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Portrait Of A Mage

Malachas Ivernus

Nov 7, 2023
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No worries. I'm still searching for pearls myself. I have a regular habit of needing salt for my foot.
On the brighter side ... Perhaps the cloud divination comes to us early in life as we still have as children a grasp on true spirituality.
I will likewise share on apologies, I was a bit tired yet without excuse flew off the handle.
Ya know, perhaps children really do have it right. Much like cats they see and hear things for a few years that adults don't.
Perhaps it's why Christ upheld children as being closer to God, as they aren't choked on concerns of the world.
Agree with @Vandheer .. let's keep on topic.

Yes, I looked into it a few months ago, @Pyrokar : Ceraunomancy or Ceraunoscopy, or Brontomancy : Divination by Thunder and Lightning! Storm-Mage ! HELL YEAH! I've been looking into these forms of Nature Divination, such as Augury (reading the flight of birds) and so on, as I find myself more and more trying to read the World Around as my Tarot Deck, so to speak. We all know the traditional rhyme on Magpie Divination, right? "One for Sorrow, Two for Joy, Three for a Girl, Four for a Boy..." etc... I started to think of reading natural phenomena as a Deck of the World: Two of Swans, Seven of Crows, Four of Roses, Ace of Snails ... etc. It's fun. In the City, I think of "Metromancy": reading the signs and symbols and portents of the street-names, the shop-signs, the grafitti, as part of a practice of the Situationniste Dérive ("the Drift"), wandering the Urban Landscape guided by secret signs ...

My kids, @Diluculo_DelFuego are pretty into this "Reading the Sky" thing. My daughter said the other day, when her brother was asking us questions from his science book, and put out "Where do Rainbows come from?", and she goes: "I know this! The Rainbow is born when the Sun love the Rain..." Which ... I just love that. They both also often "read" the clouds (Aeromancy), and the little Witchling Girl talks to me about "Young Thunderclouds" who are only learning, in Storm School, and haven't quite got the hang of it yet ... Baby Magicians have much to teach us. I am trying to raise them in such a way that I do not impose my magical worldview, but only encourage and foster that which they already have ; I try to make sure it doesn't get stamped out of them. My son, the Trickster Mystic, tells me often of the spirits and gods he knows of. Some of the shit he's said (which absolutely doesn't come from me) is STUNNINGLY Weird and on-point. He once told me that if I need help, I can call on the Spirit Mino, and even his father Magio, and their retinue ... Now, obviously my kid has never learned Latin, so ... Freaky stuff. I love it. I am constantly trying to help them fight against the Forgetfulness that comes as they grow up. We must keep these things alive.



Aug 17, 2023
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Yes, I looked into it a few months ago, @Pyrokar : Ceraunomancy or Ceraunoscopy, or Brontomancy : Divination by Thunder and Lightning! Storm-Mage ! HELL YEAH! I've been looking into these forms of Nature Divination, such as Augury (reading the flight of birds) and so on, as I find myself more and more trying to read the World Around as my Tarot Deck, so to speak. We all know the traditional rhyme on Magpie Divination, right? "One for Sorrow, Two for Joy, Three for a Girl, Four for a Boy..." etc... I started to think of reading natural phenomena as a Deck of the World: Two of Swans, Seven of Crows, Four of Roses, Ace of Snails ... etc. It's fun. In the City, I think of "Metromancy": reading the signs and symbols and portents of the street-names, the shop-signs, the grafitti, as part of a practice of the Situationniste Dérive ("the Drift"), wandering the Urban Landscape guided by secret signs ...

My kids, @Diluculo_DelFuego are pretty into this "Reading the Sky" thing. My daughter said the other day, when her brother was asking us questions from his science book, and put out "Where do Rainbows come from?", and she goes: "I know this! The Rainbow is born when the Sun love the Rain..." Which ... I just love that. They both also often "read" the clouds (Aeromancy), and the little Witchling Girl talks to me about "Young Thunderclouds" who are only learning, in Storm School, and haven't quite got the hang of it yet ... Baby Magicians have much to teach us. I am trying to raise them in such a way that I do not impose my magical worldview, but only encourage and foster that which they already have ; I try to make sure it doesn't get stamped out of them. My son, the Trickster Mystic, tells me often of the spirits and gods he knows of. Some of the shit he's said (which absolutely doesn't come from me) is STUNNINGLY Weird and on-point. He once told me that if I need help, I can call on the Spirit Mino, and even his father Magio, and their retinue ... Now, obviously my kid has never learned Latin, so ... Freaky stuff. I love it. I am constantly trying to help them fight against the Forgetfulness that comes as they grow up. We must keep these things alive.

sorry. no reply. good post!


Oct 29, 2023
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There are people out there, entire demographics, who made a habit of crucifying chronic apologizers. Guard your "I'm sorry" like a novice nun her virtue.
Once again, you have caught me lacking. But this time however it was not due to lack of foresight. I know much more about him
then he does about me, i also have accomplished where he has not.
Were it a real exchange i would have crushed him, it wouldn't have been fair at all. yet as i said
i was under the foolish notion we were something akin to friends (no more.) and doing so would be way overkill over some linguistic
You bring up a personaly valid point, i am from a predominantly alpha male horde mentality region and the lengths people will go to
just to avoid using words that are seemingly weak is astonishing. I have had times where abusing that fact was the smartest play
yet i don't argue that it is also a fact you have gleamed a personal weakness in me, i will put serious awareness into my tendency for apology.
Thank you.

In other news,
Malachas that's some seriously impressive magickal thought you got going on. Metromancy....
There's got to be more on this sort of magick, if not we should start working on it pronto.
Your world of tarot deck reminds me a lot of mnemonic techniques, i will be stealing that one little pearl, oink oink!
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Once again, you have caught me lacking. But this time however it was not due to lack of foresight. I know much more about him
then he does about me, i also have accomplished where he has not.
Were it a real exchange i would have crushed him, it wouldn't have been fair at all. yet as i said
i was under the foolish notion we were something akin to friends (no more.) and doing so would be way overkill over some linguistic
You bring up a personaly valid point, i am from a predominantly alpha male horde mentality region and the lengths people will go to
just to avoid using words that are seemingly weak is astonishing. I have had times where abusing that fact was the smartest play
yet i don't argue that it is also a fact you have gleamed a personal weakness in me, i will put serious awareness into my tendency for apology.
Thank you.

In other news,
Malachas that's some seriously impressive magickal thought you got going on. Metromancy....
There's got to be more on this sort of magick, if not we should start working on it pronto.
Your world of tarot deck reminds me a lot of mnemonic techniques, i will be stealing that one little pearl, oink oink!
Wow. One exchange ... Reminds me of Ipos.

Malachas Ivernus

Nov 7, 2023
Reaction score
In other news,
Malachas that's some seriously impressive magickal thought you got going on. Metromancy....
There's got to be more on this sort of magick, if not we should start working on it pronto.
Your world of tarot deck reminds me a lot of mnemonic techniques, i will be stealing that one little pearl, oink oink!
Thank you Comrade. I've been working on a lot of "Magical Thinking" the last few years. I just dug into my coffers and found this little text for your consideration, on the topic of Métromancie ... (yes, I used the French word. I'm just THAT pretentious. Also, my intial proper research on it was mostly done in Paris, a city made for it, if ever there was one ...)

Here's a magical practice : Métromancie. You start off on a Situationist Dérive ( a "drift" where you let the signs and symbols of the City guide your steps, as theorised by Guy Debord), and it becomes a kind of walking mediation. It's an excitatory practice rather than inhibitory (so like gnosis through dance or whirling or drumming, rather than through silent still mediation). It's ecstatic. Your senses start to become overloaded, and the layers of the city, like a palimpsest, are clamouring to be read through, over, under each other.
You let the signs guide you. Street signs, shop fronts, random snatches of conversation, blasts of music. Then... You begin your Divination. You read the City like a Tarot Deck. You read its Runes, its signs, its symbols. You are the Magician, and the Cityscape your greatest recombinatory constantly shifting Grimoire.
It leads you on a quest. You become legendary, in your own lunchbreak.
These people cannot hear the Spirits of the City, for their senses are tuned to the spirits of long ago, when there was no Metropolis like today.
The Spirits of the City speak in high whining voices, in bursts of static, in a shattered street lamp, in the strange sigils left by mystical grafitti artists and urban adventurers who plumb the Undercity.
Tramp-sign, thieves cant, the patois of the urchins. They know.
And when you tune in to their frequency, you realise : They could not hear them, these stodgy old men, these relics, because they are old, and slow. They could not see them, because they are as a flicker of neon in the dusk.
And they could not count them, for they are Legion: Innumerable, and Electric. Those old men only know the light of candles and midnight oil. We know the Red Light, and the Black Light, the Ultra-Violet, and the Strobe.
The Spirits of the City need their Speakers. They are HOWLING. 🔥🖤


Oct 29, 2023
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Thank you for this i will treasure the find. I hope you won't mind if i message you in private for further
discussion sometime in the future.

Malachas Ivernus

Nov 7, 2023
Reaction score
Thank you for this i will treasure the find. I hope you won't mind if i message you in private for further
discussion sometime in the future.
The Door to the Hidden Library is always open, so to speak.
One just needs to FIND it ...


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
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Hopefully I can hit the mark on the topic as I interpret it. While I could never bring myself to rank historical magicians well in terms of their strength and power, I have taken note of some of their power plays.

One case I find interesting with regards to Benjamin Wooley’s account of John Dee during the reign of Mary I. When the Catholics regained power after the death of Edward VI, Dee’s father Roland, a prosperous textile merchant in the royal court, was imprisoned as a Protestant agitator and stripped of his wealth. This ruined Dee’s fortunes as well, meaning he lost his inheritance, and he would later be charged with “conjuration, witchcraft and calculating”. Calculating, it should be noted, meant drawing up astrological charts, but could also refer to math in general, which some believed related to demonic magic. In this case, Dee was suspected of drawing astrological charts for Mary and Princess Elizabeth, which was high treason in those days. Dee managed to beat the charges (he would spend his whole life defending himself against such things) but was later arrested on something else unspecified.

He gets thrown in prison with a cell mate who would later be burned at the stake. Then he drops off the record but later resurfaces as the “chaplain” of the Bishop of London, Edmund “Bloody” Bonner, Queen Mary’s anti-Protestant attack dog who took the lead in convicting and roasting some 300 Protestants. At this point Dee managed to become part of the ruling Catholic camp and assisted Bonner in interrogations of Protestants.

One notable one was Archdeacon of Winchester, John Philpot, who would be chronicled as a major martyr for the Protestant cause. Philpot was arrested and thrown in a lightless coal dungeon, and then subject to examination by Bonner. Bonner actually treated him with great hospitality and lots of good food, Philpot being on the big boy side. They held conversations with Dee present, but these turned into religious debates meant to draw Philpot out and either convert him back to Catholicism or catch him in some serious heresy. In one conversation, Bonner posed a quote by St. Cyprian that he interpreted as meaning justification for the supremacy of the Papacy, but Philpot countered that Cyprian was talking about the churches in Africa and it had nothing to do with the Pope.

Dee jumped in and tried to steer the meaning of the Cyprian quote towards the general unity of Christendom, at which point Philpot smacked him down. He told him that while Dee was more learned than him, he was “too young in divinity” to instruct Philpot on religion. This has been interpreted both in the sense that Dee had become an ordained Catholic priest on the one hand, but that in Philpot’s eyes he was still nothing but a mere magician, to be looked down on by the truly faithful. Dee excused himself, probably angry and embarrassed. Judging by his cheerfully sinister character, Bishop Bonner was probably snickering at the whole thing, enjoying the drama. After that, Bonner's interrogations took a darker turn and grew gradually more violent until Philpot would eventually be “martyred”.

Dee would go on as a Catholic agent until Mary finally died and Elizabeth took the throne. When the new Queen made her entrance to be greeted by the royal court, both Dee and Bonner were present. To the surprise of many courtiers, she let Dee kiss her hand as a sign of favor, but she deliberately ignored Bonner, for the entire royal court to see. Later, she summoned both men in a privy chamber and welcomed Dee warmly, but Bonner was basically fired as bishop of London and would be thrown in prison. I guess here it was revealed to the ruined Bishop that Dee had been working as an agent for Elizabeth the whole time, spying on Bonner and even secretly meeting with her and her allies, while he was working as a “chaplain”. Thus, John Dee as the original “007” was born.

Oddly, Dee would remain friends with Bonner up until his death in prison. History can be strange like that.

That might not strike one at first as an eye-popping demonstration of magical power, but I think it interesting how Dee was able to slip an slide in and out of sticky political situations. This considering the fact that he could be alternately described as wise or “childlike”, even looney, given the situation. He wasn’t a very good courtier, but managed to survive the ups and downs of fickle power situations. A more directly magical incident might be his angelically commanded chastisement of Emperor Rudolf II, which actually went surprisingly well and ended up with a payday until the agents of the Pope ruined everything. But there are a lot of amazing stories about John Dee worth noting.
Last edited:


Oct 29, 2023
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You hit the mark right on the money hyena.
It's a great example of how a magician who is outside of a personal cult or group leadership would
have to move, aware of the power structure of the system he is in, and an important quality we have forgotten so far-
being able to adapt.
Multiple descriptions of his personality, cloak and dagger, i love the whole post.


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
Reaction score
You hit the mark right on the money hyena.
It's a great example of how a magician who is outside of a personal cult or group leadership would
have to move, aware of the power structure of the system he is in, and an important quality we have forgotten so far-
being able to adapt.
Multiple descriptions of his personality, cloak and dagger, i love the whole post.
Thanks man. Yeah, I found reading into the lives of the magi who have gone before can teach us things beyond all the rituals and techniques we moderns have to sift through and develop just to get a grounding in fulfilling our Wills. So many stories out there, and finally scholarship is catching up. I mean, could we deal with the same type of situations, even do better?
I recall Casteneda talked about "tales of power" - they give us examples and can be motivating.


Aug 31, 2021
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lot of amazing stories about John Dee
It is said that John Dee reactivated the Atlantean treaty with the sea gods. The result was the Britannia ruled the (top of the) waves for 300 years - starting with the sea gods helping sink the Spanish Armada.

In my observation Arthur came from Atlantis to the Moray Firth - from where Lord Nelson later crewed his flagship


Aug 17, 2023
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It is said that John Dee reactivated the Atlantean treaty with the sea gods. The result was the Britannia ruled the (top of the) waves for 300 years - starting with the sea gods helping sink the Spanish Armada.

In my observation Arthur came from Atlantis to the Moray Firth - from where Lord Nelson later crewed his flagship
Why'd they abrogate the treaty after 300 years?


Aug 31, 2021
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Perhaps Britain was no longer the primary manufacturing/military power so could not do the job

Malachas Ivernus

Nov 7, 2023
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Why'd they abrogate the treaty after 300 years?
Presumably, World War I was so cataclysmic (and remember, it was partly precipitated by the Kaiser attempting to challenge Britannia's Sea Domnion with an arms race of Dreadnoughts) and so many Old Pacts were broken by the sheer horror and nihilism of the mechanised War-Machine that the Rulership of the Waves fell into abeyance. It was at this point too that the whole British Empire began its long collapse ...
Apr 18, 2022
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If we were to have a ranking system, what would the "strongest" most powerful magician be?
A magician is someone who can manipulate and/or alter reality (physical/spiritual/etc) to intentionally attain a desired outcome.

The "strongest most powerful magician" would be someone who can:
1. Do magic in "real time" (desired outcomes are manifested instantly)
2. Affect reality to a greater degree than all other magicians (e.g. their blessing can remove all curses)

How would we recognize a top tier Magician? What is it about them that sets them apart? Especially from someone
who merely claims to be the best?
I always say to measure peoples claims against their "results" in life. This is not just for a top tier magician, but for any magician period. In other words, how successful are they with problem solving via their alleged abilities.

I'll follow that up with this quote:
"Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence"

The evidence of your claimed abilities should be present in your outcomes in life.

If someone tells me they are a magician who can pull off all manner of amazing feats, but they are worrying about paying bills, having sex life & relationship problems, having serious health problems, etc, I'm not going to believe the claims they made about their magic abilities, because atleast most if not all of those problems should have been solved already in some way through the use of those abilities.

People with exceptional talent/ability have exceptional advantages in life, so they live exceptional lives. That's just how reality works.
Those who are above average thrive (thoroughly enjoy life)
Those who are average live (contentment or apathy)
Those who are below average survive (struggle to get by or die off)

Here's a simple example. In America, only around 15% of the entire male population are 6ft+ tall. Yet among CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, around 60% of them are 6ft+ tall. So 15% of the male population somehow make up 60% of an important high income + high status job in the top companies.

The simple truth is that people who are "genetically gifted" experience a positive feedback loop in life. They get special treatment (positive experiences) from everyone around them (consciously or via unconscious biases), which leads to a positive mindset, which leads to better choices and greater success in pretty much all aspects of their life (google "halo effect").

It's pretty much like having a passive "charm magic" aura that influences everyone around you to like you and/or be attracted to you. It works just like magic. It's the closest thing to magic that someone who can't use magic can ever experience.

Now think about this. If something as simple as just being a mere 3+ inches taller than the average height (5'9") causes such drastically different outcomes in success, shouldn't the degree of success be even greater for someone who claims that they can do something that defies reality and the known "laws of nature"?

I've never checked but I think my IQ is around average (100). I've always wondered how great my life would be if was just born with the genetics to have a super IQ like 200, and how amazing it would be to effortlessly comprehend all the complicated concepts I struggled with academically in the past. I'd probably have liked math if I was born with an IQ of 200 lol.

Claiming that you have magical abilities is like claiming that you are a gifted genius. So a real magician should have "gifted genius outcomes" (unless they are purposefully choosing to limit themselves, but I wouldn't believe that excuse anyways).

It has been observed that the average IQ score of occupational groups is almost the same:
140 = Professors, research scientists.
130 = Physicians, surgeons, lawyers, engineers
120 = School teachers, pharmacists, accountants, nurses, stenographers, managers.
110 = Foremen, clerks, telephone operators, salesmen, policemen, electricians.
100+ = Machine operators, shopkeepers, butchers, welders, sheet metal Workers.
100– = Warehouse men, carpenters, cooks, bakers, small farmers, truck and van Drivers.
90 = Laborers, gardeners, miners, factory packers and sorters.

Albert Einstein & Stephen Hawking (theoretical physicists) both had an estimated IQ of 160.

So for magicians, instead of IQ (Intelligence Quotient), let's just say there's a MQ (Magic Quotient).

Your outcomes in life will clearly convey your MQ.


Oct 29, 2023
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A magician is someone who can manipulate and/or alter reality (physical/spiritual/etc) to intentionally attain a desired outcome.

The "strongest most powerful magician" would be someone who can:
1. Do magic in "real time" (desired outcomes are manifested instantly)
2. Affect reality to a greater degree than all other magicians (e.g. their blessing can remove all curses)

I always say to measure peoples claims against their "results" in life. This is not just for a top tier magician, but for any magician period. In other words, how successful are they with problem solving via their alleged abilities.

I'll follow that up with this quote:
"Extraordinary Claims Require Extraordinary Evidence"

The evidence of your claimed abilities should be present in your outcomes in life.

If someone tells me they are a magician who can pull off all manner of amazing feats, but they are worrying about paying bills, having sex life & relationship problems, having serious health problems, etc, I'm not going to believe the claims they made about their magic abilities, because atleast most if not all of those problems should have been solved already in some way through the use of those abilities.

People with exceptional talent/ability have exceptional advantages in life, so they live exceptional lives. That's just how reality works.
Those who are above average thrive (thoroughly enjoy life)
Those who are average live (contentment or apathy)
Those who are below average survive (struggle to get by or die off)

Here's a simple example. In America, only around 15% of the entire male population are 6ft+ tall. Yet among CEOs of Fortune 500 companies, around 60% of them are 6ft+ tall. So 15% of the male population somehow make up 60% of an important high income + high status job in the top companies.

The simple truth is that people who are "genetically gifted" experience a positive feedback loop in life. They get special treatment (positive experiences) from everyone around them (consciously or via unconscious biases), which leads to a positive mindset, which leads to better choices and greater success in pretty much all aspects of their life (google "halo effect").

It's pretty much like having a passive "charm magic" aura that influences everyone around you to like you and/or be attracted to you. It works just like magic. It's the closest thing to magic that someone who can't use magic can ever experience.

Now think about this. If something as simple as just being a mere 3+ inches taller than the average height (5'9") causes such drastically different outcomes in success, shouldn't the degree of success be even greater for someone who claims that they can do something that defies reality and the known "laws of nature"?

I've never checked but I think my IQ is around average (100). I've always wondered how great my life would be if was just born with the genetics to have a super IQ like 200, and how amazing it would be to effortlessly comprehend all the complicated concepts I struggled with academically in the past. I'd probably have liked math if I was born with an IQ of 200 lol.

Claiming that you have magical abilities is like claiming that you are a gifted genius. So a real magician should have "gifted genius outcomes" (unless they are purposefully choosing to limit themselves, but I wouldn't believe that excuse anyways).

It has been observed that the average IQ score of occupational groups is almost the same:
140 = Professors, research scientists.
130 = Physicians, surgeons, lawyers, engineers
120 = School teachers, pharmacists, accountants, nurses, stenographers, managers.
110 = Foremen, clerks, telephone operators, salesmen, policemen, electricians.
100+ = Machine operators, shopkeepers, butchers, welders, sheet metal Workers.
100– = Warehouse men, carpenters, cooks, bakers, small farmers, truck and van Drivers.
90 = Laborers, gardeners, miners, factory packers and sorters.

Albert Einstein & Stephen Hawking (theoretical physicists) both had an estimated IQ of 160.

So for magicians, instead of IQ (Intelligence Quotient), let's just say there's a MQ (Magic Quotient).

Your outcomes in life will clearly convey your MQ.

Your way of seeing it fits mine the most out of all so far.

I would add that the only thing lacking is the transformative, progressive nature of both life, iq/mq
You can get better, and you can get worse at it too on top of your original stats
Isn't the smartest guy in the world by IQ some nobody with a ned flanders moustache,
Apr 18, 2022
Reaction score
Your way of seeing it fits mine the most out of all so far.
Honestly I don't even think of myself as a "magician" or "occultist" right now because I don't have any tested and observed "feats". I'm still just a noob trying to get past the first benchmark to even begin trying to acquire an ability to test. If people ask I'll say that I am one, in the same way that I'll state Christianity as my religion on a form I'm signing, it's just a formality. Until I can do something that truly proves my capability to myself, and repeat that feat at least 2 more times (so I know it's not a fluke), I won't consider myself to be an occultist/magician.

The annoying thing about all this is that there is no clear and defined path, and the entire process is inundated with thousands of false/inefficient paths. If you want to learn math you can get any math textbook, and the process for addition will always be the same and give you the same result.

If you want to test and see if magic is real, and try to attain magic abilities, you'll find one person mentioning a book about some working you can do with entities that H.P. Lovecraft invented, and another guy telling you to try doing some "Christian Magic" with angels, which just sounds like a contradiction since the Bible pretty much outlaws magic, etc.

There is no standard and most people can't be trusted, so it's like an endless road of trial and error until you hopefully discover "the real thing". But the sad part is, even if you somehow discover "the real thing" one day, you'll likely be practicing and inferior and weak form of it, because you didn't get proper training.

Everybody just seems to be "winging it" and cobbling together their own system of magick from whatever they've researched, and then these cobbled together systems become the basis of future cobbled together systems, and we all just get further and further away from the "true source".

There really should be some kind of universal textbook for magic.

I already know that people are going to say - "There isn't only one path, there are many paths"

But the absolute truth is that there is always a path that is the most optimal. There is a path that yields the most benefit with the least amount of effort and risk required. Just like there exists and algorithm for a specific coding task that is simply superior to all other other algorithms.

There is always a "superior option", and it annoys me that the elders of the occult community as a whole have yet to come together to unanimously find and declare that methodology.

Of course, that's just the public occult community. I would not be surprised if there was some secret society of occultists with a tested and standardized training for initiation into the occult and how to practice magic. People like me will just never be lucky enough to encounter something like that.

One of the main pains of existence is realizing that a lot of life comes down to random chance, pure luck. I can only speak to you like this because I was lucky enough to be born without any mental defects that crippled my intellect. The reason why I can walk is because I was lucky enough to not be born with any physical defects that crippled by mobility. This can be extrapolated to everything else in life, people just don't like to think about it because it makes them feel powerless.

We all get to choose, but life chooses the options that we are allowed to choose from, so our choice is merely an illusion. I'm sure there's some lucky f**k out there born into a family of occult practitioners that was raised and trained from young to learn the things that I have yet to discover (or may never discover).


Aug 31, 2021
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there is no clear and defined path
In my view the path is simple:

  • control physical desires
  • control emotional desires
  • control mental thoughts
  • discharge personal karma
  • discharge dense substance from the lightbody
  • align the subplanes so that the higher light can flow easily
  • commit to the Oneness of All

Then the mage works with right relationship and right time.


Aug 17, 2023
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In my view the path is simple:

  • control physical desires
  • control emotional desires
  • control mental thoughts
  • discharge personal karma
  • discharge dense substance from the lightbody
  • align the subplanes so that the higher light can flow easily
  • commit to the Oneness of All

Then the mage works with right relationship and right time.
I'm on board with all except the last one


Aug 31, 2021
Reaction score
I'm on board with all except the last one

That is the final test for first stage enlightenment. It is the precondition for operating as a cell in the group light-body of enlightened beings that remain/come to work with this planet

The group light-body is a universal elemental - that is, it is sponsored from outside this galaxy - currently by the Logos of Andromeda.

The galactic Logos has direct input. Have a look!

The light-body allows group activity by various humans, ex-humans, higher devas, sea gods, exchange students, and others of which I am ignorant.