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  1. B

    Open Request INFERNAL UNION: Sinister Initiation & The Satanic Psalms By Michael W. Ford

    INFERNAL UNION offers Luciferian initiation into the merciless realm of the Adversary in its many masks of Gnosis, through this Sinister Grimoire and The Satanic Psalms presented within. Written in Luciferian tradition, it provides a path to Self-Liberation and Illumination, culminating in an...
  2. B

    Seeking Recommendation Beginner-Friendly Magick/Occult Book Recommendations for Getting Started in Western Esotericism/Occcultism ?

    Hey everyone! I’m sure this one comes up often, but I’m seeking recommendations for a beginner-friendly book that can serve as a solid introduction and foundation for exploring Western Esotericism / Occultism and Magick. Ideally, I’d like something that balances theory and practice—covering the...
  3. D

    Seeking Recommendation Book worth getting as a hard copy?

    Looking to start buying some hard copies of books, not looking for grimoires or anything like that as I don't do "magick", moreso books that are foundational and have deep insights. Mainly have been interested in the modern secret societies like freemasonry, rosicrucianism, earlier things they...
  4. SkullTraill

    Book – PDF The Magical World of Dr. Joseph Lisiewski – Mark Stavish

    Few figures in modern occultism have garnered as much admiration - and vitriol - as Dr. Joseph Charles Lisiewski. Born in the coal mining regions of Central Pennsylvania, Lisiewski came of age as religious orthodoxy was waning, but before the world of the 'Counter Culture Movement' had fully...
  5. D

    Beginner Friendly Rituals for Clarity in a Tough/Annoying Situation

    Hello, I just stumbled across this sight an hour ago and i am finding a lot of knowledge here, i was wondering what would an occultist (or someone who has researched around enough to where they feel comfortable putting it into practice) do if they feel as if they are not too sure about a...
  6. S

    Question from newbie on WF

    Hello wf, so i am new here and i was interested in knowing how far ppl here get in terms of magic and sorcery.I touch different systems and experience waking altered states of consciousness without drugs involved that represent bliss and being projected outside of the body while awake with also...
  7. SkullTraill

    Collection WF 4.0 Library Archive

    Hi everyone, I'm pleased to announce a new WF initiative to help the effort to archive and preserve occult literature. Starting from today, every 1-3 months, I will be extracting every MEGA link posted in Book Shares since the last archive, downloading each of them, and uploading them as a ZIP...
  8. Nocturnum

    Occult Discord Servers

    I don't really understand how to use Discord and i've only used it briefly but I wanted to know if there are any helpful, friendly Occult Discord servers that anyone could recommend joining? I don't use a microphone though, i'm really shy, awkward & socially anxious. Talking to people about...
  9. O

    How long can it take a spell to work?

    And what factors influence how long it might take? Whether it's white or black magic? Does distance matter (as in the target is hundreds or even thousands of miles away)?
  10. uncannyexplorations

    I made this short occult sci-fi documentary.

    Hi! i just felt like i could share my work appropriately here, i make odd content and i just wanted to share you a project I've been working on for two months. View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2cIe_h-Eks 1709267377 The link in the main thread doesn't work, here's the right one: View...
  11. art-vark2323

    Seeking Recommendation Favorite Grimoires or Books on Magical Systems

    I like collecting grimoires and learning more about different magical systems. Eventually, I'd like to open up an occult book shop, so I am always looking to learn more about what other folks feel like has been interesting or helpful to their practice. I'd be really curious to hear more about...
  12. H

    Open Request Thai Occult 2: Regions of Power - Jenx

    “Thai Occult 2: Regions of Power” is highly-anticipated sequel to Peter Jenx’s sold-out masterpiece, “The Thai Occult.” TTO2 takes the reader on a wild journey, exploring the amazing regional variations of Thai folk magic. What comes to light is not a dusty, monolithic tradition, but a fluid...
  13. I

    Left Hand Path - Freedom or Prison

    Hello everyone, My name is Ictus, and my first contact with the occult was looking for support to face an obsessive spiritual process I was facing with my actual wife. Since the first ritual, we were kind of pushed by spirits to keep going ahead, making more and more rituals. Plenty of...
  14. SizoLord

    [Help] Nazi Occult

    Greetings to all, I watched this short clip on Nat Geo about Hitler's rise to power and the supernatural things that happened to him. He supposedly met an astrologist, and he gifted Hitler an ancient mandrake. That mandrake was a demigod or demon that Hitler summoned and this helped Hitler rise...
  15. polar

    Book – PDF Amanda R. Wagener - Creating Magickal Entities

    Dropbox Download Creating Magickal Entities is a comprehensive reference manual that presents step-by-step instructions for creating entities through astral manipulation that will change your life. This manual, written by three practicing occultists, reveals magickal and alchemical methods...
  16. polar

    Book – PDF J. Gordon Melton - Encyclopedia of Occultism and Parapsychology Vol.1 and vol.2

    Vol.1 Vol.2 More than 300 new entries cover recent phenomena, concepts, cults, personalities, organizations and publications. Prominent individuals and personalities in this field are covered and entries on particular countries trace the development of occultism and parapsychology in each.
  17. sohaaa

    Seeking Recommendation herbal alchemy books

    good evening, been a lurker for a while, im in need of herbal alchemy related books, not necessarily PDFs, just the titles would be fine, thank you in advance.
  18. B

    [Help] Can you ask help to many different entities at the same time ? Can you blend different magickal systems safely ?

    I’m fairly new to the magickal practice even if I have been interested in the occult for several years, recently I have been doing ceremonial ritual angelic magick regarding an important issue in I need help with in my life , I know that spirits / energies / entities are definitely not human...
  19. Jughead

    [Opinion] The Importance of Developing One's-Self Spiritually

    Many practioners in contemporary times rely heavily on Enties, Gods, Dieties etc in the practice to achieve their desired results. While I personally find this to be okay up to a degree, the majority of practioners never move beyond this level. Thus instead of being tempered by these entities...
  20. KjEno186

    Book Discussion Occult Exercises and Practices by Gareth Knight

    First, go grab a copy of the book here: https://wizardforums.com/threads/occult-exercises-and-practices-gareth-knight.1785/ Second, this is not a race. If you're in this discussion just to "get through with it" before a deadline and on to the next shiny thing that catches your eye, then feel...