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Self initiation into freemasonsry

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Sep 9, 2021
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Is this possible, to initiate into the spiritual side of freemasonry?
Using Manly Halls Secret Wisdom of All Ages, and published rituals, would 8t he possible? Up to the highest rite?


May 22, 2022
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I rather think the Hindu writings about the 5 electricities are older than that by millennia.

I find the presence of electricities to be a good test of whether a dream is real or imposed.
I wonder what the old Hindus really knew about electricity. Probably the word means something completely different?

All dreams are real. They are impossible to fake. I tested that.
That is because dreams are written by the same instance that writes other narratives too. Everything therefore is true. Everything is you.


Aug 31, 2021
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There is a difference between physical/etheric electricity and the five electricities that underpin Existence

All dreams are real. They are impossible to fake

I am usually unwilling to make "all" statements as I find it difficult to observe outside this galaxy.

I recall a dream in which I was in the middle of what looked like the filming of a Bond-type movie. I could walk around in the middle of the scenes without anyone complaining.

When I woke I tested it for the five electricities and they were absent. I think it was an artificial vision.

The scene still exists so I just re-entered it and tested again. Still no electricities.

I have attached to this post an energy link to that scene. Have look for yourself


May 22, 2022
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It is like a film set anyhow. No wonder you dreamt of one.

You have the writer of the movie (you)
Director (you)
Cameras (you)
Starring (you)
Set (you)
... (you)

Because you are also the viewer (duh) the system is pretty much hermetic. The only alien feeling stuff is coming from your unconsciousness (you).

And of course the plot itself has real stories that have happened to (you).


May 22, 2022
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I worked with oneironauts a couple of years ago and we tested a technique I have developed, dream seeding. So I planted one dreamseed in 15 dreamers. You can see very good how these 15 dreams made unique movies around the seed. Every each of the dreams typical for the dreamer of course.
Mar 13, 2023
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Is this possible, to initiate into the spiritual side of freemasonry?
Using Manly Halls Secret Wisdom of All Ages, and published rituals, would 8t he possible? Up to the highest rite?
No, self-initiation is not a thing in Masonry. You will have to contact a lodge and become initiated as men have done since at least 1390.

To be a mason you:
• Have to believe in a Supreme Being.
We do not give you a supreme being, you already have one from your faith background. We are not a religion but Freemasonry can bring you closer to your God if you apply the working tools.
You'll be either some kind of Monotheism, Monist or Deist.
• You have believe in some part of the spirit or soul that is eternal.
• You must be a man, free born, of lawful age and coming well recommend. After receiving your petition you will need two (or more depending on jurisdiction) sponsors and three references
• You will have to pass a background check in accordance with the bylaws of the GL and petitioned GL.

I would highly recommend visiting an Actual lodge and talking to the brethren there as there is very little good information about the fraternity to be found in this thread. You are also free to message regarding your inquiries.

I am a Master Mason in and under the state and jurisdiction of Indiana. I am also the Chaplain of my Lodge. Know also that there is only one level in Masonry. During the first three degrees you learn about what it means to be on this level. The third degree is the highest degrees and anything of a greater integer is on the level or parallel with the third.

Manly P Hall wrote much of his stuff before he became a mason and later refuted much of what he had said.
Masons are closer to the ATRs in that way, it's impossible to self-initiate here like you could in a Golden Dawn system. At best you may bumble into spirits who have no idea who you are, or why you're mispronouncing their names.
It is actually impossible to self-initiate into the Golden Dawn current for the same reasons it is impossible to do so in Freemasonry. Yes I know there are modern revivalist GD authors that teach Self-initiation but this was never an original Golden Dawn teaching. Like Freemasonry, the GD (which came out of Masonic Rosicrucianism) requires a Hall/Lodge to have a proper charter and a qualified degree team to initiate. You also can not give yourself something you do not have, you can't self-initiate here because you are not part of the order and thus can not bring yourself into it.
There are three obvious levels to Freemasonry:

  • Learning to control the personality
  • Overcoming the fear of death
  • Learning to operate in the nearest temple in the heavens.

All of those can be achieved without the assistance of competent Masonic brothers. If you can find such brethren the processes are easier, but finding such brethren requires you to make quite a lot of progress anyway.

Non-obvious levels include:

  • Being accepted into non-human and/or non-planetary lodges
  • Operating in further temples in the heavens
  • Being delegated some aspects of Divine Purpose

These levels may be seen reflected in some of the higher degrees.
Unless by controlling the personality you mean keeping yourself within due bounds, this is incorrect. Also we do not operate in the heavens. You do the work of becoming a better man in this life through the applying of working tools and the guidance of God. Though some lodges will have a canopy of stars, and the stars were important in our craft back when we were operative stone masons.

The rest is rubbish. We are not a UFO cult or religion nor does one learn about it work with extraterrestrials in the lodge.
Since 1717 English-speaking Freemasonry has become a hollow shell. When it went political and public, the sponsoring group withdrew.

By 1750 very few English Freemasons could identify which star was the Blazing Star and they ceased to refer to that star in their publications.
Went political? We do not bring the fraternity into politics. We have never gone political.. and lodge for many a brother is an escape from the strongly divided political landscape.

At the same time we have always had a public face. We are involved in our larger community on the town, county and state levels and raise money for various charities. We are not a secret society, our buildings being publicly marked, but like most fraternities, do have a few secrets about the experience of becoming a member.

That star btw, is the Star of Bethlehem. There is debate even today as to what that might have been. Pike believed it may have been Sirius however it was like a conjunction of Rigel and Jupiter followed by a conjunction of Jupiter and Venus nine months later. Regardless of what the star of Bethlehem was, we have always taught in lodge that it is star of Bethlehem; being the same star after which the Order of the Eastern Star is named. Most brothers in the states won't even know what the Blazing Star is, as it is part of the traditional furniture of craft lodges under a Scottish Rite charter and most craft lodges in the states are under a York rite charter.
No bro, I'm a Freemason. It doesn't work that way. During a real masonic initiation you are plugged in and baptized in the masonic current with Masonic spirits as well.

You could get a good idea of spiritual freemasonry from secret teachings of the ages and Albert pikes morals and dogma
Are you now? There is no baptism ritual in Freemasonry though I will assume you mean poetically in some fashion as to your understanding. However, we absolutely do not work with spirits in the lodge. We do not call on any entities outside of seeking blessing and guidance from God. Though, I would like to think departed brothers occasionally attend in spirit.
I disagree, the spirits that work within the masonic current are alive and well my friend. Don't forget masonry builds its temples in the hearts of man. That is where these spirits reside. A simple trip to nearly any blue lodge will show an experienced practioner the egregores and spirits in masonry are in fact alive and well.
We don't work with spirits in masonry. There is calling of any entity of a distinct or temporal nature. There are no daimons, infernals, terrestrials, aerials, angels or intelligences called in Masonic ritual.

That said, any spirit is free to attend, provided they are a Master Mason or are traveling with a master, and have properly contacted the secretary. ;)
I didnt know freemasonry have it own « pantheon » of spirits.
We don't. We aren't a religion and do not give you any catalogue or pantheon to work with. You have to believe in a Supreme being, but that is whatever transcendent God you personally believe in.
Masons are supposed to be taught to manage their internal spirits in order to be able to interact with the spirits that make up the planetary and solar temples.

It is very rare to find a Mason competent in the planetary temple
None of this a teaching of Freemasonry. We do not teach how to contact or work with any spirits. Working with spirits is simply not a part of Freemasonry. Nor do we teach you how to manage any internal spirits - though I will say the good moral character and piety which we aim to inculcate, and our reverence of God, will do one well in alignity to and embodying the authority of God in a Solomonic working. If Freemasonry were a Grimoire, it would be in the spirit of the Arbatel. If that Grimoire speaks to you, Masonic values may as well.

Masonry does not teach nor have any comment on planetary and solar temples.
hold on you mean its own spirits or spirits that are known and also worked with in masonry? Man nobody told me about this, when I talk to my friend that propose to be my godfather about, how Martinez de Pasqually influenced some of the rites of masonry and that he dealt with spirits, he said there is none of that in masonry.
Again, and I can not stress this enough..you do not work with spirits in Masonry. Now Pasqually influenced Martinism with does combine Freemasonic and Solomonic elements.
That why I was considering going in a memphis misraim lodge but I feel like the scottish rite has so much potential and I like both symbolism at least from the few things ive seen. Im under the impression that memphis misraim is more theurgic oriented. However I feel like your Godfather could push you in a direction that doesnt really suit you, the person that proposed to be my godfather is clearly not interested into the spiritual side of freemasonryy but more about the fraternal side of it, im kind of worried he doesnt really see my intention in this .
Be advised that Memphis Misraim is not a recognized rite of Masonry and if you join it you will not be allowed to sit in lodge with legitimate Masons. You will have fill out a bunch of paperwork renouncing Memphis Misraim before you will be considered as a viable candidate in legitimate masonry. The Meohis Rite is what we call clandestine.
MPH was not a Freemason when he wrote the Secret Wisdom. As with Wilmhurst, there is a lot of guessing

But, the genuine initiate is always self-made.

The first initiation ( internal control of the physical and etheric energies) is said to soon become a public event - using formats such as declaring oneself for Christ (charismatic churches) or declared commitment to the GAOTU (Freemasonry).

The first initiation is often experienced as a dream event. I recall being in a garden and having to hand out things to people coming down stairs to the lower garden. I remembered that dream for 20 years before I understood that I was demonstrating control of an inner plane body and therefore my level of functionality

The second initiation is based on control of the emotional body. Of the second degree initiates I have met, none has mentioned memory of a dream ceremony. So I think the group acceptance of the self-made initiate is not experienced in the personality

The initiate is always self-made. The ceremony consolidates the achievement and admits the initiates to a peer group - not on the physical plane
Correct, Hall was not a mason at the time. Wilmhurst speculates a lot on his own ideas and while there are indeed gold nuggets to be found, he begs a lot of questions that do not have provable answers and which often go beyond the teachings of the lodge. He assumes, that you are a brother and know this.

Everything else you said about Masonic initiation is incorrect and you seem to be equivocating it with the generalities if other systems. You aren't even close.

Not only is there no operative magic in the Lodge, Freemasonry predates the energy model of magic and does not teach the control of energies, physical or otherwise, whether they be internal or not.

I can only assume you are comparing the first degree to something like the Golden Dawn where you are learning to balance elemental forces within your sphere to then transcend them in the attainment of spirit as seated in Tiphereth. There's not if that in Craft Masonry, York Rite or Scottish Rite.

We do teach acts of service.

You do not declare yourself to/for Christ nor declare yourself Christ. While Freemasonry did start as a Christian organization initially, you do not need to be a Christian.

GAOTU = Great Archetect of The Universe, it is a title-descriptor for God in general and not a specific understanding thereof outside of God being a creator.

It has nothing to do with dreaming, gardens nor can it be conferred in a dream state. Again, self-recignition into Freemasonry is not recognized.

The second degree has nothing to do with the emotional body either.

In the first degree you are brought into the Craft after taking an obligation, and you learn how to carry yourself as a mason, how to address the lodge, work on oneself and avoid neglect of ones duties.

In the second degree you learn more about the history of masonry, a well rounded education, and how to move forward, upright and level from your foundation.

In the third degree you are faced with grasping at the meaning of life, how to treat people, integrity and you earn the right to travel freely as a Freemason. You also, gain the right to be voted in as an officer, though you may become a Steward or other appointed chair sooner depending on the bylaws of your lodge, GL and the will of the Worshipful Master.

In Traditional Observance Lodges JW confers 1st degree, SW 2nd and WM the third. At one time the JW appointed stewards, the SW appointed JR and the WM appointed SR as well as validated all appointments.
Craft Masonic initiations are reasonable play-acting of the genuine processes. For example the third degree is a representation of the Isaic Mysteries where the candidate was taken out of the body and paraded around the solar system and inner earth - meeting "the gods celestial and the gods infernal". As a result the candidate had no fear of death.

The modern higher degrees are progressively less useful. Some are the result of small esoteric groups hiding within Masonry - and then the esoteric groups apparently ceasing to exist.

So the craft degrees are Egyptian. Holy Royal Arch and 18th are Sumerian. Royal Ark Mariners is alien. 30th is Kabbalistic. There are Hindu modifications after the British took India

Craft Masonry is mostly superior in terms of results - depending on the quality of candidate and lodge - both mostly deficient these days
I don't know where people get the stuff they believe about Freemasonry. The third degree has never been about the Isaic mysteries and has never included any out of body experiences. Nor do you go into hollow earth or meet any gods, celestial or infernal.

I have to hand it to you that would make a damn cool ritual but Freemasonry it is not.

The "Higher Degrees" are less useful because you don't require you to study it memorize them sadly. You aren't expected to put in the work like you do the craft degrees. In Scottish Rite for example you can go from 4-32 in a weekend. York Rite is in better shape as far as being able to participate and learn but in my district York is struggling.

There are no other esoteric groups hiding within freemasonry.... however..many a mason have also been members of other groups and this has influenced appendant rites of Freemasonry. For example the 18° of Scottish Rite, the Rose Croix degree, is is named after the symbol of the Rosicrucians and contains much of their influence.

The Craft Degrees are not Egyptian, they are based on Chronicles and Kings from the Bible.

The Royal Arch is a sequel resolution to the craft degrees. The 18° is about Jesus as an example. Neither or any degree is Sumerian.

The closest we have to a Sumerian degree would be the Ark Mariner degree and Noachite rite which aren't Sumerian but based on Noah and the Deluge which was a retelling of a Summerisn story.

The 30th is not Qabbalistic, there are no Qabbalistic degrees but some may have shared symbolism and Albert Pike did study Qabbalah. He is notable for his influence on the Southern Jurisdiction of the Scottish Rite in the US.

Yes- I have heard that in Indiana Freemasonry has been adapted to fit the primary religious texts of that part of the world, and I see no reason why the same wouldn't be true elsewhere.

Sandalphon and Metatron perhaps?
While current Freemasonry is greatly deficient it has shown occasional signs of life.

Here is a note from my diary that I noticed recently. It refers to the 5 Electricities that the Hindus considered underpinning experienced Existence.

The various ladders that appear in Masonry represent the planes (and potentially the electricities) - although usually with philosophical and religious overlays.

The mosaic pavement is an attractor of energy flows of particular planes and may on occasion attract an electricity or two. In retrospect, I can see one meeting where the pavement attracted the highest electricity associated with the mental plane (5E1 in my notation). It is perhaps more correct to say that that electricity came from above in response to a voluminous light from the East, and the electricity condensed around the vertices of the tiles - as would electrostatic energy.

The natural creation of portals in Masonic ritual may invoke electricities from higher planes - always bearing in mind that these are self-intelligent energies.

Perhaps that is something to look forward to in the next iteration of Masonry
Hinduism was not an influence in the formation of Freemasonry. You are mixing cultures where no connection exists.

You have to understand that while yes you can merge Jacob's Ladder with rising on the planes, that ladder being of course the ladder between heaven and earth, Freemasonry does not teach any practice or method regarding the rising on the planes.

We certainly do not teach about five kinds of electricity sustaining creation. Freemasonry has no comment on such things. We do not teach any given cosmology or metaphysics. These things are left to each individual brother to explore for themselves.

That is not what the Mosaic pavement means or is therefore. Again- Masonry has nothing to do with the energy model, raising energy, directing energy, or magic.

Nor are there any portals in the temple to other planes or any means in masonry of creating such a thing. The only "portal" would be the light of God entering in benedictine prayer, however God is omnipresent and so there is no need for a portal.
Sep 9, 2021
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Thank you for the comprehensive answer, and addressing the misinformation. You must remember, there were LARPers here for a while (LARPer is a poser, pretender with no solid magic experience or even knowledge). I am not a LARPer, just a stumbler and groper in my way.

I appreciate the information, all of it, glad to know there is a reliable source of information here now that can be relied upon.

I may very well contact my local Mason lodge. Unfortunately its called the Zaz Grotto and looks like a grotto. For a freemasonry hall, I prefer the LDS (it is masonic related but not a mason hall)
Mar 13, 2023
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Thank you for the comprehensive answer, and addressing the misinformation. You must remember, there were LARPers here for a while (LARPer is a poser, pretender with no solid magic experience or even knowledge). I am not a LARPer, just a stumbler and groper in my way.

I appreciate the information, all of it, glad to know there is a reliable source of information here now that can be relied upon.

I may very well contact my local Mason lodge. Unfortunately its called the Zaz Grotto and looks like a grotto. For a freemasonry hall, I prefer the LDS (it is masonic related but not a mason hall)
The Church of Later Day Saints is not affiliated with nor a part of Freemasonry. Yes, Joseph Smith supposedly stole bits from Freemasonry and incorporated them into his religion but that's the only relation, that does not mean LDS is Masonic. The LDS isn't part of Freemasonry nor recognized by any Grand Lodge as a Masonic body. By the same token LDS is not under any Masonic Jurisdiction and completely separate in its government.

The work on an LDS hall is not the same or considered regular.

There is no ban on Mormons joining Masonry in any jurisdiction I know of but it may make it awkward to keep your obligation.

I hope this post did not come across as too confrontational but as a Mason I am obligated to be clear on this matter.

All of that having said, I have missed being on a forum for years and do hope to be able to make regular posts here and contribute something of worth. :)

I reckon I will be getting around to an introductory post in the next few days. Tonight though, I've got to be at a Fellowcraft degree at Temple Lodge, have stated meeting at my own lodge the day after and will also be working on a lecture for an upcoming Master Masons degree.
Sep 9, 2021
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No, not at all, there is so much misinformation in the world and a lot of this seemed wrong compared to Hall, so we appreciate it greatly here on WF.
Keep it real, and BS free. :)

Please see my recent post,



May 1, 2023
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The Church of Later Day Saints is not affiliated with nor a part of Freemasonry. Yes, Joseph Smith supposedly stole bits from Freemasonry and incorporated them into his religion but that's the only relation, that does not mean LDS is Masonic. The LDS isn't part of Freemasonry nor recognized by any Grand Lodge as a Masonic body. By the same token LDS is not under any Masonic Jurisdiction and completely separate in its government.

The work on an LDS hall is not the same or considered regular.

There is no ban on Mormons joining Masonry in any jurisdiction I know of but it may make it awkward to keep your obligation.

I hope this post did not come across as too confrontational but as a Mason I am obligated to be clear on this matter.

All of that having said, I have missed being on a forum for years and do hope to be able to make regular posts here and contribute something of worth. :)

I reckon I will be getting around to an introductory post in the next few days. Tonight though, I've got to be at a Fellowcraft degree at Temple Lodge, have stated meeting at my own lodge the day after and will also be working on a lecture for an upcoming Master Masons degree.
I hope I hear a lot from ya, you're good people.
Sep 9, 2021
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Self Initiation into freemasonry .. or self initiation into anything is always an interesting topic.
It's surprising to see how many books are written for the solitary practitioner, and how many boast self initiation.
So, if godforms or servitors are powerful enough to initiate, that's one way. Astral initiation is another.
And before my friend Vandheer chimes in, I am in fact looking around at various groups to initiate into.
Lack of finances and stable housing is for me the crux of the issue, but in sunny California, AMORC exists.


Aug 31, 2021
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Initiatory groups known to the public are at best training organizations from which the better students are admitted (usually during out-of-body sleep) into association with inner plane initiates.

The third degree in Masonry, called a raising, imitates drawing the spiritual human out of their physical body. I have never seen that actually work on the inner planes during a ritual.

There was one time when some friends sat a young doctor (non-Mason) down on the temple pavement and we sat around and drove him out of his body using Light. When he returned he was quite different and very pleased.
Mar 13, 2023
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Self Initiation into freemasonry .. or self initiation into anything is always an interesting topic.
It's surprising to see how many books are written for the solitary practitioner, and how many boast self initiation.
So, if godforms or servitors are powerful enough to initiate, that's one way. Astral initiation is another.
And before my friend Vandheer chimes in, I am in fact looking around at various groups to initiate into.
Lack of finances and stable housing is for me the crux of the issue, but in sunny California, AMORC exists.
Well If say first address your hierarchy of needs because initiation of any kind, is an undertaking and you want to make sure you are in a stable place in life first.

That having been said the egregore of Freemasonry is not going to initiate you into Freemasonry because that's not how Freemasonry works and for the egregore to do so would be to compromise itself.

The Great Avenging Angel HUA however might initiate into the GD as it is a dead order if it ascertains that it is not content with the revivals to be keepers of the work or sole keepers of the work. You couldn't rightfully say you were initiated into the GD though because you have no way to prove that...it would all be UPG.

But hell, if all you want is the gnosis I say call up the original GD gree and petition them for initiation. God speed.

Everyone talks about going over their head and being initiated by the Egregor; no one wants to summon the spirit of Mathers or Woodman. Hell, Mather's initiated Crowley, so go for it.
Post automatically merged:

Initiatory groups known to the public are at best training organizations from which the better students are admitted (usually during out-of-body sleep) into association with inner plane initiates.

The third degree in Masonry, called a raising, imitates drawing the spiritual human out of their physical body. I have never seen that actually work on the inner planes during a ritual.

There was one time when some friends sat a young doctor (non-Mason) down on the temple pavement and we sat around and drove him out of his body using Light. When he returned he was quite different and very pleased.
That's not how that works. That's not how that works at all. Why do non Masons insist on trying to come up with explanations regarding Masonry..


Aug 31, 2021
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That's not how that works. That's not how that works at all. Why do non Masons insist on trying to come up with explanations regarding Masonry..
I have been initiated into two forms of Scottish Masonry - making it to the 31st before the local lodges expired

As you will have been taught: a Freemason's lodge/temple extends from East to West and North to South and from the center of the Earth to the Heavens.

Where is a form of Masonry that teaches how to operate that temple?

Time for new wine in new bottles
Mar 13, 2023
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I have been initiated into two forms of Scottish Masonry - making it to the 31st before the local lodges expired

As you will have been taught: a Freemason's lodge/temple extends from East to West and North to South and from the center of the Earth to the Heavens.

Where is a form of Masonry that teaches how to operate that temple?

Time for new wine in new bottles
Then you are being dishonest or ignorant of what you may have witnessed if you are claiming that we pull anyone out of their body or that there is any kind of spirit travel in the third degree- which if you are a Mason, you are under obligation not to explain or give revealing details there regarding.

No, you may have read a monitor but I do not believe you to be a Master, at least, not one who keeps their word.


Jul 2, 2022
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Then you are being dishonest or ignorant of what you may have witnessed if you are claiming that we pull anyone out of their body or that there is any kind of spirit travel in the third degree- which if you are a Mason, you are under obligation not to explain or give revealing details there regarding.

No, you may have read a monitor but I do not believe you to be a Master, at least, not one who keeps their word.
Brother, I wouldn't waste my time with him.

I would have explained why but I do not wanna disturb the peace.


Aug 31, 2021
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, called a raising, imitates drawing the spiritual human out of their physical body. I have never seen that actually work on the inner planes during a ritual.

you are being dishonest or ignorant of what you may have witnessed if you are claiming that we pull anyone out of their body or that there is any kind of spirit travel in the third degree-

Speed reading can be a trap
Sep 9, 2021
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Speaking of reading, one can certainly read Steiner and Hall, and take in all of the knowledge, but there are no published initiation rituals that I am aware of. This would make any attempt to "self-initiate" near impossible, if it were possible.


Jan 19, 2022
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Speaking of reading, one can certainly read Steiner and Hall, and take in all of the knowledge, but there are no published initiation rituals that I am aware of. This would make any attempt to "self-initiate" near impossible, if it were possible.

Yeah the truth is you can’t really self initiate yourself into any particular esoteric/mysteryschool/order/lodge etc.

The most you can do on your own is learn their individual rituals and overall belief system and pantheon and group ritual structures etc.

Those things aren’t nothing though. A practitioner can definitely use that knowledge to ascend up the Tree of Life on their own.

I wish I were physically close to one because I’d like to attempt it for the experience if nothing else.

I’m drawn to both the GD and the A.A./OTO/Thelema.

But at this point in time the best I can do is study what is openly available to single practitioners.
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