluck it out." A wise teacher would have said, "Learn to live with it, bro."

Projects to extirpate lust &c have always struck me as betraying an even stronger lust for drama.

Well yes, I think that is the goal at the end of day for me to remove any needs and further suffering i.e drama in my life.


Jun 30, 2021
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There is something called 'my beloved' its an addictive light. Its the first light, the fake one. It needs to be killed or thrown at someone else who deserves it.

Go to the crispr lane and activate the nanobots that should do the trick.


Oct 23, 2021
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Prayer works(really!)
I was in a long battle with lust
I was hexed and possessed by an lust entity my entire life
That I believe it was part of some circumsion ritual(a tradition in my witched country ) + some SRA happend in my teenage years out of blue that turned me into p*rn and wasting my seeds until now!

Long story short last week I prayed to lord Jesus Christ:
Dear heavenly father,I don't want to In the chains of ___
In my case lust , I pray for my self and ask you to give me a new heart,thanks you my heavenly father amen✝️
It worked! Yesterday I tested and tried to basterdize myself to some p*rn, loose some life force on it
Totally no hope on doing that thing!
Flat = cured
Its like I felt nothing attractive to that perversion...


Jun 10, 2024
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Prayer works(really!)
I was in a long battle with lust
I was hexed and possessed by an lust entity my entire life
That I believe it was part of some circumsion ritual(a tradition in my witched country ) + some SRA happend in my teenage years out of blue that turned me into p*rn and wasting my seeds until now!

Long story short last week I prayed to lord Jesus Christ:
Dear heavenly father,I don't want to In the chains of ___
In my case lust , I pray for my self and ask you to give me a new heart,thanks you my heavenly father amen✝️
It worked! Yesterday I tested and tried to basterdize myself to some p*rn, loose some life force on it
Totally no hope on doing that thing!
Flat = cured
Its like I felt nothing attractive to that perversion...

Have you tried it for Romantic Attractions?