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There is no One World Order


Jul 4, 2024
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[QUOTE="HoldAll, post: 63083, member: 3806"

Ok, the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and Windsors are familiar, but who the hell are the ‚Li family‘, the Wallenbergs or the Bauers (a very common German name)? Or ‚old mystery schools‘ – do you mean recreations of the Eleusinian Mysteries or the Mithras Cult? And what would be so sinister about them?

The Templars are in fact part of the Freemasons‘ foundation myth, if I remember correctly, but how do they hang together with the alleged present-day Illuminati? The church of the village I grew up in had a steeple with a Maltese Cross on top – I just found out there are conspiracy theories about the Knights of Malta, too, which I suppose is a sign of the ‚Illuminati bloodlines‘ having me ruled from childhood as well. Then there are the Luciferians which are quite in the open in this forum, just like the Satanists and other ‚black‘ magicians – welcome to the 21st century.

Alright, there are books about Sacred Geometry in the Library but a connection to ley lines is a bit of a stretch. It would take at least weeks of reading and research to form any opinion on that. See? You’re just throwing too much to parse at us. The fact that serpents – together with many more other animals - occur in numerous mythologies is not proof of the existence of those reptiloids you're talking about. You’re connecting dots that only you can see and thus leave us mystified. You’re bombarding us with these random dots, and while you may think that the connections between them should be self-evident for everyone, let me assure you that for us they’re definitely not.

The bauers changed their name into rothshilds due to many skeletons in the bagage and if i recall right they founded conflicting sides with weaponry in world wars trough banking.

The li family is very eminent in many parts of Asia here you can find more about them

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The Wallenbergs are superpowerful in Nordic countries and owns loads of companies

By Mystery schools i mean the one you mentioned including the orphic, Egyptian, Persian, and all the rest.

It is not just the geometry that counts but also the vast array of symbolism of the interiors in them aswell.

Some of them are a complete microcosmic representation of the reptilians universe

The earth and the official inhabitants of earth makes it so when they are made to surrender to them and their priest hood

All other spiritual dimensions are actually resting on the foundation of earth which rest on the foundation of the collective subconsiousness

All other spiritual dimensions can be seen to have earth/ the collective subconsiousness as center points for their continuous existence on earth.

There is a reason that there is a hierarchy in Mystery schools between hierophants and Masters for one - an energetic exchange of power and submission between parties in an unbroken lineage that goes to the spiritual founders of any established order - an established food chain so to speak where most of the energy involved between parties goes to whom ever initiated the founder of any temple.

And there is a reason you have to die a symbolic death upon initiation - the biggest reason is to symbolically erase your individual karma so you become a fit vessel for the reptilians sun god whom want to possess you under the guise of enlightenment "

This serves two important purposes amongst many

1. So that your human consiousness cannot mingle with the reptilians consiousness and enlighten other humans if the initiates reach a large number trough morphic resonance - see Rupert sheldrake for an explanation on morphic resonance , so to prevent that someone erases all your experiences by purification and then relives or recreate them trough their own consiousness this is a very deep process that happens in a trance like state and functions as ththe most important rite of them all - becuse its the constant that enables all other rites to be successful and its also the rite by which you enter a spiritual lineage tree / family tree that goes back to the creators of the middle man deities and titles used in the hierophants initiation

For example you have x and y chromosones that you inherited from your father and mother yes?

A part of them exists in you therefore you represent them to some degree trough extension and if you render anyone of them Supreme you deem them as your spiritual creators and allow them to create your future and use you as they seem fit

When you become an an Apollo / Adonis/ horus/ Hiram abiff/ ariff you enter a a spiritual lineage tree that goes back all the way to their creators which are the reptilians in the underworld

And the reptilian spiritual parents treat its children in stark contrast And unlike most earthy parents whom extends their love unconditionally means nothing but well for their children .

the end result is in effect that you have symbolically choosen to sacrifice yourself in favour of a parasite that takes your place therefore any energetic exchange you have with others thenceon wont be shared between you and the ones on the other end of the exchange it will go to the reptilians soul group complex instead - that is how to the reptilians both hijack humans aswell as protecting themselves from direct exposure by using the the middle man initiates ( in the image of god/ elohim/ neterus made he man ) to exert it influences on planet earth .

Psalm 86:2 shows that in the case of the elohim or the initiated man in their image - that they were children that was ruled by the most high

A ley line is useless on its own a ley line must be a composite of different ingridents , sticking a rock or temple on any giving location wont make it a ley line - you have to put sufficient amount of emotional energy to make it a ley line

A copper of wire is useless on its own if you dont put a charge trough it . Im the same manner an energy lines is a composite of a structure/monument and the emotional energy its charged with

Maybe you should ask yourself why there is a 3000 thousand years old obelisk transferred from Luxor to the Vatican city - what friggin connection does the Catholic religion have with egyptism mysteries on surface level , they created an new energy line by transferring the Luxor obelisk to the Vatican to declare to the collective subconsiousness that they are a new sun worshipping centre that represents amen the reptilian consiousness cult , doesnt matter which religion you follow becuse they represent the same force , indeed comparitive religion have basically shed light on the synchronization if various different deities from different pantheons

Its no coincidence that the most of the world spiritual and religious practices are linked to the serpent as their founder , theres no sound logical explanation as to why most of the world has adopted the serpents as their patron ,that itself is even more ludicrious and more absurd than your postulate that serpents appearing everywhere is not prove of anything but yet the worlds narratives are infested with them. Why dont you ask yourself why the inpropable was made propaple instead ?

Credit to Matthew Delooze should go for describing the metaphore of a ley line in my post
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Jul 3, 2023
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Maybe you should ask yourself why there is a 3000 thousand years old obelisk transferred from Luxor to the Vatican city - what friggin connection does the Catholic religion have with egyptism mysteries on surface level , they created an new energy line by transferring the Luxor obelisk to the Vatican to declare to the collective subconsiousness that they are a new sun worshipping centre that represents amen the reptilian consiousness cult , doesnt matter which religion you follow becuse they represent the same force , indeed comparitive religion have basically shed light on the synchronization if various different deities from different pantheons
I’m a history buff so I briefly looked up the
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: The obelisk was shipped by Caligula (not the most mentally stable one among Roman emperors) from Alexandria in 40 AD. Pope Sixtus V had it moved 800 feet to St. Peter’s Square in 1586 (St. Peter’s Basilica was still under construction), which means that it had stood in Rome all along.

I’m not going to waste any more of your time and mine trying to poke holes into your theories by pointing out this factual inaccuracy or that historical error. What clearly matters most is the grand narrative of reptilians holding mankind in their thrall; ley lines, wealthy Swedish families, ancient mystery schools, the Worshipful Company of Wheelwrights or whoever are just moderately interesting details, and no matter how many forums walls of text you post and Dan Brown scavenger hunts you lead us through - the real heart of the matter is the reptilians and how they rules us not with brute force but via thought control. They somehow seem to get us to run our own enslavement mantras or programs in our heads (those ‚liturgical rites‘, I suppose), and a poetic way of explaining that would be that we could never leave all those snakes, dragons, newts, etc. alone in our mythologies, so we brought it on ourselves somehow. The Illuminati, the freemasons or the Catholic Church are just sideshows, it’s the representatives of that Reptilian archetype we have to thank for our misery.

A: „Look, there’s an invisible squirrel!“
B: „Where?“
A: „There!“
B: „I can’t see anything.“
A: „Of course not, dummy, it’s invisible!“

The average person would say that A’s crazy and simply leave it at that. More philosophically minded people might ponder on whom the burden of proof actually was – on the person making an outrageous claim (invisible squirrels exist) or on the doubting one (invisible squirrels don‘t exist). I as a sceptic am saddled with the unenviable task now of proving a negative (no such animal!) – which is impossible, as some logicians will say – so the only option for me is „Everybody knows invisible squirrels don’t exist!“ or some such lame appeal to common sense or popular opinion („Reptilians ruling the world? Bullshit!“). And admittedly even lamer is my conclusion to this post, namely „I just don’t like your reptilian myth, I think conspiracy theories are a fanciful waste of time, and I’ve spent too much time here trying to refute them already.“ Mexican stand-off, in other words.


Jul 4, 2024
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I’m a history buff so I briefly looked up the
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: The obelisk was shipped by Caligula (not the most mentally stable one among Roman emperors) from Alexandria in 40 AD. Pope Sixtus V had it moved 800 feet to St. Peter’s Square in 1586 (St. Peter’s Basilica was still under construction), which means that it had stood in Rome all along.

I’m not going to waste any more of your time and mine trying to poke holes into your theories by pointing out this factual inaccuracy or that historical error. What clearly matters most is the grand narrative of reptilians holding mankind in their thrall; ley lines, wealthy Swedish families, ancient mystery schools, the Worshipful Company of Wheelwrights or whoever are just moderately interesting details, and no matter how many forums walls of text you post and Dan Brown scavenger hunts you lead us through - the real heart of the matter is the reptilians and how they rules us not with brute force but via thought control. They somehow seem to get us to run our own enslavement mantras or programs in our heads (those ‚liturgical rites‘, I suppose), and a poetic way of explaining that would be that we could never leave all those snakes, dragons, newts, etc. alone in our mythologies, so we brought it on ourselves somehow. The Illuminati, the freemasons or the Catholic Church are just sideshows, it’s the representatives of that Reptilian archetype we have to thank for our misery.

A: „Look, there’s an invisible squirrel!“
B: „Where?“
A: „There!“
B: „I can’t see anything.“
A: „Of course not, dummy, it’s invisible!“

The average person would say that A’s crazy and simply leave it at that. More philosophically minded people might ponder on whom the burden of proof actually was – on the person making an outrageous claim (invisible squirrels exist) or on the doubting one (invisible squirrels don‘t exist). I as a sceptic am saddled with the unenviable task now of proving a negative (no such animal!) – which is impossible, as some logicians will say – so the only option for me is „Everybody knows invisible squirrels don’t exist!“ or some such lame appeal to common sense or popular opinion („Reptilians ruling the world? Bullshit!“). And admittedly even lamer is my conclusion to this post, namely „I just don’t like your reptilian myth, I think conspiracy theories are a fanciful waste of time, and I’ve spent too much time here trying to refute them already.“ Mexican stand-off, in other words.

Youre right , i mistook the the Luxor one with the alexadrian one. The one from Luxor is situated in Paris

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Just another coincidence that you can desmise then ...
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Youre right , i mistook the the Luxor one with the alexadrian one. The one from Luxor is situated in Paris

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Just another coincidence that you can desmise then ...

Raising the bar as i said i posted extremely thoughtful content that you dismissed with ranting gibberish


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Jul 3, 2023
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Youre right , i mistook the the Luxor one with the alexadrian one. The one from Luxor is situated in Paris

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Just another coincidence that you can desmise then ...
Post automatically merged:

Raising the bar as i said i posted extremely thoughtful content that you dismissed with ranting gibberish
Colonial powers loved exotic artefacts, like the Parthenon frieze & marbles stolen by Lord Elgin and now in the British museum.

I'm not raising the bar here, in fact I've tried to centre our discussion on the crucial reptilian issue because checking out all these historical claims you're throwing at me is just too time-consuming; checking out whether the Rothschilds were originally called Bauer would take me another half hour, and then I would only be done with the first line of your post before last that has god knows how many.

Like I said, we haven't your 'insider knowledge' to look at an obelisk, for example, and say "Ah, the secret handiwork of the reptilians once again!". I can only guess that obelisks work sort of like electrodes in your occult energy system which may be obvious to you but not to the casual reader - and what does that supposed system got to do with the reptilians anyway? You're constantly leaving out several steps leading up to your idiosyncratic conclusions, and most of us aren't willing to take the time to fill the gaps. I can't even know if I'm right with my occult electrode conjecture, it's just imaginative guesswork on my part, again to fill the aforementioned gaps myself because I haven't read those books of yours (and probably wouldn't believe them anyway, opinionated as I am).

So I won't pick all those alternative history stories apart and would like to start from the top instead: Just who are those reptilians? Where do they come from? What do they hope to gain from enslaving an obviously inferior race - is it about ressources or just glee? Why do they leave all these tantalizing clues about so that people can write books about them ? Why are their secrets apparently not safe from us nosey humans (they seem to leak them like a sieve)?


Jul 4, 2024
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Colonial powers loved exotic artefacts, like the Parthenon frieze & marbles stolen by Lord Elgin and now in the British museum.

I'm not raising the bar here, in fact I've tried to centre our discussion on the crucial reptilian issue because checking out all these historical claims you're throwing at me is just too time-consuming; checking out whether the Rothschilds were originally called Bauer would take me another half hour, and then I would only be done with the first line of your post before last that has god knows how many.

Like I said, we haven't your 'insider knowledge' to look at an obelisk, for example, and say "Ah, the secret handiwork of the reptilians once again!". I can only guess that obelisks work sort of like electrodes in your occult energy system which may be obvious to you but not to the casual reader - and what does that supposed system got to do with the reptilians anyway? You're constantly leaving out several steps leading up to your idiosyncratic conclusions, and most of us aren't willing to take the time to fill the gaps. I can't even know if I'm right with my occult electrode conjecture, it's just imaginative guesswork on my part, again to fill the aforementioned gaps myself because I haven't read those books of yours (and probably wouldn't believe them anyway, opinionated as I am).

So I won't pick all those alternative history stories apart and would like to start from the top instead: Just who are those reptilians? Where do they come from? What do they hope to gain from enslaving an obviously inferior race - is it about ressources or just glee? Why do they leave all these tantalizing clues about so that people can write books about them ? Why are their secrets apparently not safe from us nosey humans (they seem to leak them like a sieve)?

Hers information about the bauers
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the top of the obelisk or the ben ben have many symbolic associations in connection to its origins, one of the most important one being the petrified semen of atum ra and wherever they are put are beside being a fitting place to reinact rituals that honour the serpent also a spiritual declaration that the serpent bloodlines own the land wherever they are put mirroring atum stepping on top of the first mound of land at the beginning of a creation to show his dominion over it .

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Ofcourse , there hasnt been a single day of synchronized period of peace around the globe , the serpent strives on conflict , war and death becuse they produce the heavy and dense energies that the serpent likes to feed upon the most. Indeed the freemasonic motto order out of chaos mirrors the philosophy of the Egyptian creation story . Chaos was personified as a serpent . The Egyptians believed that conflict has to co-exist with order all the way down to subatomic level or the world would cease to exist as we know it , this is just a blueprint matrix that was created to justify all the wars and misery that the serpent inflict upon the human race

Many museums are temples in disguise and ancient artifacts connected to mythological deities are displayed in them as to gather respect energy towards the creators of the symbolism the artifacts displays , the older the artefacts the the bigger the sentimental value it possess . Many museums are also loothed during war times and used in hidden rituals whilst the energy from the ongoing battles are being directed at the place where the illuminated ones want to use the artifacts in rituals. Some high level initiations has been conducted in times of festivals or wars where the concentrated energy of the crowd of participants litterary empower the ritual with their energies (some emperors have litterary been born and made trough the public in this sort of way in the past )

I recommend you read the article about Ferris wheels i posted from Matthew Delooze..

You posed the question who are the reptilians and why they want to enslave the human race aswell as pondered upon why they cant keep their plan secret

This can be complex to explain , i can write a wall of text explaining some of it if you want to and i have in the past elsewhere

But to be breif..

the reptilians are spirit energy not unlike humans , they just belong to a different soul group complex , originally all different soul group complexes came from an allknowing place Ive already explained as to why they adhere to a reptilian shape in my earlier correspondent with you in this thread . Their main goal is complete enslavement of man , the reason for it being both a source of amusement ( divine comedy) as well as parasitic reasons , we give them extra surplus of the energy they can produce themselves . They extract this invisible energy that humans create trough emotions and thoughts in order to both feed upon it aswell as to extract that free will energy to endorse their rituals so they can both renew and expand the power and control they have over humanity .

The clues are hidden in plain sight becuse one crucial rule of creation that we humans agreed upon is that of free will which the serpent cannot circumnavigate or ignore without repercussions , they have to tell humanity what they are doing to them albeit they do that subconsiously mostly trough reinacting symbolic rituals that humans fail to understand


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Jul 3, 2023
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Again, there are all kinds of unexplained events in human and even cosmic history, stupendous artefacts, undecipherable documents like the Voynich manuscript, mysterious deaths of prominent personages, etc. The Rothschilds seem to be a favourite target of conspiracy theorists because of their powerful role in history but today they don't even figure among the world's top 100 banks - JP Morgan, however, is still listed as the fifth largest (the first four are Chinese), and they were definitely involved in some dirty business dealings in the past. One of the worst offenders among financial institutions must surely be Jardine Matheson Holdings (not in the top 100 either) who got the British empire to start a war with China in the 19th century just so that they could continue shipping (and selling) opium. You could spend years reasearching crooked companies, nothing occult about them, however.

Thank you for your clarifications regarding the reptilians. What many people with such unconventional beliefs like you seem to have difficulty with is that in the spirit postmodern relativism, everybody in forums such as these has their own belief system (or even several) that they don't consider the absolute truth, so when somebody comes along and shouts, "Wake up! I know what's going on!", they just raise a tired eyebrow and explore the next belief system, tut-tuting all the way. It's an awkward era for prophets and inspired purveyors of The Truth. People don't take them seriously anymore and make consumerist choices as to what to believe - it's very hard these days to get people to believe something they aren't 'comfortable' with, and I'm afraid your reptilians fall under this category; in today's supermarket of beliefs, they're not exactly a hot item. Evidence does not even come into it, people believe in what they want to believe in. Sad, in a way, but there you are.

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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I'm with David Deutsch, in that what we are really seeking is explanation. Not "is this idea really weird?" but does it suffice as an explanation. Does it make things simpler to understand or more complicated? The system of planetary epicycles was an explanation (and served pretty well for predicting the motion of the planets) but the heliocentric system is a much simpler explanation, which also produces more accurate results (unsurprisingly, as the planets really do go around the Sun :D )

When you try and explain something by introducing something new (like lizards) you had better have a good reason why this new thing simplifies the explanation, otherwise it just boils down to "a big boy did it and ran away".


Jul 4, 2024
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Again, there are all kinds of unexplained events in human and even cosmic history, stupendous artefacts, undecipherable documents like the Voynich manuscript, mysterious deaths of prominent personages, etc. The Rothschilds seem to be a favourite target of conspiracy theorists because of their powerful role in history but today they don't even figure among the world's top 100 banks - JP Morgan, however, is still listed as the fifth largest (the first four are Chinese), and they were definitely involved in some dirty business dealings in the past. One of the worst offenders among financial institutions must surely be Jardine Matheson Holdings (not in the top 100 either) who got the British empire to start a war with China in the 19th century just so that they could continue shipping (and selling) opium. You could spend years reasearching crooked companies, nothing occult about them, however.

Thank you for your clarifications regarding the reptilians. What many people with such unconventional beliefs like you seem to have difficulty with is that in the spirit postmodern relativism, everybody in forums such as these has their own belief system (or even several) that they don't consider the absolute truth, so when somebody comes along and shouts, "Wake up! I know what's going on!", they just raise a tired eyebrow and explore the next belief system, tut-tuting all the way. It's an awkward era for prophets and inspired purveyors of The Truth. People don't take them seriously anymore and make consumerist choices as to what to believe - it's very hard these days to get people to believe something they aren't 'comfortable' with, and I'm afraid your reptilians fall under this category; in today's supermarket of beliefs, they're not exactly a hot item. Evidence does not even come into it, people believe in what they want to believe in. Sad, in a way, but there you are.

Yes there are alot of unexplained things like the fictious voynich manuscript ( nice way to ridicule the debatte btw) , but i provided links
to many of the occult examples i wrote about in this thread aswell as elucidating good points as to why they exist , especially in particular to the obelisks and the forefront role the serpent have slithered itself into practically almost every cult, belief system, religion and spiritual doctrines of every tribe and ethnic sort , the chance of that happening in particular to the serpents unison role of creators behind the vast majority of the worlds pantheons ,- is something that defies logical and reasonable odds by a stupendeous margin, that is unless you start to connect the dots by taking into accounts the methaphysichal principles and the spiritual frameworks that lies behind the fabric of physical reality itself.

that forbes list is a complete joke ,
Many whom dont want the be listed arent , some have even sued forbes for listing them , privitation of wealth aswell as covering assets in trust fonds and the usage of legal loopholes
makes it a walk in the park for slick business men , to hide their assets , men like Putin are estimated to have a wealth in the hundreds of millions

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Heres a very strange occurrence that is well known but not talked about much

Rougly 6 procent of the worlds population are rh negative which means they are devoid of the d antigen that is prevalent in the rest of the population , that are rh positive the rhesus factor was named after the rhesus monkey due to the close resemblance it shares with rhesus monkey

Ill bet everything down to my last penny that that the pure European bloodlines like askenazi jews would all show that they are rh negative if they took a dna test.

Hence why i earlier posted the biblical passage of the serpent fashioning some of whom where initiated in the mystery schools of old in the image of god/ elohim)

Practically all of the biggest religions and creation myths have a chart of lineage descent of demi gods ...

Let me guess that bush and Clinton talking about nwo isnt alarming either

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I suppose not if you dont take into consideration the vast array erray of occult symbolism including the all seeing eye and pyramid depicted on the American dollar bills , are you going to explain that one as i coincidence to eh?

I suppose that the cost of arms of one of the most powerful financial centre in the world depicting templar bloodlines and Dragons ( city of London ) arent alarming either eh?

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And i suppose one of the strongest military centres in the world Washington dc depicting an obelisk isnt alarming either eh?

And i suppose Ferris wheels popping up everywhere around the world on ley lines arent alarming either eh?

Excerpts from Matthew Delooze's article about Ferris wheels ..The Ferris wheels where created in a world fair, to commomerate and celebrate the 400 aniversy of Christopher Columbus and wait for it the "New world"

The ancients knew the pyramid shape as the ‘Benben’. The top part of an obelisk (pyramid shape) is known as the ‘Benben Stone
the Benben is symbolic of the marker point where the ancient Sun God RA landed on dry land after being guided there, in a solar boat, by Nun the God of the watery chaos. The pyramid shape represents the very first mound of Earth formed and ruled over by Ra. This Benben or pyramid shape is said to have rose out of the water"

"Symbolically a Ferris wheel on or near water, and one that can be shaped into a pyramid represents Ra rising out of the watery chaos. The circle of the Ferris wheel symbolises a solar disc (The Sun). The ancients believed everything was created from the chaos, which was symbolised by dark waters. The Benu bird is also symbolically linked to the rising of the Benben (pyramid shaped mound of Earth)". "end quote"

what we have here is the collective mass consiousness being impregnated with sun rebirth symbolism. what we Think we get - we get to cite mattew delooze. these Wheels are a symbolic marker point that carries order out chaos symbolism . and whereever they are put is besides being a monumental area ruled by the sun gods bloodlines also a fitting Place to reinact rebirth rituals that signify a new universal begining spawned by the reptilian consiousness. this is a vital article for evey serious truth seeker and it will lay some of the fundational stones that you need in order to progress to truth!

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( Notice the eye)

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Link to Matthew Delooze's article about Ferris wheels below

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No rather than to say theres no proof ill think i stick to your honest admission you shared with us earlier - you filter out what you want to see becuse a nwo is to depressing and the absence of it makes you feel superior .

Its people like you that parrots the experts versions of everything that will end up helping the nwo to come to frutition


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Jul 3, 2023
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Do you really expect me to suspect sinister meanings behind all heraldic signs involving dragons? There are countries where every other province or state has a dragon it its coat of arms, so you can take the
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, for example, segue over to the ancient druids, King Arthur, Lloyd George and god knows who else and concoct some other 'proof'. The masonic symbolism on the Great Seal of the United States (and later on the back of the dollar bill), on the other hand, is well-known, many of the founding fathers were masons, so get over it.

I’m surprised that your Matthew Delooze hasn’t mentioned the connection between those Ferris wheels (or any wheel or circular shaped structure like the Roman Colosseum) and the
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snake so far; Frater Acher, for example, likes to start and end all his texts with „May the serpent bite its tail“, so what do you know.

Like I said, you always present us with a multitude of dots about the veracity and interpretation of which we can squabble forever, but then you would see all kinds of connections between them that aren’t readily apparent for us, and on top of that not only connections but whole symbolic patterns that are totally incomprehensible to us.

You don’t have to convince us and we don’t have to believe you, it’s as simple as that.


Jul 4, 2024
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Do you really expect me to suspect sinister meanings behind all heraldic signs involving dragons? There are countries where every other province or state has a dragon it its coat of arms, so you can take the
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, for example, segue over to the ancient druids, King Arthur, Lloyd George and god knows who else and concoct some other 'proof'. The masonic symbolism on the Great Seal of the United States (and later on the back of the dollar bill), on the other hand, is well-known, many of the founding fathers were masons, so get over it.

I’m surprised that your Matthew Delooze hasn’t mentioned the connection between those Ferris wheels (or any wheel or circular shaped structure like the Roman Colosseum) and the
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snake so far; Frater Acher, for example, likes to start and end all his texts with „May the serpent bite its tail“, so what do you know.

Like I said, you always present us with a multitude of dots about the veracity and interpretation of which we can squabble forever, but then you would see all kinds of connections between them that aren’t readily apparent for us, and on top of that not only connections but whole symbolic patterns that are totally incomprehensible to us.

You don’t have to convince us and we don’t have to believe you, it’s as simple as that.

Yes the symbolism is everywhere and Matthew has mentioned the ouroborous in his books aswell as how the Colosseum was used as a pied piper to recuit energy to the underworld both trough the structure itself and trough royalty sanctioning and opening the brutal display of the slaughtering games itself!

You seem to be confused as to what camp you belong , if you are trying to save face you're doing a terrible job at it becuse you just argued im my favour by provinding more examples of blatant symbolism that goes back to the serpent and sun god worshipping leg trousing masons .


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Jul 3, 2023
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Yes the symbolism is everywhere and Matthew has mentioned the ouroborous in his books aswell as how the Colosseum was used as a pied piper to recuit energy to the underworld both trough the structure itself and trough royalty sanctioning and opening the brutal display of the slaughtering games itself!

You seem to be confused as to what camp you belong , if you are trying to save face you're doing a terrible job at it becuse you just argued im my favour by provinding more examples of blatant symbolism that goes back to the serpent and sun god worshipping leg trousing masons .

I'm not trying to defeat you in argument or save face, I'm simply pointing out that there is no common ground between us and that I think you fail to make yourself understood here. Yes, there are round shapes resembling serpents biting their tail everywhere, and they are called 'circles'. Depictions of reptiles are ubiquitous because they're common animals (turtles are reptiles as well, btw). I only mentioned the Ouroboros because everyone in occultism stumbles upon it sooner or later and I could probably add many more, e.g. Abrasax (it's extremities only), Leviathan, etc. The masonic symbolism on the dollar bill is indeed blatant but has become such a hackneyed cliché (even the Wiki "Conspiracy theory" page uses it as a typical illustration) that I'm surprised anyone mentions it in books anymore after the huge success of
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(which, among a myriad of other plotlines, also theorizes about mass human sacrifice as a way of occult energy generation, so that's perhaps where Matthew Delooze got his gladiator theory from).

Circles exist. Reptiles exist. Masons exist. Which means...? It doesn't mean anything except if you believe it does. I for my part don't.
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The core of our misunderstanding is that you’re arguing from the top down while I’m arguing from bottom up. If you’re 100% set on your belief in reptilians, all those disparate snippets of unconnected world history, mythology, etc. only serve to buttress your belief because that’s what you want, and we can play the "Coincidence? I think not!" game till the cows come home. I’m on the bottom among all those disparate snippets and wonder how the hell they could possible hang together, precisely because I don’t believe in those connections you claim to have identified. Therefore, it’s impossible to convince me by listing all these snippets because I simply lack the crucial ingredient – belief in reptilians, and you definitely won’t get me to believe in those, no way. Belief requires no proof, so all that ‚evidence‘ you quote is just window-dressing, I’d have to believe first. Which I won’t, and like I said, it’s a stand-off.
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Jul 4, 2024
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I'm not trying to defeat you in argument or save face, I'm simply pointing out that there is no common ground between us and that I think you fail to make yourself understood here. Yes, there are round shapes resembling serpents biting their tail everywhere, and they are called 'circles'. Depictions of reptiles are ubiquitous because they're common animals (turtles are reptiles as well, btw)
I think i made myself perfectly understood , i reasoned in a clear way using simple examples . Maybe its you that just dont want to see.
As far as other subsets of reptiles are concerned, the archetypes of reptiles encapsulates all forms of reptiles as a whole , in that scenario lesser evolved forms of reptiles can be used as pied Pipers to recruit energy to the apex reptiles that are at the top of the food chain which also can be seen as being the Supreme creators of the lesser reptiles.

I only mentioned the Ouroboros because everyone in occultism stumbles upon it sooner or later and I could probably add many more, e.g. Abrasax (it's extremities only), Leviathan, etc. The masonic symbolism on the dollar bill is indeed blatant but has become such a hackneyed cliché (even the Wiki "Conspiracy theory" page uses it as a typical illustration) that I'm surprised anyone mentions it in books anymore after the huge success of
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(which, among a myriad of other plotlines, also theorizes about mass human sacrifice as a way of occult energy generation, so that's perhaps where Matthew Delooze got his gladiator theory from).

Circles exist. Reptiles exist. Masons exist. Which means...? It doesn't mean anything except if you believe it does. I for my part don't.

Thats the point , they need to invest all walks of our lives and stamp it with their symbolism and sacred geometry , the serpent cult has infested our collective subconsiousness with a plethora of symbolism to such a degree that almost everything we do is is usually triggered by the symbolism that infest every direction our focus can direct itself it

People need to grasp that the control arent limited to just politics and secret society members , as it extends to basically everything we are involved with . Even our physical bodies bodies are rife with particles and subset of particles that carry their signature sacred geometry, proof cannot be confined to a single domain of perspective or defination becuse the the structure of the matrix and almost everything in it is interrelated and therefore the proof is everywhere, its the ultimate method of control. over our spirit and the whole system of control are reliant on people staying hypnotised and on the renewment of the control over our spirit the nwo is actually just a regurgitation of the old world order with the only difference being that they want to achieve total control of mankind in a way that ensures eternal entrappment of mankind.

An important excerpt from one of matts article here below..

Occult symbolism operates on many many levels and it involves EVERYTHING you are involved with in this world, I mean everything. Its the ultimate method of control over your mind and spirit . Everything you do in life is initially triggered by the esoteric symbolism used and controlled by the serpent cult the esoteric symbolism used and controlled by the Serpent Cult.

They control the matrix type illusion we live in simply because they trigger your
mind to react in a certain way, when they want your mind to react. They use our
minds and our free will to create the world they want and they will use our minds
to enslave us and we will willingly do so unless we wake up.

Occult symbolism coupled with our false five sense education and programming
directs all areas of your life and it controls all areas of your life 24 hours a day,
from your birth to your death, lifetime after lifetime. It is vital, in my opinion that
you start to look around and question things that are going on through your own
eyes and not those provided by the Serpent Cult or anyone else for that matter,
including me. Then maybe one day you will see right through your hypnotic state
and remember who you really are.

It is that person, the real you, that I am
appealing to today. The real you is the 'energy' deep down inside you, the real you
is NOT the fucked up sack of brain-dead shite that imprisons you either, believe me,
that part of you has been created by the serpent cult.

From the article titled "paint your wagon" by Matthew Delooze
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I find it down right comical that people who basically summons other spirits from other dimensions frown upon the idea of reptilians operating in another dimension in disbelief

And the most hilarious part is that the reptilians can shape shift and express themselves trough splitting themselves into various compartmentalisations or by dressing themselves in various energy costumes by mastering non locality and non temporality

To draw a analogy some energy costumes/ spirits expressions can be likened to 50 watt lamps and other spirit expressions can be likened to higher watt lamps

I guarantee that every single one of you occultists have had indirect contact with the reptilians in your occult practices which i found highly amusing .

For the last time understand that the expression of the reptilian archetype are only nessecary when the other soul group complex want to reinact and renew the rituals that the mass collective of mankind related to in the ancient world trough the various pantheons they were programmed to accept. And they are to some extent bound to express themselves as reptilians ( as long as they want to recruit energy from mankind ) amongst the many other forms of expressions that they can adopt.

See my other post as to why im more depth


They are not objectively and ethnically reptilians they are spirit energy that can take any form they want just as we humans are spirit energy that can take any form we want ( we've been led to collectively think that our physical bodies are real ,but that is only because we have been hypnotised on a collective level to think its real )

The body exist in the mind and not the other way around .
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Staff member
Jul 3, 2023
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Believe what you will, I'm tired of this shit.


Jul 4, 2024
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Believe what you will, I'm tired of this shit.

Multiple that by ten in the opposite direction , thats how tired i am of people ignoring things that stare them right in their faces


Aug 3, 2024
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Back before the industrial revolution in Europe, the monarchies were all related, and wars were fought to keep the population in check. Peace-time leads to human behavior that is more difficult to regulate by authorities. So the one world thing simply switches from the pretense of bickering nations to getting the populations to work toward technological development, so authorities have the means to turn to the overlords they deem themselves to be. This is just how the lust for power works.

So for me One World = Neo-Feudalism, with an invasive technological twist designed to make sure 1% stays over all others, even if the human genome itself needs to be "domesticated" into worshipful zombies, to serve those for whom power expands into horizons and abysses of dreams of immortality, godhood and basically being the boot on the face of everything a healthy person would consider worth living for.

The problem is not political or social or ideological. It is deeper, and those involved in occultism have an opportunity to get a handle on a situation...if they can get through some challenges to their mental status quo. So, if evolution is at work, it may be its challenge is to tap into forces that can deal with the corruption or "spirit" that is causal to the psychopathic mind, and all those "normal" minds adapted to it.

A mature esoteric explorer (just my official label for it) will question their truth in the face of comfortable group-think because the "test", if one can even label it as such, would be to stand alone before your group dynamic can withstand programming that can be comforting as well as coercive, and all the more convincing for it.


Apr 29, 2024
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I have no idea what a lot has been said in this thread, but if no one is in control, why are so many of us so asleep? It feels like such a dream would have to be manufactured by a ruling class to be so deceptive. So much of what we are is never acknowledged or nurtured by design, except in the service of higher powers, to keep us docile and defenseless.These abilities get forgotten by the system, things that make us human, that we would naturally teach ourselves, similar to native americans being ripped from their cultures and forced into a "standardized education." As though its so fucking complicated to function in this brain-dead surface-level economy-run civilization nobody else could manage to thrive🦉

I only know what I see, and everyone around me is so lost in the dream of their all-important selves. Everyone's self interest is mind numbing and it's how we're raised to be. Someone is responsible for how things are, a system like this only works if the whole world plays by it, which it does, horribly violently in some places, except for a few small tribes "untouched by civilization", as though we would be violent barbarians outside the system, as though almost all hate, violence, and greed isnt the foundations of the system. Give me a break. Every pyramid scheme has a capstone 👁

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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I only know what I see, and everyone around me is so lost in the dream of their all-important selves. Everyone's self interest is mind numbing and it's how we're raised to be. Someone is responsible for how things are, a system like this only works if the whole world plays by it, which it does, horribly violently in some places, except for a few small tribes "untouched by civilization", as though we would be violent barbarians outside the system, as though almost all hate, violence, and greed isnt the foundations of the system. Give me a break. Every pyramid scheme has a capstone 👁
People don't really like thinking if they can get away with not doing it. What Colin Wilson referred to as 'the Robot'.

"The first time you listen to a song, you listen to it. The 19th time, if you're not careful, the Robot will listen to the song for you."

Only when you are encountering novelty is your conscious mind forced to get involved. If you do the same thing, day after day, the Robot will start doing things for you, and the comfort you feel will be a serotonin/dopamine hit.

This is why Zen masters say things like 'you must carry your Zen with you every minute' - i.e. you must stop the Robot taking over by seeing everything as new as much of the time as possible.

This is how human beings are wired, and it can be taken advantage of, but, ultimately, it is up to the individual to stay awake.


Apr 29, 2024
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it is up to the individual to stay awake.
The problem here is that our natural state is to be awake, what animal would be born to sleep it's whole life in such a cursed way? It's like being born with a 3rd invisible arm and never being told about it so it atrophied; the atrophied state is not natural to the limb, but it is common.

Zen is what you say it is, but if you look at culture, what the average person engages in and is exposed to, there isn't anything to even suggest to the person that they can improve. This is a non-choice given to modern Westernized man, even modern psychology / philosophy won't touch the idea of being "asleep", even most people who have looked into Buddhism - I was unfortunate enough to get a first hand experience of how its explained in the world of higher education - aren't at all aware that waking up is it's goal, that Buddha means "One who is Awake"

Our most sincere and honest state is an awake one. Just because most people are asleep doesn't make it our natural state, that thought sounds like a cope to avoid thinking that something is wrong with everyone instead of seeing everyone as natural.


Aug 17, 2023
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I'm with David Deutsch, in that what we are really seeking is explanation. Not "is this idea really weird?" but does it suffice as an explanation. Does it make things simpler to understand or more complicated? The system of planetary epicycles was an explanation (and served pretty well for predicting the motion of the planets) but the heliocentric system is a much simpler explanation, which also produces more accurate results (unsurprisingly, as the planets really do go around the Sun :D )

When you try and explain something by introducing something new (like lizards) you had better have a good reason why this new thing simplifies the explanation, otherwise it just boils down to "a big boy did it and ran away".
THAT nails it! That untoward forces manipulate events is an intriguing possibility. To style them "lizards" makes the whole thing rather rococo. "Erlach, I say there. Yes, you, Fischer von Erlach. Do we really need quite this much gilt decoration? We are, after all, standing in the privy."

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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The problem here is that our natural state is to be awake, what animal would be born to sleep it's whole life in such a cursed way? It's like being born with a 3rd invisible arm and never being told about it so it atrophied; the atrophied state is not natural to the limb, but it is common.

Zen is what you say it is, but if you look at culture, what the average person engages in and is exposed to, there isn't anything to even suggest to the person that they can improve. This is a non-choice given to modern Westernized man, even modern psychology / philosophy won't touch the idea of being "asleep", even most people who have looked into Buddhism - I was unfortunate enough to get a first hand experience of how its explained in the world of higher education - aren't at all aware that waking up is it's goal, that Buddha means "One who is Awake"

Our most sincere and honest state is an awake one. Just because most people are asleep doesn't make it our natural state, that thought sounds like a cope to avoid thinking that something is wrong with everyone instead of seeing everyone as natural.
Sorry, I wasn't clear - just because it is how we are wired, it doesn't mean it is our default state to be asleep, although the fact that one of the greatest teachers of all time is named "One who is awake" doesn't bode well :)

No-one goes through their whole life "asleep", but everyone has times when it happens. The classic example is when you drive home from work and realise that you don't remember anything about the journey. The Robot has a genuine purpose, otherwise we couldn't do anything like ride a bike automatically; it's just important to realise that you are in charge of the Robot, and not the other way around.

Also, as human beings, we are given the tools to rise above our limitations. Whether we choose to or not is, well, our choice.

Lastly, I believe that the brain mechanisms of the Robot are the interface between our conscious and subconscious that makes magic possible, so let's not slag off the Robot too much, eh? :D