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Journal Journal of Night and Day, Son and Moon

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.
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Sep 9, 2021
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Crushing cloves by nails and fingertips to make at least two Oil of Clove. Cayenne Oil samples done with 1/3 jar of Cayenne left to make two more.
Sep 9, 2021
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Completed two clove oils and two cayenne oils. The Oil of Clove I am not terribly proud of, I'm not sure the method I used gave it no smell or that that method just won't work. We'll see. I'll have them try it and give me their opinion on it. Cayenne was well received.
Sep 9, 2021
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Also gained among other things at the freebie store - 3 scarves of red black and cream; three throw blankets, blue white and yellow, other things, an angel figurine, a book on small batch baking.

I did want to pursue gourmet cooking, poverty holds that back even though I learned methods to sustain myself on one meal a day. Some days nothing. So, always seeking onward and upward, Im going to have two jobs, and hustle oils and tarot on the side, as well as medicated oils and medibles.

Add to that will start practicing martial arts again. One friend has a kicking bag, my girlfriend and I know ninjutsu.
Going to try to use words of power under dressed candles and note effects otherwise.

Back to my Mesopotamian research and reading Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt.
Sep 9, 2021
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As Im working with Lyam Christophers book “Kabbalah, Magic, and the Great Work of Self-Transformation”, I’m currently working on one of the writing requirements, the compendium of Gods; currently looking into all African (not just loa or Egyptian deities) and Mesopotamian (all near east actually) goddesses and gods. Will target hinduism and Vietnamese gods and goddesses next. That should bring me over to the west at that point upon finis.

Still waking up atm, so will do Neophyte Formula shortly.

Reading assignments for day:
Christophers book
Regardie, continual dissection of all elemental and adopts minor initiation rituals, then tackle inner order initiations.
Writing assignments:
Outline of each ritual
Compendium of Gods
Online and offline journals.

Oil Work:
Have made two Oil of Clove and three Cayenne Oil.
Still have one Oil of Clove and one Cayenne Oil on hand. Will sell each for 10 or 20, haven’t decided.
Also received from a friend two ounces of weed to make the medicated balms and oils. May make Oil of Thyme today.

Pulled out of herb bag Thyme, Basil, Oregano and Rose hips. Will make one or two oils of one of the four as not much olive oil left til Friday.

Speaking of herbs, a cigarette of it I rolled I have not yet smoked. My girlfriend gave me one of her medicine bags that has mullein in it. She told me to smoke a cigarette of it daily to lift all the crap up out of my lungs so my cough ceases. I may look into essiac tea (interesting story behind the tea) in case its something unpleasant. So I start smoking mullein too. Dont know what I will do with the cart I traded with someone else for a free gram of mushrooms I had.

After I get through the extensive list of Near East gods, Africa comes next.
I feel like my Grandfather the Archaeologist in a way. Wish he was still alive and coherent as he was before the alcoholism took his life and mind away.

So far the “Return To Sender”/“Road Opener” ritual I designed and did for a close friend is working for her.
Im going to get names from my friend every week and do a Road Opener for the homeless person each week and note what occurs and write in journal. If I get ten out of ten obvious reaction, the ritual goes in my blank (at the moment) ritual book. They will be a blind party to the ritual, and will simply receive a name of the party, without their knowing about it - no word from my friend to that party. The only way to use the scientific method on this.
A social experiment you could say.
If it works for them, then I do one on myself. Only way to be fair and humble on this. Others before me.
Today … four hours before I typically leave for work to be hours early so Im not late.
So … exercise, the word I hate. 50 sit-ups, 50 push-ups, 50 deck squats. Could go route of burpees but trying to be kind on myself.
50 basic strikes.
50 basic blocks.
50 basic stab kicks.
50 basic stomp-kicks.
50 basic high kicks.
400 exercises. That should be good for the day.
Will eat when I get to work. Need to be a better employee starting today. No laziness, no call-offs. Care for myself as well as the manager, seeing the effects of stress on him. Maybe do a healing ritual on him and note the effect.
Sep 9, 2021
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Barely did 20 pushups before getting temporarily tired. If Im going to do 400 exercises, it should be for any thighs/ass and chest definition rather than me throwing on a goat mask and looking like Baphomet.
Sep 9, 2021
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N Liber Resh Vel Helios Midnight Adoration, with grade sign.
E Liber Resh Vel Helios Morning adoration, with grade sign.
E Lord of the Universe Morning adoration, with Neophyte signs.
E Qabbalistic Cross Ritual.
E Invoking Earth (Virgo) Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram.
E Qabbalistic Cross Ritual.
S Neophyte signs.
W Lord of the Universe Evening adoration with Ehieh and Neophyte signs.
W Middle Pillar Ritual
W Lord of the Universe Evening adoration with Ehieh and Neophyte signs.
N Neophyte signs.
E Lord of the Universe Morning adoration with Neophyte signs.
Sep 9, 2021
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Perfectionist I am (or at least obsessive), displeased with the clove oil I made. After all the fingernail and skin pricks from nail crushing cloves, could smell the raw cloves but nothing from the oil. Hopefully the essence was extracted and infused the oil. That was the goal anyway. The cayenne oil on the other hand, quite pleased with results, did taste test on that but not the clove since tried to keep it as sanitary as possible during making to sealing the oil containers.

However, as this is currently classed as Hobbyist, Amateur or hustler, its not FDA approved, but if it were, I would need a sanitary factory for making of the oils an wearing/donning a hazmat kinda suit to keep everything sanitary. Dont know if any of you have ever worked in a food processing factory, but those suits are close to what surgeons wear. Pain in the ass to don them.
Sep 9, 2021
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Tarot reading for the Day --- Split Hexagram Spread. Thoth deck.
"What is my current spiritual location and state of being?"

Greater Spiritual Influence: Kaph, Wheel of Fortune. Jupiter
Lesser Spiritual Influence: Tzaddi, The Star. Aquarius
Spiritual Advice: Zayin, The Lovers. Gemini

Unconscious Desires: Beth, The Magician. Mercury.
Conscious Desires: Yod, The Hermit. Virgo.
Practical Advice: Cheth, The Chariot. Cancer.

Final Outcome: Peh, The Tower.

Overseer: Shin, The Aeon. Fire.

Why I chose this spread and deck, it is a new deck and pretty clean of external influence except for a reading for two close friends whose energy did not contaminate it, one of my readings was powerful for the mutual friend.
It is also a spiritual spread for a spiritual question.
An existential crisis perhaps, but also an honest occasional inquiry we all could be better off asking ourselves that question.

Jupiter, Aquarius, Gemini.
Mercury, Virgo Cancer.
Interesting pattern.
Two fire cards, Mars and Fire as result and overseer.
Sep 9, 2021
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Of the signs in the reading, trying to recall correctly the kerubic, mutable and cardinal signs.
Wheel of Fortune to Case represents Cause and Effect. Karma though that comes close to Justices Action-Work theme.
Wheel of Fortune, Jupiter and The Star, Aquarius; Jupiter and Saturn essentially. Add Zain to that ... Gemini Saturn seems to win here.

Mercury and Virgo, a good pair there, add Cancer (ruled by Luna to that), Luna and the Chariot win backed by Mercury through Virgo.
My invoking Earth Pentagrams have been called with Virgo.

The Blasted Tower - Mars - Disinegration and Reintegration/Construction.
Sep 9, 2021
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No more work than research for my compendium on god(lesse)s before leaving for work and meditations to do on bus and during slow periods at work. Try to make it spiritually as well as physically productive.

Unfortunately while I can be gung-ho at food production on the job, we dont actually sell that much, and constantly have beggars asking for free food. So, will just clerk it and meditate on, to pass the time today.
Sep 9, 2021
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So, one thyme, one basil, and two rose have been dry stored in containers. Will need more olive oil, none til Friday. What's left I may just use for cooking.
Still analyzing ideas of the Thoth tarot spreads and meditations.
Now going back to work at reading Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt and Mesopotamia deities off wikipedia, and the Voodoo Hoodoo Spellbook for deity name extractions for research. One thing I want to keep in mind is who the deities were at the time of Moses Yeshua and the Israelite captivities, and records before and after those events, as well as creation and flood stories..if there is inconsistency, note it and continue on researching. This is a history record, not an emotional essay. Therefore, no religious interjection here. These are simply names from history as well as myth, despite religious objections to the content produced. Thats the domain of Apologetics these days.
Sep 9, 2021
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I think I have half the ingredients for a Hotfoot powder that can be transformed into a distillate or oil.
Will work on cannabis oil, though Friday may have to be a start day, as more oil and cheesecloth are necessary. would also like to find a small flat strainer that I can rest the cheesecloth bag tied with a bread tie, sitting over the measuring cup collecting the extract infused oil. Not sure if heat methods are necessary, or could try making hash out of it, crumbling the hash and doing an oil extraction on that.
Three Thieves or Four Thieves Oil.
Pain relieving balm (reason for the Cannabis Oil extracted from buds or hash), along with other ingredients to soothe weary and pained feet and hands. To bring life back to the homeless, and do a road opener on them.
As for haters, you get the hotfoot and potentially four thieves vinegar as well as being ultra spicy. Hotfoot is a virgin term for what Im thinking of making for. an oil for candle dressing for a psalm use.
Sep 9, 2021
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One thing I wonder about is evoking an angel of a selected dead figure from past time - B.C. times. The angel would be truly fascinating to converse with. But I should reach my HGA first and get to know and evoke him/her/them.
Sep 9, 2021
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Tarot reading for the Day --- Split Hexagram Spread. Thoth deck.
"What is my current spiritual location and state of being?"

Greater Spiritual Influence: Kaph, Wheel of Fortune. Jupiter
Lesser Spiritual Influence: Tzaddi, The Star. Aquarius
Spiritual Advice: Zayin, The Lovers. Gemini

Unconscious Desires: Beth, The Magician. Mercury.
Conscious Desires: Yod, The Hermit. Virgo.
Practical Advice: Cheth, The Chariot. Cancer.

Final Outcome: Peh, The Tower.

Overseer: Shin, The Aeon. Fire.

Why I chose this spread and deck, it is a new deck and pretty clean of external influence except for a reading for two close friends whose energy did not contaminate it, one of my readings was powerful for the mutual friend.
It is also a spiritual spread for a spiritual question.
An existential crisis perhaps, but also an honest occasional inquiry we all could be better off asking ourselves that question.

Jupiter, Aquarius, Gemini.
Mercury, Virgo Cancer.
Interesting pattern.
Two fire cards, Mars and Fire as result and overseer.


Another interesting note on this reading is three pairs held together by one card - my unconscious desires (The Magician, Beth, House).
9,10 Yod/Hermit, Kaph/Wheel of Fortune (by reduction or gematria, 30 or 3; by key 19 or 1)
16,17 Peh/Tower, Tzaddi/The Star (by reduction or gematria, 160 or 7; by key 33 or 6)
6,7 Zain/The Lovers, Cheth/The Chariot (by reduction or gematria, 15 or 6; by key, 13 or 4.)
Held together by 1 (1 or 2). Mercury.
Sep 9, 2021
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(Random Major Key) Card for the Day: Key 11, Lust (Teth, Leo). Law of Suggestion before the next key, Yod, Law of Response. Still the higher lords over the lower in either system for the concept. Could stand for absolute corruption through literal lust, lust for result, or in general wantonness and depravity. Could also stand for war, strength, might.
Sep 9, 2021
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Alchemy journey begins through herbs and oils it appears. Thinking of converting the weed to hash and crumbling the ash for the oil to seep through/saturate and infuse with the hash, and bleed into the measuring cup to pour into the containers. Those are double to triple price.

I am determined to make 140 this weekend by offering oils for sale: rose oil; cayenne oil; Oil of Thyme; Oil of Oregano. 20 a container, ten dollars per liquid ounce. 7 containers. Seperate by category of hot or cold; ingest only if doctor okays it or use only for candle dressing otherwise. I will do one cayenne, two each oregano, thyme and rose.

As for the cannabis oil, that will be mixed into shea butter, camphor oil and a few other ingredients for a balm to give to the homeless.

Each week I am doing a road opener for a persons name drawn from a hat. Results will be observed and noted. If they align, the ritual goes in my blank book.
Sep 9, 2021
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It's odd ... I have a few ideas but wonder who the figure is ...
Found in a freebie shop: A silver necklace with 57 beads, three of which hang vertically beneath the figure. The figure appears to be female due to breasts, and a halo atop. However, the figure does not stand in an oval, but rather a coffin.
Sep 9, 2021
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Think I will stop at the Robot Repair Shop in town and the hobby/science shops for things like teenager age chemistry, botany, biology, geology kits.
This might satisfy me until I can afford a few items and options.
This way I can observe and note changes with experiments done in a scientific manner.
Sep 9, 2021
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I have a name and an image of someone interesting. I think I will do an act of High Magic ... An(u).
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