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There is no One World Order


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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I'm giving it a try at being controversial with this, let's see what I "can cook".

People like to think that there is a super secret group hidden somewhere(or maybe amongst the world's governments) that are the ones "pulling the strings" of everything that happens in history and everything that has happened so far.That his group of powerful and unseen beings have such a reach that they are basically playing The Sims with us, poor humans that know nothing and are ignorant of "what really is happening".

I may not be outside the Matrix, nor have been visited by aliens, but I do believe that there is no such thing as a group made of several individuals that can have so much control over what happens on Earth and can dictate what happens in every country and in humanity's life in general.

Everything are just smoke and mirrors, these "lords of the world" were made up so people would think that there is indeed a hidden danger aside their mundane ones of corrupt politicians and power-hungry individuals that have no issue with throwing the world into chaos in order to satiate their own desire for violence, death and power.

We can be a race full of perversions so it shouldn't be a surprise that humans can be worse than we can imagine.But to go so far to imagine even beings outside of Earth as being the ones manipulating the strings in order to...what?Guide us towards what purpose or end?For what reason?Do people really think that other races wouldn't have anything better to do than to interfere in the development of another race?And if the rulers of the world are human, how did they get there when we are such a big race so widespread?Even managing an empire was too hard of a work for emperors, imagine managing this shadow network that apparently "has power over ever sector and can manipulate it at will".How to avoid "rogue agents"?Are the ones in power the same people, seemingly immortal, or are they made up of lineages that somehow got together and decided that they would equally control the world?

But then again, humans can be very greedy and selfish, how would something so great in scope endure so long when you can never know how the individuals behind it will react?

In the wise words of a fictional character:
"Humans just lead short, boring, insignificant lives, so they make up stories to feel like they're a part of something bigger. They want to blame all the world's problems on some single enemy they can fight, instead of a complex network of interrelated forces beyond anyone's control."


Jun 30, 2021
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i think someone else said it too : its the net i tell yah, its the net. when i tried to explain it to my kids i told them to see it as the movie the green lantern. its universals, its different beings, different realms, its war, its working together, its stardust, its wyrd.
the discovery of how creation works and then doing your part in it is like traveling tru the stars while living on earth aka magick.

at least to me.

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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I'm giving it a try at being controversial with this, let's see what I "can cook".

People like to think that there is a super secret group hidden somewhere(or maybe amongst the world's governments) that are the ones "pulling the strings" of everything that happens in history and everything that has happened so far.That his group of powerful and unseen beings have such a reach that they are basically playing The Sims with us, poor humans that know nothing and are ignorant of "what really is happening".

I may not be outside the Matrix, nor have been visited by aliens, but I do believe that there is no such thing as a group made of several individuals that can have so much control over what happens on Earth and can dictate what happens in every country and in humanity's life in general.

Everything are just smoke and mirrors, these "lords of the world" were made up so people would think that there is indeed a hidden danger aside their mundane ones of corrupt politicians and power-hungry individuals that have no issue with throwing the world into chaos in order to satiate their own desire for violence, death and power.

We can be a race full of perversions so it shouldn't be a surprise that humans can be worse than we can imagine.But to go so far to imagine even beings outside of Earth as being the ones manipulating the strings in order to...what?Guide us towards what purpose or end?For what reason?Do people really think that other races wouldn't have anything better to do than to interfere in the development of another race?And if the rulers of the world are human, how did they get there when we are such a big race so widespread?Even managing an empire was too hard of a work for emperors, imagine managing this shadow network that apparently "has power over ever sector and can manipulate it at will".How to avoid "rogue agents"?Are the ones in power the same people, seemingly immortal, or are they made up of lineages that somehow got together and decided that they would equally control the world?

But then again, humans can be very greedy and selfish, how would something so great in scope endure so long when you can never know how the individuals behind it will react?

In the wise words of a fictional character:
"Humans just lead short, boring, insignificant lives, so they make up stories to feel like they're a part of something bigger. They want to blame all the world's problems on some single enemy they can fight, instead of a complex network of interrelated forces beyond anyone's control."
I wanted to 100% this but it is in the Controversy section :-(

I would further say that people are desparate that there be some sort of order. Even if the order they invent is evil, it's still order. The idea that everyone is just making it up as they go along is worse.


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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I wanted to 100% this but it is in the Controversy section :-(
I bet this is the first post that is controversial in the opposite way.

The idea that everyone is just making it up as they go along is worse.
In a way, it's a bit like religion isn't it?Stray thoughts and beliefs get accumulated through time and cultures, they funnel it all into a single mold so it is easier to manipulate it and understand it.
I can't imagine how this thought started but I wonder how it will look like in 100 or even 1000 years.


Aug 17, 2023
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Of course, the tiresome and obvious rejoinder is the old line about, "The smartest thing the Devil does is make people disbelieve in the Devil."

In any case, the world we see is perfectly compatible with overlapping conspiracies, sometimes opposing each other, at others forming alliances of convenience. A good model of this might be the Chinese classic, "Romance of the Three Kingdoms." Three wannabe dynasties plotting and clashing, plus plenty of eddies, cross-currents, and sidw-switching.


Apr 19, 2021
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Lu Buwei never stood much of a chance, he was propped up by a variety of supporters until he reached Sichuan.


Apr 16, 2024
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This is one way to see reality, it's likely closer to the Truth than the average person "in the street" can see, because most of them are so preoccupied with "Football", both American and European, and their own pre-conceived ideas of "reality" they are close to Clueless!

We are Magicians, et al, Our Vision Should be Sharper and Deeper the the "Norm"?

For a Long time the whatever you want to call them "elites", Old Money, New Money (like Gates), whatever, tried to conceal their motives completely. Now they can only do so much with their concealed plans via the various covers and fronts, some of which are the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, et al, plus others too numerous to mention. For quite sometime now they have been emerging from Behind the Curtain, this is Not so much Conspiracy Theory as Conspiracy Fact. They don't even try any longer to hide the fact that they are basically the Unelected Government, which basically controls the Elected Governments, it used to be called the Power Behind the Throne.

For another take on what some of these people have been doing for Centuries: Read "The Prince" by Machiavelli for starters, where he advises the Princes, with their Principalities, how to keep the serfs off Balance with endless wars and other B$, so they don't have the time to question and or plan, or Think for Themselves? While the Principalities are at War with each Other, The Princes are playing Chess, and living "High on the Hog!" with Each Other! Sound familiar or make Sense? This is no longer Some Super Secret Scheme, "You Vill Eat Ze Bogs!, You Vill Own Nothing, and be Happy" That's how "They" Think it Should Be!

As people consider these things more and more, the "Glamour" starts to slowly lift?


Aug 17, 2023
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This is one way to see reality, it's likely closer to the Truth than the average person "in the street" can see, because most of them are so preoccupied with "Football", both American and European, and their own pre-conceived ideas of "reality" they are close to Clueless!

We are Magicians, et al, Our Vision Should be Sharper and Deeper the the "Norm"?

For a Long time the whatever you want to call them "elites", Old Money, New Money (like Gates), whatever, tried to conceal their motives completely. Now they can only do so much with their concealed plans via the various covers and fronts, some of which are the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderbergers, et al, plus others too numerous to mention. For quite sometime now they have been emerging from Behind the Curtain, this is Not so much Conspiracy Theory as Conspiracy Fact. They don't even try any longer to hide the fact that they are basically the Unelected Government, which basically controls the Elected Governments, it used to be called the Power Behind the Throne.

For another take on what some of these people have been doing for Centuries: Read "The Prince" by Machiavelli for starters, where he advises the Princes, with their Principalities, how to keep the serfs off Balance with endless wars and other B$, so they don't have the time to question and or plan, or Think for Themselves? While the Principalities are at War with each Other, The Princes are playing Chess, and living "High on the Hog!" with Each Other! Sound familiar or make Sense? This is no longer Some Super Secret Scheme, "You Vill Eat Ze Bogs!, You Vill Own Nothing, and be Happy" That's how "They" Think it Should Be!

As people consider these things more and more, the "Glamour" starts to slowly lift?
Well said.


Jan 9, 2024
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I may not be outside the Matrix, nor have been visited by aliens, but I do believe that there is no such thing as a group made of several individuals that can have so much control over what happens on Earth and can dictate what happens in every country and in humanity's life in general.

Everything are just smoke and mirrors, these "lords of the world" were made up so people would think that there is indeed a hidden danger aside their mundane ones of corrupt politicians and power-hungry individuals that have no issue with throwing the world into chaos in order to satiate their own desire for violence, death and power.
These two paragraphs contradict each other. They are one and the same.
Our governments function like organised crime and I don't mean with taxes.
The left/right paradigm isn't real and has been a distraction since before I was born.
It's(probably) true that there is no small cabal of evil elite who do human sacrifices and also rule the world. ..but then Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell are the first people to be convicted of trafficking children to no one.


Apr 16, 2024
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These two paragraphs contradict each other. They are one and the same.
Our governments function like organised crime and I don't mean with taxes.
The left/right paradigm isn't real and has been a distraction since before I was born.
It's(probably) true that there is no small cabal of evil elite who do human sacrifices and also rule the world. ..but then Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell are the first people to be convicted of trafficking children to no one.
I think it's pretty apparent that "They" are growing ever more consolidated all the time, just track the stuff the WEF does routinely. Groom "Young World Leaders" to "Their" standards and viewpoints, and that's just One of the areas they are constantly, Always, putting into play! They're not a "Small Cabal" at all, there are a Lot of Them, and they will "Never, Ever, Give Up"! Just like Any Self Respecting Terminator! 😒


Aug 17, 2023
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I think it's pretty apparent that "They" are growing ever more consolidated all the time, just track the stuff the WEF does routinely. Groom "Young World Leaders" to "Their" standards and viewpoints, and that's just One of the areas they are constantly, Always, putting into play! They're not a "Small Cabal" at all, there are a Lot of Them, and they will "Never, Ever, Give Up"! Just like Any Self Respecting Terminator! 😒
In another thread, someone suggested that popularizing magick might actually be a way of weakening it. Because a confederacy of wankers could not possibly oppose anyone. (One is put in mind of "militias" in the U.S. hinterland manned by middle-aged guys whose waistline equals their height in inches.)


Apr 16, 2024
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In another thread, someone suggested that popularizing magick might actually be a way of weakening it. Because a confederacy of wankers could not possibly oppose anyone. (One is put in mind of "militias" in the U.S. hinterland manned by middle-aged guys whose waistline equals their height in inches.)
Is that Your personal belief as well?
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Is that Your personal belief as well?
Or is that how you might view Them?
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Is that Your personal belief as well?
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Or is that how you might view Them?
And, you sure do like to make sick jabs at the United States for an "expatriate" living in a Communist Country, that's likely no more immune from the plans of "Them" than you might think?
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Aug 17, 2023
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Is that Your personal belief as well?
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Or is that how you might view Them?
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And, you sure do like to make sick jabs at the United States for an "expatriate" living in a Communist Country, that's likely no more immune from the plans of "Them" than you might think?
You don't need to lecture me about dangers, my boy. Running from my first school bully I learned never to confuse breathing room with safety.
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You don't need to lecture me about dangers, my boy. Running from my first school bully I learned never to confuse breathing room with safety.
Is that Your personal belief as well?
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Or is that how you might view Them?
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And, you sure do like to make sick jabs at the United States for an "expatriate" living in a Communist Country, that's likely no more immune from the plans of "Them" than you might think?
"Sick jabs at the U.S." The U.S. is sick unto lingering death. At worst my jabs are simply snapshots.
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You don't need to lecture me about dangers, my boy. Running from my first school bully I learned never to confuse breathing room with safety.
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"Sick jabs at the U.S." The U.S. is sick unto lingering death. At worst my jabs are simply snapshots.
And whether or not my personal belief is that pop magick tends to enervate magickal power is REALLY beside the point. Someone threw the idea out there. It's worth considering on its own merits or demerits. Get a grip on the relevancy stick, ok?


Apr 16, 2024
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Glad to hear it's All Good! No more reason to Watch this thread. You seem unhappy being an "expatriate", real sad.

"Sick jabs at the U.S." The U.S. is sick unto lingering death. At worst my jabs are simply snapshots.
Well, considering where You are, what would anyone possibly expect an "expatriate" to say? I'm certain the Communists find you most "Cooperative". You couldn't very well say: "I Love the Country of my Birth!". Communism seems to Suit You Well. Please Stay as Long as You Like! Cheers! Everything else you've said is completely overridden by the the comments you've made about the United States, Why don't we agree that we don't Like each other, I Like that! This thread is no longer watched. Wallow in "expatriate" misery Alone!


Aug 17, 2023
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Actually I never had any problem with you in the past. Now either for that matter. Isn't unrequited loathing a bitch? Sorry, there. You'll find someone to hate you back eventually. I know you will. Just be yourself.

Communism and me? As my posts should have made clear, I am a National Socialist. I had uncles who served under General Jozef Turanec. Like Leon DeGrelle, I find the Commies very slightly preferable to the capitalists. If I have a gripe about China it is that the place is only very slightly less capitalist than the West.
Mar 4, 2023
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To believe in the existence of a secret one world order, requires a level of faith in groups made up of humans that I do not possess.


Apr 29, 2024
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Perhaps the central intelligence acting as the puppeteer of the New World Order... isn't a human intelligence. Maybe it just appears to have no knot because the strings all meet beyond our very limited senses 🦉💦👽
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As for the reason, simple production. We make things, build things, mine things. Physical, psychic, maybe even entertainment. With how things are, if you critically look at it, it's just as possible as being not possible. As Above So Below, we have cattle, non-human entities have us.
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Aug 17, 2023
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Perhaps the central intelligence acting as the puppeteer of the New World Order... isn't a human intelligence. Maybe it just appears to have no knot because the strings all meet beyond our very limited senses 🦉💦👽
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As for the reason, simple production. We make things, build things, mine things. Physical, psychic, maybe even entertainment. With how things are, if you critically look at it, it's just as possible as being not possible. As Above So Below, we have cattle, non-human entities have us.
Now that last bit makes sense! I seem to see that I was born into a corner of the universe transitioning from Mr. Jones the farmer to the DEI Porcine Paradise of Snowball & Napolen...AGAIN!*

(*to forestall snide jibes about Google not having a "retard" translation, the gentle reader will kindly recall Animal Farm. That is a book. By George Orwell. Google it.)


Apr 29, 2024
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Oh, Animal Farm? I think I heard of it on TikTok, it's this right?

If human behavior is so transparent and predictable that our whole species political bullshit can be explained in an allegorical story 128 pages long, I don't see why it's so farfetched that a being with slightly more processing power than us would be able to effectively maintain control while keeping up the natural appearance of chaotic violent stupidity that is our world's stage.