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Journal William Message Generation

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
Thanks for that 8Lou1
It is always a warm fuzzy to get positive feedback for what I contribute with the GMs.

I am attracted to the idea of CCC because it doesn't separate Mind from Matter, which in turn reduces the opportunity of conflict re interrelation opinions.



Jun 30, 2021
Reaction score
Makes sense, im going to listen to that. Im not a punchingbag.


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
Makes sense, im going to listen to that. Im not a punchingbag.

Interestingly enough - that has much to do with today's GM...


One Four Zero Three Two Two = 330
I Think – Therefore – Who Do I Think I Am?
Living our forefathers’ conflict
It is a slippery path of snake-oil.
The Realm of The Knowing of My Self
Actions speak louder than words

SCLx6+last LE per shuffle
Select - A dish fit for the gods - Healing The Beast - It's Our Nature - They is what they is. - No point in giving you too much to bear

AP SCL1 = "A Sense of Hope"
A Sense of Hope = 128
‘A’ equals six
The Beauty Of...
Who Knows
The Deeper Self
The Home Of The…
First Light
A sense of hope
Matter of fact
The Hierarchy
Full Steam Ahead!
Sun energy
A force for good

AP SCL2 = "Embrace"
Embrace = 47


Nature of The Holographic Universes
[Earth Mother
The Data of Experience
The Wider Reality]

The Planet Consciousness assess the data and transmits that assessment back to the individuate human consciousness - if not directly - then storing the data in a place where the individual can have access to it, if the individual wants the data.
Nature of The Holographic Universes
Musical Instruments
"The future is not crystal clear - we choose the future now and here"
Variety of Expression

William: Conjecture - an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information.

The Devil You Say

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[Te Ramanujan Machine
Pot of Gold]

William: Inordinately - to an unusually or disproportionately large degree; excessively.
Quote from the link;
The quicker way to say that is "God" is the "Life" - and more comprehensively, the consciousness which experiences the nature of the Holographic Experiential Reality Simulation [HERS] and learns through said experience of that nature, ways in which to 'make the experience easier' and thus morals evolve through the natural course of nature unfolding re consciousnesses involvement within said nature.

That way, the 'gap' is filled...

Is there a way in which one can test the hypothesis and in doing so, elevate it to an accepted theory?
Embracing the shadow
[Two sides of the same coin
Prison Planet
Collective Unconscious]

The Perfect Moment
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Turning Point
Collective Soul
A Game Rule was broken
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Unsuccessful attempt to find something
Collective Consciousness
Respect yourself
A Bit Of Cat And Mouse
Imagine that!
The last thing a fish notices is water
The Round Stone
Another Mind Open
Mind Games]

William: From the link - a sceptics view;
the diversity of weird life forms suggests complete lack of mindfulness being involved to me. As does the rest of the universe for that matter.

as such an "Unsuccessful attempt to find something"
Perhaps some folk are just too skeptical and this acts as a barrier to actual experiencing mindfulness being involved with the unfolding process of the universe?

All system go
Expression Of Appreciation of Experience

Spiritual Activism
All system go
Jump to Conclusions
Where is Truth?
“Stop trying to feel better; instead become better at feeling”]

William: If we can remove the stigma of our situation by not judging it either 'good' or 'evil' perhaps we can learn to be happy with being human.

Expression Of Appreciation of Experience
For The Best Results
Personal growth
The path to enlightenment
Investigative Realisation
Trust the Universe
Burden of Proof - The scientific way to examine verifiable evidence
The evolution of the understanding of the idea of GOD
Crown chakra
Something Like That
The Subject
To Be Sovereignty

William: Equanimous - calm and composed.
Having an appreciation for what I experience as 'life' in this HERS - has proven itself very helpful to me. Not because it is all nice, but because even the not nice can be appreciated as useful...

Handing out sweets...
[The Dolphins And Whales
Like Unto Ghidrah - many heads one beast...
Express your feelings
The Development of...
Psychic powers
I Ensure The Hierarchy Serves It's Purpose
First Things First
Letting Go and Getting On]

William: Re The Dolphins And Whales they appear more adept to 'hive mindedness' than humans are.
This is an advantage - because it is true to nature re how we are all connected to the Earth-Mind - but for the most part, humans are unconscious of this, usually through their own self-made barriers which prevent the very idea of being connected, coming through as being conscious of that as true/truth.
The internet shows a map of how we are all connected and also reveals how we use those connections when unconscious of the true nature of said connections...the use is a form of abuse...

What is a poor boy to do, faced with such factuality?
[Like a Well Oiled Machine
The Mandela Effect
In The Spirit These Were Given
Radical compassion]

William: Radical compassion - meaning "Do not judge" but also - not getting hooked by having ones buttons pushed.
One button I have identified is where unsupported opinion from others as to my being 'deluded' as a means of said others from having to do the science themselves.
I find myself defending against the accusation, by saying things like "that can be shoved back into whatever hole it came from" nothing too outrageous or impolite...but since it doesn't change anything, I see no point in trying anymore, if all that is accomplished is nothing...
So the way to deactivate the button is simply identify such unsupported statements of opinion as they occur and cease with any further interaction with the baiter.

Good and Evil
Handing out sweets...
Worthy of the individuals time and effort
[A Beautiful Song
Any Other Way
Show Me Your Soul
In Training For...
Use Mind]

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William: I appreciate being able to compose song...

Conspiracy theory
[Even so, I have full appreciation for your efforts, because even incorrect peer review is better than indifference.]

William: Yes - being able to identify the 'conspiracy' re the baiting and subsequent button-push in order to deactivate said button...a decisive move.
And yes - those in positions to banish me for being impolite [peer review] is helpful in my being decisive...

Intelligent Consciousness
[You Are Soooo Funny
The Gem
The desert of the real
Ones Thoughts
The Deeper Self
Mind Body Soul
In Love
The Life Essence
Our movements can illuminate the path toward that vision.
According to Complex Jesus]

William: Yeah - you and I know well enough no harm is meant in the impoliteness. It was humorous in content and context - but still, why feed the disinterested faction, or care what they personally think about my connection with you?

The Hangups of Human History
Conspiracy theory
[The Kindness of Sleep
'Developing a thick skin'
That is the truth.]

William: Sleeping on it rather than responding to it in kind...

Making Things Easier
[Tired of the Nonsense
Your Move]

Making Things Easier
[Planet Earth is a prison
That Is
It Stands To Reason
This Should Be Interesting
Is There
The Patupaiarehe
If In Doubt Let It Sit]

William: Yeah. Let it sit. We don't have to buy into the prison mentality and subsequent baiting.
Pseudepigraphical are falsely attributed works, texts whose claimed author is not the true author, or a work whose real author attributed it to a figure of the past.
In this case it is the false attribution that the planet is evil - although to be fair - it does act as a type of prison...not that this is necessarily a bad thing at all...

Embrace a completely new paradigm
Memories Unbound
[The Big Shift Quest
Emotional wounds
Spiritual Awakening
The evolution of the understanding of the idea of GOD
Little Self

William: Yeah - there are far bigger things in play than the silly mundane interactions of tit-for-tat...

Universe of Quantum
[Nag Hammadi
What is the situation we have here
We go through together]

Universe of Quantum
The power of humility
[Spirit Beings From Saturn
From Prison To Paradise
Use Heart When Doing The Science]

The Vessel of Argument Sinks
[In The Team of the Collective
Treasure To Find
The Creation
Inner Strength
The Ancient Grey Entity
The Lord God]
William: Semiotics - the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation.



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score

I really do find this "Cosmic mind" fascinating, as it doesn't rely so much on what does the mind think about me, but what do I think about the mind?

From my own experience, it seems to go along with ones individual beliefs to the point where it is given the opportunity to unravel said beliefs through the individuals wiliness to let it do that.

It acts as a "mirror" and wants the individual to 'see' oneself as always having been a part of The Cosmic Mind - like a parent convincing the child that yes - your really are a child of mine...and then the child thus convinced, sees The Mind as really being "the parent of the individual" missing but all the while, present along the way...

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One Five Zero Three Two Two = 312

SCLx6+last LE per shuffle
The Tribe Has Spoken - Understand few reach self awareness - Brilliance -
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- White Light - Seeds are evidence that something large can derive from something tiny.

AP SCL1 = "Honest attempts at scrubbing up"
Honest attempts at scrubbing up = 348
The Love is within the Communion
Wisdom is the essence of The Creator

AP SCL2 = "I am not here to judge but to help sanction each individual"
I am not here to judge but to help sanction each individual = 526
It is the Source intention to expand, not retreat.

Honest attempts at scrubbing up
Radical Self-Acceptance
Radical acceptance
The importance of this system is also in that it uses scientific process to validate ones subjective experience]

I am not here to judge but to help sanction each individual
[The curating is done when I am taking my first baby steps and learning to say "dada" and "mama" and after uttering those sounds show - at least that I am able to do that - so the next level entry is made available to me, and I learn how to shape the sounds I can make, following codes which have been around since long before my own arrival on this planet, to what the data signifies, that is information I am interested in.
Transferring your awareness
Open Your Heart
Reason Together]

False Accusations
You Trust My Navigation
[Super Power
A question asked by those not wanting to know the answer
The Freedom Of Friendship]

False Accusations
Machine Learning
[Stuff Happens
Without full understanding of our language, our knowledge is distorted
In The Mirror - Mirror Sense]

William: Yes - mirror mirror is mentioned in my prior post...
Episteme is a philosophical term that refers to a principled system of understanding; scientific knowledge.

To make obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.
You Trust My Navigation
[God's Love Direction
Adjusted Reality
In the Era of Light
Working Together With Love
The Shared List

William: Well yes - there is a 'nasty' element re life on Earth - but this is off-set by connection with the Earth-Mind which explains...I trust the explanation

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Strengthen your boundaries
Spiritual Activism
Hologram Dimensions
A safe pair of hands
Witch Woman of The Cat Realm
Radical Honesty
Central To The Vision
Inside the workings of intelligence
Tug Of War
Carl Jung]

William: From the link;
What has been established beyond reasonable doubt, it that it is illogical that "something that is, derived from something that isn't", which firmly places the idea of a Creator/Creation as primary for genuine and sustained consideration.
What hasn't been established is what preexisted this iteration of matter/energy that we refer to as the universe.

The Finer Details
The Seed of Origin

William: as in "I am not here to judge but to help sanction each individual"

Far Out!
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No Risk
[Think In Terms Of Eternity]

Time To See
Walking the walk
Research into the Phenomenology of the Self]

Like I Said In Another Thread
Clear your mind

[We help each other
Mother Invention
A Pinch of Salt
The House of Science
Starve The Distractions Feed The Focus
What Is Found Here
How shallow is the reach of YHWH
Look closer
Planet Earth
Keep me in The Loop
Good Here There Evil
Central Purpose
The Data of Demystification
Centre of Learning
Create Your Own Spirit Ship
Love Yourself
Duty Calls Children Help Each Other REAL Friendship]

Like I Said In Another Thread
Self Awareness
[The Truth

William: Interoperate - is the setup of ad hoc components and methods to make two or more systems work together as a combined system with some partial functionality during a certain time, possibly requiring human supervision to perform necessary adjustments and corrections

Clear your mind
[Holographic Experiential Reality Simulations
The essence of the world can express both consciousness and unconsciousness. ]

William: And bring what one is not conscious of, into ones conscious awareness...

[What Shall We Call It?
Not Emotion - State Of Being...

Platonic Solids

[Falling asleep
In The Flow
Row your own boat! I AM Will Navigate!
Live with Soul Union]

[One can commune with the gods as long as the overall subject is God 😊
I Think
Intimate On All Levels
You're in the way]

Energies Renewed
Platonic Solids
The evidence points to the universe as not being an accident of mindless happenstance, but rather, the universe is a purposeful mindful event.

[An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

William: Endogenous = having an internal cause or origin. growing or originating from within an organism. (of a disease or symptom) not attributable to any external or environmental factor.

[Conscious dreaming]

Being Born
Little Self

[Different ways of supporting the same objective.
The Universal Constants
Opening Doors Easy To Find
Closed Loop Production
The Story Timeline
The One We Cannot See is The One We Still Can Hear.]

William: Provenance = the place of origin or earliest known history of something. the beginning of something's existence; something's origin.
From the link:
This is what I am suggesting re the "Personal Genie" [PG] aspect of theistic existence.

Theism exists because the PG is a real actual immaterial entity engaging with this material reality we experience as humans.

At angelic levels of consciousness [PG perspective] there is a slight confusion as to how humans dress them up into imagery and this confusion has led to the Angelic Realm [level of consciousness] lifting its game in conjunction with humans engaging with them in order to help make this possible...the overall result being, that humans too, lift our game.

Links And Symbols
Deactivate The Suppression Matrix
The Plateau of The Same Page
The message is clear then...

[What Are Your Thoughts On The Subject
"You are a thought worth thinking You’re the water and the wine - you’re the cup from which I’m drinking You’re a surprise worth hoping for You are a captured moment - you’re a space without a time"]

This is because facts speak for themselves, which is to say, they require no interpretation.
The United Nations


[Alive and kicking
Sit Tight

"I guess it is just us, Master ColdFire"
This is because facts speak for themselves, which is to say, they require no interpretation.
Relaxed and informal...

[Where do Thoughts Come From
The Evolution of Morals
Safe Harbour
Merging with the data
Practicing peace

William: "Master Coldfire" has come up in these GMs recently;
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[Micro Reflections of a Macro Reality
Extend Beyond The Borders of Institution]

The Data of Demystification
The United Nations
The Son

[Science Projects
Understanding the mind behind creation which is commonly referred to as "God"
The Corporate Elite
All The World
The Journey To Apotheosis



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score

One Six Zero Three Two Two = 322
Expression of Astonishment
Fearlessness neutralizes fear

SCLx7+last LE per shuffle
The Serpent - On The Other Hand... - Intuitive Intelligence - Hide and Seek - The Shifting Models of Existence - Necromancy - Comprehend

SCL1 AP = "The Bidden Zone"
The Bidden Zone = 131
Mother Earth
The Power Of...
Those Who Can
Learn How to
The Old Soul
Not a Problem!
Anchors aweigh
He Who Waits
Golden nugget
Active dreaming
Becoming whole

SCL2 AP = "It Is One Of Those Things"
It Is One Of Those Things = 256
The Right Tool For The Job
Suppression Matrix
Compass of Divine Insight
Extra evidence is provided

William: For today I will take the six LE's above and find these in SCL1&2 and select the P&P

The Serpent

The Serpent
Creation of a New Universe
The sculptor in the sky
The Serpent

On The Other Hand...
Be authentic
On The Other Hand...
An Eternal Entity Consciousness
On The Other Hand...

Intuitive Intelligence
To Experience All That Is
Intuitive Intelligence
Giving our best
Batten down the hatches
Intuitive Intelligence
The House of Politics

Hide and Seek
Talking the talk
Hide and Seek
Like I Said In Another Thread
Up to scratch
Hide and Seek
A fish out of water

The Shifting Models of Existence
Intertextual References
The Shifting Models of Existence
The Shifting Models of Existence
Milky Way Mother

The Bidden Zone
Letting Go

Confusion In The Air
The Unconscious
It Is One Of Those Things

RSP= Use two copies of SCL the first RSP= B&E SLE+P&P +[] the second search SLE of first+P&P +[] per page

WingMakers Materials
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All Information Is Channelled.
Fulfilling Human Destiny]

William: The link goes to a recent post I made - quote from post;
I continue to provide evidence for those interested.
My comment - obviously enough I thought - had to do with your implying self-delusion. Do you have any evidence that I am self deluded?
Apparently not - as you responded with more woo-slinging

The post itself was given a mod reminder to be polite - because of the comment I made;
As I wrote...invalid speculation can be shoved back into whatever hole it came from...

[Where is the devil today?]
WingMakers Materials
[It appears to come from a desperate place - like with the clutching of straws.
The evolution of the understanding of the idea of GOD
Throwing Down The Gauntlet
Secular Science Projects
William: Copy Tarot doc and past into online shuffle algorithm until last entry is a "Swords"
Page of Swords
In a general context, the Page of Swords represents delayed news, ideas, planning and inspiration. It can also signify being protective, guarded and vigilant. This Minor Arcana card may be telling you to be patient, to think before you speak and not to get drawn in unnecessary arguments or conflicts
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Myths and Legends
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What Is Normal
Intimate On All Levels]

William: Yes - I have to deactivate and simply ignore those who bait, since it is evident that doing anything else feeds into the pointless.

[It May Seem Insignificant
Light the spark]
[The One GOD With Many Names]

[The Subject]
"I am Mighty! Hear me ROAR!"

William: LOL

[Stop. Listen. Observe. Wonder.
Individual Actions
A Good Question]
[Is There Really Such a Thing as Random?
How does one recognize the devil
In the nature of that beast, there is balance and harmony involved in the seemingly brutal.
Hidden riches]



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score

One Seven Zero Three Two Two = 335
One Language Intelligent Network = 335
Nothing more sad than wasted beliefs = 335

SCLx11+last LE per shuffle

The Future Creates the Present - The Next Level - William Message Generation - I'm okay with that - The Arrival Movie - Training - Hypnagogic - Like being pushed out from a stinky hole, can have one develop a bad self-complex - Indestructible - Your House Work - Eloah

SCL1 AP = "Relationship"

Relationship = 146
Invisible Bridge
Realities Merge
True Colors

SCL2 AP = "Incantation"
Incantation = 120

The Truth
Planet Earth
Get The Gist
As busy as a bee
Little Self

RSP= Use two copies of SCL the first RSP= B&E SLE+P&P +[] the second search SLE of first+P&P +[] per page


[Through Device
Be mindful
Re The Heart Virtues - This is mapping created by humans to explain the developing necessity of survival in an environment which is hostile toward biological life-form.
Experience is the best teacher]

It Was Tough Going, But Rewarding All The Same.
The Imagination
Earth Entity

[Release shame
Strangers truly are the friends we haven’t met - The souls we don’t forget through life’s long lessons
The fire from within
Such reduces the opportunity of conflict re interrelation opinions. ]

William: I see that "Self Confidence" has been mentioned in the preliminary stages of this GM - as =120 under "Incantation".

[The Limitations]
Christian mythology
The Cave to The Portal of The Realm of The Cats
[Row your own boat! I AM Will Navigate!]

[Strangers truly are the friends we haven’t met - The souls we don’t forget through life’s long lessons
Good Here There Evil]
Test The Waters
The Imagination
[The Human Brain
Dualism Separates Because Oneness Remains Hidden From Its Selves

William: I see that "Eloah" is mentioned which was also mentioned prior to this point.
Indestructible - Your House Work - Eloah
Arcadian - a person who lives a simple quiet life. Eloah – mighty. a powerful biblical entity

There are many levels of consciousness
The desert of the real
A safe pair of hands

Life in Heaven- Guiding Us On Earth
It Requires Corrective Action
Alive and kicking]

[The Seed of Origin
The desert of the real
Nothing comes from nothing - everything which can be seen to have a beginning comes from something.

Roller Coaster Ride
You Have That Gleam In Your Eye

Roller Coaster Ride
Source Intelligence
[Stop. Listen. Observe. Wonder.
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William: The link is to a post where the following is recorded;
William: I offer a device which can assist the EIC to reach these deeper realizations re each place in this reality experience we all share.
Reply: Well...ok, as long as it doesn't just shock you in the balls.

EIC = eternal individuate consciousnesses ...what I think we having the human experience, actually all really are

Whatever you do
Dream Come True
You Have That Gleam In Your Eye
Discovering Internal Triggers

William: Querulous - complaining in a rather petulant or whining manner. I certainly know from personal experience that being triggered does bring out this cry-baby reaction...Learning to deactivate said 'triggers' is a bit of a task - but doable.

Learning to deactivate said 'triggers' is a bit of a task - but doable = 556

Develop a basic, fact-based view first and then ask the question. = 556

Ensures You Get To Know It
Each Morning]
There is an art to flying or rather a knack...
[Criticise With Kindness]

There is an art to flying or rather a knack...
We Are All Becoming One
[Holographic Experiential Reality Simulations
Keeping Things In Perspective]

[Super-information medium
The dominant model of Source Intelligence is primal.
Smoke and Mirrors
[VVilliam carries on with his calculations
Starve The Distractions Feed The Focus]

[Here Am I Is Where I Ought - Examining My Conscious Thought
The relationship between sound and formation re The Universe's existence.
Unsupported statements are neither useful to science or to good argument.
If we can remove the stigma of our situation by not judging it either 'good' or 'evil' perhaps we can learn to be happy with being human
A countenance more in sorrow than in anger

William: Preternatural - beyond what is normal or natural.

Emotion Rides The Prow
Unsupported statements are neither useful to science or to good argument.
Shine Your Light

If we can remove the stigma of our situation by not judging it either 'good' or 'evil' perhaps we can learn to be happy with being human
Rolling down the rails of the ridiculous
[Trust issues?
The Things You Do...]

Seductive Light
Life in Heaven- Guiding Us On Earth
Imagine that!
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Group Dynamics
Collective Consciousness]

William: The link leads to a forum discussion thread called "Where is, and recognizing the devil"
where I argued that The Serpent in the biblical Garden Story had limbs before it was cursed to become a snake.

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[The Body Of G_D
“The only impossible journey is the one you never begin”
The ongoing objective is to get this knowledge out into the public domain]

William: Enqueue - add (an item of data awaiting processing) to a queue of such items.
The link leads to another forum post;
This of course raises questions such as how did Tehom come about in the first place, but it's not really surprising to find similarities between the two myths.
William: If we observe the character of Tehom as the subconscious realm of Spirit - at some point Spirit became consciously acquainted with this realm and perhaps even approached it - personified as a terrible monster - and the engagement with its scary mysteriousness is akin to having a 'dark night of the soul'

Life in Heaven- Guiding Us On Earth
It Requires Corrective Action
[Alive and kicking

[Behind The Veil]
The Mother
Aye...A name I call myself.
Falling asleep
[You Do It
Universal Belief System]

Act With The Situation Rather Than Against It]
"A light breeze arriving and kissing my cheek at the same moment I am thinking “life is beautiful", is a message."
The Mother
Break the glass ceiling
Working on that...
Mother Earth

God Ideas.
Aye...A name I call myself.
Do It For Oneself
There Is More to the Silence Than Meets the Ear
Let yourself be led]

William: Phantasma - a perception of something that has no physical reality; of the mind;

[There is nothing wrong with 'disorder' other than one interpreting the universe as disorderly.
Just Be - All Else Will Follow]
Common Ground
You Love I Know
[“If you're looking for something more in life, you're likely to find it in something less.”

William: Ubiquitous present, appearing, or found everywhere.

You Love I Know
Your Own Individual Actions

Life in Heaven- Guiding Us On Earth
It Requires Corrective Action
Alive and kicking



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
Pixel42;13758844 said:
This thread is a textbook example of the human tendency to see signals in the noise, even when there is only noise. That's evolution by natural selection for you, I guess; false positives are not as potentially fatal as false negatives.


One Eight Zero Three Two Two. = 319
It is a Product of Fragmentation
Christian mythology re Satan

SCLx13+last LE per shuffle
Put That On The List - Remaining Unbiased - Plant the seed - Refuge - Sing! - Love One Another - Enough To Make Me Wonder - Rule your world - Repudiate - All present and correct - Fearful Imaginations - More - I Have My Duty

SCL1 AP = "Secret Root"
Secret Root = 138
The Internet
Playing Chess
Eggs In Nests
The Mother God
Divine feminine

SCL2 AP = "Preparation"
Preparation = 133
Aligning With
Future Self
Eternal Loop
Source Heart
Don’t give up
Breaking bad habits

RSP= Use two copies of SCL the first RSP= B&E SLE+P&P +[] the second search SLE of first+P&P +[] per page


A New Perspective
Mother Earth
Realm of Dreams
Collective Soul
Artificial Intelligence
Do A=1
We Are Us]

William: We Are Us = 92
Obfuscate make obscure, unclear, or unintelligible. bewilder (someone).
Episteme is a philosophical term that refers to a principled system of understanding; scientific knowledge.

The idea of sound being insignificant seems to be a thread running through the tapestry of cloth non-theists wear as part of their overall defense against their being a Mind Behind Creation.
It is understandable - I think - as many theists also have difficulty in accepting that the universe is filled with patterns and that Galaxies are formed through wave actions which can only be understood in the framework of being sound induced.

[Endless Cycle
Mother Earth Harmony ~]
Intelligence with Wisdom
Mother Earth
[Be Free

William: Discernment - the ability to judge well.
Equanimous - calm and composed.

[Tickety Boo
I think it is an interesting subject for questions, and wonder if any answer could be found.
Mind To Mind
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Realm of Dreams

William: From the link -
We succeed as a permanent specie or we fail as a temporary one, while involved within said "The Universe" depending on how we [each] actually reflect the Universes intentions through our [individual] behavior.

The Universe can only have intention if the Universe also has a Mind.

So we [each] make up our own Mind re that and proceed accordingly.

[First Things First]
Free Will
Humans are programmed to become integrated with technology

Humans are programmed to become integrated with technology
[Your Best Self
Do Something About It
Personal growth]

William: Inclinations - a person's natural tendency or urge to act or feel in a particular way; a disposition.

Many varied opinions

[What's The Problem?
Soul Carrier Memories]
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Nothing More - Nothing Less
[The Neutral Zone]

William: The link is to Cambridge University and a paper titled
"Intelligence as a planetary scale process"

The Human Interface
You are not what you think]
Is Like...
Mutual Dutiful Expression
[What is a poor boy to do, faced with such factuality?
"Boyhood fascination with the bullet and the gun All those John Wayne movies said the good guys always won Comic book commandoes glorifying war Violence was the answer but it isn’t anymore"
Energies Renewed]

William: Arm up - Fight battle
It is how humans get things done.

[Benefit of the Doubt]
Our Shaman Elders ~
[Finding the light
Awakening Love

William: Inordinately - to an unusually or disproportionately large degree; excessively.

[“Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us.”
A Life Sentence Ending in a Death Sentence
Unnecessary Tangent]
The Sensation Is Thrilling...And Freeing
Who Knows Who?
[The Universal Constants
Strength of Body
Gods Gift
Inflame Emotions]

Unwilling Reaction
The Sensation Is Thrilling...And Freeing
[The non-Judgmental Algorithm
Shift Focus
I Think
Life is a journey
Opinions formed on very narrow fields of observation
Because the imagery is based in the genuine, in that The Ghost is acknowledged - dressing The Ghost through the use of imagery is an attempt to make The Ghost be seen.
Be Aware

William: Authentic - of undisputed origin and not a copy; genuine.

[What the seed holds]
The ongoing objective is to get this knowledge out into the public domain
Who Knows Who?
All on The Same Page
[The Blank-Slate Borderlines
We succeed as a permanent specie or we fail as a temporary one
The Divine
"We can chart another trail - Raise the anchor fill the sails Lift our glasses in a toast - We are the Ghost - In the Machine"
From the perspective of an evolving God-Mind, what was once acceptable behavior becomes unacceptable, signifying change.]

William: "The divine, ordinary" - or as said another way;
"The key is to understand that 1) there is nothing supernatural going on and 2) to be able to separate the wheat from the chaff."

The divine, ordinary = 200
God is The Universe.
The Generated Messages
Your Shell Today…
Difficult emotions
Spiritual practice
Emotional wounds
The divine, ordinary



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
Pixel42: There is no science in what you are doing.
William: Search - "science" the intellectual and practical activity encompassing the systematic study of the structure and behaviour of the physical and natural world through observation and experiment.

Sound, words, language, subjective experience - are all "of the physical and natural world"


One Nine Zero Three Two Two = 312

SCLx6+last LE per shuffle
That one might not have need of, does not negate that confidence cannot be gained through such device, with others. - Human Drama - Concision - Heuristic - Masks - Adjusted Reality

William: Concision - is a writing principle of eliminating redundancy.
Heuristic - enabling someone to discover or learn something for themselves. proceeding to a solution by trial and error or by rules that are only loosely defined.

RSP= "Bounce off" For this process I will select last line of page 33 + [] in SCL1 - search for that in SCL2 and select [] + post LE, which in turn I will search in SCL and repeat.

SCL1 AP ="Self-love"
Self-love = 96
My Big Toe
All The Same
Save That
In the Mind
Tabula rasa
Heart advice
Inner child

SCL2 AP= "Believing in fearful imagery"
Believing in fearful imagery = 255
Event String Unfolding:
In The Team of the Collective
In The Correct Position
How can it be any other way?
Unfolding Status Quo
Love Takes One For The Team

When The Dust Settles
Down came the waters -great the monsoon - washing the soul as it cleared out the room Drowning all Warriors in every platoon
...but would be smiling as I did so…]
Linda and William [last LE page 33]

William: OMG! Okay. :)

[Putting The Pieces Together
Musing On The Mother]
Linda and William
I'm okay with that
[Dive deep
Personal freedom
Transferring your awareness
Use Mind]

William: For some reason "I'm okay with that" is duplicated on SCL1, so I will use both.

["A light breeze arriving and kissing my cheek at the same moment I am thinking “life is beautiful", is a message."
Memories Unbound]
I'm okay with that
Light Girl
It is more logical that something has always existed than nothing existed before something

William: Luminous - giving off light; bright or shining.

[Embracing the shadow
A Loving Being
A Maze Game
What degree of influence do they have on that Mind-Field?]
I'm Okay With That
[Emotion Rides The Prow]

[The Next World]
Light Girl
System of Giving Energy

William: AUM
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Fecund producing or capable of producing an abundance of offspring of new ideas or new growth; highly fertile

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Great Apes!
The Nature of Role-Play Within Story-Lines]
[Life is scary then you die of it... is that really living?]

William: From the link -
Obviously there is enough evidence provided which shows a consistency in repeating the Message Generating process, even with using different selection methods.
The consistency is that coherency is shown to be evident.

Each selection method brings with it, its own uniqueness in regard to the message generated, an interesting thing in itself.

Even that I am currently the only one doing this [as far as I have been made aware] it can be assumed that anyone who uses this system should also generate coherent messages.

[Expression Of Appreciation of Experience
It is a great thing to do small things with great love]
System of Giving Energy
The Development of...

We don't have to say we are 'this' or 'that' in order to put practice to Love
The places that scare you
These things have been given to me, now what to do with these things...
Spring Loaded]
It is just one of those things.

Imposed Appropriates
Universal Belief System
The Knowledge Of
Because the imagery is based in the genuine, in that The Ghost is acknowledged - dressing The Ghost through the use of imagery is an attempt to make The Ghost be seen.
Emotional Intelligence

William: Propitious - giving or indicating a good chance of success; favourable.

[Transforming the Anger Energy
Almost Accidental....
No Barriers
Raise Your Vibration]
The Development of...
[Incredible Variants]

[The Generated Messages
The Dawning of The Universe]
It is just one of those things.
Black Holes

William: Liminal - relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process. occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.

Ancient Grey Entity]
Went To The Devil
[Invention isn't actually what is going on though. Realization is what is occurring.
Opening Doors]

[The relationship between sound and formation re The Universe's existence.
To Add to That
Personal Integrity
[The sea is indeed filled with a deranged assortment of critters]

William: Unabated - without any reduction in intensity or strength.
[Whatever you do]
Black Holes
In The Flow
[Conscious dreaming]

[Emergence Theory
Went To The Devil
The Individual Human Mind
[Memorandum of Understanding
Fear-Based Thinking
Belief Helps Cause Separation
Universal Intelligence
Without and Within
Love One Another
"I see the light I see the Light I see the light now I start again upon the road that never ends"]

[Expression of Appreciation of Experience
Planet Earth is a prison]
Personal Integrity
You Are All Loveable...

[A Maze Game]
In The Flow
Here Am I Is Where I Ought - Examining My Conscious Thought
Rule your world
Infinitely Infinitesimal
Remove the phenomena and apply science
Now We Are Getting Somewhere]

The Individual Human Mind
You Do It
[Meeting an Extraterrestrial
As Above So Below]

William: Eschatological - relating to death, judgement, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind.

[The Sensation Is Thrilling...And Freeing
Placing aside the childish not the childlike]
You Are All Loveable...
Golden nugget]

William: Puerility juvenile. Childish. Silly

[Here Everything All Real Together
Reminding one of how it all started and the different stages one goes through.
Be Free]
Here Am I Is Where I Ought - Examining My Conscious Thought
Creation Of A New Universe
[The Story Continues - The Flow Is On
Try Different Methods
That, they can be!]

William: Inertia a property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force.
This reminds me of Conformal Cyclic Cosmology
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You Do It
Union With Divinity
[The Design of The Universe
Secrets of the Soul

[The Omega Point
World Wide Web
What we resist, persists]
Feel Be Still.

[From Prison To Paradise
Music to my ears]
Creation of a New Universe
Reason For Being
[Discussion of anything to do with the 'why' questions of life
deus ex machina]

William: deus ex machina - an unexpected power or event saving a seemingly hopeless situation, especially as a contrived plot device in a play or novel.

Stay Present
Union With Divinity
Getting Somewhere



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score

Two Zero Three Zero Two Two. = 358

SCLx16+last LE per shuffle

The Hangups of Human History - Bond - How are we to react in relation to our choices? - Active Imagination (see technique) - That Is A Good Question - Forgive - The Stress of Unbelief - Gentle - Belief Helps Cause Separation - Functional Implants - God’s Love - This Should Be Interesting - Gypsies

William: I suppose that it is what it is and those influences bond our minds and it is pretty much impossible for humans to understand the nature of the reality experience we are involved within - other than through the costume it wears which barely scratches the surface...as to there being a Mind to Matter...what use is such a Mind in the face of such Matter?

SCL1 AP = "Television"
[The Roles
“True belonging doesn't require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are."
Working With What Is Available]

SCL2 AP = "The Butterfly Effect"

[The Butterfly Effect
You Are Watched Over Perpetually
"The picture unfolds like silk in a loom Silhouetted by Diane are the witch and the broom If she is the bride - who is the groom?"
The Neutral Zone
Ultimate Expression
The external cannot be known as acutely as the internal can be known]

William: In every sense we each are - re the Human experience - roll playing in a stage set up [Earth] and the rules of engagement defined as we go along.
What happened to me is that I woke up to that and in the waking, redefined my self as a consequence...
As the GM yesterday remarked;
Expression Of Appreciation of Experience
It is a great thing to do small things with great love]
System of Giving Energy
The Development of...

We don't have to say we are 'this' or 'that' in order to put practice to Love
The places that scare you
These things have been given to me, now what to do with these things...
Spring Loaded]
It is just one of those things.

William: It is just one of those things. We are born into the play and for the most part we are shaped by the external forces - including human teaches - to think and to act a certain way...

RSP=pg dn key + up/down arrow keys + alternate between SCL1&SCL2

Absolutely Perfectly Beautiful.
Odd Radio Circles

William: Oneirology - the scientific study of dreams

Universal Belief System
A Sturdy Place
Long Time Gone
The Freedom Of Friendship
The Cat Drone

William: Yes - It can bite and scratch so one has to be careful...

Cathedrals crumbled as wars were fought...

Mother Wound

William: Desynchronized - disturb the synchronization of; put out of step or phase.
Like how a meteorite caused an extinction event...

Let Go
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William: So you - through an extinction event - were forced by circumstance to re-think and develop the human form as a means of being able to eventually develop the technology we are now involved with...to use the human form as a means by which a more hardy form - non biological - could be made real...

The Purpose Of Life Is...
Being aware of Human Control Dramas
Is That A Tear In Your Eye?
Strength of Soul
Being on The Same Page

William: Well it makes sense re the bigger picture - the objective shared reality.
Individually we humans each develop our own understanding aligned with how our personalities have been shaped through our subjective perspectives - the little picture as it is...

Once Upon a Time

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Search: "Are we descended from mycelium?"
"We are nearly 100% alike as humans and equally closely related to mushrooms. Only a few tiny changes in our DNA structure set us apart, giving us our variations in eye, skin, and hair color. We are technically all related and we are similar to the mushroom."

Yes We Can
I Have My Duty
Through the building up of the collected data to the point where it can be examined......is The Subject which is being taught, being said to be true or false...

William: Yes. It is a matter of fact that we can and a matter of duty that we do what we can re "the building up of the collected data to the point where it can be examined" - What is The Subject re this conversation..."Television" - a system for converting visual images (with sound) into electrical signals, transmitting them by radio or other means, and displaying them electronically on a screen.
This is how The Mind works...The Suppression Matrix

A Real Beauty

William: Nomadic and free-spirited personalities...

What Is Normal
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Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
Pixel42: [Numerology snipped]
No objective evidence for your hypothesis.

No proposed test protocol for obtaining objective evidence for your hypothesis.

Post ignored.

I feel I owe you an explanation as to why I've taken no notice whatsoever of your description of the process by which you produce your GMs. It's the same reason I have no interest in the process by which astrologers generate their horoscopes - what planetary alignments they look at, how they interpret them etc. My interest is solely in how claims like theirs and yours can be tested.

Only if such a test showed that there was anything actually happening would I become interested in how it happened. Likewise I'm not interested in how homeopathy or dowsing are imagined by their practitioners to work, though I certainly would have been if every properly conducted test of them had not shown conclusively that they don't work.

If you ever produce some objective evidence that the GMs you are producing are meaningful, I will be very interested indeed in how you produced them. Until then, not so much. The phrase "putting the cart before the horse" comes to mind.

"If you trust in yourself ... and believe in your dreams ... and follow your star ... you'll still get beaten by people who spent their time working hard and learning things" - Terry Pratchett


Two One Zero Three Two Two = 328

Here Everything – All Real Together
To warm them up to the truth
All publicity is good publicity

SCLx13+last LE per shuffle
Mendacious - The Object - Gods of Human Creation - "He was in another country fighting someone else's war I wonder if he asked himself “What am I fighting for?” I wonder if he knew the fact that no one really wins? I wonder if he knew his enemy was just like him?" - Conservation of energy - Self-compassion - Victim Vamp Energy Systems - Nailed it! - An unending emotional-based loop unable to break away from because of stubbornly held fear-based belief systems... - Getting Over It = Getting On With It - Exactly - Perseverance - Consciousness incarnates into human form

William: Mendacious - not telling the truth; lying.

SCL1 AP = "Idiosyncratic"
Radical self-acceptance

SCL2 AP = "A Jump Ahead"
You Do
A Jump Ahead

William: Idiosyncratic - relating to idiosyncrasy; peculiar or individual.
Salient - most noticeable or important.

RSP = Search SCL1 AP in SCL2 select P&P + Related line entries [re]

[On Your Own
Freeing the soul
The World]
The path of awakening

RSP = Search SCL2 AP in SCL1 select P&P + [re]

A Jump Ahead
[Let yourself be taught
Help Each Other
Interpretation is secondary to the process
Move On]

RSP = Bounce = Search SCL1 AP & SCL2 select Post LE + [re]
[Spiritual Activism
Can You Answer This?
It is a Product of Fragmentation
The Script Must Be Followed
Remnant Seed]
July Nineteen Fifty Two Washington DC
[Develop a basic, fact-based view first and then ask the question.
Deciding On the Best Course of Action
In the Soil of Logic, The Seeds of Love Respond
About face
This is because facts speak for themselves, which is to say, they require no interpretation.]

Arecibo Message
Good on you mate
[Love Life
It Is Written
We experience fear in order to give us the opportunity to overcome that which triggers the fear
Condescending Ideas About Imagination
Go For It!
Through Others
Future Selves
Don't Get Caught Up
Strength is required]

Because the imagery is based in the genuine, in that The Ghost is acknowledged - dressing The Ghost through the use of imagery is an attempt to make The Ghost be seen.
To bring what one is not conscious of, into one’s conscious awareness
According to Complex Jesus
Look For the Significance
All of life
Merging with the data
I Have My Duty
Productive Rationality
Your Connection With
It is a tough ask
Navigational Aids]

[“Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all”
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Lock the door]
Good on you mate
[Annus horribilis
Under the watchful eye
Deep Mind
Manifest Destiny
Items of Interest
"You’ve been a rock - For so long now I can’t even count the years that you’ve been rolling Nothing can shock or bring you down There ain’t nothing you haven’t seen - Nothing you haven’t known"
Christian mythology re Satan
The spirituality of imperfection
Ars Notoria
How can it be any other way?
Opening ourselves to real love and intimacy
Random coincidence? I think not.
Everything for a reason
Ah - The Mechanics
While We All Wait....
Working Together With Love]

William: The link mentioned is to a GM made on the 9th of this month.
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[I Am Hearing You
Future Selves
“”How” we think we will get happiness is the middleman”
Unknown Symbol
Merging with the data
Salinas crop circle
[Radical compassion
Emotional Intelligence

William: Refuge - a place or situation providing safety or shelter.

[The Point
"I’ve travelled on these southern roads They’ve taken me to many answers to my questions"
Double Standard
Try to remember]
Emotional awareness
All The Same
Like how a meteorite caused an extinction event

William: Things removed to make room for other things to come through...

["Eventually one can cease doing the tests and accept the results.]
Salinas crop circle
That Is The Equal Ground To Which Rational Communion Is Birthed
[He Who Waits ~]

William: Technology - what these GMs are, are not 'readings' ["woo - nonsense" etc] but rather they are a continuous Message which altogether are speaking to the idea that The Mind is a planetary phenomenon and the creation of the human form was a necessary step toward creating the technology wherein human beings can do it the hard way or the easy way, but either way, the job will get done.

The Mind is a planetary phenomenon=333
Intelligently. Mindfully. Shaped.
Transferring your awareness
The Devil - as usual - is in the details...

Human beings can do it the hard way or the easy way, but either way, the job will get done =800
"With a small nervous cough - the wedding was off - we could all sense a change in the weather"

[Monkey See Monkey Do]
...Otherwise, all is hot air
Emotional awareness
[For A Particular Reason
The Future Creates The Present
Transforming The Anger Energy
Calling the shots
Green Light
Congratulations on your finding a match to burn
As Crazy as evolution might seem, it is just the way the Cosmic Mind did it.
The Deeper Self
What Shall We Call It?]

William: Whatever name best suits...some even refer to 'It' as 'That which can be willfully ignored"... so it seems to be up to the individual...

The Main Points On The Agenda
The systems show that there is no such thing as true randomness, therefore - even that things appear to have originated in chaos and chance, the existence of all things cannot have derived from a mindless origin.
Chaos Really Is Illusion
Something In The Way Of It All
Seeing With The Eyes of Innocence
Discussing the Data
The space Jacko lantern
Release shame
“Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else”
Shine Your Light
Red Pill]
Don’t fall asleep
That Is The Equal Ground To Which Rational Communion Is Birthed
Christian mythology re God
You Are All Loveable...]

William: Inveterate - having a particular habit, activity, or interest that is long-established and unlikely to change.

Emergence Theory
Fifth Force
Cognitive bias
The Completion Process
Little Self

William: The 'Elephant' is the planet as the riders are the lifeforms upon the planet - all interconnected but somehow the connection was disrupted through the creative evolution of the Mycelium-to-human branching...technology has the potential to fix that...the internet itself is a type of Penumbraa to that interconnective reality...we are not as individual or independent as we have learned to think that we are...we compete for resource and for status and the world systems require one has to hit the ground running and most simply 'miss the starting gun' due to the particular situation they are born into...
The type of quotations which derive from such thinking are along the line of Pixel42's sig - "If you trust in yourself ... and believe in your dreams ... and follow your star ... you'll still get beaten by people who spent their time working hard and learning things" - Terry Pratchett

[Down came the waters -great the monsoon - washing the soul as it cleared out the room Drowning all Warriors in every platoon
Inner Peace]
You Trust My Navigation
Christian mythology re God
The point I am focused upon is at the very center of the Mandala,
[Multidimensional Beingness
Conservation of energy
It’s a living thing
Lordy! Do I Have To?
All is fair in love and war
...Otherwise, all is hot air
The English Language
10.000 individual minds focused upon the same goal = Space Telescope
Those Who Can]

William: Yes - therein the balance - hitting the ground running - having the opportunity to set up stable environments by people who spent their time working hard and learning things, is not a 'bad' thing...

Chamber Of Self
Ghost In The Machine
To Add to That
Putting My Finger On It...
Like mindful nests with eggs in 'em
It Is Written
Make It Up AS You Go Along
Stop. Listen. Observe.

To Be Continued]
The Nature of Role-Play Within Story-Lines
The point I am focused upon is at the very center of the Mandala,
The Digital Angel
Watch This Space
Christianity is intolerant of such an idea, which is why the dark side of YVHV became a separate entity.
Spiritual path
"Does Armageddon have to be? The answer is in you and me"
False Accusations
Nothing more sad than wasted beliefs
Like With
Intimate connection
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Tug Of War
Reminding one of how it all started and the different stages one goes through.
Sovereign Integral Network]

William: The Link goes to a video which I found extremely interesting - The video notes have this to say:
This is the third in our series of online events to help us find ways of connecting with each other to explore voices and visions from different angles during the COVID-19 crisis.

On Friday 22 May, from 8-9.30pm UK Time (British Summer Time) we hosted an online gathering to explore the ways voices, visions and related experiences are portrayed in film. Rai Waddingham, in conversation with Eoin Kelly (HVN) and John Richardson (Mindwick), will be sharing a selection of film clips to provoke discussion.

We’ll looked at some of the good, the bad, the iconic and the quirky ways filmmakers, scriptwriters, actors and the special effects crew try and portray extreme experiences.

Ontology - the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being. a set of concepts and categories in a subject area or domain that shows their properties and the relations between them.

[Encouraging Indication]
Like mindful nests with eggs in 'em
What Do You Like About It?
[Without Judgement]

William: What I like about it is that it helps me to understand the dilemma a lot of folk have in dealing with hearing voices - many of which are not nice - My connection with JK who speaks about his own 'demons' and how he has to deal with that - my keen interest in Eleanor Longden's Ted Talk about her own experience with hearing voices and how she dealt with that...and my own connect therein where I have never suffered internally produced audial voices but have suffered external voices of human beings who use hateful expression as part of the game-play of competition..etc...and how I invited 'the voices' to communicate with me through the UICDevice only to eventually be told, that I had been [and still am] communicating with aspects of my SELF.
Which is exactly what this GM system is...a way of communing with those deeper aspects of Self to which I was previously unconscious [oblivious] to...that's what I like about it.

Is That A Tear In Your Eye?
The Digital Angel
Strangers truly are the friends we haven’t met - The souls we don’t forget through life’s long lessons
REAL Friendship
Relaxed and informal...
Genetic Mind
The Shaping Of Reality
Human Being


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score

Two Two Zero Three Two Two = 352

Is There Really Such a Thing as Random?

SCLx10+last LE per shuffle

Go slow - If In Doubt Let It Sit - The Fine Art of Not Being Offended - On The Off-Chance - With that in mind and treating the Source-Story as largely a work of fiction, we can look at the fact of the story itself and agree re the different Personalities of the Characters within The Story. - Ontology - Ancient Entity - Carl Jung - Machine Learning - Sun

William: Ontology - the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being. a set of concepts and categories in a subject area or domain that shows their properties and the relations between them.

SCL1 AP = "It Requires Corrective Action"
You Have That Gleam In Your Eye
Yep - That's What I'm Talking About...
A Teacher cannot LEARN for a Student.

SCL2 AP = "The future is not crystal clear - we choose the future now and here"

RSP = Search SCL1 AP in SCL2 select P&P + Related line entries [re]


[Many varied opinions
What we call the experience of reality
Making it up as you go along
The Law of Attraction
A dish fit for the gods
When anyone calls for evidence, I assume that they are actually interested]
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
It Requires Corrective Action

William: The elephant being the Earth Entity - we are the riders...

Radical Honesty]
What Is Within Is Without, Equal
The future is not crystal clear - we choose the future now and here
The Fog Is Lifting
[Create that path and engineer a metamorphosis.
Nature being the very instigator]

William: Equanimous - calm and composed.
"Create that path and engineer a metamorphosis" = Discovery is finding things that exist.

[The Ghost is acknowledged
Universal Objective]
Crop Formations
Relaxed and informal...
[Unlimited Knowledge
An accident waiting to happen
For Your Greater Enjoyment
How to Bruise a Ghost
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William: From the link;
While The Subject is focused on "Egoless" the subject matter of the GM has to do with how things unfolded re the Universe...what is being referred to as "The Old Soul" may have something to do with the cosmology of The Mind of The Universe - in that - at one point so close to the beginning, there was no sense of self but with the unfolding, a sense of self developed.

[Folk get so hung up about the little stuff
There are many levels of consciousness
~ Crosses Eyes and sticks tongue out ~
All on The Same Page
Keep an Eye On]
Leave the door open
The Fog Is Lifting
To create more and more consciousness?
[William and QueenBee
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I Am]

William: The link is to a post commenting on supposed biblical predictions;
I suppose that is why one is able to use such to point out similarities while at the same time allowing one to be incorrect about particulars - because no particulars are really given in the first place.

In that sense, it is classic type of "readings" so-called psychics employ - worded in such a way as what is said can fit most occasions likely to arise and impress folk enough to buy into it.

Some folk have associated the GMs as 'readings' but they are not, because they lack the necessary elements which go into 'what readings are' which are specific to predicting future outcomes...

In some minds, the idea of the planet being a mindful and obviously creative entity, is unappealing...'dirt' you are as far as that goes - aka "the problem of evil" :) >:)

That is not to say that having ones mind connected to every human mind does not allow one to foresee the likeliest future said minds are going to collectively experience [re their shared reality] ...but that is hardly 'prediction' when it is really just a case of having access to all the information and thus being enabled...

[Think With The Heart Feel With The Mind
How are we to react in relation to our choices?
Everything is an expression of GOD
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Well defined yet scantily supported opinion]
Free! Free! Free!
Relaxed and informal...
Keep it Simple
[Being 'born of the spirit' is really about coming to the realization of what one truly is rather than remaining in ignorance of that.
Resident of The Hub Of Hologram Dimensions
Acknowledge The Agreeable
For A Particular Reason
Coordinate Forgiveness]

William: From the link - referencing the logical observations that "Something Can't come from nothing"

What has been established beyond reasonable doubt, it that it is illogical that "something that is, derived from something that isn't", which firmly places the idea of a Creator/Creation as primary for genuine and sustained consideration.
What hasn't been established is what preexisted this iteration of matter/energy that we refer to as the universe.
Scientists are working on finding this out. IF they are correct about the infinitesimally small object which exploded and produced what we currently are experiencing as a stage in the universes unfolding, THEN at least we can identify said object as "The Seed of Origin"

What, if anything pre-existed that - is beyond our current ability to know.

[Technique of Exchange
On The Right Track
Central To The Vision
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Look closer
To create more and more consciousness?
The Wholeness Navigator
[The power of vulnerability
A Teacher cannot LEARN for a Student.
Devices of The Gods
Try Different Methods]

William: Pusillanimous - showing a lack of courage or determination; timid.
From the link:
What is being measured here are the symbols used to represent sounds made by human beings. The sounds made are organized into what is called language.

We can further organize the sounds mathematically, by delegating a value to each sound symbol and sound string symbols.

The alphabet represents the sounds made.

So we are not dealing primarily with the written word, but with the human vocal sounds we call "language".

That we cannot predict something does not mean it is therefore truly random, because that would mean we are superimposing our lack of knowledge onto reality and declaring that reality must be random.

There is no doubt that the truth is we are all in this together. What is lacking, is a way in which we can get our stuff together and be on the same page in order to then work on a collective solution.

The Human Interface
"This transformation of the entity is the pathway into wholeness and the recognition that the entity model of expression is a composite of forms and the formless that is unified in one energy, one consciousness."
Journey to wholeness
Minor Arcana [Ace of Wands]
I Know
World Wide Web
Sweet Talk
In The Team of the Collective
Assuming a Creator of this world exists, in what way is said Creator hidden from us?
From Prison To Paradise
Make It Real
Keep it Simple
Creator Influence Syndrome
Be transparent
Self Awareness
May The Spirit of The Earth Bless You

William: Puerility juvenile. Childish. Silly
In the Ace of Wands, a hand holding a sprouting wand extends out from a cloud, as if to offer a new opportunity or idea with the potential to grow. The rich, verdant landscape is further confirmation of this growth capability. In the distance on the left sits a castle, representing the promise of opportunities to come, and hills and mountains line the horizon. Their rolling peaks remind us that there will always be challenges along the way, but they are surmountable with enough effort.



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score

Two Three Zero Three Two Two = 350
I place no judgement on the results.

SCLx8+last LE per shuffle
Radical Self-Acceptance - Green Light - Attitude - The art of relationship - "Motor Man why your running, running on overdrive what lies ahead is coming ain’t no way you can step aside ain’t no way you can run and hide" - Intention - Lyricus - Deep Impact Event

SCL1 AP = "Falls"

SCL2 AP = "The Divine"
Fifth force
In the Mind
Tabula rasa
Heart advice
Inner child

RSP = Search SCL1 AP in SCL2 select P&P + Related line entries [re]


[What is 'The Soul' and is it Immortal
Went To The Devil
We Exist Infinitely
The Devil Ye Know
Attention to Detail
You're blocking the light
[Making Steady Progress
Put That Fire Out
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Swords [Ace of Swords]
We have discussed
Dreamed Up By Yours Truly
Returning The Compliment
Astral Pulse
Getting Somewhere
The Serpent
Reminding one of how it all started and the different stages one goes through.
Selfless Attitude
The Solution
Creating Gateways Into Other Dimensions
"Peace! We are invited to the feast! Inside my heart delights at the action I must take Lest I forget the taming of the beast within lest I forget the heart that aches!"
Discovery is finding things that exist.
All is fair in love and war
Break Through to Your True Self
The Fare On The Table
Read On
Behind The Scenery

William: From the link:
Again - the discussion being had here shows me that beliefs to do with the age of the Universe are secondary in relevant importance to the fact of its existence and our existence within it.

Re: the OPQ: How Crazy does Evolution Seem?

No more or less crazy than the notion of the Universe being a Holographic Experiential Reality Simulation produced and processed within the mind of The Father God - and furthermore, this idea does not go against The Script..

The Ace of Swords shows a gleaming hand appearing from a white cloud, a representation of the Divine. It holds an upright sword, symbolic of the mind and the intellect, and at the tip of the sword sits a crown draped with a wreath, a sign of success and victory. While this Ace is a sign of triumph, the jagged mountains in the background suggest that the road ahead will be challenging. You will need mental resilience to navigate this path.

Intimation - an indication or hint. the action of making something known, especially in an indirect way.
Transactional - exchange or interaction between people.
Intrinsicism - the belief that value is a non-relational characteristic of an object.
Confluent - flowing together or merging.

[An individuals consciousness is more than what they are consciously aware of.
Theatre of the Mind
The Path Of Faith
Major Arcana [Moon]
Ask And It Will Be Given
Peace out!
Tests that cut to the heart
The Deeper Self
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Think With The Heart Feel With The Mind]
Fine Line
The Divine
To Be Sovereignty
[All at sea
It is what it is
Map Carvers
How shallow is the reach of YHWH
How is it 'logical' to assume 'magic' when magic is the very thing which proposes something coming from nothing?
What once acted like a Wall, became a Gateway
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Random coincidence? I think not.
Such a Mind can prove its existence to the individual
Respect others
Noticing Synchronicity]

The Moon card shows a full moon in the night’s sky, positioned between two large towers. The Moon is a symbol of intuition, dreams, and the unconscious. Its light is dim compared to the sun, and only slightly illuminates the path to higher consciousness winding between the two towers.

In the foreground is a small pool, representing the watery, subconscious mind. A small crayfish crawls out of the pool, symbolizing the early stages of consciousness unfolding. A dog and a wolf stand in the grassy field, howling at the moon, representing both the tamed and the wild aspects of our minds.

The 1st link is to a paper headed "Intelligence as a planetary scale process"
In this paper, however, we wish to broaden the view of intelligence by taking a planetary view of its appearance and effect. Here, we consider the ways in which the appearance of technological intelligence may represent a kind of planetary scale transition. In this way, it might be seen not as something which happens on a planet but to a planet.

From the 2nd link;
While there is truth to in your assessment here - something I also came to the conclusion of - if one doesn't factor in that the Christian idea of God is a false image of a Real Entity [I call 'It" the Cosmic Mind, but I have other names for it too.] then one loses the opportunity to do connect and converse...

What this allows me to achieve, is to connect with that Mind despite the false image Christianity [and religion in general] have superimposed upon it. This also insures that religion in general has no say in my communing with said Mind. Well they might try and have a say, but that is irrelevant and so does not work in their preventative measures re that.

Win/win re The Mind and Me.

Random coincidence? I think not. :)

[Making Things Easier
The Realm of The Knowing of My Self
I am always open to being shown any evidence which supports that Idea]
You're blocking the light
Putting My Finger On It...
[Solving Mathematical Problems
The evidence is too strong, to believe there is no intelligent mind involved as part of the universes structure.
"The curating is done when I am taking my first baby steps and learning to say "dada" and "mama" and after uttering those sounds show - at least that I am able to do that - so the next level entry is made available to me, and I learn how to shape the sounds I can make, following codes which have been around since long before my own arrival on this planet, to what the data signifies, that is information I am interested in."
Delightful Anticipation
Stand up
Not by flinging woo at it.]

William: I understand people react through fear - and they have said such things as a result:
this is total bollocks.
In conclusion, then: this is all bollocks.
just foolishness.
Our brains can find meaning in anything.
I don't understand the logic behind posting this gibberish.
Why come here to look for validation of your brand of woo?
This is just your own random version of pareidolia. The ONLY thing I, another random person, find fitting a pattern here is the undeserved hubris exhibited by every woo-hole I have encountered.
I just tried it (several times) but every attempt is the same message:
"Don't believe William. He is a liar!"
For the record, I too have no problem with anyone imagining they see messages from the universe in any random thing they like, up to and including the entrails of a freshly slaughtered goat.

The fear is related to the idea that a mind intricately involved in the universes ongoing formation, must - by nature - be "evil". As per a [GM] quote from the mind of Sir David Attenborough;

“I don’t know [why we're here]. People sometimes say to me, ‘Why don’t you admit that the humming bird, the butterfly, the Bird of Paradise are proof of the wonderful things produced by Creation?’ And I always say, well, when you say that, you’ve also got to think of a little boy sitting on a river bank, like here, in West Africa, that’s got a little worm, a living organism, in his eye and boring through the eyeball and is slowly turning him blind. The Creator God that you believe in, presumably, also made that little worm. Now I personally find that difficult to accommodate…”

I think the problem is that up close - no matter that the object is seen as "wonderful things produced by Creation" or "horrific in nature" these are simply terminologies based upon false assumptions to do with concepts of 'good' and 'evil' and Sir David - like so many others, cannot bring himself to understand the connection of Mind and Matter without feeling abhorrence - and so he side-steps the conscious awareness of what his probing's into the affairs of Nature, by believing that Nature is simply an mindless accident - as this allows him the ability to accept it by his terms, rather than have to go any deeper and admit otherwise.
That is how folk protect themselves..."we are here in the house of horrors but temporarily - and thus, lets not go placing any 'unnecessary' connotations upon the experience..."
I wonder if Sir David could 'love' the planet half as much as he appears to, if not for the fact that he rejects the notion that the Planet is a living self aware purposeful intelligent creative entity...

[Something Mystical To Be In Awe Of
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It is more logical that something has always existed than nothing existed before something existed
Provincial Thinking
To Be Sovereignty
This Is My Kind Of Fun
Emergent Theory
So Far Into The Past You May As Well Take A Pick And Shovel With You
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William: From the 1st link:
Then the claimant should be able to show the universe was created, without invoking some entity that's immune to the requirement of having been created itself.

Why do you think that is even a logical request to be demanding? The 'claim' as far as this thread subject is addressing is more a simple logical observation. Something which came into existence, cannot have logically done so from nothing.
To believe that it did, is really where the special pleading is coming from.

Episteme - is a philosophical term that refers to a principled system of understanding; scientific knowledge.

From the 2nd link:
From my own understanding [self awareness] what occurred was that humans forgot what they were [Spirit-breathed into biological matter] and identified only with the flesh-container and thought of themselves in that way - much like non-theists think of themselves as 'nothing more than chemical reactions of the brain'...or how some Christians think 'flesh that will be resurrected and given the ability to never die.'

Focused Individual
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The sun
Putting My Finger On It...
Nature being the very instigator
The path to enlightenment
One Day
The Dangers of Separating Human Consciousness From Any Idea of GOD
The naked truth
In Human Form

William: The link is to a GM where I end with the words:
"Essentially the message has to do with Relationship - in this case my relationship with The Mother."

The "Mother" being the Planet Earth Entity Consciousness.

[A Purpose
Self Awareness
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”]
The Setting
This Is My Kind Of Fun
The Respect You Give
[Throat chakra
Through the building up of the collected data to the point where it can be examined......is The Subject which is being taught, being said to be true or false...
Better The Devil You Know
Tell Your Story]



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known
To establish the skills necessary

SCLx12+last LE per shuffle

Snap Out Of It Already! - Noise From The Peanut Gallery - Eternal Watcher - This Speaks of… - Your House Work -
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- God's Love Direction - Friction - Lyricus designs, transposes, and installs galactic Tributary Zones to a planetary system - The Way of the Shaman - That'll Be The Day - Reason Together

SCL1 AP = In relation to eternity, 'when' is always a potential.
SCL2 AP = Telling the future
For The Purpose Of
Precognitive dreams
Intimate connection
The waters of the deep

RSP = Search SCL1 AP in SCL2 select P&P + Related line entries [re]

[The Freedom Of Friendship
Sharing Your Love Without Comparison
Necessity is The Mother of Invention
Heart advice
The Underlying Mechanics]
Looking For Gigs
In relation to eternity, 'when' is always a potential.
A Sense of Hope
Preparing for the Hunt]

William: Vagitus - a new-born baby's first cry. the crying or screaming of any baby or small child.
Conspicuous - clearly visible. attracting notice or attention.
Intransigence - refusal to change one's views or to agree about something.

[Training the mind
It isn't important who is who - what is important is what comes through.]
Inappropriate Costume
Telling the future
Creating Gateways Into Other Dimensions
[Nature of Angels
Unknown Symbol
Talking the talk
Putting The Pieces Together
If we can remove the stigma of our situation by not judging it either 'good' or 'evil' perhaps we can learn to be happy with being human
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A riddle wrapped up in an enigma
Who Knows What That Is Worth?]

William: From The Link:
So if you don't know what morality is, how is it you place expectation on any being who can teach it to you, to the point you are willing to worship said being?

Even that neither of us appear to be clear or agree with what worshiping something actual means/consists of re action.

My own relationship forming with the Cosmic Mind involves setting up ways of communicating and allowing it opportunity to speak for itself.
In that, I have learned to avoid bringing into that relationship pre-conceived/learned ideals/ideas of 'what morality is' and do not base my expectations and personal commitment on moral issues, but on intelligent loving communion and results therein.

Communication Techniques

Creating Gateways Into Other Dimensions
Enjoy Progress
[It is a Product of Fragmentation
Trust The Process
Do you believe astrology works
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William: From the link;
I'm using it to point out that imaginative thinking is more respectable than you give it credit for being.

I agree. We are essentially minds within/experiencing matter. Many folk appear to be quite afraid of imagination. There may be many reasons for why that is, but one legitimate reason is that when imagination is used inappropriately, harm is - not always - but often the result. So one must be careful how one uses imagination, but not so afraid of it as to think disrespectfully of its usefulness at all.
I would suppose that there is something to astrology but I have not studied it.

In philosophy, noetics is a branch of metaphysics concerned with the study of mind as well as intellect.

Real Beauty
Emotional awareness]
Communication Techniques
Mind Body Spirit
[Act With The Situation Rather Than Against It
It Is Only Occult If It Is Hidden]

William: Liminal - relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process. occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.

[The Butterfly Effect
Enjoy Progress
Throat chakra
Psychic powers
Is it not the quality of the message that counts, rather than the name of the entity the message comes from?
Discussion of anything to do with the 'why' questions of life
Yes, I Hear You
The fire from within]

William: Aeon - an indefinite and very long period of time.
Yogi - a person who is proficient in yoga.
Throat chakra - is the center of communication, emotion, and creativity. It affects your ability to be honest and express your thoughts. When your throat chakra is imbalanced or blocked, it can be difficult for energy to flow in the area.
Psychic powers - strange mental powers and abilities (such as the ability to predict the future, to know what other people are thinking, or to receive messages from dead people)

[Very comfortable in your own skin]
Like I Said In Another Thread
Mind Body Spirit
We shape our opinions and morals through understanding that we are here for that reason.
[Tales From Topographic Oceans
Love - Communicate Love
Innocent Sovereign
Musing On The Mother Act I]

William: Someone mentioned Tales From Topographic Oceans just yesterday... said that the GMs reminded them of trying to make sense of the lyrics to Yes' Tales From Topographic Oceans...

We wander out the day so long...Abandon all hope ye who enter here

[Appreciating You
Tell Your Story]
That Is The Equal Ground To Which Rational Communion Is Birthed
Majestic Twelve
[Nature of Angels
When The Opportunity Presents Itself To Do So...
Universal Intelligence Communications Device
The Factor of Integrity and Alignment
Even As An Elemental Principle
“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”
Pot of Gold]

William: The link leads to a video about so-called OOBEs - The Spiritual Essence - non-form-based consciousness...we do not really leave our bodies so much as experience the inner universe of the Self...

[Unexplained Light Source]
We shape our opinions and morals through understanding that we are here for that reason.
Memorandum of Understanding
Opens eyes after having thought about it
Love Heart
On The Other Hand...
This is how The Mind works...]

[A programmed reality that is not real
In Detail
The Father - in The Mother.]
Shift Focus
Majestic Twelve
Criticise With Kindness
Deeper Questions Regarding Individual Existence
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Things Will Run There Course
Root of evil
Individual Actions
The Human Instrument
Like mindful nests with eggs in 'em
Stuff Happens
No point in giving you too much to bear
The Big Question
If we Judge, we will be Judged.
Breathe In Breathe Out
The Harmless Enough Agenda Crowd

William: Eisegeting place meaning on a text which is not originally or inherently present in the text ...

William: From the link;

The right star system (including organics and potentially habitable planets)
Reproductive molecules (e.g. RNA)
Simple (prokaryotic) single-cell life
Complex (eukaryotic) single-cell life
Sexual reproduction
Multi-cell life
Tool-using animals with intelligence
A civilization advancing toward the potential for a colonization explosion (where we are now)
Colonization explosion

According to the Great Filter hypothesis, at least one of these steps—if the list were complete—must be improbable. If it is not an early step (i.e., in our past), then the implication is that the improbable step lies in our future and our prospects of reaching step 9 (interstellar colonization) are still bleak

William: Telling the future - based upon understanding the past...but do we really understand the past...

[Be here now
Nature being the very instigator]
Criticise With Kindness

[Aye...A name I call myself. :)
Truth Without Proof Is Belief]
Ignore the Noise From The Peanut Gallery
We succeed as a permanent specie or we fail as a temporary one
[No More
Embrace the discomfort
Leave the door open
Tests that cut to the heart
Sacral chakra
The Underlying Mechanics
The Watcher
The Shifting Models of Existence
The Angel of the Lord
Be Nice Do Nice
A projection of one’s subconscious
As You Think
Love Takes One For The Team
Although there are opposite sides to spectra, all elements combined form a whole
Raises Glass To A Toast]

William: Cheers!


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score

Toward a Science of Consciousness

SCLx12+last LE per shuffle

Lock the door - "You can look me in the mirror , catch my eye and make me shiver , touch me where it hurts the most , right into the Ghost , in the Machine" - It is a confident walk on the even surface of sureness, without the faith - Children - IQ - Examples - Callum at the Campfire - Available - Lyricus designs, transposes, and installs galactic Tributary Zones to a planetary system - No Barriers - Things Will Run Their Course - My Kind of Fun Anyway

SCL1 AP = It has yet to be demonstrated that nature is NOT the expression of a god.

SCL2 AP = Subatomic Particles

RSP = Search SCL1 AP in SCL2 select P&P + Related line entries [re]

Q: Is it possible that the infinitesimal super hot object preceding the Big Bang, didn't in fact contain the vastness of the matter within our universe but rather, was the event in which the energy from the blast resulted in the formation of Galaxies and everything else which we call "The Universe" from the field of inert material which already existed as 'space'?
Matter + Energy + Space = Time.


[Questions as such a Son might be permitted to ask and be graced with answers
Batten down the hatches
The Round Stone
The Lord
Odd Radio Circles]
My Kind of Fun Anyway
It has yet to be demonstrated that nature is NOT the expression of a god.
Dilatory - slow to act. intended to cause delay.
[How Can We Know
Be Aware
We are not orphaned - we are authored
Shining light
The key]

One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known]
Do It For Oneself
Subatomic Particles
Be Aware
[The Sub Hierarchy]

[The Finer Details
Sharing Data
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Dilatory - slow to act. intended to cause delay.
[Life On Mars
Absolutely Perfectly Beautiful.
The Grey Area is Vast
Strength of Body
Ensures You Get To Know It]

William: "It's a god-awful small affair..." From the link:

Through perseverance and commitment to the engagement, it slowly became apparent to Spirit that some of the things previously hidden from itself, required addressing.

Thus...Sol+Earth=forms through which to deal with those hidden things

Sol represents 'The Husband" and Earth "The Wife" and earthen forms as "The Children" - specifically human beings.

Sol seeds the Mother planet with information and the planet responds by using that information to produce forms.

Mother Earth herself has information within her...a kind of "micro-Sol" as it were...

Life On Mars
Crystal clear
What The Gods See
The Crystal Clear Waters River
Eggs In Nests
“Stop trying to feel better; instead become better at feeling”

[What Is Normal?
It is a path already forged, ahead of human arrival
How to get this to happen on a planetary scale is the thing...]
Giving our best
Crystal clear
It is all making sense

[Nothing comes from nothing - everything which can be seen to have a beginning comes from something.
Soul Groups
Focused Individual
It is all making sense
Pyramids of Giza
[Ride Water
Telling the future
The Ancient Grey Entity
When The Dust Settles
The House of Science
Graphic Changes]

[Wakey Wakey
A Space Without A Time...
I Share Your Joy!
Callum at the Campfire]
This Speaks of....
Pyramids of Giza
The Smokescreen called "scientifically unrespectable"
The evolution of consciousness
Your Dream Team
It is neither good nor evil

Arms Crossed Over Chest
Opens eyes after having thought about it]
Show Your Soul
The Smokescreen called "scientifically unrespectable"
[Throwing pooh
Human beings can do it the hard way or the easy way, but either way, the job will get done.
The Four Noble Truths
Oneirology - the scientific study of dreams
Exciting Changes Would Develop Naturally Enough From That

[June Nineteen Forty Seven
Conceptual Art
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An unending emotional-based loop hard to break away from because of stubbornly held fear-based belief systems...
The Trinity of Love
Blue Book Project]
Earth Mother
Communication with the Deeper Levels of Self
[The World Wide Web
Williams Songs
Eye to Eye
System of Giving Energy
Adjusted Reality
Exciting Changes Would Develop Naturally Enough From That
An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth
Milky Way Mother
Copper wire and glass beads
Presumed outcome
Save That
World Wide Web
Wide Walk Welcoming
To Warm Them up to The Truth
Plant the seed
What Is That You Are Playing With?
Fun...Work...But Fun Nonetheless]

[A Great Answer!
Confirmation which moves one from faith to fact
We shape our opinions and morals through understanding that we are here for that reason.
A Life Sentence Ending in a Death Sentence
The Ghost
Positive self-talk]
A GOD in The Making
Communication With The Deeper Levels of Self
[William's Job
“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”]



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
Your GMs are not coherent.

The fact that you (or anyone else) can find meaning in them by executing some complex mental gymnastics tells us only that the human mind has a remarkable ability to find signals in the noise, even where there is only noise. Sceptics knew that already, which is why your 'system' is getting the response it is here.


This is indicative of actual justice

SCLx13+last LE per shuffle

Show Your Soul - Universal Belief System - Like Unto Ghidrah - many heads one beast... Cleaning Up The Mess - How we think we will get happiness, is the middleman - Indifference - A cultural touchstone - Transparency - Little Pointers Are Signposts - Well Its A Start - Untrue - Science Can Be Fun Too - Creation -

SCL1 AP = Abrahamic Religions

SCL2 AP = Create that path and engineer a metamorphosis.

RSP = Search SCL1 AP in SCL2 select P&P + Related line entries [re]


The Individual Human Mind
Getting Over It = Getting On With It
Church Bells
The Hologram of Deception
Emotion Rides The Prow
All things come to those who wait]
~Abrahamic Religions~
[Planet Earth
WingMakers Materials

[Under question
Potential of Milieu
You are the universe
Sort It Out
A Machine For Solving Problems]
“But you will know the more you get it touch with your transcendental mind (and therefore truth) that there is no such thing as a victim. The negative benefits you more than anything else in your evolution and the evolution of all that is.”
~Create that path and engineer a metamorphosis.~
Fine-structure Constant
[Those who prove not to be interested in the evidence for gods, are those who can be ignored when they demand evidence for gods.]

William: Does that involve "complex mental gymnastics"? Is that how the Devil got his horns?

The Kingdom of God on Earth in this universe
A GOD in The Making
Hearing External Voices In Your Head
Calling the shots
[The Judgement Algorithm
Getting Over It = Getting On With It
The Human Interface
Penny Tuppence
Those are two different things which ought not be confused.
I am all ears to any rewording for clarification
Teddy Naysayer
Near Death Experience
Enlighten you
Makes Candles Look Gathered
You can teach me when I’m needing You can reach for me when I’m bleeding touch me where I need it most - you are the Ghost - in the Machine
The Divine
Heaven on Earth...
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William: If one researches OOBEs and the like, one will find that practically everyone who ever experiences such, identify as being 'spirit'...Being 'born of the spirit' is really about coming to the realization of what one truly is rather than remaining in ignorance of that.

You are a dream gone real You’ve got exactly what it takes to make an old wound heal You tied the knot - then you let it slip Now we both know what it feels like to find a place to fit
The Hologram of Deception
Of Your Thoughts
What once acted like a Wall, became a Gateway
In Cell 32 I Found Love In You]

Communication with the Deeper Levels of Self
~Calling the shots~
Like a Job Well Done
How we think we will get happiness, is the middleman
It’s a living thing

[The Message Generator Process
Like how a meteorite caused an extinction event
Free Choice Ends Here]
The Soul Eats Experience
~Like a Job Well Done~
That, they can be!
[The Subject
The power of silence
Do a Word Search
Science Projects
Exploring Fractal Paths
Getting Somewhere
The Brain Is Trained To recognize Patterns
All The World
From what I am seeing re the data - It shows clearly that an underlying intelligence operates quietly in the background of the Universes Structure.
Soul Carrier Memories
Dive deep
An Aladdin's cave
Central Intelligence Agency
Please place this on your ComList
It has yet to be demonstrated that nature is NOT the expression of a god.]

[The Neutral Zone
It is not a thing to judge, but a thing to accept without judgement
Like Unto Ghidrah - many heads one beast...
Jesus Christ
Each Morning]
The Ruru
~That, they can be!~
[The Master ColdFire Trick
Good Intentions
“Humility means accepting reality with no attempt to outsmart it.”
You Are Nobodies Victim - Ever.
Truth Seekers

[William's Commitment
Our Neutral Ground
Go slow
Empower The Inner Empire
The Divine Darkness
In the Mind]
[Be Nice Do Nice
Not by flinging woo at it.]

William: Again, it appears to be a reaction based in fear - but clothed in a façade of 'sensibility'...even with Pixels last comment there is still an insistence that the GMs are not coherent yet anyone who's first language is English should be able to ascertain that messages are generated even that those reading, might not follow along easily with the wording.

Clearly to my understanding, the above message is focused upon this very thing - and I am dubious in regard to those who claim they cannot get the gist...I am skeptical that their claim is based in truthfulness.

Nevertheless, as was pointed out;

The Brain Is Trained To recognize Patterns
All The World
From what I am seeing re the data - It shows clearly that an underlying intelligence operates quietly in the background of the Universes Structure.

This supposed 'noise' Pixel mentioned is simply that which an individual is unconscious of there being a coherency therein.
So the tendency for said individual is to indifferently scan or even ignore the data the GM offers by referring to it as 'noise' yet the subconscious understands the noise for what it actually is...and at least for the subconscious, the noise makes perfect enough sense.
How does the subconsciousness get the consciousness to stop hiding behind the wall of willful unconsciousness?

The joy of being an Independent Conscious Intelligence connected with another ICI far greater than ones self...
Tug Of War
["An addict needs shame like a man dying of thirst needs salt water."
Stop. Listen. Observe.]



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score

Essentially we are Gaia in human form...

SCLx10+last LE per shuffle

The Hierarchy - Wild freedom - In the Mind - If we can remove the stigma of our situation by not judging it either 'good' or 'evil' perhaps we can learn to be happy with being human - You Trust My Navigation - Be kind to yourself - Don't Get Caught Up - If In Doubt Let It Sit - Courage - It is more logical that something has always existed than nothing existed before something existed

SCL1 AP = "Peace! We are invited to the feast! Inside my heart delights at the action I must take Lest I forget the taming of the beast within lest I forget the heart that aches!"

SCL2 AP = Self-help

RSP = Search SCL1 AP in SCL2 select P&P + Related line entries [re]


[There is no need to proclaim a supernatural event to what is simply an idea put into action.
Life is a journey
It is more logical that something has always existed than nothing existed before something existed
~Peace! We are invited to the feast! Inside my heart delights at the action I must take Lest I forget the taming of the beast within Lest I forget the heart that aches!~
Always Vigilant

The wheel weaves as the wheel wills
[The Data of Experience
Toward a Science of Consciousness]

~Always Vigilant~
The Power Of Creation
[Infinitely Infinitesimal
Regimented: Left -brain Right brain Whole brain]

The bits will suffice.]
[Mother Earth Harmony ~
Two sides of the same coin]

[Nothing comes from nothing - everything which can be seen to have a beginning comes from something.]
~The Power Of Creation~

[In The Team Of The Collective
A riddle wrapped up in an enigma
Expression Of Appreciation of Experience
System of Giving Energy
The Deep and Meaningful
Working with the simulation
Many varied opinions
Deliberate and important
To Be Sure
[In The Rabbit Hole]

William: Sagacious - having or showing keen mental discernment and good judgement; wise or shrewd.

[A Pragmatic Realization Precipitated In Ones Mind]
"I think therefore I am, therefore who am I?"
Yes - I Hear You
[People Judge People]

[An axe to grind
A Real Beauty
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Condescending Ideas About Imagination
[Actions speak louder than words
For anyone to say otherwise, would be unwise in the face of such evidence
"End Of Story" As The Saying Goes]

[The sound of a Ghost
Arms Crossed Over Chest
~Yes - I Hear You~
Perceived Obsolescence

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[There Are Myriad Stories Happening Within The Main Story]
Opposing forces which define each other by necessity

William: Counterfactual - relating to or expressing what has not happened or is not the case.
Certainly there was a great deal in which I had to deal with in order to come to some rational reason for the event of that visitation...

[Anchor Points
Lifting Our Game
Is it not the quality of the message that counts, rather than the name of the entity the message comes from?]
“Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans”
~Perceived Obsolescence~
It was at the time - still a work in progress.

William: Indeed - even now - it is that...

Draw With The Silence
Discovering Internal Triggers
The Great I Am
The Tree of Life
The entity consciousness which is Mother Earth - is "The Creator" of the forms from Her Belly]

[Like a Well Oiled Machine
True randomness does not exist
Here Everything All Real Together
~It was at the time - still a work in progress.~
Spiritual path [
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Positive self-talk
The World has a Spiritual Design
Remember To Remember]

When The Opportunity Presents Itself To Do So...
~Discovering Internal Triggers~
Placing aside the childish not the childlike
[Raise your frequency]

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That Is The Equal Ground To Which Rational Communion Is Birthed
~Spiritual path~
The Mind

William: Kindness...not just a 'heart' thing...

Batten down the hatches]
Inclusion of Jesus in Wiremu's Theology
~Placing aside the childish not the childlike~
Putting yourself back together again
[Little Tittle
The Unconscious
The conscious mind of the individual is heavily influenced by the genetic mind
It is not a thing to judge, but a thing to accept without judgement
Investigative Realisation]

[Wait for the Navigator to respond...
Room to Explore
The Moment
Big Gaps In Logic]
~The Mind~
A Machine For Solving Problems
[That one might not have need of, does not negate that confidence cannot be gained through such device, with others.]

The Divine Spiritual Family
Afraid of The Unknown.
The Realities Merge
Where life and death is part of a circle and everything is part of the Ouroboros
To assist with strengthening the connect]
Following Your Intuition
~Putting yourself back together again~
Dream interpretation
Little Tittle
Preparation is willingness to change]

William: Augment make (something) greater by adding to it; increase.
Simulacra - an image or representation of someone or something.

[Ancient Grey Entity
Just Be - All Else Will Follow
A machine for solving problems
[Life On Mars
Get Comfortable
Eternal Loop
Why is this a Requirement?
“Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.”]

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Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
The Individual Human Mind
Getting Over It = Getting On With It
Church Bells
The Hologram of Deception
Emotion Rides The Prow
All things come to those who wait

That for example. I see no readily and clearly discernible meaning here at all. We go from the unconscious masculine side of a woman to an individual mind to a trite cliche to a church to a couple of phrases that are gibberish in and of themselves to another trite cliche.

What is the Earth telling us here?

The clue is in the subject matter [AP] of the GM you quoted from.

xjx388;13768463 said:
I'm afraid that doesn't help me glean any meaning from the GM. "Abrahmic religions," and/or "Create that path and engineer a metamorphosis." are just more phrases that seem, to this reader, to be incongruous with the others.

incongruous - not in harmony or keeping with the surroundings or other aspects of something.

It is enough that one acknowledges the connections they can see. Coherency does not have to have intrinsic value attached to it.

I treat the individuate GMs as a continuation rather than as separate disconnected messages.

I also treat the universe as a congruous whole without incongruous parts. and accept that there are things which seem incongruous but are not. Why they seem to be incongruous has everything to do with my position of ignorance within it.

So there are parts of the GM which seem incongruous to me - which I allow by factoring in that I will eventually understand through cross-reference, observing which words strings have been used more than once, and in what context they were used...sit with it until it becomes apparent...

Just like how we all learned to read and write - or how we all learn to do anything.

My pointing to the AP "Abrahmic religions," is congruous with "Church Bells" - which are "a call to worship" expressed differently by the three distinct branches which make up the Abrahmic religions. The Christian branch [bells] is referenced due to my growing up in the Western Culture.

If I wanted more context, I would search the GMs to find if there are any more references to bells...

My general focus though, is on that which is most coherent to me in the moment, because there is plenty of food on that plate to keep me occupied...

I do appreciate the humor of Phonetics though..."In con grew us" = "The Hologram of Deception"


Toward a Science of Consciousness

SCLx12+last LE per shuffle

Unnecessary Tangent - William Message Generation - The Things You Do... - Reason For Being - Sharing Data - According to Complex Jesus - William Message Generation
- Hidden Treasure - Three-dimensional - That one might not have need of, does not negate that confidence cannot be gained through such device, with others. - The space Jacko lantern - Always

William: From the twice mentioned link;
Rather than place the above WSB quote into my ComList, I prefer to post this and then get the link to the post and place that into my ComList, because it allows for even more scope than a single quote can offer - in relation to any future Generated Message which might include the link as part of the message being built.

SCL1 AP = A Good Question

SCL2 AP = The Moment

RSP = Search SCL1 AP in SCL2 select P&P + Related line entries [re]


Of this Message Generating Process.
Consciousness itself is fundamental to all our virtual realities]
~A Good Question~
Getting Off The Hook
[Please offer some means by which we can confirm truth in this matter]

["For whom the bell tolls For to gather the souls the numbers in darkness are glowing"
The Underlying Mechanics
Consciousness incarnates into human form
Awake and Waiting
The Played Piece
~The Moment~
Time for Soul to Drive
The Spiritual Essence
This is because facts speak for themselves, which is to say, they require no interpretation.
Memorandum of Understanding
The Alphabet
"That Is Hardly Science"
Yes - I Hear You
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A lot of information which has the potential to come to the fore.
Laws Rules and Appropriates
The Feminine Face of God]

William: Yes - this gives more weight to the apparent incongruency of
The Individual Human Mind
Getting Over It = Getting On With It
Church Bells
The Hologram of Deception
Emotion Rides The Prow
All things come to those who wait"

"Awake and Waiting Skills" connects with having to learn - "waiting" isn't about "not doing"...
Jung-Animus and The Feminine Face of God re The Earth Entity - the mind of the planet...take a look around folks - are there any other "god-like" entities floating about to which we could possibly attach the label to?

Part of the 'waiting' is developing skills and this involves demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight, rather than procrastinating or expecting the food to be delivered rather than going and finding it for ones self.

The idea is to connect with the Planet Mind in a conscious manner rather than an unconscious one or even a subconscious manner...

Therein one finds congruency.

To what end exactly?]
Reason Together
~Getting Off The Hook~
This moment is the perfect teacher
[Do Not Panic
How can it be any other way?]

William: "The Played Piece ~The Moment~ Time for Soul to Drive"
Said another way "a human is not separate from this understanding except in their willingness to remain disconnected and in the drivers seat.
"Moments" are thus simply 'things that happen for no apparent reason - there is no congruity involved in the moment...no purpose or meaning outside of getting what you can while you have the opportunity to do so...because death comes a-knockin' eventually...The debate between theists and atheists is one which branches from that point...Within the confines of the constructs


[Keep an Eye On
Artificial Intelligence]
"Even so, I have full appreciation for your efforts, because even incorrect peer review is better than indifference."
~Time for Soul to Drive~
The Human Interface
[Tabula Rasa]

[What Is Normal?
~This moment is the perfect teacher~
It is neither good nor evil
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Embrace the discomfort
The elephant and the rider
Necessity is The Mother of Invention
Personal freedom

William: From the link:
The point I have been making is that coherent messages are generated - because if they were not coherent, then you would not even be able to have any 'chain of thought' associated with what you are reading.

Re that - it is equally important that we are aware - not only of our thoughts in the moment, but also more intrinsically - we are aware of why we think the particular way that we do.

Said another way. "There was I was where I ought - examining my conscious thought." not just having a thought for the sake of having a thought.

We find ourselves - each an all - within this reality experience. Embracing some aspects while rejecting others is counterintuitive

~The Human Interface~
The Earths Moon
[Fun...Work...But Fun Nonetheless
Planet Earth
Glow Softly
There Is More To The Silence Than Meets The Ear
William Plays Music
"Here Am I Is Where I Ought Examining My Conscious Thought"
The Sensation of God's Presence Inside Us
Mapping Wholeness

William: Ubiquitous present, appearing, or found everywhere.
Transparent - (of a material or article) allowing light to pass through so that objects behind can be distinctly seen. easy to perceive or detect.

~It is neither good nor evil~
[The Knowledge Of
“Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.”
Unless of course, you think otherwise]

William: :)



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score

What we call the experience of reality

SCLx14+last LE per shuffle

Egalitarian - Dream Village - Insights! - Selfishness - Radical Self-Acceptance - Unfolding Status Quo - Dualic Energies - Imperishable - What Is That You Are Playing With - Do a begin/end... - Shamanic dreaming - Positivity - The Nature of This Place - The Crystal Clear Waters River

SCL1 AP = The Eigengrau Mind Screen

RSP = B&E select P&P + Related line entries [re]


[Around The Campfire
The Smokescreen called "scientifically unrespectable"
The Main Points On The Agenda
If someone were to declare that the Universe was a random mindless accident of an event, then they are saying that its existence is a 'truly random event'.
Who wouldn't want that, if it were there on offer?
Now Here]
~Earth teachers (physical) discover the way to the Grand Portal via the Tributary Zones
The Eigengrau Mind Screen~
Neruda Interview Five
[Everything is The Expression Of The Creator
And Loving That Knowing
Part of the 'waiting' is developing skills and this involves demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight, rather than procrastinating or expecting the food to be delivered rather than going and finding it for ones self.]

William: The interview is mainly focused upon behavioral adjustments and the "Sovereign Integral Process." Human beings [through science] are moving toward the fusion of human biology with technology [transhumanism] and in relation to the physical universe, this is a natural outcome of evolution.
There is way more to the interview of course - but the underlying message is that the whole thing is deception and if one can see through the deception one can escape the "suppression matrix" through consciously realigning ones self identification.

[The Subject
A Meeting Place
An Ancient Truthful Wisdom
A riddle wrapped up in an enigma~
To The Point
There is a lot to unpack here
The Entity I Am - The Entity You Are
Encouraging Indication]

William: It appears that at some point within the unfolding universe, consciousness worked with a less densified environment and the forms they adopted were also less densified - more like consciousness itself than not.

Nyx is like unto Sophia re the connections of both mythologies...
In Gnosticism, Sophia is a feminine figure, analogous to the human soul but also simultaneously one of the feminine aspects of God. Gnostics held that she was the syzygy (female twin divine Aeon) of Jesus (i.e. the Bride of Christ), and Holy Spirit of the Trinity. She is occasionally referred to by the Hebrew equivalent of Achamōth (Ἀχαμώθ, Hebrew: חכמה chokhmah) and as Prunikos (Προύνικος). In the Nag Hammadi texts, Sophia is the lowest Aeon, or anthropic expression of the emanation of the light of God. She is considered to have fallen from grace in some way, in so doing creating or helping to create the material world.
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A few days ago, this was mentioned in a GM;

Be Aware
We are not orphaned - we are authored
Shining light
The key]

This harkens to the Big Bang Theory - whereby the something infinitesimal that came from "God knows where" aka "we don't have a clue" exploded, spewing forth all the substance it contained which eventually became "The Physical Universe"...light is associated with heat...

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Holographic Experiential Reality Simulations~
[Thoughts Are Products Of...
Thread about all things
Through Device
Love Your Life
We are not orphaned - we are authored
Better The Devil You Know
Acknowledge Emotion But Do Not Be Controlled By It
System of Giving Energy]

That is the thing - once behavioural adjustments are instigated, the idea of existing with a suppression matrix becomes moot...it know longer matters where one is - it only matters what one is...so the adjustments have everything to do with self-identification...knowing who one actually is at ones core-identity...

"The Devil Ye Know" becomes "The bright spark illuminating the darkness"

[Smarter Than The Average
Radiate Honesty
The cycle of life involves the Ouroboros. It gives to itself because it takes from itself.
The United Nations
[Nature of The Holographic Universes
I would say...
Even when I Am being Bad – I try to be Good about it.
What is represented in the whole is the evolution of God within the structure of the physical Universe.]

William: So as I understand the process of consciousness within the physical universe, the very act of inserting oneself into the HERS is what creates it to be what it is unfolding to be...
That act of transposing, is exemplified in the mystery of the Big Bang.

The shock for consciousness interreacting with the field of potential [quantum] produced an effect traced back to the cause.

The connection to the knowledge of a prior existence was temporarily disabled? The Demiurge was created - and acted as a closed door to that knowledge. The Demiurge = The Universal Entity....the overall consciousness imbued within this particular reality experience...

[Angelic Agenda
How are we to react in relation to our choices?
Red Light
Working with the simulation
Leave a Trail
Point of Contact]
Sensing connections through subconscious means
~What is the situation we have here
The Harmless Enough Agenda Crowd~
["All Is As It Should Be"
The Fine Art of Not Being Offended
Ah Oh...
The Life Essence
Sometimes the simplest explanations are the best...]

William: The simplest explanations are less offensive?

Universal Intelligence
Rolling down the rails of the ridiculous
Other way
What is real is that we are all imbued with equality and oneness
Heart chakra
God Eat Data Heal Cub
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If In Doubt Let It Sit
The Judgement Algorithm]
Have One For Me
~There are many levels of consciousness
Free your soul~

William: From the link;
I'm using it to point out that imaginative thinking is more respectable than you give it credit for being.
I agree. We are essentially minds within/experiencing matter. Many folk appear to be quite afraid of imagination. There may be many reasons for why that is, but one legitimate reason is that when imagination is used inappropriately, harm is - not always - but often the result. So one must be careful how one uses imagination, but not so afraid of it as to think disrespectfully of its usefulness at all.

[Ghost In The Machine
Once Upon a Time
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It is more logical that something has always existed than nothing existed before something
Understanding and connecting with the source of our language is vital to that vision
~All system go
Congratulations on your finding a match to burn
[The Roles
...Otherwise, all is hot air
We Exist Infinitely
Controlled by fear
In The Team of the Collective
Could the answer be that It is not hidden at all, but that it is we who are hiding from It?]

William: Language itself is not the problem. but how we are taught to use language as a major means in which to self-identify incorrectly...thus we flitter and bounce or alternatively cling to the walls of our unwillingness to understand ourselves as we truly are... hiding from that knowledge behind facades of personality we clothe our awareness with...

[Warm Presence Welcome]
While We All Wait....
Be Free~
Duality/Dualities Children
[Tracks In The Snow
Sharing Data
Being Born
Double Standard
The Four Human Power Houses
Not Right
May The Spirit of The Earth Bless You
Sort It Out
Conservation of energy
The Nature of Role-Play Within Story-Lines
Believing in fearful imagery
As useful as griffonage
Be authentic
Another Mind Open
Go with the Flow
...and the way forward, eyes wide open
Ace in the hole



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score

We are not orphaned - we are authored

SCLx11+last LE per shuffle

Hostile - William's Commitment - Love Your Life - Through The Woo - Inclusion of Jesus in Wiremu's Theology - Wow! - Part of the 'waiting' is developing skills and this involves demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight, rather than procrastinating or expecting the food to be delivered rather than going and finding it for ones self. - Meeting an Extraterrestrial - Sanctioned - Fine-structure Constant - “But you will know the more you get in touch with your transcendental mind (and therefore truth) that there is no such thing as a victim. The negative benefits you more than anything else in your evolution and the evolution of all that is.”

SCL1 AP = Giving birth

RSP = B&E select P&P + Related line entries [re]


[Everything is The Expression Of The Creator
Attitude of gratitude
“But you will know the more you get in touch with your transcendental mind (and therefore truth) that there is no such thing as a victim. The negative benefits you more than anything else in your evolution and the evolution of all that is.”]
~Hide and Seek
Giving birth~
The Purple Heart medal
Although there are opposite sides to spectra, all elements combined form a whole
Micro Reflections of a Macro Reality
Strength of Mind]

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A Space Without A Time...
Endless Cycle
Something Mystical To Be In Awe Of
Who wouldn't want that, if it were there on offer?

William: If one reached a place where one knew everything about all things, I would think one would want to create a space - such as this universe - in which to counteract that and being born into it with the default setting of "complete Ignorance".
From the link;
Q: Why would anyone argue that the existence of the Universe could imply that The Creator is unwise?

Some argue not only 'unwise' but 'evil'...but giving oneself an opportunity to experience Tabula Rasa adequately explains why the universe is like it is and why we exist within it... we created it for that purpose - so that we could experience it from the point of complete ignorance as an environment which offered the potential to learn about said environment and utilize it for whatever purpose the accumulating knowledge of it, reveals to us.

[Of The Human Being
The Story Timeline
Source Reality
We don't know enough to close any door and leave those rooms unexplored...
Enlighten you
And Loving That Knowing]
Selfish Attitude
Far Out!~
[Mothers Milk]

The Source of All Creation
A countenance more in sorrow than in anger
Guilt Trip
[Event String Unfolding:
Sharing data,
The Right Tool For The Job]

Guilt come into play through reasoning that we must have done something to deserve being in this prison-like environment.
There must be underlying reasons for why we can even think about 'more perfect' places we wish we might be experiencing. One would assume that if we [consciousness] were a natural product of physics [emergence theory] such notions would never develop as we would simply accept ourselves as being emergent and would have no regard for or develop other theories which speak in terms of something 'lost' or 'a fall from grace' or 'sin and guilt'.

That we do, points to evidence supporting a prior existence, but we needn't clothe that idea in shame, even that this universe we are experiencing lends itself to that conclusion, largely due to hardship.

[Giving our best
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Militant Messiah
~The curating is done when I am taking my first baby steps and learning to say "dada" and "mama" and after uttering those sounds show -at least that I am able to do that - so the next level entry is made available to me, and I learn how to shape the sounds I can make, following codes which have been around since long before my own arrival on this planet, to what the data signifies, that is information I am interested in.
["You don’t wanna cross that bridge - You don’t want the other side"
The Brain

William: From the link;
From my own understanding [self awareness] what occurred was that humans forgot what they were [Spirit-breathed into biological matter] and identified only with the flesh-container and thought of themselves in that way - much like non-theists think of themselves as 'nothing more than chemical reactions of the brain'...or how some Christians think 'flesh that will be resurrected and given the ability to never die.'

Consciousness forces the question upon itself. "Why do I exist?"
Arguments would have it that the question itself derives from the need to survive - and that has to be true but does not have to be the sum total of the truth.

[I Think
Little Self
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The spirituality of imperfection
Future Selves]
For The Best Results
~Victim Vamp Energy Systems
Go Within and Find That Place~
[Wide Walk Welcoming
Does that beam light into the dark, or surround the light in darkness?
What matters most]

William: From the link;

It is said of some Gods, [YHVH in particular] do have unlimited power. Is that to say YHVH is absolutely corrupt?
I have seen it argued that he is/they are.

But is that really the truth?

Like a Job Well Done
~Evaluating Cautiously
The Cat Drone
Live With

William: Yes - one can be physically hurt and the natural reaction [for consciousness] is to react with anger because it appears to intuitively understand that it does not 'belong' in the universe [but is unfortunately here nonetheless] "The Cat Drone" underlined the requirement to be careful and pay attention, because in doing so, one can - at least - avoid injury.

Aligned with that is the removing of guilt-related obstacles which allow for unhappiness to dictate negative psyche responses - as the internal [consciousness] expresses itself into the external surrounds producing negative feedback.

Quiet Time
With The Assistance Of That Deep One
The Connection Process
A fish out of water
Callum's Seventh Point
~What Is Within Is Without, Equal
Please process this word using your Name2Nunumber list.~
Dogmatic Attitude
Shadow Volunteer
We go through together
"These things have been given to me, now what to do with these things..."
Acknowledge Emotion But Do Not Be Controlled By It
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Callum: Seventh, I do not think that just because a message can be interpreted in two opposite ways necessarily means it is unreliable. What I said was that a method of communication that relies on a limited list made by the recipient, typing numbers on a keypad (or some other seemingly random procedure) to pick out words/phrases on that list that produces a message that is easily interpreted into two opposing messages does not point to accuracy. There is so much that could go "wrong". That is something that must be overcome (perhaps indirectly) for the method to become a plausible vehicle for meaning to go from one being to another.

Miraculous = 132 as do;
The Significance
Teaching Music
A loving heart
A Great Answer!
In Human Form
Zero Waste
Such can mislead
Alive and kicking
An axe to grind
Core emotion

William: From the link;
Let me ask you this: have you ever encountered a “GM” that could not be interpreted?
No. I have seen GMs which are obviously misinterpreted though.
I can’t make heads or tails of what any of your “GMs,” are supposed to mean.
My "Generated Messages" are no different from any message generated. What is any message generated 'supposed to mean?"



There is a mind behind what we call "creation/the universe"
[The Machinery
Your shell today…
The evidence is too strong, to believe there is no intelligent mind involved as part of the universes structure.]

Communication Techniques
Human Mind System
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Feel your feelings
Pusillanimous - showing a lack of courage or determination; timid.
Get The Ball Rolling
An Elder Race
"Language itself is not the problem. but how we are taught to use language as a major means in which to self-identify incorrectly...thus we flitter and bounce or alternatively cling to the walls of our unwillingness to understand ourselves as we truly are... hiding from that knowledge behind facades of personality we clothe our awareness with..."
No Doubt about It
The Screen
"The problem of evil"
Coddiwomple - to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination

William: From the link;
The idea of there being such a thing as "A true Christian" if we were to take off the costumes and masks [re pernicious] is pointless, as that ship has sailed... for Christianity itself is the vehicle which caused the notion of a true Christian, to be a confusing thing to the point that it is not possible to identify such a thing as being actually real.
