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[Opinion] Why do you prefer demons?

Everyone's got one.


Aug 17, 2023
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It saddens me the OP isn't on the site anymore, as far as i can tell... Hope you're well wherever you are.
My work with demons has evolved over the past year. Completely see them as neutral earth realm agents/current intelligences that have no regard for human morality restrictions. Archangels I've experienced are bridge agents between "greater" quantum realms and earth. They do play on morality limits (at least they do mine) to strengthen greater "harmonious" outcomes.
So I'll work with either depending on what the project is.
Of course, there are those who ask inconvenient questions about "harmony." What agenda am I "harmonizing" with. It might well be that sheep are content to cooperate with a wolf who promises only to eat a FEW of the sheep. Look at humanitarian creeds stemming from Christianity (and the later Jewish prophets.) The net effect has been to create a philosophy of squeezing the world like an orange. We bleat about the "sacred" character of all human life, then cram 8 billion pasu on board (and rising.) Read Luis Felipe Moyano/Nimrod de Rosario. The angels are actually serving a process that disguises cosmic vampirism in the name of eveything we have been taught to think is kind. Start with "Gnostic Fragments." Google it.