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What Happened To Me In 2010, Download of Spiritual Energy, Military Helicopters..


Nov 30, 2022
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Now that I actually think about it and started putting things together like what that guy Sheldon told me as well as other things that l've researched and looked at, it seems like the higher-level spritual abilities and power that might be able to be attained by people are only 'given' to those who are 'worthy' of them..and that they only will usually be given to those will use those things very responsibly and with the energy of 'love'..With perhaps some very serious consequences for them if they end up screwing up..

And that there's really no other way to gain these kinds of powers and abilities unless perhaps you go down the more 'Left-handed path' you can say, and where you can perhaps try to make some agreements and contracts with some of those dark negative astral-beings and entities and demons, and perhaps with the more powerful ones too, and that they might just let you make some sort of little like 'deals with the devil' that you can say in exchange for things like energy and charisma, which you can then use to attain power in society with as well, or perhaps even give out some sort of exceptional athletic abilities or physical strength even too..

How would they do that? Because alot of physical strength actually comes from how hard that you're able to actually contract the muscles and produce enough force and tension in them, rather than only the actual size of the muscle being a factor, and guess how they do that, because our muscles contract from electrical signals and neural-commands that are coming from the brain, and that these astral-beings are like electro-magnetic in nature, then that means that they might be able to give people more energy and enhance their physical strength abilities too, like also some 'insane' people have mentioned before had been happening, or that perhaps might even commonly be known like something as 'retard strength'..Or, those dark and demonic negative astral-beings might even give you some sort of exceptional musical talents or abilties too as well..But the end result of just like 'selling your soul' like this, which from what I know right now may or may not be reversible, is that you'll probably find out that 'selling your soul to the devil' in that way is probably just not going to be very worth it for you in the end at all..


Nov 30, 2022
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I'll get to 'ryen's' post in a bit here too, but I also figured that I would ask if anybody on this forum knows of any good ways that you might be able to help to heal and repair the brain, and perhaps even to detoxify it too, and also how to stimulate things like neuro-plasticity and neuro-genesis..that perhaps doctors don't really know about or that that whole industry has just been programmed not to tell people about too or something.?..


Nov 30, 2022
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Now that I mention it and remembered something that I might have wanted to say earlier, and to add all of this here actually to the very first original post..I actually went over there to that guy Sheldon's house a number of times before I got that 'Big Download'..and he actually gave me a number of much smaller downloads to help get me to be able to get ready for it I guess, and some of these smaller downloads were very mild and it was almost like I didn't really even feel much of anything at all, and none of us could have ever really expected just how big and powerful and crazy beyond all belief that next download would be...Sheldon seemed to mention that most of these downloads came from some sort of other you might say positive interdimensional and spiritual beings (hopefully), and that he was 'told' that this next one was almost going to be like some sort of 'rite of passage' that perhaps an initiate into some sort of shamanic practices might do or something..but Sheldon said that this last big download had actually came...'Straight from God.'...Take that for what you will I guess..


Nov 30, 2022
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You know what, now that I really think about it, I WAS actually being given a really great gift with this whole thing with that Download..and then later on I somehow managed to just royally fuck everything completely up..I'll be honest with you, I eventually ended up getting a freakin' Felony (Class 6 Designated Felony for Disorderly Conduct, which involved having a confrontation with my neighbors, and being forcibly arrested by police.), from which I somehow ended up getting a Huge break for, and only ended up getting 3 of Probation for from which I got off in 2..However, I also later on during this time managed to get taken to a mental facility several times by police, and ended up being put on several years worth total, not all at once though, but like several years total of being put on court-ordered psychiatric injections, which in this state and many others those people who work in the psychiatric profession can just probably petition anybody to be taken to a mental facility that they want to, and the judge usually approves on those kinds of petitions..

I thought about just escaping and leaving the state to avoid those injections too, but that first year I was on them I was also on probation, and leaving the state like that would've made me have to be an actual fugitive then too..In the end I ended up getting several years worth of those injections, and it was a pretty dark and shitty time in my life..I really don't know how the hell that I'm even still here..and also especially now with how my brain might be doing if I really did have some sort of a small stroke or something before too..Right now I have pretty much resolved to make it to the end of this life though and not kill myself, come what may..My world right now after all of what has happened over the years, as well as from what those psychiatric injections did to me is not quite as 'colorful and magic' I guess that you could say that it might have been like before at certain times in my life..I would say that it's more like some sort of like a dark and gritty mafia vengeance movie or something like that right now too, which is perhaps covered in a drunken haze with also perhaps some certain amount of drugs there as well..Perhaps I have spent my life being kind of you can say 'petty' and 'selfish', perhaps instead of asking about what I can get, I'm going to ask right now how I can serve all of you?..Yeah I don't know, I guess we'll just have to see where it goes from here, I'm still alive and still fairly kicking I guess you could say right now too..


Nov 30, 2022
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Being totally honest here, not trying to be funny or no disrespect meant, but this thread is sort of fascinating in an odd way. It feels like you have a lot of interesting concepts locked up in your mind and you found a place to release it all. Not a doctor nor is this medical advice, but from a spiritual perspective, maybe that containment is part of the reason you’re experiencing the maladies you mentioned regarding brain health.

Some of your posts here show that you do have a decent understanding of esoteric principles, although I’m not able to really grasp what your true goal is. Its none of my business though really. I’m just trying to gauge how I can help. If you wanna go back and start with square 1, getting back into qigong would be an excellent foundation.

I’ll probably sound like a broken record soon talking about it, but it really helps develop foundational skills that will multiply your output by 9. The breathing alone helps calm the mind, helps heal the body, makes your more sensitive to energetic changes. Then comes the energy work part of it which helps one understand the flow of energy and how to interact with it. And how we‘re connected to the cosmic breath. It’ll help fortify that 1000 joule or however you mentioned it force field you have around you. And it‘ll be readily available with each breath.

On fortification, idk what system you’re interested in going with, but building a relations with your spiritual guides and ancestors goes a long way. Outside of direct spiritual defenses that come from you, thats the next layer. Think about like you being the king of the castle, protected by a tower with strong walls. Your guides and ancestors are the walls that protect the tower, and the most trusted source of direct outside information. The realest spies and warriors we can wish for. From there, regardless of what system you pick up, you have the castle built on top of your foundation of breath.

Then I would recommend you pick up a divination system. It can help clarify situations like when someone mentions you have an octopus etheric implant or what have you. Throw your cards down, use a pendulum, shells, bones, whatever you resonate with, and get an answer. The goal is to have a method of gathering information outside of your direct and familiar resources. Think of this as being the weather radar/phone/sensors to the outside world beyond what spheres you directly interact with.

If you follow that, along with obvious things like good health choices and being a decent person, lots of doors start to unlock.
Yeah there's stuff that's like going on in like the background of this world that most people probably don't even hardly ever get to see that's like really, really crazy..This energetic stuff can like affect distances too..Sometimes the energy you might feel it just start to shift like hell for some reason too, and I'd even say that it could go in a positive or a negative direction, almost like some sort of disturbance in the Force or something..

I still don't really understand alot of it either, maybe because also the human mind just isn't able to comprehend it..But about the stuff that you mentioned with the spirit guides, I'm starting to think that maybe the spirit guides are all part of what the Gnostics in Ancient Greece called the Demiurge, or who might actually either be Lucifer or Satan in real life, or maybe even just him being the god of the bible Jehovah or 'Yahweh', and which I mentioned before in these posts, which is like some sort of powerful god-like being who had taken over the Earth a really long time ago and created like some sort of a reincarnation-Matrix trap to try to force people or trick people into reincarnating here over and over again..

And that maybe that even like the good spiritual beings that exist or at least alot of them or maybe even Archangel Michael himself is part of this Demiurge control-matrix too, with both the Dark side and this False-Light side pretending to fight with them all the time, but that both are actually part of the energy-farm that you might say exists in this place and that maybe is what this place even is..I also think that if I've managed to have been able to have made it this far, then perhaps that I deserve to be free and to win the game in the end as well too..


Nov 30, 2022
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Oh my God you guys should look into all of the crazy stuff that happens with the English language, how a whole bunch of words have like double or triple-meanings and stuff, and that there's like a whole bunch of like innuendos and like double-entendre's everywhere and stuff, and that maybe even the rhythm and cadence, and timing of the words in the sentences has something to do with it too, and how this can all be pretty much used to be like subliminally-programming you guys with like Neuro-Linguistic Programming which is NLP and stuff too in ways that you might probably not even realize..And there's a whole bunch of stuff like that out there too..


Nov 30, 2022
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Oh my God you guys should look into all of the crazy stuff that happens with the English language, how a whole bunch of words have like double or triple-meanings and stuff, and that there's like a whole bunch of like innuendos and like double-entendre's everywhere and stuff, and that maybe even the rhythm and cadence, and timing of the words in the sentences has something to do with it too, and how this can all be pretty much used to be like subliminally-programming you guys with like Neuro-Linguistic Programming which is NLP and stuff too in ways that you might probably not even realize..And there's a whole bunch of stuff like that out there too..
And yeah the evil Dark-Occultists and Satanists or Luciferians who really run the world know about all of this kind of stuff too, and they use to try to manipulate and to mind-control the general public, pretty much on a daily basis..and all of those 'Satanists' tend to be like super smart and driven too, while the general public moron is just like some stupid monkey person who's just smart enough to run the machinery..


Nov 30, 2022
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You know what, now that I've actually really started really thinking about this kind of stuff again, I think that alot of things are actually starting to come together for me all of a sudden, like the gears inside my head just started turning a bit, there's alot of really fascinating stuff out there..We'll see if I come up with something that I might be able to say on here more too next..


Nov 30, 2022
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So it looks like this 'energy' stuff can actually affect people through distances too, and also with these computers and devices that we have now..and that these computers and devices are really like the actual 'magic mirrors'..I might get to that a bit more in a bit, but it looks like this 'energy' stuff can actually affect people over distances, and it can either actually be in a more negative way like with some sort of like 'psychic-attacks' or maybe some sort of like 'energy vampirism' or something, or it can be more positive in the form of like say 'distance healing' where you're actually trying to help the other person up..

And those types of negative psychic-attacks may even include actually hearing some sort of external like 'insults' or 'shit-talking' inside of your head that is NOT coming from you, and is probably something that I might even call being like 'negative telepathy'..and it might be coming from other people, or from some sort of negative astral-beings or 'demons' or something like that too..But it also can explain like the 'power of prayer', and that if alot of people pray for somebody that energy can affect them over distance, and that person that those people are praying for might all of a sudden start to feel a bit better or something for some reason, both emotionally and maybe even physically too..

You can even do a little experiment I'd say at your own risk, and this one will be sort of negative, but you can go on say an online social media forum and post something thats like insulting or 'shit-talking' to someone or to like a public forum..Before anybody even says Anything at all you might all of a sudden start to feel yourself to start getting like 'attacked' through the screen..Like you just started getting attacked by like this really shitty vibe that came out of nowhere and also might be apparently be trying to kill you as well...Now that I've mentioned it, maybe we can all just do like some brief meditation or prayer for like 'peace and love' and all of that kind of stuff to be in the World, and maybe send some of that kind of stuff to Me as well, thanks..


Nov 30, 2022
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If you are any sort of an 'Empath' or somebody with any sort of spiritual gifts or abilities, I would advise you to really protect your energy, in fact you should probably guard your energy with your Life..You should be able to be very ruthless you can say to both cut people out of your life when they are no longer serving you anymore, as well as to at times maybe even being able to have to 'strike back' a bit at the other person or opponent just to at least try to get them to back off and to just get them the hell off of you as well..I would also strongly advise them to start working out and taking up something like boxing, or kickboxing, or some other hard martial art like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or something like that too, because I'm telling you that that kind of stuff can like totally transform a dude or person in general..

And it can probably make it so that you're pretty much never afraid of any kinds of confrontations with people that might happen at some point, and could probably even help you to never be afraid of any other person that's on this Earth ever again too..Keep in mind though that size and strength still matter alot though too, and even though a smaller person can beat a bigger one, that bigger person can also probably hit alot harder than the smaller person too..Being an 'empath' on Earth usually tends to just really suck for a while, until you can also make yourself be very 'strong' as well in those ways too..


Nov 30, 2022
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So what is my goal here in all of this?..Really it was just to share that original true account story with you guys that was in the original post..I think that it's very important to get that kind of information and knowledge out to people, and especially to the more 'atheist' types as well, and anything else that I've wrote and shared on here is really just bonus..I also wanted to possibly learn something new in regards to the 'Occult' and stuff like that too.


Nov 30, 2022
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You know what actually happened a bit earlier today?..I was actually just making like a couple of posts on this forum actually, and the I reached for my phone and then just sent two text messsages to somebody..Right after I sent the second message I all of a sudden felt the energy shift like hell, and that like all of a sudden it seemed like some of the 'fires of hell' were coming down on me too, and it felt like I was getting like 'psychically-attacked' pretty hard all of a sudden, I don't think that the energy was coming from the person that I was texting however because they are very close to me..I didn't really know what to do except to just stay strong and try to weather the storm until it passed, which eventually it did, and as the energy of that whole attack started to dissipate, I swear that I heard some sort of an external voice or maybe like a couple of them start to try to start saying something inside of my head that sounded like they were saying that like 'he's a badass' or something like that too, ha..

Do you know how you can tell if the police are about to 'raid' the place that you're at or are going to be doing something more that just like some 'Hello sir, how're you doing today? Can we ask you a few question?' type of visit, you might feel the energy shift very hard and fast as well, and that some very intense energy is all of a sudden going to start 'attacking' you from everywhere, and you also might get the sense or feeling in the back of your mind that this whole place has just been targeted for like 'termination' or something too..


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Sep 27, 2021
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This thread's theme is very similar to a recent one by @MasterSong. I think the two of you would make a great team if you can decide on who will lead your army.


Nov 30, 2022
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This thread's theme is very similar to a recent one by @MasterSong. I think the two of you would make a great team if you can decide on who will lead your army.
I'd be down to talk to him, sure..but I just saw one of his posts too, and he seems to think that there will be some sort of 'great culling' or something coming between 2030-2050..But actually, that great culling might even happen as early as Next Year because of that goddamn Bio-weapon Covid vaccine..Have any of you ever seen the movie The Postman with Kevin Costner?..


Nov 30, 2022
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I had to live for like 12 years since 2010 amongst all of these (Not the people on this forum) brainwashed fucks..and alot of the times I was all by myself too, no thanks, no encouragement, sometimes the only things or people that I could look to for help or support was maybe 'God' himself and whatever spirit guides or beings wanted to maybe help me, and maybe like a couple of fairly close friends here and there, and then Sheldon who was in the original account of what happened in 2010, and then also online on the internet when I was feeling pretty discouraged I might listen sometimes to some of 'The General' Mark Passio to help to fire me back up a bit too..

Zombie movies are so popular I think that I've heard because it's sort of like the secret fantasy of people who feel like that they actually do live in some society of full of braindead, blood-sucking cannibalistic pricks and that they'd probably just love to slaughter them. I have also heard people who were mostly guys mentioned that traveled abroad to other countries how when they came back to America that they were instantly hit with this like really shitty vibe that was just starting to just like drain all of their energy all of a sudden, and that when they were in other countries that this thing wasn't really there..and I think that I might actually be able to attest to that too..

I've been to Israel twice before too, and my mother is also a Russian Jew..The second time I went to Israel it was in 2009 when I was 21, one year actually before that whole big download happened that I talked about on here, and I'm telling you it was incredible, it was like a whole 'nother world..I've also probably not ever ended up feeling more alive and free in my entire life than on that trip..I don't know what it was but just being there made it seem like this was how life was actually meant to be lived or something too.


Nov 30, 2022
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Hey I just came up with a great idea, howabout we all just take all of the concepts that I've shared in this big post and then just to start to just try to spread it around maybe like the Entire Fucking Internet, so that this whole world full of 'dumbass', brainwashed-ass sheeple might finally start to maybe wake up a bit and maybe might even start to try to change things for the better?..


Nov 30, 2022
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I think that maybe you should all listen to some more of Mark Passio going off on you..

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Apr 16, 2021
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This thread's theme is very similar to a recent one by @MasterSong. I think the two of you would make a great team if you can decide on who will lead your army.
They even write the same way. I thought they were the same person playing good cop bad cop with different usernames 🤣


Apr 16, 2021
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And Dre, the spirit guides I’m talking about aren’t part of any Demiurge or what have you. Nor do they want to trick us into reincarnation or anything. They are spirits that accompany us throughout life. They come and go at various points of our lives. We have one main guardian spirit, along with others that assist us with different aspects of ourselves. Some are protectors, some inspire, some watch.

They’re not necessarily external from us.


Nov 30, 2022
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I've actually been starting to put alot of this kind of stuff together now in my head now that I've really started thinking about it all again, for sometime after that big download I just tried to work and to live more of like some sort of a 'normal' life, and ended up just having kept running into trouble from it.

They keep all of this kind of stuff from us, all of this esoteric and spiritual and occult stuff..They try to say that kids are born inherently 'atheist' or something until some religious parents or something try to teach religion to them, but I'd rather say that kids are born thinking that the world is magic, until mainstream-society and atheism come along and just blow all of that shit out of the water for them..And funny enough all of that atheist shit is NOT the truth, thankfully..because that would just also kind of suck too..but no I'd say that the highest-level members of the military also do in fact know that all of this kind of crazy esoteric and spiritual and occult stuff really does exist..And it is a horrible crime against Humanity to be keeping that kind of stuff from people.

Even though my brain is probably 'broken' right now at this point, some of my what you might call 'abilities' seem to still be there..and I've also really started to be putting two and two together too at this point. If you want to talk about 'Spiritual Warfare' that goes into the physical, there's that saying by Sun Tzu or somebody like that the battle is won or lost before the first blow is even struck..and with this crazy energy stuff I think that I can see why..Mike Tyson also described in his book that there were times where he saw that he was able to like intimidate his opponents before a fight, or maybe during it, and that sometimes he said that he would even start to see their energy start to 'dissipate', as if they were just like a balloon that's just been popped by a needle or something..

Because the brain is emitting bio-electrical signals to the central nervous system to be able to contract and move the muscles and everything else, and also the body is emitting a bio-electromagnetic energy field as well that you might also call like an 'aura' or 'chi/qi'..The body also really is a battery, it runs on chemical and electrical signals and produces almost 100 degrees of body heat..and it also looks like because of the Pineal Gland and the Pituitary Gland in the brain that also produce things like DMT, which is a very psychedelic 'drug', and that there's a theory that when you die a bunch DMT might be released from your brain..These things also allow you somehow to get 'intuition' or to be able to perceive into higher-realities and that kind of stuff as well..All of this put together somehow seems to make the body and brain act like some sort of like an 'antenna' or a 'transmitter/receiver' or 'transceiver' even of bio-electromagnetic energy waves, and is also able to receive electromagnetic waves of energy too as well..

And these waves it looks like can actually correspond to ones thoughts and emotions, and send out a specific 'signal' or 'frequency' out into the world and the 'universe'..And these vibrational waves can either be of positive energy, or negative energy..And they probably allow you to tune into certain 'channels' of reality, because reality is not really solid and most matter is actually made up of empty space..So it could very well be possibly that our thoughts and emotions and the frequencies that we emit from ourselves or that we tune into from the outside world, are actually somehow shifting space and time and like shifting us through many different parallel-dimensions and different timelines of reality..And that the stronger the 'signal' is of the thoughts and emotions that you have, the more it affects possibly how fast you shift through the parallel-dimensions and probably also where you end up going too as well..But you can feel all of this crazy 'energy' stuff over long distances too, or even 'through the screen' of your computer or device as well, especially if it's connected to a worldwide social-media network or something too..which would literally almost make these new computers and devices that we have like the real-life freakin' 'magic mirrors'..