Tarot reading for the Day --- Split Hexagram Spread. Thoth deck.
"What is my current spiritual location and state of being?"
Greater Spiritual Influence: Kaph, Wheel of Fortune. Jupiter
Lesser Spiritual Influence: Tzaddi, The Star. Aquarius
Spiritual Advice: Zayin, The Lovers. Gemini
Unconscious Desires: Beth, The Magician. Mercury.
Conscious Desires: Yod, The Hermit. Virgo.
Practical Advice: Cheth, The Chariot. Cancer.
Final Outcome: Peh, The Tower.
Overseer: Shin, The Aeon. Fire.
Why I chose this spread and deck, it is a new deck and pretty clean of external influence except for a reading for two close friends whose energy did not contaminate it, one of my readings was powerful for the mutual friend.
It is also a spiritual spread for a spiritual question.
An existential crisis perhaps, but also an honest occasional inquiry we all could be better off asking ourselves that question.
Jupiter, Aquarius, Gemini.
Mercury, Virgo Cancer.
Interesting pattern.
Two fire cards, Mars and Fire as result and overseer.
Another interesting note on this reading is three pairs held together by one card - my unconscious desires (The Magician, Beth, House).
9,10 Yod/Hermit, Kaph/Wheel of Fortune (by reduction or gematria, 30 or 3; by key 19 or 1)
16,17 Peh/Tower, Tzaddi/The Star (by reduction or gematria, 160 or 7; by key 33 or 6)
6,7 Zain/The Lovers, Cheth/The Chariot (by reduction or gematria, 15 or 6; by key, 13 or 4.)
Held together by 1 (1 or 2). Mercury.