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Self initiation into freemasonsry

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Sep 9, 2021
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Is this possible, to initiate into the spiritual side of freemasonry?
Using Manly Halls Secret Wisdom of All Ages, and published rituals, would 8t he possible? Up to the highest rite?


Jul 9, 2022
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Well to be honest rank and file members without clairaudience and clairvoyance aren't going to be sensitive enough to pick it up. But...but you can if you read between the lines of the process and symbolism of the initiation rituals see the invisible hand of the spirits.

Let me give you an example. I have the right being a Master mason to ask help from the brothers that have come before me. Many times the ties that bind this fraternity survive even death.
hmm I see... but do you think some members engage into pacts and all that stuff? I hear this a lot in the caribbean, usually one of their familly members die or become crazy and you see all of a sudden they got money. I have to say pacts etc are pretty strong in the french west indies because of the grimoire tradition being strong and I think anything that deal with spirits can be used for evil but I hear this alot on mason.

Im wondering if thanks to the spiritual strength and elevation the rite give, it is possible they are able to call on spirits of the grimoires easily, because the first step in every grimoire is spiritual elevation.

Ive seen it with the ATR some mason deal with lwa, catholic saints and their spiritual court more easily.
May 13, 2022
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hmm I see... but do you think some members engage into pacts and all that stuff? I hear this a lot in the caribbean, usually one of their familly members die or become crazy and you see all of a sudden they got money. I have to say pacts etc are pretty strong in the french west indies because of the grimoire tradition being strong and I think anything that deal with spirits can be used for evil but I hear this alot on mason.

Im wondering if thanks to the spiritual strength and elevation the rite give, it is possible they are able to call on spirits of the grimoires easily, because the first step in every grimoire is spiritual elevation.

Ive seen it with the ATR some mason deal with lwa, catholic saints and their spiritual court more easily.
There is a strong link to masonry and the lwas in Caribbean Freemasonry. That's absolutely true. There is even one lwa that is pictured with masonic regalia.

I know masons from the USA, Mexico and where I currently live the Philippines and there are no such similar practices that I'm aware of. You're asking really good questions though my man.


Jul 9, 2022
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some loa are said to be mason, I dont know how a spirit that never been incarned could be mason, that could mean that those names are names of people that were mason in their life and take those name once they died, some people say that ogou feray is jean jacques dessaline I dont know if it s true bue jean jacques dessaline was a mason, emperor soulouque too.

however two lwa that you can put in parallel with two character of the masonic myth are Ogou and Baron Samedi. Tubal Cain and Hiram.

but some people that were kind of link to the history of masonry lived on this island at least a moment of their lives, Etienne Morin, Pasqually...no wonder Freemasonry have such influence in Haïti and the rest of the caribbean.
May 13, 2022
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some loa are said to be mason, I dont know how a spirit that never been incarned could be mason, that could mean that those names are names of people that were mason in their life and take those name once they died, some people say that ogou feray is jean jacques dessaline I dont know if it s true bue jean jacques dessaline was a mason, emperor soulouque too.

however two lwa that you can put in parallel with two character of the masonic myth are Ogou and Baron Samedi. Tubal Cain and Hiram.

but some people that were kind of link to the history of masonry lived on this island at least a moment of their lives, Etienne Morin, Pasqually...no wonder Freemasonry have such influence in Haïti and the rest of the caribbean.
Yes it was Baron Samedi I was thinking of. You're absolutely right. It's amazing you know this kind of esoteric knowledge my friend. Big respect brother.
Sep 9, 2021
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Baron Samedi is associated with crossroads.

A crossing (e.g. of fingers) can create a portal. A typical Masonic temple is full of crossings - not all obvious
Sometimes that might be called an anchor, and tie into trance or chakra work. Did not know something as simple as that could open one.


Aug 31, 2021
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Did not know something as simple as that could open one.
That was just a reference to the reason humans cross fingers, but since you press the matter, I have just tried an experiment

I looked at the nature spirits just over the creek and then crossed fingers - using two hands. Immediately a tiny bubble of light appeared on my side of the crossed fingers - and I could easily feel the bubble impacting my heart chakra


Jul 9, 2022
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It is Met Kafou who is associated with crossroads that what his name means ( master of crossroad).

baron samdi is associated with the cemetery, he is one of the master of cemetery. Like Baron cimetiere (cemetery), baron lacroix
Sep 9, 2021
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I had given a more detailed account of crossing portals in the temple but the forum went to maintenance mode as I posted it and lost the post - so I took the hint
So closing said portals would be essentially the other hand and fingers?
I agree, several groups make different gestures in their rituals and initiations.
Sep 9, 2021
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Okay. So spiraling of light, typically drawing down a vertex or cone - this I've done. Have done equal armed crosses with a gesture for a qabalistic cross, similar to the gestures in a mass for instance by sign of the cross
Sep 9, 2021
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So. Basics of freemasonry I guess I could stand to learn first. Or back to the LDS church as a Brother in Aaronic priesthood if qualified.

Structure equals components and links.

So learn basic structure of freemasonry, including an initiation. Then analyze behavior of masons you know, and pick the one constantly engaged in thought, to know them and their thought.
Sep 9, 2021
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So, self initiation into freemasonry, bad idea inherently? I don't think so.

Solid structure.

Do you or I have perfect structure and behavior?


Aug 31, 2021
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LDS had a strong Masonic origin but likely somewhat changed now

spiraling of light, typically drawing down a vertex or cone

In Masonry the Light tends to be a liquid either from above or through the East.

One time I was on the floor administering the obligation and the liquid Light flowing down the steps in the East was eventually up to my shoulders

But is at least a decade since I have experienced that. The cosmic tide seems to have gone out on a wide range of ritual bodies
Sep 9, 2021
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LDS had a strong Masonic origin but likely somewhat changed now

In Masonry the Light tends to be a liquid either from above or through the East.

One time I was on the floor administering the obligation and the liquid Light flowing down the steps in the East was eventually up to my shoulders

But is at least a decade since I have experienced that. The cosmic tide seems to have gone out on a wide range of ritual bodies
What's odd is that I noticed it immediately being in the church, the temple, a different story.
The church had no pictures of Christ. As it was considered sacrilegious.
It did however hear a number on the wooden wall near the dias where the assembly sits.

Nick Farrell wrote a few books on higher grade rituals of initiation, and remarked 9n one that had Builders of the Adytum used it would've had a stronger current.


Aug 21, 2022
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Is this possible, to initiate into the spiritual side of freemasonry?
Using Manly Halls Secret Wisdom of All Ages, and published rituals, would 8t he possible? Up to the highest rite?
It is possible to self-initiate into the spiritual side of Freemasonry!

But there's a catch...

You have to be a Freemason first in order to do so!

What I mean is: one of the big things about Freemasonry is about Brotherly Love (the other two being "Relief" and "Truth"), so if you try to become a Freemason whilst missing out on the Brotherhood that comes from being part of a lodge, you're kind of missing the point.

That being said, when you actually get into Freemasonry, you will find that the vast majority isn't actually either spiritual or esoteric, unless you happen to join a lodge which was specifically set-up to be so, such as a Memphis Misraim lodge, or one which follows the teachings of W L Wilmshurst or C W Leadbeater.

Hence, in order to be both a Freemason and into the spiritual side of the Craft, you will of necessity have to take on a lot of personal responsibility to do so, treading a lonely path unless you happen to make contact with like-minded Brethren. For example, there is a lot of inner-work to be done like meditation, self-study, etc. However saying that, the good news is that spiritually minded Brethren are out there: for instance you could try googling the Dormer masonic study circle.

Fraternal best wishes,

Alex Sumner
Sep 9, 2021
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It is possible to self-initiate into the spiritual side of Freemasonry!

But there's a catch...

You have to be a Freemason first in order to do so!

What I mean is: one of the big things about Freemasonry is about Brotherly Love (the other two being "Relief" and "Truth"), so if you try to become a Freemason whilst missing out on the Brotherhood that comes from being part of a lodge, you're kind of missing the point.

That being said, when you actually get into Freemasonry, you will find that the vast majority isn't actually either spiritual or esoteric, unless you happen to join a lodge which was specifically set-up to be so, such as a Memphis Misraim lodge, or one which follows the teachings of W L Wilmshurst or C W Leadbeater.

Hence, in order to be both a Freemason and into the spiritual side of the Craft, you will of necessity have to take on a lot of personal responsibility to do so, treading a lonely path unless you happen to make contact with like-minded Brethren. For example, there is a lot of inner-work to be done like meditation, self-study, etc. However saying that, the good news is that spiritually minded Brethren are out there: for instance you could try googling the Dormer masonic study circle.

Fraternal best wishes,

Alex Sumner
Thank you Alex, I never considered the fraternal aspect.
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