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Your ideal form of government?


Dec 2, 2022
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I tried it all. To see what is the best.

The problem is there seem to be no politics.
If we want one we must start one.
The reason for that is because they pretend it only for many years.
In a way the world is anti politics, anti science, anti knowledge and anti teachers. We are back where we started.
In the first place I like to remind you that when we discovered we had a soul and everybody coult think we thought it was a good idea that everybody could go to school.
Politics and school are based on the idea people can think.
Yet in reality ordinary people as people are called only vote anti everything.
Like they think how can you be corrupt if you have light.
It is better to trace down nothing , know nothing and see nothing.
It is better we do no police work also.
People are litteraly anti another word for againt everything.

That is how they see politics.

People vote litteraly against themselves to give them selves no right.

And believe me the old Roman Empire does see that with delight.

At least at last recognition they must think.

The Protestants started to change the Catholic idea only priest had the right to explain the holy scriptures but that ordinary people also could and can do that so everybody started to explain the bible by themselves even the scriptures them selves are against it and say god chose a group of priest to do so.

What rules the world are business man.

They control your food and what you eat and you work always under a boss and you have no freedom and are litteraly a slave.
It is done all in a form so the people are peacefull with it but nothing ever really changed.

As long people are not aware of that they use the method to keep the people at peace so they do not complain and so they take over power and turn this against the people that work for them litteraly spoken and fill their banks and they choose what to do with it.
They arange everything.

They make eventually trained soldiers and turn the war against the people and work with politicians all over the world.

People are treated as puppets.

As long you have a roof above your head and food you are satisfied.

Yet you see not what is going on in the mean time. The government teach you nothing about it.

You have to discover it yourself.

You help your boss. So the company becomes rich. All companies are connected to survive.

So in reality it is working as one company.

They make with their money the expensive commercials.

They are about their company.

The money role their side. So they rule.

If you want a different direction you get stuck in this system with no way out and then you notice you are prisoned.

There is no real freedom.

You have to want what they want. There is no other way.

They threat with not food and fire you.

They control what school education you follow and job later you can do and work for them in their company and make them strong and it does not matter on who you vote they are all the one same company.

They play games to give people what they want to believe and make a party about it.

They do the same with music what is their company. What does it matter what style of music you like. You pay them if you buy their stuff and it is political and they say power to the people who gave them the right to rule the country. This is by the way incorrect but used against people.

If you believe it proud that it is your will they are satisfied. Even better.

But some people believe it not anymore and find out that it becomes strict and you end up on the black list of a dangerous person and many are afraid and fight not and act as a slave. This fear is not strange.

But it is proof that it is not all free will of the people. But the fear of people that allow a lot and many are to poor to do what ever.

Complain and you are fired.

But to do something requieres also the knowledge to know how and what to do and that is another issue.

They work against people who think differently undermining their power to stay in power and so they make sure you hate those people or dislike them or they make false propaganda say evil things about those holy people.

They know about energy. But everybody does. And so we have equal rights and they own nothing. But they want it their direction and did they treat the people right there would be have no problem. But in reality they mock with people.

They treat people often as trash.

People get not their right.

The government uses never the law.

Because people are bullied and discriminated yet get no help or support what so ever so the system does not work at all.

You are simply ignored.

How many people live alone. But not happy but being neglected and have no contacts. But the governments do not know this and so from beneath nothing goes up for them to know what is going on among people what means, schoolds teachers, and doctors and other social workers tell nothing and say it is good to keep things a secret what is absolutely not good calling it your private right while you should scream , tell the governent for pete sake , do not keep them ignorant.

Now the government think we are all extremely happy and they are proud of their policy.

My good lord.

You can go to the doctor. One sense. Wow. They never could do nothing for nobody.

You are lonely ignored, not joining society but hear you can go to the doctor all the times as if that works.

Worse of all after so many years and watching important television programs , they still do not know the poor condition of how many people.

If I put it all under a carpet it looks great doesnt it .

We put mental institutions far away and nobody knows about it. Can you make the sick even more lonely disconnected or see only other extreme mental ill people who suffer trauma and depression without that medicine help or ease their psychological pain.

I saw many in such conditions. But the shock to find out about it was even worse. And the world knows about it and most have a family member in a mental institution and people acting weird as if something is wrong with those people.

They are disconnected from society.

This is not healthy.

So the government want us to battle to be the fittest.
And only the fittest survive.

But they see no value in what they see as barbarian.

They are proud of them selves and what they succeeded. But how did they do it. Are they christians. Does god help them. I wish they gave us their secret .

But they do not.

I like to find the live elixer.

I wish I had a perfect writing spelling.

I wish I could go to Hollywood.

But nobody admires me.

So what is the key to all that succes.

What spell do they use.

The law of attraction? Being selfish? What is it.

Now the WWII is the prove what they do with us.

The WWI is even more clear with digging your own holes and graves
The road you make they drive over later with their tanks against you.

They laugh behind your backs how stupid you are. And you must bow to them because they have lots of money on their bank account and drive fancy cars.

So what you all must do or is best to do is clear your mind. See reality. There is no government no land no country no flag.

I mean if you need some explanation about songs like amazing grace or the Wilhelmus I like to help you out of your dream easy.

So clear your mind. See there is nothing. Then you have only you. And finaly there it begins. You are the government.

The beginners.

The first.

So yeah, perhaps you doubt your quality. But let me remind you, that always starts that way. And later they write great about you in history books. Well let them have it. You are.
Sep 9, 2021
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I still say the saving grace of any country should be the following:
1. Thorough in person testing of each individual to determine their role through an aptitude and career test.
2. Freeze Prices. Employ every person according to the GS Payscale, in effect all work for the government now such as OPM. Criminal Justice remains the same.
3. Install the Living County Wage instead of the Federal Minimum Wage.
4. Unfreeze prices.

Everyone can afford their bills now, and have a job. Nothing else changes, this is not socialism or communism, it is a way to salvage the American Dream.

Egoid C

Apr 19, 2023
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Not gonna lie, if I was powerful and immortal, I would force a dictatorship. It's not something I crave, lust for, or even think about regularly... but IF I had the powers handed to me, that is what I would do. The general population is far too stupid and unfocused to be making the correct decisions for humanity as a whole.

I would pick capitalism (or the hybrid mix of capitalism we see in developed western countries) over hardcore communism any day... but just because it's the best option we have right now, doesn't mean it's literally the abolute best option.

Honestly, I fucking hate the UN, and I think the world would overall be a much better place if war and conquest were allowed. This whole "countries are soverign and you can't declare war" is causing so much stagnation. A poor, developing country stays poor and underdeveloped because its resources are used inefficiently, whether due to lack of education/skills or corruption etc.

Whereas in the past, a more powerful, developed country would simply take over, utilize the resources more efficiently, and if there is any value in the native population, they would be left to enjoy the benefits of a more developed society/economy/technology... and if they were useless, they would be wiped out, and humanity would be better off for it.

The only problem I really see is slavery, which I'm not a big fan of.

But IMO survival of the fittest is essential, be it on an individual level, a species level, or a national level. The stronger, and more capable should take over the weaker and less capable, and integrate them in to society, and uplift them (by force if necessary), and eventually become one, stronger nation. That is far more conducive to progress than a thin veneer of forced peace over economic warfare, and stagnation, where the rich get richer, secure in knowing that no one has the right to contest them, and the poor get poorer due to being economically exploited by the rich, but never receiving any of the benefits of that exploitation because "you're your own soverign country, and don't deserve the benefits of our country, even though we secretly exploit your cheap labour and corrupt government".

Wars of conquest, and colonization wold be far better for everyone in the long run.
That isn't what survival of the fittest means silly
Sep 9, 2021
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I think a more hardline approach toward cartels and drugs and alcohol is priority one to ban. Then concentrate on solving social problems ignored by capitalism. I would still keep the capitalism structure but change the currency back to gold and silver/precious metals. Other than that, a Statist Libertarian approach, where the state has more power than the federal government.
Sep 9, 2021
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Anarchist-communism. Abolition of bosses, the state, nations, money, work; dictatorship of imagination, poetry, and play.
I could actually be down with that. Consider me your first voter. No work and no menu, as long as all basic needs are provided, Id be down with this.


Dec 2, 2022
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That isn't what survival of the fittest means silly
Really? What is the right of the fittest? I do not mind if it is explained in the right way.
Post automatically merged:

I still say the saving grace of any country should be the following:
1. Thorough in person testing of each individual to determine their role through an aptitude and career test.
2. Freeze Prices. Employ every person according to the GS Payscale, in effect all work for the government now such as OPM. Criminal Justice remains the same.
3. Install the Living County Wage instead of the Federal Minimum Wage.
4. Unfreeze prices.

Everyone can afford their bills now, and have a job. Nothing else changes, this is not socialism or communism, it is a way to salvage the American Dream.
Ok. I have not all things considered you mentioned. Many ideas I like and agree upon.
But the most important I think is what you mentioned the test of people.
But we have that.
Like it looks that way.
I am not sure if it is correctly done. Yet it is not done all wrong also.
Yet I like to see more supervision about what is going on in this world and is done also by teachers. I think those with money still have priveledges above those with talents. Actually those with talents should have the money without anybodies complain but with a happy face and satisfaction the country is ruled by talented people so evetything will be done in a fair and honest way what ofcourse everybody would make happy accept those who are going to be fired. :D
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I think a more hardline approach toward cartels and drugs and alcohol is priority one to ban. Then concentrate on solving social problems ignored by capitalism. I would still keep the capitalism structure but change the currency back to gold and silver/precious metals. Other than that, a Statist Libertarian approach, where the state has more power than the federal government.
I think what I miss here is the slow education for people who need that. Then we do not to call anybody stupid anymore because we explain everybody everything. Poor and rich and the same explanation.
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Egoid C

Apr 19, 2023
Reaction score
Really? What is the right of the fittest? I do not mind if it is explained in the right way.
Post automatically merged:

Survival of the fittest refers to a species' ability to reproduce and that's it. Frankly, evolution doesn't care about anything aside from the passing on of genes, so as long as you can manage to have children before you die you would be considered fit


Jun 28, 2022
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I would like to live in people's republic of poland if I had to choose. For sure it was a dictatorship back then, but life Was easier.
Some examples:
1. You had to work or you went to jail.
2. There were many state owned companies available at your neighborhood.
3. Companies provided free buses to work and back.
4. No one dared to harass you at job, otherwise they could have unpleasant talk with party leaders.
5. They couldn't easily fire you from job.
6. If they indeed did fire you because you drank to much for example, you got instantly another job offer or they had to employ you again.
7. No competition at work. Girls were baking cakes and all people were nice to each other.
It felt more like social gathering than work.
8. You got your own apartment from your employer for really small fee.
9. People had gardens, chickens etc.
10. When you bought some appliances they did work for decades. ( Wash machines etc.)
11. You could have vacations with your wife, even if she worked at different place.
12. State sponsored vacations for free.
13. State sponsored vacations for your kids.
14. Many clubs for kids and grownups for free or symbolic sum of money.
15. Free portion of coal so you could heat your home.
16. Free kindergarten and above.
Now I'm struggling to support my family and gonna have to move to another country. Not sure how do we survive the winter. The price of heating electricity and everything went so f up.
Back then you had all the basic needs covered.
Just my two cents.


Glorious Light of Knowledge and Power
Staff member
Apr 12, 2021
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I would like to live in people's republic of poland if I had to choose. For sure it was a dictatorship back then, but life Was easier.
Some examples:
1. You had to work or you went to jail.
2. There were many state owned companies available at your neighborhood.
3. Companies provided free buses to work and back.
4. No one dared to harass you at job, otherwise they could have unpleasant talk with party leaders.
5. They couldn't easily fire you from job.
6. If they indeed did fire you because you drank to much for example, you got instantly another job offer or they had to employ you again.
7. No competition at work. Girls were baking cakes and all people were nice to each other.
It felt more like social gathering than work.
8. You got your own apartment from your employer for really small fee.
9. People had gardens, chickens etc.
10. When you bought some appliances they did work for decades. ( Wash machines etc.)
11. You could have vacations with your wife, even if she worked at different place.
12. State sponsored vacations for free.
13. State sponsored vacations for your kids.
14. Many clubs for kids and grownups for free or symbolic sum of money.
15. Free portion of coal so you could heat your home.
16. Free kindergarten and above.
Now I'm struggling to support my family and gonna have to move to another country. Not sure how do we survive the winter. The price of heating electricity and everything went so f up.
Back then you had all the basic needs covered.
Just my two cents.
I'm relatively anti-communist. Not because communism is inherently bad, evil, flawed etc... but because humans are. If a population is completely honest, completely driven towards the same goal, relatively homogeneous, free of greed, and kind... then communism could theoretically be the ideal societal structure in an almost hive-mind sort of way... probably even resulting in utopian living standards. But the problem is humans aren't perfect. Greed and malice are a contagious, corrupting influence and will easily spread and cause rot within a communist system, especially when it grows big enough for it to be impossible for every person to have oversight of every other person.

But I do sympathize with your sentiment. Our current world of greed, exploitation, propaganda, censorship, and corporate control is truly revolting, and a misery to live in... especially compared to what you just described. I hope we either collectively figure out something better soon... or some calamity (man-made or otherwise) wipes enough of us out to start fresh. Hopefully then we can learn from our mistakes.


Jun 12, 2023
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I think a lot of people already said perfectly what I was thinking, so I don't have much to add to this discussion. I think when a society and government becomes too big, trouble begins. The ideal society and therefore, government, but one that is perhaps impractical in the current world, is small tribes of people who are connected by blood and genetics. Never, in the history of the world, has a civilization survived multiculturalism. People of different backgrounds can't flow in the same direction in society.

That said, I want to applaud the members here. Whatever your opinions or background, you folks make me glad I stumbled upon this forum. For a while I was on a forum that styled itself as "traditional witchcraft", however the members were not nearly erudite as those on here and I realized if they were going to take on untenable arguments politically and socially (when it did come to that) I couldn't take their magical approach seriously either. I find the most intelligent people are able to take on these issues and therefore I feel I can pick the brains, so to speak, of those on here on metaphysical issues and get intelligent responses as well.


Jun 28, 2022
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But the problem is humans aren't perfect. Greed and malice are a contagious, corrupting influence and will easily spread and cause rot within a communist system, especially when it grows big enough for it to be impossible for every person to have oversight of every other person.
Well you're right. I'm not a commie but made some math lately, and it came out in favor of living in the PRP than in the current shit. I don't have political views anymore, just trying to survive the destructive tide. Politics is another place heavily influenced with parasites, it's better to stay away.
Political systems come and go just like the civilistations. It has been so from the beginnings and will be to the end of time.
Edit: I think I don't gonna even vote anymore. All politician lie and want personal benefits.
Sep 9, 2021
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If politicians didn't start random wars and toughed it out by not stealing or embezzling or extorting, I'd have few problems. I still say daily pay for work done should be a must, none of this biweekly shit. Reward the hardest workers. Pay a living county wage instead of minimum wage crap. Reassess everyone by a battery of tears like career placement, SAT, ACT, GRE etc.
Place people in a GS pay scale according to their career placement and create jobs for those grades.


Jun 28, 2022
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If politicians didn't start random wars and toughed it out by not stealing or embezzling or extorting, I'd have few problems. I still say daily pay for work done should be a must, none of this biweekly shit. Reward the hardest workers. Pay a living county wage instead of minimum wage crap. Reassess everyone by a battery of tears like career placement, SAT, ACT, GRE etc.
Place people in a GS pay scale according to their career placement and create jobs for those grades.
Well, we get paid here once a month.
They want to pay u as small as possible.
You want to earn as much as possible.
That's called a class struggle.
The main goal of companies is to make as much money as is possible.
and to spend so little money on this task as possible.
you're just a tool for reaching their goals.
They don't care about you or about being fair.
Sorry but that's just how the reality is f up.


Feb 8, 2022
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I would say a renewed communism with democracy where everybody gets voting rights WHEN they have studied all of the information that their advocate is running for president or parliament, otherwise you don't get to vote.


Jul 6, 2023
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""To be GOVERNED is to be watched, inspected, spied upon, directed,
law-driven, numbered, regulated, enrolled, indoctrinated, preached at,
controlled, checked, estimated, valued, censured, commanded, by
creatures who have neither the right nor the wisdom nor the virtue to
do so. To be GOVERNED is to be at every operation, at every transaction
noted, registered, counted, taxed, stamped, measured, numbered,
assessed, licensed, authorized, admonished, prevented, forbidden,
reformed, corrected, punished. It is, under pretext of public utility,
and in the name of the general interest, to be place[d] under
contribution, drilled, fleeced, exploited, monopolized, extorted from,
squeezed, hoaxed, robbed; then, at the slightest resistance, the first
word of complaint, to be repressed, fined, vilified, harassed, hunted
down, abused, clubbed, disarmed, bound, choked, imprisoned, judged,
condemned, shot, deported, sacrificed, sold, betrayed; and to crown
all, mocked, ridiculed, derided, outraged, dishonored. That is
government; that is its justice; that is its morality."
-Pierre-Joseph Proudhon

I think as little government as possible, mutualism or libertarian socialism maybe would be my ideal.


Aug 17, 2023
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You have a lot of ideas you're allowed to choose from in the Netherlands? I mean, all your political parties have basically the same policies, with small meaningless deviations, anyone who questions certain aspects of history is imprisoned, you don't really have objective education either.

You don't have freedom in the Netherlands, nor do you have freedom of speech, which is why you have the "hatespeech" laws which contradict freedom of speech. Ironically most these people are merely concerned for their own existence, expressing any concern with the agenda to replace or pervert one's culture is deemed racist, therefore suppressed.

The idea that you don't have benevolent dictators in your society is also ridiculous. The inherent flaw in a democracy or constitutional monarchy which employs the democratic process, is that less intelligent people assume you have a choice, which is false. All parties get funding from multi-national conglomerates, in exchange they tow the line your benevolent dictators in multi-national conglomerates and banks tell them to. You may vote for a party, but that party tows the line set out by those who fund and control them.

Democracy is and always has been a lie, a false, self-destructive idea. All your opinions in your supposedly diverse society is exactly the same as your neighbor's, this isn't human diversity, it's human programming. So much for the free society where you can't choose what you read, what you believe, debate historical fact, have an opinion on the policies of your government, and you have to destroy your farms for the good of the world which will probably lead to a famine in the future.
Well said.


Nov 4, 2023
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My political ideology is the widespread social enshrinement of the principles behind Initiation.

In my ideal society, adults would have been liberated from money, neuroses and the Abrahamic derived ideologies which have consumed most human effort over the past 2000 years. The entirety of individualised human endeavour would be centred on self-willed evolution, with people choosing for themselves the learning, pleasures and experiences which are most likely to bring forth their Highest Self. There would be guidance from those further down the road and help for those new, not out of "social obligation", but because helping others to empower themselves is often a key to our own empowerment and the more intelligent, responsible, funny adults in the world, the better the world is to live in.

Of course this all takes place within the forum of nature and, while I eschew the RHP goal of total self-alignment with the laws of nature, I do acknowledge that those laws must be worked with rather than against. This includes biological realities (such as death, which will eventually come even with life extension sciences) and metaphysical inferences which arise from nature; how do we reconcile care for animals, a noble goal for any demi-god, with the law of the jungle for example? I consider nature to be a source of aesthetic pleasure and necessary for biological sustainment. Therefore, I believe that exploiting natural resources is unwise and the dystopian, post-industrial wastelands around us are a sign of mankind's increasing insanity. Green technologies seem like a good way forward and maintaining those technologies can occur on a rota. I also accept as a law of nature the Evolian principle that aesthetics are a manifestation of spirit. I think the West's loss of identity is not far from its loss of traditional aesthetics and I'm saddened to see that spreading to parts of the Middle East.

In a perfect world, all traces of industrialisation are gone, including roads, and much of the world has returned to forest. In their cold-fusion powered pods, doublet-wearing humans seek out new vistas of experience for themselves and travel to each others homes to share their Work with each other.

Given how poorly most humans "use" their present-day freedoms (the greatest freedoms in human history), we're a long, long way from all of this. Many would also be resistant to the simple fact that not everyone we share the planet with would be able to function within a society of the sort I'm writing about. In fact there are more who wouldn't make the most of it than there are those who would. And then there are those who would deliberately work against the coming of such a world because they know they couldn't cope with it. Within the context of the here and now I am therefore content to let the majority of mankind live with the coming consequences of their actions while preserving and helping those who have the spark of a better world in them.


Truth Seeker
Apr 28, 2024
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If I were to make a govermant, the first law would be: The Public man has no right to Privacy."
This would mean every politician that was voted would need to have a camera attached to his head that streams his life 24 hours. I doubt he would be able to be corrupt. This way, I can assure that my later stuff would not errode and be corrupted over time after I die, and would still leave some room for change later on.

This also solves one of the biggest problems with democracy, which is the state of constant manipulation of the masses, which fall for every little trick on the book. You divide them with controversial topic like abortion, death penalty and many others, and create a political party divided in 2 sections that satisfy the 2 extremes right and left.

Good luck trying to come up with this stuff when there is a camera in your head 24 hours without the masses noticing, and good luck having a luxuary and life without making all the masses feeling like idiots.

Second thing I would do is education. I come from Brasil, and we have a criminality problem. The whole right movement is very in favor of just killing all criminals and voala! The problem is solved. But we know is not that simple. Even if the police went to a killing spread (which they kinda already do that sometimes), that wouldnt solve the problem.

What happens is that criminals take young children and convert them into criminals very soon in poor comunities. For that reason, I would make big public schools where kids stay and lived there from Mondays to fridays, and then visit their parents on the weekends. This creates a safe environment for children to develop and learn, and would also reduce the criminality rate by making children and adolences less exposed to that type of environment.

Now I would make magick a part of the school curriculum, things like Alister Crowley would be part of what they would teach in schools. There would be religion classes, but they would not be just about Christianity, but also Judaism, Islam, Candomble and Umbanda. So no indoctrination.