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May 10, 2022
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I’m doing magic every day. I’m mostly
working with wealth entities: mammon, sael, claunek, haatan, nitika, ganesha & jupiter for luck, lakshmi, saturn etc.
Do you know of other strong entities that help to get more money & wealth?
From your experience what is sufficient & what is necessary for a successful working?
Were you able to build a personal connection with spirits at the rank of gods/ kings, because for me they’re harder to reach and connect to, and if so what helped you?
Some background: I used to mostly read books & do less, but for the last decade I’m 90% doing & 10% reading. I failed at wealth magic before at least 5 times, with only generating about $12 in cash in 2 or 3 of the workings each time.
In 04/27/22 - 05/08/22 I put all my occult power & was able to generate about $1000 into my bank account. Everyday I’m finding new wealth gods and feeling more confident, but it’s still an up hill battle for me.

Thanks for your time and have a great day.



Staff member
Sep 27, 2021
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The money ritual I did got me a new job in which i now make 4.5 thousand more per year netto than the job I was fired from. Might not be a success to some but I am really pleased with it.


May 10, 2022
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The money ritual I did got me a new job in which i now make 4.5 thousand more per year netto than the job I was fired from. Might not be a success to some but I am really pleased with it.
I see it as a success, because you changed your physical environment using your will = magic.
I think the most important thing is just showing up & doing the work, like when you’re dating, not every girl you’ll date will be your girlfriend, but you have to put yourself out there to end up with 1.
For me magic is mainly used to improve my mundane life: if you can’t pay rent, buy food etc talking to angels & gaining communion with your HGA isn’t gonna save you. I want a materially good life, I’m not ashamed of that, I want health and I want love & also to change my destiny. So, I use magic for that. Money isn’t dirty, it’s necessary. The way you use it that makes it good or bad…


Aug 31, 2021
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entities that help to get more money & wealth?

Does the planet owe you? If so, it should not be too hard to get what you deserve. Just work hard and be kind.

If the planet does not owe you then the relevant proposition is: Easy come, easy go

Many years ago I decided to cash in on some of what the planet owed me. A couple of days later I was waiting in a queue at the rail station and a pound coin fell in front of me. It was not obvious where it had come from, so I put it in my pocket. The next day in the same place another pound coin fell in front of me - so I took it. Nothing the next day but the following day, another coin in the same place.

By that time I had figured it out. The planet agreed that it owed me and was delivering it one coin at a time. So I thought: I will fix you. I turned to the woman behind me in the queue and said: I think this is yours. And she took it and never again did money fall out of the air just in front of me
Sep 9, 2021
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I work as a private tutor, so it helps get me jobs

I don’t define rituals, I don’t use tools specifically for magic, I don’t use the protective circle or that triangle thingie.
I skim, then superficially read & only thoroughly read the best books. The book you mentioned is good, the cash book 1 is good and space time by Taylor edwood. I just use the spirit’s name & sigil and/or enn if available. I talk to the spirit, I establish a relationship.
And then I move to the next 1 & do the same. You can look at the deities I originally used in my OP. If the spirit ignores me like lakashmi did, I may even taunt her a bit.
I think you treat magic like computer programming and many others treat it like cooking.
In my book it’s neither: for me it’s art, diplomacy etc. A painting/sculpture can sell for a lot even if it’s incomplete/broken etc, while a computer program having the smallest bug or a dish with too much salt can be useless.
Your assumptions are wrong sir.
From a post-ritual photograph of my given evocation of the past, several pointed out a present spirit which was the intent, to connect with that spirit, to make contact. Take for example my past evocation of the qlippoth or goetia, I never used a circle or triangle, just a LRP or LRH, or "drawing" a circle around me.

I can suggest one that worked for me as well as the Prayer of Jabez: Lilith.
I used in the past the mantra in Karlssons book Qabalah, Qlippoth and Goetic Magic. I traced and used his seals.
I flashed the sigils and called out to the spirit. I gave my charge and license to depart.

I didn't venerate or worship any of them, other than an offering as thanks to the good or service provided, as a business transaction.
Sep 9, 2021
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I’m doing magic every day. I’m mostly
working with wealth entities: mammon, sael, claunek, haatan, nitika, ganesha & jupiter for luck, lakshmi, saturn etc.
Do you know of other strong entities that help to get more money & wealth?
From your experience what is sufficient & what is necessary for a successful working?
Were you able to build a personal connection with spirits at the rank of gods/ kings, because for me they’re harder to reach and connect to, and if so what helped you?
Some background: I used to mostly read books & do less, but for the last decade I’m 90% doing & 10% reading. I failed at wealth magic before at least 5 times, with only generating about $12 in cash in 2 or 3 of the workings each time.
In 04/27/22 - 05/08/22 I put all my occult power & was able to generate about $1000 into my bank account. Everyday I’m finding new wealth gods and feeling more confident, but it’s still an up hill battle for me.

Thanks for your time and have a great day.

You could try all Solar deities, and all Jupiterian deities, using correspondences and perhaps invoking or evoking them.
Sep 9, 2021
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I agree with Roma. My suggestions are simply in response to your question and replies. I urge people to try to explore both sides, for example, trying to work with angels as opposed to my past where I tried to work with demons. Life seems easier since that.
Sep 9, 2021
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I see it as a success, because you changed your physical environment using your will = magic.
I think the most important thing is just showing up & doing the work, like when you’re dating, not every girl you’ll date will be your girlfriend, but you have to put yourself out there to end up with 1.
For me magic is mainly used to improve my mundane life: if you can’t pay rent, buy food etc talking to angels & gaining communion with your HGA isn’t gonna save you. I want a materially good life, I’m not ashamed of that, I want health and I want love & also to change my destiny. So, I use magic for that. Money isn’t dirty, it’s necessary. The way you use it that makes it good or bad…
Look, I feel you dude, I was in that same thought pattern, thats what the impulse was behind moving to work with demons, but for me as others exclaim, it in the past is like a skipping record because its warped.
Some claim that the RHP is really evil, since it seems to cause more trauma than the LHP does. Does it though? Does climbing the Tree of Life cause nightmares or climbing the Qlippoth as the source of the nightmares?

Yeah, demons act quick and deliver. If you, unlike me, is aware of the results coming from that source, then more power to you. For me it always seemed like a dangling carrot, which is an easy way to piss me off and switch sides.


May 10, 2022
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Does the planet owe you?
I don't agree with the question: earth spirits may have some consciousness, but the earth itself as a whole? I feel it's divided where different lands are fighting against each other. Maybe it's got schizophrenia? I could be wrong.
For me it's always been what I took from the universe is what I got from it. I didn't ask it for permission. The universe was always a cold uncaring machine that was ready to run me over every chance it got. So why not drive it to where you want it to go?


Aug 29, 2021
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I don't agree with the question: earth spirits may have some consciousness, but the earth itself as a whole? I feel it's divided where different lands are fighting against each other. Maybe it's got schizophrenia? I could be wrong.
For me it's always been what I took from the universe is what I got from it. I didn't ask it for permission. The universe was always a cold uncaring machine that was ready to run me over every chance it got. So why not drive it to where you want it to go?
The earth itself and everything indeed has a consciousness

as for lands? Not sure but their rulers def fight or angelic princes.


May 10, 2022
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The national angel of India was particularly impressive in its serene detachment
This is cool in a way, but I have a different related question: Where’s the limit to freedom of choice?

People keep stealing, being corrupt fighting wars, so where’s god/angels/ benevolent intelligences in all of this?


Aug 31, 2021
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Consider the concept of Tzimtzum. Shorn of religious context, it might be that The Source of All breathes out and a universe is progressively formed with intelligences, density, separation and darkness. This allows TSoA to experience Existence as well as Beingness.

While the light flows out getting darker to manifest Existence, there is a parallel inbreath from matter to spirit. This is reflected in the yin-yang concept. All darkness (unless artificial) has a point of light within.

The human is usually born with strong dark energies. It can be quite ruthless in its helpless state, driving its parents to care for it, regardless of their need for sleep.

As time passes the child usually learns to rebalance the dark energies and learns how to share and wait its turn and how to give light/love to others

If the parents are too focussed on light/giving, they can burn out. Each human needs to take space/time for itself to regenerate the human persona.

Being too light for the context is as bad as being too dark. This may be a useful definition of evil.

Thus to get to your question of freedom of choice: It may be that the only freedom is to choose whether or not to (attempt to) balance the light and dark energies to meet the human and cosmic needs of the moment.

If you like, the river (Tzimtzum) returns to the cosmic ocean (TSoA) regardless. So the human can choose to face downstream and thereby often see obstacles and avoid them. Or the human can choose to face upstream and necessarily run aground on many obstructions in the river

In that view, selfish choices prolong the suffering of the human in the river until the human decides to support the Tzimtzum.

I may have written elsewhere: Suffering is for softening the heart - take as long as you like.


May 10, 2022
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I may have written elsewhere: Suffering is for softening the heart - take as long as you like.
I don’t suffer as much as I used to, from my experience darkness preceded the light, just like the earth preceded the sky.

From my understanding of the 3 veils of negative existence is that the last 1: ein sof or kills everything.

From my experience darkness doesn’t kill, but it’s easier to kill in the dark.

I do wanna return to the spring in the dirt where I came from because it’s pure and don’t wanna reach the polluted sea downstream. In hebrew elohim can be separated into 2 words: el hayam- to the sea & we all know how clean the seas are…


Aug 31, 2021
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While the Kabbalah is perhaps the most detailed esoteric account we have, it is still embedded in the aura of an entity from before the pralaya.

It may be better to move with the times. Since the pralaya our god is a god of love. After the next pralaya he will be a god of intent


May 10, 2022
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It may be better to move with the times. Since the pralaya our god is a god of love. After the next pralaya he will be a god of intent
Just googled this term, interesting. If I get it correctly love = union v. Hate = separation

so if I wanna be in the hate camp v. uniting
micro/macrocosms. I ascribe to the multiverse paradigm that says there’re multiple sources. So I want to be with the dark hateful source, somewhere in this multiverse.

I had problems with my health - physical + nonphysical - I tried medicine & RHP & it just cost me a lot of money and didn’t help in the long term.

when I switched to the LHP, at first I went out of balance even more, but now I feel much better, stronger & more balanced.

I’m still integrating my shadow & it’s painful + unpleasant, both physically and non physically.

But it made me stronger & more resilient.

I think that doing that is more profitable than the HGA working, that I know personally people who went nuts because of it.


Aug 29, 2021
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Consider the concept of Tzimtzum. Shorn of religious context, it might be that The Source of All breathes out and a universe is progressively formed with intelligences, density, separation and darkness. This allows TSoA to experience Existence as well as Beingness.

While the light flows out getting darker to manifest Existence, there is a parallel inbreath from matter to spirit. This is reflected in the yin-yang concept. All darkness (unless artificial) has a point of light within.

The human is usually born with strong dark energies. It can be quite ruthless in its helpless state, driving its parents to care for it, regardless of their need for sleep.

As time passes the child usually learns to rebalance the dark energies and learns how to share and wait its turn and how to give light/love to others

If the parents are too focussed on light/giving, they can burn out. Each human needs to take space/time for itself to regenerate the human persona.

Being too light for the context is as bad as being too dark. This may be a useful definition of evil.

Thus to get to your question of freedom of choice: It may be that the only freedom is to choose whether or not to (attempt to) balance the light and dark energies to meet the human and cosmic needs of the moment.

If you like, the river (Tzimtzum) returns to the cosmic ocean (TSoA) regardless. So the human can choose to face downstream and thereby often see obstacles and avoid them. Or the human can choose to face upstream and necessarily run aground on many obstructions in the river

In that view, selfish choices prolong the suffering of the human in the river until the human decides to support the Tzimtzum.

I may have written elsewhere: Suffering is for softening the heart - take as long as you like.
That’s not what Tzimtzum is

its God contracting himself and allowing for another creation when he was all.

strong dark energies as a baby...you mean a child acting on instinct? You seem to boil down all things to good and evil, have you ever heard that there’s good in evil? Say if the child didn’t cry he wouldn’t allow the parents to know he or shy was hungry, this concept extends to many things, if we didn’t eat or have sex we’d die out...thus this evil which might be our natural instincts has good in it

also I’d imagine if the child made the parents burn out from so much crying he or she may be sick...the child I mean.

your understanding of God and Kabbalah is limited by whatever view you have...God is not a god of love, God has no human emotions but yet he has them all.


May 10, 2022
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strong dark energies as a baby...you mean a child acting on instinct? You seem to boil down all things to good and evil, have you ever heard that there’s good in evil? Say if the child didn’t cry he wouldn’t allow the parents to know he or shy was hungry, this concept extends to many things, if we didn’t eat or have sex we’d die out...thus this evil which might be our natural instincts has good in it

also I’d imagine if the child made the parents burn out from so much crying he or she may be sick...the child I mean.
In Judaism that I’m most familiar with there’s the notion of the right & left side of god.
All is supposedly god & no evil exists.
Evil is just our lack of understanding of god’s divine plan.

Left from what I know is connected with severity & restriction and form v. Right = force action being the present.

I’ve always been attracted to the left because to me it was infinite & more powerful. I lusted & still do for power & results, exactly what you’re not supposed to do.

also in my life all my magic technically goes via spirit intermediaries. That’s why peoples’ magic doesn’t work cuz the spirits don’t like the magician respect him and don’t wanna work for/with him/her.

also I’ve experienced like 5 near death experiences that after each 1 my magic improved a lot.


Aug 29, 2021
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In Judaism that I’m most familiar with there’s the notion of the right & left side of god.
All is supposedly god & no evil exists.
Evil is just our lack of understanding of god’s divine plan.

Left from what I know is connected with severity & restriction and form v. Right = force action being the present.

I’ve always been attracted to the left because to me it was infinite & more powerful. I lusted & still do for power & results, exactly what you’re not supposed to do.

also in my life all my magic technically goes via spirit intermediaries. That’s why peoples’ magic doesn’t work cuz the spirits don’t like the magician respect him and don’t wanna work for/with him/her.

also I’ve experienced like 5 near death experiences that after each 1 my magic improved a lot.
I think that may be true thus the reason humans go through so many reincarnations.

i don’t think lusting after after results is really evil, black magic may be considered when one does harm or breaks natural law to get results. Like breaking up a marriage to get one of the partners, or killing someone for no good reason.

I think that is true as well and I agree 100 percent, I imagine many spirits even the angelic kind being annoyed when someone comes to them with something foolish


Aug 29, 2021
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In Judaism that I’m most familiar with there’s the notion of the right & left side of god.
All is supposedly god & no evil exists.
Evil is just our lack of understanding of god’s divine plan.

Left from what I know is connected with severity & restriction and form v. Right = force action being the present.

I’ve always been attracted to the left because to me it was infinite & more powerful. I lusted & still do for power & results, exactly what you’re not supposed to do.

also in my life all my magic technically goes via spirit intermediaries. That’s why peoples’ magic doesn’t work cuz the spirits don’t like the magician respect him and don’t wanna work for/with him/her.

also I’ve experienced like 5 near death experiences that after each 1 my magic improved a lot.
I am currently studying the afterlife in the works of Dion Fortune, Bruce Monroe and Ida Craddock about the afterlife, the concepts of sex in the afterlife, sex with spirits in this life and the afterlife, it’s very interesting.