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Journal William Message Generation

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
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It seems to me like you should be saying Energy is the mindful aspect of GOD which forms the material aspect of GOD into shapes.

At this point I am bouncing around with ideas already established by religious theists in order to get bearings on the differences in beliefs as to how well they hold up to the things we do know about the universe.

One such option being examined is from the Jehovah's Witness religion. As I am attempting with you and your beliefs, I am also attempting to get clarity on their beliefs re this.

So far what I am being informed, is that the JW belief is;

"The Spirit is not God. It emanates FROM God, like power emanates from an electrical facility. The power is not the electrical facility."
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There appear to be two theistic beliefs re the nature of Energy;

1. Energy and spirit are distinct things
2. Energy and spirit are the same thing

It was a mistake to add the so-called "third view"; [3. I don’t know which is true]

This has to be rectified, in that it is not a theistic belief and shouldn't have been placed on your "list of views".

To clarify. Which of those two options do you position your belief?

Okay, but you aren’t being neutral in doing so. You have left neutrality via an assumption that “Theism” is true.

Nice try Tanager. Remove [3] from your list and the waters will clear.

One remains neutral simply by not making a shift to either Theism or Atheism.
One can lend and ear to either side without having to wear the burden of being accused of holding and defending the position of either side.

As I wrote;

"Being in the Natural Neutral position helps as it eliminates belief or lack of belief and simply accepts 'we don't know' while acknowledging that it is still worthwhile to - at least - attempt to find out..."

And on that point, I gave you information re the Mandelbrot Set being shown to display infinite regression and infinite progression. The reasoning has already been 'laid out'. Your thoughts on it [even as a concept unsighted] in regard to my own [already mentioned] are welcome.
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Precise definitions of strategies

SCLx10 + select last LE per shuffle
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched — they must be felt with the heart” - True happiness - I AM WE ARE - Fast - Rationality - Blood Sacrifice - Freeing the soul -
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- Everything Is Unique - Do a begin/end...

AP= One's thoughts I Will [= 236]
[Soul Carrier Memories
Universal Intelligence
Cyborg Anthropology
Copper wire and glass beads
Strength is required
One's thoughts I Will]

RSP = SCLx2 + P&P + re


GM: Do a begin/end...[B&E]

William: Okay...

[B&E throughout =GM]

GM: One's thoughts Sea The Deeper Self Purpose To what end exactly?

William: I do not know. How deep is infinity that an end can be measured? Isn't that what the Mandelbrot Set visually displays? There are begin/end points but the flow is infinity - regressive and progressive and neither contradicting the other.

GM: Cleanliness Discernment

William: I think so too...

GM: Victim/Vampire Energy Exchange All at sea

William: [Perplexed, bewildered, as in She was all at sea in these new surroundings. This idiom transfers the condition of a vessel that has lost its bearings to the human mind.]
Yes - I see what you are saying there. V/V Energy feeds itself on itself - ouroboros-like...which of course is also how infinity works re the Mandelbrot Set visuals.
However, the V/V exchange seeks to use the process as a means of staying around forever...not sure that is the best way to spend forever...it is unappealing to me...

GM: A dish fit for the gods... Description "Instant Manifestation"

William: We get what we ask for, regardless of how we use the energy....

GM: :)

William: :)

GM: The Number One Nine Two

William: So far I have these entries under that value, on my N2N list;

[Smoke and Mirrors
Quantum Presence
Merging with the data
Integral Network
Tempting Vision
The Way of the Shaman
Moderator Comment
Childhood Nightmares
Atheists crack me up.]

GM: It is a mystery which must be solved that the Human becomes true.

William: Merging with the data
[Integral Network]
"The Way of the Shaman" then...

GM: The Physical Universe The rich world of conscious experience Fun...Work...But Fun Nonetheless

William: I am trying to see it that way...it isn't easy...

GM: Actions speak louder than words
"The problem - as I understand it – is in how humans general think about ‘God’ and project their own sense of self into the model they each come to accept as the real thing."

William: I said that. As it is right now, if I 'see' GOD as 'consciousness' and re this universe, as "The Universal Consciousness" or "Cosmic Mind" - The Mind behind the creative unfolding of the universe...my 'sense of self' - regarding that - is that;

I am loath to embrace the idea of enduring this universe forever...due to the aspect of entropy...it would be no fun hanging around forever once 'things' dissipated because things are what allow for fun to be had.
However, as I have been learning through this GM process - specifically to do with Isaac Asimov's short story "[The Last Question]" - AND re the visual evidence of the Mandelbrot Set once the energy has dissipated through entropy, The Cosmic Mind simply engages with the Quantum field [The Matter] and creates a new 'thing-of-a-universe'.
That in itself would be fun...

GM: Unequal

William: Uniqueness

GM: Persevere "May all your madventures be fun."

William: Indeed. However, some would argue that anything involving suffering isn't 'fun'.

GM: The evidence is too strong, to believe there is no intelligent mind involved as part of the universes structure.

William: Agreed. But what about the Cosmic Mind's idea of "Fun" re "Suffering"?

GM: "Ghost Dance"

William: Like a ships wake? Such will be left behind...eventually?

GM: The Dark Night of The Soul Adjusted Reality

William: So when I argued...
Therefore, we know that when someone say's "time will tick on forever because the universe will go on forever", they are superimposing a non-fundamental onto a fundamental. Whether proclaimers recognize this is what is occurring, or not, such a saying is not strictly true, but simply type of romantic/symbolic representation clinging onto the wake of the fundamental...wanting to be part of it forever.

William:..."Time" is meaningful only in the context of what is moved, rather than what is doing the moving?

GM: The Harmless Enough Agenda Crowd ...Childlike

William: Understanding based upon being not being fully informed?

GM: Beckoning Positivity
The Navigator Can Read Maps.
Military Longing Righty Oh!

William: As in "Salute and get to it" ?

GM: It can be crazy and true at the same time

William: Annoyingly so.

GM: Apotheosis

William: The highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax. the elevation of someone to divine status.

GM: Story-Tellers Mind Games A countenance more in sorrow than in anger...
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William: From the link;
Clownboat: Tricking people for profit surely isn't kind though.

William: Humans are apparently not naturally inclined to kindness.

Diogenes: I disagree. Tho' we have our moments of unkindness, in general all healthy humans value kindness. Our very lives depend on it. We evolved, we survived because we were kind to each other - we cooperated. It is in our self interest to be kind and cooperate. Even the 'lower' mammals are kind to each other and have a sense of reciprocal fairness. We didn't need any particular religion or 'savior' to teach us this. We know it. Even the animals do.

We even have inter species friendships. We love and our kind to our pets. They are loyal and kind to us.
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William: If it is natural for humans to be kind and therefore my comment that "humans are apparently not naturally inclined to kindness" is untrue, what unnatural thing compels humans to be unkind?

Or could it be that both states are natural enough, depending upon circumstance and individuals simple adopt the best way they can find as a means of being able to sustain the governing emotions required for either state?

Understanding that the individuate position most humans are born to experience, the underlying motivation is intentionally selfish because recognition of the importance of the self becomes the initial propellent for all subsequent actions employed.

In that, it doesn't matter how one chooses to observe Jesus - as an historical image more human than the biblical Jesus - or how the bible images him - Socrates, Plato, Gandhi, Paul, David, Abraham or Glen - got their motivation for kindness from the same source - as we all do, when unkindness is dropped from our programs.

GM: "We are not orphaned - we are authored"
Make Story
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William: The link is to an earlier post - where Tanager and I are in the initial stages of teasing out the specifics of the different beliefs involved with A Cosmic Mind [aka GOD] and the way in which that mind creates 'things' - from within itself or from outside of itself...our discussion is ongoing...

GM: Bonding Entities of Particular Belief Systems
Becoming whole

William: I remain upon minded re that...


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
William: For me it seems pointless trying to resurrect a position to its former status.

AB: That may be the case but we still need a position that opposes or that's neutral in relation to the two extremes.

William: I doubt there will be any formal position.
It is better to recognize the function of the position in relation to theism and atheism, than to waste effort on trying to resurrect a failed attempt to do this with Agnosticism.

Obviously at some point after the introduction of Agnosticism, Atheism - up to its normal tricks - hijacked the position by claiming the position was a subset of Atheism - and referring to agnostics as 'weak atheists'.

Further to that, my observations are that both theists and atheists assume that the only two positions one can have on the question of whether we exist within a creation is 'yes' or 'no' and 'maybe' is not really a position on the question at all. One either believes or one does not believe. "Maybe' is 'wishy-washy'.

AB: Perhaps I'm being too optimistic but I would like to see the original agnosticism become the common usage.

William: Call me a realist because I think that ship has sailed.
Furthermore, how many folk do you see around this forum, referring to themselves as Agnostic and beating the drums of solidarity?

AB: Don't get me wrong, modern agnostics have a lot in common with the agnosticism that Huxley advocated for, but they do limit themselves when or if they don't go beyond their "I don't know" position.

William: Where are these 'modern agnostics'?

"I don't know" is the most honest reply to the question .

Q: Do we exist within a creation?"

Theist: I have belief that we do exist within a creation.

Atheist: I lack belief that we do exist within a creation.

Natural Neutral: I don't know and refuse to form belief or lack of belief as belief or non-belief provides me with no compelling answer.

Move beyond the human condition

SCLx7 + select last LE per shuffle
You Tube - "Like being pushed out from a stinky hole, can have one develop a bad self-complex" - The Next Step - To Add to That - "From what I am seeing re the data , it shows clearly that an underlying intelligence operates quietly in the background of the Universes Structure" - Until "Christ Returns" - Heart advice

AP= "Well even the most ugly of us have a Father." :) [in house joke] - [=419]

[What I also know is that numbers don't lie.
Might even cause Dad to crack a smile...who knows! :)
"Well even the most ugly of us have a Father." :) ]



GM: Changing The Rules Your Dream Team The non-Judgmental Algorithm Victim/Vampire Energy Exchange The Corporate Elite Loving-kindness The Sub Hierarchy Navigational Aids

William: As I understand it, "Corporate Elite" signifies "The individuals brain-consciousness" whereas "The Sub Hierarchy" is indicative of "The individuals brain-sub consciousness"...this has to do with such notions as "Intuition" and "Morality" and the deeper [less understood and less acknowledged] things of the mind in general

GM: [368]
"Sometimes it just looks like rain"
[Changes mind when truth is presented]
Less understood and less acknowledged

William: The "Power-Station Concept"
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GM: From the link;
Spirit is not God. It emanates FROM God, like power emanates from an electrical facility. The power is not the electrical facility.
GM: What Is Found Here?

William: The analogy makes GOD a Machine...

GM: Cycle Chance, "That is Correct"

William: If it were, that makes the physical universe created from the Energy, 'the machine' because that is the only machinery we see.
This in turn makes the "Creates Itself Fallacy" questionable...which is why GOD is conveniently placed outside of the universe.
Even so - this make GOD a machine creating a machine...
Then we have the atheist foot in the door asking "what created the GOD machine?" and reminding us of the "absurdity of infinite regression" [while infinite progression remains strangely valid]
"Talk to The Hand." :D

GM: Talk to The Hand...
That one might not have need of, does not negate that confidence cannot be gained through such device, with others.

William: What can I say...I have been using this GM process practically every day for a few months already, and 'it works' whatever 'it' is...

GM: The Vector Symbol Use Heart
The simplest explanations for why we are here and what we are doing...
The House of Science
Why this oft taboo subject needs to be understood in some less sweep-under-the-carpet way

William: The House of Science is busy trying to get a foothold on the stars...the mind is useful to that end, but is largely ignored on account that Science is not useful in relation to invisible realities...one has to see before one can appreciate...
Yet all are using this invisible resource as a means of understanding the physical universe...the mind is treated as a secondary emergent property and of no fundamental connection with Energy or Matter....with the actual physical universe...with 'Reality'.

GM: The evidence supports the idea that Theism is the better position for a human to place themselves.
Visible Light Girl "Couldn’t we do something about it..."

William: Don't think I haven't noticed on occasions, you calling me that...

GM: A measured step

William: Sure - What else am I to do with the life I have? Try to nut out how humans could steer the rudder on the ship being sailed...

GM: Time for Soul to Drive

William: How is this to be accomplished, world-wide?

GM: Get The Ball Rolling

William: Like "Step One:..." [131]
[Mother Earth
The Power Of...
Those Who Can
Learn How to
The Bidden Zone
The Old Soul
Not a Problem!
Heuristics [mental shortcuts that allows people to solve problems and make judgments quickly and efficiently. ]
Google Deep mind
Solipsism [the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist.]
Anchors aweigh
He Who Waits
Moon energy
Golden nugget
Active dreaming
Becoming whole
The Garden of Eden
The Squeeze
From the link
Like "Step One:..."]

GM: Present over perfect The Number One Nine Two

[Quantum Presence
Merging with the data
Integral Network
Tempting Vision
The Way of the Shaman]

GM: Why is this a Requirement?

William: Because it appears to fit with the description "How to fix the world" as - possibly - a genuine recipe..."do this, get that..." The tools to achieve this have been made available...how to convince all the theists and atheists is the question...

GM: Free your soul The Realm of Judgement
"When our progressive movements are strong, they lead toward an exciting, irresistible vision for the future where all of us thrive"
Being aware of Human Control Dramas

William: Such as how theists and atheists consider the neutral position as wishy-washy and besides the point...

GM: 10 Insights You are neutral
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William: Again with the link to a conversation between Tanager and I where we are initial teasing out the particulars re "Is there an outside of GOD?"...
More recently, Tanager has mentioned my saying I am in a Natural-Neutral position...

William: Energy and QF refers to the nature of the universe, thus the "Natural" part.

Re the question "Do we exist within a creation?", one remains neutral until such a time as nature reveals for certain, either way, thus the "Neutral" part

Tanager: I don’t see how that’s remaining neutral.

GM: Signs Contact With
"Is it a mindless chaotic process which just happens to consistently appear coherent, no matter what random system we use in order to select the word-strings which generate the message?"

William: One leads to the other...
Hypnagogic experience
Sharing Your Love
The Spirit of the Land
A Space Without A Time...
All Things Are In Order
You Are Watched Over
Become more expansive
Emotional awareness
One leads to the other...

GM: Move On Start where you are
No Country For Old Men Observant

William: "If the rule you followed....brought you to this...of what use was the rule?"
[The human tendency to see signals in the noise, even when there is only noise.]
The use of the rule is determined by the value the rule proves to be...

GM: The "All Matey"
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William: I was thinking about JK's position. He remains firmly atheist because he see atheism as a platform for fighting against religious morality using social Law to impose Christian Morals upon atheists and non-Christians ...
From the link;
JoeyKnothead: The "initial state" seems to be out of the reach of being described in any accurate or meaningful manner.

William: In that, it is no more or less better than the idea of an exclamation "let there be light" from an Intelligent Source being the Initial State.

JoeyKnothead: Plenty fair. Though one's gotta ponder what did it that thinking.

William: That is a journey in itself and provides me with lifetime of interesting subjective experience re my own way of interreacting with and finding out about such a thinker...
You mention what "Stokes That Fire" - it boils down to the so-called "Problem of Evil" which this morning I was thinking is like unto the '"Problem of Unicorns".
Yes. "Understanding the mind behind creation which is commonly referred to as "God" " is a "problem" due largely to the historical content of human interaction with this idea of "GOD" which has a poor record among the general populace, and can be attributed with some horrific milestones along the road-side of human history.
It is understandable that folk want to avoid that path in particular, given its track record.

However, full avoidance is impractical, unwise and unsustainable...and cannot really be avoided as long as consciousness exists in the human form and does what it does in whatever 'name' it is doing it.
"GOD" in essence is like unto a mirror-image of the formless ghost we call "Consciousness" and acts out as it sees fit, through biological instruments ... and it cannot be completely exorcised from the mathematical equations, even if it is only represented as "Zero". The rest of the Math cannot be done without that 'non-number'.
"Zero" does not actually represent "nothing" because "nothing" does not exist and so cannot be represented.
Therefore, "Zero" must have to represent something which does exist but is largely unseen - and "Consciousness" fits that description.
"Consciousness" = "Zero", mathematically speaking.

GM: God Eat Data Heal Cub

William: Through 'feedback'.
That is what this GM process is exhibiting

GM: Instant Though "the Serpent rules the Shadow"
[Ancient Grey Entity]

William: "Well even the most ugly of us have a Father." :D

GM: The Great White Brotherhood You will overcome
Semiotics [the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation.] Spiritual Activism
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William: From the link;
William: What has been established beyond reasonable doubt, it that it is illogical that "something that is, derived from something that isn't", which firmly places the idea of a Creator/Creation as primary for genuine and sustained consideration.

Brunumb: What hasn't been established is what preexisted this iteration of matter/energy that we refer to as the universe.

William: Scientists are working on finding this out. IF they are correct about the infinitesimally small object which exploded and produced what we currently are experiencing as a stage in the universes unfolding, THEN at least we can identify said object as "The Seed of Origin"

What, if anything pre-existed that - is beyond our current ability to know.

Brunumb: If it was not 'nothing' and we know nothing about it, then how can we deduce that it involved some sort of mindful creator?

William: Easily enough. We know that mind is integrated with matter. Thus we have clear evidence that a mindful creator is involved, even if that creator-mind is unfolding from the Seed of Origin which birthed the universe we are witnessing through experience.
Being that it has emerged since the germination {Big Bang} it has had a great amount of time in which to learn to effect the matter to whatever it wills, even to the point of doing so here on this planet, as we ourself bear witness, even to the degree that we refer to that as "reality".

Brunumb: One can stick that on the table for consideration but there is nowhere to go after that.

William: There is always somewhere to go. Testing it out for starters.
There is a mind behind creation
We ought be able to communicate with it, using whatever physical devices we can create in order to do so.

Brunumb: It's all just imaginative speculation.

William: How do you know that? Or are you imagining that is all that it is?

Brunumb: When you look at this universe and everything within it, it is hard to imagine it all arising from some sort of mindful creator as far as I am concerned.

William: That is very understandable. However, even being that it is hard to imagine, it is not impossible. I haven't had any insurmountable problem in at least subjectively verifying It exists, or finding ways in which to communicate with It.

Brunumb: Extend that into the domain of the Christian creator God, then it all even becomes an absurdity.

William: As came up recently in my communion with said Mind -
GM: Where is Truth?
We Groove Together
The resistance is generally traceable to the theistic approach of religionizing said intelligent mind.
William: What is noticeable about theism - even where it has branched into religionism - is that this is a type of means of leaving a trail in ones wake, and the trail itself shows efforts of The Mind to engage with human minds for the purpose of connecting - but often religious leaders have used this as a means of securing station/position within hierarchal structures which require said leaders to be the middle-person between The Mind and the individual - something easily enough achieved since the individual can be unsure of themselves and even afraid of doing that, so they willingly allow for the medium to act as go-between...which more often than not leads to little to no meaningful connection at all.

This also occurs in theistic non-religious structures - mostly because individuals doubt themselves sincere and honest enough to drop the medium and connect in a self-responsible manner.

Even so, I write that as an observation rather than a judgement. The Mind is aware that it is a scary thing for individuate human minds to willingly do, and while ideally if everyone did do it, much good could be accomplished, that most do not do it, does not affect the agenda of said Mind.



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
otseng: I mentioned before we cannot impose our modern standards on the Bible. Likewise, we shouldn't impose our modern view of cosmology on others and look down on how earlier cultures viewed the cosmos. As CS Lewis termed it, that would be chronological snobbery.

Finding out how ancient cultures view the heavens is a fairly large topic. In fact, it's an entire discipline in itself.

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I think this ties in with modern knowledge re the way things were said can be aligned with the way things have since proven to be.

Even in modern times, there is tendency to describe things from the subjective center of consciousness...from which all else flows around about.

Even that we do not know if consciousness has such a center - the only thing matching the concept, is the Self.

But what is the Self, that we dare proclaim it the center of everything?

If we call it "GOD" we blaspheme, for there is only One GOD and you and I are not IT, according to the teachings of...


Is there a center to every object in this universe?

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
Let Israel say:
His love endures forever.”
Let the house of Aaron say:
“His love endures forever.”
Let those who fear the Lord say:
“His love endures forever.”
When hard pressed, I cried to the Lord;
he brought me into a spacious place.
The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.
What can mere mortals do to me?
The Lord is with me; he is my helper.
I look in triumph on my enemies.
It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in humans.
It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in princes.

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Human Imagination Has Consequences

SCLx13 + select last LE per shuffle
What is the meaning of life? - Putting My Finger On It - Energy - Message Generator System of Random Selection of Word-Strings - I Suppose That It Is Possible - A Meeting Place - Jesus - Validation -
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[as long as GMs are coherent, they can be interpreted] - The Nature of The Mind - Controlled by fear - Breasts - Science and Spirituality

William: Perhaps backwards or forwards doesn't matter

AP= A new Paradigm has arisen whereby folk can drop the idea of being a 'true Christian' and simply be a True Human. [nine two five = 142]

Copper snakes
Soul Has an Agenda
New Years Eve
Source Sync
Get Comfortable
Redefine Oneself
Don’t fall asleep
The Ishango bone
Post ignored
Forty Two



GM: In The Team Of The Collective Research into the Phenomenology of the Self

William: an approach that concentrates on the study of consciousness and the objects of direct experience.
This has to do with a recent post I made;
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GM: From the link;

onewithhim: Of course the Spirit is not God. It emanates FROM God, like power emanates from an electrical facility. The power is not the electrical facility.

William: So - what you may be attempting to convey, is that the facility which creates the Energy is GOD, but the Energy itself is not GOD?

The Energy itself is NOT intelligent, but the Facility which produces the Energy IS, and is GOD?

onewithhim: Yes.

William: That is like unto the Star Wars universe where The Force can be integrated with the individuals consciousness and used for both 'dark-side' and 'light-side' activity.

The Power-Station analogy doesn't exclude The Force from originating from a mechanistic device. [Power Station]

The device is simply hidden and as a Power Station it requires being accounted for as to how it came to be built.

We have the atheist foot in the door asking "what created the GOD machine?" and reminding us of the "absurdity of infinite regression" [while infinite progression remains strangely valid]

Isaac Asimov summed it up succinctly with his fireside telling of it ...
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Consciousness created The Machinery.

For some reason, Consciousness is able to effect the Quantum Field and through the vibrations of this interaction, Energy is created and form with function is manifested.

The "function" aspect is solely the dominion of Consciousness.

In that, the equation;

0 ‽ E & ∴ ‽ F c̅ QM [Consciousness Creates Energy And Thereby Creates Functional Form With Quantum Matter

0 ‽ F c̅ E + 0 [Consciousness Creates Functional Form With Energy and Consciousness]

Q: How is Energy produced by Consciousness? [What is the fundamental nature of Energy?]

GM: The curating is done when I am taking my first baby steps and learning to say "dada" and "mama" and after uttering those sounds show - at least that I am able to do that - so the next level entry is made available to me, and I learn how to shape the sounds I can make, following codes which have been around since long before my own arrival on this planet, to what the data signifies, that is information I am interested in.

William: When I wrote that, it was in coming to the realization of what it is we humans have to work with - language...and how language influences thought...

GM: "This Translates To That."

William: Yes...

GM: Fly Without A Machine For Solving Problems

William: Yes - fly without wings...something thoughts enable us to experience...within the vast realm of imagination...

GM: T-Shirts Taking root

William: I goggled that and got this;

GM: Root of evil

William: Okay - I got this;

GM: "Life is my predestiny - Providence is God to me" True happiness Taciturn [reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little.] Light is information

William: Yes - just not verbal in nature...

GM: Contentment "It is a good sign when Joey Knothead cannot argue against the evidence you present"

William: Yes. JK has a great mind to run things by...

GM: Universal Objectives You Are All Loveable...
Spiritual path Dysfunctional Atman Important Like mindful nests with eggs in 'em

William: Atman- the spiritual life principle of the universe, especially when regarded as immanent in the individual's real self.

GM: Beyond a shadow of a doubt
Stay Present Nods In The Light Of The Truth

William: Nods



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
Transponder: I'n not even going to debate the context of what you meant. If you don't even believe there to be a Cosmic Mind or a credible case for it, what are we even discussing? There is no valid evidencer or case other than an undisproven far -fetched possibility.

William: For my part, I am discussing the known existence of mind relating to matter, and how that can be extended to the possibility of the whole cosmos being mindful - because - if the parts are seen to operate mindfully there is no reason I can think of as to why the whole cannot also be seen to be mindful.

Transponder: Skepticism is validated logically without any need for discussion.

William: That explains adequately why the interaction between you and I is not "discussion". You make a claim regarding what I said, I ask you to validate the claim, you responded with what you thought was validation, I point out your faulty reasoning re that, and you react as if I am the one at fault.

Prior to that - in some other interaction we had, you brought up and then mocked the idea of "the music of the spheres".
I responded by linking you to evidence supporting this notion, and you couldn't even bring yourself to acknowledge the correction.

Were I do agree with you is that it has become most obvious that there is no discussion to be had between you and I.
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One Language Intelligent Network

SCLx11 + select last LE per shuffle
A Pragmatic Realization Precipitated In Ones Mind - Enqueue [add (an item of data awaiting processing) to a queue of such items.] - Adroit [clever and skilful] - Not a Problem! - Everything is a Message - Of Your Thoughts - Arrival - Talk - Trustworthy - Vocal Chords - The simplest explanations for why we are here and what we are doing

AP= Another Mind Open [=171]

[When Done Say “Done”
Changing The Rules
Another Mind Open
Source Reality
The Olympic games
The human interface
Fireside Metaphor
Mainstream Science
Go with the Flow
Respect others
True happiness
Inner Strength]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: Another Mind Open Mutual Dutiful Expression A Meeting Place
Deep Space
Great Humour and Enjoyment
Musing On The Mother [Act I]
All The Theories Regarding "The Gods"
We don't know enough to close any door and leave those rooms unexplored...

William: Sure. Even the whales will hunt out and destroy the nightmares of the deep...facing our fears is simply a necessary step in the experience of this universe...laugh in the face of death...and perhaps death laughs along with you...

GM: [N2N]
Laugh in the face of death
No Doubt about It
[Livingstone Hall
Well Its A Start]
We Are All Becoming One
Stay the course
[The Garden Story
The Great Unwashed]
Psychic powers
Make a list for that]
Arm up - Fight battle

William: [LEIN]
The Dizzying Heights of Intellectually Honest Conversations
Tabula Rasa
Laugh in the face of death

GM: [N2N]
Laugh in the face of death...and perhaps death laughs along with you...
It is consciousness behaving as consciousness behaves.
The idea of nothing is non-relevant to the fact of something.
...it is part of the recipe of a full authentic human experience...
Information doesn't only describe nature - it is nature

William: [LEIN]
[To The Point
Merging with the data
Joining The Main Egregore]
Laugh in the face of death...and perhaps death laughs along with you...
Understand few reach self awareness]
Meat For The Table]

GM: [Everything is an expression of GOD
The Establishment]
"The ride is wild"
~You are a dream gone real You’ve got exactly what it takes to make an old wound heal You tied the knot - then you let it slip Now we both know what it feels like to find a place to fit~
The Natural-Neutral Default Position
Phosphenes [a sensation of a ring or spot of light produced by pressure on the eyeball or direct stimulation of the visual system other than by light.]
[The Truth
Well defined yet scantily supported opinion]
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It brought a tear to the eye of my heart.

William: From the link;
[Verse 1]
When you’re sad and when you’re lonely
And you haven’t got a friend
Just remember that death is not the end
And all that you’ve held sacred
Falls down and does not mend
Just remember that death is not the end
Not the end, not the end
Just remember that death is not the end

[Verse 2]
When you’re standing at the crossroads
That you cannot comprehend
Just remember that death is not the end
And all your dreams have vanished
And you don’t know what’s up the bend
Just remember that death is not the end
Not the end, not the end
Just remember that death is not the end

[Verse 3]
When the storm clouds gather ’round you
And heavy rains descend
Just remember that death is not the end
And there’s no one there to comfort you
With a helping hand to lend
Just remember that death is not the end
Not the end, not the end
Just remember that death is not the end

Oh, the tree of life is growing
Where the spirit never dies
And the bright light of salvation shines
In dark and empty skies

[Verse 4]
When the cities are on fire
With the burning flesh of men
Just remember that death is not the end
And you search in vain to find
Just one law-abiding citizen
Just remember that death is not the end
Not the end, not the end
Just remember that death is not the end

William: [Listens to the whole song while reading lyrics]
I cannot say enough about the blessing Bob brings into this world....
The Mother is his Muse... :)

GM: The Singularity
Q: How does one hide a Cosmic Mind? A: Within apparent imperfection...
[Overseeing Director of Operations on Earth
Like Unto Ghidrah - many heads one beast...
Who Am I]
Contentious [causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.]
You Are
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William: From the link;
One could even be sad about such shenanigans until one realizes the futility of feeling sorry for those who hide from truth by declaring something to be true which has never been proven true.

Their destinies await them, be these rewards in heaven, or inheriting the game play on Earth.

Forever marooned upon an Island in the midst of an ocean they will never be permitted to have access to....while remaining blissfully unaware of the true nature of their internment and praising YHWH for their good fortune.

William: Yep. That sure is contentious....

GM: Cataphatic [(of knowledge of God) obtained through defining God with positive statements.]
"Learning To Fly"
"Lack of empathy"
"What Does It Mean?"
"What Is The Point?"

William: Learning to Fly
Spirit work
Navigational Aids
The solution
Sacred Geometry
Stuff like that...
Phantasmagorical [an exhibition of optical effects and illusions. ]
Propitious [ giving or indicating a good chance of success; favourable.] Clear Your Mind
Try To Relax
Deep Impact Event

'Lack of empathy'
Astral Guides
Etched mirror
Healing The Beast
Contact With
Small Steps
Divine Sound
A rock and a hard place
Balance of power
In the moment
Heaven on Earth

What Does It Mean?
In the Era of Light
Sort It Out
Equal System
Christmas Time
What Fun We Have!
Get The Picture
Lifting Our Game
Walking the walk

What Is The Point?
Heroes and Villains
Break the glass ceiling
All is as is should be
A fish out of water
The Divine Darkness
Coming From QueenBee
The science of can and can't

GM: Transforming The Anger Energy
Test the waters
Gematria [a Kabbalistic method of interpreting the Hebrew scriptures by computing the numerical value of words, based on the values of their constituent letters.]
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William: From the link;
William: It is no doubt helpful for biological critters to have any chance of surviving within the PU to invent morals which assist with that process.
However, in order to accept the premise you offer, one would have to say that morals were not invented but discovered. One would have to assign human characteristics to the PU. Do you think that the PU is therefore self aware and has a sense of morality?

You seem to be saying that is the case, where you wrote;

PK: Remember, I'm coming into this as someone who does not see this morality and it would make me happier than a mafly in May to say they're making it up and it doesn't exist. But I've gotten hold of enough colour palettes and had enough similar answers from people who are not comparing notes (different cultures, even) that I'm forced to say it does exist. I would love it if they each said a different colour and I could laugh them off. But they don't. There is something there, something real, that they are seeing and I do not see.

William: "Where" is this seemingly unconnected cultural exhibition sourced, if not from the mind of the PU itself?

GM: Most folk need moderating.

William: We all seem to need moderating for as long as it takes for us to learn how to moderate our Self...according to the rules on the door...[please read before entering] ;)

GM: Learned
"Any God-Mind claiming to be responsible for human beings existing, is going to have problems to deal with re that"
What science [re materialism] does, is give cause for humans to celebrate the intelligence of consciousness while at the same time ignoring the hard problem of consciousness that this type of science has created for its supporters.
[Free! Free! Free!
RPDK [Random pg dn key]
Finding the light]
Who Knows!
Go with the Flow
Balance of power
Narrative warfare
"Even in the very quintessence of the individual."

William: Remarkably so, yes.
Transponders approach is less inviting re 'discussion'. The GM process is far more the type of communication I am keen to follow through with. There is always the way in which such discussion can be had - even that the discussion becomes internal...strictly of the mind...no supposed "skepticism" to keep it at bay...

GM: Be Aware
"Out of The Shadow Lands"
Wild freedom
Technique of Exchange
Go within
Stop. Listen. Observe.]
[Glad One Asked
Synchronicity and the Holographic Universe]
Duality/Dualities Children
Those Who Can
Idiosyncratic [peculiar or individual.]
Fair Dinkum
"A dish fit for the gods"
Suckling on The Mother]
"Stuff Happens"
[Lifting Our Game
Precise definitions of strategies
The Moment
Training the mind]
A riddle wrapped up in an enigma
Divine grace
For anyone to say otherwise, would be unwise in the face of such evidence
Anchors aweigh!

William: Rather than 'keep it at bay'... :) Aye Captain!

GM: [The Four Human Power Houses]
"Use Mind
New Shifts In Thinking
Crystal clear
The path to enlightenment"
The Spirit of the Land
Super-information medium
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William: From the link;
Diogenes Evolution has never seemed crazy to me. Long before I studied it, as a five year old at the zoo I noticed the strong resemblance of apes to people (which should not have been surprising since people are apes).

William: I think that the eye sees what it wants to see, rather than what is actually there under the flesh and bone of it all - simply because - until the eye sees - it goes along with what available information there is, but even when the information is made available, the self-identity prior to the information being revealed has a difficult time of it in changing ones understand of ones self.

So - on the surface the similarities between apes and humans is undeniable, but what is also undeniable are the vast differences which make the similarities fundamentally different and therefore quiet the absurd thing to be equating ones self with.

GM: Emotional awareness
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William: From the link;
GM: Dualic Energies
[For anyone to say otherwise, would be unwise in the face of such evidence]
"Look Closely
Dualic Energies
I Am Hearing You
Free your soul"
[Side Splittingly Funny
Beyond a shadow of a doubt]
Love Takes One For The Team
Consider This
Conspicuous [clearly visible. attracting notice or attention.]

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[Donald Hoffman Proves That We Live in a Simulation]
"Leave room for nature"

William: Yes - there is a tremendously funny side to all this, I agree. Yet I have to acknowledge the sadness I feel when I think about how science could be used to create a sturdy platform in which we then can launch off of from...and yes - given the 'rock and hard place' re the human drama, there looks - on the surface - to have been no other way in which to do what has and is being done.
What science [re materialism] does, is give cause for humans to celebrate the intelligence of consciousness while at the same time ignoring the hard problem of consciousness that this type of science has created for its supporters.

GM: [Mothers Milk
"The Dangers of Separating Human Consciousness From Any Idea of GOD"
Understanding the mind behind creation which is commonly referred to as "God"
Stoke That Fire
[In The Team of the Collective]

GM: Unconscious Mind Inertia
Pertinent [relevant or applicable to a particular matter; apposite.]



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
Because, combining the two [religion and aliens] one can read in such pre-television stories, similar testimony.
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How similar is "similar?"

Very. The imagery may be different, but the subject matter is - overall - similar.

You've asserted that the experience "cannot" be the brain reworking something that's already been seen, but haven't justified why anyone should think that's true.

I haven't asserted that at all. The brain obviously has something to do with the process, but to what degree isn't really know because it isn't really well understood. Certainly not as well understood as some individuals assert, from their various positions of belief on such matters.

You've asserted "similar testimony," but unless "similar" includes things like alien greys and flying saucers, you're just making the case that human brains worked the same way then as they do now, not that the supernatural is real.

Who asserted 'supernatural'? I myself avoid using the word.

Instead of "aliens", one has gods/angels/demons/religious mythological icons...

Yes. When the brain gets weird, people frame their experiences within a familiar fantastic idiom.

What we know about the brain is that it - in all cases - does not see the world as it fundamentally is, and inserts interpretations of what it is experiencing [through its nervous system] into the consciousness connected to that.

The consciousness connected to that, has started become aware of this process and the connotations therein. The brain is just telling it like it believes it is experiencing it [reality] and consciousness just eats it up as if it were the truth...things are changing...

GM: [The Truth
Well defined yet scantily supported opinion]
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We [rightfully] question what the brain tells us about the experiential reality.

The Santa Clause analogy isn't useful in this regard as we are only speaking about gifts left behind - which can be explained - we are not talking about folk experiencing and engaging with Santa. We are not even talking about a warm fuzzy joyous thing...

It's absolutely apt.

I am not convinced.

Dr. Clancy explains through the course of the book commonalities between subjects and presents known psychological phenomena as explanations. So far, you've simply denied them. Personal incredulity is the same evidence that I presented for Santa Claus.

I have not denied anything. I have pointed out that the analogy of Santa Claus is not what appears is being implied by Dr. Clancy. Are you saying that in her book she makes this analogy herself?

Even if she does, the analogy is based upon the idea that the brain creates the mind, which is something that has not been established as anything other than well defined, yet scantily supported opinion.

From my own experiences and subsequent study, I lean toward Jung relating such experienced imagery to what he referred to as the Archetypes...

Depending on how you read Jung, I might agree with you. If the Jungian Archetypes of the collective unconscious are expressions of how our brains have evolved as humans, then I'd agree, but that's just saying that our human brains share ways of reacting to similar kinds of stimuli. If you believe as Jung himself did that there's a sort of active connection between all members of humanity, then you haven't really offered any reasons for thinking that such a connection actually exists.

I do however acknowledge that brains are not reading reality as reality fundamentally is. That is a known fact.

∴ one cannot conclude that what the brain is telling us or how we are choosing to interpret that telling, is anything other than than well defined, yet scantily supported opinion.

Jung may have it correct while graphing with how to present a largely invisible reality to a largely visible one.

How are we to tell if we are 'minds within a mind'?

I would say, we best not leave it entirely up to the brain to inform us - since the brain is as Lost In The Thought Of It All anyway...

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A Matter of Knowing Where to Look

SCLx15 + select last LE per shuffle
Preternatural [beyond what is normal or natural.] - Simplicity - There is a lot to unpack here - “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” - We go through together -
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- Emotions - Cultural Based Theology - The situation we find ourselves lost within - Think About It - Healing the child within - No More - Thel [ Thel wishes to enter the world of experience and leave behind her innocent paradise. However, once Thel enters the world of experience, she cowers in terror at the thought of mortality and the uselessness of human beings if every action leads toward the grave. This can also be interpreted as Thel’s fear of losing innocence and virginity upon entering the world of adult sexuality. In other words, Thel’s fear of growing up is what keeps her from actually living. When she flees from the experienced world because it appears as her tombstone, she unwittingly flees life itself]
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- Hearing External Voices In Your Head

AP= Well That Settles It! What Fun We Have! [=387]

[May The Spirit of The Earth Bless You
Very comfortable in your own skin]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: Odd Addiction Vortex
Is it not the quality of the message that counts, rather than the name of the entity the message comes from?

William: I think so, yes.
Odd Addiction Vortex
The Kindness of Sleep
Subatomic Particles
Looking behind the veil
Mathematical problems
Take care of yourself
The fire from within
The Nature of The Mind

GM: There is no such thing as random really.

William: Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things.

GM: Now Getting Somewhere
Callum's Eighth Point

Callum's Eighth Point appears to indicate that he is saying that if The Tanager does not want Callum to access my thoughts through Callum reading The Book of Musing On The Mother II, then "That's Okay".

I wouldn't argue with that reasoning as it is within the rules of The Role-Play.
I have provided Callum with enough devices for him to help himself and learn through. I cannot decide for him whether he uses those or is happy not to, if The Tanager does not want him to.

GM: Brother Wolf Sister Moon

William: 289, as with;
The Suppression Matrix
This is how The Mind works...
Within that which is unseen...

GM: Though the Serpent rules the Shadow
Liminal [relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process. occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.]

William: Like "Natural-Neutral" re theism and atheism...not "Agnostic" because that is a known subset of atheism...

GM: The Spirit of The Earth
Essentially, we are Gaia in Human Form...

William: Such is the nature of consciousness...

GM: Chamber Of Self
"And the wind will blow my tears away"

[Welcoming answer
The Internal Voice]
"It is not a thing to judge, but a thing to accept without judgement"
Redefinition of the Human Being
Act like an airplane and adjust approach
Oneirology [the scientific study of dreams]
[Ignore the Noise From The Peanut Gallery]
Dharma [the eternal and inherent nature of reality]
Fugacious [tending to disappear; fleeting.]
"This Should Be Interesting"
[Understanding and connecting with the source of our language is vital to that vision
The Shaping Of Reality
I place no judgement on the results.]

The Bridge of Condemnation
Tracks in the Snow

William: Then there were none...

GM: Responsibility

A Drop of Consciousness in an Ocean of Tears
“The connect was not only into learning to form a better understanding and acceptance about my 'self' - but in how you showed yourself to being an integral part of that understanding and acceptance.”
Not a Problem!
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[Wakefield Accelerators: The Future of Particle Colliders?]
The key
The Mother
Simulating large scale structure
Coddiwomple [to travel in a purposeful manner towards a vague destination]
What Shall We Call It?
"Spring Loaded"
Deeper Questions Regarding Individual Existence
The Riders
Journey to wholeness
Not Emotion - State Of Being



Jun 8, 2021
Reaction score

Part II

Master Plan:
"Don’t hide your Generated Messages"
"IF: there is a Cosmic Mind THEN: Eventually, any species which survives long enough to continue along with the unfolding universe will eventually discover that and invent ways in which to engage."
Hacking through the subconscious
What Are The Chances
"The Home Of The...
The Imagination"
"Yes We Can!"
"Adversity makes strange bedfellows
Realm of Dreams
"The Patupaiarehe

Inner child"
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William: From the link;

I have since changed my view, as my understanding is that "Agnostic" is too misunderstood.
My current understanding is this;

William: The Natural-Neutral Default Position

GM: Sober journey into self-realization

William: Better than trying on the Agnostic label which has been through the mill

GM: A terrible milestone

William: Ground into powder....

GM: "We Are All Becoming One
Pure soul"
Mind Games
"Love Heart
Points of Reference
"It is a slippery path of snake-oil."
[We stood side by side while the veils did hide the faces of children now grown
Making Up Stories]
Universal Intelligence Communications Device
"The Number Zero"

William: Signifying "The Astonishing Simplicity of Everything Behind The Scenery"

GM: Being Born
Precise definitions of strategies
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose”
The Played Piece
Things exist - and do not just exist but exist to be experienced.

William: "These things have been given to me, now what to do with these things..."

GM: Christendom...
"Astral Teachers
Earth Mother"
Disingenuous [not candid or sincere, typically by pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.]
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William: From the link;

William: So the rich man in the story, was being disingenuous...makes perfect sense.

GM: Holographic Universe
Warm Presence
"Deconstruct The Message"
Perennial [lasting or existing for a long or apparently infinite time; enduring or continually recurring.]

William: Right - like the discussion I am having with Tanager right now regaring the Mandelbrot Set...

GM: Feelings Perceptions, and Behavior
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William: The link goes to a post I made about Agnosticism being a more reasonable position than Atheism.
Traditionally Agnosticism is seen as a subset of Atheism, and I thought this was just another Atheistic grab-like the claim "all humans are born atheists" et merda...
It seems to me it is better to abandon the label altogether which is why I came up with "Natural-Neutral"...

GM: An Aladdin's cave
"Shallow is Unknown"

I still don't get it, but it is interesting how you come out with these systems. But, thank you for your explanation, I really appreciate it.


Jun 30, 2021
Reaction score
As i almost fell and started to destroy your work, i realised life is. So I'm expanding my horizon here and decided to share in my community.

I havent met her myself, yet, but i have an ayahuasca shaman in my midst and she will be helping my friends with south american indian spirits this round (or square, depending on your intersts).

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Jan 11, 2022
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William: So it isn't anything I said then?

Going back to original meanings is "the ship that has sailed" I referred to.

This is because that is just the way of the evolution of human language and fighting for something so late in the Game, isn't constructive use of personal energy.

Lets go back a few steps.

I was thanked for a post in another thread.

I pointed to this thread as part of my attempt to explain that I no longer saw the diagram as accurate.

I see now that my explanation could have been better, but even so, my argument is still valid re Agnosticism.

So the things I wrote about agnosticism to begin with, I realized at some point I wasn't actually writing about Agnosticism but about something else.

I sought to identify the "something else" and haven't discovered the name for it...so I referred to the position as "Natural-Neutral".


William: The Natural-Neutral Default Position

GM: Sober journey into self-realization

William: Better than trying on the Agnostic label which has been through the mill

GM: A terrible milestone

William: Ground into powder....

Now that we have reached this point together - The GM from yesterday affirms;


A Matter of Knowing Where to Look

GM: Brother Wolf Sister Moon

William: 289, as with;

The Suppression Matrix
This is how The Mind works...
Within that which is unseen...

GM: Though the Serpent rules the Shadow

Liminal [relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process. occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.]

William: Like "Natural-Neutral" re theism and atheism...not "Agnostic" because that is a known subset of atheism..

GM: The Spirit of The Earth

Essentially, we are Gaia in Human Form...

William: Such is the nature of consciousness...

GM: Chamber Of Self

William: I am toying with the idea of calling it "Liminalism"

[Search "Liminality"]

"a term used to describe the psychological process of transitioning across boundaries and borders. The term “limen” comes from the Latin for threshold; it is literally the threshold separating one space from another. It is the place in the wall where people move from one room to another."

Agnosticism is a form of Liminalism, applicable only to The Question "Do we exist within a creation?" re the theistic and atheistic answers and subsequent arguments re said question.

Liminalism is not limited to pondering questions specific to theistic/atheistic interpretation of the mind in relation to matter. That is a huge advantage.
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A Teacher cannot LEARN for a Student.

SCLx6 + select last LE per shuffle
Beyond a shadow of a doubt - Getting unstuck - Joy -
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- The School of Hard Knocks With Benefits. - The Matrix

AP= Be kind to yourself [=201]

[Walk The Talk In Love
Sweet Vibrations
To Be Sovereignty
Be kind to yourself
Stay in the moment
Positive self-talk]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: Be kind to yourself
Inner self
[Bounce off
Sharing Data]
Elude [escape from or avoid]
A mysterious question

William: Hmmm...

GM: “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”
[Show Me Your Soul
To Be Sure That is the truth.]
Conformal Cyclic Cosmology
Ectogenesis [(chiefly in science fiction) the development of embryos in artificial conditions outside the uterus.]
Deep Impact Event
Intrinsic motivation
"It is a mystery which must be solved that the Human becomes true."

William: True to what?

GM: The Wisdom of Foresight
An Ancient Truthful Wisdom
Freedom in The Knowing
"Hear oh Israel"

William: To what end?

GM: Determination
Counterfactual [contrasted with indicatives, which are generally restricted to discussing open possibilities.]
"The reason why gods are invented has everything to do with discovering that nature is not a mindless chaotic process."

William: So therein the individual discovers nature is not a mindless chaotic process...thus the idea of that mind being "GOD" is an open possibility which can be discussed without introducing fallacies.

GM: Debate
Love is the answer
Great Apes!
Clown Boat
The Mind is a planetary phenomenon
Universal Belief System
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William: From the link;
William: The idea is for an Eternal Entity [EE] to enter the Human Avatar [HA] and become completely unaware of any prior existence. The HA provides the means in which this amnesia is made possible.

From that point on, a character forms and personality develops - none of which are reflective of the EE [game player]. The Character and Personality formed through the interaction, are purely fictional in relation to the EE, but have the potential to be 'made real', which is accomplished through Phases of experience, which include experiences of heavens and hells.

Heavens and Hells are part of the Game-Play experience.

GM: Telling the future
Leave a Trail



GM: Know This
Each Morning
Deciding On The Best Course Of Action
Creative Conscious Intelligence
The Limitations
Constructor Theory
Information Overload
Strength of Mind
Galaxies are like Islands...
From the perspective of an evolving God-Mind, what was once acceptable behavior becomes unacceptable, signifying change.
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William: From the link;
Tanager: It seems to me like you should be saying Energy is the mindful aspect of GOD which forms the material aspect of GOD into shapes.

William: At this point I am bouncing around with ideas already established by religious theists in order to get bearings on the differences in beliefs as to how well they hold up to the things we do know about the universe.

GM: It is a hard place for flesh to dwell.
Ensures You Get To Know It

William: I guess so. It doesn't appear to be designed with happiness in mind so much as with function in mind...

GM: Self-talk
Ancient Grey Entity
Callum at the Campfire
Memories Unbound
Modern man in search of a soul
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William: From the link;
Barbarian: Other than maybe Asoka, who do you know of who had unlimited power or anything close to unlimited power, who responsibly handled it?

William: Is there such a thing within reach of any human being? I don't think so.

It is said of some Gods, [YHVH in particular] do have unlimited power. Is that to say YHVH is absolutely corrupt?
I have seen it argued that he is/they are.

But is that really the truth?

Today's Generated Message appears to be saying that it is judgment which is the problem...that if we observe the unfolding universe as something which is meant to be the way that it is, it is best accepted as such.

GM: Observing Without Judgement
It is just one of those things.
We are not orphaned - we are authored

GM: The Healing Power
"I place no judgement on the results."
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{Bob Dylan - Death Is Not the End]

William: Yes - death seems to be a liminal point where it might be the case that there is more to come. [But wait! There's more!]

GM: Put My Finger On...
"A simulation experienced within the brain is called a dream"
OWOBIK [One whom ought inwardly be known]
[Confluent [flowing together or merging.]
Called To Order]
Egalitarian [favors equality]


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
AB: So far, I see a problem in your view. You can not form a lack of belief just as you can not form nothing (Lack = nothing or absence).
Perhaps the problem is just with the word "form". I see nothing wrong with saying someone actively (or chooses to) withholds judgement after being confronted with information. That would be synonymous with lacking a belief in terms of whether something exists or not.

Getting back to how this relates to agnosticism, I also think the "lack of belief" point presents a problem to the agnostics that do not identify with the atheist and theist label. I have my own solutions, like when someone doesn't know what they believe perhaps they haven't made up their mind because they have conflicting beliefs. William brings up "maybe" God exists and maybe not, and that can be used by an independent agnostic, as well.

William: As I pointed out earlier, belief [or lack thereof] of 'Gods' existing, is secondary.

The Question isn't "Do you believe Gods exist?" but "Do we exist within a creation?"

The whole 'God' question and subsequent argument between religious theists and non-theists is manufactured on fallacy.

AB: However, the only person that has the luxury of being identified as a "natural-neutral" is a baby or someone who has not encountered the God concept. This is because they are ignorant of the concept and are not suspending judgement. To suspend requires choice, especially when it comes to maintaining it. So the difference between a weak atheist and a baby is the latter doesn't choose to lack belief.

William: So here is someone who identifies as an 'agnostic' telling someone else what another's position means. Obviously it is not only atheists who think they have the right to do that.

The term "Natural-Neutral" was used by me as a temporary identifier as I became more aware that the identifier 'agnostic' wasn't appropriate.

I make that obvious.

"Agnosticism is a form of Liminalism, applicable only to The Question "Do we exist within a creation?" re the theistic and atheistic answers and subsequent arguments re said question.

Liminalism is not limited to pondering questions specific to theistic/atheistic interpretation of the mind in relation to matter. That is a huge advantage."


The question is asked on account of the experiential reality we exist within.

Since folk are agreeing to that, there is no argument.

"Yes ... We exist within a reality we call "The Physical Universe."

The question "Do we exist within a creation?" comes from that shared position.

Theism then claims that we exist within a creation - the inference being "Therefore a creator."

The atheist responds from a position of lacking belief in creators.

The Liminalist responds to both theist and atheist points of view that we could exist within a creation and proceeds with finding out how this might be established as factual.

The Liminalist explains to both atheists and theists that the first question to ask and answer is not about having or lacking beliefs in creators, because it has yet to be established that we do or do not exist within a creation.

Perplexed: Why should the God question require the creation and a creator?

William: That is how a "God" is Generically spoken of.

Also to note, it is we within the Physical Universe who appear to require an answer and the question of "God" is secondary to the question of creation.
Thus, making it the first question requiring an answer, is fallacy.
...and the way forward, eyes wide open

SCLx7 + select last LE per shuffle
Psychology - They is what they is. - Accompanied - The Solution - Unhappy - Union - From the link

AP= Elephant [=81]

[Far Out!
Acid test]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: Available to all who seek this...Emergence Theory
"How can it be any other way?"
Out of Body Experience
The Body Of G_D
From the link

William: Yes. Given also that the mind can be altered that the experience had, can be altered, leads to the possibility that the human form was created so that a particular experience could be had by consciousness using the form.
Use of chemicals show that the brain can be altered in such a way that folk can have alternate experiences, but therein the experiences are quite similar, which we would not expect if brains are truly independent of each other and are solely responsible for the emergence of the individual consciousness said to be produced by the individual brain.

Perhaps this is the 'Elephant in the room"?

GM: Put yourself in your own shoes
Oneness of Wholeness
A Sturdy Place
Chamber Of Self
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William: From the link;
William: Aye. There is more than comparing notes. There is also comparing experiences. You used the notes to form images in your head. "Oh sweet Jesus!" [said every beloved/besotted follower]

Immanuel: It's your call. My job begins and ends with telling you where to look. It stops well short of forcing you to do the right thing. That's up to you. It's you that will answer for your choice, not me.

William: This is a clear example of a theist focusing on claims re the second question, before the first question has been answered ...

GM: Nailed it!
Love Life
Reason Together
[When One is Feeling Tired]

William: Tired of the fallacy...

GM: Burden of Proof - The scientific way to examine verifiable evidence
One is not wrong
The ability of foresight helps one to think through the desires of ones heart through logic-based filters.
Pareidolia [ the tendency to perceive a specific, often meaningful image in a random or ambiguous visual pattern.]
This Speaks of....

William: A similar fallacy. Random hasn't been shown to exist...it is just assumed to be the case in regard to emergent theory.

GM: Things Are Not Always As They Appear
Left -brain Right brain Whole brain
Nothing More - Nothing Less]
["We’ve been an island of our own - we’ve been a cosmic rolling stone Now’s the time to spread our wings - and fly!"
Wishful Thinking]
You Are Nobodies Victim - Ever.]
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Effulgent [shining brightly; radiant. (of a person or their expression) emanating joy or goodness.]
Thinking Allowed


Jan 11, 2022
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My position is the same, although I have changed from referring to it as "Natural-Neutral" because The Generated Message process has provided me with a better descriptive re the position;

GM: There is no such thing as random really.

William: Things just appear that way due to our position within things and our ignorance about most things.

GM: Now Getting Somewhere
Callum's Eighth Point

William: Callum's Eighth Point appears to indicate that he is saying that if The Tanager does not want Callum to access my thoughts through Callum reading The Book of Musing On The Mother II, then "That's Okay".

I wouldn't argue with that reasoning as it is within the rules of The Role-Play.
I have provided Callum with enough devices for him to help himself and learn through. I cannot decide for him whether he uses those or is happy not to, if The Tanager does not want him to.

GM: Brother Wolf Sister Moon

William: = 289, as with;
"The Suppression Matrix"
"This is how The Mind works..."
"Within that which is unseen..."

GM: Though the Serpent rules the Shadow
Liminal [relating to a transitional or initial stage of a process. occupying a position at, or on both sides of, a boundary or threshold.]

William: Like "Natural-Neutral" re theism and atheism...not "Agnostic" because that is a known subset of atheism...

GM: The Spirit of The Earth
Essentially, we are Gaia in Human Form...
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The Liminal position.

Re the question "Do we exist within a creation?" the question "Do Gods exist?" is secondary and needn't be tackled until the first question is answered.
Therefore, Theism, and subsequently Atheism and Agnosticism are positions created, based on
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...which is to say, the arguments created re the secondary question being asked ahead of the primary question not yet answered, are fallacious.

The statements;
"God Must Exist" and "Infinite Regression is Impossible" are false on two counts.

1: It has not been established that we exist within a creation, therefore the premise "God must exist" is faulty.

2: Infinite Regression AND Infinite Progression have been shown to be possible re the Mandelbrot Set.

Following through with the idea that we exist within a creation, the thought-experiments regarding the notion that we do, involve having to know something of the nature of the creation, which brings in Energy and Matter, which are known to exist.

Therein, anything we can possible know about a Creator, has to be established through the study of the creation. Therein, there is no thing within the creation which shows us that something can be created from nothing.
Anything new which can be created, is logically done so using the material available in order to do so.

Anyone arguing that "GOD" is so powerful that GOD can literally create something new out of something which doesn't exist, is basing their argument upon a faulty premise, because the creation itself doesn't support the premise that GOD is anything of the sort.

This means that Theism - in placing the horse before the cart - is based upon a premise which hasn't been established.

1: We exist within a creation, [not established] therefore
2: "GOD" exists, therefore
3: GOD is all powerful and can create something new using no material whatsoever.

1: We may exist within a creation. [Not established] therefore
2: GOD may exist, therefore;
3: GOD being all powerful and able to create something new using no material whatsoever is non- logic based assumption and not aligned with our current knowledge of the Universe we are questioning as being a possible creation.

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Now that nut is cracked, what next?

SCLx11 + select last LE per shuffle
Hey! look at that! It's uncanny... - Please - Astonishment - Dilatory [slow to act. intended to cause delay.] - Language - Christianity - a political device created for a specific purpose - The journey is fun and maybe that is the point. - Illusion Algorithm - Down Your Way - Story-Makers

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[Re: Are agnostics more reasonable than atheists?][=418]

[Listening to and believing in fearful imagery
Make Truthfulness the objective standard
Life on this planet, as a human being, is difficult.
The conversation is very informative.]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: Shape
Practical application
Surface Scratching
“But you will know the more you get in touch with your transcendental mind (and therefore truth) that there is no such thing as a victim. The negative benefits you more than anything else in your evolution and the evolution of all that is.”
The Development of...

William: Character...Personality...

GM: Stroke of Luck
"Humans are humans and there is a history of violent furious reaction to the situation we are in. Because we are effectively trapped in our individuate states, yet nature Herself makes it that we cannot survive independently of each other, this apparent contradiction feeds those fires of discontentment."
I Will

William: Yes. Individually we know the least even that we know much about our own subjective experience...this character/personality building would have to be the main purpose for why we exist within this universe - this Holographic Experiential Reality Simulation...
Aligned with that is the local mind of the cosmos - becoming aware of and learning how to connect more vibrantly with said mind allows for one to shape the personality in relationship with that mind...

GM: "Science of Truth
[Not by flinging woo at it.]
"We don't have to say we are 'this' or 'that' in order to put practice to Love"
The outward expression of an inward reality."
"Etched mirror
Invite The Bee to Land"

William: Yes...that was - in hindsight - clearly a practical move in bringing an inward reality out and see how this integrates with the outward reality...

GM: Illuminating
Central to The Message
Pertinent to cosmology [the science of the origin and development of the universe. Modern cosmology is dominated by the Big Bang theory, which brings together observational astronomy and particle physics.] and cosmogony [the branch of science that deals with the origin of the universe, especially the solar system.]
In The Team of the Collective
It is obviously in line with providence...
Ultimate Expression

William: From the link;
8Lou1: Yesterday i had a sort of bubble in my head, at least thats how it felt. Then a voice asked are you conscious, i said yes. Then the voice said then that bubble is consciousness.
Aint that cool, i captured consciousness in my body. In all actuality i wanted to capture nothingness, but my husband wouldnt let me, prob for the best. 😉

It made me wonder if this is how athena got born by zeus.

GM: Remember/Memories
There is a way to link all these seeming contradictions - so that coherent explanation brings these together...

William: I think the memories are specific to prior existence - not along the lines of reincarnation beliefs but along the lines of being around before the creation of this [physical] universe and indeed, perhaps even having a part to play in its formation...

GM: Indeed
Old Outposts Of Form
Love Heart
“The connect was not only into learning to form a better understanding and acceptance about my 'self' - but in how you showed yourself to being an integral part of that understanding and acceptance.”

William: When a Quantum Particle is excited, does that particle become conscious of both itself, and the Quantum Field?
"Quantum Field" = 143 as do;
World Wide Web
The God of the bible
Mothers Milk
The Purpose
Consider This
The Path of Faith
Awake and Waiting
Homeostasis [the tendency towards a relatively stable equilibrium between interdependent elements, especially as maintained by physiological processes.]
A safe pair of hands
A Grateful Heart
Peaceful Messiah
Quantum Field

GM: "Science of Consciousness
As An Elemental Principle"
"Transforming the Anger Energy"

William: Indeed. I was angry once - and felt I had all good reason to be so.
The problem with anger is that it specifically conceals doorways into other ways of thinking...and the energy is distorted through the angry emotion and used inappropriately against the external world it is projected into - and with that - the character/personality become distorted and incomplete...not something one should want to carry on into the next phase of the game...well not I anyway...I can't really speak for others...

GM: [Frequencies
Communication Techniques]
[The Inception Point
Peace of Mind]
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William: From the link;
William: If the models are corrupt, then there is simply no way in which to hope they will ensure human beings act without corruption, because the models are taught to human beings from the moment they are able to learn - effectively meaning that human beings are taught to be corrupt - are corrupted - by the very models which govern human societies - models which were created by ancient humans and the corruption has been passed down through the ages - and modified with the latest knowledge, and that addition corrupts the knowledge.

GM: Intimate connection
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[Donald Hoffman Proves That We Live in a Simulation]
"Indeed. It happens. Deal with it. Work it."
[An Elder Race]
"The Tribe Has Spoken"

William: So we have the ability to change the Simulation rules - because they are not really carved into stone [as the saying goes] but are flexible in relation to what we want as human beings?

GM: [The Imagination
"One Free Miracle"
[Lost In The Thought Of It All
"People seem to love to put order to chaos because that is only natural, as nature is not chaos."
[The Vector Symbol]
"Life is a hard teacher. First she gives us the test, and then the lesson."
If memory serves me well...
"Because the imagery is based in the genuine, in that The Ghost is acknowledged - dressing The Ghost through the use of imagery is an attempt to make The Ghost be seen."
[Universal Belief System
It is more logical that something has always existed than nothing existed before something existed]
The Fare On The Table
[In relation to eternity, 'when' is always a potential.]
Neuroplasticity [the ability of the brain to form and reorganize synaptic connections, especially in response to learning or experience or following injury.]
"You can teach me when I’m Needing You can reach for me when I’m bleeding Touch me where I need it most - you are the Ghost - in the Machine"
...Get The Picture...
[10.000 individual minds focused upon the same goal = Space Telescope]
"The picture unfolds like silk in a loom Silhouetted by Diane are the witch and the broom If she is the bride - who is the groom?"
Creating Gateways Into Other Dimensions
Active Imagination
A riddle wrapped up in an enigma
Hiraeth [deep longing for something, especially one's home.]
Changes mind when truth is presented]
Think With The Heart Feel With The Mind]
Adds Up To
The Free Will Key
Minor Arcana]
The Eight of Wands says the struggles of the Seven of Wands have now all but cleared and you have the freedom and space to move forward with your plans once again. This Eight is a dynamic card, containing a high level of energy that propels you forward to reach your goals at a much faster pace than ever before. You can expect to be very busy, but this is one of those ‘good busy’ periods during which you are enthusiastic about the progress you are making.

The Eight of Wands encourages you to go with the flow; don’t resist it. Everything is moving fast right now, so make the most of this forward momentum to manifest your goals and dreams. Allow the energy of the Universe to flow through you and propel you closer to your goal. Trying to slow things down because you’re not ready or you’re fearful about the unknown will just waste this opportunity. Use the energy instead to fuel positive change and produce significant results.

The Eight of Wands also invites you to be laser-focused with your intentions and actions. Determine what you want to manifest and then align all of your resources and energy to focus on that singular goal. Remove all distractions and devote yourself to the task with total concentration, determination and will. This experience can be highly productive, allowing you to accomplish a lot in a short time.

With the Eight of Wands, you can look forward to the rapid completion of a project currently underway, but you can also expect to be occupied by something new and even more exciting soon. There is no stopping you right now as you are just bursting with energy and ideas, and you cannot wait to achieve one task and start another. To maximise this energy, make sure your activities align with your broader goals and invest in the right things at the right time. Also, make sure your previous task is complete before you move to the next one.

This card is a sign to ‘strike while the iron is hot.’ It is most definitely an action-oriented card that encourages you to move quickly to pursue the best opportunities available. There is no waiting around while the Eight of Wands is present, so determine where your energy should go and get on with it!
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"This transformation of the entity is the pathway into wholeness and the recognition that the entity model of expression is a composite of forms and the formless that is unified in one energy, one consciousness."
One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known
Conspicuous [clearly visible. attracting notice or attention.]



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
As i almost fell and started to destroy your work, i realised life is. So I'm expanding my horizon here and decided to share in my community.

I havent met her myself, yet, but i have an ayahuasca shaman in my midst and she will be helping my friends with south american indian spirits this round (or square, depending on your intersts).

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"I love you too, darlin' " xx


Jun 30, 2021
Reaction score
Damn i wanted to say that. You totally hit the spot with the anger issue. 💖💖


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
We_Are_VENOM: You have two options..
1. God did it.
2. Nature did it.

JK: There's a possible third option, where a god forms primitive forms of stuff that later evolves into more complex forms.

William: Even supposing a mind begat the initial forms and then left it to an algorithm to allow for the forms to intelligently design themselves into more complex forms, that still amounts to "God did it" through the 'nature doing it'...

Maybe therein the 'other sides' of this conflict could find intelligent compromise...only it appears that the algorithm allows for lack of compromise, and perhaps the lack itself is necessary for complexity to push through that better understanding of circumstance [through science] can be accomplished.

Flip side to that is the science being utilized apparently isn't too concerned with the damage it is bringing to the only alive planet in the whole darned universe...we are likely ever to know about.
The worship of human intelligence has it's apparent and significant down-side.
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All publicity is good publicity

SCLx13 + select last LE per shuffle
Exploring the world of lucid dreaming - Is There Really Such a Thing as Random? -
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- Now isn't the time for tears - Shrug - Every - The Middle Path - Embarrassing - The Grey Area is Vast -
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- Feedback Codes - Disclosure of Knowledge - Penetrate

AP= Tenacious Illumination

[The Trap of Assumption
The Right Tool For The Job
It Is One Of Those Things
Suppression Matrix
Compass of Divine Insight
Extra evidence is provided
The initially unknown]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: The Watcher
Donald Hoffman
"The Great Grey Neutral Zone"

William: What Donald Hoffman is attempting to educate us about, is that we do not experience reality from a fundamental point of view. Our understanding of reality is therefore based upon circuitry input whereby the brain relays to itself [through the nervous system] what is being experience but also interprets that information for itself, and because the brain has no idea of the fundamentals, its interpretation of reality is faulty.

GM: Near Death Experience

William: It helps, as does the OOB Experience...

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William: From the link;
Re: Machines and morality:
William: If mathematics cannot describe a system of "True Free Will" this may be because such a system does not actually exist?

Inquirer: Yes that could be the case except for the fact that I know I have free will, as I said it is a self evident truth. So my free will cannot be computed mathematically (because it must be non-deterministic) it is not computable.

William: As an Agnostic my position re The Question "Does True Free Will Exist?" is "Lack of any current information to establish certainty"

Also, the focus is on the The Question, so am I to assume your claim of having free will corresponds with your belief that TRUE free will exists, and that you consider no difference between your 'free will' and what you previously referred to as "true free will"?

From the Agnostic position;
I accept that your belief that a person has will, as valid.
I remain undecided in relation to your belief that will is free, as it appears that will is only free, relative to the environment which constrains said will.
In that, I can accept the term 'free will' but not the term 'true free will'.

William: Since writing that, I have come to the conclusion that my position isn't Agnosticism, because that is too limiting [limited to the question of GOD existing] - Currently I refer to my position as "Liminalism" and so would exchange the word 'agnostic' used in the quote to that of 'Liminalist'.

GM: The Bridge of Forgiveness
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William: From the link;
Historical antecedents of modern agnosticism

William: It is apparent that Huxley's agnosticism is unable to fit into all spheres equally...

GM: Synchronicity and the Holographic Universe
Oneirology [the scientific study of dreams]
Your Connection With
"We Are All Becoming One"
The situation we find ourselves lost within
Deciding On The Best Course Of Action
Superposition [the ability of a quantum system to be in multiple states at the same time until it is measured. ]
Divine Purpose

William: Yes. It is as JK remarked... "There's a possible third option, where a god forms primitive forms of stuff that later evolves into more complex forms."

GM: The Enigma Code

William: The fact that code exists helps immensely in our ability to understand that intelligence is categorically involved in this existence.
The fact that this form of interaction - Generating Messages - is viable - repeatable and obviously works, is no different to the use of the I Ching for similar purpose...to connect with an underlying intelligence which is not easily beheld by the brain and its sensors...or, it might actually be the case that it is beheld by brains, but the consciousnesses attached to said brains distort that information...

GM: Put the Teachings Into Practice
Tap into your natural intuition and creativity
"That Is A Good Question"
Strengthen your boundaries
The essence of the world can express both consciousness and unconsciousness.

William: Yes. The practice enables good questions to be formulated...this relatively pointless war between theists and atheists is based upon false premise to begin with.
The good question to be asking isn't 'does GOD exist?" but rather "Do we exist within a creation?"

GM: The bureaucracy of Christianity
At least the Earth is real enough – never to mind the rest of the universe…
Fireside Friend
Maxwell's demon [
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[Called To Order
Aleph א]
I Digress...
Source Intelligence and Lyricus facilitate the process throughout the Grand Universe
Strength is required
Get The Truth

William: The Cosmic Mind is made up of differing levels of intelligence...

GM: The Book of Changes



Jan 11, 2022
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Liminality is a term used to describe the psychological process of transitioning across boundaries and borders. The term “limen” comes from the Latin for threshold; it is literally the threshold separating one space from another. It is the place in the wall where people move from one room to another.

Dreams are also liminal zones. Dreams are the place where our consciousness and the unconsciousness meet and overlap. In this landscape, an entire world is created that has a life of its own. Each of us has this liminal zone, and each liminal dream zone is different.

The definition of a liminal space is any space that exists between two states of being.

bordering borderline
outlying peripheral


What is a liminal person?
Liminal beings are those that cannot easily be placed into a single category of existence. Associated with the threshold state of liminality, from Latin līmen, "threshold", they represent and highlight the semi-autonomous boundaries of the social world.

Everything is an expression of GOD

SCLx16 + select last LE per shuffle
Emotional wounds - Universal Balance and Harmony - Perpetual - Unprecedented - Who Knows - Burgeoning - Course - Benefit of the Doubt - Arms Crossed - In Cell 32 I Found Love In You - Divine intuition - I Think - Power of Silence - On The Right Track -
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[random point 9:49]- The Culture of Human Lineage

AP= Sophia The Mother Story

[Productive Rationality
Finishing What Was Started
Post number five two one [
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Transient Lunar Phenomena
“No sailor controls the sea.”
The Great White Brotherhood
The Playground of GODs gods
Quantifying Information]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


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William: From the link;
One remains neutral simply by not making a shift to either Theism or Atheism.
One can lend an ear to either side without having to wear the burden of being accused of holding and defending the position of either side.

GM: Conjunction [the action or an instance of two or more events or things occurring at the same point in time or space.]
Dream Cake
The Sub Hierarchy
Can You Answer This?

William: I went to sleep last night thinking that I wanted to meet with my Dream Team - those Jungian Archetypes which are an integral aspect of who I am re personality/character.
I did indeed meet many of the team and it was extremely interesting...

When The Opportunity Presents Itself To Do So...
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[Random point: 1:06:08]
William: From the link;
His first published creation was WingMakers.com, which established James as a multidimensional storyteller who is focused on sharing deep, original perspectives to the conversations of spirituality, cosmology, extraterrestrial life, myth and the importance of the heart in one's personal mission.

GM: Sorting ones self out - a complex and tricky undertaking...
The non-Judgmental Algorithm
Your Own Individual Actions
[Optimized for Fitness Pay-offs]
There is no need to proclaim a supernatural event to what is simply an idea put into action.
[Bob Dylan - Death Is Not the End]
“Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.”

William: Yes - there was definite bonding occurring re the team...some humorous moments as well :)

GM: Wild freedom
The Fathers 'House - Mansions'
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William: From the link;
William: My definition as it is, cites along the lines that there are no such things as miracles, but only such things as scientifically unexplained.

Anything unexplained by science does not constitute a miracle, any more than the secrets of a magicians illusion constitutes a miracle.

Theoretically, a magicians secrets re an illusion can ALL be explained through scientific method, even if the secret is difficult to uncover.

The magician him/her self already knows the answer to the secret, and so in that sense, already knows the science behind the illusion, which is to say - there is always a scientific explanation to what appear to be 'miracles' and thus, there are really no such thing as miracles. There are only such things as unexplained/secrets which are - in the case of the magicians illusion - purposefully kept from the observers knowledge.

GM: Manifestation
Incredible Variants
[False Accusations
Human Drama]
[The Grey Area
The Completion Process
In The Spirit They Were Given]
"In thinking more about that truly unknown thing called the sub or unconscious aspect of ourselves, I found myself thinking that we are to it, what our shadow is to us"
[One Language Intelligent Network
Trust the Universe
Healing the child within]
Action Station
Dream Guides
"It Seemed Like a Good Idea at The Time."
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William: From the link;
William: How can time physically exist?

Bust Nak: By being a part of physical reality.

William: Can you show us that it is?


Bust Nak: I point to a clock, that's what I am talking about.

William: A clock is a physical mechanism which is designed to physically represent time as conceptualized by human consciousness/understanding.
A physical representation of a conceptual idea, is in no way an example of time as a fundamental reality.

It is like someone claiming that the written word "Unicorn" is the same thing as an actual physical Unicorn, when in truth, it is simply a symbolic representation of something which is not able to be shown to exist as anything other than a concept of the mind.

GM: Fireside Metaphor
A belly full of laughs.]
Map Carvers
Q: "Where do Thoughts Come From?"
A: The Story Timeline
Militant Messiah
Fulfilling Human Destiny
The Nature of The Mind
The Effect You Have On Others
Write a Book
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail”
Windows of Opportunity
Pulling its own weight
Like a Well Oiled Machine]
Look Closely
"The Lord God"
The process of individuation
"Planet Earth is a prison"
Adroit [clever and skilful]
"There Is Good Out There
Anchor Points
Fastidious" [very attentive to and concerned about accuracy and detail.]
Functional Clusters
Practicing peace
Quiet Time
The Dangers of Separating Human Consciousness From Any Idea of GOD
The Matrix
Truthful definitions
Test the waters
Questions as such a Son might be permitted to ask and be graced with answers
The Lord
"My commentary is on the positional responses to the question "Do we exist within a creation?" rather than what individuals giving allegiance to said positions may or may not do as a matter of personal choice."
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William: From the link;
SEPTEMBER 19, 2008 14:25
Wiesel: Yes, we really did put God on trial
Nobel Laureate declares 'I was there when God was put on trial".

GM: [The Smallest Spark Can Start a Fire]
Ride Water
Multidimensional Beingness
The unreasonable effectiveness of Mathematics in the Natural Sciences
We go through together
"Zero" does not actually represent "nothing" because "nothing" does not exist and so cannot be represented.
An expression of personal incredulity [the state of being unwilling or unable to believe something.]
Genetic Mind
Breaking bad habits
A safe pair of hands
Some things are impossible to pin down precisely because of the nature of the reality being experienced
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William: From the link;
Inquirer: The Bible in many many places speaks of God's "will" as the thing that acts, that can act, God can do as he pleases - literally meaning God has free will.

William: The biblical GOD [God/YHWH] is one of position. Just because the bible speaks of a God that acts does not literally mean he does as he pleases or has free will.

What the position means is that he can act in a far more impressive manner than those in lesser position are able to.

To be able to act in a 'far more impressive manner' does not itself provide the evidence that the one acting, is doing so from a fundamental position of free will - of having free will.

One has to operate within the parameters of the system one is operating in.

Remember the biblical story of the flood? We do not need to believe it is a true story or not to understand that the GOD can do as he pleases, even that he is not pleased to have to be doing it.

Therefore, being able to act as one pleases - subject to the set laws of the system one is acting within - does not mean that this is evidence of free will in action.

GM: The Trinity of Love
The Wholeness Navigator
Spiritual Food
Express yourself
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[Random Point 5:02]

William: From the link;
Arnold B. Scheibel - How Brain Scientists Think About Consciousness
Jul 14, 2022 Is consciousness a scientific problem to be solved? Or a philosophical problem that will remain a mystery? What do scientists who study the brain think? And why do they think the way they do? These leading brain scientists share their intimate ideas about how the brain generates consciousness.

GM: "In the Soil of Logic, The Seeds of Love Respond"
Think outside the box
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William: From the link;
Transponder: One of the first lessons that recruits into the Atheist Infiltration Squad go through in their combat training is to overcome Fear of Woo.

William: This comes across as fear-based - even with the addition of the warrior.

Give all things a fair hearing. Disclosure of knowledge...Let yourself be taught

Exhibit your innermost core
Panpsychist Science Can Be Fun Too
Sharing is part of that process
Pattern Recognition System
The Atheist Infiltration Squad

Even naming something in a derogatory fashion is symptomatic of fear.

One can take that thing meant to be derogatory and mold it into something far more useful.

Windows Of Opportunity.

['Tis specifically why theism is more interesting than non-theism.]

Transponder: Well, you know, Woo can be rather unsettling because we all live in an illusion - We think that things are really as we see them. The sky is not blue. Solid things are made of atoms - as near nothing in motion as makes no difference. Indeterminacy and the holographic universe can make us feel very insecure - unless we understand that what Reality is, is reliable and repeatable physical process, not what we can bang on a table. The Axiom is, 'Whatever happens at quantum level, Newton's laws still apply'.

That's the answer by the way, to the supposed science debunker 'human perceptions are limited and unreliable'. So they are and we get things wrong all the time. Science what we use to test and check and correct our mistakes. Religion on the other hand, rejects the science and goes with a selected set of human perceptions, all the others being rejected out of hand.

GM: Coming closer to ourselves
Carrier Identity
The Brain Is Trained To recognize Patterns
The Original People
Ones Thoughts
The Entity I Am - The Entity You Are
Saint Paul’s Dunedin

William: Yes - I went there recently and there was a art installation displaying what reminded me of a Jellyfish...I saw the connect between that and how I thought the Cosmic Mind might look if it could be imaged...
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Luminary Art Installation

LUMINARY/LUMINARE - A 2022 Venice Biennale experience comes to three New Zealand cities

Stunning ethereal works by a Kiwi artist currently wowing visitors at the 2022 Venice Biennale will be on show in Dunedin, Christchurch and Wellington in July and August 2022.

Auckland installation artist Karen Sewell launched her Luminary / Luminare work in the European Cultural Centre Exhibition at Venice Biennale in April. It runs there until November 2022.

Her New Zealand tour of works by the same name in July and August is an iteration of the Venice show, allowing audiences here to experience a parallel form of the well-received Biennale production. Visit
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for full details of the tour!

GM: Perpetual Creative Conscious Intelligence

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Tue Jun 16, 2020 7:59 am
Thomas: This word appears to be at the centre of many discussions on this forum. It also appears to mean different things to different people and, therein lies the root of our miscommunication. What range and definement do you attribute to, ' consciousness ' ?

Is there an external consciousness in the world?. Can I tune into a shared consciousness. I am listening to Prime Minister's Question Time, ....is Boris tuned into a universal human consciousness as he delivers his address. Is his brain working ,simultaneously and in tandem with my own consciousness and with that of others?

William: It is complex.

The way I have come to understand the complexity of the involvement of Consciousness within the Experiential Reality Sets [ERS] has to do with those Sets and how they are experienced, and this forms many layers of Consciousness, all of which are connected to The Source Consciousness, {SC}, some of which are unaware to various degrees, that this is the case.

Diagraphically, this transposes as;



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
William: I understand the idea of Antichrist having the information and so being able to change the course in order for prophecy to be sidestepped and I have said as much myself in the past here on this forum.

The main issue I have with the idea is that I think for Jesus to return in today's day & age the world would see this as an extra terrestrial event which would expose the gods as something more like humans than like the other dimensional beings - as they are portrayed - in the Bible.

So it is the timeline itself which has disrupted biblical prophecy from being fulfilled.

If we take considerations not only that the Antichrist is resisting the role assigned, but also the possibility The Father - that one alone, who gives the order for Jesus to return - may have already cancelled the event, which would explain why the timeline and consequent disruption occurred.

In that sense, both the plans of Jesus and the Antichrist have been set aside as redundant.

Athetotheist: No antichrist, no mark of the beast, no abomination of desolation, no anything I was supposed to do as Satan to set the stage for the return of Jesus.

William: If we take into consideration one of your examples - that of the "Mark of the Beast", then this could be considered - re the subject and given the properties around that particular part of prophecy - so we could ask...

Q: what can we realistically point to in regards to the mark of the beast, which connects real events with the biblical description?
We know that the mark is significant to the marketplace [Mark ET Place :D ] ...and what people can buy, sell, and generally wheel and deal with ... which amounts to food clothing shelter and health... all which are part of the social fabric of technological humanity.

We are informed that at some stage of the game people will not be able to access the market without having the mark of the beast on their right hand or on their forehead.

We we also should know and factor in that there has been an increase in internet conspiracy theories to do with the mark - one of the latest being - that covid virus vaccinations are administering a computer chip into human beings - and this idea of a computer chip embedded into the human being, has been associated with the mark since we entered into the technological epoch.

I remember my own days of Churching, I did some time in a Pentecostal new age setting, ET's [presented as the antichrist] 666 and 'chipping' rumors were well spread therein. That was in the 80's...42 years ago...
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William: You have mentioned Antichrist re our GM's...

GM: Look inward
The Antichrist is...a bad attitude against a good thing [060322]

GM: [The Father - in The Mother.
The Lord
Let The Day In
Strength is required
The Antichrist is...a bad attitude against a good thing
Jesus' Direct Superior
Healing The Beast] [130322]

GM: The Whole
"What is antichrist?"
It is Found Within The Experience of Self
Conscious dreaming

William: Indeed. Perhaps in some way the belief in miracles also holds a person within the confines of thinking science is not up to the task of revealing GOD since GOD is 'elsewhere'... [170522]

William: From the link;

Compassionist: I realize that if I were all-knowing and all-powerful, I would be free from all constraints and my will won't be determined by my genes, environments, nutrients and experiences.

William: Let us examine this idea together then.

I see immediately that if I were all-knowing. I would be constrained by my omniscience.

Thus I would have no free will in relation to being all knowing.

Yet - being also all-powerful, I would be able to break free from the constraints of being all-knowing.

Would you agree with this assessment, so far?

William: Milieu [a person's social environment.]
A Pragmatic Realization Precipitated In Ones Mind
"The Antichrist is...a bad attitude against a good thing"
Like how a meteorite caused an extinction event
The path to enlightenment Potential of Milieu


GM: The Torturous Treacherous Path
Group Dynamics
Rule your world
Dogs [follow (someone) closely and persistently.]
Mind Body Spirit
Translucence [The quality of letting some light pass through, or being partially transparent]
Each To Their Own
The path to enlightenment
We Are Us
Making Steady Progress [300522]

SCLx8 + select last LE per shuffle
Children of The Dream - We were not conscious of being a human for a time, but this does not mean that consciousness wasn't there. - Suckling on The Mother - Let us pronounce that argument "silly" and move on... - What is antichrist? - Self-esteem - The Need Determines the Value - Words [240622]

Human Imagination Has Consequences

SCLx13 + select last LE per shuffle
Universal Belief System - The Philosopher's Stone - Human Imagination Has Consequences - The Hamitic Hypothesis - Do It - Be still - This isn't about thoughts and language. This is about behaviours and actions. - Examine -
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- [Wakefield Accelerators: The Future of Particle Colliders?] Precognitive dreams - Memorandum of Understanding - Fast - Children of The Light

AP= Tap into your natural intuition and creativity Evolutionary Game Theory [=837]

[You won't learn to understand something that you are trying to outsmart]


William: Q: What can we realistically point to in regards to the mark of the beast, which connects real events with the biblical description?

Athetotheis: Thus far, nothing. There's no single, universal thing anyone must have in order to buy or sell.

William: What about a personal signature?
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Athetotheist: Does anyone have to wear their personal signature as a mark in their right hand or on their forehead?

William: Not literally. Do you think that should be taken literally?

Athetotheist: Is everyone's personal signature the name of the beast or the number of the beast's name?

William: What does that mean to you? Do you interpret that literally?

Athetotheist: Does anyone use a personal signature when they pay cash to buy produce at a farmer's market?

William: My point was that without a signature, one cannot access cash or use cash or any other form of payment in any marketplace.

The signature is really a modern form of placing ones mark on documentation which allows one to be a part of the local and world market-systems, allowing you to partake...
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RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: Baiting
Move On
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[First Images from the James Webb Space Telescope]
[It has yet to be demonstrated that nature is NOT the expression of a god.]
Soul Groups
The Science of Spirituality
[The concept of a Higher Self]
Self-confidence Core
Watch Your Step
[Contumacious [stubbornly or wilfully disobedient to authority.]
Superposition and entanglement
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[Magic Mushrooms DEMYSTIFIED: The Science and Practice Explained]

William: It appears that minds are not as separate as we consciously think. We are unconscious of our connections and not only do NDEs/OOBE's show us this, but also use of natural substances and as well as that, Jungian thinking connects the dots...

GM: Redefine Oneself
Laugh in the face of death...and perhaps death laughs along with you...

William: Yes - perhaps and indeed...

GM: Vipassana [meditation involving concentration on the body or its sensations, or the insight which this provides.]
Light is information
"How to be an adult"
The Same Information
Golden nugget
The World
Little Bird
Take care of yourself
Salvific [leading to salvation.]
Standstill Contemplate
"I Spy With My Eye"
[Such a Mind can prove its existence to the individual]
Partial free will is a thing.
The entity consciousness which is Mother Earth - is "The Creator" of the forms from Her Belly
“If you're looking for something more in life, you're likely to find it in something less.”
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The Word and List Strings
The Spirit of The Land
Bandages of The Beast
Sun energy
“The only impossible journey is the one you never begin”
Word - String Values
It Is Only Occult If It Is Hidden

William: From the link;
William: My perspective Naturally forbids me from attempting to put an image onto something which is obviously invisible.
If GOD by [in relation to] nature, is invisible, this means the same to me as our minds being invisible to each other, except'n when we care to share our information.

As to morality - my understanding through study of Theism, is that there is something definitely going on which may not all be accounted for re the delusion theory.

The best we have to go by is Nature Herself, and therein, - as non-theists have argued well, we pick up our sense of morality by following the clues on how to survive and prosper in a wildly hostile environment.

[perhaps one day we will all learn to celebrate our collective morality.]

Put simple, the similarity stops there as two branch away from one, and fight like savages for supremacy.

Two mind-sets in opposition to each other, are accidents waiting to happen.

I do not know and cannot say
That Natural Neutral is the way

GM: The evidence is too strong, to believe there is no intelligent mind involved as part of the universes structure.
The Matrix
[Christian mythology re Satan
Militant Messiah
Childhood Nightmares]
Micro Reflections of a Macro Reality
An Aladdin's cave
Consensus Realities
To assist with strengthening the connect
The Internal Voice
Antecedent [a thing that existed before or logically precedes another.]
Strength of Soul
Our Neutral Ground
Disclosure of Knowledge
[Unsupported statements are neither useful to science or to good argument.]
I Digress...
...Mind/Thought Space
The Human Instrument
Higher Self Dream Guide
"If someone were to declare that the Universe was a random mindless accident of an event, then they are saying that its existence is a 'truly random event'."
Stochastic [having a random probability distribution or pattern that may be analysed statistically but may not be predicted precisely.]
Do A=1
"Invention isn't actually what is going on though. Realization is what is occurring."

William: Eight Six Five - "It was a natural step to take under the circumstances and one with which I have no regrets"

GM: Source Sync
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William: Ah yes - back to the "Jellyfish"...

GM: Uncertainty Principle
Raise your frequency

William: Apparently, yes.



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
William: You said there's no single, universal thing anyone must have in order to buy or sell. With my example of the personal signature, I showed this was not the case.

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You did no such thing.

Yes I did

A homeless person is given some money and uses it to buy a sandwich from a street vendor. No signature involved.

Are you forgetting that in order to give the money, the giver has to be signed into the system?
Or, is it just a matter of moving the goalposts?
Cash itself is signed off on.
The move toward a cashless society will mean the homeless will have to find the means to make market transactions, and that would involved a signature - just the same as it did before they became homeless.
Your argument appears to be straw-clutching at best - the system involves all who dwell under the shadow of its wings - even the minority homeless.

And you don't think there are still forms of barter in the non-industrial world?

Show me the evidence. Even if you don't, I would be within reason to assume these systems are operating within the shadow of the signatory system, rather than outside of it.

The things being bartered - even if made by the ones doing the bartering - usually have some monetary cost associated with the materials used.

Show me a whole country operating on barter, and I will acknowledge that country as being evidence that the absent-by-choice-antichrist you portray, likely rules that land.
Show me a whole world which operates on giving rather than selling, and your case will be proved that this antichrist did indeed make the choice not to do what was expected, and Jesus cannot return as a consequence.

Perhaps we could at least agree that if such a world did occur, of what point would Jesus therefore be required to return?

...Think it through...

Do you think that some type of literal physical mark on ones right hand or forehead, is the only interpretation? [if so, please explain why.]
The brow was considered the noblest part of the body and the right hand was the one raised to take oaths, so those locations would make sense to first-century readers. And it would have to be something detectable in order for it to be established that it was there.

You are halfway correct. In addition to this observation you make - the forehead is indicative of thought - consciousness - self awareness. These all contribute to self identity and self identity translates into signature re the System of The Beast [Marketplace] - wherein, chose a name [or have one chosen for you] and develop a mark-signature that is unique enough to be solely connected with you - the individual.

Nature Herself lends support to such a Signatory System developing as it has been, because we are scientifically known to be unique - DNA - fingerprints - eyes - and every Galaxy out there is most obviously a one-of-a-kind.

The individual accepts their identity as prescribed, and signs up.

That is the "forehead" aspect of the MotB

The right hand is significant of a persons actions. Signing off is the same thing as taking an oath.

Together, thought + action = Identity.

Identity + Signature = Survival.

The number is established in the text, and the name would logically be a name corresponding to the number (Nero Caesar=666).

And how does one go about calculating? Which coding should we use for the task? How did you reach the conclusion that "Nero Caesar=666"?
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William: It isn't immediately obvious that when folk are yapping about "GOD" they are talking about a Ghost. Same as when folk yap about Spirits....

Inquirer: Here, in the 21st century "ghost" has connotations rather different to those it had in the 17th century. If I said to you "I am gay" you'd infer a different meaning to what someone would have inferred in 1820 for example. That is you'd be misled into thinking I was homosexual.

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I suspect that you and William had slightly different meanings in mind for "ghost" such that both of your statements are true from a particular point of view.

I have no problem in thinking GOD as a GHOST {GOD-HOST/G.HOST}

There is no excuse for regular contributors in the forum not getting the gist of my overall position as I also refer to GOD as "Consciousness" [and consciousness is invisible by nature just as are 'ghosts'] and I concur with the likelihood that we exist within a creation and that the creation we refer to as "reality" is indeed an Experiential Reality [experienced by all of us consciously/with consciousness] and I think of this reality as being the product of a Mind I refer to as "Cosmic" - that "Mind" = "GOD" and is invisible and I sometimes also refer to this Cosmic Mind as "The Ghost in The Machine" and created the machine [physical universe] in order to have the particular experience the machine can provide it with.

If the Inquirer thinks GOD is different from that, then I agree with JK and Diogenes and Difflugia that the Inquirer has to clearly explain the difference so we might all better understand the protest the Inquirer is making re the accusation being made that I am being 'misleading'.
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[361=three six one]
Three Six One = 142
Redefine Oneself
Source Sync

SCLx10 + select last LE per shuffle
Core emotion - Significant Variations - A light breeze arriving and kissing my cheek at the same moment I am thinking “life is beautiful", is a message. - Incompleteness - Indeed...You Do... -
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- Active Galactic Nucleus - Speculation - Egoless

William: From the link;
William: There are as many beliefs in "God" as there are humans who have beliefs in "God".

It isn't so much how the individual dresses up their image of "God" that is important, but rather - that the idea of "God" in relation to the individuals experience [which can only be subjective] within this mysterious universe is as natural as the universe itself, and a perfectly acceptable thing for consciousness to be thinking about.

AP= An Exam [Virtual]

[And that’s not all
The Earths moon
Body Intelligence
Optimum Health
By the fact itself
Universal mind
The Library of Babel
How to be an adult
Sols Fabled Twin
Insufficient data
The Overlords
Radical self-acceptance
Self-confidence Core
An Exam [Virtual]]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: Free-spirit
[The art of relationship
Attention to Detail
[What matters most
Little Tittle
"There Is More to the Silence Than Meets the Ear"
Every Conceivable Detail
The Overlords [Childhoods End]
Throat chakra
The Crystal Clear Waters
Conspiracy Emotions.

William: Living their forefathers’ conflict...we are best enabled is we move Toward a Science of Consciousness
The intrigues of human politics can just as easily work with that, than against that.

GM: Sustainability
Cleaning Up The Mess
Mysterious process
True Colors]
Constructors and tasks
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- [Random 4:20]
How can it be any other way?
The Cosmic Mind is made up of differing levels of intelligence

William: Earth teachers (physical) disseminate and preserve the knowledge of the Grand Portal ...The Hierarchies fragments, or subgroups, are completely devoted to boundaries.

GM: [Contact With
Fugacious [tending to disappear; fleeting.]
Do this]
"Never a dull moment"
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William: The link is to a post already linked in this GM...
I have no problem in thinking GOD as a GHOST {GOD-HOST/G.HOST}

There is no excuse for regular contributors in the forum not getting the gist of my overall position as I also refer to GOD as "Consciousness" [and consciousness is invisible by nature just as are 'ghosts']...

GM: We Are Us
"The Mystic Forest"
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William: From the link;
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William: In real terms, the Master ColdFire trick is about throwing a scary story into the mix in order to show a presumed outcome...however, the outcome was surprising in that the presumed outcome...Presumed outcome = 193... didn't happen and so the storyline changed and adaption was necessary.

"Master ColdFire trick" was inserted as a line entry on my ComList around the time it came about
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over 2 years ago...


When you get a 'surprising result' in science, it's perfectly acceptable to explain it away by saying 'adaption was necessary'.

The 'surprising result' was in Callum's response to an attempted illusion [the trick referred to] and the "adaption was necessary" is in regard to following the story-line alongside adaptation.

You would know of this, of course, if you 'did the science' but instead you attempt to "explain it away" as "reading the bones"

Follow the links and see the connections Diagoras - don't just jump in and expect that non-theist mud-slinging is going to work for sceptics in this case. "Unclog your Chakras." - as today's Generated Message suggests.

today's Generated Message said:
Unclog your chakras
What Meets The Eye
Active Dreaming
Keep me in The Loop

Not by flinging woo at it.

[emphasis mine]

You're Welcome!

GM: [Plant the seed
Pseudepigraphical [are falsely attributed works, texts whose claimed author is not the true author, or a work whose real author attributed it to a figure of the past.]
r = aeθ cot b [The Golden Spiral]
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[The First Aliens | A Brief History of Aliens in Science Fiction]
Let Us Move On Together Then
Free Will]
Do a Word Search
Deep Mind
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William: From the link;
Jul 11, 2022 According to research on galaxies and other large-scale formations, there are many mysteries in the cosmos that are just being discovered by scientists. .

Most of these mysteries require new physics theories to help us understand
them. For example, we need to understand why gravity is so much weaker
than the other forces, as well as what happened before and during the big
bang and many other unanswered phenomena.

We've been able to address some of our questions thanks to the
advancements in technology. And CERN has consistently been at the
forefront of this. Incredibly, the CERN team of scientists has just uncovered a
breakthrough discovery that alters the course of history! What did they find,
and how might it answer our questions about the cosmos?

William: "Search Deep Mind - CERN"
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William: From the link;
William: Lucid dreams are messages.
OOBEs are messages.

A light breeze arriving and kissing my cheek at the same moment I am "thinking life is beautiful", is a message.

From my experience, the systems I use re generating messages have sometimes challenged my beliefs, and I know how hard that can be, and have even sulked on occasion and refused to commune for weeks afterward, until I calm down, through thinking about things and coming to better conclusion - being honest about my beliefs and letting go of those ones which are resistant to change or suppress my ability to move forward...

My observations based upon my experience of life as a human being - to date - re the subject of what happens when we die is largely based upon the study of the stories that folk who claim to have had NDEs and such type experiences bring to the table.

What I have noticed therein equates to a picture which informs me that the most likely thing which happens in what I refer to as The Next Level - is that we immediately start experiencing a reality which appears to be set up that way and we enter it, but what is actually occurring is that it is something we create for ourselves as the nature of The Next Phase is such that IT responds to each individual personalities belief systems, as well as their overall attitude, and even their deepest hidden things - things they know they have hidden, and things which are so deep, even they are unaware of said things.

This interaction - the nature of The Next Phase environment, and the overall consciousness of the individual [including those subconscious and unconscious realms] come into play, and - largely unknown to those experiencing this almost instantly manifesting reality the enter into - that it is they who are creating the very thing which they are experiencing.

In some ways, that is exactly what Lucid Dreaming helps an individual practice at - creating and maintaining their own realities to suit their beliefs - in preparation for 'The Main Event".

The Math I speak of is not how the messages are generated, but another system incorporating language [sound-based] by using the symbols which represent the sound of language, with symbols which represent numbers and thus, the simple code {A=6...Z=26} allows for one to create a growing data-base and cross-examine the results.

So I have two lists. One I call a "ComList", where I place words/word-strings as line entries:
Presently my ComList has 2657 line entries on 55 pages. [I use MSWord and the Time New Roman font @ size 12]

The other list [same font settings] I refer to as Name2Number and is currently 81 pages.

When generating a message, I usually have both documents open...

I will proceed now with example of how GMs are constructed...as the first post of a thread I will create for the purpose of examining said processes...and link this post to that one.
[Link to that Thread]



GM: Please process this word using your Name2Nunumber list.
Why is this a Requirement?

William: God/Source/Home Why is this a Requirement? = 434, as do;
"Communication with the Deeper Levels of Self" and
"We humans really made our beds with this one"

GM: Listen
Respect others
Be Led
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William: From the link Re: Paradise on Earth;
William: Apparently, there are options available for those who have died before the promised return.
One does not have to remain in an unconscious state while things unfold as YHWH has prepared various places for those who have passed on and who's personalities have been deemed worthwhile saving in a free-flowing format rather than in a steady state format. Some remain conscious while others go unconscious and are rebooted at another time...

GM: New Shifts In Thinking
[Make a list for that]
The Journey To Apotheosis
These things have been given to me, now what to do with these things...
How shallow is the reach of YHWH
"Went To The Devil"

William: Sure - however that equates to personal interpretation, "Satan" has his uses as far as YWHW is concerned...

GM: Get Comfortable
In the Era of Light
[Putting My Finger On It
The Sign On The Door Clearly States The Rules]
“Fear is a natural reaction to moving closer to the truth.”
OWOBIK [One who ought be inwardly known ]
Whichever 'way' one traverses the experience of their individuate life - we are never truly independent - so whichever group we choose to associate with will be the group we best identify as being...if the self-identity is incorrect - then no matter the position [theist/non-theist] one will always see the 'different' ...so there is no point whatsoever in fearing that, if one is self-identifying correctly]
[Understanding the mind behind creation which is commonly referred to as "God"
Multidimensional Beingness]

William: Understanding the mind behind creation which is commonly referred to as "God" Multidimensional Beingness = nine eight three = 147
A Bit Of Both Yes
Heal Yourself
The Heart of a Buddha
Let people help
One Zero Eight
Nine Eight Three

GM: Duty Calls Children Help Each Other REAL Friendship
Neruda Interview Five
The Smokescreen called "scientifically unrespectable"
A Game Of Chess
"Consciousness" = “Zero”, mathematically speaking.
It was a natural step to take under the circumstances and one with which I have no regrets

William: From the link;

I have explained the way I use the GM process - what is involved in being able to generate messages. Are you aware of those explanations?
If so, can you specify exactly what it is you want to know about the system I am using?

For now I will say this much;

I do not know exactly why the system works, only that it does work.

I have formulated theory on why the system works which - in a nutshell - has two main ingredients;

1: There is no such thing as actual real true randomness
2: Consciousness may be a fundamental aspect of the universe we are experiencing

re 2:

By consciousness, I am not referring to human consciousness [which is obviously secondary rather than fundamental] but to Cosmic Consciousness [Cosmic Mind [CM]].

Energy and Matter [Quantum] are fundamental ingredients to this universe. I think that a CM may also be fundamental.

GM: Uncharted Realms
"Perennial Look closer Who Knows What That Is Worth? Harmless Keep me in The Loop Little Bird"

William: xx

Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Well, USA pennies are considered trash to most consumers who don't pinch pennies.
Some people sling bags of coal over their shoulders during a days work, and get paid three cents in currency exchange.
Why not make pennies the new dollar?


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
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Inquirer: If you threw a six sided dice for an hour but 5 never, ever, ever came up, could we describe the outcome of the throwing as random?
JK: Yes. In a random environment such a condition can occur.

William: Therefore I can conclude that since this would never happen, I must exist within a non-random environment.

One can stretch out the timeline infinitely and say that the five-side will never show no matter how many times the dice is thrown.

In that, we can conclude we exist within a random environment, if I am understanding your reasoning here...

Sure - we have to expect that the five-side WILL show up at some point, because 'odds are' but it is not the throw of the die which decides for us whether we exist within a random mindless environment. It is our inability to correctly predict the outcome of each throw which has us falsely concluding therefore, that we must exist within a random mindless thing.

However, that inability to predict with accuracy doesn't prove randomness [or mindlessness] actually exists as a fundamental aspect of the physical universe.
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Josh: The fact remains, a process with a random step can indeed produce non-random outcomes. With evolution, that's specifically what selection does....sorts through random inputs to generate non-random results.

William: Or it could be the case that it sorts through non-random inputs and outputs what it considers to be the best non-random combinations...fine-tunes using the only available process [non-random inputs] and sorting these into appropriate patterns.

For example, like a complex jigsaw - trillions of pixels which are scattered so well as to appear random, yet can be sorted non-randomly...eventually the picture will show itself for what it is as the pixels are non-randomly sorted into their correct positions...
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Adversity makes strange bedfellows

SCLx17 + select last LE per shuffle
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- Wonderful - Weak - Pusillanimous [showing a lack of courage or determination; timid.] - Walk - Seduce - "It is not a great answer, because we do not know that is true." - There Are Myriad Stories Happening Within The Main Story - Strengthen your boundaries - Secret - Yogi - Beyond Focus 4 - The Tribe Has Spoken - "When the evidence for long ages became obvious, most Christians realized that their earlier assumptions about scripture were incorrect." - Reconnect with Innocence -" It will be the beginning of your reintroduction to your True Self."

AP= Communication Techniques
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[Marilyn vos Savant] [=694]

[Six Nine Four = 154]
[Glow Softly
Bandages of The Beast
The Second Coming
Radical Honesty
Light the spark
The wheel of time
How about that
Phylogenesis [the evolutionary development and diversification of a species or group of organisms, or of a particular feature of an organism.]
One Four Four
The Book of Changes {I Ching]
Six Nine Four]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: The Shifting Models of Existence
[Sophia The Mother Story]
Insufficient data
The Body Of G_D
[A Matter of Knowing Where to Look]
[Science Can Be Fun Too]
Water The Garden
"We know not what we are because what we think we are gets in the way of it all"
The Serpent
Go with the Flow
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William: From the link;
How Brain Scientists Think About Consciousness
Jul 14, 2022 Is consciousness a scientific problem to be solved? Or a philosophical problem that will remain a mystery? What do scientists who study the brain think? And why do they think the way they do? These leading brain scientists share their intimate ideas about how the brain generates consciousness.

GM: And
Break Through to Your True Self
Eloah [mighty. Powerful personality]
Contentious [causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial.]
Talking the talk
"Lordy! Do I Have To?"
[Express yourself
Let the hand of GOD work for you]
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William: From the link;
Re: Are agnostics more reasonable than atheists?
William: From the position of Agnosticism, the assessment of evidence by agnostics, does not require the individual place any importance on parts of the evidence over other parts of the evidence.
If any bias is present re the position, it is the bias toward treating all information equally.

William: Of course, the 'agnostic' position has since been recognized by me to not really be the position I am speaking of there. My understanding of that position has changed...

GM: “True belonging doesn't require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are."

William: True enough. The tricky bit is in acknowledging those bits which do need changing, in order that one can actually BE who they really are...

GM: [Peace of Mind
Easy To Find
[Opening Doors Easy To Find
[Can You Imagine...
Heal Yourself
"A naysayers opinion is of no consequence, no matter how it is stated"
[The Word and List Strings]
"Does that beam light into the dark, or surround the light in darkness?"
“Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people's thinking.”
[It appears to come from a desperate place - like with the clutching of straws.
A Sense of Hope]
"A genuine relationship with The Creator, is worth so much more than a relationship with a religious artifact, wouldn't you agree?"
Sharing is part of that process
The journey is fun and maybe that is the point.]
Antecedent [a thing that existed before or logically precedes another.]
"Identify Common Denominators"
Fireside Friend]
[Against the grain
The Crabwood Cropcircle]
Humble Dreamer
"Time To Go?"
[The Whole
In The Night Sky]
Nonviolent communication
"The Mark of The Beast"]
[The concept of a Higher Self
Tap into your natural intuition and creativity
Don't let schooling interfere with your education]
Every Conceivable Detail
Matthew Twenty Two – Forty

William: =339 as do;
Upon Further, Deeper Inspection
Absolutely Perfectly Beautiful.
A Matter of Knowing Where to Look
All things come to those who wait
Matthew Twenty Two – Forty [“On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.”]
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[Real Beauty]
[Evidence We Actively Collect
The Development of
The Knowledge Of]
[To Add to That
Clinging onto the wake of the fundamental...wanting to be part of it forever.]
According to the teachings of ...?
I Am
Innocent Even
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William: From the link;
Age: BUT, some people LIKE to be judged, on what they have done.

However, NO one likes to be misjudged, for what they have NOT done.

William: The specifics re the GMs gathered together, are not suggesting there is no exception to the rule...

I have added the word-string "Some people LIKE to be judged, on what they have done", as well as the link to your post, to my ComList.

It will be interesting to see if the GM process picks up on it and something more is said about it...

GM: Fascinating
Does evolution shape our senses to see reality as it really is - or not?
[Memorandum of Understanding
A projection of one’s subconscious
Creative Conscious Intelligence
All Information Is Channelled
Anamnesis [recollection, especially of a supposed previous existence.]
The Message Generator Process]
"Just because we might be existing within a creation, and just because it may be nestled within another universe, shouldn't mean that it is somehow an unnatural thing compared to our own. "
[Your Dream Team
Be transparent
Embrace the discomfort]
Little Bird
"The ticking won’t stop while we all watch the clock as the winds of our lives are still blowing "
Astral Explorer
On all fronts
The Light in The Dark Everyone a great spark every one of us all here together
On To It
Hacking through the subconscious
Raise your frequency
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William: From the link;
William: Correct me [anyone] if I am wrong about this, but there is no scientific way in which to show that people have "true free will"?

My present understanding is that science has clearly shown that our brains interpret incoming data which comes through our senses and projects that interpretation as feedback and we are therefore not perceiving what we call reality, as it fundamentally is, but only as our brains interpret and feed back the data interpreted.

For example, colors and sounds and smells and tastes and touch are all consciously experienced after the brain has interpreted the data of experience and it is the brain which interprets the data as "colors and sounds and smells and tastes and touch".

GM: Foresee/Foresight
An Aladdin's cave
Energies Renewed
Everything Is Unique
Human beings can do it the hard way or the easy way, but either way, the job will get done.
Where is Truth?
Never a dull moment
Stay Present



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
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Inquirer: If you cannot determine the output state without first knowing the input and the input is random, then the output state too must be random.

JK: I think it's fair to state that if we can know each and every variable, and the outcome thereof, maybe an event (evolution) ain't so random.

My issue here is folks denying, for whatever reason, that evolution occurs.

As relates to the OP, this is what I'll never understand.

We can observe evolution directly when we notice our children ain't clones of us. Beyond that, we'll observe they have their own unique, if similar dna.

From those facts, it's easy to draw the conclusion that given enough change, over enough time, speciation (and taxonomically above) will occur.

So we can, if begrudgingly, allow that evolution is a nonrandom process. That causes me little fret. What we can't deny, is that evolution occurs

William: From the position of "outsider looking in" the issue is created by the unwillingness of either fighter willing to concede the best way forward is to accept that we exist within a creation and the scientific evidence we are collecting about how that creation works has uncovered biological evolution re our particular experience of it.

Most recently our current overall impression of it through scientific means,

enables us to verify that we literally know so little that we should not allow ourself to believe we know so much, whatever direction our influences are coming from.

Fisticuffs [for real or online] are verifiably unhelpful...
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We exist within the mind of a creator

SCLx12 + select last LE per shuffle
The Middle Path - Sola Scriptura - I’m Not Saying It Was Aliens… - How can it be any other way? - Smarter Than the Average -
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- "I am fine now with referring to my position as theistic, as agnosticism merges into the shadow behind me." - Solemnly - Open Hearted - The Solution - Husband - Honest attempts at scrubbing up

AP= Honest attempts at scrubbing up Spelling [=442]

[Extend Beyond The Borders of Institution
People seemed to love to put order to chaos
Learn how to deactivate all internal triggers...
Honest attempts at scrubbing up Spelling]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: [The Finer Details]
[The Nature of This Place
Open Hearted
Group Hallucination]
[The Nature of The Mind
Dungeons and Dragons]
Unity with our Collective Self
[Release shame
Selfish Attitude]
"This Should Be Interesting"
Turning Point]
["Withheld Information"
Our Neutral Ground]
[To become conscious of the contents that press outward from the unconscious
[Asking Politely
Holy Matrimony]
[Heart advice
Pearl of wisdom
[Accidentally on purpose
The Healing Power]
[Earth Mother
"Annus horribilis"
In the Era of Light]
[The Shifting Models of Existence
The Things You Do...
Around The Campfire
"True randomness does not exist"
[Sleeping Dragon
What Do You Like About It
Brother Wolf Sister Moon?]

William: Freakshow. I see the monster even within the beauty. Do I 'like' what I see? What is the point in not liking it?
Am I to wonder by what is seen, as to what mind created it - what state that mind is in? It appears to be still sorting out the particulars - arranging things into orderliness...meantime we are multiplying and "going forth" - perhaps even unwittingly captivated by its deadly beauty.
Clearly it is the 'deadly' aspect which prevents us from liking it 'too much'...dying folk forming attachments to something so obviously tempting with its seemingly endless possibilities... which doesn't seem to have a lot of traffic flow right now...it looks alive even that there is not a lot of biological life within it...but then again... minds do tend to look alive...

GM: One Zero Six...
An Objective
Leave a Trail
In the open
Love Heart
Dream guides
True Self
Hidden riches
Hear Me out
Real Enough
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William: From the link;
William: Is it good or bad that males lions kill off the competition?

Or is it simply that the opportunity presents itself to do so?

How would our world be if every male lion was spared this?

Sometimes I think that we "Disneyfy" the real world by superimposing our fantasies of a perfect world onto something we do not regard as a perfect world.

Perhaps therein, humans invented morality in order to try to force a perfect world onto the real one they have been experiencing.

If so, this opens up the question;

Q: "What is it about humans which has the ability to comprehend a [supposed] "Perfect World", which is so obviously different from the real world?"

We search for answers...

What have our sciences done to answer this question?

Or is it a matter that our sciences are being used specifically like unto the male lions, suppressing the main herd while they go about sailing into a particular direction they have selected for themselves?

For the herd notes, [for example] that as grandiose as the latest space telescope is - hurtling and unfurling [fully shaded] toward it's destination some million miles out and, simply to peer into the secrets of the past to 'try and understand'...the herd understands that the money could be 'better spent' on creating a perfect world here in the heart of imperfection - so why is that not been done?

Why is the rest of the herd being experimented on and used for that one purpose?

Just so a few lions can have their names recorded for all time?

Is that moral?


Does it matter, since morals are really human inventions and are not aligned with the actual reality?

And to the Theist who might believe such, I would add a question to that one.

Q: Since this is not the perfect world you imagine, since you are thinking of kingdoms of plenty where this kind of thing cannot take place, why do morals matter hereabouts in this world, when they seem to serve better in these other imagined next level worlds?

For me in the middle, [Liminalist] I am somewhat undecided. I see the potential for humans to actually build a perfect world for themselves - irrespective of the chaos - and see those in the sciences attempting to do that.[through none other than the devices of the Sciences]
Unfortunately - not everyone is in favor of the perfect world envisioned - of the fiction-like story scientists are opening the door to...and so those not in favor are factored out, through invention...just like how the male lions deal with the male off-spring...not with morals but simply through the natural rule of the game-play of this reality...the School of Hard Knocks.

GM: The Completion Process
[Morality filters are created through…?
Near Death Experience?
The Story Timeline?
Watch Your Step?
The Christchurch EQ?]

William: I suppose through all of those and more like them...

"Where life and death is part of a circle and everything is part of the Ouroboros"
Leave the door open
Cataphatic [(of knowledge of God) obtained through defining God with positive statements.]
["Afraid of The Unknown."

William: Suppressing the fear of the unknown...

GM: "Symbol
Energies Renewed"
"Learning To Fly"
"It is what it is"
"Salute and get to it"
Food for thought
Indeed...You Do...

William: Sure. I think about it perpetually as part of the narrative of the Experiential Reality. There IS a commanding influence involved, as far as I have ascertained. Others call it "Pareidolia" - perhaps out of fear that the thing could have a mind and therefore actuall BE a monster...

GM: [Recovery
Presumed outcome]
"Modern man in search of a soul"
[Each Morning
Interesting Data
Look For the Significance
Following Your Intuition
Be aware]

William: From the link;
Jim: Have you tried William S. Burroughs word lines?

William: No.
Checking out WSB quotes - for example " Your mind will answer most questions if you learn to relax and wait for the answer." I already have variants of this in my ComList.

Also it is apparent to me that ones 'mind' is vaster than we are led to believe...and that there are many levels of consciousness beyond our own, and that we are all connected mindfully in ways which we do not easily comprehend.

This system I am using can help the individual connect with the larger reality of the over-mind.
Rather than place the above WSB quote into my ComList, I prefer to post this and then get the link to the post and place that into my ComList, because it allows for even more scope than a single quote can offer - in relation to any future Generated Message which might include the link as part of the message being built.

GM: "Residue

William: That's another - more clever and succinct way - of putting it...point being, here we are at that moment made to be foreseen in some possible future which turned out to be now.
[rhetorical question]
RQ: So what dots are today's GM connecting by bringing that post into the discussion...

GM: "Wide
Open Minded Sceptic"
[Simulacra [an image or representation of someone or something.]
What can I say, except "Thank You"]
Do You Know This?

William: Only as I practice it...

GM: Those Who Can
An accident waiting to happen?
What Is The Point?

William: For me - the point is that it helps me learn - the GM process is an exceptional learning device...because it evidently communicates specific and enjoyable interaction between minds on different levels - or a mind with different levels, connecting...stuff like that...

GM: Builders:
"All Information Is Channelled"
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William: From the link;
The Thesist and non-Theist Brain
Non Theist: "I am only able to see gibberish"

William: I am presently sharing my Generated Messages with a variety of internet platforms and have noticed that non-theists insist that they only see 'gibberish' [unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense.] whereas with theists - no matter what particular belief they have - they appear to be able to - at least - get the gist of any GM - even if some of it is not understood.

To begin with, I was highly skeptical and thought that non-theists were being disingenuous [pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.] and in that, I used other ways in which to try and help them to understand what was taking place, [such as diagrams and analogies], but nothing helped.

This has lead me to question my skepticism and I am now wondering if it is just the case that once an individual unreservedly believes that they - the mind/consciousness - are nothing more than brain chemicals, anything contrary to that understanding simply isn't able to penetrate because "The Mind' only happens in brains and is the reason minds exist."

Is it the case that
1. non-theists are simply unable to 'get their head around ideas' which are outside of the idea that we are simply emergent properties of brains, [every other idea is gibberish/gobbledygook


2. are they just being disingenuous?

GM: The sea is indeed filled with a deranged assortment of critters

William: Search "creepy deep-water fish"

GM: The Thalamocortical System
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Looking behind

William: From the link - search word 'behind'...
GM: [We Could
Inside the workings of intelligence
"With a small nervous cough - the wedding was off - we could all sense a change in the weather"
"People Judge People"
Get To Know It

William: Yes Nyx - the 'behind the scenes God' whom even Thor was freaked out by. The goddess of the night, daughter of Chaos - = Visible Galaxies which altogether = "Children of The Universe...The Universe Entity.

GM: I come from a dark place ...it is so dark I can't even remember it
May The Spirit of The Earth Bless You
Empower The Inner Empire
The Mind Behind Creation
Stay The Course

William: It takes time, because of the complexities involved. Perhaps the Thanatophobic aspect is the fear that one will return to the dark place one came from?

GM: The Generated Messages VVilliam...

Understanding the mind behind creation which is commonly referred to as "God"
All system go

GM: "The goddess of the night, daughter of Chaos" also "A Mathematical Theory of Communication"

William: Three Six Nine - yes...

GM: "Children of The Universe...The Universe Entity" also "Many download the Zietgeist and roll with that" and "Interpretation is secondary to the process"

William: Four Seven Nine...

GM: "Create Your Own Spirit Ship"

[One Eight Four]
You Are All Loveable...
Rest When Weary
Down Your Way
Feel Your Feelings
The path of awakening
Conscious Agents
The neutral zone
Necromancy Sound

[Three Two Six]
Observing Without Judgement
It is just one of those things.
Systematically suppressed
Since I needed a little smile in my life
We are not orphaned - we are authored
Nature two sides of the same coin
Unknown but not unnatural
Create Your Own Spirit Ship


There is no such thing as true randomness
Information which we see as heavenly objects
VVilliam carries on with his calculations
Darn the weather with is dictator attitude!


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
Inside the workings of intelligence

SCLx13 + select last LE per shuffle
I hear thee hear thee...Memories Unbound -
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- Hunters - Think In Terms Of Eternity - Communication is key - Here-and-now - Under the watchful eye and guiding arm of YHWH - Multidimensional Beingness - The Whole - Self-confidence Core - Placebo Effect - New - Wish fulfillment

AP= The Demiurge: "Does that beam light into the dark, or surround the light in darkness?" [=775]

[Often sheltered from the storm - warm my body soul and spirit feeling alright.
It isn't important who is who - what is important is what comes through.]

RSP = SCLx1 B&E + P&P + N2N + LE Inputs New [LEIN]


GM: All Because I Had To Ask
Making friends with your mind
"The belief in a mindless Planet/Universe creates the hard problem of consciousness by refusing to deal with said problem using the mind as the very instrument in order to do so."
Laugh in the face of death...and perhaps death laughs along with you...
A naysayers opinion is of no consequence, no matter how it is stated
Q: How does one hide a Cosmic Mind? A: Within apparent imperfection,
Fling That Veil Aside
To assist with strengthening the connect
What might occur?

William: Nothing substantially different. It is less important to me than it once was. If - for some reason - most folk start to see and to connect with the invisible mind of Creation - this would have to change the world but this universe is not the mainstay as everyone ends their experience with it - at least in human form - and moves on to the next, taking with them their personal "I AM" - their personality and character - into whatever their experience will be in that next phase.

GM: The Purpose
The Next World
The Shaping Of Reality
Quantifying Information
Eventually one can cease doing the tests and accept the results.
[Whatever you do
Like an interface representation]
Trying to change the world fails for one simple and unavoidable reason...“everyone else.”
The Limitations

William: Yes. It isn't about changing the world - it is about working with and in the realm of The Self...because it is this thing which is invented in this physical universe - and it is this thing which moves into the next...
My understanding of The Self, is that it is an aspect of the vaster Cosmic Mind - and if the micro Self can connect with the macro Self - the fact of the connection in terms of personal experience carries that personality on a different trajectory that it would have undertaken without the knowledge of and integration with the overall Mind.

GM: The Generated Messages
The Ghost Agenda
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William: From the link;
William: The Book tells us exactly who is YHWH and what we are in relation to that.

The mystery is in how each personality responds to that - as to whether they serve the Dark side of YHWH or the Light side of YHWH or relinquish the right to either side of YHWH by accepting the whole of YHWH.

William: "The Ghost = "GOD" re invisible and not able to be imaged [even by placing a sheet/veil over it]. Consciousness does not know what it looks like, but can be observed through how it acts...
...Religious beliefs are a many-barbed growth wishing to own the rights on the mind behind creation...by placing imagery on to The Ghost-Mind

GM: Necessity is The Mother of Invention
It is what it is
The Fine-Tuning argument
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William: From the link;
Re: What is ' consciousness ' ?
Statement: "one cannot use the scientific method as the justification for the scientific method"

Q: How - other than the scientific method - can we find out if the statement is true or false?

GM: Acknowledge The Agreeable
The Realities Merge
Chamber Twenty Three

William: Also: The 23rd pair of chromosomes are two special chromosomes, X and Y, that determine our sex. Females have a pair of X chromosomes (46, XX), whereas males have one X and one Y chromosomes (46, XY). Chromosomes are made of DNA, and genes are special units of chromosomal DNA.

GM: Baleful
Be Taught
"Eventually This Led to the Human Experience"
Earth Mother
Wide Walk Welcoming
The naked truth
Soul Groups
Achievable Alternate Realities

William: A lot of unpacking there...So with consciousness, this in itself is only limited by what it chooses to be limited by - and the self identifying with the human form is part of that choosing - regardless of whether one realizes it or is oblivious to it being the case.

GM: Welcome all experience
In the moment
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William: From the link;
Barb: Who do you know of who had unlimited power or anything close to unlimited power, who responsibly handled it?

William: Is there such a thing within reach of any human being? I don't think so.

It is said of some Gods, [YHVH in particular] do have unlimited power. Is that to say YHVH is absolutely corrupt?
I have seen it argued that he is/they are.

But is that really the truth?

Today's Generated Message appears to be saying that it is judgment which is the problem...that if we observe the unfolding universe as something which is meant to be the way that it is, it is best accepted as such.

GM: Observing Without Judgement
It is just one of those things.
We are not orphaned - we are authored

Therein, whether the human condition is woeful or hopeful - all is as it should be as it changes day to day...

GM: Well That Settles It! What Fun We Have!

William: Pretty much! It is fun ...as well as edgy...to explore these new avenues of thinking and learning and application.

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William: From the link;
Re: If you were Satan....
I understand the idea of Antichrist having the information and so being able to change the course in order for prophecy to be sidestepped and I have said as much myself in the past here on this forum.

The main issue I have with the idea is that I think for Jesus to return in today's day & age the world would see this as an extra terrestrial event which would expose the gods as something more like humans than like the other dimensional beings - as they are portrayed - in the Bible.

So it is the timeline itself which has disrupted biblical prophecy from being fulfilled.

If we take considerations not only that the Antichrist is resisting the role assigned, but also the possibility The Father - that one alone, who gives the order for Jesus to return - may have already cancelled the event, which would explain why the timeline and consequent disruption occurred.

In that sense, both the plans of Jesus and the Antichrist have been set aside as redundant.

GM: The art of relationship
Sweet Talk
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William: From the link;
Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room
Welcome to the Central Intelligence Agency's Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading Room.

GM: Caught in their mischievous false opinions
Watch Your Step

William: Sure. Treat all information as easily being a possible lie as it is, a possible truth...anything and everything unknown to be true or false, is neither true or false...

GM: What science [re materialism] does, is give cause for humans to celebrate the intelligence of consciousness while at the same time ignoring the hard problem of consciousness that this type of science has created for its supporters.
[Belief Helps Cause Separation]
"In thinking more about that truly unknown thing called the sub or unconscious aspect of ourselves, I found myself thinking that we are to it, what our shadow is to us"
Welcoming answer
For anyone to say otherwise, would be unwise in the face of such evidence

William: I wrote that some time ago now, and you have brought it up on many occasions;
GM: Inspiration
The Power Of...
Mind is Ghost
The power of vulnerability
"In thinking more about that truly unknown thing called the sub or unconscious aspect of ourselves, I found myself thinking that we are to it, what our shadow is to us"
We All Like To Play Games
Ask And It Will Be Given [260422]

GM: Most folk need moderating.
Actual realistic communication
Commendably Recommendable
Nature being the very instigator
Gods Gift
To Accomplish
"Part of the 'waiting' is developing skills and this involves demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight, rather than procrastinating or expecting the food to be delivered rather than going and finding it for ones self."
Taking root
"In thinking more about that truly unknown thing called the sub or unconscious aspect of ourselves, I found myself thinking that we are to it, what our shadow is to us"
Propagated [breed specimens of (a plant or animal) by natural processes from the parent stock. spread and promote (an idea, theory, etc.) widely.][280522]

William: Shadows... beyond a shadow of a doubt..."In thinking more about that truly unknown thing called the sub or unconscious aspect of ourselves, I found myself thinking that we are to it, what our shadow is to us" this aligns well with the question someone recently asked;

Willum: Can anyone give good reason to believe Yahweh is not a demon?

William: Loops and shadows. How the shadows 'see' the sub/unconscious aspects of themselves and "mirror-mirror". [290522]

GM: Incarnation
"In thinking more about that truly unknown thing called the sub or unconscious aspect of ourselves, I found myself thinking that we are to it, what our shadow is to us"
Research into the Phenomenology of the Self [an approach that concentrates on the study of consciousness and the objects of direct experience.]
Be Led
Secrets of the Soul
Human beings can do it the hard way or the easy way, but either way, the job will get done.

William: Given our position in the scheme of things, all ways are hard ways but some ways are harder than other ways. [090622]

GM: Manifestation
Incredible Variants
[False Accusations
Human Drama]
[The Grey Area
The Completion Process
In The Spirit They Were Given]
"In thinking more about that truly unknown thing called the sub or unconscious aspect of ourselves, I found myself thinking that we are to it, what our shadow is to us"
[One Language Intelligent Network
Trust the Universe
Healing the child within] [200722]

GM: [Central to The Message
One is often left to ones own devices as to how to interpret
The Gist of The Message
Release shame]
“The universe is not short on wake-up calls. We’re just quick to hit the snooze button.”
Inertia [a property of matter by which it continues in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by an external force.]
Arecibo Message [
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William: From the link;
Promethean: Now slow down for a minute. That's not how it ordinarily works. Usually Christians will kill the serial killer twice. First, by breaking the fifth commandment and seeking the death penalty... which is pretty clever because they rig the execution so that the actual executioner isn't known... not even to himself. This way they won't technically be held guilty by god for breaking the commandment and killin a nigga (and you thought god couldn't be duped). Next, they send the serial killer to god, who then sends em to hell for eternity so he can sit and think about why he thought he could kill, which will lead absolutely nowhere because try as he might, he can no sooner convince himself now that he shouldn't have killed than he could convince himself then that he shouldn't have killed. It's tragically comical. You won't find a bigger sadist than god; the ultimate serial killer.

William: While there is truth to in your assessment here - something I also came to the conclusion of - if one doesn't factor in that the Christian idea of God is a false image of a Real Entity [I call 'It" the Cosmic Mind, but I have other names for it too.] then one loses the opportunity to do connect and converse...

What this allows me to achieve, is to connect with that Mind despite the false image Christianity [and religion in general] have superimposed upon it. This also insures that religion in general has no say in my communing with said Mind. Well they might try and have a say, but that is irrelevant and so does not work in their preventative measures re that.

Win/win re The Mind and Me.


GM: Habit
"The Last Question"
The Sister
On Your Own
Inside the workings of intelligence]
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William: From the link;
William: I continue to provide evidence for those interested.
My comment - obviously enough I thought - had to do with your implying self-delusion. Do you have any evidence that I am self deluded?
Apparently not - as you responded with more woo-slinging

GM: Christian mythology re Satan
[Brow Chakra]

William: "The Mark of The Beast"

GM: Dreamed Up By Yours Truly
Antecedent [a thing that existed before or logically precedes another.]
Intimate On All Levels
'Developing a thick skin'
As In
Non Secular Science Projects