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What Happened To Me In 2010, Download of Spiritual Energy, Military Helicopters..


Nov 30, 2022
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You were able to sense/see the entity sitting on your head so you will be able to sense/see the implants - if permitted
I was never able to see any sort of entity with tentacles that you talk about too, but if it does come around I got that fucken like 1000-Watt Forcefield, and like an Interdimensional missile-defense system to keep all of those flying fucks out of my goddamn Airspace..


Aug 31, 2021
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So not permitted to look at the implants


Nov 30, 2022
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So not permitted to look at the implants
I don't think that I'm really able to do that kind of thing anymore because my cosmic 'brain antenna' is probably at this point even too physically damaged from psychiatric drugs to be able to even do that kind of anymore too..and I sort of am operating at all times right now in some sort of weird overdrive-mode or something, fueled by vengeneance, as well as by certain substances at times too, like a bit of that alcohol, weed, shrooms, DMT if I can get it, and sometimes even a bit of that Coca Cola..


Nov 30, 2022
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If you get desperate do this exercise

Meditation & Dream Troubles

Your supervisor will resist but then you must decide who should be in control of your life
My supervisor? I thought that I just told that prick to go shove that vaccine up his ass..Oh wait, nevermind..but anways, yeah sure, some of that sounds kind of interesting, maybe I'll check it out too.


Nov 30, 2022
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I know that you all might be thinking something like, 'Is this guy really who he says he is, and also will he really still be that guy when it actually comes down to it at 'crunch-time'?'..And trust me that is actually a damn good question, and one that I usually ask myself like very day of my life right now anyways though too as well..


Nov 30, 2022
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I also think that right now though that I may have actually even have ended up being 'That Guy'...I also don't want to sound like some giant douche-nozzle or something right now though either..


Nov 30, 2022
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So alright who wants to join the fucken APLF?!...Are you in?...'You know what you crazy son of a bitch, I'm in..'...


Nov 30, 2022
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Sorry for being a bit of a 'clown'..but it also does look like we are also in fact living right now in 'clown world' though too as well..


Aug 31, 2021
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I got that fucken like 1000-Watt Forcefield, and like an Interdimensional missile-defense system to keep all of those flying fucks out of my goddamn Airspace..
That defense system is the entity on your head.

It acts to keep out forbidden thoughts.

I prefer freedom of thought - it supports free will.


Nov 30, 2022
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That defense system is the entity on your head.

It acts to keep out forbidden thoughts.

I prefer freedom of thought - it supports free will.
Did you just say that you put some sort of an entity on my head that would keep out forbidden thoughts?..Well that's like uh, pretty nice of you I guess then man, thanks..


Nov 30, 2022
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This society does not want any kind of real freedom of thought to be happening, they want to be like the freakin' Thought Police like in 1984, and it seems like the American Left especially are actually like a bunch of dare I say at the risk of it sounding bad, like actually some sort of like 'mental and physical rejects' or something that finally have the chance to cling to an actually totalitarian ideology that they want to just use to try to silence people that they disagree with, and to try to get people into trouble by using the power of the State..


Nov 30, 2022
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I'll also just leave this here for right now too, I don't know what you all think about things like 'manifestation' or the 'Law of attraction' and stuff like that too, but from what I've seen there does seem to be like some sort of manifestation mechanism that exists in this world..It seems like it might even function by like every thought and emotion you have has a vibrational frequency to it that gets sent out into the universe like an an antenna and radio waves. And that it's actually constantly shifting you though like parallel-dimensions and timelines..and that like every person, situation, or circumstance you encounter was there for a reason..

But it doesn't look like it might be something that you can really rely upon either to get you what you want, or to get like the material things in the world that you want, it's probably just going to end up taking some good old-fashioned 'hard work' and effort to actually get it, and then maybe possibly if the universe sees that you're really aligned with it and are taking alot of action on it, then maybe it might just like throw you a bone every once in a while or something too..Maybe I'm wrong and there is some sort of state that you can get intp and achieve, perhaps some mental and emotional state, that I also probably was also able to briefly attain during that big download that I talked about before on here, or that perhaps like some Saint, or Zen Monk, or like some ancient Mystery School adept might know about or something..


Nov 30, 2022
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I might have come on a bit too strong in the beginning, or in maybe the wrong way or something, but I also figured that dropping something seriously big and crazy like this on a forum like this might get me alot of flak or something too..Normally I'm usually like a pretty nice guy and try to live my life by spiritual and moral principles, and try to treat other people in the ways that I would want to be treated until they give me a reason otherwise..


Nov 30, 2022
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I also recently might have even suffered what you might even call like having a small 'stroke' or something too, I went to the hospital for it last week, and they said that it looked like it probably wasn't..but there still seems to be something wrong with my head too, and I might even be out of action here for like a couple of months or more, being more like the Professor Xavier in this place..I'll probably go get an MRI done on it too, but I also just figured that I'd ask, that if anybody in this forum has the abilities to like 'remote-view' my brain spiritually and to check it for any 'damages' or something that it might have, then that would actually be pretty cool as well..but again, any answers that you give me right now I'll probably just take with a grain of salt too..


Nov 30, 2022
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A little bit more about some of the experiences that I've had with what you might call the 'occult' and the spiritual reality, there were times where I was able to actually catch glimpses of some of those negative astral-entities or 'demon' things with my own eyes..Those things kind of look like these floating dark orbs, and one time I actually saw one of those dark orbs while I was inside of a house actually start flying really fast just like right into the wall, and right when it did that I heard a loud creaking sound briefly being made coming from the structure and foundation of the house...Another time and something like this had never happen before, but I was actually walking down the street one time and ended up making eye-contact very briefly with a passing motorcycle cop, and the dude must have been looking right through me like a laser or something, with possibly some sort of like 'murderous intent' or something too, because I actually felt and heard like this loud clicking sound inside of my head right when he did that, and I thought that that was kind of weird..


Nov 30, 2022
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The Pineal Gland in the brain is also known as the 'Third-Eye' in spiritual circles, and it produces Melatonin to help you sleep as well as producing Dimethyl-Tryptamine or DMT, and there's also a theory that when you die that the brain produces large amounts of DMT too..It can also allow you to see and perceive what you might call the greater reality as well..For me back when I sort of was still able to do it, the Third-Eye would almost start to project like this almost like 'purple haze' that I could see over my waking vision, as well as with your eyes closed, and with your eyes closed you might even start to see these strange faces of people or strange beings that it looks like they're trying to talk to you..or perhaps you might see some sort of random images, almost as clearly as if you were seeing them on TV screen or something too, and perhaps some of those things might even be like past-life memories or something too as well..

Another thing that I was able to do was to practice I guess what you could call Qi-Gong, and I was able to just say hold out my hands in front of me facing each other, and if I concentrated on it I could actually start to feel like this magnetic-force I guess you could say that would start to push back against my hands, and even like some sort of heat or warmth would start to build up in my hands too as well..

This world has a very dense vibration, and also all of the atoms are actually moving in a bunch of different directions and places all at once and are actually in different 'superpositions' as they say all at once like in the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle, and alot of matter is actually just made up of empty space..It seems like our brains are actually like an 'antenna' of sorts too, and is constantly sending out vibrational waves of electromagnetic-energy that corresponds to your thoughts and emotions, both positive and negative..and it looks like the stronger that the emotions are that you have that are associated with those thoughts, that the more energy that you will be putting out there will be.. And these might actually be shifting you through different parallel-dimensions of reality and different timelines that might exist or that might come about, and that we're constantly actually shifting through different parallel-dimensions of reality that are actually very similar to this one, but that say in one of those realities, you might have actually moved your hand to the right just now instead of to the left, and that that will probably lead to countless other possible parallel-dimensions of reality and timelines that you could experience from there..

Mainstream controlled materialist-reductionist, bought and paid for 'science' or rather the now dogmatic and suppressive you can say religion of 'Scientism' that it has all become, and that is being pushed out onto the public as the absolute Truth at the end of the day, as well as which are the views that the modern Atheist movement tries to put out to the public, all of those ideas and movements all come from and are all funded by that evil New World Order, Rockefeller and Rothschilds type of worldwide control-system..The richest and most powerful people in the world are NOT atheists..that's just something that they just like to push on all of the 'dumbasses' out there who like to think that they're 'smart'...The atheist ideology and worldview if you really look at it deeply is actually a very dark, cold, and soulless type of worldview..And after what I've seen and experienced especially that proved to me pretty much beyond the shadow of a doubt that some sort of spiritual reality actually exists, I would almost say that actively pushing that reductionist-materialist atheism shit onto people is actually a pretty great crime against Humanity too as well..

'The first gulp from the glass of Natural Sciences will make you an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass, God is waiting for you..' - Werner Heisenberg


Apr 16, 2021
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Being totally honest here, not trying to be funny or no disrespect meant, but this thread is sort of fascinating in an odd way. It feels like you have a lot of interesting concepts locked up in your mind and you found a place to release it all. Not a doctor nor is this medical advice, but from a spiritual perspective, maybe that containment is part of the reason you’re experiencing the maladies you mentioned regarding brain health.

Some of your posts here show that you do have a decent understanding of esoteric principles, although I’m not able to really grasp what your true goal is. Its none of my business though really. I’m just trying to gauge how I can help. If you wanna go back and start with square 1, getting back into qigong would be an excellent foundation.

I’ll probably sound like a broken record soon talking about it, but it really helps develop foundational skills that will multiply your output by 9. The breathing alone helps calm the mind, helps heal the body, makes your more sensitive to energetic changes. Then comes the energy work part of it which helps one understand the flow of energy and how to interact with it. And how we‘re connected to the cosmic breath. It’ll help fortify that 1000 joule or however you mentioned it force field you have around you. And it‘ll be readily available with each breath.

On fortification, idk what system you’re interested in going with, but building a relations with your spiritual guides and ancestors goes a long way. Outside of direct spiritual defenses that come from you, thats the next layer. Think about like you being the king of the castle, protected by a tower with strong walls. Your guides and ancestors are the walls that protect the tower, and the most trusted source of direct outside information. The realest spies and warriors we can wish for. From there, regardless of what system you pick up, you have the castle built on top of your foundation of breath.

Then I would recommend you pick up a divination system. It can help clarify situations like when someone mentions you have an octopus etheric implant or what have you. Throw your cards down, use a pendulum, shells, bones, whatever you resonate with, and get an answer. The goal is to have a method of gathering information outside of your direct and familiar resources. Think of this as being the weather radar/phone/sensors to the outside world beyond what spheres you directly interact with.

If you follow that, along with obvious things like good health choices and being a decent person, lots of doors start to unlock.


Nov 30, 2022
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Being totally honest here, not trying to be funny or no disrespect meant, but this thread is sort of fascinating in an odd way. It feels like you have a lot of interesting concepts locked up in your mind and you found a place to release it all. Not a doctor nor is this medical advice, but from a spiritual perspective, maybe that containment is part of the reason you’re experiencing the maladies you mentioned regarding brain health.

Some of your posts here show that you do have a decent understanding of esoteric principles, although I’m not able to really grasp what your true goal is. Its none of my business though really. I’m just trying to gauge how I can help. If you wanna go back and start with square 1, getting back into qigong would be an excellent foundation.

I’ll probably sound like a broken record soon talking about it, but it really helps develop foundational skills that will multiply your output by 9. The breathing alone helps calm the mind, helps heal the body, makes your more sensitive to energetic changes. Then comes the energy work part of it which helps one understand the flow of energy and how to interact with it. And how we‘re connected to the cosmic breath. It’ll help fortify that 1000 joule or however you mentioned it force field you have around you. And it‘ll be readily available with each breath.

On fortification, idk what system you’re interested in going with, but building a relations with your spiritual guides and ancestors goes a long way. Outside of direct spiritual defenses that come from you, thats the next layer. Think about like you being the king of the castle, protected by a tower with strong walls. Your guides and ancestors are the walls that protect the tower, and the most trusted source of direct outside information. The realest spies and warriors we can wish for. From there, regardless of what system you pick up, you have the castle built on top of your foundation of breath.

Then I would recommend you pick up a divination system. It can help clarify situations like when someone mentions you have an octopus etheric implant or what have you. Throw your cards down, use a pendulum, shells, bones, whatever you resonate with, and get an answer. The goal is to have a method of gathering information outside of your direct and familiar resources. Think of this as being the weather radar/phone/sensors to the outside world beyond what spheres you directly interact with.

If you follow that, along with obvious things like good health choices and being a decent person, lots of doors start to unlock.
There was something that I was going to mention and talk about on here as well that seems to also be something that me and Sheldon the guy with the abilities that I talked about in my account before earlier might even very much disagree on..He tends to see this world and this life in a more 'positive' kind of way, and that this life and the other lifetimes that we've had through reincarnation were all part of like some great soul journey or something to evolve the soul, and that if we master all of the 'lessons' in this 'school' that we would then be able to 'graduate' and be able to incarnate into higher-dimensions that will probably be alot better than this one..till one day you might evolve yourself and your soul to the point where you might even actually become like almost some sort of verifiable interdimensional god-like being, and then maybe you can create your own worlds or something too then as well..

The other view that I sort of tend to hold more right now after doing research right now and also just looking around and observing enough times just what this world is, I think that it's possible that we might be being tricked or forced into reincarnating here over and over again by some sort of malevolent, powerful spiritual beings or malevolent 'gods'..The Gnostics in Ancient Greece called it the Demiurge, and that it was like this powerful god-like being that at one point like cut itself off from the Source of creation and the energy of it, and now had to like vampire energy from other living beings and systems to survive, and that it sort of just went kind of 'insane', and that it was also a very 'egoic' and 'wrathful' type of 'god'..This might even correspond to the story of Lucifer and Satan in the bible, or that the Demiurge is actually the god of the bible Jehovah or 'Yahweh'..And that it has like these legions of 'Archons' or these dark astral-beings and negative entities and what you might call 'demons' or 'evil spirits' that it has unleashed upon the world too to really just try to fuck with people..And that the bigger ones of the Archons sort of float around in the sky actually and can sort of act as like the 'mothership' sort of for the smaller ones that try to go out and attack people..And that you can actually see some of these Archons or astral entities sometimes or take a picture of them with like an infra-red camera..and that this place is actually like an energy farm of sorts for these beings, and that we're being made to be tricked or forced into having to reincarnate here on Earth over and over again..


Apr 16, 2021
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I agree more with your view about reincarnation and it being a trick of sorts. The planet itself for as beautiful and fruitful as it us for us preys on itself constantly. Even if you took humans out of the question, that process continues. But! It has a purpose. It works like leaves fallings on the ground of the forest and decomposing over time and creating a habitat for other creatures, which then becomes the fertilizer that helps to forest continue to grow. We’re a teeny yet influential part of the equation. A conundrum.

Reincarnating into this world IMO is a result of being attached to that process of feeding the earth and the harvest that comes from it. The material. Where our views start to diverge is that I believe that after death, we have lessons available from certain schools in other planes that are able to reach things that cant be reached coming back to this world. Thats a big component of the spirit work we (as Paleros) do. Part of our contract is that they us achieve things on this plane and prepare us for higher planes afterwards, and they get to apply the tools at their disposal “out there” that help them attain higher states of consciousness/being through understanding.