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Journal Journal of Night and Day, Son and Moon

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.
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Sep 9, 2021
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Got everything pulled from my closet but three things - Clothes basket, box containing a PC and monitor, and a lockbox contains candles and other things.
So a pile of cardboard in the center of the room. Will get trash bags and put donateables in bags and tie off and set against the wall for laundry.
Put all sentimental and keeping items in the bin, dump everything else.
Get all trash out. put everything else on bed to filter later.
Vacuum room, clean bathroom with Clorox wipes.
Soap-water spot clean carpet stains from coffee, slush and other good stuff.
Organize all books and stack against wall. Place boots and deck shoes near closet doors.

In the meantime, going to do the Daily Neophyte Formula and Solar adorations.
Sep 9, 2021
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The reason I struggle with something simple, like cleaning a room, is not laziness but inertia and procrastination, but Ive noticed small steps, baby steps, even if necessary are helpful. The next monster to tackle is sentimental items and gifts.
How often do I use or look at them? Perhaps its time to let those go, or go to another party.

However, at the end of this and as Im sure you're sick of hearing or reading such material, but it is part of a magical goal.
And actually in itself a magical goal.
This day I will apply all of my powers to fulfill this task: tidy and clean bedroom and bathroom.
Sep 9, 2021
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Second Magical Goal: This week I will apply all of my powers to fulfill monthly rent, and find a job which meets the cost of living for 2 individuals (because my debt can be paid off quicker), or at least LCW for one individual.

Living Wage Calculation for Ann Arbor, MI
0 Children0 Children
Living Wage$18.53$26.86
Poverty Wage$6.19$8.38
Minimum Wage$9.87$9.87

So at ten dollars per hour .. I am the face of the poor.
Sep 9, 2021
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Split Hexagram Spread (from Modern Magick)
What sort of work should I do to make the LCW?
Greater Spiritual Influence - XIV - Temperance
Lesser Spiritual Influence - XX - Judgement
Spiritual Advice - XVIII - The Moon
Unconscious Desires - 0 - The Fool
Conscious Desires - IV - The Emperor
Practical Advice - XVII - The Star
Final Outcome - III - The Empress

Moderation in all things, and follow the Middle Pillar.
Be and stay free of judgements. Revelation.
Organization is key. Be organized and sleep well.

Adventuring, mania, expenses.
Order and sight, management.
Meditation, nature unveiling itself.

Love and War, Creative Power and Creative Imagination.

A professional job based on love and creativity, organization and meditation.
Spiritual Aide? Tarot Reader?
Sep 9, 2021
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Or, it could be one who mixes solutions together, working among opposite elements; announcing a message to all who greatly admire it; one who squeezes through dangerous pairs of obstacles down a very long road. This is spiritual.

Physical. An adventurer of some sort, a traveller. One who sits on a throne, a manager. From the pool of memory pouring out onto the five senses.

It still seems to be professional level, in which case a full detox is immediately required and put into effect, on the will to not smoke or consume otherwise nicotine or marijuana.
However, I was thinking of making regular concentrate oils and then a double price batch of medicated concentrate oils of herbs. Spices to come soon. Then combo oils for ailments and dressings.
So theres that. Then there is server work, working against time and chance, a race of some sort. May involve travel down the long road to get there. Server software work, so seated most of the time.
Then there is tarot reading, which I need to refresh myself upon meaning, perhaps a new deck or two, one personal, one business. Energy work and banishing to cleanse myself of psychic links to the clients.

The crows caw. A message is incoming. Time to tackle the cardboard tower of crap.
Sep 9, 2021
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Half the tower of cardboard crap is gone, now to sort the actual crap donateable or to pitch.

Leaves laundry. Some of which will be done tomorrow morning.

Perhaps work and get paid tomorrow evening.

Leaves then art supplies, books, oil fixings, boots/shoes, altar, furniture, CDs, some assorted crap, geology samples.

Perhaps get a job paying half the LCW, which at least raises me above poverty. Take whats left after bills and pay rest back rent. Work 20 hours max per week.

This should after two years lift me out of debt on that back rent. In the evenings work for the chef and use that money for weekly personal expenses. Start with a PO box and change of address.

This solves two or three magical goals.

Lit frankincense to clear tha stale air in my room. Will do rituals post midnight, making sure candles and incense are out before journaling and then retiring. That way there is no way to forget a candle on the way to work.
Sep 9, 2021
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I believe my plans are fairly solid. Tidy and clean rooms, tidy up LCW/wage and finances.

After these, intensify dating, get life in order starting with finances.

Learn geomancy and astrology, and figure out a black-white mirror of the personality for each method, and put to test by overcoming negative influences of the figures, the houses, the signs, and the planets in the sign houses.

After that, work on professional as well as hobbyist skills.

Figure out talents and intensify talents.

Doing evening adorations/formula shortly.
Sep 9, 2021
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Still have the cardboard minitower of crap, will resolve tomorrow.
Separated 60% of the dirty clothes, I figure two loads for sweaters, sweatpants, and jeans, the rest can wait a week.
Need to hit food pantry today and work the sausage gig tonight.

So sleep for me soon.

With laundry and cardboard crap gone and donatables donated, leaves my room with the following eyesores --
Bag of food .. put in kitchen cupboard.
Bag of oil supplies.
Box of boots.
Miscellaneous paper and small crap.

Regarding oil business:
Get more oil at market tomorrow.
Get going on at least one concentrate oil for friends.
Get going on batch of ten oil containers sealed, for ten per container.
Cost breakdown:
2 oz herb 1.25
16 ox olive oil 6.00
Containers (10) 1.25
Filters 1.25
Mixing supplies 2.50
So for 13 dollars, make 100 dollars gross sales, 87 profit per pack of containers.
Sep 9, 2021
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Did midnight adoration, went to bed. Awoke at 3pm, blowing out my work plan. No work done today. Switching focus today for learning the Debian OS.
Sep 9, 2021
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Focusing on work for the Debian OS, but adding laundry and bathroom cleaning; after these make some oils (10).
The question is is what to make.
Was thinking of Cayenne Pepper, Black Pepper, Onion Powder and Garlic Powder, a bit of basil for taste.
Sep 9, 2021
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Card of the Day: IV The Emperor
Aries. Tiphareth to Chikmah, 15th path. Brain. Order, sight, management, control.
Sep 9, 2021
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Trying to order my thought on how to logically step by step install all this shit made me nearly pull my hair out, especially trying to get dependency information on various packages as security must haves, and the purpose of nftables over iptables.
Im familiar woth or have worked with several unix or linux flavors - Aix, hp-ux, solaris, suse, gentoo, ubuntu, mint, redhat, fedora, redthat enterprise, now Debian.
So there is the learning curve of the operating system itself, the difference in names of utilities or packages that do the same thing, their differences from ubuntu or redhat, then the learning curve oc getting security installed before getting hacked. Then the real meat apps install. Config of databases, web servers, and everything. Then test. Then penetration test.
The problem is is that it is a virtual server, up and internet ready with no security or monitoring other than base operating system. No firewall.
Sep 9, 2021
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Working the next three days, which means sleep, wake, work, ritual.
So, each day, do these things:
1 Sort one box from cardboard tower of crap. Keep one small box for sentimental items.
2 Put food away from food bag into kitchen cupboard, group item categories for days food.
3 Make one furniture move to rearrange bed to be on other side of window, or head to North.
Keep dresser and cat stand accessible to window.
4 Stack books in categories and place against wall free space. Try to keep small line of books.
5 Deal then with art supply cache, group, and put away tidily.
6 Deal then with any loose paper.
7 Rituals:
Tier 1 Ritual.
Neophyte Formula
8 Solar Adorations
9 Readings

This weekend do these things:
1 Do laundry. Put laundry away in dresser and closet.
2 Rearrange room to have bed on opposite side of window or head to North. Get power strip for plug.
3 Deal then with the bin of clothes to wash and donate. Do laundry and store in garbage bag. Schedule time to drop off.
4 Books in chest, against wall to later be in bookcase, or donated.
5 Daily Rituals:
Tier 1 Ritual.
Tier 2 Ritual.
Neophyte Formula.
6 Solar Adorations
7 Readings

This month:
1 Get folding card table and chairs to operate oil business.
2 Start oil business.
3 Bone up on Tarot meaning and train intuition.
4 Do small number of tarot readings on free days.
5 Write Compendium of Gods, particularly Nature/Heavens/Earth
6 Write Analysis of Neophyte Ritual, and Outline of Ritual like Z2 document.

So, by this weekend end, all clothes have been done, room squared away.
By this month oil business will be active and functional, and writings done.
Sep 9, 2021
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This month and next month thru December, practice one of the three silence exercises.
Make sure all reading and writing is done.
Prepare the path through to Zelator in January.

Mundanely, this week:
1 Get second job with Chef Mon and Tue evenings.
Get third job for Mon and Tues days.
Think Sleeping Tiger, or Halloween Store

2 Get stickers and ribbon.
Create document describing oils and uses of oils.
Produce ten oil containers, print out accompanying note letter with sticker and ribbon.
Combo Concentrate Oils:
Cayenne Pepper, Black Pepper, Sea Salt
Onion Powder, Garlic Powder, Chives
Basil, Thyme, Parsley, Sea Salt.

3 Friday get steak and or chicken, spices and olive oil.
Cook a steak and/or chicken with rice.

4 Research daily everything necessary to stand up a relatively secure server.
Create and store externally a full backup. Test restore of /etc/passwd.
Test webpages for problems, make sure monitoring in place.

5 Get out and hustle tarot readings and oils on free days.
Sep 9, 2021
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Took Earthen stone (perfectly cut and sized to barely fit in hand, giving a reminder of earth and gravity, affected by other elements over time causing pressure and cracks) in hand 9ff plate 9f sea salt and did:
E Lord of the Universe adoration with neophyte signs
E Liber Resh Vel Helios morning Adoration with grade sign
E Qaballistic Cross Ritual
E Lesser Earth Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
E Qaballistic Cross Ritual
S Liber Resh Vel Helios noon adoration with grade sign
W Middle Pillar Ritual
W Ten Direction-Point Adoration with neophyte signs.
Placed stone back on salt plate.
Sep 9, 2021
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Researching Temple Purification.
Have Bible (Book of Exodus, Book of 1/2 Kings, Book of Psalms 1-150) and The Golden Dawn (Opening of 5=6 Grade, Closing of 5=6 Grade, Ceremony of Advancement, Closing of 1=10, Rose Cross Ritual, Evocation of Hua, Bornless Ritual) open.

Opening of 0=0 Grade and 1=10 and 5=6 Temple (blend)
Rose Cross Ritual
Cross of Light
Lesser Banishing Earth Ritual of the Pentagram
Other purification rituals, such as Adjuration of Metatron
Lesser Banishing Saturn Ritual of the Hexagram

Invoking Four Powers of Earth
Lesser Invoking Mars Ritual of the Hexagram
Main Ritual Work
Middle Pillar Ritual, Body in Assiah

Banishing Four Powers of Earth
Closing of 0=0/1=10/5=6 Temple (blend)
Rose Cross Ritual
Cross of Light
Lesser Banishing Earth Ritual of the Pentagram
Lesser Invoking Saturn Ritual of the Hexagram
Adjuration of Metatron
Sep 9, 2021
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Seizure symptoms, called off.
1 Find a new job, one which has less stimulative inputs, which has double to wage or triple the current wage, in better clientele.
2 Sorted cardboard tower of crap - One box was trash, set aside. One box contains mail (paper), so pulled that aside and piled papers on top. That is next target to sort. The final box is all sentimental or worthy items. That will be kept, even if it has to be sealed and set aside in a corner of the room out of the way.
3 May do laundry today. At least two loads. Sweats, T-shirts and jeans. Leaving sweaters/heavy shirts to do on weekend. Donatable clothes do on weekend.
4 Complete a Tier One as well as a Tier Two ritual today.
5 Clean Bathroom, vacuum bedroom.
6 Texted girlfriend to explain my drop off the face of the earth the past couple days. I should point her here to my journal.
Sep 9, 2021
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Need more journal notebooks/composition pads, and construction paper in various colors from Dollar Tree or Meijer. Add Gold and Silver sharpies from FedEx store. Look into hobby or science stores for crystal growing, plant growing, chemistry, electronic, geology etc. kits.

A book of science experiments. Laser Cookbook. With electronic parts from electronic kit, start assembling based on designs of spirit seals/sigils. See what is produced. Take notes.

A gallon bag of cosmetic supplies left here from a former female friend. Guess I will give it to my trans friend or girlfriend.

I now have floor space and a crammed closet, no way the doors are shutting on that, so alternate plan: Tape enochian water tablet to closet shelf when done with it, construct air tablet and pin to wall. Start circle and triangle for evocation of Thme, Maat, and Hua. Wonder if Thyme is a correspondence for Thme.
Sep 9, 2021
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Looking at the Rise Cross Ritual and Book of )salad. Trying to create invocations for before and after regarding righteousness, presence, and cleansing.
Sep 9, 2021
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Rose Cross Ritual, Book of Psalms. Apparently phone keyboard went berserk.
My music doesn't really support my cause, B-52s Mesoopotamia and Rolling Stones Sympathy for the Devil, Black Sabbaths Lady Evil is next up. Have passed rough draft of Tier two ritual by someone of higher rank who gave approval. Will expand wording into a written ritual final draft and do today. Will also do a tier one candle-psalm ritual today for a different purpose.
Have already done Neophyte Ritual for today along with morning and afternoon adorations.
Daily Tarot Card draw: 0 The Fool. Aleph, ox, 1. Elemental Air. Uranus.exploration at the expense of reason. No-thing. Kether to Chokmah.
Next four hours in ritual would be ideal, but may settle by doing in Mars hour(s). I add one hour to each hour because of a timezone difference.
These four hours time would cover Saturn, Jupiter and Mars.
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