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  1. FireballAt9thLevel

    Is my ritual plan sound?

    I'm planning my first working, and would like some guidance. The ritual is an open invitation to the locals to help me with luck and intuition in a task to come. My plan is to cleanse the area with sage and salt, set up a salt circle, and employ some pre-prepared sigils for what I want and what...
  2. M

    Fulfilled Request Astennu Sever - Goetia Rising

    After the Warrior-Magician Manual and The Psy-Mage Compendium comes Goetia Rising, the latest magical text from Astennu Sever. Astennu Sever is an accomplished ceremonial magician and initiate of the LHP. His knowledge and experience with Ars Goetia and summoning rituals is unmatched and it...
  3. M

    Book – PDF Steve Savedow - Goetic Evocation: The Magician's Workbook Volume 2 (2nd Edition) (1996-11-16)

    Goetic Evocation was the first (and only) workbook ever specifically designed to be used in conjunction with the popular grimoire known as The Goetia, which is the first book of The Lesser Key of Solomon. It is an efficient working manual for the ritual magician who is interested in properly...
  4. CrownOfBuckthorns

    Journal an interesting ritual experience that i’d thought i would share

    hi there, hope everyone’s night/day is going well. i wanted to post this because i thought it would be pretty interesting thing to bring up. before finishing a ritual, i had to dispose of the materials in question outside of my ritual space and home. the entire time on my journey, i felt the...
  5. B

    God will soon give us a "Warning"

    I read in several Christian prophecies on Polish YT channels, that in the midst of World War 3, another pandemic, famine, and major earthquakes around the world, the so-called "Great Tribulation," all people in the world will get "Warning".. It will be something like a dream, lasting one hour...
  6. theil

    Journal Working With Spirits

    Dream: Was taken to different types of Man (humanity). Each had their station. As I visited them I was told they were what kept humanity moving forward. The last was like a king. The entity said he built his realm upon a pylon because it was his only option for his people. I wondered strongly...
  7. B

    Using different magickal systems at same time? (Or close) is it safe to call upon different entities for aid / help?

    Not sure if this the right section… I’m fairly new to the magickal practice even if I had been interested in the occult for several years, recently I had been doing ceremonial ritual angelic magick regarding an important issue in I need help with in my life, I know that spirits / energies /...
  8. Jughead

    [Opinion] The Importance of Developing One's-Self Spiritually

    Many practioners in contemporary times rely heavily on Enties, Gods, Dieties etc in the practice to achieve their desired results. While I personally find this to be okay up to a degree, the majority of practioners never move beyond this level. Thus instead of being tempered by these entities...
  9. Z

    What is the meaning of al ashtad al ashtu

    Hey y’all. I started to work with the 7 Olympic spirits recently. Three days ago I made a mistake and gave Hagith an offering that I can’t do and I didn’t mentioned a specific time. I am scared of animals and I hate animals but I said that I will give love to animals for a while. What is a while...
  10. William66

    Nine days purification question

    ”When the master of the art shall wish to perform his operations, having previously arranged all things which it is necessary to observe and practise; from the first day of the experiment, it is absolutely necessary to ordain and to prescribe care and observation, to abstain from all things...