For all you seasoned adepts and magi who pulled themelves up in the magic world by their own bootstraps, how do you deal with wizards who have a bone to pick with you out of nowhere?
Are some people really that bored and malicious?
What are good grounds for magical war, vs self defense?
What's the best book on middle hand path or grey Magick cursing and binding?
I'm a newbie at those.
I do shadow work, and realise, their perception of me, is a reflection on them, and anything they put at me, Is going to be reflected at them ten fold. especially knowing my soul is pure. you can learn a LOT from how your enemy reflects parts of your unhealed shadow onto you. utilise this, as a healing tool. act in a completely unexpected way, meaning, do not react. do nothing. when you are compromised and must strike, do so from the shadows long after the initial attack is worn down, and only if necessary. for protection and prevention is far more powerful than deflection and defense and warfare. but I am a female, yet I have a more adept female occultist who hounds me perpetually, I choose not to strike, as why would I? she knows FAR more. i learn, act, work with my spirits, and one day, should she continue, I have the option coming from a place of power NOT peril.
i am never one to initiate futile or meaningless warfare. especially in an already divisive world. i believe in creation, connection and collaboration, I am sick of all the in fighting and the pettiness I've witnessed in the occult community in my ten years as a ceremonial practitioner. it's all petty and about cutting one another down, and destruction rather than collaborating and utilising our CREATIVE talents to build a better world. it makes no sense. (IM TALKING RHP PRIMARILY TOO)
More creative collaboration is done on the LHP from my recent observations, so a balanced unification might be required.
Harmony; cohesiveness. NO, not everyone has to agree. but can we stop destroying things, the last temple I was in was just putrid with ego and based on downgrading people who didn't agree with the "leader" and "segregation" while claiming the total opposite. as a result it caused divide nd conquer, just as bad as the church to me. all the leader wanted to do was engage in war with other occultists, while claiming all sorts of conspiracy about them without any tangible proof. nothing to back up his magick. claimed he was the most [owrrfful occultist in the world. tried to kill half the political leaders he didn't like, it was borderline cultish and deadset and exhausting because I was told he was against pedophilia but not once ever did he help do a single thing about that.
only ego ego ego, wizard war against every other occultist (mainly ONA an E.A Koetting), it gets cumbersome. i never saw E.A say a word against him, and I don't like e.a Koetting that much but the marketing model he uses is effective, you have to admit there was a little ex-mormon jealousy thing happening.
i was the only one who spoke up, and I got belittled. so I won't stand for such demeaning behaviour.
its people like this guy who wizard war others, he nearly 50, hasn't done his shadow work and is RPG gaming while proclaiming some big lies all over the internet. actions and manifestation are merit. not lies and excuses. so ego and ignoring your shadow will entertain so called "most powerful wizard in the world" who give you a long spiel but have nothing to show at all. it's f*ckboioccultism at it's finest.
do your shadow work, go within, protect yourself, and know your spirits value those who do shadow work over the faux ego. that is all.