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  1. N

    Seeking Recommendation Book recommendations for getting started

    Hi friends! I am not sure whether this post belongs in the LHP-section of the website, or the book-site, because I am not talking about any specific titles. If my guess that this thread belongs to the LHP-side of things is wrong, I will of course change it to the book category the second I get...
  2. F

    Book – PDF A Folder For You Pleasant Welcoming Lovely People ;)

    Here ya go folks. Just kinda mix and matched and tossed some stuff in I thought could benefit folks at various stages of progress in their practice. I'd put in more effort but, the folks badly in need of preparation H would just find something to complain about anyways...
  3. SkullTraill

    Collection WF 4.0 Library Archive

    Hi everyone, I'm pleased to announce a new WF initiative to help the effort to archive and preserve occult literature. Starting from today, every 1-3 months, I will be extracting every MEGA link posted in Book Shares since the last archive, downloading each of them, and uploading them as a ZIP...
  4. deepmoney

    Fulfilled Request Magickal Riches: Occult Rituals For Manifesting Money

    Can Someone please get me this book? Thanks a lot in advance and. Book Name: Magickal Riches: Occult Rituals For Manifesting Money Author: Damon Brand Here's the link to Amazon: Amazon.com
  5. art-vark2323

    Seeking Recommendation Favorite Grimoires or Books on Magical Systems

    I like collecting grimoires and learning more about different magical systems. Eventually, I'd like to open up an occult book shop, so I am always looking to learn more about what other folks feel like has been interesting or helpful to their practice. I'd be really curious to hear more about...
  6. D

    Can you share with us your experiences working with hekate?

    Could you recommend some reputable books on Hekate?Which books should I avoid? What does Hekate represent to you? Are there any common misrepresentations of Hekate that I should disregard to establish a genuine connection with her?
  7. Taudefindi

    Journal Books About Magic in Society & History

    I love to learn about how society works as well as about history(though don't ask me to remember dates, numbers never were and never will be my forte), and this isn't different when it comes to magic itself, it is actually quite interesting seeing how the views of old eras and different culture...
  8. BachausMaximus

    Publisher/Bookshop Has anyone purchased books from Kingdom of Shadow?

    Recently I saw some leather bound books published by Kingdom of Shadow in the US, the site is kingdomofshadow.com. I wondered if anyone had experience with their publications. The bindings look overdone and a bit crass in my opinion. There are very few photos of the actual pages. Any info is...