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What comes after Christianity


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Sep 27, 2021
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hated Jews
I read somewhere in one of Velikovsky's books that the hatred of Jews could be traced back to 1 misinterpreted word in an old text.
Wish I could remember what it was exactly.

It's remarkable how easy it is for adults to overcome their differences if they share a hatred.


Sep 14, 2021
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What will fill the vacuum if Christianity disappears?
The vacuum will be filled with fire. Literally
Of course there are "professional victims" and "professional activists" who's entire career and life revolve around opposing certain things, and they have to come up with new things to be butthurt about to keep getting funded, so yeah, they'll find something new, that's basically how cancel culture came about anyways. When your degree is worthless "women's studies" or some shit and you have no real job except to be offended on social media, then you're damn well gonna be as offended as you can about something.
Cancel Cancel culture. I find this is interesting to discuss "women's studies" and "professional activists" Basically, the old moral ideas of the old religions have already been canceled.
Universally, religion becomes toxic when it becomes invested in a people's relationship to material power
Is that universal though? Or is the specific to certain types and uses of power.


Meme-y Tree Nymph
Apr 17, 2021
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Just looked up that pope prophecy, and it's really interesting reading about that. Hadn't heard about it before.

Personally, I think we're already seeing the result of Christianity's phasing-out in many developed countries. Especially some of the ones in Europe, where religious zealotry isn't quite the barrier like it is in America. Atheism, agnosticism and simply being religiously non-affiliated seems to be the most popular alternative to Christianity so far, if you look at the numbers. These numbers are now growing pretty fast not just in these less religious countries, but across the developed world. People have grown to trust science for all their answers to life, and have started to develop a distaste for certain dogmatic aspects of religion.

There is also the whole "new age" concept of spirituality that seems to be more and more accepted by the mainstream lately. You see random office normies really starting to embrace stuff like chakras or meditation, just basic bitch stuff that helps with their anxiety or whatever. This gives them an outlet for the same things praying and going to mass used to give people, but they're still not affiliated with an actual religion. Whether good or bad, it's the ultimate way for them to avoid commitment to a fully religious/spiritual outlook on life. I personally find the direction these people take new age shit in kinda cringey sometimes, but hey. At least if new age becomes more socially acceptable, it'll get easier to openly be an occultist without everybody thinking you're a basket case.

Whether or not the death of Christianity is a bad thing, though, is more of a mixed bag imo. I personally live in a very Christian part of a Christian country already known for churning out some weird ass zealots, and I will certainly not miss living with some of the unnecessary dogma and repression that can go with that. Shit like coming out as gay meaning your parents are about to disown you, kids not being allowed to read Harry Potter, women being pressured into feeling guilt just for normal ass consensual sex. And, of course, the fact that people like us have to constantly keep our heads down about what we do, just so we can go about our damn lives.
There are also some things about religion in general, though, that people may surely miss without anything to fill that void. When done in a healthy manner, religion can give people a sense of meaning, or make the shitty parts of life such as loss easier to deal with. At least in my country, church groups have always been the main way communities get together and take care of each other. There may be people unable to find that sense of local community and belonging otherwise. Churches are also one of the biggest sources of charity here, especially for groups like the homeless and disaster victims. With the rising cost of living as well as shit like drug addiction, mental disorders and other debilitating life conditions getting even more common, we're gonna have one hell of a gap to fill without such a built-in charity network on every block.


Aug 29, 2021
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I started as a Catholic then a Protestant, i think Christianity was created to control people, look at its history.

all in all in modern times it’s helped to civilize the world but it’s what I call basic spirituality, do what God wants or burn in hell, if I use to go to a fundamentalist church if Christianity was to vanish I think many would be lost...Christianity gives many something to look forward too in this world or the next (in many ways if you believe in it then the Archetype works)

I kinda picture the guys I use to go to church with losing the church n crumbling, suddenly they’ll have an excuse to go see hookers etc, as stupid as it sounds imagine the church telling you that you can’t get divorced, your wife or husband is horrible or even abuses you, guess what tough shit you can’t ever get a divorce unless they cheat on You, in some sects like the Catholic Church even then they won’t accept that.

it took me 30 plus years to move beyond christianity unto Judaism (I’m not a Jew though) and understand that God is more more wonderful and compassionate then what we understand even in Jesus.....I don’t think many can take that step and leave behind the threat of eternal hell.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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Personally, I think we're already seeing the result of Christianity's phasing-out in many developed countries. Especially some of the ones in Europe, where religious zealotry isn't quite the barrier like it is in America. Atheism, agnosticism and simply being religiously non-affiliated seems to be the most popular alternative to Christianity so far, if you look at the numbers. These numbers are now growing pretty fast not just in these less religious countries, but across the developed world. People have grown to trust science for all their answers to life, and have started to develop a distaste for certain dogmatic aspects of religion.
Yeah, we are, especially in Europe, like you said. And honestly, I don't mind it. I don't mind mainstream, organized religion being forgotten and left in the past, so long as nothing more sinister takes its place. Looking at you, sharia law.

There is also the whole "new age" concept of spirituality that seems to be more and more accepted by the mainstream lately. You see random office normies really starting to embrace stuff like chakras or meditation, just basic bitch stuff that helps with their anxiety or whatever. This gives them an outlet for the same things praying and going to mass used to give people, but they're still not affiliated with an actual religion. Whether good or bad, it's the ultimate way for them to avoid commitment to a fully religious/spiritual outlook on life. I personally find the direction these people take new age shit in kinda cringey sometimes, but hey. At least if new age becomes more socially acceptable, it'll get easier to openly be an occultist without everybody thinking you're a basket case.
While very annoying, I am willing to accept this as a necessary stepping stone for people to become more aware of the occult. That's why I will keep WF open and friendly, because if we gatekeep the occult and don't do our part to educate these people then we can't really blame them for being forever new age morons. Of course, you'll get a decent percentage of tumblr/fb new age girls who only care about posing, and having topless/nude sabbats with their "kweenz" and BFFs and other such radical feminist poser bullshit, and they won't ever be interested in the real meat of it and can be forsaken, but for some, new-age bullshit is a legitimate stepping stone to the actual occult.

Whether or not the death of Christianity is a bad thing, though, is more of a mixed bag imo. I personally live in a very Christian part of a Christian country already known for churning out some weird ass zealots, and I will certainly not miss living with some of the unnecessary dogma and repression that can go with that. Shit like coming out as gay meaning your parents are about to disown you, kids not being allowed to read Harry Potter, women being pressured into feeling guilt just for normal ass consensual sex. And, of course, the fact that people like us have to constantly keep our heads down about what we do, just so we can go about our damn lives.
All organized religions have zealots, Christianity, Islam, even Buddhism, and Hinduism. The only major religion where I don't see active zealotry is Judaism, and I think that might have something to do with being holocausted. For Christianity and Islam, the zealots are obvious, you get the anti-gay, pro-life, xenophobic rednecks and trailer trash... which aren't as bad as Islamic zealots who legitimately blow shit up, and stone you to death for being gay/christian etc. Definitely the worst of the bunch. But you can't discount Buddhist and Hindu zealots either. I live in a country which is extremely buddhist and also extremely homophobic, xenophobic, and racist.

Zealots exist in all the big religions. Christianity's ones are relatively tame, tbh.

There are also some things about religion in general, though, that people may surely miss without anything to fill that void. When done in a healthy manner, religion can give people a sense of meaning, or make the shitty parts of life such as loss easier to deal with. At least in my country, church groups have always been the main way communities get together and take care of each other. There may be people unable to find that sense of local community and belonging otherwise. Churches are also one of the biggest sources of charity here, especially for groups like the homeless and disaster victims. With the rising cost of living as well as shit like drug addiction, mental disorders and other debilitating life conditions getting even more common, we're gonna have one hell of a gap to fill without such a built-in charity network on every block.
Very true. We do not live in an ideal world where everyone has high intelligence, high mental fortitude, strength. For those that lack those qualities, organized religion can be quite helpful, so I agree.

I started as a Catholic then a Protestant, i think Christianity was created to control people, look at its history.
All organized religion was created to control people, with 0 exceptions.

understand that God is more more wonderful and compassionate then what we understand even in Jesus
Do you really feel that way? I can't dispute it as I have not studied Judaism, but that's interesting to hear.


Aug 29, 2021
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From literature I’ve read God either rehabilitates us or we cease to exist, God isn’t the psycho christianity Makes him out to b3 who burns people and even babies in hell (a Catholic teaching) forever.

as you said the church took a bunch of scriptures and twisted them to control people


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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From literature I’ve read God either rehabilitates us or we cease to exist, God isn’t the psycho christianity Makes him out to b3 who burns people and even babies in hell (a Catholic teaching) forever.

as you said the church took a bunch of scriptures and twisted them to control people
I get that... I guess my question is how is Judaism's depiction of God much different? Do I just have to read Jewish scripture? I thought the Catholic old Testament was more or less the same.


Aug 29, 2021
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I get that... I guess my question is how is Judaism's depiction of God much different? Do I just have to read Jewish scripture? I thought the Catholic old Testament was more or less the same.
It’s kind of hard to explain....you see Christians think that they read the Bible literally which is incorrect...if you read Ezekiel 28 it seems to be talking about Satan, wrong...if you use a commentary like Rashi you see it’s talking about a king who thought he was a god, and Gods saying he’s going to be destroyed.

or the story of David killing a guy for his wife...what’s left out is that David as king made every soldier divorce his wife in time of war, if a soldier was to die even today n there’s no witnesses to prove he’s dead the woman can be stuck in the marriage...so yeah he did do a dick move but it wasn’t adultery, it was more like use legal loop holes, the fact Uriah disobeyed him on going home gave David legal ground to have him executed.

there’s tons of such examples...viewing God through a Christian lens makes him seem like a psychopath who murders people...but then if one goes deeper into say the Kabbalah, it’s said that people get several chances, in several lives, or they enter into hell (a good thing) to have their sins burned off) then enter Heaven

Christianity took the concept of hell and made it forever......of course there’s opinions in both ends, some say he’ll is forever for certain sins, and not for others and since the afterlife is never mentioned clearly in the Bible no ones really sure. The Rambam and Ramban had opposing views but the only thing that mattered was that they agreed in the Core values of Judaism...as in the 5 books


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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It’s kind of hard to explain....you see Christians think that they read the Bible literally which is incorrect...if you read Ezekiel 28 it seems to be talking about Satan, wrong...if you use a commentary like Rashi you see it’s talking about a king who thought he was a god, and Gods saying he’s going to be destroyed.

or the story of David killing a guy for his wife...what’s left out is that David as king made every soldier divorce his wife in time of war, if a soldier was to die even today n there’s no witnesses to prove he’s dead the woman can be stuck in the marriage...so yeah he did do a dick move but it wasn’t adultery, it was more like use legal loop holes, the fact Uriah disobeyed him on going home gave David legal ground to have him executed.

there’s tons of such examples...viewing God through a Christian lens makes him seem like a psychopath who murders people...but then if one goes deeper into say the Kabbalah, it’s said that people get several chances, in several lives, or they enter into hell (a good thing) to have their sins burned off) then enter Heaven

Christianity took the concept of hell and made it forever......of course there’s opinions in both ends, some say he’ll is forever for certain sins, and not for others and since the afterlife is never mentioned clearly in the Bible no ones really sure. The Rambam and Ramban had opposing views but the only thing that mattered was that they agreed in the Core values of Judaism...as in the 5 books
Fair enough, I get what you mean.

Though, the catholic education I received was more or less highly accurate when it comes to the old testament. However the new testamant was largely a piece of shit, and where I in my education came across the hardline/extremist views. And yeah, I did have one teacher in school who I think was a Christian, but converted into Catholicism who was quite hardline with the God stories, and was the only person who ever told me reading Harry Potter was a sin. She called me and my friend who ignored her "Devil Twins". But that was the only time I ever faced these issues, until I moved to the UK and was subject to Christian sects/new age/millenial/gospel-loving Christians. Now these people were fucking hardline. I think that's the case in the US as well which have a lot of new testament/gospel Christian sects which I think mostly have the angst, extremist views.

I think the Roman Catholic church, at this point (may be just my own experience with it) has now matured beyond it's adolesence, and been fucked in the ass with so many scandals that they are now quite tame, and becoming more scholarly/accurate to scripture (especially the old testament -- I think the new testament is inherently problematic).

So in my experience I guess I would say the Catholic view on the old testament that I have experienced is closer to the Jewish view on it as you described. But you living in the US, which is more Christian and gospel-y, I guess, I understand where you're coming from with the twisted Christian interpretations.

I do want to learn more about the abhrahamic faiths at large though. Islam, Judaism, Orthodox Christians etc. I don't have much interest in the millenial/new testament/gospel-y Christian sects though, for reasons you've mentioned.


Aug 29, 2021
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Fair enough, I get what you mean.

Though, the catholic education I received was more or less highly accurate when it comes to the old testament. However the new testamant was largely a piece of shit, and where I in my education came across the hardline/extremist views. And yeah, I did have one teacher in school who I think was a Christian, but converted into Catholicism who was quite hardline with the God stories, and was the only person who ever told me reading Harry Potter was a sin. She called me and my friend who ignored her "Devil Twins". But that was the only time I ever faced these issues, until I moved to the UK and was subject to Christian sects/new age/millenial/gospel-loving Christians. Now these people were fucking hardline. I think that's the case in the US as well which have a lot of new testament/gospel Christian sects which I think mostly have the angst, extremist views.

I think the Roman Catholic church, at this point (may be just my own experience with it) has now matured beyond it's adolesence, and been fucked in the ass with so many scandals that they are now quite tame, and becoming more scholarly/accurate to scripture (especially the old testament -- I think the new testament is inherently problematic).

So in my experience I guess I would say the Catholic view on the old testament that I have experienced is closer to the Jewish view on it as you described. But you living in the US, which is more Christian and gospel-y, I guess, I understand where you're coming from with the twisted Christian interpretations.

I do want to learn more about the abhrahamic faiths at large though. Islam, Judaism, Orthodox Christians etc. I don't have much interest in the millenial/new testament/gospel-y Christian sects though, for reasons you've mentioned.
We had a few loonies in church too, the hard core Trump lover types who believe in conspiracy theories, the church I went to believed that if you played musical instruments in church you’d go to hell and other such bs.

that’s another reason I’d never convert to any religion including Judaism, for one I have no interest in keeping all the laws....that and there’s wacko rabbis who tell kids they’ll burn in hell for masterbating or looking at woman which causes all kinds of mental issues I’m sure and leaves them open to predators...that’s not most jews just the wacko ultra orthodox types

of course another thing christians get wrong is that non Jews were never meant to keep the Jewish laws...only universal moral laws.


Aug 31, 2021
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My perception of spiritual path for most humans has become ever simpler.

Now it is:

  • more love in the heart
  • more life in the body.


Jun 30, 2021
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I would add that after these 2 are accomplished, a human needs to walk tru life conscious to experience reality.

So in order to do that properly id say love is like money and shoud be invested in things one needs, loved and likes. Which is a learning process.

Life on the other hand is like a stream. Some like a slow moving canal while others might like a winding stream or a whirling wild river with waterfalls. So accept yourself becomes accept life and be like water. A funny way of the universe/god to initiate us into the watery world of our body (i think it was 98% water, we are)
Sexy Queen Of Pop GIF by Madonna

And the human debris then becomes a universal being, ie its true self: spirit embodied.

I dont think it matters what religious background gave the itch to search for spiritual being. In the end we take our coats of and walk naked.


Jun 30, 2021
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Excuse the typo: loved = loveS


Sep 19, 2021
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As SkullTraill said, there is no religion that simply disappear. And I am as well in a disagreement with organised religious systems, because they shrink your mind, but I don't really think Christianity as such will just disappeared. And even if it does, eventually, somehow, I am sure something else will come.


Aug 31, 2021
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Who’s is most humans?
It is unlikely that any statement is true for all humans. Indeed a range of intelligences for various reasons have incarnated/appeared in the format used by Earth humanity.

So I was just being careful not to make my statement too broad


Apr 25, 2021
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Is that universal though? Or is the specific to certain types and uses of power.
No, it's universal.
Religion & Government are both structures to unify and control people, but their aims are different. A government's aim is to galvanize people to respond to their environment. It expects and intends to expand. A religion's aim is to qualify people for personhood. Its less concerned with quantity than quality with each religion codifying what personal quality is in their explicit values.

When religion & government are separate, individual access to resources aren't dependent on your religious affiliation or adherence to those values, but merits that are universally applicable. This doesn't guarantee fairness or equity, but it does reduce discrimination because of immutable traits without redress.

Conversely, when Religion & Government are married people not of that religion are automatically second class citizens and then only if they can demonstrate their values are close enough to the state religion as to not challenge the government's sovereignty. As values and doctrine are woven closer and closer to law and policy, either oppression or heresy becomes inevitable. Either the religion's personal values system becomes enforced by the law (al Qaeda anyone) or it becomes subject to progressive innovations eventually killing the spiritual roots validating any religion.
This dynamic has played out in every failed empire and we are watching it happen again in real time as the U.S. courts the idea of making Christianity the national religion, just like we're observing in countries where al Islam is the national religion. And for the record, there is a stark difference between a majority religion and a national religion. The first influences law & policy. The second is law & policy.

Ultimately, there will be overlap with the best outcomes being the religion and government validating each other as legitimate or challenging the other's legitimacy for the good of the people that comprise them both with a fair and equitable means of resolving that conflict with minimum if any bloodshed.

The God-King

The Mystical Rebel
Apr 20, 2021
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If I understand your question correctly: Emphasis/focus given to Christianity/religion will just be placed elsewhere. If not religion then political party, race, class, social status, etc. But going further, I don't think Christianity will ever go anywhere. It will simply adapt and change with the times. Francis is already doing this with his interfaith prayers, lax view on dialogue with the LGBTQIA+ community amongst a host of other things.


Aug 29, 2021
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If I understand your question correctly: Emphasis/focus given to Christianity/religion will just be placed elsewhere. If not religion then political party, race, class, social status, etc. But going further, I don't think Christianity will ever go anywhere. It will simply adapt and change with the times. Francis is already doing this with his interfaith prayers, lax view on dialogue with the LGBTQIA+ community amongst a host of other things.
The church has been giving way to progressive bs for a while now, being pro gay, pro feminism, trying to appeal to everyone.

they are alienating the traditional crowd, not only that but those who want structure, also people are more inquisitive at a younger and younger age, we have more freedom to access knowledge

in other words we want spirituality and structure but we don’t want some silly preacher or rabbi telling us dont use your head, don’t question things, if you do look at girls you’ll burn in hell forever and other such crap.

I think if Christianity disappeared tomorrow maybe there’d be mass conversions to Islam etc