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[Help] Searching For REAL Magic

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Sep 9, 2021
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What is actually real and what you want to be real may not be the same thing, kiddo.

I have certainly put my magic to the test over the years. I’ve healed my eyes so that I no longer need glasses. I’ve gotten healthier over all, and helped other people with ailments when I’m able. I’ve improved my finances, dramatically improved my general living situation, and so on. Nevermind performing a couple of exorcisms and dealing with some drama like that. My entire life is what it is now because I have used magic to change things to improve my circumstances again and again.

That is all stuff you can learn how to do.

But if you wanna play Harry Potter or cast Fireball, you’re gonna be sorely disappointed no matter where you go.

If you want a book to read, Jason Miller’s books are excellent for beginner sorcery. The Sorcerer’s Secrets especially. He also has classes he teaches online.

If you want more ancient stuff, roll up your academic sleeves and start studying old grimoires or the Greek Magical Papyri. Dr. Stephen Skinner and Robert Peterson have given some excellent and extraordinary academic efforts to translating and reviving old manuscripts of old magic. Jason Newcomb is also teaching an online PGM class next month that I will be attending myself.

But my key advice is this: let go of your expectations, and let the Other be what it is. What is real, is real. Approach it on its terms. Not yours.
So, demon possession from my understanding is highly subjective and even considered mostly not a thing by most of the catholic church. There have even been studies done on it that suggest that all an exorcism is really doing is creating a block and stopping an engrained behavior that someone has and only works through the power of suggestion.

Healing ones eyes is a thing that some scientific studies have proven is possible. You can do it through focus exercises that strengthen the muscles in the eyes and reshape the eyeball itself. Also, there is a chance that you could actually change the way that the brain (And the consciousnesses) interpenetrates the data from the eyes and basically end up running a zoom and sharpen filter post data capture.

I'm pretty sure that the magic spells you did actually just ended up doing one of the above. You could have subconsciously started doing exercises or the rituals you did triggered the brain to change how it processes data.

There are actually some glasses on the market right now that are opaque with little pin holes all over them that apparently force your eyes muscles to get a workout.

We actually can probably learn to have 100% control over our bodies. They merely our our food bodies, they are not us. We can learn to control our body temperature +/- a few degrees super easily. Same with heart rate and breath rate Skilled people can learn to do those by vast amounts. I personally can control some of my other "involuntary" muscles these days. Ergo, I've moved an air bubble around that was hanging out in my intestine. (they are full of muscles that move food around.) Monks in Asia have been doing these things for thousands of years.

I'm pretty sure that even they have either just touched the tip of the iceberg of what is possible for us to do with our bodies; or, they have forgotten much.

The stuff you have done with your financial and life circumstances could basically work upon the same principles and you've changed your behaviors because of them. And indeed, there have also been studies showing that people that do rituals etc DO indeed change the way they act.

The rituals and spells you cast in these realms are indeed super powerful, but possibly not in the way you think. You could do the same just by practicing that skill. However, in the end; it doesn't really matter how you approach it as long as you hold on to the understanding that it doesn't matter how someone gets to that goal as long as they do it with compassion for themselves and for others and is not intent on harming anyone.

I totally understand where the OP is coming from by wanting physical proof that magic is real by seeing something move. Also, there have been other people on this forum talking about objects moving etc. On top of that, Hinduism, Buddhism, and pretty much EVERY religion or spirituality talks of powers and telekinesis being one of them. One of the others is control of the elements so, being able to start a fire or a blast of air etc etc. There are also plenty of other people that claim to have the ability to move objects around.

I feel you and the other people on this thread saying these things are not possible are being very close minded. Really to me, the idea that doing rituals / casting a spell will magically heal your eyes or bring you wealth is absolutely no different then the same things making an object move. Magic implies that your will and actions are changing something outside of your body. If you can cast a spell to make money or a new job suddenly fall in your lap; you can figure out how to do the same to make an object move or start a fire. But sure, maybe not a fireball.

I however, totally don't agree with whomever said they basically want to rape the universe to get the powers. My understanding of how these things works is that they either won't get them because you pretty much have to STOP even being identified as a "self" and just become a tool of the universe. Or, that if you DO manage to get them by raping the universe, that it is gonna end up slapping you down HARD and that in the end, you'll realize that it was never worth effort and that you've just made yourself worse off.


Sep 9, 2021
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Lasik surgery and nanotech are not comparable to what I said. Hairspray, a lighter, and especially an empty hand are mundane. They are easily accessible for little money and intuitive to use. Your answer was to instead go for a highly sophisticated, expensive, and bleeding edge direction. You don't need to. Whole point of my hand comment. No god or spirit would be likely to give you power to miraculously move a ball or lift a can, when you have the power to do that yourself.

As for whether magic would let you move buildings with your mind, that gets into the other important thing I said. The real power is in controlling people. You are tilting at windmills when the answer is in front of you. What's more, you've established that you're looking to crack the code to brute-forcing physics for instant, extreme gratification without the consequences. you're not looking for magic, you're looking for a cheat. That's never been what magic is, outside if contemporary fantasy fiction. Historic magic has always been about correspondence, perception, and the mind. About influencing grand scale changes at a grand scale cost. It's not something you smoke, distill, and sell on the shelf, no more than a veteran brain surgeon's unique field of experience is. Medical training is publically available, but not the unique blend of practice and mistakes that created that great surgeon. No two specialists are the same, not can they mass produce the best results of surgery for all patients. Because every human body, and every surgery attempt, occupy different circumstances.

Have you even studied the forces you seek to bend over your knee? To change how objects gravitate, you would have to change mass. To propel the object forward, or steer, you would have to introduce thrust, or warp space. To cause ignition, you'd need fine control of molecular and atomic interactions. How do you propose to do that? With your mind? Your brain doesn't have the amperage needed to exert that kind of force. So you would at least need access to a higher level of energy. Let's say you have magic that would even let you use the power source to accomplish this, what kind of source do you have access to? What means would let you interface it with your brain?
Walker, I'm sorry but controlling people is not magic. Its actually even quite easy to do. It's even now actually a science really. Most people use words, gestures, facial expressions etc. But, there are other ways. None of which require casting a spell.

Really though, being able to control people is actually quite gross of an ability to want. I personally used to wrap people around my little pinky in seconds; I still have the ability, I think I was born with it. But, I stopped using it because I realized that I didn't know the right way to direct them.
The reality is, NONE of us do. Stop trying to control people and learn to understand yourself then work at being that self. THAT is the ultimate "people centered" magic and the things that come from it is quite delightful.

As for changing physcial stuff outside of our bodies; well monks etc claim to have these powers. I'm skeptical myself. However, I do know they have amazing physcial control of their bodies. Ergo, there was an experiment done with a monk that was able to control the temp of his hands. He was able to make different parts warmer and colder at will. This will actually change the air temp near his hand as well. Maybe it is possible to change the temp of your hand to the point that it will actually start a fire. Granted, you'd probably end up burning your hand. But hey, you started a fire with your bare hand and mind.. and that would be pretty friggen cool!


Sep 9, 2021
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You'll never experience the fun stuff like teleportation and shade shifting, or even real mind control, because you simply don't have the right pedigree for it. You would already know it if you did and would be advanced with that already.

Such "real magick" exists and is beyond mainstream scientific understanding.

The best you can do is spend some time with the indigenous communities in Mexico or Southwest US to observe some it. Doubt you'll be able to do that.

Other magical traditions exist in pockets all over the world and they're often forbidden to tell or write anything about it.

The best you can do is to just practice astral projecting and remote viewing. You can do that. Anyone can. Everyone does.
Ah, you've hit the nail on the head with the issue of people being forbidden to tell or write anything OR SHOW their powers. I've been studying a lot of spiritual stuff lately. Pretty much every one claims that very practiced people will be able to get these powers. However, all of them say that it is not the point of walking that path; and that seeking those powers out is actually missing the point or outright toxic for some reason. On top of that, they all claim that pretty much no one in this day and age will be able to get these powers because of distractions etc etc AS well as because they have prophesies that say that no one will for thousands of years.

I've seen videos of organizatoins teaching meditation, yoga and other occult stuff going basicaly , "Learning to levitate is of no consequece because it is not the purpose of life." I'm like BS it is. Being able to levitate would 100% change the the life of someone that couldn't walk and make it better. It would drasticaly change so many things in anyone's life that would help relieve suffering and also proove to people that there indeed is more then what we see and what accepted science has "proven".

But then in the end they basically go, "Well, our path is STILL super helpful for you anyway; now pay us a shit ton of money to take our classes"

Spiritually, magic etc etc has been capitalized and it's quite gross.

If there ARE people with these powers, they need to come out of the closet and start teaching people how to do them or we humans are going to keep walking down a dark dark path of exploiting the planet and each other. F*! Being able to teleport would be HUGE! If people learned how to do it; we'd not need cars any more and that pollution would go away!
---and yah yah, I'm sure some people would abuse teleportation but I'm 100% sure that if there are people that know how to do it, they also know how to protect a space from people trying to teleport into it. The same goes for any other power.
Jun 29, 2021
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Walker, I'm sorry but controlling people is not magic. Its actually even quite easy to do. It's even now actually a science really. Most people use words, gestures, facial expressions etc. But, there are other ways. None of which require casting a spell.

Really though, being able to control people is actually quite gross of an ability to want. I personally used to wrap people around my little pinky in seconds; I still have the ability, I think I was born with it. But, I stopped using it because I realized that I didn't know the right way to direct them.
The reality is, NONE of us do. Stop trying to control people and learn to understand yourself then work at being that self. THAT is the ultimate "people centered" magic and the things that come from it is quite delightful.

As for changing physcial stuff outside of our bodies; well monks etc claim to have these powers. I'm skeptical myself. However, I do know they have amazing physcial control of their bodies. Ergo, there was an experiment done with a monk that was able to control the temp of his hands. He was able to make different parts warmer and colder at will. This will actually change the air temp near his hand as well. Maybe it is possible to change the temp of your hand to the point that it will actually start a fire. Granted, you'd probably end up burning your hand. But hey, you started a fire with your bare hand and mind.. and that would be pretty friggen cool!
Jun 29, 2021
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Influence and traumatic domination are two very different things. Humans are one of the greatest physical actors to affect causality, and the easiest to work with. Aligning their intent and suggesting a course of action can achieve far more than a mere fireball. And if you think that the convergence of human diligence and knowledge to put a hundred people 30k feet in the air is not magic, you have a dramatic misunderstanding of the relationship between science and magic. Beats personal levitation by a mile.
Jun 29, 2021
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The crux of the problem, Etrit, is that you seem to have mistaken magic for superpowers. Magic is, at its core, the alignment of wills and causality. The changing of events, not the flaunting of reality breaking deeds. Producing fire from your hand, or teleporting to another city, would have a massive cost to pay. If it were doable.

Pestifer Mundi

Magic Larper
Aug 12, 2021
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The crux of the problem, Etrit, is that you seem to have mistaken magic for superpowers.
No, what you are doing is basically redefining magic as something more mundane when literally none of the old texts fit what you define it as. Magic has quite literally always been "super powers", spell casting is having "super powers"

All the old stories and texts (even religious texts speaking of the workings of magicians) CLEARLY DESCRIBE "SUPER POWERS"

Not some guy having the "gift of gab" and being able to manipulate people into doing what he wants

I'm sorry, "charisma" is not magic, being able to "manipulate people" is not magic, it has more to do with BIOLOGY than magic

Any exceptionally good looking woman or man is a magician by your logic, because its been proven in multiple studies that people who are good looking can very easily manipulate others, they often get jobs more easily, get treated better than most people, etc (go look it up yourself)

That's not magic, that's just being good looking, that's just biology. Do conversational skills help, sure, but it mostly comes down to looks (physical attractiveness)

You can go look this up, there is literally a part of the human brain dedicated to recognizing and analyzing another humans face

There's a study on an experiment they did with babies, and even babies look at attractive faces longer than less attractive faces, and they respond better to attractive people than less attractive people lol (humans are innately shallow for the most part)

Physical attractiveness is very important, especially when it comes to manipulation

I'd like you to show me a guy who is ugly as sin and deformed that can "manipulate" and "control" people :ROFLMAO: (I'm sure an exception exists, but the exception doesn't disprove the rule)

If you come across anything of significance, a website for sources on books or something more specific, please let me know. I doubt It will ever give up on this search for "REAL MAGIC", I have been obsessed with this since I was a child and it has led to me researching various things, this thread of mines may be of interest to you:
Jun 29, 2021
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No, what you are doing is basically redefining magic as something more mundane when literally none of the old texts fit what you define it as. Magic has quite literally always been "super powers", spell casting is having "super powers"

All the old stories and texts (even religious texts speaking of the workings of magicians) CLEARLY DESCRIBE "SUPER POWERS"

Not some guy having the "gift of gab" and being able to manipulate people into doing what he wants

I'm sorry, "charisma" is not magic, being able to "manipulate people" is not magic, it has more to do with BIOLOGY than magic

Any exceptionally good looking woman or man is a magician by your logic, because its been proven in multiple studies that people who are good looking can very easily manipulate others, they often get jobs more easily, get treated better than most people, etc (go look it up yourself)

That's not magic, that's just being good looking, that's just biology. Do conversational skills help, sure, but it mostly comes down to looks (physical attractiveness)

You can go look this up, there is literally a part of the human brain dedicated to recognizing and analyzing another humans face

There's a study on an experiment they did with babies, and even babies look at attractive faces longer than less attractive faces, and they respond better to attractive people than less attractive people lol (humans are innately shallow for the most part)

Physical attractiveness is very important, especially when it comes to manipulation

I'd like you to show me a guy who is ugly as sin and deformed that can "manipulate" and "control" people :ROFLMAO: (I'm sure an exception exists, but the exception doesn't disprove the rule)

If you come across anything of significance, a website for sources on books or something more specific, please let me know. I doubt It will ever give up on this search for "REAL MAGIC", I have been obsessed with this since I was a child and it has led to me researching various things, this thread of mines may be of interest to you:
Pestifer, I'm not here to have a petty argument with someone this stubbornly refusing to hear the counsel of a wide variety of active practitioners. I have presented real methods to acquire the kind of power that you both seem to crave, and you shout it down as "mundane".

Fireballs are mundane. Humans getting off the ground is mundane. You are asking an apple tree to produce a wad of fifty dollar bills, in the same way as it is meant to produce apples. Human combustion is quite possible. It does not let a person casually throw fire with no personal consequence. Not is it the direct result of magic. Open yourself up to discussion and new information, even if it dissents against the only answer you want. The alternative is railing against the people who actually know the subject until only the ignorant want to talk to you.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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All the old stories and texts (even religious texts speaking of the workings of magicians) CLEARLY DESCRIBE "SUPER POWERS"
Show me any reasonable amount of reasonably recent occult texts that describe telekenesis or shooting fireballs or complete mind control.

You won't because you can't.

This forum is meant to entertain the full breadth of occult discussion, and as such, I won't censor your fantasy, circle-jerk, magical larping for now.

But when you cross the line from larping to trolling we will have some problems. I won't let this forum become a laughing stock to satisfy your larping fantasy.


Lead Transcriber
May 30, 2021
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As Arthur C Clarke said, “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.”. We are constantly trying to define our reality and figure out how the universe works, so those magical concepts don't stay "magic" forever. Alchemy turns into chemistry. Herbalism turns into medicine. Astrology laid groundwork for astronomy.

I think we've all become cynical. There's no "mystery" anymore, because we can explain a lot about how our reality functions. We know there are physical rules, and we can exploit that knowledge to create devices that would astound and terrify those living 2000 years ago. We have handheld devices that allow us access to hundreds of years of human history with a tap. That IS magic, even if we can explain the physical rules underneath that allow us to accomplish it.

If you mean something more mundane, that's more difficult to "prove", especially because what you'll accept is narrow. Ultimately, no one is going to be able to give you an answer that will satisfy you.

I'm sorry, "charisma" is not magic, being able to "manipulate people" is not magic, it has more to do with BIOLOGY than magic
This is a good example. This literally was considered magic, but because we're constantly trying to learn how things work, we know that it's mental manipulation, an exploitation of how brains work. So it was magic, but it's not considered magic now. I bet that covers a huge portion of ancient topics. I don't think that makes it any less magical.

As Pain of Salvation says in their song Nihil Morari:

You think we have developed fast; that we’re civilized and intelligent
I’ll let you in on a secret: we have developed Things!
The rest is simply knowledge passed on
Hell, 99% of humanity couldn’t put together a simple light bulb if you
put a gun to their heads!
And the intellect rubs off on fear
It's funny, because most of us literally couldn't build a functional light bulb from scratch, even if we understand all of the pieces involved, but it's not magic. We know how it works. We even know we can use our own bodies to conduct enough electricity to light the light bulb in our hand. It's all a matter of perspective. At one point in the past, boy that was some kind of magic.

Pestifer Mundi

Magic Larper
Aug 12, 2021
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Show me any reasonable amount of reasonably recent occult texts that describe telekenesis or shooting fireballs or complete mind control.

You won't because you can't.
Notice I said the OLD texts, so I don't know why you asked for something "recent"

I'm not even sure what you mean by "recent", hopefully you don't mean this modern era, anybody can write and publish a book these days lol

On such short notice, I won't find much, I'm mostly thinking about bible stories:
Turning staves into snakes
Summoning swarms of frogs (both Moses and the Pharoahs mages did this)
Necromancy (yes, necromancers are in the bible)

But here's an example, how about Greek Papyri:
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Col. 9 lines 12-19: Two spells against dangers (vague, I know)
Col. 10 lines 25-35: Request for a dream oracle
Col. 11 lines 1-4: Charms against wild animals
Col. 11 lines 25-26: Coercive spells for restraining (this is definitely "complete mind control")
Col. 12 lines 11-16: A restraining spell (sounds like telekinesis to me, but maybe they mean "restraining the mind" like the spell above)
Col. 16 lines 20-31: Charm against demons and apparitions
Col. 19 lines 25-33: Spell to induce insomnia by means of a bat

There's more on the page too, a lot of love spells even (that's another form of mind control)

If I spent a few days searching I could easily find more

Heck just think of all the old alchemic texts for even more "super power" like pursuits

One of the "great undertakings" of alchemy (other than the rebis) is to create a philosophers stone from which one could derive "the elixir of life" (immortality). That is much grander and like a "super power" than shooting a fireball from your hand or telekinesis, much more outlandish, and yet its a commonly spoken about thing in alchemic writings (both old and "recent")

In fact immortality is one of the most common pursuits in the occult period, humans have always been trying to escape death

I on the other hand, have never heard of any old text where magic in that book was exclusively about simply "manipulating people", and there wasn't anything else "outlandish" that defied reality inside the book. There is always some aspect of "super powers" in these texts stating that out of this world feats are capable, feats that are more extreme than mere "manipulation"


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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Notice I said the OLD texts, so I don't know why you asked for something "recent"

I'm not even sure what you mean by "recent", hopefully you don't mean this modern era, anybody can write and publish a book these days lol

On such short notice, I won't find much, I'm mostly thinking about bible stories:
Turning staves into snakes
Summoning swarms of frogs (both Moses and the Pharoahs mages did this)
Necromancy (yes, necromancers are in the bible)

But here's an example, how about Greek Papyri:
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Col. 9 lines 12-19: Two spells against dangers (vague, I know)
Col. 10 lines 25-35: Request for a dream oracle
Col. 11 lines 1-4: Charms against wild animals
Col. 11 lines 25-26: Coercive spells for restraining (this is definitely "complete mind control")
Col. 12 lines 11-16: A restraining spell (sounds like telekinesis to me, but maybe they mean "restraining the mind" like the spell above)
Col. 16 lines 20-31: Charm against demons and apparitions
Col. 19 lines 25-33: Spell to induce insomnia by means of a bat

There's more on the page too, a lot of love spells even (that's another form of mind control)

If I spent a few days searching I could easily find more

Heck just think of all the old alchemic texts for even more "super power" like pursuits

One of the "great undertakings" of alchemy (other than the rebis) is to create a philosophers stone from which one could derive "the elixir of life" (immortality). That is much grander and like a "super power" than shooting a fireball from your hand or telekinesis, much more outlandish, and yet its a commonly spoken about thing in alchemic writings (both old and "recent")

In fact immortality is one of the most common pursuits in the occult period, humans have always been trying to escape death

I on the other hand, have never heard of any old text where magic in that book was exclusively about simply "manipulating people", and there wasn't anything else "outlandish" that defied reality inside the book. There is always some aspect of "super powers" in these texts stating that out of this world feats are capable, feats that are more extreme than mere "manipulation"
Holy shit man. It's taking every fiber of my being to not just roast you.

Reading the bible and taking it literally is like reading clickbait titles and accepting them as the truth.

First of all, the bible was not written and reviewed by occultists.

Secondly, the authors of the bible were more interested in their story being spread than any even remote shred of factual or historical accuracy. This is actually well documented by modern jewish and Christian scholars.

The reason why I asked you to provide recent texts is because old texts like the bible are never to be taken completely literally. A lot of it was about sharing stories that would be interesting enough to tell and retell, to pass down values. There is very little fact in the bible, so what makes you think and cherrypick that somehow all the supernatural bullshit in it is somehow accurate? Foolish tbh.

The other thing I asked you was for occult texts, not story books. I mean things written by verifiable, historically prominent occultists.

I'm sorry, but you're just so fucking stupid dude. You might as well just read Harry Potter and believe everything in it to be true. Go ahead, try and avada kedavra me.

One of the "great undertakings" of alchemy (other than the rebis) is to create a philosophers stone from which one could derive "the elixir of life" (immortality).
Undertakings. Goals. Yes. No tutorial, and no success story, not even a remotely reputable claim of an actual stone.

hat is much grander and like a "super power" than shooting a fireball from your hand or telekinesis, much more outlandish, and yet its a commonly spoken about thing in alchemic writings (both old and "recent")
No, it isn't. As I have explained to you before, immortality can exist and be understood in many different forms. A fireball is a fireball. Simply impossible.

In fact immortality is one of the most common pursuits in the occult period, humans have always been trying to escape death
Yes, it's been a pursuit, and has never been achieved in a tangible, continuous sense.


Lead Transcriber
May 30, 2021
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What are you expecting someone to do with that Greek papyri exactly? I'm utterly confused by this:

Col. 11 lines 25-26: Coercive spells for restraining (this is definitely "complete mind control")
I'm sorry, do you read Greek? Can you read the papyri, including the missing pieces? Looks like to me you just copy/pasted from the Content section, which provides zero context or descriptions.

So no, noone is going to be able to prove or disprove anything in your example (or probably any of your examples) because some of its missing, most of us can't read Greek, and even if we could almost all of us lack the context to understand the time in history it was written in. You've also taken content description as meaning "complete mind control", even tho nothing on that page says that (going back to most of us can't read Greek, and especially papyri with missing pieces).

I've known a couple ritual magicians, and they literally spend every second studying and trying things, not posting on forums. They are 100% serious about it. They have no spouse or children or social life. No one I know has claimed to have super powers. They've said they're searching for truth, sometimes searching for power, and most (if not all) of the time not finding it. Most people may not have the mental or physical strength to follow ancient texts to perform spells and rituals as they were designed. Some of that stuff you have to fast for weeks or drink nothing but water, eat nothing but bread, be in total isolation, not have sex, etc. No TV, no phones, tablets. No outside interruptions. Then you have to "crack the code" (see Steganographia by Trithemius), if there's a code to actually BE cracked.

If you're going to use the Bible as an example, that loud banging you'll be hearing is me smashing my head against my desk.

If you're looking for someone to validate you dressing as Spiderman and having super powers, you're probably in the wrong place (but by all means, you rock out in your Spiderman onesie, be you).


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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If I spent a few days searching I could easily find more
But yeah, go ahead, find more. Find me 50-100 actual respected occult texts (not story books) which at least claim that what you're spouting has ever been achieved. Then I'll contemplate taking you seriously.


Apr 20, 2021
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not even a remotely reputable claim of an actual stone
What's more is that you don't even have to be an alchemist to know that alchemy is highly cryptic and shrouded in symbolic metaphors, such as the "Philosopher's Stone". Any novice who bothered to do actual research for 2 seconds knows that much.


Apr 20, 2021
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Imagine being so ignorant that you actually believe you can possibly bend the laws of the Universe by making some potion. 🤣

Pestifer Mundi

Magic Larper
Aug 12, 2021
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Holy shit man. It's taking every fiber of my being to not just roast you.
Either way I guess I'm wasting my time because its not as if I can disprove anything you are saying

So I'm done with this thread when it comes to the back and forth, the next person who replies reflecting my way of thinking, I'll just private message them, arguing is pointless

You can roast away

You've already been roasting since the whole frog award and "Magic Larper" title thing lol, its kinda petty (funny too) but I'll adapt to it lol

I just find it ironic that people are drawing lines in the sand about "what's possible" when we have people claiming all manner of impossible feats throughout this forum, and you act like those things are "mundane" or normal

Most people just draw the line much closer and assert "no magic is real", and from their perspective, everyone on this site is "roast worthy"

Until the day someone comes forward publicly and proves magic, and it becomes something that can be tested and researched openly, nobody really knows what's possible

Imagine being so ignorant that you actually believe you can possibly bend the laws of the Universe by making some potion. 🤣
The irony of being ridiculed like this in this context :ROFLMAO:

"Imagine thinking the impossible is possible lol" (proceeds to practice occultism which 99% of people thinks is impossible)

You do realize that most people think you're ignorant for believing anything that you believe with respect to the occult right?

Do you know how to craft a "self awareness potion"?, I guarantee you it does not require you to bend the laws of the universe 🐸
Jun 29, 2021
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Sounds like someone is salty that their dreams of getting superpowers are being honestly described as what they are. People like to smear occultism because they don't have a functional understanding of what it is. If I wouldn't take the opinion an ignorant bucolic has about my friend of a different race or orientation, I sure wouldn't put stock in what those loudly ignorant of magic claim about me or it.
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