[QUOTE="HoldAll, post: 63083, member: 3806"
Ok, the Rockefellers, Rothschilds and Windsors are familiar, but who the hell are the ‚Li family‘, the Wallenbergs or the Bauers (a very common German name)? Or ‚old mystery schools‘ – do you mean recreations of the Eleusinian Mysteries or the Mithras Cult? And what would be so sinister about them?
The Templars are in fact part of the Freemasons‘ foundation myth, if I remember correctly, but how do they hang together with the alleged present-day Illuminati? The church of the village I grew up in had a steeple with a Maltese Cross on top – I just found out there are conspiracy theories about the Knights of Malta, too, which I suppose is a sign of the ‚Illuminati bloodlines‘ having me ruled from childhood as well. Then there are the Luciferians which are quite in the open in this forum, just like the Satanists and other ‚black‘ magicians – welcome to the 21st century.
Alright, there are books about Sacred Geometry in the Library but a connection to ley lines is a bit of a stretch. It would take at least weeks of reading and research to form any opinion on that. See? You’re just throwing too much to parse at us. The fact that serpents – together with many more other animals - occur in numerous mythologies is not proof of the existence of those reptiloids you're talking about. You’re connecting dots that only you can see and thus leave us mystified. You’re bombarding us with these random dots, and while you may think that the connections between them should be self-evident for everyone, let me assure you that for us they’re definitely not.
The bauers changed their name into rothshilds due to many skeletons in the bagage and if i recall right they founded conflicting sides with weaponry in world wars trough banking.
The li family is very eminent in many parts of Asia here you can find more about them
The Wallenbergs are superpowerful in Nordic countries and owns loads of companies
By Mystery schools i mean the one you mentioned including the orphic, Egyptian, Persian, and all the rest.
It is not just the geometry that counts but also the vast array of symbolism of the interiors in them aswell.
Some of them are a complete microcosmic representation of the reptilians universe
The earth and the official inhabitants of earth makes it so when they are made to surrender to them and their priest hood
All other spiritual dimensions are actually resting on the foundation of earth which rest on the foundation of the collective subconsiousness
All other spiritual dimensions can be seen to have earth/ the collective subconsiousness as center points for their continuous existence on earth.
There is a reason that there is a hierarchy in Mystery schools between hierophants and Masters for one - an energetic exchange of power and submission between parties in an unbroken lineage that goes to the spiritual founders of any established order - an established food chain so to speak where most of the energy involved between parties goes to whom ever initiated the founder of any temple.
And there is a reason you have to die a symbolic death upon initiation - the biggest reason is to symbolically erase your individual karma so you become a fit vessel for the reptilians sun god whom want to possess you under the guise of enlightenment "
This serves two important purposes amongst many
1. So that your human consiousness cannot mingle with the reptilians consiousness and enlighten other humans if the initiates reach a large number trough morphic resonance - see Rupert sheldrake for an explanation on morphic resonance , so to prevent that someone erases all your experiences by purification and then relives or recreate them trough their own consiousness this is a very deep process that happens in a trance like state and functions as ththe most important rite of them all - becuse its the constant that enables all other rites to be successful and its also the rite by which you enter a spiritual lineage tree / family tree that goes back to the creators of the middle man deities and titles used in the hierophants initiation
For example you have x and y chromosones that you inherited from your father and mother yes?
A part of them exists in you therefore you represent them to some degree trough extension and if you render anyone of them Supreme you deem them as your spiritual creators and allow them to create your future and use you as they seem fit
When you become an an Apollo / Adonis/ horus/ Hiram abiff/ ariff you enter a a spiritual lineage tree that goes back all the way to their creators which are the reptilians in the underworld
And the reptilian spiritual parents treat its children in stark contrast And unlike most earthy parents whom extends their love unconditionally means nothing but well for their children .
the end result is in effect that you have symbolically choosen to sacrifice yourself in favour of a parasite that takes your place therefore any energetic exchange you have with others thenceon wont be shared between you and the ones on the other end of the exchange it will go to the reptilians soul group complex instead - that is how to the reptilians both hijack humans aswell as protecting themselves from direct exposure by using the the middle man initiates ( in the image of god/ elohim/ neterus made he man ) to exert it influences on planet earth .
Psalm 86:2 shows that in the case of the elohim or the initiated man in their image - that they were children that was ruled by the most high
A ley line is useless on its own a ley line must be a composite of different ingridents , sticking a rock or temple on any giving location wont make it a ley line - you have to put sufficient amount of emotional energy to make it a ley line
A copper of wire is useless on its own if you dont put a charge trough it . Im the same manner an energy lines is a composite of a structure/monument and the emotional energy its charged with
Maybe you should ask yourself why there is a 3000 thousand years old obelisk transferred from Luxor to the Vatican city - what friggin connection does the Catholic religion have with egyptism mysteries on surface level , they created an new energy line by transferring the Luxor obelisk to the Vatican to declare to the collective subconsiousness that they are a new sun worshipping centre that represents amen the reptilian consiousness cult , doesnt matter which religion you follow becuse they represent the same force , indeed comparitive religion have basically shed light on the synchronization if various different deities from different pantheons
Its no coincidence that the most of the world spiritual and religious practices are linked to the serpent as their founder , theres no sound logical explanation as to why most of the world has adopted the serpents as their patron ,that itself is even more ludicrious and more absurd than your postulate that serpents appearing everywhere is not prove of anything but yet the worlds narratives are infested with them. Why dont you ask yourself why the inpropable was made propaple instead ?
Credit to Matthew Delooze should go for describing the metaphore of a ley line in my post
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