Tomorrow, Tuesday, everyone fucks off in the day and evening, except for Work tonight with Chef Dan.
Im making oils.
One Cayenne Oil done (1/3 of 2 oz cayenne, 4 ox olive oil strained through a filter.
1 Cayenne requested - P
1 Clove Oil requested - P
1 Clove Oil requested - J
2 Oil of Thyme
2 Oil of Oregano
2 Clove Oil
Was told to look into Threee Thieves Oil by girlfriend, only thing I could find close in The Voodoo Hoodoo Spellbook was Four Thieves Vinegar. I could adapt it into an oil. Would like to know the purpose for it. Anyway. Added to my list.
Cannabis Oil - 1 oz top shelf hybrid, 16 oz olive oil - 40 per 2 oz container.
Holy Oil/Water.
And several others.
Now I know of two conjure shops nearby. One problem solved.
My room a mess again, but maintenance or inspectors should be able to get at outlets, phone jack, switch, overhead light bulbs, electric panel. I'll be here most of the time, so likely they will come at an inappropriate time, like my making oils.
My bed is a hurricane disaster area. Hoarder alert. Need to go through ALL my possessions, organize it and separate junk away from reasonable items to decrease hoarding status. To be fair, mostly esoteric books, journals, cat treat, catnip, grooming tools, blankets, towel/washcloth. Reasonable.
Unreasonable: a bag of mail to go into ignored boxes of paper in the closet. I guess I finally get to paper sorting and shredding.
Likely I could just shed mostly all paper anyway. Essential records and such excluded. Art paper pads. Not necessary in bed not colored pencils. One dream diary and a pen tops on bed.
Clothing. I need a handle on this crap and timing of money and time for laundry. Perhaps girlfriend can help me with this if I slide her a couple bucks for every load to go towards a water bill or the likes.
I really need to wash all my clothes and donate most of it. I have enough clothing for myself. And it frees up the bin for the laundry basket to sit on. Move food bag items to kitchen cabinet, not prepping its just division. Organize kitchen cabinet.
Everything in the closet is what Im keeping anyway in a bad situation. Most items (lamps fans etc) can be replaced at cost with a better financial situation and life situation.
I have no choice but to proceed with my projects whether I'm ready or not. Ive worked enough years in unix datacenter that I can handle a server and a few incoming hackers or a script. Until a decent firewall is active with a decent ruleset and restricted whitelist allowed to tunnel in. Which then with decreased attacks can proceed with installations and configurations and testing for handoff.
Oil Business. More of a side hustle like tarot reading, though I guess with Etsy and barring any tax issues, should be able to launch it.
Local fairs and festivals try to have a couple hundred samples on hand.
Tarot reading - get good with Thoth deck for mystical magical purposes. Keep Rider Waite for Golden Dawn studies. Get a third deck for hustling readings, perhaps a new Rider Waite deck and give away the used deck that Ive marked with symbolism and titles. Or Ceremonial Magicians and Magicians Tarot decks.
Feeling internal push to get cracking my required reading, which Ive honestly not done the past couple days as spent with girlfriend.
Not a bad thing at all. Anyway, Geomancy and Astrology are nagging at me too to know. Have a few book shares that will be helpful as well as Greers Geomancy Art and Practice book.
Quit smoking tobacco. Now thinking of moving to strictly medibles rather than smoking flower. Planning to decrease or at least use a glass pipe or a tobacco pipe to smoke it in. But really like the medibles route. No other drugs than pot coffee or tea for me.
Going to quit nicotine pouches too. Up to a cold turkey point. Will involvement.
Exhausted. No further work, just side reading nd low music in background.