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Your ideal form of government?


Apr 29, 2024
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Has anyone suggested governments with Pharoah like god-kings yet? Monarchy with enlightened beings and oracles at the top? Maybe with a Lao-Tzu kind of "let the fucking people rule their own lives and don't be a prick" philosophy?


Jan 17, 2023
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Not gonna lie, if I was powerful and immortal, I would force a dictatorship. It's not something I crave, lust for, or even think about regularly... but IF I had the powers handed to me, that is what I would do. The general population is far too stupid and unfocused to be making the correct decisions for humanity as a whole.

I would pick capitalism (or the hybrid mix of capitalism we see in developed western countries) over hardcore communism any day... but just because it's the best option we have right now, doesn't mean it's literally the abolute best option.

Honestly, I fucking hate the UN, and I think the world would overall be a much better place if war and conquest were allowed. This whole "countries are soverign and you can't declare war" is causing so much stagnation. A poor, developing country stays poor and underdeveloped because its resources are used inefficiently, whether due to lack of education/skills or corruption etc.

Whereas in the past, a more powerful, developed country would simply take over, utilize the resources more efficiently, and if there is any value in the native population, they would be left to enjoy the benefits of a more developed society/economy/technology... and if they were useless, they would be wiped out, and humanity would be better off for it.

The only problem I really see is slavery, which I'm not a big fan of.

But IMO survival of the fittest is essential, be it on an individual level, a species level, or a national level. The stronger, and more capable should take over the weaker and less capable, and integrate them in to society, and uplift them (by force if necessary), and eventually become one, stronger nation. That is far more conducive to progress than a thin veneer of forced peace over economic warfare, and stagnation, where the rich get richer, secure in knowing that no one has the right to contest them, and the poor get poorer due to being economically exploited by the rich, but never receiving any of the benefits of that exploitation because "you're your own soverign country, and don't deserve the benefits of our country, even though we secretly exploit your cheap labour and corrupt government".

Wars of conquest, and colonization wold be far better for everyone in the long run.
100%:love: You must be twin of my soulmate!!!!:LOL: It is so sad the world seems to be... STUCK!!!😳 Children having children!!! And the gullible will tell ya "We are freeeeee!!!!!!" ... NOOOO, you aint!!!!! You never own anything here, the government does!!! The so called American dream???? is just that.... a far away DREAM nobody ever reach... ask the elderly that cant work and dont get enough of a pension but still have to pay taxes for their own "home" otherwise they lose it "Because of unpaid taxes".... so much of that dream...😔


Practical Philosopher
Mar 25, 2022
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Warned: Off-topic.
100%:love: You must be twin of my soulmate!!!!:LOL: It is so sad the world seems to be... STUCK!!!😳 Children having children!!! And the gullible will tell ya "We are freeeeee!!!!!!" ... NOOOO, you aint!!!!! You never own anything here, the government does!!! The so called American dream???? is just that.... a far away DREAM nobody ever reach... ask the elderly that cant work and dont get enough of a pension but still have to pay taxes for their own "home" otherwise they lose it "Because of unpaid taxes".... so much of that dream...😔

People read the Dune Series and go "The God King is the hero", "Paul did nothing wrong", and "Duncan Idaho is a traitor"


Aug 17, 2023
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Has anyone suggested governments with Pharoah like god-kings yet? Monarchy with enlightened beings and oracles at the top? Maybe with a Lao-Tzu kind of "let the fucking people rule their own lives and don't be a prick" philosophy?
Actually they have. Patrick O'Brian's Jack Aubrey novels float the idea---he has Maturin the philosophe and admirer of the French Revolution admit the notion's cogency. I know a few historians working for a TV network here who like the idea. Evola, Guenon and their buds look for the coming Cakravartin. So did Savitri Devi, Miguel Serrano, De Rosario, et.al.


Sep 22, 2024
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"No gods, no masters" - an adage of my youth. Now, i frame it as "no law above natural law" - the problem is, who defines this? and is that not how we got to the position we are in now


Apr 29, 2024
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"no law above natural law" - the problem is, who defines this?
I believe nature defines this, no person. Things flowing by their nature in harmony, even if that harmony winds up being destructive for both parties. No opinion is needed to observe nature, so there isn't any potential for misinterpretation.

electra heart

Oct 27, 2024
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Not that I think it would actually work, but anarchy would be my ideal lol. I do think the vast majority of people require someone making decisions for them, though, so I don't believe it's practical.

More practically, I think maybe we just need local governance by provinces/ states. Ruling over a country doesn't make sense, especially if it's big. The needs of people vary from city to city, let alone state to state..

We need to bring back the guillotine. Politicians should be afraid of us. How else are they going to make decisions that benefit the people if they're not scared of pissing off their constituents?