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Why the LHP is considered "evil"?


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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Reading a bit about the LHP I started to question myself about why is it considered "evil" to want to go the solo/deification of the self path rather than into the communion with "the universe".I get it when people say that it is selfish(they're right in a way, but also not quite), but how come thinking about your own interests and yourself is selfish?

Doesn't everyone else thinks about their own survival, their own lives, their own destinies?Doesn't everyone else worries first about themselves only to then worry about those around them?Doesn't everyone else thinks more about "I" rather than "We"?
I get people calling this path evil when all they see about it are talks of demons and devils and of dark entities, as no matter if atheist or from another religion we all end up somewhat influeced a bit by the Christian view of reality specially when it comes to the spiritual side of life.

But why this vilification of seeking power for yourself, even more so when you don't care nor intend to "sacrifice" others for it?You're just thinking of yourself because at the end of the day the one thinking most about yourself will be yourself.As your own perspective is linked to your own existence, not to the existence of others.Becoming your own master should never be considered something shameful, yet since the focus is on the "I" rathen than "Them" it seems that society treats such as the same as someone that commited a crime against society itself.

Humans might be social creatures but as someone said once, we all die alone.
Sep 9, 2021
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Well, I now look at it as like I look at staffing firms vs dead end jobs vs careers.
Angels - careers or dead end jobs
Demons - staffing agencies
Otherworld gods - dead end jobs
Not that I define them as such, but my experience in high magic is that everything is a transaction, and you don't want to get ripped off. These three examples are usually the end result of something like getting a job.
I Think the idea you're looking at is quite well explained. Hopefully my reply will be as such.
There are three parts of the soul, the lower, middle and upper. These must be unified.
The demons or LHP usually concerns itself with the lower soul. My opinion.
Angels are typically the higher self, and we are left in the middle.
So how to unify? Is this even the LHP objective?
Mysticism and Magic are usually the two routes to unify the three parts of the soul.
I really don't know how to answer your question that well, I know from experience there is the liferaft dilemma, where we want to help someone who is drowning, and if a group are drowning, someone will still get the short end of the stick. This usually applies to wanting to help others fill their glass, but you can't fill someone's glass if yours is empty.
Therefore selfish enlightenment can be in fact the solution.
Why the LHP is considered evil is largely due to baneful magic and human or animal sacrifice. Blood magic. Paths and pacts with demons.
Primarily the root is the trio of JCI, Judaism, Christianity and Islam. All Three frown on magic in the open, but many practice magic within religion covertly.
These are possible reasons that the LHP is considered "evil".
However, if theory that Goetia are actually related to the brain or CNS, that are not restricted to working the loins, this may not be viewed as evil.


Site Staff
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Jr. Staff Member
Apr 9, 2022
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human or animal sacrifice. Blood magic.
It's a bit ironic that the first half of the Bible is all about needing animal sacrifices to placate an angry God, and the second half of the Bible is about a human sacrifice placating a 'loving God.' There was a time when I wondered if the blood sacrifices to YHVH were what caused him to act like an angry demon at times. Lately, the more I distance myself from the Bible, the better I feel all around.

But why this vilification of seeking power for yourself
I think Don Webb explains it better than I can in his book on the LHP. I'll also grant that emotional immaturity on the part of modern LHP devotees has tarnished the perception of it. All I can really say is, have an open mind and study. Stephen Flower's book, Lords of the Left Hand Path, is also recommended, though I have only skimmed through it so far.


Staff member
Feb 18, 2023
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I'll also grant that emotional immaturity on the part of modern LHP devotees has tarnished the perception of it
On that I wouldn't argue against.
I've seen my fair share of people that claimed to be on the LHP and were basically the stock image of the "edgy lord" or the "goth demon worshipper" or something equally cringy and immature.

no one

Mar 14, 2023
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Reading a bit about the LHP I started to question myself about why is it considered "evil" to want to go the solo/deification of the self path rather than into the communion with "the universe".I get it when people say that it is selfish(they're right in a way, but also not quite), but how come thinking about your own interests and yourself is selfish?

Doesn't everyone else thinks about their own survival, their own lives, their own destinies?Doesn't everyone else worries first about themselves only to then worry about those around them?Doesn't everyone else thinks more about "I" rather than "We"?
I get people calling this path evil when all they see about it are talks of demons and devils and of dark entities, as no matter if atheist or from another religion we all end up somewhat influeced a bit by the Christian view of reality specially when it comes to the spiritual side of life.

But why this vilification of seeking power for yourself, even more so when you don't care nor intend to "sacrifice" others for it?You're just thinking of yourself because at the end of the day the one thinking most about yourself will be yourself.As your own perspective is linked to your own existence, not to the existence of others.Becoming your own master should never be considered something shameful, yet since the focus is on the "I" rathen than "Them" it seems that society treats such as the same as someone that commited a crime against society itself.

Humans might be social creatures but as someone said once, we all die alone.
Anyone that claims something is evil if it doesn't hurt anyone is missing the point. Do what works best for you even if it goes against other belief systems. Every individual is different in what and how they learn. That whole "one persons evil is another persons good" thing.


Jun 30, 2021
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im lefthanded and the word lhp already made me go to war for years, so might that be the whole point of it i started to wander and All went silent...
Sep 9, 2021
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Being left handed, and the ease of summoning demons as opposed to goddesses, gods or angels, made me a LHP fan for a bit ... Until I was pacted to someone I didn't want a pact with.


Jun 30, 2021
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I know the feeling. Ive been researching it for years now. Im starting to think dna in combo with certain researches and the internet is what we are not allowed to talk about. An other highly occult research led me to the fact why such a thing is forbidden in many occult scenes. Not much little dipshits like us can do other then either scramble or comply. I decided to fuck up everything and everyone who does that shit and got severly punished, still sucking on an internet tit though, so idk.

Its hard to accept certain things in life.


Apr 28, 2021
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I think evil may be a bit harsh, but I often think that RHP see the flaws with the LHP, because ultimately they view ego and identity as illusory, and what prevents one from connecting with the divine and ultimately breaking from the wheel of reincarnation and overcoming the second death.

so LHP by contrast, elevates the self and holds the individual or ego as supreme, so is inherently conflicting with higher spiritual development.

that being said, LHP is not inherently evil. Wanting to use Magick to manifest a better life for yourself on the material plane is by no means wrong and is what everybody does unconsciously anyways.
Apr 18, 2022
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why is it considered "evil" to want to go the solo/deification of the self path rather than into the communion with "the universe".
I would say the core reason is one thing - FEAR.

I don't mean fear of the LHP itself, I mean there is an underlying fear that rules their minds and makes them have an aversion towards the LHP and what it entails.

I'd narrow it down to three kinds:
1. Fear Of Choice - RHP is very reminiscent of religion, this is why I find it really ironic, because every RHP practitioner could have just remained a regular religious person and the end result would be the same. You are beholden to and in service of some higher being. Religion is very comforting because it takes away the burden of choice, you don't have to think for yourself, in fact thinking for yourself in some respects is a "sin". You are to simply obey and follow the rules of whatever "higher being" you are worshiping. It makes life very simple and stress free, because you don't have to think about complicated decisions and you don't have to worry about accountability because "God told me to do it". Becoming a God yourself is likely going to be a long and hard path filled with many difficult choices and/or sacrifices, serving/worshiping and already existing God usually requires nothing of you but obedience.

2. Fear Of Godlessness - Humans also seem to be very obsessed with finding something "greater than themselves" to worship, likely because they need some kind of template/guideline to follow. I really can't relate to most people because I don't have this trait. I don't have any celebrities I follow, I'm not a fan of anyone or anything really, I just consume content because it's entertaining, I don't really care about the people behind it. I also don't worship any deities and nor do I have any desire to. A lot of human socialization revolves around "deity worship" when you think about it. If people aren't talking about God, they are talking about one of the human idols they "look up to" (which is just pseudo deity worship at it's core, celebrities and idols are just substitutes for deities). At their core, most humans fear the idea of there not being a "higher power"/God.

3. Fear Of Solitude - Most people are always going to choose RHP because one thing most humans fear is being alone. The RHP is about "union", it's all about togetherness, so by default it appeals to general human sentiment. The LHP is ultimately the path of the loner. Self deification (if possible) is the ultimate separation of oneself from humanity. Even if you could be among humans after such a transformation, life would never be the same for you, there would always be this rift between you and anyone you interact with, and worse yet, if they know you are a deity and see you as such, the entire relationship dynamic will change. They'll probably become very clingy and annoying and not treat you the same lol. Becoming a reclusive deity just sounds a lot less appealing to most people than a "unification" with the "divine".

I already know some people are going to strongly disagree with my next statement, but from my perspective, I don't even see RHP (Right Hand Path) as a "path", because it's literally the default setting, it's what happens when you do nothing and just accept reality. The Christian who spends their whole life avoiding any deeper occult knowledge because it's a "sin" is just as RHP as the occultist who pursues the knowledge, because they'll both likely get the same end result. RHP is the "path" you take when you want to make as little choice in life as possible.

Think about it, the ultimate goal is to obey the rules/laws of the universe (or God, whatever you call it) and ultimately unify with some divine power, likely losing your consciousness and sense of self. It's just so passive.

It's like being a leaf that fell from a tree and letting itself be blown about by the wind, to then ultimately let itself fall at the roots of said tree and then be reabsorbed.

To me, that's the definition of a pointless existence. There is ironically no difference in the end result between a RHP person who was born and one who wasn't born, their end result is the same, being reabsorbed aind contained within the divine source, it was like they never even existed.

It doesn't make sense to me to call something a "path" when it's what happens to people who metaphorically sit still and do nothing. Basically, it's possible for someone to stumble onto the RHP, but the LHP requires deliberate choice. Nobody will ever stumble upon self deification, but some people will stumble upon unification with the divine source (especially since most religions are basically RHP by default in their teachings and practices).

I often think that RHP see the flaws with the LHP, because ultimately they view ego and identity as illusory, and what prevents one from connecting with the divine and ultimately breaking from the wheel of reincarnation and overcoming the second death.
I don't think there's any flaw with LHP. If you become a deity yourself, wouldn't that also break you out of the wheel of reincarnation?
so LHP by contrast, elevates the self and holds the individual or ego as supreme, so is inherently conflicting with higher spiritual development.
Please explain what you mean by "higher spiritual development." and what the inherent conflict exists for LHP.


Apr 28, 2021
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I would say the core reason is one thing - FEAR.

I don't mean fear of the LHP itself, I mean there is an underlying fear that rules their minds and makes them have an aversion towards the LHP and what it entails.

I'd narrow it down to three kinds:
1. Fear Of Choice - RHP is very reminiscent of religion, this is why I find it really ironic, because every RHP practitioner could have just remained a regular religious person and the end result would be the same. You are beholden to and in service of some higher being. Religion is very comforting because it takes away the burden of choice, you don't have to think for yourself, in fact thinking for yourself in some respects is a "sin". You are to simply obey and follow the rules of whatever "higher being" you are worshiping. It makes life very simple and stress free, because you don't have to think about complicated decisions and you don't have to worry about accountability because "God told me to do it". Becoming a God yourself is likely going to be a long and hard path filled with many difficult choices and/or sacrifices, serving/worshiping and already existing God usually requires nothing of you but obedience.

2. Fear Of Godlessness - Humans also seem to be very obsessed with finding something "greater than themselves" to worship, likely because they need some kind of template/guideline to follow. I really can't relate to most people because I don't have this trait. I don't have any celebrities I follow, I'm not a fan of anyone or anything really, I just consume content because it's entertaining, I don't really care about the people behind it. I also don't worship any deities and nor do I have any desire to. A lot of human socialization revolves around "deity worship" when you think about it. If people aren't talking about God, they are talking about one of the human idols they "look up to" (which is just pseudo deity worship at it's core, celebrities and idols are just substitutes for deities). At their core, most humans fear the idea of there not being a "higher power"/God.

3. Fear Of Solitude - Most people are always going to choose RHP because one thing most humans fear is being alone. The RHP is about "union", it's all about togetherness, so by default it appeals to general human sentiment. The LHP is ultimately the path of the loner. Self deification (if possible) is the ultimate separation of oneself from humanity. Even if you could be among humans after such a transformation, life would never be the same for you, there would always be this rift between you and anyone you interact with, and worse yet, if they know you are a deity and see you as such, the entire relationship dynamic will change. They'll probably become very clingy and annoying and not treat you the same lol. Becoming a reclusive deity just sounds a lot less appealing to most people than a "unification" with the "divine".

I already know some people are going to strongly disagree with my next statement, but from my perspective, I don't even see RHP (Right Hand Path) as a "path", because it's literally the default setting, it's what happens when you do nothing and just accept reality. The Christian who spends their whole life avoiding any deeper occult knowledge because it's a "sin" is just as RHP as the occultist who pursues the knowledge, because they'll both likely get the same end result. RHP is the "path" you take when you want to make as little choice in life as possible.

Think about it, the ultimate goal is to obey the rules/laws of the universe (or God, whatever you call it) and ultimately unify with some divine power, likely losing your consciousness and sense of self. It's just so passive.

It's like being a leaf that fell from a tree and letting itself be blown about by the wind, to then ultimately let itself fall at the roots of said tree and then be reabsorbed.

To me, that's the definition of a pointless existence. There is ironically no difference in the end result between a RHP person who was born and one who wasn't born, their end result is the same, being reabsorbed aind contained within the divine source, it was like they never even existed.

It doesn't make sense to me to call something a "path" when it's what happens to people who metaphorically sit still and do nothing. Basically, it's possible for someone to stumble onto the RHP, but the LHP requires deliberate choice. Nobody will ever stumble upon self deification, but some people will stumble upon unification with the divine source (especially since most religions are basically RHP by default in their teachings and practices).

I don't think there's any flaw with LHP. If you become a deity yourself, wouldn't that also break you out of the wheel of reincarnation?

Please explain what you mean by "higher spiritual development." and what the inherent conflict exists for LHP.
Well, with RHP completing the great work equates to the same thing, becoming a deity, a magi, however you want to put it.

you are already affirming yourself as God with the LBRP and MP, so the main distinction is dissolving the ego instead of elevating it.

the loss of ego happens in the RHP as you integrate more and more of these energies, elemental, planetary, SHEM angels, ancient deities, until eventually you are fully integrated and the loss of desire and things of this world fade away.

With the LHP I am not sure what you do as in terms of long term goals, as most practitioners are focused on manifestation type goals instead of spiritual nourishment. Atleast in my experience.
Apr 18, 2022
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Well, with RHP completing the great work equates to the same thing, becoming a deity, a magi, however you want to put it.

you are already affirming yourself as God with the LBRP and MP, so the main distinction is dissolving the ego instead of elevating it.
No it quite literally isn't the same thing or maybe I'm wrong about some key details about RHP that I was told. For example, what do you mean by "dissolving the ego"? That sounds like losing your sense of self and losing self awareness to me., especially when you pair that up with statements like "unification with the divine source". That sounds to me like were just cells and the divine source is the body. Are the blood cells in your body really "alive" or are they just merely "functioning"?

I don't consider an existence where one lacks sentience, consciousness, sense of self and free will to be "alive". A brain dead person in a hospital isn't really "alive" they are just "functioning", like a computer program running lines of code, and the ultimate goal of RHP just sounds like that to me.

But maybe I heard wrong.

So I'll repeat the question more clearly:
Do you retain your consciousness, sentience, sense of self and free will after unifying with the divine source?


Apr 28, 2021
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No it quite literally isn't the same thing or maybe I'm wrong about some key details about RHP that I was told. For example, what do you mean by "dissolving the ego"? That sounds like losing your sense of self and losing self awareness to me., especially when you pair that up with statements like "unification with the divine source". That sounds to me like were just cells and the divine source is the body. Are the blood cells in your body really "alive" or are they just merely "functioning"?

I don't consider an existence where one lacks sentience, consciousness, sense of self and free will to be "alive". A brain dead person in a hospital isn't really "alive" they are just "functioning", like a computer program running lines of code, and the ultimate goal of RHP just sounds like that to me.

But maybe I heard wrong.

So I'll repeat the question more clearly:
Do you retain your consciousness, sentience, sense of self and free will after unifying with the divine source?
I’m on my phone so I apologize for just responding all at once,

in the context I am using it, “the ego” is the illusory sense of self, or in simple terms, the thing that prevents you from obtaining your higher self, becoming God.

the goal of my RHP is to realize this potential, as we all have the “divine spark.” We are all gods already, we simply need to remind ourselves.

also, quite the opposite to as you are saying. The loss of the ego is a state of pure awareness, detached from judgement and also the full integration of our lower egoic aspects (demons) from hindering our spiritual growth.

being free from the ego in my interpretation basically is achieving the higher self and coming as close as you can to touching “God” and then disseminating those rays onto others.

This process is quite difficult to do if one is filled and driven by instincts and desires.

This is simply my interpretation along with some others, such as Damien Echols or Lon Milo DuQuette, whom I respect greatly.

But I also do not believe that a true magician worships anything, as these forces are meant to be harnessed and integrated not worshipped from the outside.
Apr 18, 2022
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in the context I am using it, “the ego” is the illusory sense of self, or in simple terms, the thing that prevents you from obtaining your higher self, becoming God.
Why would one need to lose their ego to become God when all the Gods have egos anyways?

I'd find that hard to believe with all the demands of worship and praise that Gods don't have egos lol. Even the Christian God in his own holy book is said to be a jealous God.

In fact, I haven't heard or read of any God that doesn't have a huge ego.

The loss of the ego is a state of pure awareness, detached from judgement and also the full integration of our lower egoic aspects (demons) from hindering our spiritual growth.
You are speaking about "spiritual growth" as if it can only take place in one way.

I think there's a fundamental question I have to ask you.

Do you think that the LHP actually "works", in other words, do you think that anyone in the history of mankind has taken the LHP and became a God themselves?

Lastly, you didn't really give a direct answer to my last question. I kinda put it in bold and increased the text size so that you'd notice it lol.
Do you retain your consciousness, sentience, sense of self and free will after unifying with the divine source?
Is it a YES or a NO, do you retain these 4 traits after unifying?
Sep 9, 2021
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Why would one need to lose their ego to become God when all the Gods have egos anyways?

I'd find that hard to believe with all the demands of worship and praise that Gods don't have egos lol. Even the Christian God in his own holy book is said to be a jealous God.

In fact, I haven't heard or read of any God that doesn't have a huge ego.

You are speaking about "spiritual growth" as if it can only take place in one way.

I think there's a fundamental question I have to ask you.

Do you think that the LHP actually "works", in other words, do you think that anyone in the history of mankind has taken the LHP and became a God themselves?

Lastly, you didn't really give a direct answer to my last question. I kinda put it in bold and increased the text size so that you'd notice it lol.

Is it a YES or a NO, do you retain these 4 traits after unifying?
I would say No, simply from being raised a Christian, except through a lot of hard work yourself. Hope this helps. Are you still on this "Magic is bullshit" thought train?
Apr 18, 2022
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I would say No, simply from being raised a Christian, except through a lot of hard work yourself. Hope this helps.
I wanted an answer @Lemongrass00 because I'm trying to understand the basis of his beliefs. If his answer is no then that's exactly my point that LHP isn't similar to RHP at all.

He said:
with RHP completing the great work equates to the same thing, becoming a deity, a magi, however you want to put it.
But if you don't retain the 4 traits I mentioned then it doesn't equate at all, because in the LHP you do retain these traits. LHP results in absolute freedom, RHP doesn't.

Are you still on this "Magic is bullshit" thought train?
When did I get on this thought train?

You may be confusing me for someone else, because nothing I've ever said even remotely comes close to that.


Apr 28, 2021
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Why would one need to lose their ego to become God when all the Gods have egos anyways?

I'd find that hard to believe with all the demands of worship and praise that Gods don't have egos lol. Even the Christian God in his own holy book is said to be a jealous God.

In fact, I haven't heard or read of any God that doesn't have a huge ego.

You are speaking about "spiritual growth" as if it can only take place in one way.

I think there's a fundamental question I have to ask you.

Do you think that the LHP actually "works", in other words, do you think that anyone in the history of mankind has taken the LHP and became a God themselves?

Lastly, you didn't really give a direct answer to my last question. I kinda put it in bold and increased the text size so that you'd notice it lol.

Is it a YES or a NO, do you retain these 4 traits after unifying?
Yes, my argument is that they alchemically transform. You probably would not recognize yourself if you compared the before or after, you also wouldn’t desire the same things or have the same interests, you are transformed from water into wine.

I completely understand your viewpoint, and there are many many people who call themselves RHP who fit your mold, along with mystics and fundamental Christians who fit your 3 fears you outlined.

I myself am in the process of overcoming these to become truly awakened.

it sounds like we agree more or less but just might have different philosophies and steps to execute it.
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I wanted an answer @Lemongrass00 because I'm trying to understand the basis of his beliefs. If his answer is no then that's exactly my point that LHP isn't similar to RHP at all.

He said:

But if you don't retain the 4 traits I mentioned then it doesn't equate at all, because in the LHP you do retain these traits. LHP results in absolute freedom, RHP doesn't.

When did I get on this thought train?

You may be confusing me for someone else, because nothing I've ever said even remotely comes close to that.
One more thing to add on, you should look into the idea of the solar consciousness and then the ultimate goal to create the solar body as a vehicle to store your consciousness after death. This is considered a RHP practice.

not that there are other paths to immortality that can be less unsavory… such as etheric vampirism.
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more* unsavory I wish I could edit past 5 minutes
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May 2, 2023
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Reading a bit about the LHP I started to question myself about why is it considered "evil" to want to go the solo/deification of the self path rather than into the communion with "the universe".I get it when people say that it is selfish(they're right in a way, but also not quite), but how come thinking about your own interests and yourself is selfish?

Doesn't everyone else thinks about their own survival, their own lives, their own destinies?Doesn't everyone else worries first about themselves only to then worry about those around them?Doesn't everyone else thinks more about "I" rather than "We"?
I get people calling this path evil when all they see about it are talks of demons and devils and of dark entities, as no matter if atheist or from another religion we all end up somewhat influeced a bit by the Christian view of reality specially when it comes to the spiritual side of life.

But why this vilification of seeking power for yourself, even more so when you don't care nor intend to "sacrifice" others for it?You're just thinking of yourself because at the end of the day the one thinking most about yourself will be yourself.As your own perspective is linked to your own existence, not to the existence of others.Becoming your own master should never be considered something shameful, yet since the focus is on the "I" rathen than "Them" it seems that society treats such as the same as someone that commited a crime against society itself.

Humans might be social creatures but as someone said once, we all die alone.
LHP/RHP are incredibly vague terms that have no real grounding. They're as vague as the term "magic" in how all-encompassing or restrictive it can be. Whether it is truly evil, then, is up to you. All that is objective is that they are two different modes of working and they have differing feelings associated with those modes.
You should do what feels most just and right in your heart, and if you feel as if you cannot trust that, you are truly lost. Regardless, in the end, we're all gonna make it.


Aug 31, 2021
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LHP I started to question myself about why is it considered "evil" to want to go the solo/deification of the self path rather than into the communion with "the universe

Good and evil are rather human constructs. Better to consider the Tzimtzum and the required balance of outbreath (to dark separation) and inbreath (to light unity). Both are required in cyclical process for the human and the universe to meet their design characteristics.

A very few humans work with the darkness needed to manifest universes. They have their own school, but the self-centered human is never acceptable.

Self-centered humans may achieve the first two steps (etheric and emotional) towards first stage enlightenment but they are not permitted to achieve control of the higher mental body (neshamah).

This rule has been established in this solar system by the Lodge of the Blazing Star

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