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  1. coffee221

    Book – PDF Liber Infernos Invernar - Baron and Baronessa Araignee

    View: https://i.imgur.com/ePfueqX_d.jpeg?maxwidth=520&shape=thumb&fidelity=high ''Our first written work available to the public, Liber Infernos Invernar was directly inspired and guided by lord Belial and is by far one of the darkest grimoires in existence. This book was written during...
  2. Saint

    [Opinion] Describing the appearance Demons as they have appeared to you

    This is a thread created to talk about the appearances of the demons or other entities, deities, as they appeared to you. We know they have no physical form, and their manifestation can be very... varied, yet there are people who seen them appear quite similar. Whatever is the case, it is always...
  3. Xag9

    My Experience With The Demonic King Vine/Earl Royne

    Hello as you might know with my extensive workings with the Gatekeepers I like to go balls deep in both historical/ pagan origin and upg. Which I only now make it even deeper with this pathworking with the demonic kings of the goetia, taking six months each as right now I am month four with...
  4. L

    About "Demons"

    Negative entities are called into their consciousness by people who have negative evil thoughts, curse and complain, do bad things to other people or take drugs and drink alcohol, these entities (demons) can then control them more and more, the biggest stage is when a person is " possessed” …...
  5. Saint

    Thanks/Praise Belial saved me from gang-rape on New Year's night

    On that night, around midnight, I wanted to go for a walk to celebrate the New Year. I didn't sense the imminent danger, even though my intuitive sense usually detects trouble often and quickly. Out of nowhere, Belial appeared and said that I shouldn't leave the house between midnight and one...
  6. I

    Left Hand Path - Freedom or Prison

    Hello everyone, My name is Ictus, and my first contact with the occult was looking for support to face an obsessive spiritual process I was facing with my actual wife. Since the first ritual, we were kind of pushed by spirits to keep going ahead, making more and more rituals. Plenty of...
  7. polar

    Book – PDF Lon Milo Duquette - Aleister Crowley's Illustrated Goetia

    Book Download (Dropbox) "Goetia [refers to] all the operations of that Magick which deals with gross, malignant or unenlightened forces". Goetia is sometimes thought of as a wild card, something that can get out of control, something which expresses the operator's lower desires to control...
  8. A

    Someone know this entity?

    Hello! I try to find this entity! I want to know her name and all informations about her! She is a very creepy demon girl, I can describe her as an digital entity, because her appearance is "robotic". I know it's sounds like weird. She have light green eyes and red hair. Some people saw her...
  9. ScorpionJinn555

    Buer (public testimony of success)

    I write this post to tell of my success in working with the 10th demon of the Goetia, Buer, for helping me to overcome the problem of nagging injuries that was seriously inhibiting my ability to ride BMX every day at full capacity. I had an issue previously from running where my left knee was...
  10. William66

    [Help] Where can i buy a brass vessel?

    As the title says. I found one perfect but the only problem is that they only ship within Canada and i live in Sweden, can someone recommend a brass vessel with cork/lock to close it like the solomonic system? Damn that one i found was perfect, looks exactly like people use but....they only ship...