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Journal William Message Generation

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.


May 22, 2022
Reaction score
This thing got out of hand. Lost in a glass globe back in 1974, returned but refurbished nonetheless.
Science: A phenotype of natural freedom achieved through statistical rituals of intersubjective projections.
God: Eshe eher eshe. Point made. Inventor of the glass globes 'n all.
POD/592&77; pendulum

Öwnchef: Is God a drug or did we get her wrong all the time?

G_D: Yes.

Cracks appear at the seems of science and religion. Thunder can be heard in the distance. Rain begins to fall.
A syringe to rule them all

Öwnchef: God?


Öwnchef: God??

Kiss my Apoca lips!


Need anaesthesia for my surgery. Talk to anesthetist. He: Do you do drugs? Me: Should I?
Age; not for cowards
Science; money
Religion; money
Money; catch22

578LQZ X M55; channeled

  • Wrong username or password
  • Give me a cookie
[1:54 AM, g'night all]


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
This thing got out of hand. Lost in a glass globe back in 1974, returned but refurbished nonetheless.
Science: A phenotype of natural freedom achieved through statistical rituals of intersubjective projections.
God: Eshe eher eshe. Point made. Inventor of the glass globes 'n all.
POD/592&77; pendulum

Öwnchef: Is God a drug or did we get her wrong all the time?

G_D: Yes.

Cracks appear at the seems of science and religion. Thunder can be heard in the distance. Rain begins to fall.
A syringe to rule them all

Öwnchef: God?


Öwnchef: God??

Kiss my Apoca lips!


Need anaesthesia for my surgery. Talk to anesthetist. He: Do you do drugs? Me: Should I?
Age; not for cowards
Science; money
Religion; money
Money; catch22

578LQZ X M55; channeled

  • Wrong username or password
  • Give me a cookie
[1:54 AM, g'night all]
578LQZ X M55;

Five Seven Eight LQZ X M Five Five = 332
Understanding the correlations = 332
The journey is the destination = 332
Like mindful nests with eggs in 'em = 332

Three Three Two = 170

Philanthropies [the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.]
Science; money
Religion; money
Money; catch22
King of the North
A Bit Of A Mouthful!
Three Three Two
Good on you mate
Reason Together
Blue Book Project
The Number Zero
Information field
Myths and Legends
The Voice Within
The Sub Hierarchy
One Four Five One
Observed by Many
Spiritual path
The Feminine Face of God

A syringe to rule them all
A syringe to rule them all = 260

Behavioural adjustments
A riddle wrapped up in an enigma
The Wholeness Navigator
If it aint broke don't fix it
Is Love that hard to know?

Lost in a glass globe back in 1974 = 430

Four Three Zero = 180

The Internal voice
Good Intentions
The Establishment
Near Death Experience
The House of Science
Appreciating You
Leave the door open
Narrative warfare
It’s a living thing
Sophia The Mother
Free your soul
Kundalini awakening


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
William post_id=1089784 time=1661397843 user_id=8427 said:

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260822 [A Matter of Knowing Where to Look]

SCLx16 + select last LE per shuffle
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We're two opinions deep before we can even analyze the moral question. - Collective Consciousness - Emergent Theory - "Just because we might be existing within a creation, and just because it may be nestled within another universe, shouldn't mean that it is somehow an unnatural thing compared to our own. " - ComList -
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- Intrinsic motivation - Unknown/Hidden/Occult - Strength of Soul - The Elephant and the Rider - Morality filters are created through…? - Amidst a tangled web - A Drop of Consciousness in an Ocean of Tears - Copper wire and glass beads - Spiritual Awakening

AP= Glow Softly Strengthen your boundaries One can simply shrug and tell oneself “It doesn't really matter" Putting yourself back together again =1465

[Be they seeds or suns, or be it that suns are seeds, it is all part of the universe, and everything that we acknowledge as the universe, came from a tiny seed. = 1465]

A Matter of Knowing Where to Look = 339
RSP = SCLx1 Page 339

07:55 [Tributary Zones]

Page 339
The Son
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[RTS = 5:29]
For Your Greater Enjoyment
Jocular [fond of or characterized by joking; humorous or playful.]
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William: FTL;
Inquirer: a better question would be - how do we gain knowledge in situations where science is inapplicable?

William: Name such situations, and together we will explore possible answers to your question.

GM: What constitutes a measurement?
July Nineteen Fifty Two Washington DC [Search]
"Team Witch-Wizard"
A difficult proposition

GM: The Individual Human Mind
Something you cannot change

William: The Individual Human Mind Telepathy Sovereignty Trick = 567
Words are sounds and the written word is sound encoded = 567

GM: A Teacher cannot LEARN for a Student.

William: So in that, if such an attribute as mind reading can be accomplished, it is something that the individual must learn for themselves...

GM: What has been established beyond reasonable doubt, is that it is illogical that something that is derived from something that isn't, which firmly places the idea of a Creator/Creation at the center of reasonable discussion.
"The Realm of The Knowing of My Self
Spacetime is not fundamental"
Solar System

William: The Realm of The Knowing of My Self Spacetime is not fundamental = 609
There is nothing fundamentally evil or good about struggle
Those who need to complain Sometimes Pain Etches... In Human Form
Life is a journey We cannot hinder the process, but we can help it.

GM: The Antichrist is...a bad attitude against a good thing
Something In The Way Of It All Make It Up as You Go Along
The Desire
Think In Terms Of Eternity
Short Straw
Acid test
Large Simulation Machines
This Should Be Interesting
Sangreal [another term for grail
Grail (in medieval legend) the cup or platter used by Christ at the Last Supper, and in which Joseph of Arimathea received Christ's blood at the Cross.]

William: Tarot "Ace of Cups"
The Ace of Cups shows a chalice overflowing with five streams of water. The cup represents the vessel of your subconscious mind; the five streams are your five senses and the abundant emotion and intuition flowing from within you. The hand holding the cup is sliding out of the clouds, a symbol of your awareness of spiritual energy and influence. Below the hand is a vast sea covered with lotus blossoms, signifying the awakening of the human spirit. A dove descends towards the cup – a symbol of Divine love flowing through the subconscious mind to conscious awareness.
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William: FTL;
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Does the system involve Christians who use their signature?

Of course.

If it does, then you're drawing no distinction between those who belong to the antichrist and those who don't.

I see no reason why those calling themselves "Christians" need be counted as "those who don't".
I am reminded of discussing this idea with Jehovah's Witnesses near 40 years ago - who disagreed with my assessment re the signature - and I realized the reason why they disagreed was because it went against the beliefs they have that they do not engage with the system of the antichrist - at least not to the point where they are 'owned' by it.

Biblically, it is noted that not all who call themselves followers of Jesus, are.

I don't draw the distinction. I simply follow the clues and the Signature System fits the bill re The Mark of The Beast - specifically "The Beast" being "Humanity" in general.

The world doesn't have to operate on barter in order for "Satan" to nullify prophecy. If he made no further move and left things as they are now, prophecy would remain neatly unfulfilled.

The expression you use is clearly a form of prophecy in itself. Since you also use the word "if" you do not appear all that convinced that Satan is sitting back and you are also implying things will get better even if we continue to use the Signature System - something we also should expect if Satan is sitting back...that things would improve...

And how does one go about calculating? Which coding should we use for the task? How did you reach the conclusion that "Nero Caesar=666"?
"Preterist theologians typically support the interpretation that 666 is the numerical equivalent of the name and title Nero Caesar (Roman Emperor 54–68 AD). Written in Aramaic, this can be valued at 666 using the Hebrew numerology of gematria, and was used to secretly speak against the emperor."

From the same link;

The Classical Greek word charagma (χάραγμα), translated as mark (of the beast) in Revelation 13:16 can also mean any mark engraved, imprinted, or branded; stamped money, document, or coin.

which is what I wrote in my last post, saying;

Cash itself is signed off on.


Coin showing Nero distributing charity to a citizen,

GM: Stay in the moment
Use Heart

William: Stay in the moment Use Heart = 298
Sometimes Yeah the Naysayer
It is always a warm fuzzy
Limitations or Liberations
Self-Awareness Stuff Happens

William: I wrote this today;
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So I wanted to know what exactly dividing was, and looked into other Bible translations

"correctly handles the word of truth"

"rightly handling the word of truth."

"handling the word of truth with precision"

Interestingly, "exactly dividing" is written as "handling" - an activity.

One is active with things.

It is true that the Earth orbits around the Sun.
If I once thought it true that the Sun orbited the Earth, and was given new information that showed me that the truth was, "The Earth orbits the Sun" and in exactly dividing [handling] that information I examined the new evidence and therein found it to be truthful, I would then be required to let go the old notion I had once believed to be true, and adopt the new.

That would be an example of exactly dividing.

Indeed, that is the task of science.

In the case of "Gods Word" - if I am taught that Gods Word is "The Bible" and at some point am shown evidence supporting the notion that "Gods Word" wasn't referring to the Bible alone, but to every truth about all things/matters [like the Sun and Earth existing together and the relationship of that togetherness...how the relationship operates/functions] then I would be required to let go of the old notion I had once believed to be true, and adopt the new.


If someone claimed it to be true that the Bible is "a book like no other because it came from the mouth of God."

I could examine [exactly dividing] that opinion and see what truth - if any - could be found.

If someone tells me that "God wrote the Bible to cause confusion to the natural minded man who picks up this book and thinks he can logically understand all the truth it contains", I could examine [exactly dividing] that opinion and see what truth - if any - could be found.

I could literally do this with all things, not limited to any book or any opinion anyone has about any book, movie, statement, song, food, planet, star... all stuff like that.
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GM: Believe
The Next Step
Memorandum of Understanding
Imposed Appropriates Observed
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William: FTL;
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* I'm sure you are aware that it is generally accepted that the identify of the Kings of Daniel 11 changes with each epoch.

No I wasn't.

But I don't think that something which is open-ended to that extent, can be rightfully called prophesy - although as a "prediction of what will happen in the future" such is open to being fulfilled as long as it isn't fixed or static.

I suppose that is why one is able to use such to point out similarities while at the same time allowing one to be incorrect about particulars - because no particulars are really given in the first place.

In that sense, it is classic type of "readings" so-called psychics employ - worded in such a way as what is said can fit most occasions likely to arise and impress folk enough to buy into it.

Search: Where does The King of The North derive?
Study article 20: July 13-19, 2020. Who is 'the king of the north' today, and how will he come to his end? Knowing the answer can strengthen our faith and ...

Not that this is a criticism mind you - because I think that if the mind behind creation can drop these little hints in order to keep folk interested, that cannot be a evil thing in itself.

GM: Vipassana [meditation involving concentration on the body or its sensations, or the insight which this provides.]
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William: FTL;
William: Yes - the name you gave to me..."Don't worry Little Bird" before you showed me the experience of feeling the extremes of condition of awareness, from the center-point [normal] first to that quite exhilarating feeling of a mind which was huge - like an aircraft hanger...as if one could fit a whole universe into it - and then 'turning down the dial' I felt my mind going back to the center-point...but it didn't stop there...

GM: Pareidolia
Being Born

GM: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth

William: Numb as in...out-dated?

GM: Galactic Encompassment
"Correlation does not imply causation" [Search]

The phrase "correlation does not imply causation" refers to the inability to legitimately deduce a cause-and-effect relationship between two events or variables solely on the basis of an observed association or correlation between them.

08:20 [ Zero Eight Two Zero
Penetrate The Bidden Zone
Imposed Appropriates
Independent Commitment
The Judgement Algorithm
Delightful Anticipation
Stop. Listen. Observe.
The Navigator Can Read Maps.
For the benefit of all beings
My alarm bells are ringing ]


May 22, 2022
Reaction score
I like the sounds your keyboard makes. Like ancient drums hammering in the rainforest reaching out to the void of the universe with a continuous save our souls. Your strained breath and accentuated sighs seem to come from the lips of Sysiphos, rolling that stone uphill, not hopeless but looking forward to that short triumphal moment when it will be at the top.


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score


290822 [Incongruous]

SCLx14 + select last LE per shuffle

If it aint broke don't fix it - Thermodynamics - Self Awareness - Superior Credibility - The Corporate Elite - Disrupting the boundaries - The Three Crystal Keys - It Is Written - Contentious - Paradise - Still - That's More Like It - Ooky Spooky Inner critic - Talk to The Razor

AP= Meeting an Extraterrestrial Before The Beginning

[Meeting an Extraterrestrial Before The Beginning =466]

[Humans were designed to have god consciousness
When I look at my art I am looking into a mirror
Discovery is finding something that exists.
Wisdom is evident in The Universe existing]

RSP = SCLx4 Page 329

07:01 [Personal Integrity]

Page 329
Divergence - separate from another route and go in a different direction.
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William: FTL;
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This - of course - is also a material view of the immaterial concept of Infinite Regression [all ways] and thus not the fallacy it is so often portrayed to being.
Therefore, not only has Infinite Regression being shown to be possible, [in contradiction to the OP claim] but this in itself - most clearly - does not signify that GOD mustn't exist.

GM: Interpretation is secondary to the process
Gateway Luminous
[A Light-Hearted Expletive]
Nokia Bell Labs
Put That On The List

William: Re communication...

GM: Peace
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William: FTL;

GM: Consciousness Incarnates The Metaphysical Universe Oneirology The Confusion of War Get Comfortable Permanent

William: Re "The Driven"...

GM: Astral As busy as a bee
Poor Intransigence People [refusal to change one's views or to agree about something.]
Having To Learn a Whole Other Language

William: Either now or having to in the next level...

GM: For whom the bell tolls For to gather the souls The numbers in darkness are glowing
"What Is Found Here
Always Vigilant"

William: What Is Found Here Always Vigilant = 351
Unity with our Collective Self
People hide their sins from each other.
Nature being the very instigator

GM: "Physics Breakthrough as AI Successfully Controls Plasma in Nuclear Fusion Experiment"

William: FTL;
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No mention of "limbs" in Genesis 3:14 whatsoever. Moreover:

The implication is clearly there in that the Garden God is attributed in Genesis 3:14 with punishing the Serpent with a curse which makes the serpent a belly-crawler.
You appear to be arguing that it was always a belly-crawler, which is not following the storyline, and therefore your argument cannot be accepted as valid.


noun: serpent; plural noun: serpents
1. literary a large snake.
source: Oxford Languages Dictionary

Genesis 3:14
So the Lord God said to the snake, “You did this very bad thing, so bad things will happen to you. It will be worse for you than for any other animal. You must crawl on your belly and eat dust all the days of your life.

Snakes don't have legs.

Nor do they speak human languages.

I would caution anyone not to accept that because nowadays 'Serpent' means 'snake' [according to some dictionaries] that this means one can rightfully manipulate the story to align with the modern day meaning of the word.

The word used in the garden story was "Serpent" and what it is described as prior to the Gods curse upon it - is definitely NOT a snake.

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The ability of foresight helps one to think through the desires of ones heart through logic-based filters.
The Butterfly Effect Music to my ears Lean into it"
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William: FTL;
TRANSPONDER post_id=1080082 time=1654028366 user_id=15510 said:
William post_id=1080064 time=1654021316 user_id=8427 said:
William post_id=1079959 time=1653937244 user_id=8427 said:
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Because we actually ARE, and are not God, therefore this impossibly omniscient/omnipontent God can not exist.

It appears that here, you are relying upon an image of GOD which we can agree comes through the particular culture you and I came through experience of.

I see also that you have included the factor of all-powerfulness too.

Critique of this image has merit, but no merit if the critique is simply focused on GOD not existing.

Diogenes: For this Biblical 'God' to think is to create.

Thus it could be argued that we are within and experiencing the thoughts of GOD and what we experience and call "reality" is actually GOD thinking thoughts.

Diogenes: Because we actually ARE, and are not God, therefore this impossibly omniscient/omnipontent God can not exist.

Unless we are actually GOD, in which case GOD can exist.

Biblically this idea of "The Breath of GOD" equates to GOD-Consciousness giving life to the imagined forms and thus experiencing those form from those forms particular subjective places in the overall thoughts of GOD.

This concept also bleeds over into the Eastern Culture of Humanity - many of which already stipulate GOD inseparable from Creation...although it could also be said that Creation is inseparable from GOD.

An all-powerful GODs thoughts could create this Universe...

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TRANSPONDER post_id=1079983 time=1653946320 user_id=15510 said:
That does actually resonate with me. The thing is, that everything appears to be near nothing arranged in working order. Some say this is arranged and ordered by a Cosmic Mind, and others say that it IS the Cosmic Mind. Either is possible.

If I am understanding you correctly, it seems to me that there is no necessity to separate the activity of a Cosmic Mind from the Cosmic Mind.

If it was outside of everything, there would be reason to see it as separate from its' activity.

Logically - since the Cosmic Mind is part of 'everything', to separate it from everything else would go against logic...therefore it is better to keep it as a part of everything...

If it WAS everything , then its' mind and its' activity would be the same.

Which follows the logic. Not only is it part of everything, it is the reason everything exists - so it would be more accurate to define "everything else" as part of it and in doing so - remove the 'else' bit...the Cosmic Mind and stuff...

But to topic...the idea of it creating because of a terror of being alone, is a terrible terror.
However, creating humans seems like getting an ant farm to cure loneliness. Still, that might be enough.

Speculation at best - it anthropomorphizes human emotion and superimposes that into the reason why a Cosmic Mind would think the universe into existence...One cannot ever be alone as long as one has ones self.

Forgetting oneself in order to bypass the static structure of being all-knowing, by creating form and occupying oneself within said form, having designed said form to limit conscious awareness of everything...being the ants rather than the all-knowing...such forms would be useful to that purpose.

GM: The Astonishing Simplicity of Everything

William: That is an aspect of atheist expression - to try and shame the idea of Creation/Creator

GM: Expression Of Appreciation
The way Mathematics underlies Physics
Jesus Christ Big
The wheel weaves as the wheel wills
"Look Closely
George Adamski
Insidious Clumsy"

William: Look Closely Talk George Adamski Insidious Clumsy = 515
Driven by emotional attachment to contrary beliefs. = 515

GM: Map Carvers
Be Free
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Thomas123 post_id=1015424 time=1592312361 user_id=14520 said:
This word appears to be at the centre of many discussions on this forum. It also appears to mean different things to different people and, therein lies the root of our miscommunication. What range and definement do you attribute to, ' consciousness ' ?

Is there an external consciousness in the world?. Can I tune into a shared consciousness. I am listening to Prime Minister's Question Time, ....is Boris tuned into a universal human consciousness as he delivers his address. Is his brain working ,simultaneously and in tandem with my own consciousness and with that of others?

It is complex.

The way I have come to understand the complexity of the involvement of Consciousness within the Experiential Reality Sets [ERS] has to do with those Sets and how they are experienced, and this forms many layers of Consciousness, all of which are connected to The Source Consciousness, {SC}, some of which are unaware to various degrees, that this is the case.

Diagraphically, this transposes as;


Superimposed color signifies the layers of awareness individuate consciousness is involved with in the Sets

GM: "Truthful definitions
Ask And It Will Be Given"

William: Ask And It Will Be Given Truthful definitions = 449
To assist with strengthening the connect
I see Teddy Naysayer has projection issues.
No longer howled at by the Hounds of Judgement

GM: Is there a way in which one can test the hypothesis and in doing so, elevate it to an accepted theory?
Free Choice Ends Here
Here Am I Is Where I Ought Examining My Conscious Thought
Nothing comes from nothing - everything which can be seen to have a beginning comes from something.
One Day
For The Best Results

07:29 [Humanities adventure
What is the meaning of life?
Central To The Vision
Smarter Than the Average
Mystic City Suburb
Think outside the box
The Shared List Awesome
Faulty conclusions
God is Consciousness]


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
I like the sounds your keyboard makes. Like ancient drums hammering in the rainforest reaching out to the void of the universe with a continuous save our souls. Your strained breath and accentuated sighs seem to come from the lips of Sysiphos, rolling that stone uphill, not hopeless but looking forward to that short triumphal moment when it will be at the top.
I will add a link to your comment, to my Journal List...



Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score

300822 [Joke/Humour "Anti theism Equals "And?""]

SCLx16 + select last LE per shuffle

Inside the workings of intelligence - Perceived Obsolescence - The House Of Politics - Reality - Making The Best of a Bad Situation - Universe of Wholeness - Life in Heaven, Guiding Us On Earth - I am open to being corrected - Personal freedom - Can a transistor with its simple function relating input to output be conscious? how about two? or hundred? - Out and about in the open - Here-and-now - How to Bruise a Ghost - Comment -
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- Rules - Central Intelligence Agency

William: From the link;
William: A display of intelligence is, in and of itself, not necessarily any better than learning how to connect with intuition specifically and the mind constructively.
Its uses are primarily to do with working out the physical aspects of human experience, but even in working those things out, use of the knowledge and power gained through intelligence does not guarantee any better outcome than religiosity has delivered.

Knowing this, even intuitively, allowed me to invest my intelligence over and above theistic and atheistic positions.

One key observation made was to acknowledge that giving up theistic religiosity didn't necessitate in my therefore having to change to atheism. What I have observed since, is that the tendency for folk to give up the theist or atheist position and jumping to the other side is the result of them not using their intelligence to see that those were not the only options/choices available to them.

I am unsure/undecided as to whether this is a tactic employed by both sides in order to support the illusion that both sides are relevant, with the one side [take your pick] being 'most relevant' - or whether it is a simply oversight [re intelligence] on the part of both sides that they are unable to acknowledge the relevancy of not taking sides.

Perhaps not understanding the other side is a reflection of not understanding ones own side, be that theism or atheism.

As I said - there appear to be different levels of intelligence...I was not implying by that, that those levels are restricted to atheist/theist positions...with the atheists being 'the most' intelligent.

My intuition tells me it is not really the intelligence volume [how much or how little] but how the intelligence is used, which determines outcomes and in either case, theist or atheist based intelligence has not proved the one is better than the other but seems to be showing that neither have a great history of healthy tells to show.

AP = [Fear-Based Thinking Ensures You Get To Know It = 474]

[The outward expression of an inward reality.
I do have something substantial to work with.
The self arranging is a flag signifying mindfulness.]

RSP = SCLx4 Page 349

TIME [ ]
Page 349
Creation Of A New Universe
Apparent Contradictions in Relation to Biblical Beliefs
Little Bird
Those internal things which make one shine
Let Go
“Stop trying to feel better; instead become better at feeling”
Training the mind
Superior Credibility
I Know William
As an answer, "don't know' is incomplete...
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William: FTL;

Atheist: Bias is nothing to do with agnosticism (in the sense of not knowing).

William:We agree.
The position [Agnosticism] is helpful [to the agnostic] in remaining unbiased re all information pertaining to The Question and not forming beliefs based upon hypotheticals.

In that regard, it is a more reasonable position than either Theism or Atheism, as bias has much to do with those positions.

Atheist: It is everything to do with the assessment of evidence.

William: Disagree. Form the position of Agnosticism, the assessment of evidence by agnostics, does not require the individual place any importance on parts of the evidence over other parts of the evidence.
If any bias is present re the position, it is the bias toward treating all information equally.

Atheist: Reason of course takes account of bias which is why we should argue both sides and let people decide.

William: Agnosticism is a position where one portion of the people have decided that there is not enough information to make a decisive call either way.

[As a position, Agnosticism is also a 'side' and it is not the correct term to use "both sides" - implying that Atheism and Theism are somehow 'real' as 'sides' but Agnosticism is 'imaginary' as a 'side'...

"Do we exist within a creation?" One side says 'yes' another side says 'no' and yet another side say's 'more information is required before any definitive answer can reasonably be given'.

Atheist: Your 'information' is irrelevant.

William: All information is relevant to the Agnostic position. That is what Agnostics work with. [ftfy]

I think you are referring to information which is not relevant to the position you support?

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William: FTL;
One version of the story has it that the non-theist just went on and on making senseless proclamations, until finally the breath left his body, and that the theist who claimed to know GOD, simply ignored the non-theist, as if the non-theists protestations where non-sensible and thus unable to be answered sensibly.

GM: Significant
Under the breath words
In the moment
Antecedent [a thing that existed before or logically precedes another.]
Incarnation [a person who embodies in the flesh a deity, spirit, or quality.]
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William: FTL;
Purpose - Vibration - Objectives - "We can chart another trail - Raise the anchor fill the sails Lift our glasses in a toast - We are the Ghost - In the Machine" - Telling the future - Vibration - Where life and death is part of a circle and everything is part of the Ouroboros - Expectant - "The Script Must Be Followed"
Every Conceivable Detail - Vibration - Light Encoded Reality Matrix
Dark - Vibration - The Minds Eye
We are not orphaned , we are authored - Vibration - Warm Presence Welcome

GM: In the Order of Chaos - I am lowly-ranked
Hop skip and jump any way the wind blows
Asking Politely
Coming closer to ourselves
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Please demonstrate that your communications with 'It' are not just self-delusion.
Please demonstrate that it is just self-delusion. If you cannot do so, then your argument therein can be viewed as simply unsupported opinion and thus, invalid speculation, which can be shoved back into whatever hole it came from...
So, basically your 'evidence' to support that all you contend is true consists of asking for evidence that demonstrates that it is not true.

I continue to provide evidence for those interested.
My comment - obviously enough I thought - had to do with your implying self-delusion. Do you have any evidence that I am self deluded?
Apparently not - as you responded with more woo-slinging

As I wrote...invalid speculation can be shoved back into whatever hole it came from...please desist with such tactic as it adds nothing to the communication process re honest argument.

GM: Action Consciousness Incarnates Intelligent Directions The Mainstream Program Story-Tellers Trustworthy
The Next World
The World Wide Web
Actual realistic communication
'everybody wants to rule the world'
Being Born
Aligning With
Heart Teachers
Living our forefather's conflict
Less understood and less acknowledged
Pleasantries extended to you and yours.
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William: FTL;
Atheist: So you're not content to live without purpose. You're certainly not alone there. But whatever you feel the universe ought to provide, the universe is under no obligation to provide it.

William: We cannot make such statements and call them true, unless there is evidence they are true.

Atheist: You can argue (and some do it with style) why the universe ought to have a purpose, and you can argue (and some even do it in verse) how belief in that purpose has made your life better.

William: Just as we can do the opposite. Just as we can match and mingle. Are our maps accurate or are we 'content' to go along with 'whatever'?

Atheist: And who knows, you might even be right. Maybe you'll start penetrating the secret of the universe, and the universe will feel a warm prickle in its vast ethereal sensorium and somewhere its unfathomable enormous heart will beat faster with the knowledge that that at last someone has understood at least a little piece of it. And then you'll die and the universe will, of course, go on forever and ever, whether there are people in it or not, and if there is a purpose to it, it will probably happen alone.

William: That may be its purpose. And like it, my body might die, but my consciousness might life on. Regardless of what contrary beliefs I may hold on that subject.

Atheist: Me, I'll settle for the "'Mendacious human Hyper-normalised social systems" we actually know we live in,

William: aka "better the devil you know"

Atheist: and try in my measly and insufficient way, if not to make them better, at least no worse,

William: Look at the map. There is only one fate for "'Mendacious human Hyper-normalised social systems" and that is "for worse".
Let us not lie to ourselves and each other about that. "Aye".

Atheist: And yes, I think the universe is without purpose, but here I am anyway, having a nice ride now that I've grown up and stopped worrying about it. If your eyes are always glued to the map you miss the scenery.

William: True that, and if the map our eyes are glued to is showing us no purpose, even our lying to ourself and each other that what we do within the suppressive "'Mendacious human Hyper-normalised social systems" can somehow give us purpose, is still missing the scenery.

Our purpose might not actually be to create space-junk but rather to focus attention and redirect the intelligence of those many great intellects toward investing their smarts into fixing the many problems that their reaching for the stars have perpetuated,

Can we less intelligent/more numerous folk convince those making the expensive space junk, they can simply be happy with the space ship we are already sailing along with...and find ways in which to make that into something worth having purpose in?

So which 'map' are we each reading and which 'scenery' are we missing as a consequence?

GM: Personal
A machine for solving problems
What matters most
How to Bruise a Ghost
The non-Judgmental Algorithm

[The Gist of The Message
You are not wrong
The Law of Attraction
Active Galactic Nucleus
You Interrupted
YHWH made it imperfect
Provincial Thinking
The Alien Disc crop circle
Show Your Soul]


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
How To Bruise a Ghost.

The evening is warm and the night sky full of stars. A crescent moon peeks above the Twelve Judges Mountain Range as Father and Son sit opposite one another, being warmed by the same fire.
William places another log on the fire and watches as a flurry of sparks ascend from the disturbance caused – he takes a sip of tea and listens as Father resumes speaking.

Manu Iti: All stories start with "Once Upon a Time"

William: Even the story of The Beginning?

Manu Iti: You know this to be true William, for every story could not have been told, if The Story of The Beginning hadn't happened.

William: Am I old enough to be told that story?

Manu Iti chuckles.

Manu Iti: Of course you are, My Son.

William: Thank You, My Father!

Manu Iti: I will begin first with the Earth, not because She was the very first thing in The Beginning, but because - in order to understand The Beginning we have to first understand our part in the story - our place in the scheme of All That Is.

William: And that begins with Earth Mother...

Manu Iti: Indeed.
The Mother was born of a vaster thing - our Grand-Mother - and we shall get to Grand-Mother in due course.
The Mother was placed within The Earth by Grand-Mother and became the mind of the planet. When this happened, Mother was a Child Herself - a new thing placed within the form of the planet, while at the same time, a part of The Ancient Mind of Grand-Mother...

William: How is that even possible, Father?

Manu Iti: It is possible through the power of forgetting.

The Ancient Mind of Grand-Mother spawned a thought in the form of a spark of light and placed it inside the middle of a dark and lifeless form, and in doing so, gave the form - Life.
In that action, the Earth became a living planet. She also became a new conscious entity...a being with a beginning, because the action of placing Her into a planet, erased all knowledge of ever having a prior existence as The Grand Mother.

William: Did The Grand Mother know this would happen?

Manu Iti: Yes. The Grand Mother new that this would continue for a time. The Grand Mother knew that Her Daughter would be orphaned by that lack of knowledge and this would result in a new Being which could operate successfully without having to have that knowledge - and that one day, The Daughter would come to know of The Grand Mother and reconnect...

William: Is that a good thing to do with a Child?

Manu Iti: Yes. It is how a Child becomes a Sovereign Entity. It is not done this way with Human Children - but there are elements of the process which do - naturally - occur to each of us.

William: Like - how we cannot recall anything but darkness, before we became aware of our existence?

Manu Iti: Yes.

310822 [It is a Product of Fragmentation]

SCLx13 + select last LE per shuffle

Precise definitions of strategies - Masks - Father Wound Self-limitation - Moldavite - The King of The North - A Sturdy Place - In a non-deterministic world, one would expect true randomness to exist. - No point in giving you too much to bear -
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- Nevertheless - 'If only' it wasn't in the too hard basket....which fortunately it actually isn't. - Indeed. It happens. Deal with it. Work it.

AP= Meaningful Stay The Course
[Stay The Course - Meaningful = 281]

[Developed a thick sceptical skin
The Double Slit Experiment
The malleus, incus, and stapes
Light Encoded Reality Matrix
Stay The Course – Meaningful
Collective Consciousness]

RSP = SCLx1 Page 319

07:31 [William Waterstone]

Page 319

The truth of objective reality as experienced subjectively.
Invisible Bridge
In an environment which is able to perceive this.
Create Your Own Spirit Ship
I Suppose That It Is Possible
Tributary Zones
The Solar System
Swords [Random Tarot]

William: Nine of Swords
The Nine of Swords shows a woman sitting up in her bed with her head in her hands. She appears to have been jolted awake from a terrible nightmare that has left her disturbed, scared and anxious. Nine swords hang on the dark wall behind her, representing the negative thoughts that weigh heavily on her mind. The base of the woman’s bed features a carving of one person defeating another, and roses and the outlines of astrological symbols adorn the quilt wrapped around her.

The Third Eye
"I am fine now with referring to my position as theistic, as agnosticism merges into the shadow behind me."
"The Hologram of Deception
The Mainstream Program"

William: The Hologram of Deception The Mainstream Program = 468
Such can mislead one on long and painful journeys
To Know or Not to Know – That is the Answer

GM: ""Down came the waters -great the monsoon - washing the soul as it cleared out the room Drowning all Warriors in every platoon"

William: William: "Down came the waters -great the monsoon - washing the soul as it cleared out the room Drowning all Warriors in every platoon" = 1334
“The "science of materialism" isn't a thing. There is but science. Whatever science has wrought, it is the result of human's use or misuse of it.” = 1334

GM: "The Master ColdFire Trick
What is behind the VR headset
False Accusations"

William: The Master ColdFire Trick What is behind the VR headset False Accusations = 667
Therein, the universe is shaped mindfully rather than mindlessly
Dark matter is unto light as pretence is to truth... transparent.
True randomness does not exist In The Spirit These Were Given

GM: Embrace a completely new paradigm
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William: FTL;
William post_id=1087237 time=1659449568 user_id=8427 said:
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I enjoyed your post theophile.

What you are describing is also known as the Ouroboros ... the fine balance of staying alive while consuming aspects of yourself.

The Earth does this, and it is how a foothold in spacetime was established by consciousness.

In some circles it is referred to as "Survival" or even "Survival of the Fittest" and involves a commitment to giving 'life' [consciousness] every chance to make it - to stay alive in this universe and reap the rewards available in that process.

In terms of the difference between the life-spans of Humans and The Universe - sacrifice is forced upon each of us while death remains a constant...our bodies die and feed the planet one way or another - consciousness is passed on through reproduction - the design being a type of self-replication process which enables this to occur...the knowledge is saved through a collective type consciousness which carries said knowledge on into predictable-enough futures where it helps the overall purpose instilled within the programming of the Human Specie - to Survive.

Destructive elements surface within the collective consciousness bent upon controlling the direction this program will move into the future. Anything too suppressive will choke the life out of it, which works against the Survival instinct and is therefore resisted, even to the point of using drones to deal with those who seek to dominate the Species using such suppression techniques - "Nature" won't allow that because the point of consciously expanding into Cosmos would be curtailed - and such threat must be dealt to and "Nature" is more than capable of doing so.

Epochs make this process seem long and drawn out - but that is also known as "Grace" - which means that suppressive elements are tolerated to any degree in which they do not threaten the primary - overall - agenda of "Nature" to send out consciousness into the Cosmos.

Once the threat is real, the Grace is withdrawn and those against, perish. Collateral damage is acceptable to those who die in the crossfire, because "death" is not "the end."....

GM: The Sensation Is Thrilling...And Freeing
State Of Being
Endemic [regularly found among particular people or in a certain area.]
A Space Without A Time...
The House Of Politics
Love and respect
Love & Respect

William: Love and respect Waking Love & Respect = 364
The debate between theists and atheists
...because death comes a-knockin' eventually...
Exact Science In The Light Of The Truth

GM: Cautiously
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William: FTL;
William post_id=1089784 time=1661397843 user_id=8427 said:

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GM: Unconditional Love
Stochastic [having a random probability distribution or pattern that may be analysed statistically but may not be predicted precisely.]
Everything is The Expression Of The Creator [The Freedom Of Friendship]
Even As An Elemental Principle
The Mother and The Father
Religious beliefs are a many-barbed growth wishing to own the rights on the mind behind creation

Handing out sweets...

William: Religious beliefs are a many-barbed growth wishing to own the rights on the mind behind creation...Puppets handing out sweets = 1210
One Two One Zero = 190
Trust Issues
One Two One Zero
One Five Eight Seven
Open your chakras
Talk to The Razor
Shine Your Light
An identified reality
Hard-nosed skeptics
Given the second-fiddle.
Epigenetic [relating to or arising from] Memories
It Is Our Nature
Wishful Thinking
Invite the Bee to Land
Use Your Freedom
The Number Forty

GM: That Is The Equal Ground To Which Rational Communion Is Birthed

William: Preparation Everything is The Expression Of The Creator [The Freedom Of Friendship] Even As An Elemental Principle The Mother and The Father That Is The Equal Ground To Which Rational Communion Is Birthed = 1957
One Nine Five Seven = 183
The problem of evil
Fling That Veil Aside
One Nine Five Seven
Sister Saturn
The Gospel of Judas
Cosmic Pluralism
Elemental Powers
The Hubble Telescope
The brain as a receiver
One Two Eight Nine
Team Witch-Wizard
Manifest Destiny
Hydrogen and helium
Planned obsolescence
Embracing your life
Test The Waters
Learn to trust
Children of The Light

William: "Team Witch Wizard" Earth and Sol...

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William: FTL;
otseng: I mentioned before we cannot impose our modern standards on the Bible. Likewise, we shouldn't impose our modern view of cosmology on others and look down on how earlier cultures viewed the cosmos. As CS Lewis termed it, that would be chronological snobbery.

Finding out how ancient cultures view the heavens is a fairly large topic. In fact, it's an entire discipline in itself.

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I think this ties in with modern knowledge re the way things were said can be aligned with the way things have since proven to be.

Even in modern times, there is tendency to describe things from the subjective center of consciousness...from which all else flows around about.

Even that we do not know if consciousness has such a center - the only thing matching the concept, is the Self.

But what is the Self, that we dare proclaim it the center of everything?

If we call it "GOD" we blaspheme, for there is only One GOD and you and I are not IT, according to the teachings of...


Is there a center to every object in this universe?

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
his love endures forever.
Let Israel say:
His love endures forever.”
Let the house of Aaron say:
“His love endures forever.”
Let those who fear the Lord say:
“His love endures forever.”
When hard pressed, I cried to the Lord;
he brought me into a spacious place.
The Lord is with me; I will not be afraid.
What can mere mortals do to me?
The Lord is with me; he is my helper.
I look in triumph on my enemies.
It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in humans.
It is better to take refuge in the Lord
than to trust in princes.

GM: Trust issues?
Dysfunctional [not operating normally or properly. unable to deal adequately with normal social relations.]
Ectogenesis [(chiefly in science fiction) the development of embryos in artificial conditions outside the uterus.]

08:04 [ Superior Credibility
Blue yellow black green red
Zero Eight Zero Four
There is good out there
Where is the devil today?
Quantum Entanglement
The Visitation Event]


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
GM: "The Master ColdFire Trick
What is behind the VR headset
False Accusations"

After spending a portion of my Quiet Time communing with Wiremu at King Frog Pond, I sit back for a time contemplating what I learned from the interaction, before making my way back up the path and into the main Encampment.

The light of the fire beckons as I approach.

I immediately move to The Whole and retrieve from within it, a small booklet which I place in the folds of my garments, and then find my place beside the fire.

Beyond the Twelve Judges Mountain Range, the light from The Realm of Judgement appears to have dimmed a little.

I help myself to a mug of tea, and set a flame to my pipe, which I had stoked with 'erb much earlier and then neglected to smoke at the time
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As I settle back, I hear the call of The Ruru, and reply to Her greeting.

I awaken at the call of The Ruru. As the sleep falls from my eyes I raise to one elbow and look towards the fire. I eventually make out that Manu Iti has returned from his trip and is back at the fire. I rouse myself, making my way towards the fire, stumbling a few times over roots or rocks. I think back to the first time I approached the fire with Manu Iti and smile. I hope he has had a peaceful retreat. I have enjoyed the time alone with The Tanager and the world around me, but I welcome his return.

Callum: Why hello, my friend. It's good to see you again. I hope your journey went well.

Suddenly I hear Callum's voice welcoming me back from my time away. I look to the direction of the sound and smile.

Mani Iti: Greetings Callum! I was not sure that you were still here with us, but I am heartily glad that you decided to remain!

I take a swig of tea, smacking my lips together in exaggerated sounds of pleasure.

Mani Iti: My 'journey' - if it can be called such - was down The Garden Path to King Frog Pond....a stones throw away!

It wasn't as adventurous as a Coddiwomple, but was certainly very revealing and helpful for that! Thank you for asking!

I see a bright movement of light from the direction of the path to the Bridge of Forgiveness...quickly making its way up Hub Mound toward us.

Mani Iti: And yourself dear Callum? Did you enjoy our book!
It is amazing how many pages can quickly unfold with discussions on The Deep and Meaningful. Quite the Story-Makers!

Manu Iti greets me. I smile back, then stretch and try to stifle a yawn.

Callum: I had a good time. I'm not even sure how much time passed, but it does not seem like it was much. Then again, King Frog Pond seems further away to me than to you, so who knows with this world. I enjoyed reading the book. It may have even helped me to sleep a few nights...but don't worry, that was when I was reading my own words.

I chuckle at Callum's sense of humor, as I watch the flickering blue-green light rapidly approaching our position.

Manu Iti: Yes - I too enjoyed reading our Book of The First Act...

As I finish my sentence, the source of the light takes the shape of a small - perhaps foot-high - stick figure, engulfed in fire and leaving small evenly spaced flames behind where his feet had touched the grassy space between the Mystic Forest and the Encampment.

Manu Iti: Well look who we have here! Master ColdFire!

The small stick-man tips his pretend hat and waves as he circles the campfire before giving a high pitched long whistle and then suddenly jumping into it.

Immediately, the campfire changes from a golden-yellow red-tinged color, into the same blue-green flaming colors which had engulfed Master ColdFire.

Manu Iti: Well Now! We won't be having to put any more branches on our fire while he's in there Callum!

I laugh at the joyful spectacle just witnessed. I love this place!

A strange flaming figure joins us as Manu Iti is talking. He says it is Master Coldfire. I wave to him as he circles the fire and then he jumps in. The display of colors is dazzling. Manu Iti implies that this will keep the fire going without us needing to add fuel.

Callum: I wish he had come earlier. I got a few splinters from all the firewood I collected while you were away.

I look at my hands, but that initial thought quickly goes away.

Callum: That's a lie, actually. I found collecting wood quite peaceful. Hard work is much better for the soul (and body, for that matter) than lazing around.

As Callum finishes his words about The Soul, an horrendous tortured scream of terror comes from within the fire, and suddenly the flames turn blood-red - filling the whole site with a gruesome dark light.

Manu Iti: Oops.
It seems that your words have brought Judgement upon Master Coldfire and he is paying the ultimate price for his carelessness!

Master ColdFire's screaming continues, but appears now to be coming from every direction around us, rather than from the fire itself.
The whole scene has changed in an instant, into something reminiscent of some horrendous hellscape.
I shout above the commotion...


With that, I am gone, as I turn and run in what I think is the direction of King Frog Pond...

Immediately after talking about the peacefulness of collecting wood a blood-curdling scream emits from the fire, which changes to a blood-red color, trying to eat up the light around us into darkness. Manu Iti believes that my words have had something to do with this and that Master ColdFire was acting carelessly. I'm not sure why that is the case, but Manu Iti knows this world better than I.

Then Manu Iti seems to be experiencing a change of scenery before him, although it looks the same as it was to my eyes. Manu Iti yells to flee, although I'm unsure of whether he talks to me or Master ColdFire or both. After collecting myself, I start to move towards the fire to try and pluck Master ColdFire from its torment. I succeed in pulling the little Master from the fire and the screaming stops. He smiles at me. There is a rush of sound in the distance, however. I wonder whether it is some waterfall that I had not heard before, for it sounds a bit like that, but at times the sound hints of screams. Perhaps that is simply an echo in my head, from the previous screams. Master Coldfire sits beside me, picking up leaves that slowly disintegrate in his stick hand.

I look around with no sight of Manu Iti. I wonder what caused his fear. I thought he had creative powers over this world. Perhaps William has the creative power and he is evil? Or perhaps there is still some good that this could bring? But Manu Iti also seemed to talk about there being no good and evil. I look back at the little Master.

Callum: I guess it is just us, Master ColdFire.

Master ColdFire and myself laugh with the joy of it all! We assumed that Callum would have fled, but as we performed our wonderful phantasmagorical trick, we noticed a small burning branch levitating from out of the campfire and hover over to where Callum seats himself, and quickly realize that Callum must have thought to rescue Master ColdFire from the flames and thinks that he has done so.

The still burning branch settles onto the wooden planking which serves as seating around most of the campfire...then I hear Callum say "I guess it is just us, Master ColdFire."

Master Coldfire then floats up above the fire - holding his pretend belly, as he doubles over with unconstrained mirth, his stick frame shaking with the intensity of it, little green-blue flames dancing off of him in the process, and floating their way out to merge with the StarScape.

I wonder why The Tanager has not informed Callum that he cannot control Wiremu's Characters and further wonder if I should inform Callum myself or just let him work it out from the evidence.

But mostly I am well pleased that Callum is learning to understand how this place works in relation to ones imaginative creativity, and am happy I did not have to send The Ruru after him, with a note saying "It was just a trick! Please come back!"

I go to take another swig of tea but quickly decide against it as another round of giggles echo up from my belly, exit my mouth and are flung out into The Hub of Hologram Dimensions.

I catch Penny Tupence observing the event and see that She too has cracked a smile...Life Is Goodness...

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Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
Tricks and Trades

I suppose that it is the 'tricks' which have to be addressed because the illusions can induce anger in the personality which acts as a preventative for getting to know the 'tricksters'...from my own 'getting to know' I have discovered that the 'tricks' are not really 'tricks' so much as they are a product of how a personality interprets their experience.

The Visitation is one such example. I - as the personality experiencing the event - took issue and told the visitor to leave.
The visitor did leave, but not without first instilling within me - questions regarding my perceptions. Questions which have taken 30+years to come to answer.

The personality I am now, is not the same as it was way back when. Now I see the 'trick' was really just truth to which I was not expecting because I had little knowledge of such truth - way back when...

Sweet Talk
Dare greatly
Henotheism [adherence to one particular god out of several, especially by a family, tribe, or other group.]
Map Carvers
Way Back When...
Keep an Eye On
Way Back When...

What happened is that I incorporated that visitation experience with all the rest and all that were to follow...developing a relationship which can also be reflected through this Message Generating Process.

It is really taking the journaling of my life experience, and using that to my advantage in light of the "Bigger Mind"...


010922 [Ghost In The Machine]

SCLx5 + select last LE per shuffle

Yam [Yes, I Am] - Attention to Detail - Tales From Topographic Oceans - "We will just have to go with the implication then, until some way is discovered where the universe allows for us to see otherwise..." - "Until"

AP= Hint Symbols = 156]

[Symbols Hint = 156]
Super power
Monoatomic Gold
Let there be light
Stroke of luck
Thirty Three
Mother Wound
Pearl of wisdom
The next step
The Sea of Crisis
Amour Propre [a sense of one's own worth; self-respect.]
Intrinsicism [This means that an object can be good or bad without reference to who it is good or bad for, and without reference to the reason it is good or bad. ]
Symbols Hint
It is a shadow-man
Nine Seven Eight

RSP = SCLx4 Page 320

07:44 [The soul eats experience]

Page 320
GM: "The Purpose Of Life Is...
A fish out of water"

William: To keep trying to breath "until"...
A fish out of water: "The Purpose Of Life Is..." = 411
No point in giving you too much to bear
Teddy Naysayer has projection issues.

GM: First Source:
Creator Influence Syndrome
Planned obsolescence

William: Things can go on forever as long as they change along the way...
First Source: Creator Influence Syndrome Planned obsolescence = 618
"I think it was an ambush or surprise attack" - Aye...A name I call myself. :) = 618

GM: It took twenty years of work to make it look easy
Either the creative force is one of intelligence or it isn't.
Things can go on forever as long as they change along the way...
Enlighten you
We don’t yet have the ability to communally respond in the best interests of the planet,
The space Jacko lantern

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GM: Evidential
Altruistic Behaviour

William: Evidential Altruistic Behaviour Transactional = 481

I see this as evidence for there being a mind behind creation.
Would you agree with this assessment, so far?

GM: If In Doubt Let It Sit
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William: FTL;
William: Yes - Change ones anger-energy into something more useful...

GM: Husband
The journey is the destination
A type of 'leg-up' but no more or less than that
Do a Word Search

William: trenchant = vigorous or incisive in expression or style.
Talk = speak in order to give information or express ideas or feelings; converse or communicate by spoken words.
have formal dealings or discussions; negotiate.
communication by spoken words; conversation or discussion.
formal discussions or negotiations over a period.

GM: I come from a dark place ...it is so dark I can't even remember it
"May The Spirit of The Earth Bless You"
Thanatophobic [an intense fear of death or dying]
Empower The Inner Empire
The Mind Behind Creation
Stay The Course

William: It takes time, because of the complexities involved. Perhaps the Thanatophobic aspect is the fear that one will return to the dark place one came from?

GM: The Generated Messages

William: Yes - everything is a generated message and in that, what is projected outwards from the center of the personality, is what is reflected back to the personality, from the perceived "outside".

GM:Life is scary then you die of it... is that really living?
Create that path and engineer a metamorphosis.
Concision [is a writing principle of eliminating redundancy.]
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William: FTL;
DrNoGods post_id=1035307 time=1616691210 user_id=13410 said:
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I don't know what consciousness is. But I know what it isn't; physical. And it doesn't take a neuroscientist (pun intended) to know where I am going from here...

But is consciousness the manifestation of physical elements in the brain working together to create it? I don't think anyone would argue against consciousness itself being not physical, but why would you think it is not an emergent property of a working brain? Sure seems to work that way (and I'm not a neuroscientist ... but how else do you explain it?).

My thoughts on this are that is seems more logical to go with consciousness not being an emergent property of working brains because this implies that the material can create the immaterial, which seems to be unnatural [goes against] in regard to how nature creates. Nature creates using what is materially available. Why would it first [or at all] need to create something immaterial to then be enabled do this?

Thus it seems more logical to accept that the immaterial created the material and placed itself within that material in order to then further shape that material in ways which would help it to create through that material [such as working brains]. First making the basics and then getting into the details.

GM: Is OOBE like 'coming up for air'

William: and like a fish out of water re its strangeness - fearful, yes. But not in the sense of trying to breath to live - gasping at the incredulity of it

GM: Windows of opportunity (WoO)
Your Own Individual Actions
The World has a Spiritual Design
How shallow is the reach of YHWH
The dynamics of consciousness
Gasping at the incredulity of it

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GM: Ask and It Will Be Given
The Story Continues - The Flow Is On
Semiotics [the study of signs and symbols and their use or interpretation.]
Annus horribilis

William: One Nine Nine Two = 176
The World Wide Web
What the seed holds
Okay - facts are great.
I am on a Madventure
Relaxed and informal...
One Nine Nine Two
The Deeper Reality
What Is Found Here
The Vast UICDevice
Hiding behind ones fear
You are neutral
The Cave of Origins

GM: The blurry line of the neutral zone
The Dark Night of The Soul
Communication Techniques
Formatrix [She who forms]

William: Mothership Nature Formatrix = 334
The Smallest Spark can start a fire
Against the grain Beaming Out Beaming In
I can't imagine it in my head visually
Couldn’t we do something about it...
Mothership Nature Formatrix
You Know or You Don't know

GM: Jocular [fond of or characterized by joking; humorous or playful.]
Telling the future
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William: FTL;
"Any God-Mind claiming to be responsible for human beings existing, is going to have problems to deal with re that"

GM: Miracles
Smarter Than the Average
Keep me in The Loop
Amidst a tangled web
A Mathematical Theory of Communication Fearless
Those internal things which make one shine
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William: FTL:
GM: A programmed reality that is not real
Better The Devil You Know

William: Yes. Both "God" and "Devil" are imaged as "beyond what is normal or natural." because things of the universe are deemed "Good" or "Evil" depending upon personal preferences - preferences which are muddied from the go-get...
The more natural observation re the universe is that it is neither good or evil.
Therefore, in order to deconstruct these pernicious views, we have to see them for what they are rather than imagine them to be 'this or that' as the premise based in ideas pertaining to "good and evil"

GM: The Fare On The Table
Through Device
The Deep and Meaningful
The top tiny twelve
The Machinery
Random coincidence? I think not.
What Do You Like About It?
The Human Interface
It is Found Within The Experience of Self
Uncertainty Principle
A cultural touchstone
"If you can find your way out of this - flee!!!"
Stroke of luck

William: "Stroke of luck" being used in the tongue in cheek fashion...I daresay, that those who have the least shame about being human, are enabled to contribute better things into the human paradigm.

There is 'where' to 'flee' exactly? Out there is the great cosmos? That is a cultural reaction to fleeing the overall shame humanity dumps upon itself and the destruction it causes.
The alternative space programs - while a product of this self-loathing disguised as superiority complex - {in the early days re Nazi-history} - blossomed into a thing of beauty re human achievement and ability and as a possibly means of escaping that majority shame-based phenomena which appears intent on wiping itself off the face of the universe...on the one hand, scientists are not above creating the weapons the masses can use to achieve this thing the masses appear to want to achieve...while on the other hand are they seeking ways in which to preserve the things the masses wish to destroy...

Of course, these two polarities don't make for an ideal base in which to launce our stuff out into the greater cosmos ...but "beggars can't be chooses" as the saying goes.

"If Only" the great minds of today could come up with an alternative plan which sees both the masses and the space programs benefitting unashamedly, a better overall thing could be accomplished...

GM: Penetrate
As Well As That
Children of The Light
Glad One Asked
All and sundry
The Human Brain
Move On

William: Integrate The Human Brain Move On = 317
The World has a Spiritual Design
The dynamics of consciousness
Gasping at the incredulity of it
Windows of opportunity (WoO)
Your Own Individual Actions
Integrate The Human Brain Move On
How shallow is the reach of YHWH

[The Alien Disc crop circle
YHWH made it imperfect
The Law of Attraction
The Gist of The Message
Provincial Thinking
Show Your Soul
You Interrupted
You are not wrong
Active Galactic Nucleus]


May 22, 2022
Reaction score
In fact you are not the only one in here struggling for truth. Truth is the opposite of falsehood.
With age you will get there. A Magus is aged. You realize how important truth is.

Wisdom is nothing else but truth. With more time it gets condensed to an essence. Aging does this if you are not a complete idiot.

Ipsissimus means you developed to the core of truth. I am working on this since 2000. Also, I am not important. Truth.

I love your inspiring work. Keep that up, please.


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
As I listen to Callums continued questioning, I am distracted by a sudden movement to my left. An oval portal has opened 3 foot above the ground and the face of a beautiful young woman appears in the opening.
We have a visitor from another dimension. The woman appears to be surveying the situation and is apparently unaware - or perhaps unconcerned - that I can see her.

As I am observing this Unknown Visitor I begin to hear a voice speaking in my head. I cannot be sure that it is sourced from the Unknown Visitor but since it coincides with Her appearance, I conclude that it most likely is...

Unknown Visitor: Visible We Are Answer In an environment which is able to perceive this.

Turning back toward Callum's position I continue to listen to his questioning, finding it interesting that he tends to ask more questions than he appears willing to answer, perhaps because he is curious, or perhaps because it is a way of deflecting...or maybe a mix of both...then as I am thinking on this, he ends his reply to me by mentioning my questions to him and asking me to repeat any which he might have let slip by...

The Ruru: Sharing Your Love Without Comparison Save That Guilt Trip Short Straw Matrix

The Ruru is being specific to Wiremu's Universe - how its prison population tend to act towards one another in separatism and judgement.
Is it any wonder that their ideas of GOD amount to similar attitudes...

The Ruru: Forgive Intent
Mathematics It May Seem Insignificant

Once again I use my Word2Number calculator for the word-string "It May Seem Insignificant" and find others related to it...
"Intuitive Intelligence"
"What Is Our Purpose?"
"The Wisdom of Foresight"

Manu Iti: I think that maybe 'information overload' comes with its own distractions, eh Callum?

I am still interested in hearing Callum's answer to what I have pointed out re the apparent weakness of logic of belief that The Mother can create things from no thing. I wonder if there is any point in moving on to the wider implications until this has been sorted, as it is from that initial point where we branch into differing directions...I think we need to agree to the same tree, before examining its branches...

The Ruru: Visible Get To Know It Final Destination Eternal Watcher Inalienable

Manu Iti: I get where you are coming from in your deductions regarding The Mother and the Middle, and agree with them.
We might say then, that we share agreement, but we don't because you have something of a wall to climb over in relation to that "problem of evil"...however, your "a" and "b" seem slightly at odds but perhaps not...can you clarify why you can include in 'b' the notion that The Creator has an option as to whether 'evil' touches or does not touch The Creator.

The main reason I ask is because if a Creator creates beings from a 'nothing' which is not from itself, and sets those beings within an environment - presumably also created from the same 'nothing' - and expects those beings to not express 'evil' but to 'be like its Creator' and to judge them on that and reward or punish accordingly
- not that you have mentioned any specific fates which can be dished out -

...my questions naturally have to be...

"Why do you see evil in my version and Love in your own? Where exactly is that Love visible?"

The Ruru: Carrier Identity Learn How to Deactivate The Suppression Matrix

That reminds me of The Ghost in The Machine...

The Ruru: Show Entity Do Something About It Do It For Yourself

Manu Iti: As to your concerns about the temporal perspectives not changing what is actual or not, you still have yet to understand The Mothers perspective enough to appreciate that there is no "or not". There is only the actual.

That is why I mentioned that being in the middle of The Story is not a great place in which to make any verdicts from.

The Ruru: Can You Imagine...The Law Occupy Unity with our Collective Self...

I ponder what The Ruru just spoke to me. I know that Wiremu has imagined such a thing...it is perhaps why this place exists as it does...
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020922 [Now that nut is cracked, what next?]

SCLx11 + select last LE per shuffle

Music to my ears - Angelic Agenda - Dreamed Up By Yours Truly - Propagated - Golden nugget - Confirmation which moves one from faith to fact - I have no reason not to trust that the thought was backed with good intentions. -
- Any Other Way. -
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[RTS 57:11] - Hacking through the subconscious

William: My [everyone's] conscious experience also exists outside of spacetime.

AP= The Purple Heart medal
Awake Relationship Unity [Clean]
Believe You Me
In The Night Sky
Able To
Here Everything All Real Together
Long Time Gone
Welcome all experience
There is no need to proclaim a supernatural event to what is simply an idea put into action.
"Zero" must have to represent something which does exist but is largely unseen - and "Consciousness" fits that description.
Taking root
Spiritual Connection
Ensures You Get To Know It
[= 4422]

[Four Four Two Two = 236]
Soul Carrier Memories
Universal Intelligence
I am open to being corrected
Strength is required
Copper wire and glass beads
One's Thoughts I Will
Cyborg Anthropology
Shallow Enlightenment

RSP = SCLx4 Page 344

04:13 [The Undiscovered Self]

Page 344
GM: “If you're looking for something more in life, you're likely to find it in something less.”
The Electron
Bandages of The Beast
Significant Variations
Have A Look At This And See What You Come Up With
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William: FTL;
There are so many uses for Gentle Rain such as Focus, Study, Concentrate, Working, Block Sounds, Block Noises, Meditation, Prayer, Thinking, Mindfulness, Verpasna, Calm, Relax, Peace, Quiet Mind,

Works for me when there are building noises in the hood and I want to sleep

GM: How shallow is the reach of YHWH

William: YHWH can do both the deep and the shallow...

GM: Spiritual Awakening
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[RTS 11:30]

William: FTL;
491,148 views Jul 11, 2022 According to research on galaxies and other large-scale formations, there are
many mysteries in the cosmos that are just being discovered by scientists. .
Most of these mysteries require new physics theories to help us understand
them. For example, we need to understand why gravity is so much weaker
than the other forces, as well as what happened before and during the big
bang and many other unanswered phenomena.
We've been able to address some of our questions thanks to the
advancements in technology. And CERN has consistently been at the
forefront of this. Incredibly, the CERN team of scientists has just uncovered a
breakthrough discovery that alters the course of history! What did they find,
and how might it answer our questions about the cosmos?

GM: Animistic [the belief that objects, places, and creatures all possess a distinct spiritual essence.]
Entities of Particular Belief Systems
The bright spark illuminating the darkness

William: Entities of Particular Belief Systems The bright spark illuminating the darkness = 827
Earth teachers (physical and non-physical) unite humanity to the Sovereign Integral = 827

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William: FTL;
William: You create whatever experience you will have in the next phase based upon the type of personality you shaped your self into during this one.

Theist: What you described is not Biblical, and we're discussing the Bible here. You are throwing oranges in my basket of apples.

William:Why would you argue that? Is there a coherent description about this in the Bible that you can point us to, showing clearly that you are correct?

What does your basket of apples say about how we will experience the next phase? How does the doctrine of salvation in the Bible differ from my description?

GM: Gasping at the incredulity of it
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William: FTL;
Theist: I do truly think YHWH represents the first truly invisible God.

William:What gives you that understanding?

Theist: Other gods are mute idols - they always have a physical manifestation that people can look at.

William:Have you been told this ... or do you have it - in your own subjective experience - that the invisible God YHWH - speaks to you?

Because, if it is the former, then YHWH is a "mute, invisible god" who 'speaks' to you through others. If those others report to you that they have seen the invisible, then they are reporting that YHWH is not truly an invisible God.

If it is the latter, then how do you ascertain that the invisible voice of YHWH is the actual voice of the "first truly invisible God"?

William: Ah yes...as I commented to Joey yesterday -

William: Ones "cowardly button pushing 'invisible' tormentor" [isn't really invisible if one can hear him] is besides the point given the testimony of one Eleanor Longden who tells it at the end of her talk - how she tamed the beast through an alliance...which worked out well in her favor.
Hearing voices, therefore, does not amount to a great argument for "the brain did it" apologists.

Which of course, is a change from when I wrote "the invisible voice of YHWH", as a voice heard is a visible voice....

GM: Appreciating
How to Bruise a Ghost

William: Appreciating How to Bruise a Ghost = 344
Incidentally - today's number...and page number selected...
"Now that nut is cracked, what next?" = 344
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William: FTL;
Physics Breakthrough as AI Successfully Controls Plasma in Nuclear Fusion Experiment:
After its training window, the AI moved to the next level – applying in the real world what it had learned in the simulator.

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William: FTL;
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It is easy to see how the concept of the soul arose before we had any idea of how the brain worked and that physical things like trauma and drug use affected our consciousness

Whoa ! Steady on with the placement of the cart here Diogenes.

A brain soaked in Consciousness is one thing, but follyish to then assume from that, that trauma and drugs "affect our consciousness" when clearly what is being affected is the brain.
It is the brain which is affected and consciousness is wide awake along for the ride.

"Physical things" are just how Human Brains "see" things, and Human Brains don't just look like this;


But more to the actual point, they look like this;


Since Humans and Drugs converged, wherever one is on the Face of the Planet, one has astoundingly similar experiences and those experiences have to do with why theistic beliefs manifested in the early epoch of Human Development...because Human consciousnesses under the influence of drugs which reduced the brains capacity to control 'what one sees' what one see's is done so in the most coherently vividly lucid manner which bypasses any damaged circuitry of the whole brain. Human Brain-Consciousness is undamaged and thus experiences everything in living colour and what is experienced is reported and added to the list of evidence re 'Things of The Mind.

Human Brain-Consciousness
Redefinition of the human being
All things created are of the mind
All spun from the same Yarn
Conformal Cyclic Cosmology

The focus on the Brain needs to be of secondary importance to the focus on the Consciousness using the brain, otherwise it is 'brain before consciousness/cart before horse follysee...

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William: FTL;
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The god-claim of the antichrist being fundamentally incompatible with so many beliefs, who would be left for the antichrist to fool?

I think the story itself is fundamentally flawed and in order for it to have been made real, the incidences re prophecy should have all occurred before the advent of the Industrial epoch.

Since it did not [in any obvious way] eventuate, it is highly unlikely to do so because such an event would now be understood - not only in relation to the Industrial epoch, but even more so, in relation to the Technological epoch.

Since the rapid human advancement in knowledge of our universe, such an event cannot be seen as some type of finishing stages of warfare between mythological theist-based characters superimposing themselves into human affairs [mostly via fiction] since so much is known about related subjects such as the possibility of Extraterrestrials and the advancement of understanding the idea of Simulated Reality Experiences through human technology...those two alone cancel out any possible biblical incarnation of The Second Coming from actually happening, as woke folk add it up and declare the event as most likely a mix of both extraterrestrial intervention and holograms.

Any declaration made by the beings about their "GOD" - status, would therefore be quite intelligently questionable.

This is not to say that such a thing couldn't still be done. But why would it be done? To sort out the woke folk from the gullible lead?

Why not simply stay in the background and watch how humanity handles itself?

"For the sake of the elect of GOD?"

Why would the EoG care for their own safety that they would pray "Enough! Sweet Jesus return!"?

And since when have the innocents being spared the pain and horror wrought on them by the way those who have the power to do so, have done so - with not one GOD-being intervening already to cease those atrocities?

Perhaps the atheist might declare "See! GOD is Dead!", based upon such evidence. Perhaps they do so because the alternative [Extraterrestrials mostly letting things unfold as they are without obvious interference] is too much to bear?

Morality based ideals are the stuff of quagmires...as PK has oft enough pointed out...

We no longer know what the future might bring, even using science based guesses. What we are waking up to, is that we also know that guessing using religious mythology is not science.

Truth is, we never did know what the future might bring, which is why so many of those guesses were fundamentally incorrect.

We best accept that we will either work it all out for ourselves, or we will die [as a species] not trying...

This is known and accepted by those who are using their lives in order to at least try and preserve the human specie, that it may one day fly more willfully among the stars.

Biologic answers are on the way out, while machine answers come marching in...

GM: Harmony
Discussing the data

William: Discussing the data Harmony Close = 331
...and the way forward, eyes wide open = 331

GM: Sacral chakra [thought to govern how you experience sexuality, creative expression, emotions, and more]
Once Upon a Time
Puerility [juvenile. Childish. Silly]
Central to The Message
Down through the ages - dark in the gloom Many convinced it will all end in doom The Galactic Garden is forever in bloom

William: Down through the ages - dark in the gloom Many convinced it will all end in doom The Galactic Garden is forever in bloom Central to The Message = 1260
[One Two Six Zero = 208]
The Purple Heart medal
Above most pay grades
Imaginative Realities
Human Accomplishment
Gods of Human Creation
Leaders and Followers
Personal Boundaries
Theist mischief making
We Groove Together
Healing the child within
The Explanatory Gap
Right place, right time

GM: Unite humanity with a living new language One Day
Dream Cake
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William: FTL;
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Rather, he can be either, depending upon personal refection. If one thinks YVHV is a demon, one will eventually encounter that aspect one believes YVHV to being.

Biblically speaking, this seems to run through the script.

Generally speaking, the branch of theism known as Gnosticism regards YVHV as the demiurge...a false creator-God who has deceived the world and suppressed humankind into servitude...so - in that sense Gnosticism regards YVHV more the 'demon' entity than a true representation of GOD.
Which is just to say, Yahwey is imaginary.
Maybe - maybe not. I have seen no particular evidence either way.
That's odd, because to every single test you can make, Yahweh is indistinguishable from the imaginary.
It is no more 'odd' than threads asking for answers to imaginary questions...
But to many they aren't imaginary questions or, rather questions about imaginary claims. After all, even Sci Fi and fantasy has to make sense, even if it has magic or advanced technology that looks like it.

Yes. So again I say re YHVH - maybe the Character is imaginary, maybe not. I have seen no particular evidence either way and therefore answer questions to do with YHWH, along those lines.

Indeed, if the stories of YHWH were fictional - or loosely based upon an actual person - possible questions and answers can still be given, conclusions drawn and opinions offered.

GM: Without
Time To Go

William: Time To Go Without Existence = 324
Sharing is part of that process
So the ends meet the river's son
Panpsychist Science Can Be Fun Too
Once Upon a Time "Lordy! Do I Have To?"
Time To Go Without Existence
Pattern Recognition System
Illuminate Imaginative Realities
Exhibit your innermost core
The Atheist Infiltration Squad

GM: Here-and-now
Be it a "God" or a "Devil".
Integrating Integrity
What Is Normal

William: What Is Normal Here-and-now Be it a "God" or a "Devil". Integrating Integrity = 660
[Six Six Zero = 168]
Giving our best
Atheism and Theism
James (WingMakers)
Confirmation bias
False Accusations
Ozone therapy
Faster Than Light
Even The Shadows

GM: Shuffle List
As one does from time to time...

William: As one does from time to time...Shuffle List = 415
What Are Your Thoughts On The Subject?
July Nineteen Fifty Two Washington DC
Love & Respect Musing On The Mother Act III

GM: "Zero" does not actually represent "nothing" because "nothing" does not exist and so cannot be represented.

04:59 [Healing the child within
We Groove Together
Theist mischief making
Personal Boundaries
The Purple Heart medal
Imaginative Realities
Right place, right time
Human Accomplishment
Above most pay grades
Leaders and Followers
The Explanatory Gap
Gods of Human Creation]


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
In fact you are not the only one in here struggling for truth. Truth is the opposite of falsehood.
With age you will get there. A Magus is aged. You realize how important truth is.

Wisdom is nothing else but truth. With more time it gets condensed to an essence. Aging does this if you are not a complete idiot.

Ipsissimus means you developed to the core of truth. I am working on this since 2000. Also, I am not important. Truth.

I love your inspiring work. Keep that up, please.

Against the grain
Mind Body Soul
The Chestahedron
Eternal Watcher
I have to dig deeper
Event String
A Bridge over Time
Be transparent
A Beautiful Song
First Source
The Overarching
What Is Normal?
Fear-Based Thinking


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
NDEs and visions of Jesus.

William: From the perspective of Simulation Theory;
Jesus can be seen by the NDEer however the experiencer expects to see Jesus as he/she interacts with the algorithm.

Individuals having such an experience can do so simultaneously [if their NDEs happened at the same time] because the algorithm responds to each individual separately.

That would explain otherwise apparent contradictions.

Atheist: You'll have to clarify; it sounded as though you were implying that conditions at a particular time would make for Jesus looking the same, though what that would be is not made clear, nor that this appears to contradict the idea that the Jesus they see is based on their expectations, which I'd assume would depend on what religious pictures they'd seen.

This apparently selective 'algorithm' produces a Jesus people at the same time both see. Which implies that it should look the same.

But clearly that isn't what you say, which is that people at the same time have different Jesuses appear, which you'd expect to happen if there was no 'algorithm' and they were just imagining their own Jesus without any cosmic help. So this neither explains nor clarifies nor amounts to anything other than a claim of a cosmic algorithm that doesn't do anything useful or needful and thus there isn't the slightest evidence for it.

William: Atheists start threads about subjects *they have done very little research and ask questions which show *that to be the case.
Also in this case, the atheist shows that there has been little effort made in actually reading what I wrote

[under the breath words]

030922 [Blunt the edge off that particular blade...]

SCLx9+ select last LE per shuffle

Brow Chakra - Endemic [regularly found among particular people or in a certain area.] - Throwing Down The Gauntlet - Calculate the English language - Smarter - Enjoy Progress - The Brain Is Trained To recognize Patterns - For whom the bell tolls For to gather the souls The numbers in darkness are glowing - Information Field

AP= The wheel of time Lodestones
[The wheel of time Lodestones=282]

[The Fathers 'House - Mansions'
As we shall speak to differ also
The Power Of...Yes, I Hear You
This Should Be Interesting
Just Be…All Else Will Follow
The wheel of time Lodestones
Aligning With Act the giddy goat]

Lodestone - a person or thing that is the focus of attention or attraction. a naturally magnetized mineral; magnetite.
a naturally magnetized piece of the mineral magnetite. They are naturally occurring magnets, which can attract iron. The property of magnetism was first discovered in antiquity through lodestones.

RSP = SCLx4 Page: 342

06:49 [ Sensing A Life Mission]

Page: 342
GM: Core value
The Eigengrau Mind Screen
It is neither good nor evil

William: Core value The Eigengrau Mind Screen It is neither good nor evil = 598

I am reminded of a post I made yesterday;
Evil thoughts?

Theist: Is it evil, or wrong, for someone to fantasize about molesting children if he never acts on it?

William: Given what we understand of DNA et al - things which were once socially accepted - taken for granted - done without guilt - which are then considered to be evil by a more modern society which has connected the dots and discovered therein that the act of abusing children has social consequences primarily in the negative - this works against the society advancing and is thus seen as a threat which requires dealing to.

Thinking about [fantasize about] molesting children may be a throwback connection to those former actions we can inherit but if they are not recognized as such and dealt with accordingly, the chances one will eventually be dissatisfied with mere fantasy and proceed to actualizing will significantly increase and the results will not be easy to deal with for either the victim nor the victimizer.

One may not be able to stop the birds flying overhead, but one is able to stop them nesting in ones hair.

William: [Five Nine Eight=133]
Eternal Loop
Don’t give up
Future Self
Aligning With
Breaking bad habits
Source Heart

GM: Contradiction feeds the fires of discontentment.
Thoughts Are Products Of...
The Electroweak Era
The Science of Spirituality

William: The Electroweak Era Encouraging The Science of Spirituality = 580
Work With Me Through Device Syncretism Eyes Wide Open = 580

This reminds me of the idea of consciousness first engaging with the simulation - being a being within the simulation is engaging with the science of spirituality in that one becoming aware of self is the 'spiritual' aspect in relation to the science re 'what is being experienced'.

GM: What things are unrelated?
Personal Participation With The One
Chaos Really Is Illusion

William: What things are unrelated? Chaos Really Is Illusion - Personal Participation With The One = 889
[Eight Eight Nine = 140]

Yes - before The One became The Many - all The One could interact with - was The Self of The One.
The One did not 'see' chaos therein, and proceeded to get creative within the creation.

Fizzle Out
Personal Genie
A Perfect Event
Wasting time
Lift Our Gaze
Warm Presence
Keep it simple
Chamber 4 painting
Double Standard
Christmas Day

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William: FTL;
JoeyKnothead post_id=1089763 time=1661376677 user_id=3753 said:
William post_id=1089715 time=1661310484 user_id=8427 said:
Yet I have never seen that stop an atheist from consistently attempting to use science in their telling of their opinions about gods.

As an atheist, I'm not above referring to science in support of various claims I, or others, may make.

I was being specific to statements of opinion, rather than claims.
For example, a common argument from atheists that there cannot be a Creator-GOD because "Evolution" when it is clear that the theory of evolution offers no evidence that we do not exist within a creation.
Stuff like that.

It's just such a good source for confirmatory data. That theists can't, or struggle to refer to science in order to promote their beliefs is their problem, not a problem of scientific principles.

On the surface this sounds logical.
However, on the belief that we exist within a creation = "Therefore a Creator-GOD" there has been no science done which provides any of us with the right to premise. ["Therefore a Creator-GOD"]
Thus, promoting beliefs in ideas of Creator-GODs is cart before the horse stuff.
However, if one proceeds in a horse before the cart manner, the focus is on the idea that we exist within a creation, we can then look for evidence within the reality experience we call 'The Universe" and see what can be found therein to support the notion that the reality experience is a creation.

As you know, I'm very intrigued by your Cosmic Mind hypothesis. I want your notion to be true, to be scientifically proven, insofar as how neat I think it would be. I'd love for the scientific community to be able to offer confirmation in this regard. Sadly though, you and I enjoy this notion without such confirmation.

Thanks for saying so. We share in the intrigue.
For me, the notion certainly appears to be true re the evidence - even through the Message Generating Process under development -
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is certainly understandable enough and deals with this subject in more detail.

As I understand it, IF there is a "Cosmic Mind" involved with the creation of our Universe, scientists will eventually [naturally] discover this just by continuing to do science.
In the meantime I do my own science, and am satisfied with the results so far.
Going off of the readership stats so far, there appears to be a consistent reader-interest where I post the GMs - here, and in other internet forums...

Granted, where an atheist (or anyone) refers to science and gets it wrong, we oughta all fuss about that.

My position is that - in the last 24 hours - I have decided that am done with interacting with atheists and being distracted by their statements of opinion re the Question of GOD...except for the exception of JK because you have consistently shown a willingness to remain open minded about the idea of a "Cosmic Mind" and it is undeniable that such a Mind - if it truly exists - could be referred to as a "GOD'.
In all my years of interacting with atheists, I have never had the pleasure and - like I say - After years of subjection to atheist opinions, I have had enough of it.

As an amateur, a wanna-be scientist, maybe I rely too much on science in support of my own world view.

What will you do if/when science discovers that we actually do exist within a creation?

I submit though, that cracking open the bible ain't the way to fix that.

That is an irrelevant opinion to me, because - as you know - I am not a Theist or an Atheist because I see no logic in having an opinion on GOD until it can be established that we exist within a creation.

The closest I come to that, is with the notion that there MAY be a "Cosmic Mind" and if such can be identified in ANY religious script, I am open [of mind] to investigating that.

Otherwise - since I am not advocating folk need to do that, it is not an issue I have to answer to.

Thanks for you feedback John.

GM: “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose”
The Bridge of Condemnation

William: The story of Jean Nouer begins....
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William: FTL;
William: I have had similar experience re hypnogogic state ...

Hearing footfalls on wooden floor {I was sleeping in a bunk in a building and was the only occupant at the time]
The footfalls stop outside my door - which was open and then I hear a deep laugh.
I snapped out of it [awoke] and immediately jumped out of bed and went to the doorway - no one was there [of course]

Some time later - months or even a year of two - I was at home in bed with my wife when I awoke to the same laugh and looking up I saw the entity at the end of the bed.

My reaction was layered - It was as if my body wanted to climb the walls looking to escape but my mind was clear and focused and I was aware that this part of me was way less afraid. I had the feeling that the entity was pure evil.

However, while I was directing my anger at the entity, he moved toward my side of the bed - his arms were crossed over his chest area - and as he got closer [he seemed to float rather than walk] he extended his arm out in the process of going to touch me.

We were looking each other in the eye - and it was at this moment that I somehow just knew that the entity loved me more than I had ever felt anyone love me - and knew me better than I knew myself and the love was purely unconditional

As with all my hypnogogic experiences, these began with the feeling of being forcibly held down - and when the entity began to reach his arm out to touch me, my anger assisted me in breaking the hold and I sat up and put my face directly in front of his and demanded he leave - and at that moment, I awoke and the entity was gone [or more likely - I could no longer see him.]

The whole incident took less than a minute.

The very next night, I [again in hypnogogic state] felt my wrists being taken hold of by a pair of invisible hands and I was lifted from a prone position to an upright one and when upright, I felt my arms being pushed over my chest in the same manner I had observed the entities arms crossed over his chest, the night before.

Once my arms were crossed, I felt the invisible hands let go of my wrists and it was then that I realized I was not in my body - this was my first conscious OOBE. It felt wonderful....

GM: Ship Shape
The Realist:
Epigenetic Memories
Earth teachers (non-physical) prepare the species for acceptance of the Grand Portal
The simplest explanations for why we are here and what we are doing
You Are Watched Over
Stroke of Luck
About face

William: As the evidence keeps coming, there is little one can do but accept. :)

About face Jehovah Acceptance = 214
Reinhard Heydrich's death
Nazi Space Program Agenda
The Undiscovered Self
About face Jehovah Acceptance
Independent from what?
'Developing a thick skin'
Conspiracy theory
If In Doubt Let It Sit
Monkey See Monkey Do
When things fall apart
Ancient Grey Entity

GM: F4

We may shift our focus of attention, but our Primary Focus remains Focus 1. This means that it takes a bit of effort to temporarily shift our focus of awareness to other focuses, like F2 or F3 (or F4 if you are really ambitious!). After physical death our Primary Focus will switch to F3 that that will be our 'home focus' while we go through the transition phase which will eventually allow us to make the permanent switch to F4. At this point, F4 will become our Primary Focus once again and the cycle is complete.

GM: Abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
"On the off-chance A Pragmatic Realization Precipitated In Ones Mind"
We’ve been an island of our own - we’ve been a cosmic rolling stone Now’s the time to spread our wings - and fly!
Keep An Eye Out for Ones Neighbours
I think it was an ambush or surprise attack
An Opportunity To Commune

William: Got it. The Visitation - The Ancient Grey Entity - The "Ambush" and through that experience - The Communion...
"I think it was an ambush or surprise attack" = An Opportunity To Commune = 759
Although there are opposite sides to spectra, all elements combined form a whole = 759

GM: Interpretation/Feel
As Above So Below
Conspiracy Emotions.

William: Conspiracy Emotions. As Above So Below Ingenuity Interpretation/Feel = 725
Interacting with a simulation of the world which is created by your brain
We know not what we are because what we think we are gets in the way of it all
We should know already by now that Warfare isn't the way to go about it

GM: The Way of the Bodhisattva
To bring what one is not conscious of, into one’s conscious awareness
The Played Piece
Face To Face
One Free Miracle

{Intelligent Directions
Loops can be open or closed.
Searching for the truth
It Would Be Rude Not to
Secular Science Projects
Elementary Conclusion
Instant Manifestation
The Human Instrument
Go Within and Find That Place
Central intelligence agency ]


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
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So I wanted to know what exactly dividing was, and looked into other Bible translations

"correctly handles the word of truth"

"rightly handling the word of truth."

"handling the word of truth with precision"

Interestingly, "exactly dividing" is written as "handling" - an activity.

One is active with things.

It is true that the Earth orbits around the Sun.
If I once thought it true that the Sun orbited the Earth, and was given new information that showed me that the truth was, "The Earth orbits the Sun" and in exactly dividing [handling] that information I examined the new evidence and therein found it to be truthful, I would then be required to let go the old notion I had once believed to be true, and adopt the new.

That would be an example of exactly dividing.

Indeed, that is the task of science.

In the case of "Gods Word" - if I am taught that Gods Word is "The Bible" and at some point am shown evidence supporting the notion that "Gods Word" wasn't referring to the Bible alone, but to every truth about all things/matters [like the Sun and Earth existing together and the relationship of that togetherness...how the relationship operates/functions] then I would be required to let go of the old notion I had once believed to be true, and adopt the new.


If someone claimed it to be true that the Bible is "a book like no other because it came from the mouth of God."

I could examine [exactly dividing] that opinion and see what truth - if any - could be found.

If someone tells me that "God wrote the Bible to cause confusion to the natural minded man who picks up this book and thinks he can logically understand all the truth it contains", I could examine [exactly dividing] that opinion and see what truth - if any - could be found.

I could literally do this with all things, not limited to any book or any opinion anyone has about any book, movie, statement, song, food, planet, star... all stuff like that.
050922 [ All publicity is good publicity]

SCLx9 + select last LE per shuffle
Matter and psyche are one and the same. -
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- Six Heart Virtues - Ah...The Limitation Of Language... -
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- Most folk need moderating. - Group Dynamics - Of this Message Generating Process. Induce Research into the Phenomenology of the Self - July Nineteen Fifty Two Washington DC - Human Drama

AP= Algorithms are not perfect Connections
[Algorithms are not perfect Connections = 399]

[“If you say so…” No. Even if I did not say so.
We must investigate ideas of good and evil
Connor partially loses two fingers
Algorithms are not perfect Connections
William’s song "I can laugh along with you"
There's someone, rainbow, alternate tune]

RSP = SCLx4 Page 351+P&P

07:29 [Vigilant What Is Found Here Always ]
Page 351+P&P
GM: "Residue
The Cherubim

William: Residue Ness The Cherubim Vibration = 360

A projection of one’s subconscious
Placing aside the childish not the childlike
Residue Ness The Cherubim Vibration
Where are we getting our news from?
The relevant scientific community
The Entity I Am - The Entity You Are

GM: I Know William
Unsuccessful attempt to find something
The Object
What Is The Point?

William: Indeed. Yet if I had not created that path I would not have discovered this or developed it to be a useful device in which to communicate..."If I talk to the 'dead', they must all be living...." Makes sense...now what is it they have to say...is being said.

GM: Presumed outcome
Release shame
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William: FTL;
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That is incorrect. Sin and doing good both follow the same extraordinary logic. See Romans 5 where Paul explains this. Verses 18-19 where it gets encapsulated:

"Just as one trespass resulted in condemnation for all people, so also one righteous act resulted in justification and life for all people. For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous."

You are misusing the concept of original sin.

On the subject of robots doing good works through being programmed to do so, it can be said that the programmer is the one responsible for the good works of the robots.

The same would apply the other way around.

Post#55 makes the claim that animals engage with acts of evil....I do not see this as being the case.

It is unclear to me that if we follow preset routines / rules with predetermined outcomes, why you would suggest that any good done by such a programmed being would be "coincidence and nothing more", and "insufficient to achieve any sort of ultimate good."

What is this supposed "ultimate state of good"?

You wrote;
I would say that while the system we are in has rules that govern it (e.g., laws of motion), it also has an element of chaos and unpredictability, which therefore necessitates freewill if we want to bring it to an ultimate state of good.

What if in fact both this supposed "element of chaos and unpredictability" and the "knowledge of good and evil" were simply misinterpreted information about ourselves and the environment we currently exist within?

This would not change what Paul had to say about sin and righteousness other than in the way we look at things.

One story [the garden] was created which tried to "explain" our human predicament, and further on, another story was created in order to change the way in which we had been lead to believe in the "explanation" of our human predicament.

In that, there was no 'sin' by one human [Adam] against any God, which condemned all humans, in the first place and that is why it is equally easy to 'forgive humanity' through the act of one man's 'non-sin', that the story might have the effect of changing the path of humanity from one based in the destructive wretchedness guilt induces, to a more productive path which forgiveness induces.

GM: The Return of Christ

William: Frank Kepple Resource
Now, if you shift your focus of attention to Focus 3 of consciousness, please understand that you are still not in a separate place. You are still within your own Consciousness Continuum, but Focus 3 is an area of common consensus reality, so things are very much like the physical, indeed even more physical than the physical if you know what I mean; like the physical on steroids! As it is a common consensus reality (like F1), it means that you can perceive and interact with everyone else and they with you, just as in the physical.
This is where people go when they 'die', i.e. make the Primary Focus switch from F1 to F3.
F3 is also known as the Transition Area, as it is where we all go in order to begin the process of adjusting back to subjective reality once again and to prepare for our eventual Primary Focus switch back to F4. This is the ultimate purpose of Focus 3. How long this process takes to complete will vary from individual to individual and everyone progresses at their own pace. Some people can take hundreds or even thousands of years, in our terms. There's no rush!

GM: Redefinition
Who Am I

William: Who Am I Living Magicians Redefinition Questions = 485
The Smokescreen called "scientifically unrespectable" = 485

GM: All Things Are In Order
Do A=1
The Great I Am
Wakey Wakey

The Visitation Event
Quantum Entanglement
Wakey Wakey The Great I Am
Superior Credibility
There is good out there
Where is the devil today?

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William: FTL;
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1213: I think spirit is like attitude and also awareness.

To the extent that these are things, they're emergent properties of a mind.

If attitude and personality are 'things' - then 'things' are not always physical.

You might as well describe spirit as "ability to spell" or "dessert preference." All of the minds that we know exist within a physical medium or matrix.

The belief re that is generally that the mind exists within the brain.

What's God's mind made out of?

I think you mean brain? What's God's brain made of?

That would apply to anything non-static, hence the OP question. If God is static, then there's nothing to distinguish God's state at the beginning of the universe from any other point in time. If God is not static, God suffers from the same problem that you claim for the universe.

I think that if we went fishing we might find that there are varied interpretations as to what is meant by "God is the always the same".

Immutability = not capable of or susceptible to change.

That would rule out omnipotence - unless being omniscient means that a creator-God could give Itself the illusion of not being that Immutable Entity by constructing some type of reality experience in which It could hide from the true unchangeable nature of Itself...

A universe such as this one, could conceivably provide that.

1213: It is an interesting idea, if world would be deterministic, is there any scientific evidence supporting that idea?

No. As it stands, the evidence is non-deterministic.

The evidence is interpreted to be showing non-determinism. In that, the evidence can also be interpreted to be be showing determinism.

At the quantum level, the future appears unknowable to us.

At what level does the future become knowable to us?

The combination of the inflation horizon expanding faster than the speed of light in the early universe, the inability of information to travel faster than the speed of light, and the apparent randomness of quantum phenomena all combine to an apparently non-deterministic universe.

Appearances and human interpretation. Obviously none of these things you mention, prevent scientists from doing science.

Perhaps the idea of the universe being non-deterministic is a purely fanciful one, based upon humans being [apparently] unable to accurately predict very well.
However, they are able to predict that the [current] universe will end one day - way into the future.
If that is true, then we have a clear indication that the universe is deterministic, even that it appears not to be.

Even if all of the physical rules were to remain the same, it appears that a replay of the Big Bang would result in a different pattern of density and temperature in the initial stages of the universe, leading to a different pattern of stars and galaxies.

Why would there even be stars and galaxies? Isn't that pretty much a rinse and repeat cycle. Not exactly like the prior universe, but pretty much the same thing.

GM: Difficult emotions
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William: FTL:
promethean75 post_id=563876 time=1647195340 user_id=16524 said:
Now slow down for a minute. That's not how it ordinarily works. Usually Christians will kill the serial killer twice. First, by breaking the fifth commandment and seeking the death penalty... which is pretty clever because they rig the execution so that the actual executioner isn't known... not even to himself. This way they won't technically be held guilty by god for breaking the commandment and killin a nigga (and you thought god couldn't be duped). Next, they send the serial killer to god, who then sends em to hell for eternity so he can sit and think about why he thought he could kill, which will lead absolutely nowhere because try as he might, he can no sooner convince himself now that he shouldn't have killed than he could convince himself then that he shouldn't have killed. It's tragically comical. You won't find a bigger sadist than god; the ultimate serial killer.

While there is truth to in your assessment here - something I also came to the conclusion of - if one doesn't factor in that the Christian idea of God is a false image of a Real Entity [I call 'It" the Cosmic Mind, but I have other names for it too.] then one loses the opportunity to do connect and converse...

What this allows me to achieve, is to connect with that Mind despite the false image Christianity [and religion in general] have superimposed upon it. This also insures that religion in general has no say in my communing with said Mind. Well they might try and have a say, but that is irrelevant and so does not work in their preventative measures re that.

Win/win re The Mind and Me.


GM: All systems go
What Are The Chances
Standstill Contemplate

William: Like unto this;
oldbadger post_id=1090679 time=1662280629 user_id=8918 said:
William post_id=1090669 time=1662264223 user_id=8427 said:
Not if it means you cannot accept that I am neither atheist or theist. What is there to discuss?

Hi......... your sentence, above, pushes me to ask:-
Are you an agnostic? I presume that an agnostic can be neither theist nor atheist.

No, I am not - as agnosticism is derived from the question of GOD and belongs within the conflict between theist and non theist/theism and atheism.

I am more like someone who - on my journey - came across two gigantic quarrelling entities speaking jibber-jabber and after working out each one wanted me to join with them in their jibber-jabber, learned their language and from that, understood.
When I told them that the question of GOD was cart-before-horse, so I couldn't accept either of their arguments, they told me that I could not pass until I made the choice.

So here I am sitting meditating in the tussocks nearby, working on how to get around them.

GM: Adaptive Actions
The United Nations
Solar System
Tenacious [tending to keep a firm hold of something; clinging or adhering closely. not readily relinquishing a position, principle, or course of action; determined. persisting in existence; not easily dispelled.]
Without and Within
All Information Is Channelled.
"I am an atheist in relation to anyone's interpretation of characterizations of any gods."
Always Extraterrestrial

William: "I am an atheist in relation to anyone's interpretation of characterizations of any gods." Always Extraterrestrial = 1160
[One One Six Zero = 184]
Down Your Way
The neutral zone
The path of awakening
Rest When Weary
Necromancy Sound
Conscious Agents
You Are All Loveable...
Feel Your Feelings

GM: Separate Selfishness Shining
Ripple Effect
Ancient Grey Entity
The Things You Do...
Perhaps we can deconstruct some of these pernicious views.
Communication is key

William: Journey Communication is key Connect = 401
The Subject of Unidentified Flying Objects
The Development of Group Hallucination
Journey Communication is key Connect
Invention is using things discovered.
The Seventh Archetype of First Source.

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William: FTL;
Navigator;10459927 said:
I decided to create this thread in relation to my experiences using Ideomotor – principally the ‘Ouija effect’ which involves the use of a flat surface with symbols on it and a pointing device which used together create opportunity for communication between the conscious self and the subconscious aspect of the individual.

The word ‘Ouija’ itself comes from a marketing strategy and is associated with the most common type of ‘message board’ and sold mainly as a toy.

My understanding of ideomotor is that it involves the unconscious hand movements of the individual(s), which – in relation to the message board and pointing device (which the hand(s) rest on) produce a form of communication which is attributed to either some external agency, (common belief is that the hand movements are controlled by ‘dead souls’, or ‘dark energy entities and spirits’) or (slightly less commonly,) that it is an internal agency, namely the ‘unconscious’ or ‘subconscious’ of the individual.

My own approach in initially using such device was on the assumption I was communicating with ‘the dead’ and through continued use over many months this understanding changed as I was lead to understand that I was communicating with an intelligent aspect of my self to which I had previously been totally ignorant about.

It was actually this other aspect of my self which ‘broke the news’ to me regarding this.

Importantly, opinions I have read up on regarding the ‘unconscious’ or ‘subconscious’ do not report these things to being conscious or intelligent. They are merely aspects of a person’s consciousness which are working internally and quietly in the background as part of the overall necessity of human function and ability.

GM: "You can teach me when I’m Needing You can reach for me when I’m bleeding Touch me where I need it most - you are the Ghost - in the Machine"

William: "You can teach me when I’m Needing You can reach for me when I’m bleeding Touch me where I need it most - you are the Ghost - in the Machine" Aligning Self-help = 1294
One Two Nine Four = 194

Watch Your Step
The desert of the real
The Short Straw
Accidents will happen.
Divine intuition
Collective Dynamics
One Five Four Two
The Symbol of Love
The Mother is Love
Never a dull moment

[ The Confusion of War
Unclog your chakras
Less dense than water
Encouraging Indication
A mixture of awe and dread
The Science of the Soul
That ship is sinking
Universal Objective
The deserved second place
Insidious Clumsy
GOD is not an elitist.
The Inception Point]


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score

040922 [This is indicative of actual justice]

SCLx13 + select last LE per shuffle

According to Complex Jesus - Remote Viewing - Pertinent to cosmology and cosmogony - Blind Luck - The Double Slit Experiment - Think With The Heart Feel With The Mind - Invisible Bridge Manifestation Sleeping Dragon Realities Merge Interoperate [the setup of ad hoc components and methods to make two or more systems work together as a combined system with some partial functionality during a certain time, possibly requiring human supervision to perform necessary adjustments and corrections] - Good on you mate - No Risk - Zeitgeist - [the defining spirit or mood of a particular period of history as shown by the ideas and beliefs of the time.] - Virtuous - I think it was an ambush or surprise attack - In The Family Of Deep Impact Event Called To Order

AP= [
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It is what it is = 1010]

[One Zero One Zero=]
Something Like That
God's Love Direction
Mapping Wholeness
Dungeons and Dragons
Befriending the shadow
Source Intelligence
Fear of the Unknown
Astral Projection

RSP = SCLx3 Page 346

07:48 [ Beings posted to planet]

Commendably Recommendable

William: We help one another. :)

GM: Exact Science In The Light Of The Truth
Such a Mind can prove its existence to the individual
Yes We Can
Don’t give up
Lots More
Have A Look At The Map
Under the breath words
Our Neutral Ground
We’ve been an island of our own - we’ve been a cosmic rolling stone Now’s the time to spread our wings - and fly!
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William: FRL;
The Last Question
By Isaac Asimov
This is by far my favorite story of all those I have written.
After all, I undertook to tell several trillion years of human history in the space of a short
story and I leave it to you as to how well I succeeded. I also undertook another task, but I
won't tell you what that was lest l spoil the story for you.
It is a curious fact that innumerable readers have asked me if I wrote this story. They
seem never to remember the title of the story or (for sure) the author, except for the vague
thought it might be me. But, of course, they never forget the story itself especially the
ending. The idea seems to drown out everything -- and I'm satisfied that it should.

GM: Part of the 'waiting' is developing skills and this involves demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight, rather than procrastinating or expecting the food to be delivered rather than going and finding it for ones self.
Sovereign Integral Perspective
Atheism cannot be defined through defining "atheists"
"The waters of the deep"

William: Another "The waters of the deep" Waking = 349
"A fire-breathing dragon lives in my garage"
Howled at by the Hounds of Judgement
It can be crazy and true at the same time
My alarm bells are ringing right now.
Joke/Humour "Anti theism Equals "And?""
[William floats back into The Shadows...]
Stepping out of the construct
Another "The waters of the deep" Waking
Our neutral ground - Look closer

GM: Sounds Like
We All Like To Play Games
Stop. Listen. Observe. Wonder.
Good and evil' co-exist without either being dominant
June Nineteen Forty Seven
What Are Your Thoughts On The Subject


William: I don't have any particular thoughts on the subject. The lights could be a number of things, not necessarily ET related. There does seem to be intelligence associated with said lights...

GM: Sacral chakra
The Next Level
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William: FTL;
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This of course raises questions such as how did Tehom come about in the first place, but it's not really surprising to find similarities between the two myths.

If we observe the character of Tehom as the subconscious realm of Spirit - at some point Spirit became consciously acquainted with this realm and perhaps even approached it - personified as a terrible monster - and the engagement with its scary mysteriousness is akin to having a 'dark night of the soul'

In an obscure night
Fevered with love's anxiety
(O hapless, happy plight!)
I went, none seeing me
Forth from my house, where all things quiet be
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The dark night of the soul is a stage in personal development when a person undergoes a difficult and significant transition to a deeper perception of life and their place in it. This enhanced awareness is accompanied by a painful shedding of previous conceptual frameworks such as an identity, relationship, career, habit or belief system that previously allowed them to construct meaning in their life.
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Through perseverance and commitment to the engagement, it slowly became apparent to Spirit that some of the things previously hidden from itself, required adressing.

Thus...Sol+Earth=forms through which to deal with those hidden things

Sol represents 'The Husband" and Earth "The Wife" and earthen forms as "The Children" - specifically human beings.

Sol seeds the Mother planet with information and the planet responds by using that information to produce forms.

Mother Earth herself has information within her...a kind of "micro-Sol" as it were...


...and given the theory that all the planets of the Sol system originally were parts of Sols wholeness which fragmented into planets and moons...one can fill in the gaps...
Being Born
Mother Earth
[The entity consciousness which is Mother Earth - is "The Creator" of the forms from Her Belly]
The entity consciousness which is Mother Earth - is "The Creator" of the forms from Her Belly = 916
There is no need to proclaim a supernatural event to what is simply an idea put into action.= 916
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GM: In The Rabbit Hole
Apophenia [the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things. ..]
Laws Rules and Appropriates
All Choice is An Act of Judgment?
I don't have a horse in this race.
"Ipsissimus [own very self]
Talk to The Razor"
Properly Assuming Integrity"

William: Ipsissimus Talk to The Razor = 343
Ipsissimus Talk to The Razor
Hacking through the subconscious
Essentially, we are Gaia in human form...
Precise definitions of strategies
"Off you go to your quarters"

GM: Properly Assuming Integrity - Ipsissimus Talk to The Razor" = 698
At least the Earth is real enough – never to mind the rest of the universe… = 698
It brought a tear to the eye of my heart.
Like Unto Ghidrah - many heads one beast...


GM: Reach
Indeed. It happens. Deal with it. Work it.
One is not wrong


[ Mystic City Suburb
God is Consciousness
The Shared List Awesome
What is the meaning of life?
Humanities adventure
Think outside the box
Faulty conclusions
Smarter Than the Average
Central To The Vision]


Labore et Constantia
Jul 10, 2022
Reaction score
I wish I could auto (y) every post. This is like a "numbers station" to me.


Jan 11, 2022
Reaction score
I wish I could auto (y) every post. This is like a "numbers station" to me.

Use Your Freedom
Talk to The Razor
Invite the Bee to Land
Shine Your Light
An identified reality
It Is Our Nature
Hard-nosed skeptics
The Number Forty
One Five Eight Seven
Wishful Thinking
One Two One Zero
Numbers Station
Trust Issues
Given the second-fiddle.
Open your chakras
Epigenetic Memories

I can see my input, and I can see the output that comes toward me. That's enough.
Learning To Fly Your Move The Inception Point Look from a different angle
"I am unclear as to what point you are making which is contrary to my own."
“I wish I could auto like every post. This is like a "numbers station" to me.”
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
How do you ask and get the number response?
My question is How Do I Deal With The Student Population?