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Covid Vaccine Apocalypse

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May 15, 2023
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I'm a little confused. Actually more curious as to why EternalLife87 has the same profile pic/avatar as Dre_87, who, if I recall correctly, "rocked the forum" before being martyred. Also, that 2010 is such an important year for both - are there Messengers in Disguise amongst the users?
Yeah it's me, I got kicked off the forum before for some of the stuff I posted I guess.
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The entire concept of vaccines is pretty stupid too once you take a look at it, and it was all there right in front of your face the whole time. As if injecting a dormant foreign bacteria or virus into your body along with toxic chemicals and preservatives and thimerosol mercury was ever a good idea.
Sep 9, 2021
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There's no idiocy. It looks like that among other things those Covid vaccines contain self-assembling nano structures and circuits. They also contain Graphene. Coroners in morgues are finding these weird fibrous blood clots in dead people that they've never seen before and some are even up to 2 feet long. Some say that those long fibrous blood clots are the nano-bots multiplying. If you watch that film Died Suddenly which I've linked above you can see the jars with those blood clots for yourself. It was designed to kill people as part of a depopulation agenda.

I've known about all of this crazy spiritual and conspiracy stuff for real since what happened in 2010. And there really is an adrenochrome drinking dark-occultist Satanic/Luciferian death cult that has really ruled the world since the times of Egypt and Babylon.
"Nano bots"? What exactly are they?
As a person skilled in electronics, I know of no such bio technology that exists that would form blood clots. Even if so, take some Coumadin if you are worried about clots.
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And if you're that worried about dying before your time, perhaps review the Gospel according to John, and the Book of Romans? Life is temporal, eternity is not.
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Also, if you are a Christian, perhaps spend less time researching nano bots and more time salvaging souls?
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Jun 8, 2021
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That Covid vaccine was a biological nano-weapon that was designed to kill people. There really is a 3,000 year old blood-drinking Satanic pedophile death cult that really controls the world. That Covid vaccine causes bloodclots in people that they've never seen before. These weird long fibrous clots that are really nano-bots multiplying. It's like that fucken 2000's computer game the first Deux Ex come to life. Welcome to the fucken Matrix Red Pill Neo...

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That Covid vaccine also has nano-bots with RFID antennas on it. I hate to say it like that but it looks like ya'll just took the Mark of the Beast too.
I agree a 💯 I don't even like taking vaccines, not even the flu-shot. But, I'm dealing with the most terrible shot ever. The Haldol Injection. That can literally kill me. Due to the circumstances I find myself in. I have to take it, or they send me to prison if I don't. Fucking Assholes.


Aug 11, 2023
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Yeah it's me, I got kicked off the forum before for some of the stuff I posted I guess.
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The entire concept of vaccines is pretty stupid too once you take a look at it, and it was all there right in front of your face the whole time. As if injecting a dormant foreign bacteria or virus into your body along with toxic chemicals and preservatives and thimerosol mercury was ever a good idea.
Small Pox, Polio, Tetanus.

As far as I know you're not an expert in biochemistry, vaccinology, or medicine.
If you want to disagree with existing bodies of information that's fine.
If you want to do so on a very loose basis with complete conviction and minimal understanding of the material then you should keep your opinion to yourself.

Spreading misinformation is stupid and talking out of one's ass is unsanitary.
Sep 9, 2021
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Let's stay on topic indeed. Can someone explain to me self assembling robots the size of a mustard seed? And how this ties into blood clots? And how those triple stabbed have not seen clot issues 8n their health records?


Apr 9, 2022
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Can someone explain to me self assembling robots the size of a mustard seed?
I think it comes from scare mongering related to graphene. Graphene is basically a manufactured lattice of carbon atoms similar to graphite (remember #2 pencils?) except with double bonds between some atoms that make it stronger and more flexible. It has potential for many uses in applications such as water filtration. You can look it up, graphene, that is.

As for the jabs, well, mRNA technology appeared over a decade ago as a gene therapy product. It was supposed to help fight cancer. There are multiple problems with it, but health organizations redefined "vaccine" around 2020/1 to include these gene therapy products for Covid-19 treatment. The protein sequence chosen was the spike on the surface of the corona virus, which mutates rapidly. In theory, mRNA could ideally provide "updates" as the virus mutated. It was not ever going to be a One-And-Done like Smallpox. I kept hammering this point home to my mother (she had all the shots except the last one). These jabs are NOT vaccines in the traditional sense of the word.

But back to the spike protein. As it turns out when corona virus gets into the bloodstream, it does the most damage. Spike protein causes cells to stick to one another in unintended ways. It seemed to make sense to inform the immune system that spike protein is a foreign body. However, in practice the Lipid Nano Particles (tiny spheres of artificial and toxic fats that contain the artificial mRNA code) go all over the body. They SAID it would stay in your shoulder, but I'd bet you would still consider a snake bite to your shoulder muscle a serious problem as the snake venom would begin to circulate throughout the body. LNP enters endothelial cells lining the blood vessels, and guess what happens? These cells are programmed to produce "foreign" spike proteins which manifest on the surface of the cells. So your immune system recognizes the foreign protein and attacks the cells. Dead cells (autoimmune response) stick together to form clots. Double whammy is that your body is destroying its own blood vessels from the inside.

Then there's the other issues relating to manufacturing variables leading to some jabs containing a huge amount of LNP while others are virtually placebos. This leads to the big question: WHY? Didn't they know what they were doing? A lot of very smart people you'll certainly never see on the mainstream media pharma sales platforms have been trying to figure this out. People like Karl Denninger (Ticker Guy) put it all down to greed and corruption, of which there's plenty to go around in the USA these days. And some others like John Michael Greer proposed a "demon hypothesis." Because of the political nature of this "health" choice, I don't expect anyone to be convinced by my words either way.
Sep 9, 2021
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Thank you for your explanation. I've had my concerns 9ver 8t, and a friend convinced me not to get the third jab. Perhaps I need to reconsider.


May 15, 2023
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"Nano bots"? What exactly are they?
As a person skilled in electronics, I know of no such bio technology that exists that would form blood clots. Even if so, take some Coumadin if you are worried about clots.
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And if you're that worried about dying before your time, perhaps review the Gospel according to John, and the Book of Romans? Life is temporal, eternity is not.
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Also, if you are a Christian, perhaps spend less time researching nano bots and more time salvaging souls?
They're microscopic robots that are probably floating around in your bloodstream if you took the vaccine. Self-assembling and dissassembling nano-structures. It's sort of like that old computer game the first Deus Ex.
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Small Pox, Polio, Tetanus.

As far as I know you're not an expert in biochemistry, vaccinology, or medicine.
If you want to disagree with existing bodies of information that's fine.
If you want to do so on a very loose basis with complete conviction and minimal understanding of the material then you should keep your opinion to yourself.

Spreading misinformation is stupid and talking out of one's ass is unsanitary.
Modern sanitation and housing got rid of most of those diseases, seriously what are the chances of an unvaccinated newborn baby actualy catching any of those diseases in the modern age.


Aug 31, 2021
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We don't yet have the technology to create the kind of nanobots you describe.

I certainly don't, but the many reports of alien technology transfer make me wonder who has the technology.

And if they do, they might want to keep it secret - e.g. for intelligence agencies

All my life the US Government told me that anyone seeing a ufo was crazy

Now they say there are lots of ufos in the sky, but repeat after us: They are not human

Credibility is lacking


May 15, 2023
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They're microscopic robots that are probably floating around in your bloodstream if you took the vaccine. Self-assembling and dissassembling nano-structures. It's sort of like that old computer game the first Deus Ex.
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Modern sanitation and housing got rid of most of those diseases, seriously what are the chances of an unvaccinated newborn baby actualy catching any of those diseases in the modern age.
I know enough about the topic. Vaccines are supposed to work by injecting a dormant bacteria or virus into the body so that it can develop antibodies to the disease. Those new vaccines are mRNA vaccines which alter your DNA to produce those spike proteins. The thing also has graphene in it. Razor sharp graphene spikes.

It also seems to have nanotechnology in it. Self-assembling and dissassembling nano-structures. An RFID antenna that gives everybody their own IP address and some people even Bluetooth connectivity. It's the Mark of the Beast.
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You can say right now that I'm like Morpheus. I also saw some crazy shit for real in 2010. You don't know how deep the rabbit hole goes. It's a mindfuck.

Lets start with the Jews, they control everything, the financial system, the media, the entertainment and porn industries, law, and psychiatry. This is not antisemitic to mention that.

Here's a list of groups that really control the world...

The Rockefellers and Rothschilds, the IMF, the World Bank, the Bank of International Settlements, the Rothschild owned Bank of England. Then there's also Jesuits and the Vatican, Satanists, Freemasons, and other peope like that. There's the round table think tank groups the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, and the Trilateral Commission. J. Edgar Hoover the former FBI director said that there's a conspiracy so vast and monstrous that nobody would believe it and other don't speak above a whisper when mentioning it. Then there's Big Tech, anything that can be considered to be Liberal and Leftist or anything at all that Jews are involved in is immediately suspect.
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Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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I have to ask, @EternalLife87 , are you pulling our plonkers?

And that was even before I got to the massive antisemitism in your last post.
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To get back on topic, all successful medicine will have side effects for some people. The scare stories normally cherry pick data, give examples which turn out not to be relevant etc. etc. But this is not my point.

I believe the bigger threat is more magic-related. If you start telling millions of people that Thing X is killing them, is going to kill them, then for a surprisingly large percentage of them, it's going to work. The placebo effect's evil twin, the nocebo effect, is just as real and just as effective.

As much as we wizards would like to think we are special, to quote John Constantine:

"I'll tell you the ultimate secret of magic. Any c*** could do it."

There's an excellent book called "The Expectation Effect" by David Robson which is a lot of case studies of the placebo/nocebo effect. Obviously the author is not a magician so does not offer any possible explanations :)

The upshot is that is you start spreading propaganda that Thing X will kill you, you could be considered indirectly responsible for their deaths.
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May 15, 2023
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I have to ask, @EternalLife87 , are you pulling our plonkers?

And that was even before I got to the massive antisemitism in your last post.
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To get back on topic, all successful medicine will have side effects for some people. The scare stories normally cherry pick data, give examples which turn out not to be relevant etc. etc. But this is not my point.

I believe the bigger threat is more magic-related. If you start telling millions of people that Thing X is killing them, is going to kill them, then for a surprisingly large percentage of them, it's going to work. The placebo effect's evil twin, the nocebo effect, is just as real and just as effective.

As much as we wizards would like to think we are special, to quote John Constantine:

"I'll tell you the ultimate secret of magic. Any c*** could do it."

There's an excellent book called "The Expectation Effect" by David Robson which is a lot of case studies of the placebo/nocebo effect. Obviously the author is not a magician so does not offer any possible explanations :)

The upshot is that is you start spreading propaganda that Thing X will kill you, you could be considered indirectly responsible for their deaths.
No this is the real deal, this is not a drill.
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No this is the real deal, this is not a drill.
Don't use that psychobabble Jew language, whatever effect. It's designed to stifle thought and to contain it.
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Look at that movie Glass which is the third sequel in the Unbreakable series, in the end the psychiatrist was working for the Illummninati organization the whole time, and people with super abilities really do exist.
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Aug 17, 2023
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I have to ask, @EternalLife87 , are you pulling our plonkers?

And that was even before I got to the massive antisemitism in your last post.
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To get back on topic, all successful medicine will have side effects for some people. The scare stories normally cherry pick data, give examples which turn out not to be relevant etc. etc. But this is not my point.

I believe the bigger threat is more magic-related. If you start telling millions of people that Thing X is killing them, is going to kill them, then for a surprisingly large percentage of them, it's going to work. The placebo effect's evil twin, the nocebo effect, is just as real and just as effective.

As much as we wizards would like to think we are special, to quote John Constantine:

"I'll tell you the ultimate secret of magic. Any c*** could do it."

There's an excellent book called "The Expectation Effect" by David Robson which is a lot of case studies of the placebo/nocebo effect. Obviously the author is not a magician so does not offer any possible explanations :)

The upshot is that is you start spreading propaganda that Thing X will kill you, you could be considered indirectly responsible for their deaths.
If "anti-semitism" is backed by evidence, it has to be considered.
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ok, I'm going to have to block you now.
Block me too.

Robert Ramsay

Oct 1, 2023
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I didn't consider his posts to be remotely close to being any kind of evidence.

Xenophon, you seem to be a very thoughtful person. I have been impressed with the quality of your posts, and your ability to play 'devil's advocate'. I feel I would be missing out hugely if I blocked you.


Aug 17, 2023
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His posts are not evidence by themselves. I am saying that I have done enough reading and living to say his view deserves a look. Unfortunately, the past several generations have been socialized into accepting certain demographics as sacred cows.
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