Okay, time to educate folks .... this is not new material from moi, but rather a text pad writeup of a few matters.
This is said upon rising in this order, 0 to 10, then at night before retiring, we say it from 10 to 0. Like counting sheep you might say.
The Pattern on the Trestleboard - This Is Truth About The Self
0 All the Power that ever was or will be is here now.
1 I am a center of expression for the Primal Will-to-Good which eternally creates and sustains the Universe.
2 Through me its unfailing Wisdom takes form in thought and word.
3 Filled with Understanding of its perfect law, I am guided, moment by moment, along the path of liberation.
4 From the exhaustless riches of its Limitless Substance, I draw all things needful, both spiritual and material.
5 I recognize the manifestation of the Undeviating Justice in all the circumstances of my life.
6 In all things, great and small, I see the Beauty of the Divine Expression.
7 Living from that Will, supported by its unfailing Wisdom and Understanding, mine is the Victorious Life.
8 I look forward with confidence to the perfect realization of the Eternal Splendor of the Limitless Light.
9 In thought and word and deed, I rest my life, from day to day, upon the sure Foundation of Eternal Being.
10 The Kingdom of Spirit is embodied in my flesh.
This is a copy-paste, I believe from the Ciceros Self Initiation book on the LRP
The LBRP is to be done 2x daily, once upon rising, once before retiring, try to space as close to 12 hours apart as possible or do more than twice a day, as it has a 12 hour self life of being active shields.
Stand and face East. Perform the Qabalistic Cross.
Facing East, use the index finger of the right hand, a dagger, or the black end of the
Outer Wand of Double Power to trace a large banishing pentagram of Earth.
Thrust the dagger/wand tip or index finger through the center of the pentagram and
vibrate ìYHVH.î (Yode-Heh-Vav-Heh), (Keep the right arm extended throughout;
never let it drop. The pentagrams should be visualized in either a flaming blue or
brilliant white Light.)
Turn to the South and trace the same pentagram there. Charge the figure as before,
intoning ìADONA/î (Ahdoh-nye).
Turn to the West and trace the pentagram. Charge it with ìEHEIEHî (Eh-hey-yay).
Turn to the North and draw the pentagram, intoning ìAGLAî (Ah-gah-lah). Keep the arm extended.
Turn to face the East. Extend both arms out in the form of a cross and say,
ìBefore me RAPHAELî (Rah-fahy-el). Visualize before you the great Archangel of Air rising out
of the clouds in flowing yellow and violet robes, carrying a Caduceus Wand.
Behind you visualize another figure and say ìBehind me GABRIELî (Gah-bree-el).
See the Archangel stepping out of the sea like the goddess Venus, dressed in robes
of blue and orange, with cup in hand.See to your right another figure in flaming red and green
robes carrying a sword.
Say ìOn my righthand MICHAELî (Mee-ehai-el). See another great Archangel at your left, who rises
up from the vegetation of the Earth in robes of citrine, olive, russet, and black, holding stems
of ripened wheat.
Say, ìOn my lefthandURfELî (Ur-ee-el).
ìFor about me flames the pentagram, and in the column shines the Six-rayed Star.î
Repeat the Qabalistic Cross.
Uses of the Pentagram Ritual
This simple yet powerful cleansing ritual can be used as a protection against the impure magnetism
of others. It is also a way to rid oneself of obsessing or disturbing thoughts. Give a mental image
to your particular thought or disturbance and visualize it before you. Project it out of your aura
with the Saluting Sign of a Neophyte, and when it is away from you, prevent its return with the Sign
of Silence. Then imagine the form in the East and perform the LBRP. See the form dissolving on the
outside of your ring of flaming pentagrams.
The LBRP can be used as an exercise in concentration. While seated or lying down, formulate yourself
standing up in robes and holding a dagger. Place your consciousness in this astral form and go to the
East. Make yourself ìfeelî there by touching the wall, opening your eyes, stamping on the floor, etc.
Let your astral form perform the ritual, circumambulating the room and mentally vibrating the words.
Finish in the East and try to see your results astrally, then walk back and stand behind your physical
body and let your astral body be re-absorbed. The LBRPis to be performed daily for no less than a period
of six months.
In fact, it should be practiced daily regardless of ones grade. The Golden Dawn manuscripts advocated
doing the invoking form of this ritual in the morning and the banishing form at night. However we feel
that the Neophyte needs to concentrate solely on the banishing form, since s/he has a tendency to light
up on the astral and unknowingly attract all manner of Elementals at this early stage of the Work.
It is far more important for the Neophyte to know how to banish rather than to invoke. Anyone can attract
an Elemental or an energy. Getting rid of the same can be more difficult.
I dont have the entire thing here, but here are instructions:
While this may correspond to a particular planet, it is the most common finger used. Some prefer to use the middle finger, but I digress...
1. Face east and shut your eyes.
2. Start breathing rhythmically, to a count of four -
Inhale 2 3 4
Hold 2 3 4
Exhale 2 3 4
Pause 2 3 4
Repeat until it becomes natural.
3. See yourself growing larger and taller, too large to be contained in this planet, or even the Milky Way.
4. Once you see a bright light, touch it with your index finger and bring your index finger to the center of your forehead and vibrate (speak from diaphragm) ATOH. (ah-toe)
5. Drop index finger, pointing to floor/feet, and vibrate MALKUTH (maahl-kooth). See it as green or black at your feet.
6. Tap right shoulder with index finger, seeing it glow scarlet, and vibrate VE GEBURAH (vay guh-boo-rah)
7 With index finger, cross from right shoulder to left shoulder, and tap left shoulder, vibrate VE GEDULAH (vay guh doo lah)
8 Stretch arms out as in an archetype of the Cross of Calvary and vibrate LE OHLAM, AMEN (lay oh-laahm, Ah-men)
This Qabbalistic Cross is used prior to and wrapping up after any other ritual, such as the LRP or LRH.
The Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram (LRP), Earth Banishing (or LBRP)
1. Perform Qabbalistic Cross
2. Keep breathing rhythmically.
3. With index finger, starting from lower left hip (placement oil the pentagram of the earth element), and draw a white or blue flame from LL hip to top center of head (placement in the Pentagram for the Spirit element).
4. Draw line from top center of head down to lower right hip (placement on the pentagram of the fire element)
5. Draw flame from LRH up to upper left shoulder (placement in the pentagram for the Air element)
6. Draw line straight across from ULS to upper right shoulder (placement in pentagram of the water element)
7. Finish by drawing flame from URS down to LLH, finishing drawing the pentagram
8 Stab center of pentagram with index finger while vibrating a divine name - YHVH (Yode Hay Vaav Hay).
9. Turn two steps right to face South, repeat steps 2-8 using the divine name here Adonai (ah-doh-nye-ee)
10 Turn to steps right to face West, repeat steps 2-8 using the divine name Ehieh (Ay uhh huh yay)
11. Turn two steps right to face North. Repeat steps 2-8 using the divine name AGLA (ah guh lah)
12. Take two steps right to face East again, now call the Archangels and finish the LRP
13. Take a moment and see, sense, feel, the pentagram around you, really feel them and know they are there.
14 Eyes still shut, say/VIBRATE:
Before me, RAH-FAH-ELL
Behind me, GAH-BREE-ELL
At my right hand, MYE-KAH-ELL
At my left hand, AH-YOU-REE-ELL
For about me flames the pentagram, and within and above me shines the six rates star.
15. Finish with Qaballistic Cross
This, along with the LRP, is to be done daily with all diligence. Some salutary results may follow.
Face East and say, ìHoly art Thou, Lord of the Universe!î Give the Projection Sign.
Say, ìHoly art Thou, whom Nature hath not formed!î Give the Projection Sign.
Say, ìHoly art Thou, the Vast and the Mighty One!î Give the Projection Sign.
Say, ìLord of the Light, and of the Darkness!î Give the Sign of Silence.
(Note: This affirmation should be done daily.)