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  1. Audiolog Edu

    Red Magick for beginners.

    I am a begginer white magician and I just discovered Red Magick and I would like to ask: Is it ok to use it in Psychic Self-defence? I saw about it in Liber Kaos by Peter J. Carroll and I wanted to put some in practice for self defence pourposes, but I dont know a lot of it, perhaps some one can...
  2. Audiolog Edu

    Ancient Greece and Western Mystery Schools

    Aparently Greece was the first Country in the Western World where Mystery Schools started, they had the Orphic Mysteries, Eleusinian Mysteries, the Oracle of Delphi, Etc. Ive also heard Pitagoras spent time in Egypt, studying Isis Mysteries, and then initiated in Greece into other Mystery...
  3. SkullTraill

    Book – PDF The Magical World of Dr. Joseph Lisiewski – Mark Stavish

    Few figures in modern occultism have garnered as much admiration - and vitriol - as Dr. Joseph Charles Lisiewski. Born in the coal mining regions of Central Pennsylvania, Lisiewski came of age as religious orthodoxy was waning, but before the world of the 'Counter Culture Movement' had fully...
  4. N

    Open Request New Aeon Tantra: Secrets of Typhonian Magick & Western Tantra

    New Aeon Tantra: Secrets of Typhonian Magick & Western Tantra Gregory Peters (Author), Michael Staley (Introduction) Publisher: Original Falcon Press, The, LLC; 1st edition (July 26, 2024) 370 pages
  5. S

    Question from newbie on WF

    Hello wf, so i am new here and i was interested in knowing how far ppl here get in terms of magic and sorcery.I touch different systems and experience waking altered states of consciousness without drugs involved that represent bliss and being projected outside of the body while awake with also...
  6. Wahkah

    Declined Request The Wealth Magick Spellbook by E.A. Koetting & Conner Kendall

    Request: The Wealth Magick Spellbook by E.A. Koetting & Conner Kendall I plan on buying a physical copy soon but would like the pdf if someone has access to it. I know it’s available thru BALG on their website and on Etsy.
  7. SkullTraill

    Collection WF 4.0 Library Archive

    Hi everyone, I'm pleased to announce a new WF initiative to help the effort to archive and preserve occult literature. Starting from today, every 1-3 months, I will be extracting every MEGA link posted in Book Shares since the last archive, downloading each of them, and uploading them as a ZIP...
  8. Wiccan_of_Oz

    Book – PDF The Tarot Spellcaster: Over 40 Spells to Enhance Your Life With the Power of Tarot Magic (2001)

    By Terry Donaldson. Presents spells for using the tarot to achieve professional, personal, and spiritual goals, including spells for passing examinations, friendship, settling disputes, and self-protection. Amazon purchase
  9. H

    Fulfilled Request An Initiate's Guide to the Path of the Dragon

    An Initiate's Guide to the Path of the Dragon ( Mark Amaru Pinkham ) https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1684542812/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_1?smid=&psc=1 ISBN-10 1684542812 ISBN-13 978-1684542819 1708659098 An Initiate's Guide to the Path of the Dragon ( Mark Amaru Pinkham )
  10. art-vark2323

    Seeking Recommendation Favorite Grimoires or Books on Magical Systems

    I like collecting grimoires and learning more about different magical systems. Eventually, I'd like to open up an occult book shop, so I am always looking to learn more about what other folks feel like has been interesting or helpful to their practice. I'd be really curious to hear more about...
  11. M

    [Help] Ritual of attraction

    How can I perform a ritual on someone to have my interest at heart with dragons blood
  12. polar

    Book – PDF Amanda R. Wagener - Creating Magickal Entities

    Dropbox Download Creating Magickal Entities is a comprehensive reference manual that presents step-by-step instructions for creating entities through astral manipulation that will change your life. This manual, written by three practicing occultists, reveals magickal and alchemical methods...
  13. polar

    Book – PDF J. Gordon Melton - Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology Vol.1 and vol.2

    Vol.1 Vol.2 More than 300 new entries cover recent phenomena, concepts, cults, personalities, organizations and publications. Prominent individuals and personalities in this field are covered and entries on particular countries trace the development of occultism and parapsychology in each.
  14. SkullTraill

    [Tutorial] ̷B̷i̷b̷l̷i̷o̷m̷a̷n̷c̷y̷ Bibliurgy — Doing Magick With Books: An overlooked and underrated magickal paradigm

    Some months ago, I sort of hinted that I was planning to share some methods of sorcery that I personally use. Originally, I wanted to write a book, and that is still the plan, but lord knows when I'll ever get around to that, so I am going to write a series of threads about the topics I wish to...
  15. magieli600

    Understand Astral Projection is Thought Daily Thought or Thoth

    Going to explain this quickly then i'm out LISTEN CLEARLY THIS IS GOING TO HELP ALL OF MY FRIENDS OUT THERE DO NOT DOUBT THIS DEAL WITH IT Astral Projection is just thought at play that is all Now the deeper you concern yourself with Astral Projection the farther you go into the thought REALM...
  16. magieli600

    Winter Solstice Secret Powers Obtained within Mantra and These Sigils Download Now

    Many people do not have a clue what to do today, hear me brethren. Listen to this mantra and repeat it best you can! You will receive many ancient downloads as well as a few special powers not sure what God has in mind because it changes year to year. Charge yourself for the new year to...
  17. magieli600

    Downloadable Magick Talismen - Spirit Travel, Wisdom, Intelligence - AE surreal

    I have had this seal for quite some time now maybe 4 years or so it is mostly from Book of Abraham the Magician and Keys of Solomon the seal presented here contains the following powers. Astral Travel via Words - the understanding of how to travel in the word Peaceful transactions- this goes...
  18. magieli600

    Anubis Blessing Pocket Graphic Ancient Symbols = Download Here

    Hello Brethren god bless the elohim and to jesus the king and to prince michael I bow in the name of the universal god. I have had this relic for quite some time it is an ancient blessing from the Anubis that grants open passage, good fortune, and abundance. You may put this relic in your...
  19. SkullTraill

    Book – PDF Mastering Magick by Mat Auryn

    Download: *** Hidden text: You do not have sufficient rights to view the hidden text. Visit the forum thread! ***
  20. KjEno186

    [Opinion] Arthur C. Clarke was wrong...

    Famed science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke once said that any sufficiently advanced technology would appear to be magick to those with lesser technologies. This statement is false because it assumes a definition for magick which is not possible, that magick is the same as creating objects...