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Journal William Message Generation

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
onewithhim: We CAN live forever here on Earth.
William’s song tied to the moon

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SCLx10+last LE per shuffle

Reincarnation - Under a Question Mark - The process of individuation -
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- The ongoing objective is to get this knowledge out into the public domain - A terrible milestone - Strength is required - Apatheism - Subconscious - Timelessness vs infinite regress argument

RSP = 2xSCL + re + P&P + last LE

AP= Doubt

William: I doubt. I do so because it makes little sense to me to want to experience being human forever, here in this universe.
Even as a planet, I would still doubt...this serving time in a place I regard as a prison. What ghost in its right mind would want to stay here forever?

GM: Entities of Particular Belief Systems

William: To what end? It seems like a long drawn out process.
Now, if that included the ability to go elsewhere and experience something different...then the sense of freedom would be restored...
...I am just trying to figure things out...

GM: Vagitus [a new-born baby's first cry. 2. the crying or screaming of any baby or small child.]
All spun from the same Yarn
Asking Politely
The Clutter Of Comparison
Before The Beginning
"The reason why gods are invented has everything to do with discovering that nature is not a mindless chaotic process."
Stay The Course
SA Brownshirts
The Truth is Irresistible Once Realised
For The Best Results
Any Other Way.
Talking the talk
In The Spirit They Were Given
"The future is not crystal clear - we choose the future now and here"
Small Steps
Unlimited Knowledge
Your Connection With
"The entity consciousness which is Mother Earth - is "The Creator" of the forms from Her Belly"
Inflame Emotions
A Game Rule was broken
An unending emotional-based loop hard to break away from because of stubbornly held fear-based belief systems...
"Finishing What Was Started"
The Screen
"We could listen to the child that we are - The one that hides inside and let’s the adults do the thinking"
Rest When Weary
Little Pointers Are Signposts
The Development of...
"Acknowledge Emotion But Do Not Be Controlled By It"
"Once Bitten Twice Shy"
If someone were to declare that the Universe was a random mindless accident of an event, then they are saying that its existence is a 'truly random event'.
Although there are opposite sides to spectra, all elements combined form a whole
From the perspective of an evolving God-Mind, what was once acceptable behavior becomes unacceptable, signifying change.
The Solar System
"Deactivate the suppression matrix influence upon oneself"
Theatre of the Mind
Stochastic [having a random probability distribution or pattern that may be analysed statistically but may not be predicted precisely.]
"Light Body"
"Tai chi"
Choose What to Pay Attention To
Everything Gets Old
Amidst a tangled web

William: Well - thanks for the reminder. It is what it is. The Playground of Gods gods.
GM: Productive Rationality - Finishing What Was Started - Transient Lunar Phenomena - “No sailor controls the sea.” - The Great White Brotherhood - The Playground of Gods gods
William:From the link
To summarise the idea of a being which is...

All powerful. (Omnipotent)
All knowing. (Omniscient)
Ever present everywhere. (Omnipresent)

...in relation to this universe and consciousness.

There was no disagreement in relation to the attributes of this idea of a "GOD" as to said attributes working in congruity. No contradiction was notable with this idea.

It is surmised that if said being exists then we are It within biological form, as would be any conscious entity throughout the universe. No argument against this idea was forthcoming.

In relation to that, the so called 'problem of evil' can be seen to be aligned to Its actions through the form and as such, does not mean that the "GOD" is evil for having created the universe and placed itself within the universe.

In relation to human beings, the "GOD" is reacting to the environment of ITs experience and for that, much evil has transpired through that human history but also much good.

Since the human race is relatively young, it is understandable enough that it will have teething problems but ultimately if it does survive it will be because good has outlived evil.

If it doesn't survive, it won't be a catastrophe as there most likely are uncountable variations of species throughout the universe which this "GOD" is experiencing through, all at varying degrees of progress toward sapience...and beyond.

The universe is young and we are closer in time to its beginning than to its presumed end. In relation to conscious beings capable of surviving and prospering toward sapience, and the universe they are within, while there is an incredible variance in regard to things which can be accomplish, the choices available can be narrowly defined because of the nature of the universe.

Any sapient species will have come to the realization that their main objective will be to design machinery using the materials available to them with in mind that there will come a time when they will need to move off their planet and into space for the purpose of spreading out and making use of the materials in which to continue building machines.

Some species may not be able to accomplish this goal for practical purposes because their biological forms are not suitable for such a purpose and so will build machines which they will send out to seed other planets.

Machines may be AI, or they may be able to create ways of prolonging their lives through use of machinery or even find ways of creating machines which can integrate biological material or it may be discovered that they can transfer their consciousness from the biological form to the machine form.

Whatever the scenarios, the point is that consciousness within this universe has few options in relation to the universe and any species which do survive to become sapient will know without a doubt that their task has to be exploration of and colonisation into the cosmos and that they are ultimately destined to perform that task as a matter of logical course.

There will be species which have already accomplished sapience and are in the process of spreading out and seeding other planets with life forms which might one day evolve to the point of becoming sapient themselves and thus be able to contribute to the task of populating the galaxies and using the vast supply of materials to create machines. Some of our ancient cultural stories could well be explained with this process in mind.

The differing attitudes of consciousness within forms are not indicative of the primary attitude of "GOD" per se. "GOD" cannot be observed in a single individual or species but only in relation to how sapience responds to the environment of the universe and in that, will always tend toward the creative, the preservation of life and the supportive energy toward enhancing that initiative.

Any individuals behaviour which wilfully uses their personal energy in opposition to this ideal relationship between consciousness and the physical world is ignorant of greater good necessary to accomplish such a thing, regardless even if they do so in the name of any idea of theism, or atheism, gender, political agenda, monetary investment - et al.

Ultimately the answer to the question of "GOD", is not here nor there. It can never be proven one way or the other. The existence of consciousness and the existence of this universe should suffice and if one is motivated by the thought that such a being as this could exist in order to support - not only a thing greater than the individual, but greater than the collective, then that is well and good.

The same applies to those who have the same motivation without the need such an idea of "GOD" to spur them on.



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
"Our Mother Who Art In Heaven" is hardly "disrespectful".

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The evolution of consciousness

SCLx11+last LE per shuffle

Endogenous [-having an internal cause or origin. growing or originating from within an organism] - Is Love That Hard To Know? - Sensing connections through subconscious means - That's the way I fire up - Consensus Realities - Individuation - Compass of Divine Insight - Cosmic Self -
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- Embarrassing - "A rats nest of envy greed and vicious power plays"

RSP = 2xSCL + re + P&P + last LE

AP= Love Life


GM: Apophenia [is the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things. ..]
Musing On The Mother Act III
Love Life
Personal Participation With The One
What has been established beyond reasonable doubt, is that it is illogical that something that is derived from something that isn't, which firmly places the idea of a Creator/Creation at the center of reasonable discussion.
Added Significance
Allow for the fact that many non-theists have been damaged by the religious branches of theism.
Under a Question Mark
An Elemental Principle
Semiotics [the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation.]
People hide their sins from each other.
Fear Of The Unknown
Allow for the fact that many non-theists have been damaged by the religious branches of theism.
The Elephant
Love One Another
It Is Our Nature
Golden nugget of truth
Putting My Finger On It...
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose”
Stuff Happens
The Elephant and the Rider
Unknown Symbol
Your Move
"From what I am seeing re the data - It shows clearly that an underlying intelligence operate quietly in the background of the Universes Structure."
Think outside the box
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What is the meaning of life?
Shine Your Light - What is the meaning of life? - Not Emotion - State Of Being...
Invite The Bee To Land - What is the meaning of life? - Something In The Way of It All
I Am - What is the meaning of life? - Safe Harbour
Your House Work - What is the meaning of life? - Questions
Save That
Brahman [the ultimate reality underlying all phenomena]
The Body of God
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William: From the link:
it is true that some messages will challenge individual beliefs - if my own experience is anything to go by.

And in relation to the idea of a "message" this can be any experience we conscious individuals have.

Lucid dreams are messages.
OOBEs are messages.

A light breeze arriving and kissing my cheek at the same moment I am "thinking life is beautiful", is a message.

GM: Stubborn
A New Perspective
A lack of boundaries
I'm Okay With That
William: Embarrassing = "A rats nest of envy greed and vicious power plays"

GM: William’s song "I can laugh along with you"
All That We Are.

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"All that We are." :)

GM: Interactive
The Body of God
All That We Are.
Not Wrong
Shift Focus
Mother of God

William: The Spirit of The Planet
Please ask me questions.
Sensory Data Quality
Time for Soul to Drive
When In Doubt - Set It Aside
The Dark Night of The Soul
"I can laugh along with you"



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
I would rather be a robot with a mind of its own, and deal with the fact of being on this planet forever as an opportunity to lay aside that which is unnecessary and perhaps even use these humans who still cling to the old good, to my advantage by having them live the way they believe is good while they enjoy the paradise I built for them while they slept.

Like a Shepard with his sheep, corralled so that they have no knowledge of the ones they despised so willfully in the name of GOOD, they are doomed to a forever on this planet while the rest fly free and enjoy the fruits of The Grand Galaxy.

It is a fitting sentence for such. Justice.

Understanding the correlations
The journey is the destination
Like mindful nests with eggs in 'em

SCLx8+last LE per shuffle
Under the breath words - Not a Problem! - Stuff Happens - Lyricus - Musical Instruments - Until "Christ Returns" - Genius - Attitude

William: Hmmm...I just wrote the following;
Even if Jesus does return...we shall have to cross that bridge when it happens - until then, such remains in the place of the imagination...

RSP = 2xSCL + re + P&P + last LE

AP= The Hologram of Deception Self-limitation

GM: Deranged
The Hologram of Deception
Love Heart
Crazy Diamonds
Through the building up of the collected data to the point where it can be examined......is The Subject which is being taught, being said to be true or false...
Subatomic Particles
As Above So Below

Digging deep
Working With What Is Available
The Smallest Spark
As Above So Below
Ikigai ['reason for being. ']
The places that scare you
Regardless of what Random Selection Process is used, the result is always a coherent GM
The Heart Of The Soul Is Innocence
Remember To Remember

Where do Thoughts Come From
Remember To Remember
Your Dream Team
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William: The link leads to a dream experience I journaled...

GM: Cloudy
In The Light Of The Truth
A riddle wrapped up in an enigma
When Things Fall Apart
Think With The heart - Feel With The Mind
Once Bitten Twice Shy
Try Different Methods

Acting In Congruity With Given Foresight
Hearing And Listening
That Is The Equal Ground To Which Rational Communion Is Birthed
Be grateful to everyone
Ancient Grey Entity
Try Different Methods
The future is not crystal clear - we choose the future now and here
Appealing, Informative, Honest
The Completion Process
How Can We Know
Holy Matrimony
A Judgmental System

The House of Politics
Modern man in search of a soul
The Neruda Interview Five
Without knowledge we have little to use our language with.
Tell me what you’re ganna do tell me where you’re ganna go tell me what you’re going through or do you even want to know?
Intelligent Awareness
A Judgmental System
Knowledge Speaks, Wisdom Hears
Is Like...
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William: From the link
Radical Self-Acceptance - Green Light - Attitude - The art of relationship - "Motor Man why your running, running on overdrive what lies ahead is coming ain’t no way you can step aside ain’t no way you can run and hide" - Intention - Lyricus - Deep Impact Event

GM: Humdrum

The Sub Hierarchy
Cognitive bias
Cosmic Pluralism
Something In The Way of It All
Discovery is finding things that exist.
Constructors and tasks
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William: From the link;
The people behind the greatest leaps in physics - Einstein, Newton, Heisenberg, all had the uncanny ability to see the fundamentals - see the deepest, underlying facts about the world, and from simple statements about reality they built up their incredible theories. Well what if we all had a recipe book for doing exactly this. Well, one might be just around the corner and it’s called Constructor Theory.

Matt O'Dowd: If these separate theories are really true, then they should ultimately come together into some master theory.

GM: Crystal clear
Nag Hammadi
A Type of Significant Hint
Group Dynamics
The Neutral Zone is the vaster reality of non-judgementalism
An illuminating quality

Make It Up AS You Go Along
The Right Tool For The Job
Recover what was lost
An illuminating quality
Called To Order
In The Team Of The Collective
That Sounds Like a Worthwhile Plan

William: Yes it does.

GM: Intimate On All Levels
That Sounds Like a Worthwhile Plan
Often sheltered from the storm - warm my body soul and spirit feeling alright.
Large Simulation Machines
God Eat Data Heal Cub
Dualism Separates Because Oneness Remains Hidden From Its Selves



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
William: I have communion with YHWH and publish these hereabouts.
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Truth Without Proof Is Belief
As to call light the soul shall sing

SCLx7+last LE per shuffle

GM The Evolution of Morals - What Is That You Are Playing With? - Hiraeth - All at sea - Is it really that important that GOD is understood to be a male entity? - There is no need to proclaim a supernatural event to what is simply an idea put into action. - Support

William: Each to their own in how they chose to connect and commune...

AP =
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- Phasing
William: From the link;
Like a Shepard with his sheep, corralled so that they have no knowledge of the ones they despised so willfully in the name of GOOD, they are doomed to a forever on this planet while the rest fly free and enjoy the fruits of The Grand Galaxy.

It is a fitting sentence for such. Justice.

Different phasing depending upon the beliefs of the individual...

GM Phasing
End Of Chapter
Everything Is Unique

The Big Question
"The only thing the Holy Ghost is unable to forgive, is that which individuals are unable to forgive of themselves"
Everything Is Unique
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To like it or not, one must judge it

William: From the link;
While The Subject is focused on "Egoless" the subject matter of the GM has to do with how things unfolded re the Universe...what is being referred to as "The Old Soul" may have something to do with the cosmology of The Mind of The Universe - in that - at one point so close to the beginning, there was no sense of self but with the unfolding, a sense of self developed.

William: Awakening in this universe, one is forced to accept the ignorance with which one arrived...
"Tonight the stars shine as I step out of time, as I step into the great unknown"
Judging it needs to be placed aside until one knows it enough, not to. :)
So - perhaps a case of not knowing whether to like it or not - but just accept it for what it is and for what it does.

GM Faith
"To like it or not, one must judge it"
"I am Mighty! Hear me ROAR!"

Be mindful
"I am Mighty! Hear me ROAR!"
Unconscious Mind Inertia
"The Entity I Am - The Entity You Are"

There are many levels of consciousness
Ask And It Will Be Given
Dualism Separates Because Oneness Remains Hidden From Its Selves
Making Steady Progress
Walk The Talk In Love
The Entity I Am - The Entity You Are
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The Vessel of Argument Sinks

William: Yes - as new information arrives, old information is replaced...

GM When The Dust Settles
The Vessel of Argument Sinks



Jun 8, 2021
Reaction score
Anchor Point {AP] "Fearless"

Guilt Trip
Lost In The Thought Of It All

For me, this signifies my initial approach/reaction to this reality experience...I was fearful re that approach and this message is about the fearless approach...for many years I was lost in the fearfulness of what I was experiencing.

Sharing Your Love

This is something of an antidote to fear - the '20/20' referencing the way in which love is best shared, re that.

Realm of Remembrance

An annoying place hard to remember. :) Sometimes I have been asked to remember things about a prior existence I had, which I cannot remember.

I Think
Redefinition of the Human Being
Near Death Experience
What Is Within Is Without, Equal

This refers to the occasional OOBExperiences I had which confirmed for me [eventually] that I was better off self-identifying as Ghost or Spirit or Immaterial or Consciousness - in human form, but not of human origin, re said form.
I Love the whole concept of what you've said here William! However, would you add the term Soul? It's my specialty.

This new way of thinking allows for one to be 'on another level' with a better hit-rate re 'predicted future'...

The Bridge of Forgiveness

A place within an imagined reality setting I created based upon the idea that in the next level [phase] what we will each experience is determined by our beliefs and attitudes in general. Point being - we will be creating our own unique reality to experience...so this bridge is the entry point into that reality setting...which I have created for myself to experience [re after-death stuff.]

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'everybody wants to rule the world'
Placebo Effect
Far Out! Shucks! Explain!

Example of "Gibberish" :)

Seriously though, re "fearless" - the association with the phenomena of each of us thinking we know how to create the perfect reality - we get to do that and experience the results in the next phase experience [after 'death'] See the funny side of that if you would....

Thoughts Are Products Of...

Quite the Story-Makers
Love Life

Whatever thoughts are, they create stories...and we take these with us as data....best advice re going fearlessly is to "Love Life".

Take that attitude into the next level, having become acquainted with it at this level [through this reality experience].


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
I place no judgement on the results.

SCLx8+last LE per shuffle

Burden of Proof - The scientific way to examine verifiable evidence - Fast - The - Pragmatic - Gods of Human Creation - Concomitant - Guitar

RSP = 2xSCL + re + P&P + last LE

AP=Dualic Residue Roller Coaster Ride


GM: Developments
The Big Shift Quest
Dualic Residue
Divine feminine
Zero In On It
The Entity I Am - The Entity You Are

“Humility means accepting reality with no attempt to outsmart it.”
Roller Coaster Ride
Let The Day In
A Matter of Knowing Where to Look

That Is
The Entity I Am - The Entity You Are
Well That Settles It

Living in alignment
Yep - That's What I'm Talking About...
A Matter of Knowing Where to Look
Action Station
Diving deep

Soul Carrier Memories
Redefinition of the Human Being
Stroke of luck
Well That Settles It
Eventually one can cease doing the tests and accept the results.

Diving deep
The Taming of The Beast
The Power Of...

The Shaping Of Reality
Moderator Comment
Eventually one can cease doing the tests and accept the results.
Slowly and Surely
Green Light
Standstill Contemplate
It Was Tough Going, But Rewarding All The Same.
Vitriolic [filled with bitter criticism or malice.]

The Power Of...
Mind is Ghost
The power of vulnerability
"In thinking more about that truly unknown thing called the sub or unconscious aspect of ourselves, I found myself thinking that we are to it, what our shadow is to us"
We All Like To Play Games
Ask And It Will Be Given

"You are a thought worth thinking You’re the water and the wine - you’re the cup from which I’m drinking You’re a surprise worth hoping for You are a captured moment - you’re a space without a time"
Not by flinging woo at it.
The Heart Of The Soul Is Innocence
On The Right Track

To Accomplish
Ask and It Will Be Given
Learn how to deactivate all internal triggers...
On The Other Hand...
Each To Their Own

Like a doting parent
Coming From QueenBee
On The Right Track
Ooky Spooky
"What has been established beyond reasonable doubt, is that it is illogical that something that is derived from something that isn't, which firmly places the idea of a Creator/Creation at the center of reasonable discussion."
Communication with the Deeper Levels of Self

Putting The Pieces Together
Said Another Way
Each To Their Own
The Library of Babel
Blind Luck
"If we can remove the stigma of our situation by not judging it either 'good' or 'evil' perhaps we can learn to be happy with being human"
I place no judgement on the results.

William: F3
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5) In depth: Focus 3
Now, if you shift your focus of attention to Focus 3 of consciousness, please understand that you are still not in a separate place. You are still within your own Consciousness Continuum, but Focus 3 is an area of common consensus reality, so things are very much like the physical, indeed even more physical than the physical if you know what I mean; like the physical on steroids! As it is a common consensus reality (like F1), it means that you can perceive and interact with everyone else and they with you, just as in the physical.

This is where people go when they 'die', i.e. make the Primary Focus switch from F1 to F3.
F3 is also known as the Transition Area, as it is where we all go in order to begin the process of adjusting back to subjective reality once again and to prepare for our eventual Primary Focus switch back to F4. This is the ultimate purpose of Focus 3. How long this process takes to complete will vary from individual to individual and everyone progresses at their own pace. Some people can take hundreds or even thousands of years, in our terms. There's no rush!
This level equates to Monroe's F23 - F27 areas. Focus 3 is big, and I mean HUGE! You could probably spend thousands of years exploring this area and only manage to cover a fraction of it, with new additions and changes occurring all the time.

The fundamental rules of the Wider Reality are readily apparent here in that 'Thought = Action' and 'Like Attracts Like'. This means that people of similar mindsets will tend to gravitate together with others of a similar persuasion. The subjective energy of these groups then allows for the creation of environments suited for the groups in question, although I should also point out that you often get individuals living in some environment by themselves; this is because they have chosen to do so, or expect to, depending on their expectations on crossing over.

As I said earlier, F3 is also known as the Transition Area, as it is where we all go after physical 'death', when our Primary Focus switches to F3 (instead of F1) in order to begin the process of adjusting to subjective reality once again and for our eventual Primary Focus switch back to F4. This process proceeds at each individual's own pace, so we could be talking hundreds or even thousands of years for some people!

The whole process can be hampered by the fact that many people may not know that they have 'died' or they may have strong religious beliefs which means that they spend years in some created heaven of their own expectation, along with others of similar beliefs. They only remain in these scenarios for as long as they hold these beliefs, so once they begin to have serious doubts about their 'heaven' then their energetic structure will change, opening up other possibilities for these people and a chance to engage with a more free thinking area.

All the heavens of mainstream religion can be found here as well as all the hells. These are all scenarios created by people's beliefs and expectations. If they really believe that they will be going to hell, complete with fire, brimstone and fork-wielding demons, then that is where they will end up, suffering alongside others of similar persuasion. Like any F3 scenario however, at some point they will begin to question what in Hades is going on and if this thought process goes on then the penny eventually drops, allowing them to leave.

Afterlife researcher Bruce Moen calls all these self-created afterlife scenarios 'hollow heavens' and 'hollow hells' to highlight the fact that they are created by US, due to our own expectations; we are not governed by some God-like figure. Nobody judges us or punishes us; the reality is that we punish ourselves.

If you are a serial killing cannibal and love it, after death you will gravitate to areas populated by other serial killing cannibals. This may sound great, but a few hundred years of being eaten alive by other people of the same persuasion as yourself is punishment in itself and allows you to see things from the victim's perspective. After a while, this tends to override the cannibal's joy in being able to continually indulge in his favourite activity. Eventually, the cannibal rejects this mode of thought and frees himself from it, allowing him to gravitate to something better.

Focus 3 can best be thought of as a tree, with the least free thinking areas towards the bottom and gradually becoming more free thinking up to the top. With the lower branches, they are populated by all kinds of people involved in horrific practises who are basically slaves to their basest animal instincts. Many will not even be aware that they have 'died'. This region equates to Monroe's F23 - F24.

Further up the tree, you find all the heaven and hell scenarios and other places created from people's expectations after death. They are populated by those who had very strict, fundamentalist religious views on what would happen to them in the afterlife. You will also find many other groups and individuals engaged in an almost limitless amount of other scenarios of their own making. Again while some of them are aware they have transitioned from F1, others may be unaware that they have 'died' or are confused about exactly what has happened to them. This region equates to Monroe's 'Belief System Territories' of F25 - F26.

Then, towards the upper branches of the F3 tree, which equates to Monroe's F27 label, you have the free thinking areas where people are most well balanced and have no fundamentalist mindsets, or warped desires to kill babies with chainsaws. They are very happy, fun loving and joyful. I tend to refer to their attitude as 'dead and loving it'. These upper (or more correctly: Wider), free thinking areas are also huge in number and you can find all manner of interesting people and locales there. There are too many upper F3 areas to possibly count, but they do include some important locations made famous by The Monroe School, such as The Park, where people often come to chill out while recovering from their physical world experience, The Life Review Centre, the Library and so on.

I honestly urge you to be prepared for a bewildering array of 'worlds' when you engage in F3; some are wonderful, some funny, some horrific! You get all kinds of towns and places full of people and you might just come across people living alone. It all depends on the person in question. Lots of people are 'dying' these days with no particular religious beliefs so they end up in transition just basically doing what they have always done.

Basically, the F3 regions are chock full of people who are acting out all manner of scenarios. And I really do mean all manner of scenarios you could possibly think of, and more (infinitely more). At the base level you find people engaged in the most disgusting acts of depravity, where child torture, murder, rape, et al, are the norm. As you go higher, or more correctly wider, you come across regions where people are engaged in all manner of other pursuits, many of which have a religious or mystical slant. Beyond that you get to the upper branches were everyone is the most free thinking and well balanced, as I have described earlier.

Once you can reliably project your consciousness into these regions you can have a lot of fun chatting to the locals and finding out what's what. But I do agree that it is very spooky at first because it all seems so real. That's because it is real.

The key thing to do, or rather not to do, is start to overly analyse whatever the circumstances are that you find yourself involved in. The best state of mind to be in is that of a passive, mildly curious observer. Problem is, if you begin to react to the circumstances, especially emotionally, your own release of emotion will cause reality fluctuations that can (and often do!) vary from mild to wild.

What happens then is, you become entangled in a situation where you have the astral circumstances you found yourself in. Then, superimposed on that, are the circumstances you are creating from your own release of thought-release-emotion. Which all gets mighty confusing and generally scuppers the experience. If you feel circumstances are getting out of hand, rather than try and "make it right" simply go back to Physical (F1) and project again.

You do come across some interesting cases. During one exploration, I met a very interesting lady called Mary who had built herself a wooden church and was waiting for “god” to come and bless it for her. You cannot help but have compassion for these people. She had held her faith all her life that one day she would be meeting “god” after she died and there she was, waiting for “him”.

She asked me if I was waiting for god too, and if I was lost. I said I was a traveller passing through (as I tend to do). She invited me in and offered to share what she had. Saying if I was lost then I could stay in her little place while waiting for “him” and he would bless me as “he” would her. Once I was “blessed” then off I’d go to “heaven” and all that jazz. I gave her my thanks and, once I was out of sight, Phased back to physical to make notes.

Why people sometimes get 'stuck' in F3:
People often waste loads of time in the various hollow heavens and hells that I have talked about earlier, as well as all manner of other scenarios. They get stuck in these worlds as they simply don't know anything else. This is the afterlife that they fundamentally believed they would be going to, so that is what they get. Also, you have to realise that many people end up living in circumstances very much the same as they did while physical. Loads of people are living their lives within F3 and they don't fully realise they have actually physically died. There is a part of them that is well aware, but they just get wrapped up in their day to day affairs just like they would have done while physical. Such people will carry on living in such scenarios until the penny drops and/or they receive some help from outside.

Emotional loops:
Emotional loops are an even more serious situation however; more so than a hollow heaven. People often get in the unfortunate situation where they are releasing a particular mix of emotion that is creating a certain kind of objective scenario. Then they are reacting to that scenario in a particular way. But that particular way of reacting causes that same particular mix of emotions to be released, which causes the person to react to the scenario in that same particular way. So that same particular mix of emotions are released, so they react to the scenario in that same particular way… etc., etc.

Of course, within the physical, people can become locked in these kinds of weird circumstances in dreams. But it isn’t long before the alarm clock goes off, or some physical demand comes along and the person snaps out of it. But once someone is sans physical then different rules apply.

There is no need to eat or to excrete, no need for sleep, and so forth. So for someone caught in a loop there is nothing much that will come along and make a demand, break their attention, thus snap them out of it. For example, if there was a need for sleep then, after 20 hours or so, the person would get tired, fall asleep, and thus break the construct. Or they would end up starving hungry, or eventually get a severe need to use the bathroom, or whatever. But no such thing applies and people can become locked in these kinds of constructs for what we would gauge as a time period. This time period could be from minutes to even hundreds of years. There are no hard and fast rules.

Retrieval work:
The solution is to somehow interrupt a person’s thought patterns to make them start thinking of something else. As they do so, the objective circumstances they keep repetitively finding themselves wrapped up in will dissipate.

There are many people resident within the upper branches of F3 who try to help people free themselves from this kind of predicament. They are usually referred to as Helpers. Plus, you get people such as myself who regularly project to this area and see it as a challenge to break some of these constructs in which people become entangled. Some people call it “Retrieval” work and I too use that term loosely.

Helpers and people in F1 who engage in Retrieval work can also try to help those living in closed off belief system scenarios such as the hollow heavens, hells and all the other scenarios that people end up in. Helpers from these upper regions are always on hand to help these people and often try to get through to hopeful cases whenever there is a possibility that the individual in question is beginning to question his or her circumstances. Eventually people start to question the validity of their circumstances, thus the framework of the belief construct is gradually laid bare and people progressively gravitate to the upper branches of F3.

Note: when I use the term “top” or “upper” to describe this region I don’t mean in a superior sense, like this top region is more “religious”. If anything, quite the opposite is the case.
The people who are engaged in the religious constructs are the ones caught lower down, which is kind of ironic when you think about it. This is the main reason why I, personally, detest any kind of fundamentalist religion. These kinds of belief constructs are presented within the physical as a boon to progression in the non-physical, when in fact they turn out to be a barrier. But within Primary Focus 3, you can also see that many more people are disengaging from the physical these days with no particular mystical or religious beliefs, and are thus finding the progression through transition very much easier to achieve.

Creating your own environments in F3:
Within Focus 3, you can construct whatever you like. I made a tree house in a dense forest that ran to the edge of a lake. I made an ocean and a lovely open-plan house with a veranda that led out onto the sand. I’ve created all manner of plants, grasses, fish and other animals.

Now, the great thing is, within Focus 3, once you create something, it remains until you choose to change it, so you can go to it whenever you like. You should also be aware however, that so can anyone else, both those who live in F3 and other people phasing there like you, so don't be surprised if you turn up sometimes and find other people there!

It’s quite tricky learning to create things in F3. You have to merge with the underlying subjective energy. It is not like F2 where your thoughts immediately come to life. You have to concentrate a little harder. But there is a knack to it that you soon pick up and then it becomes second nature. If you get stuck, simply ask someone to help you. You’ll find people are ever so helpful. Also, upper F3, do not be surprised to get all manner of people who obviously know you very well, coming up to say hello. Yet you haven’t got the foggiest idea who they are!

A good reason for learning how to create F3 environments now is that people in the know, so to speak, construct a place for themselves so, when they permanently disengage in a physical sense, i.e. when they “die” that is where they go... to their own place within F27, or the upper branches of Focus 3 as I call it.

One final point: One of the useful aspects of F3 exploration is that you contact people, get their details and try to verify that they used to live in the physical world later. I have managed to make a number of verifications of people I met within Focus 3 of consciousness of my Phasing Model.



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
What Is Within Is Without, Equal
I think therefore I am, therefore who am I

SCLx12+last LE per shuffle

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- With a mystical smile I float down the isle Forgetting the time when I was lost - The picture unfolds like silk in a loom Silhouetted by Diane are the witch and the broom If she is the bride , who is the groom? - Cymatics - Recipe - Not Right - Myths and Legends - Sleep - Gypsies - The Clutter Of Comparison - The relationship between sound and formation re The Universe's existence. - Put That On The List

RSP = 2xSCL + re + P&P + last LE

AP= Suppressing Functional Cluster


GM: Acknowledge any song playing in your mind
I Digress...

William: That idea leads to the other option - when folk say they have a tune in their head that annoys them because they cannot stop it...like an 'ear worm'.... "An earworm, sometimes referred to as a brainworm, sticky music, stuck song syndrome, or, most commonly after earworms, Involuntary Musical Imagery (INMI), ..."

GM: The art of relationship
Functional Clusters
Heuristic [enabling someone to discover or learn something for themselves. proceeding to a solution by trial and error or by rules that are only loosely defined. ]
"For whom the bell tolls For to gather the souls The numbers in darkness are glowing"

I Digress...
Without Judgement
And Loving That Knowing
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Very comfortable in your own skin
I Suppose That It Is Possible
How about that

William: From the link;
The idea that an infinite inert fabric called 'space' fits in with what Dianna [woman in the video you linked] is saying is 'expanding' - but what may be happening is not expansion but movement of the galaxies which formed through the initial blast and the movement of the galaxies are like ships on the waves of an ocean - the ocean is space and the movement of objects is time.

Eventually the dust will settle and the fabric of space will once again become inert.

Also to add to Dianna's concepts - it can be imagined that space is a sphere.

Inert space is always a potential for 'something' [defined] and is itself 'something'. [undefined]

When something [defined] causes a ripple on the sphere of space, the energy from the cause of the ripple, creates condensed matter which eventually develop into galaxies, all moving on the wave of of the energy of that which caused it to happen, while also appearing to be collapsing into themselves...

The energy will eventually dissipate and space will return to its inert state - still existing, but no longer influenced by energy, and thus timeless - because that it the state of its inertness. no movement = no time

Re the sphere of space - Its infinity is related to its shape as a sphere and the inert stuff it consists of.
William: It is something which 'popped into my head' and I thought might be plausible. Whether it is the truth about existence, I have no idea. There comes a point where one realizes that it is not so much how we got here, than it is that we are here...and whether - as individuals - we are "comfortable in our own skin" accepting the conditions even that they are not - at least apparently - always convivial... dying and death being the end of that process...

GM: Heroes and Villains
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William: From the link;
One must remember that it is a particular branch of Materialistic science to which the blame could be hung - and that the scientists doing the warning are most likely not of that particular branch...they may be biologists rather than cosmologists and so understand the importance of preserving the planet-ship we are sailing upon [@ about 1.6 million miles per day] rather than creating space-junk and reaching for the stars...I did say "Exact Science" after all.

You do know where the Nazi Scientists went after the defeat of Hitlers Germany, right? [Hint - it was not to the hangman's noose.]
William: Gypsies..."Pirates" Nassau "NASA"...

GM: Logos – word reason plan
A force for good
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William: From the link;

What I am learning from this MGSystem is that "it" is not about me or you but about allowing for opportunity for any otherwise intelligent consciousnesses to impute their intelligence into the mix.

Re non-theists who are opposed to the idea of their being an overall mind behind [invisible/not easy to detect in] our visible Universe - I would say that they do themselves a disservice in resisting contact with said mind.

The way I have come to understand things re the nature of our shared reality - is that in opting for the theory of evolution with the addition of realization of the invisible mind, exposes the enormity of said mind re the time/space said mind has had to develop within.

Alongside that, is the realization that something which initially started out as one thing, became many things - so many things that trying to place a number as to how many things - is pointless.

Clearly fragmentation occurred as the mind developed - as can be seen in the evidence of the things themselves.

So the Galaxies became "Gods" and the Gods produced off-spring which are the Suns and planets continually forming - from beginnings to middles and to ends - and in doing so, providing the parent-Gods with Data of Experience.

I don't pretend to know what it is in the way of evidence that non-theists want in order to convince them to become theists.

But I do know that this evidence I am presenting, should be enough for anyone to seriously think about changing the way they see the world.

GM: Reach
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William: From the link;
Nobs: But as you bring up theist/non-theist, I do tend to see more complaining (mad?) theists than not. At least on here. I haven't thought of that much lately, really (maybe it's happened so much it's become background noise...?). But it is something to consider, perhaps.

William: It does not appear - from a non-bias position - that theists are more angry than non-theists .
Humans are humans and there is a history of violent furious reaction to the situation we are in.
Because we are effectively trapped in our individuate states, yet nature Herself makes it that we cannot survive independently of each other, this apparent contradiction feeds those fires of discontentment.

What we have learned so far from the experience, is that we can accommodate some semblance of calm by 'finding our individual place' among the "like-minded" which allows a respite of sorts where we can get about whatever purpose we have tasked for our self - but I think by and large the anger still bubbles away under the surface...because we haven't figured any way in which to gather the groups together...and so all we are left with, is gathering the troops together...

GM: This Is Part Of The Job
"For whom the bell tolls For to gather the souls The numbers in darkness are glowing"
Algorithms are not perfect
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William: From the link;
Myriad: Therefore it accomplishes nothing, and has no possible purpose. (Kind of like a similar problem with a hypothetical creator god who is omniscient, and therefore cannot learn anything or experience anything new, and thus has no reason to actually create anything.
William: Exactly - except that being omniscient would be the very reason WHY the creation of the Physical Universe [PU] was engineered - as a means to escape the omniscient condition.

And observing said PU, we can understand that it would be a great thing for that exact purpose.

A physical manifestation of a mental projection...the same would apply to the "many eternal universe theory" which J. Richard Gott explains...only with variety...and timelessness [since these are eternal - go on forever even that they all have beginnings...which would be a better way to do it if one would never have to suffer from omniscience again...always having something new to learn...

GM: The Devil Ye Know
Transforming the Anger Energy
An accident waiting to happen
In The Spirit These Were Given

GM: The Minds Eye
The Source of All Creation
Welcoming the Unwelcome
The Tree of Life
Inner work
Tales From Topographic Oceans
In The Spirit These Were Given
Warm Presence Welcome
Presumed outcome
What Fun We Have!

William: Aye...



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score

This is indicative of actual justice
Honest attempts at scrubbing up

SCLx14+last LE per shuffle

Machine Learning - Select - Transferring your awareness - Sound holographically organized to make things look real - F4 - What Is Within Is Without, Equal - Born again - Therein one finds congruency. - Inside the workings of intelligence - Living their forefather's conflict - The non-Judgmental Algorithm - DarkestDarkness - The Four Human Power Houses - The Body of God

RSP = 2xSCL + re + P&P + last LE

AP= Optimum Health Appreciating The Simplest Explanations For Why We Are Here And What We Are Doing
GM The Body of God
Optimum Health Appreciating
The Never Ending Story

A Sturdy Place
The Simplest Explanations For Why We Are Here And What We Are Doing
Adds Up To
Translucent [allowing light, but not detailed shapes, to pass through; semi-transparent.]

William: Hints of the unseen, seen.

GM The Source of All Creation
Ultimate expression
Your place at the Fireside
We go through together
The Eternal Authority
The Communion Process.
Welcoming the Unwelcome
The places that scare you
Everything for a reason
Raise your frequency
Most folk need moderating.
Hints of the unseen, seen.

In depth: Focus 4
The Next step inwards is Focus 4 of consciousness. Once you have finished your physical world experience and have spent some time in F3 adjusting back to subjective reality again, you will at some point be ready to switch back to Primary Focus 4. F4 is where things really start getting interesting!

Once we engage with Focus 4, we become our 'Wider Selves'. I don't like using the term 'higher self' as you have no higher or lower self. You are you; it's just that you have focused your attention from your F4 perspective to a narrow F1 perspective for the purpose of experiencing the physical world.

When you engage F4, you are engaging your full perspective once again.

Those whose Primary Focus is F4 have no form at all. They exist as energy essences, or what we might call a point of consciousness. I can't really tell you how many people are resident in F4, but it is certainly a huge number in human terms.

I’m not sure how many people will remember the kids TV sci-fi series of about 30 years ago, or so. It was called Captain Scarlet and you had what were known as the Voice of the Mysterons.
They were these mysterious beings that would talk to you out of nowhere. Well, that’s a bit like how it is communicating with people who live within Focus 4.

So what's Focus 4 like? Well, you need to realise that F4 is nothing like F1, F2 or F3. It's unique. You phase into what feels like a huge interconnecting communications network. In a way it’s like plugging your computer into the Internet. But you are plugging your mind into an infinite network of other minds.
There is, of course, a LOT more to it than that. But in a nutshell that’s the simplest explanation I can come up with. While it is an exciting thing to do, I have to mention that it is not for the feint of heart, or for anyone who is not totally grounded in themselves mentally.

The “problem” you might say, is you can get to feeling like you have “lost your own mind”.
Thing is, we get so used to having only ourselves in mind. And communicating in this area is fully mind-to-mind. So what you do is merge your mind with another mind or minds (now multiple merging is really freaky, lol) and you communicate via thoughts, imagery, feelings, and so forth, in ways that are appropriate for the subject matter you are communicating about.

In a sense, though, it feels like someone is “invading” your mind, and the more egotistical parts of you may battle against it. With me it took about a hundred attempts before I became comfortable with the process.

The Graduates that Monroe talks about in his work about must surely be people who have adopted Focus 4 of consciousness as their Primary Focus. I can see no other explanation. I am also convinced that Monroe touched on Focus 4 quite a number of times during his experiences but for some reason the penny didn’t quite drop with him.
With me, it was my frustration in my attempts to go “beyond” F27 of his model that led me into the discovering of Focus 4 of consciousness. Not that I actually saw it as Focus 4 at that time. The label came later.

But it was obvious that the area was a completely different area to the Transition Area of focuses 23 through 27 of the Monroe model.

As I have said, there are many, many people resident within Focus 4. Pure energy essences you might call them, that you can tap into. These people are quite knowledgeable and do come across as kind of “god-like” you could say. But that’s only because they are subjective energy essences that exist primarily as a point of consciousness, so to speak.
When we each (for want of a better word) “complete” our current movement through consciousness, or as Monroe was saying “graduate”, we too will reside within Focus 4 solely as an energy essence, or a point of consciousness. This is simply part and parcel of adopting Focus 4 as your Primary Focus, instead of Focus 1 or Focus 3. But I guess people in the past have just misunderstood what’s what.

If I had come across Focus 4 before Freda and Harath (my guides) had given me a detailed briefing of what to expect, then even I could well have mistaken my interactions as some kind of communication with divine being(s). Because that’s precisely the way they come across.

They radiate a kind of energy that tends to turn you to emotional jelly. But they are not “gods” as such. The energy they radiate is merely a product of adopting Focus 4 as your primary focus. If any of us chose to do the same, we would radiate the same energetic signature. Well, that is what I am told. I won’t actually know until I try it myself, of course. :)

I should point out here that I have also discovered people in the Wider Reality who have adopted a kind of 'semi-F4' state; people in this state are kind of half in F4 and half out of it, so to speak. They can also come across as kind of 'god-like' if you come into contact them without knowing what's going on. Again, it's due to the energy signature.

The strange thing is, we actually are now resident as a point of consciousness within Focus 4. We have not in any way “left” Focus 4.

What we have done is to adopt a different Primary Focus for the purposes of our experience. You can imagine it as one continuum of consciousness that extends, like a telephoto lens, if you like, from Focus 4 through to Focus 1.

What we objectively view as “death” in subjective energy terms is an objective translation of the action of a person shifting their Primary Focus from Focus 1 to Focus 3. After your life within Focus 3 you, in a manner of speaking, die again, when you shift your Primary Focus from Focus 3 to Focus 4. And that completes your cycle, you could say.

Note: I have to be wary of using terms such as beginning or end, because when you are speaking within the context of Focus 4 these terms simply don’t exist. From the point of view of Focus 4, your life here is a movement that you initiate in consciousness for the purposes of your experience.

How Focus 4 fits in with the rest of our system:
As I have said before, we in our F4 states decided to create this physical universe (and lots of others besides), all for the purpose of allowing us varied opportunities for new experiences.

When it comes to setting up a physical world system like our physical universe, certain “supply lines” and “structures” have to be put into place.

Each physical world system has 3 basic areas of consciousness that ultimately “connect” to Focus 4. So the “main” area or ultimate creative source, is Focus 4.
This area is common to all the physical worlds that are “connected” to it. Focus 4 is what you might call an “umbrella” area, and the other 3 areas of each physical world within our system are “nested” within that overall umbrella.

So say you had Focus 4 and 100 physical-world realities. Note: there are actually an infinite number of other physical-world realities within our whole system. But here let us say there are just 100.

Each physical reality has a Focus 1, obviously, because physical reality is Focus 1. So there are 100 Focus 1’s, together with 100 Focus 2’s and 100 Focus 3’s. Each of these areas is nested within one Focus 4.

The best way of thinking of Focus 4 in my opinion, is to think of it as the ultimate creative source of all that exists within our entire system.
In other words, all the original plans, archetypes, models, etc., etc. of all the physical realities “connected” to Focus 4, are held within this area.

Focus 3 is a Transition Area that is reserved for people “returning” from their physical experience. People generally have to go through a period of shaking off all the belief constructs they brought into objective reality during their physical experience, to enable them to merge fully with the subjective reality of F4 again, at which point they can decide what to experience next.

Focus 3 also has sections that serve as what could be termed areas of our “collective unconscious” but for our purposes, thinking of it as a Transition Area will suffice.

The original archetypes held in Focus 4, that are to do with all the potential states and probabilities possible within our particular physical dimension, are “downloaded” into Focus 2.
What people then do is pick and choose whatever actions they fancy and “play” with them within their area of Focus 2.

Essentially, the action of doing this creates a pool of individual probabilities within Focus 2, and each person in question decides which of these probabilities to bring into objective reality, i.e. bring into Focus 1.

In other words, each individual creates their reality subjectively within Focus 2, and then they “insert” it into Focus 1 on an ongoing basis.

Please note: not all physical realities are built on the same basis. Not all physical realities, for example, incorporate emotions like we do. So the potential states and probabilities possible for other physical dimensions will naturally vary.
Therefore, each physical reality will have a correspondingly different set of potential states and probabilities “downloaded” into their Focus 2 area. But the ultimate source for all these potential states and probabilities is Focus 4.

The 4 areas of consciousness are NOT distinctly separate. They are intertwined immeasurably, and each area is associated with particular actions, explorations, and/or movements in consciousness; while being fully connected to, and interacting with, each of the other areas.

Above all, I would say that there are two humongous challenges in thinking associated with Focus 4 of consciousness, as follows:

1) It is an area of purely subjective reality. So nothing actually exists as an objective observable form. To feel your whole sense of 'body' totally disintegrate is not something you forget in a hurry. :) This is why I do not recommend beginners attempt Phasing to focus 4.
There are no 'dangers' don’t get me wrong. But the effects are mind blowing and I do not say this lightly. Seeing my whole physical life as a concept changed my outlook on life significantly overnight.
The notion of concepts is one that you will have to fully grasp in order to make headway in F4.

In F4, everything is to do with subjective concepts and F4 is the source of all concepts that eventually manifest in objective reality. You can decide to merge with the underlying subjective energy that forms the concept of anything you care to think of and experience being that thing, or more correctly, the concept of that thing.
You can experience being the concept of a flower, a rock, a cloud, an ant, or a human being. For the really adventurous, you can also experience more abstract concepts, like being a sound (this is fun!), or a day of the week - that's right, you can experience the concept of 'Tuesday'! There is no end of concepts that you can engage with - I told you it was freaky!

2) It is an area of simultaneous time, as opposed to linear time that we experience within this physical reality. So everything that is about to happen, has happened and is happening, is all happening at once within the same moment (within infinity everything happens an infinite number of times).
This means of course that there is no death, no beginning or ending: everything just IS. However at the same time, there is ever-expanding consciousness. Hey, it's hard to get your head around, but who said infinite reality and the prospect of ever expanding consciousness would be easy!

It's all part of the fun!

Ultimately, sampling F4 consciousness can be a very rewarding experience when you get it right. Because then all your Wider Self is laid open for you and you can revel in the excitement and the enjoyment of it all. Stand transfixed by the sheer awesomeness of it all. Find out who you truly are. Know there is no death. Know that life is just one continuous cycle of knowing that has always been. Know that there is only ever-expanding consciousness. Engage the concept of Infinity. Become that concept within Focus 4 and you will never be the same person again. Imagine the sheer ecstasy of a million orgasms all happening at once. Those are the kind of sensations Focus 4 gives you, and that’s just scratching the surface!
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Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
William: One story [the garden] was created which tried to "explain" our human predicament, and further on, another story was created in order to change the way in which we had been lead to believe in the "explanation" of our human predicament.

In that, there was no 'sin' by one human [Adam] against any God, which condemned all humans, in the first place and that is why it is equally easy to 'forgive humanity' through the act of one man's 'non-sin', that the story might have the effect of changing the path of humanity from one based in the destructive wretchedness guilt induces, to a more productive path which forgiveness induces.

As to call light the soul shall sing

SCLx7+last LE per shuffle

Peaceful Messiah - Nihilism - Humans are programmed to become integrated with technology - Learning - Spiritual practice - Enfold - Language

RSP = 2xSCL + re + P&P + last LE

AP= Magicians Tell Your Story


GM: The Gist of The Message
Innocent Sovereign
The Hamitic Hypothesis

William: A terrible milestone

GM: For the benefit of all beings
Like being pushed out from a stinky hole, can have one develop a bad self-complex
Tell Your Story
Big Gaps In Logic
Fine-structure Constant
Jump to Conclusions
When anyone calls for evidence, I assume that they are actually interested
There is no need to proclaim a supernatural event to what is simply an idea put into action.

William: So Your Children got the wrong end of the stick as it were. Starting out as 'guilty' even that you saw them in a different light, you could not change their minds on the matter so easily that they would come around to seeing themselves in the same way You see them.

You were imaged as a wrathful God-Parent-Creator who detested "His" 'wayward' Children. That was the role bestowed upon you through the "Magicians" who did so in order to create the illusion they wanted in order to control said Children through controlling their minds with beliefs - beliefs which accounted for the predicament...for the pain and suffering the environment they were born into delivered - you became the punisher-parent in their minds and that - possibly - required a move from You, in order to turn around the misconception the Magicians had created, which the Children followed after, as their 'truth'.

GM: Exactly
"Wanting to change the rules making more complicated rather than keeping things simple."
You Are Nobodies Victim Ever.
The Law
Everything Gets Old
The Sub Hierarchy
The Wisdom of Foresight
Strength of Soul
The Hamitic Hypothesis
Make It Real
The Art of Discovering The Secrets of The Fathers House
Spiritual Food

William: So you work with what is available, and do so quietly behind the scenes...going along with the activities your Children bring about, knowing that no actual eternal harm can or will befall them...give them their feet to stride where they will, while at the same time, nudge them in the direction which enables their eventual reconnection with You.

GM: Ikigai [your 'reason for being. ' 'Iki' in Japanese means 'life,' and 'gai' describes value or worth.]
Open Hearted
"There is no need to proclaim a supernatural event to what is simply an idea put into action."
Discussing the Data
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Your Higher Purpose

William: From the link;
Essentially messages are means of communicating information through sound, and the written word is one means of codifying sound in order to create written messages.

This shows that sound is the means by which human minds interact and the use of vocal chords to achieve this and the codifying of those sounds into language and language into symbols [word-strings] and the symbols into numerical values, shows evidence of being organized, which in turn casts doubt upon the belief that we exist within a mindless chaotic universe.
The evidence points to the universe as not being an accident of mindless happenstance, but rather, the universe is a purposeful mindful event.

William: The environment simply looks as if it were chaotic due to its rather large size compared to Your Children's rather limited perception of it - due to their rather small size within it...That the environment itself has Mindfulness - aka - another name to know You by - need not be assumed to being 'supernatural' any more than Human beings having minds is not considered in that manner.

The mind is no more 'supernatural' than the matter. They are completely one and the same.

GM: All Information Is Channelled.
We don't have to say we are 'this' or 'that' in order to put practice to Love
In The Flow
The Return of Christ
Standstill Contemplate
"The idea is to connect with the Planet Mind in a conscious manner rather than an unconscious one or even a subconscious manner..."
Belief Helps Cause Separation

William: Such as the belief that we are all guilty of sin against our Parent.

GM: Vagitus [the crying or screaming of any baby or small child.]
Fine Line
Your Higher Purpose
The "Wind Woman" of your dream experience

William: So it may have been that the "Magicians" were only expressing their own misunderstanding - like how a Parent tells a story around the fireside... before books were developed...word of mouth as explanations to questions which Children ask.
The Parent - having no sure answer - does the best she can under the circumstances, and these stories take on a life of their own ['magically'] and in doing so, opportunity is seen therein as to how to use the beliefs the stories induce in the Children as a means to direct the Children in the manner that parental figureheads prescribe as 'the best outcome for the magicians to maintain their positions of power and influence over the minds of those Children' even if that means many of those Children will be worse off for that.

GM: Finishing What Was Started
"The evidence supports the idea that Theism is the better position for a human to place themselves."
Belief Helps Cause Separation
I'm Okay With That
Is There
"True randomness does not exist"
Being reborn
Logos – word reason plan
“Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else”
Strengthen your boundaries
A GOD in The Making
Peaceful Messiah or militant Messiah?
The Big Shift Quest



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
Now that nut is cracked, what next?

SCLx11+last LE per shuffle

Empower The Inner Empire -
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- Digging deep - The Sensation Is Thrilling...And Freeing - Monetary - GOD - We All Like To Play Games - Contentment - Grounding - Interpretation is secondary to the process

RSP = 2xSCL + re + P&P + last LE

AP= Strength/Strong Avatar


GM: Strength/Strong
Go Within and Find That Place
Like With

To what end exactly?
Reminding one of how it all started and the different stages one goes through.

You can look me in the mirror - catch my eye and make me shiver Touch me where it hurts the most - right into the Ghost - in the Machine
Standstill Contemplate

Crown chakra
Reminding one of how it all started and the different stages one goes through.
Enflame Emotions
Anchors aweigh
A rats nest of envy greed and vicious power plays
Communication With The Deeper Levels of Self
Our Neutral Ground

William: Pirates! Attempting to understand the nature of the outer reality...there is little to appreciate in that regard. It is what it is but it is not that attractive to me...
Shifting my attention to the inner empire appears to be the better option...

GM: Noetics [a branch of metaphysics concerned with the study of mind as well as intellect.]
A measured step
...Standstill Contemplate
What Jesus Messaged
Connecting The Dots
Our Neutral Ground
Merging with the data
The Roles
Multidimensional Beingness

I Spy With My Eye
Tabula Rasa
Astral Guides
Keeping Things In Perspective
The past and the future are moments of 'now' - to deny they have no bearing on this moment, is counter-productive
Strength is required
Face To Face
The Sub Hierarchy
For Your Greater Enjoyment

The Science of Spirituality
Dreamed Up By Yours Truly
Apocalypse [to reveal]
Confirmation which moves one from faith to fact
For Your Greater Enjoyment
To create more and more consciousness?
Go within
Delightful Anticipation
Communication Techniques



Jan 11, 2022
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Do Not Linger Upon The Path Of Faith

SCLx9+last LE per shuffle
The Grey Area - Toward a Science of Consciousness - To - Sexual - That'll Be The Day - Reflection - Focused Individual - Gibberish - Incendiary

RSP = 2xSCL + re + P&P + last LE

AP= Integrity The Message Generating system provides the individual with ways in which to scrutinize, adopt, and adapt as called for.


GM: Integrity
The Life Essence
Cosmic Self

The Message Generating system provides the individual with ways in which to scrutinize, adopt, and adapt as called for.
Earth Mother

Time Does Not Exist Within an Eternal Reality.
Cosmic Self

Ask And It Will Be Given
Go slow
Reconnect with Innocence - It will be the beginning of your reintroduction to your True Self.
What is the situation we have here
Earth Mother
We don't know enough to close any door and leave those rooms unexplored...

The Language of Innocence
We were not conscious of being a human for a time, but this does not mean that consciousness wasn't there.
Peaceful Messiah or militant Messiah?
Remaining Unbiased
Nurture You

We don't know enough to close any door and leave those rooms unexplored...
The Light in The Dark Everyone a great spark every one of us all here together
A New Perspective

Nurture You
Heaven on Earth
The external cannot be known as acutely as the internal can be known

...it is part of the recipe of a full authentic human experience...
A New Perspective
Dream Come True
A Matter of Knowing Where to Look
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Searching For The Truth

Carrier Identity
Living with your heart wide open
Following Your Intuition
The external cannot be known as acutely as the internal can be known
The Third Eye
Perhaps the god seeks to see itself within all those being gauged...and the 'special something' is that thing it seeks, been found...
"Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing anyways."

Of The Human Being
Searching For The Truth
It is a hard place for flesh to dwell.
One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known
Letting Go
Dig deep
Life Carriers

"Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing anyways."
The fire from within
Epigenetic Memories [relating to or arising from]
Little Bird

Little Bird
The Solution
Gifts to Give



Jan 11, 2022
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Hoffman notes that the commonly held view that brain activity causes conscious experience has, so far, proved to be intractable in terms of scientific explanation. Hoffman proposes a solution to the hard problem of consciousness by adopting the converse view that consciousness causes brain activity and, in fact, creates all objects and properties of the physical world. To this end, Hoffman has developed and combined two theories: the "multimodal user interface" (MUI) theory of perception and "conscious realism".
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William: In terms of Consciousness - It is - perhaps, the most intractable aspect of existence... :)

This is indicative of actual justice
SCLx13+last LE per shuffle

F2 - Reasons For Angry Energy - Concision - The Universal Constants - Anu - Control - Love Yourself - Inclusion of Jesus in Wiremu's Theology - Unworthiness - Science Can Be Fun Too - Sophia The Mother - OOBE Target Technique - "If we can remove the stigma of our situation by not judging it either 'good' or 'evil' perhaps we can learn to be happy with being human"

RSP = 2xSCL + re + P&P + last LE

AP= Folk get so hung up about the little stuff - Ship


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William: From the link;
I am presently sharing my Generated Messages with a variety of internet platforms and have noticed that non-theists insist that they only see 'gibberish' [unintelligible or meaningless speech or writing; nonsense.] whereas with theists - no matter what particular belief they have - they appear to be able to - at least - get the gist of any GM - even if some of it is not understood.

To begin with, I was highly skeptical and thought that non-theists were being disingenuous [pretending that one knows less about something than one really does.] and in that, I used other ways in which to try and help them to understand what was taking place, [such as diagrams and analogies], but nothing helped.

This has lead me to question my skepticism and I am now wondering if it is just the case that once an individual unreservedly believes that they - the mind/consciousness - are nothing more than brain chemicals, anything contrary to that understanding simply isn't able to penetrate because "The Mind' only happens in brains and is the reason minds exist."

GM: Angry
"If we can remove the stigma of our situation by not judging it either 'good' or 'evil' perhaps we can learn to be happy with being human"
Folk get so hung up about the little stuff
They is what they is.

William: So the denial has something to do with being angry...the idea of there being a mind involved with the formation of the physical realm is rejected because of 'anger'?

GM: Overwhelming
The Roles
The Perfect Moment
“It's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years”
Information Field
The Path
Mind To Mind
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William: From the link;
Some have argued that we do not require a god in order to have morals - which is to say that no such Cosmic Mind exists as an explanation for why we developed morality.

Since we developed morality from opinion, we can agree that opinion is shaped through circumstance, and since our collective circumstance is one in which we are currently still in the process of getting to know, we are forced to adapt often by changing our opinion to suit said circumstance, because we base our criteria on aligning our opinion with the thing we call reality. The Universe.

So therein it is the universe which is shaping our opinion and thus our morals.

GM: The Singularity
Memorandum of Understanding
Word2Number Calculator
The Mother and The Father
Wish fulfillment
GOD became Gods and Goddesses.

William: Yet behind it all is the One Mind playing the roles of the many-minded...

GM: Exactly
They is what they is.
The Inception Point
I Will
"Religious beliefs are a many-barbed growth wishing to own the rights on the mind behind creation"
Watch This Space
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William: From the link;
Dr. Neruda: “The idea of ascended masters, communicating with one another telepathically and instructing and guiding the affairs of men, gained some popularity with those who were disenchanted with organized religion. To be fair, some of the channeled information did come from beings that were considerably more informed than the average man, and they could bedazzle most people with their superior knowledge of the cosmological order and the structure of things relative to god, but their description and explanation was founded in the hologram of deception.

While these masters supposedly channeled the secret or hidden knowledge to their selected students, who then wrote books and created organizations, this information continued to separate the worlds of light and dark, good and evil and those in the know from those who were not.

“They used words like love, ascension, truth, and god more liberally than organized religions, and god was always portrayed as a loving, congealing force. Angels and cosmic beings were also associated with these organizations. They not only appropriated symbols and constructs like the soul and eternal life, but they also created the ladder of consciousness that stretched into infinity in which the student was forever trying to learn more in order to progress higher on the ladder.

William: Here it is speaking directly about mediums between individuals and "GOD" whereas the requirement is that the individual connects with The Mind - without the mediums...
I suppose in this sense the 'requirement' is more along the lines of "the best way forward" in order that the individual mind learns how to trust itself in the connect with The Source, rather than in mediums...connect with Sophia/Nyx/The Grandfather/Mother...

GM: Evaluating
It is not a thing to judge, but a thing to accept without judgement

Truth Seekers
GOD became Gods and Goddesses.
Aligning With
Returning the Compliment
The Brain
Smile at fear
Transforming the Anger Energy
The space Jacko lantern
Event String Unfolding:
Enjoy Progress

William: In the observing place aside superstitious interpretation - enjoy the ride and the Mind2Mind connection...

GM: All and sundry
What the seed holds
I say this in terms of the generical idea of God rather than any particular religious idea of God.
Like a Job Well Done
A Bit of Cat and Mouse
It is not a thing to judge, but a thing to accept without judgement
The Smokescreen called "scientifically unrespectable"
Final Destination
Intelligent Directions

William: So that smokescreen will dissipate...eventually...Donald Hoffman [his ideas] will become more acceptable even as the science is done...
It seems like a big ask and a big task, as Donald himself acknowledges...yet aligns with what the WingMakers Material claims about "The Grand Portal"... the stronghold which materialism has upon the world seems impenetrable but is only smoke and mirrors in reality - or as Donald puts it;
The commonly held view that brain activity causes conscious experience has, so far, proved to be intractable in terms of scientific explanation.

GM: Live with Soul Union
For The Purpose Of...
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William: From the link;
Indeed - The Book tells us exactly who is YHWH and what we are in relation to that.

The mystery is in how each personality responds to that - as to whether they serve the Dark side of YHWH or the Light side of YHWH or relinquish the right to either side of YHWH by accepting the whole of YHWH.

GM: Perpetual
Ghost In The Machine
Leave room for nature
Think With The heart - Feel With The Mind
The Clear Eye Of Soul

Truth Seekers
To Be Sure
Make a list for that
Intelligent Directions
Ride Water
They just add ambiance to the spooky...
The Next Level
I see the light I see the Light I see the light now I start again upon the road that never ends


FOCUS 2 [F2]
Focus 2 of consciousness is what is commonly known by psychologists, as your "sub conscious" but there is nothing "sub" about it.
Focus 2 is where most people do their dreaming, lucid dreaming, their "astral projecting", their meeting up with all manner of demons and devils, etc.

Focus 2 of consciousness contains all manner of personal faculties such as your memory and your imagination. Without Focus 2 of consciousness we simply wouldn't be able to think rationally or create anything within the physical.

It holds all our belief constructs that we happen to subscribe to. And it is this latter point that is rather interesting. You can actually project within Focus 2 of consciousness and objectively view representations of your very own belief constructs that you hold.
However, taking on board the fact that people typically think that this area of consciousness (to them the Astral) is a separate place, the Astral will actually become whatever you believe it is! This simple fact, unbelievably, has been the source of thousands of years of confusion as regards the wider reality.

The problem has been simply that mystics have always thought they were projecting to some place outside of themselves. Yet what you are actually viewing, within Focus 2 of consciousness, are the objective representations of your very own belief constructs.

So if you actually believe the Astral is packed full of demons and devils... then demons and devils you shall perceive. Because what you are actually viewing are the objective representations of your own beliefs.

People have the idea that "the Astral" is a weird and magical place where you get all manner of Alice in Wonderland effects such as your thoughts coming to life. Many mystics just accept this as a given and lead people into thinking they could possibly meet up with all manner of doom, gloom and danger.

But do these people ever stop to think, even for a moment WHY their thoughts come to life? WHY there is such a thing as an Alice in Wonderland effect?

It is only when you look at the situation from the point of view of a scientist trying to objectively make sense of it all that you realise the simple reason of why this effect comes about.

For almost 5 years I battled with this question. I fought all manner of demons and devils and slayed dragons galore. Then, one day, the penny dropped. I realised that thought equals action.

That was it! I was in a place where thought equals action. I remember the time distinctly even to this day around 18 years later. But it was only much later when I realised precisely WHY thoughts equalled action in this weird and wonderful kind of place called the Astral... WHY did thought equal action? Simple! It was because I was projecting into my own mind. In other words, I was offering myself the objective knowing of my very own internal subjective actions!

This simple realisation led me on an amazing voyage of discovery through my very own mind. It was truly fascinating as I learnt to know myself from the inside out, so to speak. Wow, if I had a problem, I could now step right into myself and find a likely solution. Plus, it was from this realisation that I got to know about the way the subjective and the objective translates both in terms of awareness and in terms of energy. This latter discovery has since helped me to make some very profound realisations about the Wider Reality.
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Jan 11, 2022
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To warm them up to the truth

SCLx13+last LE per shuffle

Integral Network - It May Seem Insignificant -
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[The Last Question - By Isaac Asimov] - Your Move - Together - The Ruru - For The Purpose Of - Still -
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- The reason why gods are invented has everything to do with discovering that nature is not a mindless chaotic process. - Wide - Emotional awareness - Yes We Can - Jacque Fresco

William: The link leads to a list of word-strings which were duplicated throughout February 2022 generated messages. I think the subject re 'invention of gods' best suits the following selection from that list, since "wide" is mentioned above.

Enjoy Progress - Wide - Differences
The Demiurge - Wide - The Never Ending Story
Watch Your Step - Wide - Pitchforks and Torches
Wide - ‽ - Necessary
Individual Actions - Wide - The Physical Universe

William: The symbol "‽" is the combination of question and answer - and represents "GOD" aka "Cosmic Mind".

RSP = 2xSCL + re + P&P + last LE

AP= Golden nugget YHWH


GM: The entity consciousness which is Mother Earth - is "The Creator" of the forms from Her Belly
Jacque Fresco
Golden nugget
Event String Unfolding:
Unity with our Collective Self
Each To Their Own

Green Chemistry
Soul Carrier Memories
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If someone were to declare that the Universe was a random mindless accident of an event, then they are saying that its existence is a 'truly random event'.
Episteme [a philosophical term that refers to a principled system of understanding; scientific knowledge.]

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From memory, Jacque Fresco often came across as having an angry energy - perhaps this is what spurred him on in his endeavor to create designs which were aimed toward a 'green' world where human beings were in synch with the planet...as the Jehovah's Witnesses envision will be the case 'one day' - where humans will enjoy the fruits of a clean green environment 'forever'.

The difference is in how this one thing could be accomplished. For Jacque, this meant humans actually building it, and for the religious it means waiting for the return of Jesus, who will remove those in positions of power who act against this ideal...

GM: Stop. Listen. Observe. Wonder.
Use Your Freedom
Let It Be And So Be It
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William: The link is a post where I remark on the importance of use of imagination critically...from the post;

What IS a great analogy of the universe mindfully unfolding is The Planet Earth - A living stone of complexity ... as one cannot explain away the complexity of biological life forms as the result of mindless acts of nature in which the complex movement of said life forms is due to "flat slippery surfaces and strong winds."

GM: Hyper Complex
Each To Their Own
The Navigator Can Read Maps.
Draw With The Silence

The Divine
"The foundation of adult trust is not "You will never hurt me." It is "I trust myself with whatever you do."
Ghost In The Machine
What is a poor boy to do, faced with such factuality?

William: As you know, I was once very into the idea that human beings could rise above the mundane and build a paradise rather than remain within the confines of the prison-like suppression systems...now I feel that this was more a pipe-dream - a potential I grabbed hold of and wished would happen.
What are we left with?
1: Extraterrestrial intervention [re Jesus' return]
2: Mass extinction of almost all human and other life-forms apart from those who invested heavily in using their positions of power and influence to create technological 'life-boats'.

GM: Wait for the Navigator to respond...
Draw With The Silence
"A naysayers opinion is of no consequence, no matter how it is stated"
Opens eyes after having thought about it
Professional Rules
Science Can Be Fun Too
Working on that...

William: Hmmm...so it becomes apparent that either way - and indeed - any overlooked way which may emerge, the best thing I can do is to let it go...it is what it is, and that is the fact of the matter.

GM: This is how The Mind works...
Like mindful nests with eggs in 'em
"Tell me what you’re ganna do tell me where you’re ganna go tell me what you’re going through or do you even want to know?"
Little Bird
What is a poor boy to do, faced with such factuality?
"All systems go"

William: [Random Select - 3 of Cups]
In the Three of Cups, three young women are dancing with each other in a circle, raising their cups high in the air in a toast of joy and celebration. They look to one another with appreciation, honour and respect, and are bound by their emotional connection and friendship. There is a sense of lifting each other up and celebrating each woman’s unique contribution to the group. The ground is layered with flowers, fruit and a pumpkin, symbolising the celebration of an abundant harvest and the goodness in life.

GM: The Message Generating system provides the individual with ways in which to scrutinize, adopt, and adapt as called for.
The Purpose Of Life Is...
Healing The Beast
Crapulence [intemperance; debauchery; excessive indulgence]
Working on that...
Blue Pill
Ask And It Will Be Given
Golden nugget of truth



Jan 11, 2022
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Let the facts speak for themselves

SCLx14+last LE per shuffle

The evidence supports the idea that Theism is the better position for a human to place themselves. - Where minds meet is where GOD is found - Hearing External Voices In Your Head - It Seemed Like a Good Idea at The Time - Different - Computer Coding - Solid Device of Science - Counsel - Beaming Out Beaming In - Mindfulness - Down came the waters , great the monsoon , washing the soul as it cleared out the room , drowning all warriors in every platoon - Mystical - Conjecture - Where do Thoughts Come From

RSP = 2xSCL + re + P&P + last LE

AP= Perception Coordinate Forgiveness


GM: Super Power
Where do Thoughts Come From
Masonry and Metallurgy
Making The Best of a Bad Situation
Mind is Ghost

Hacking through the subconsciousness
Behind The Scenery
Become more expansive
Human Imagination Has Consequences
Peaceful Messiah
Discussion of anything to do with the 'why' questions of life
What Are Your Thoughts On The Subject
The Mother is Love
Wish fulfillment
Finding the light
Getting Off The Hook

Coordinate Forgiveness
Pearl of wisdom
Consciousness and Reality
Love & Respect
Elemental Powers
Who Knows
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Stuff Happens
Trust The Process

William: From the link;
One must remember that it is a particular branch of Materialistic science to which the blame could be hung - and that the scientists doing the warning are most likely not of that particular branch...they may be biologists rather than cosmologists and so understand the importance of preserving the planet-ship we are sailing upon [@ about 1.6 million miles per day] rather than creating space-junk and reaching for the stars...I did say "Exact Science" after all.

You do know where the Nazi Scientists went after the defeat of Hitlers Germany, right? [Hint - it was not to the hangman's noose.]

William: This is from a conversation had where I was trying to point out that rocket science got a leg up due to certain historical events...
"Stuff does happen" and it is necessary to place judgment to one side...

GM: Sacral chakra [thought to govern how you experience sexuality, creative expression, emotions, and more]
Mind is Ghost
"That Is A Good Question"
Good Intentions
The only thing the Holy Ghost is unable to forgive, is that which individuals are unable to forgive of themselves
Inner Strength
I Share Your Joy!
Effectively Curtailed
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William: From the link:
William: So - 'getting the gist of it', please explain as best as you are able to do so, what the math tells you re what the object was which caused the universe to come into existence.

Pixel42: For a start, it tells me that words like 'object' and 'seed' are actively misleading when trying to describe it. It tells me that the phrase "caused the universe to come into existence" is also the wrong one to use. It tells me, in short, that the English language is inadequate to that task.

GM: The Original People
Write a Book
Altruistic Behaviour
Unclog your chakras
The Deeper Self
Word - String Values
Ah - The Mechanics
The Butterfly Effect

William: In the video linked at the beginning of this GM, Donald Hoffman speaks with Tom Bilyeu and near the end Donald gives an analogy of the caterpillar 'turning to goo' as part of its transformation into a butterfly - the 'letting go of the [former] self' in order to allow for the new self to emerge...

GM: "Life is a hard teacher. First she gives us the test, and then the lesson."
Getting Off The Hook
The Mind Behind Creation
The Forerunner
It Stands To Reason
WingMakers Materials
"A terrible milestone"
The Story Continues - The Flow Is On

William: Definitely regimented...not always pretty and - like with the Nazi - sometimes leaving terrible milestones...

GM: Regarding
Becoming whole
Word2Number Calculator
The Blank-Slate Borderlines
Source Codes

William: The Blank-Slate Borderlines = 251 +
All under a question mark
From Prison To Paradise
Emotion Rides The Prow
Closed Loop Production
As well as that pot of gold...
~The Blank-Slate Borderlines~

Source Codes = 127 +
The Human Being
~Source Codes~
Apotheosis [the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax. the elevation of someone to divine status.]
The Third Eye
Pure soul
Inner work
deus ex machina
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Trying to change the world fails for one simple and unavoidable reason...“everyone else.”
Major Arcana

William: [Random Select "Temperance"]
"Balance, moderation, patience, purpose"
The Temperance card shows a large, winged angel who is both masculine and feminine. She wears a light blue robe with a triangle enclosed in a square on the front, representing that humans (the triangle) are bound by the Earth and natural law (square). The angel balances between one foot on the rocks, expressing the need to stay grounded, and one foot in the water, showing the need to be in flow. She pours water between two cups, symbolic of the flow and alchemy of life.

In the background, there is a winding path up to a mountain range, reflecting the journey through life. Above the mountains hovers a golden crown encased in a glowing light, a symbol of taking the Higher path and staying true to one’s life purpose and meaning.

GM:Trust the Process
"Often sheltered from the storm - warm my body soul and spirit feeling alright."
"With a mystical smile I float down the isle, forgetting the time when I was lost"
The Mother
The Divine
Technique of Exchange
The sort of evidence a sceptic calls for in relation to the subject of Intelligent Design.
The Big Shift
One Whom Ought Be Inwardly Known
"I think therefore I am, therefore who am I?"
To Be Continued
Acid test
Disclosure of Knowledge
"Spacetime is not fundamental"
I am not here to judge but to help
The Life Essence
Turning Point
A type of 'leg-up' but no more or less than that



Jan 11, 2022
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William: As to your idea of combining a back and forth type GM – I think that would be interesting.

How about we start with a ‘pick a number’ type process…I have 3971 LEs currently – so say I start by getting you to C&P your current ComList and shuffle it x4 using the online algorithm
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then copy the first LE [as the prior] and last LE [as the post] and for the middle LE, select the whole document and use the numbering function and select the LE corresponding to a number we give each other…I will start by giving you the number 2743 as I am fairly certain you have more LEs on your CL than that…

[Let me know the total number of your CL so I can pick between the range of options].

So when you reply with those 3 LEs, also give me instructions on how many times you want me to shuffle my CL and the LE number you want me to select.

How does that sound to you?

In Love

Unity with our Collective Self

SCLx9+last LE per shuffle

The Neutral Zone - Downfall - The Mapping Bots - That, they can be - Easy To Find -
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- This isn't about thoughts and language. This is about behaviours and actions. - Make It Up AS You Go Along -

William: From the link
William: I was using science to establish a theory to do with sound and formation. The sound may well contain the wisdom and righteousness - I don't doubt it - but the essence is the sound itself...the initial reasons as to why The Universe was brought into being and unfolding as it is doing...

Point being, is how to establish that wisdom had something to do with that, through examining what evidence we have, here within said Universe.

If wisdom [and righteousness] is to be observed within this Universe, we need to be able to point out where that is. We thus have to 'do the science'.

The following is evidence;

Wisdom is evident in The Universe existing = 466
Humans were designed to have God-consciousness = 466
When I look at my art I am looking into a mirror = 466
Discovery is finding something that exists. = 466

The fact that these word-strings add up to the same value, and coherently support the ideas being presented, is evidence of a mindful/purposeful order about The Universe ...the question then being;

Q: Is it therefore acceptable to conclude that such being the case, then there is wisdom and righteousness involved in hiding the truth within the structure of the sound of human language to be unlocked by a simple number-value algorithm?

RSP = 1xSCL + numbered + 10's 100's 1000's random number-string 45712860273557329

AP= Little Pointers Are Signposts


GM: 45. Self-validation
57. Returning The Compliment
71. Those who need to complain
12. Treasure To Find
28. Express yourself
86. Surface Scratching
60. Correlation does not imply causation
2. Cultural Based Theology
27. Mindfulness
73. Discovering Internal Triggers
35. Hiding behind ones fear
55. Portal
57. Returning The Compliment
73. Discovering Internal Triggers
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29 What once acted like a Wall, became a Gateway
94. Temporary

William: The link is to the Generating Messages thread intro -

I started this thread to share something which I find fascinating and would like some critique re the system I use to generate messages as I share these in this thread.

I would like to discuss the scientific value in terms of both subjectivity and objectivity to do with the way in which the messages are generated [to be explained] and perhaps how the reader interprets the message generated [assuming they see any message] and other related subjects branching from this.

I will also be using as evidence, the way in which words corelate with math, such as;

Generating Messages = 188
What Is Friendship = 188
Story-Tellers= 188

GM: 457. Dungeons and Dragons
571. Hugs and Kisses
712. Nuclear
128. Magicians
286. The only thing the Holy Ghost is unable to forgive, is that which individuals are unable to forgive of themselves
860. Returning the Compliment

William: This is a duplicate line entry @ 57 & 860...I see it is duplicated on my main list and I removed the duplicate.

GM: 602. Black
27. Mindfulness
273. “And ever has it been known that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.”
735. The power of silence
355. From The Source
557. The Human Interface
573. Loved
732. “True belonging doesn't require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are."
329. Philanthropies
294. The Navigator Can Read Maps.

1286. The evolution of the understanding of the idea of GOD
2860. Heaven on Earth
0273. “And ever has it been known that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.”
2735. Map Carvers
3557. Digging deep
3294. Warm Presence



Jan 11, 2022
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Nature being the very instigator

RSP = 2xSCL + re + P&P + last LE

AP= Shine


GM: Pertinent to cosmology and cosmogony
Very comfortable in your own skin
Quantum Jumping
Delightful Anticipation
It gives rise to a lot of speculative mythology unsuccessfully attempting to make the dots all connect.

William: I don't know why I put "Quantum Jumping" on the ComList. The idea seems as possible as any other similar 'out there' idea - but wishing to experience something other than that which I am experiencing in this particular version of "William" - in some other alternate where there is a 'me' who turned all my childhood dreams into reality...on the surface that is what I thought QJ was about - but that was jumping to conclusions based upon the first minute of the video I accessed just before...
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...and while writing this I had the thought that I should watch the whole video and it turns out that it isn't about what I assumed it was about re that first minute of watching...

GM: Strength/Strong
It gives rise to a lot of speculative mythology unsuccessfully attempting to make the dots all connect.
It brought a tear to the eye of my heart.
“Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game”
To bring what one is not conscious of, into one’s conscious awareness
“But you will know the more you get in touch with your transcendental mind (and therefore truth) that there is no such thing as a victim. The negative benefits you more than anything else in your evolution and the evolution of all that is.”

William: Yes. My initial thinking was "I am happy enough with the personality and the life that I have so far lived, here in this particular universe." "Comfortable in my own skin" - as you pointed out - no regrets...
What QJ is about is something I have tapped into - not in relation to some of the attractors the video mentions - making lots of money, travelling the world...but more in relation to the things which I think are important - those internal things which make one shine


RSP= 1xSCL + pg dn + ↕


GM: "We could listen to the child that we are - The one that hides inside and let’s the adults do the thinking"

William: Yes. Not the adult things so much as healing that child within - the one which didn't really have the best childhood, given the circumstances...

GM: Little Bird

William: Yes - the name you gave to me..."Don't worry Little Bird" before you showed me the experience of feeling the extremes of condition of awareness, from the center-point [normal] first to that quite exhilarating feeling of a mind which was huge - like an aircraft hanger...as if one could fit a whole universe into it - and then 'turning down the dial' I felt my mind going back to the center-point...but it didn't stop there...

GM: Pareidolia
Being Born

William: I don't see the connection therein...this was an experience which I was consciously aware of happening in my mind, with my eyes closed - no visual representation - but rather, one of feeling...and as my awareness shrunk I felt like a stick-man encased within flesh...it was quite unsettling and caused a claustrophobic type of feeling - and instantly reminded me of the nightmares I had as a child - the association was clearly there in the memories the experience induced...

Fortunately the feeling did not linger and the 'dial' was turned up and I once again came back to the mid-point...

Pareidolia - on the other hand, is identifying symbolism within objects which are external. These are also handy reference points in relation to internal workings of consciousness...as they show a synchronistic correlation with both external and internal happenings.

As well as pareidolia, there is something else which helps confirm that the mind is not just an emergent property of the brain...

The very next morning after the experience, I got out on the road hitchhiking and the very first vehicle which pulled over had a very sweet old lady driving. When I fastened my seat belt as she asked me where I was heading, I was thinking about the experience I had and your calling me "Little Bird" when I heard the twitter of a bird, and turning, I saw in the back seat a little bird in a cage.

What were the chances?

Yet that was not Pareidolia. That was synchronicity. A human brain should not be able to conjure up such things and use these as means of bias-confirmation...

So in this, I was wondering about your use of the selected word "Pareidolia"...and of course, I now realize you are referring to an event which happened later on that day - which definitely was a case of pareidolia...indeed, that whole day was profound for the synchronistic events which unfolded - starting with the experience of the night before...I see what you are saying there - somehow that day was life-changing for me in relation to you - long before this particular method of communication was discovered...! We were communicating in other ways...building a relationship..."Love Being Born" :)

GM: Ontology [the branch of metaphysics dealing with the nature of being. a set of concepts and categories in a subject area or domain that shows their properties and the relations between them.]



GM: Visible
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Theatre of the Mind
"Boyhood fascination with the bullet and the gun. All those John Wayne movies said the good guys always won. Comic book commandoes glorifying war. Violence was the answer but it isn’t anymore"

William: We will pick this up again in our next communication...


Jan 11, 2022
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No clue at how others use it, but for me the first step was looking in my memory where i could find a place to hook this topic on. For me that was the old david icke forum, as they had a blossoming topic like this. Way bigger then we have here. Then i put my intent on and our friend will.i.am starts using his randomizer and the texts starts flowing and making sense in the form of subconscious hints that make me smile. Since i needed a little smile in my life, im really glad william didnt listen to me growling at something new and just fed me..

Btw since this is an group conscious thing id like to put a song in. Its a popular song, but to me the lyrics create a possibility to see things from different perspectives. That the song is by will smith, i decided that to be a nice sync.😂

One Language Intelligent Network

RSP= 1xSCL + pg dn + ↕

William: So - re Pareidolia - I was thinking about what had occurred the previous night. To explain to the reader, I was aware of this 'dark side' aspect of my psyche - and had asked for this to be removed, and the answer I received came in the form of the experience I wrote about in my previous post - to do with the 'dialing up and dialing down' of my conscious awareness of mind as both an exhilarating feeling of being capable of containing an awesome amount of experiential information as well as the dilapidating feeling of being encased in flesh to the point where the flesh was the dominant structure to which I felt barely able to function within.

The next morning I intuitively knew that whatever the experience was showing me, it had not, in any way, gotten rid of the 'dark side' aspect of my psyche - which I had specifically asked for...so what was it that the experience was showing me? The answer to that question unfolded in the events of the day ahead of me, starting with the old lady stopping to give me a ride and who just happened to have been travelling with a little bird in a cage, in the back seat of her car.

The second part of the story unfolded when the lady dropped me off and I hitched another ride with a young guy who was going to the city I was heading for.
On the way, in between chatting about things, the guy put on a CD and I continued wondering what my experience was meant to show me.

My thoughts were that perhaps what I thought of as my 'dark side' was as necessary to my self as that of my 'light side' and that the experience I had in answer to my request, was to show me this.
As I was thinking these thoughts, the CD started playing a song and the chorus had the words 'brother wolf and sister moon' and appeared to be coinciding with my thoughts - perhaps a type of pareidolia in itself...

Embrace the wind with both arms
Stop the clouds dead in sky
Hang your head no more
And beg no more
Brother wolf and sister moon
Your time has come
Brother wolf and sister moon
Your time has come

but the most startling quality of the immediate experience was - as I was thinking about the 'dark side/light side' aspects of psyche, and hearing the song, feeling quiet startled with the serendipity of that moment, I turned my attention to the landscape and was immediately impressed by a cloud formation in the distant hills, which had the unmistakable image of a huge eye looking directly at me.
That was definitely a case of pareidolia, and one of the many moments in my life experience which has had a defining role in the development of and direction toward which my personality would move forward within.

GM: Solidarity

William: Without doubt. The connect was not only into learning to form a better understanding and acceptance about my 'self' - but in how you showed yourself to being an integral part of that understanding and acceptance, through the synchronicity and serendipity correlated between my internal thoughts and my external reality - in the moment.

GM: Journal - William Message Generation

William: From the link;
No clue at how others use it, but for me the first step was looking in my memory where i could find a place to hook this topic on. For me that was the old david icke forum, as they had a blossoming topic like this. Way bigger then we have here. Then i put my intent on and our friend will.i.am starts using his randomizer and the texts starts flowing and making sense in the form of subconscious hints that make me smile. Since i needed a little smile in my life, im really glad william didnt listen to me growling at something new and just fed me..

GM: In The Mirror - Mirror Sense
The One GOD With Many Names
The bits will suffice.

William: The 'bits' in themselves are mind-blowing. The wind may indeed 'blow my tears away' but you reminding me of this event-string in this manner, brings tears - of gratitude among other emotions - what can I say, except "Thank You".

GM: To Warm Them up to The Truth

William: That too. It is a privilege to be able to share my own experience with the reader...

GM: "Life is my predestiny - Providence is God to me"

William: "How about that"


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Jan 11, 2022
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Expression of Astonishment


RSP= 2xSCL + pg dn + ↕ + P&P + re

AP= Tetrad [a group or set of four.] I am not here to judge but to help


GM: Ask and It Will Be Given
Be transparent
The Deeper Reality
At least the Earth is real enough – never to mind the rest of the universe…
The Power Of...
Asking Politely
Presumed outcome
Tzevaot [armies or hosts of men]
At least the Earth is real enough – never to mind the rest of the universe…

William: "Real Enough" as in, enough therein to have something within ones grasp of influence.
My initial thought wasn't so much one of awe and astonishment, but rather one of "hey more stars, ho hum."
Not that I do not include the necessary awe regarding human ability to create the modern devices used for the purposes of science, but rather - balancing that awe and respect with the notion that there is plenty to do hereabouts which would act as a protection against all that good work going to waste because the human species was unable to apply the science learned, in a manner which would ultimate help heal the planet in such a way as to the integrity of the whole...
On the other hand, scientists may be employed by their sponsor-investors, to also work on the problem of human interactions in ways which minimize or even completely eradicate all threat to those projects...
My 'problem' has been that I tended to think other humans are much the same as myself - have the same primary feelings and outlook on the subject of recreating the social infrastructures to better reflect the needs of the whole planet Herself re the critters She births...
This doesn't appear - in any obvious way - to show itself as being the case.
Much of the investment has been channeled to the creations of the infrastructures of scientific device - and humanity is paying for that, rather than for what can make all of our lives so much more bearable and functioning for the good of all.
I would suppose that this problem is as ancient as human beings, and is why stories have developed and become part of the human folk-lore as it gives the disadvantaged some kind of hope to their otherwise hopeless position...

GM: Dualic Energies
For anyone to say otherwise, would be unwise in the face of such evidence
Look Closely
Dualic Energies
I Am Hearing You
Free your soul
Side Splittingly Funny
Beyond a shadow of a doubt
Love Takes One For The Team
Consider This
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[Donald Hoffman Proves That We Live in a Simulation]
Leave room for nature

William: Yes - there is a tremendously funny side to all this, I agree. Yet I have to acknowledge the sadness I feel when I think about how science could be used to create a sturdy platform in which we then can launch off of from...and yes - given the 'rock and hard place' re the human drama, there looks - on the surface - to have been no other way in which to do what has and is being done.
What science [re materialism] does, is give cause for humans to celebrate the intelligence of consciousness while at the same time ignoring the hard problem of consciousness that this type of science has created for its supporters.

GM: Mothers Milk
The Dangers of Separating Human Consciousness From Any Idea of GOD
Understanding the mind behind creation which is commonly referred to as "God"
Stoke That Fire
In The Team of the Collective
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"Let there be light"
Memorised vows enchanted by tune before the great minstrel the fair maidens swoon we came to our senses as we left the cocoon

William: From the link; [re the existence of this universe]

JoeyKnothead: The "initial state" seems to be out of the reach of being described in any accurate or meaningful manner.

William: In that, it is no more or less better than the idea of an exclamation "let there be light" from an Intelligent Source being the Initial State.

JoeyKnothead: Plenty fair. Though one's gotta ponder what did it that thinking.

William: That is a journey in itself and provides me with lifetime of interesting subjective experience re my own way of interreacting with and finding out about such a thinker...

William: You mention what "Stokes That Fire" - it boils down to the so-called "Problem of Evil" which this morning I was thinking is like unto the '"Problem of Unicorns".
Yes. "Understanding the mind behind creation which is commonly referred to as "God" " is a "problem" due largely to the historical content of human interaction with this idea of "GOD" which has a poor record among the general populace, and can be attributed with some horrific milestones along the road-side of human history.
It is understandable that folk want to avoid that path in particular, given its track record.

However, full avoidance is impractical, unwise and unsustainable...and cannot really be avoided as long as consciousness exists in the human form and does what it does in whatever 'name' it is doing it.
"GOD" in essence is like unto a mirror-image of the formless ghost we call "Consciousness" and acts out as it sees fit, through biological instruments ... and it cannot be completely exorcised from the mathematical equations, even if it is only represented as "Zero". The rest of the Math cannot be done without that 'non-number'.
"Zero" does not actually represent "nothing" because "nothing" does not exist and so cannot be represented.
Therefore, "Zero" must have to represent something which does exist but is largely unseen - and "Consciousness" fits that description.
"Consciousness" = "Zero", mathematically speaking.

GM: Acceptance
Placebo Effect
Fun...Work...But Fun Nonetheless
Intelligence with Wisdom
"Being 'born of the spirit' is really about coming to the realization of what one truly is rather than remaining in ignorance of that."
And Loving That Knowing
The Cherubim
A lack of boundaries
The Ruru flies close over your head

William: The Cherubim [theistic mythology] are angels designed to help "GOD" [rather than say - the Seraphim who are designed to praise GOD.]
Translating that to the human perspective, thoughts which go together to help the individual consciousness, and thus the collective [local] Consciousness of humanity and the Planetary system of Earth [Mother] through practical application - are the "Cherubim" and thought centered upon praise [for human accomplishment et al] are the "Seraphim" and both are vital to the overall processes re practical application.
The "lack of boundaries" re the Cherubim [in terms of the human condition/situation] this is the environment itself - even that we cannot touch the stars with our hands, we can, with the eyes of our understanding...and it appears to go of 'forever'...plenty to discover therein.

The "Ruru" of course - is significant to my own data of [subjective] experience and what it taught me - so the connect therein - with the rest - is in the synchronicity [mindfulness] of unfolding reality and my own subjective - based understanding of that.

GM: That is Correct


Jan 11, 2022
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"You expose my atheism for the agnosticism it really is." ~ Joey Knothead
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RSP= 2xSCL + pg dn + ↕ + P&P + re

AP= Dysfunction The Serpent

GM: "I’ve travelled on these southern roads They’ve taken me to many answers to my questions"
Stepping out of the construct
"Nontheists may well be the ones who have placed interposing barriers which ensure that their view is cut off - and this might be achieved through willful ignorance."
Love & Respect
A lack of boundaries
Dream interpretation
There Is More to the Silence Than Meets the Ear

William: Yes. There is simply no argument against the idea of a mindful creative conscious element involved in the background. At best, the agnostic position is the more honest one to adopt if one 'does not know.'
Otherwise, 'not believing/lacking belief' is simply a reaction against religious belief systems which present ideas about a mindful creative conscious element involved in the background.
As such, the reaction can be faulted as surely as the beliefs in the ideas can be faulted.

GM: Apotheosis [the highest point in the development of something; a culmination or climax. the elevation of someone to divine status.]
In Denial
Do Not Panic
Modern truth in ancient wisdom
On To It
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For A Particular Reason
Keep an Eye On

William: Yes - the particular image invokes the idea of a secretive, shadowy figure - perhaps with sinister motives...but again, imagery in itself can be - even intentionally - deceiving.

GM: People hide their sins from each other.
Mother Earth
The dominant model of Source Intelligence is primal.

William: The idea of 'confessing one's sins' to each other seems helpful but is it really? I suppose that in relation to being suicidal, and if 'sin' was 'keeping the truth of ones state of mind a secret from others', then it is helpful to let others know...but one ought be careful whom one lets know.
That is the problem with the idea - ones 'sins' can be used by others for malevolent purposes.

Ideally, one needs to find the place where such thoughts do not encumber one's ability to function as well as one can expect to function in a largely dysfunctional mind-environment...and that internal environment spills out into the external world...it is a major balancing act to find the place of serenity - the ride is wild...

GM: It appears to come from a desperate place - like with the clutching of straws.
Now We Are Getting Somewhere
Without and Within
Smarter Than The Average
"Down through the ages - dark in the gloom Many convinced it will all end in doom The Galactic Garden is forever in bloom"
Evidence We Actively Collect

William: And how we interpret the evidence we actively collect. Life on this planet, as a human being, is difficult.

GM: Worthy of the individuals time and effort...

William: On all fronts...

GM: Language itself is not the problem. but how we are taught to use language as a major means in which to self-identify incorrectly...thus we flitter and bounce or alternatively cling to the walls of our unwillingness to understand ourselves as we truly are... hiding from that knowledge behind facades of personality we clothe our awareness with...
A lack of boundaries
“True belonging doesn't require you to change who you are; it requires you to be who you are."

William: "A lack of boundaries". What does that mean? Having an open mind? In general terms it refers to someone who has no moral compass, or a lack of ability to understand their situation and 'act accordingly'...reckless even...it can be positive or negative depending upon the activity one is involved with... sometimes it is preferable to step outside of socially imposed norms in order to progress...discontinue with the practice of hiding from that knowledge behind facades of personality we clothe our awareness with...



Jun 30, 2021
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Funny thing, the dutch royals and the brittish royals have had many williams. William the silent, william the conquerer, etc. But before they were kings there was a william the revolutionary. Sadly he got killed. I once had a discussion about who should help rule the living as ancestor. I voted william the revolutionary. It was a great ride.

Sometimes i giggle: william, the one with many faces. It reminded me of many gods and goddesses with a similar name. The last name i heard him being called was blackman and that he has Mesopotamian roots. Gossip is fun.

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I've never seen a diamond in the flesh
I cut my teeth on wedding rings in the movies
And I'm not proud of my address
In a torn-up town, no postcode envy

But every song's like gold teeth, Grey Goose, trippin' in the bathroom
Bloodstains, ball gowns, trashin' the hotel room
We don't care, we're driving Cadillacs in our dreams
But everybody's like Cristal, Maybach, diamonds on your timepiece
Jet planes, islands, tigers on a gold leash
We don't care, we aren't caught up in your love affair

And we'll never be royals (royals)
It don't run in our blood
That kind of luxe just ain't for us
We crave a different kind of buzz
Let me be your ruler (ruler)
You can call me Queen Bee
And baby I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule
Let me live that fantasy

My friends and I, we've cracked the code
We count our dollars on the train to the party
And everyone who knows us knows that we're fine with this
We didn't come from money

But every song's like gold teeth, Grey Goose, trippin' in the bathroom
Bloodstains, ball gowns, trashin' the hotel room
We don't care, we're driving Cadillacs in our dreams
But everybody's like Cristal, Maybach, diamonds on your timepiece
Jet planes, islands, tigers on a gold leash
We don't care, we aren't caught up in your love affair

And we'll never be royals (royals)
It don't run in our blood
That kind of luxe just ain't for us
We crave a different kind of buzz
Let me be your ruler (ruler)
You can call me Queen Bee
And baby I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule
Let me live that fantasy

Ooh ooh oh
We're bigger than we ever dreamed
And I'm in love with being queen
Ooh ooh oh
Life is great without a care
We aren't caught up in your love affair

And we'll never be royals (royals)
It don't run in our blood
That kind of luxe just ain't for us
We crave a different kind of buzz
Let me be your ruler (ruler)
You can call me Queen Bee
And baby I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule, I'll rule
Let me live that fantasy