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Journal Journal of Night and Day, Son and Moon

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.
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Sep 9, 2021
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Sitting outside reading my other book, The Middle Pillar (by Regardie, not Regardie and Cicero). Shortbread, diet Pepsi, Michigan spring or fall type weather, lounge pants and T-shirt on the porch, and a book to read.
Will be doing my Zelator Formula in an hour or two.
Merry Christmas to all!!!
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Even with ibuprofen and tylenol at max dosage, my bback aches continue.
Tremors were also kicked up, so opted not to go out with family.
Have completed full Zelator Formula, nearly falling twice.
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Will be reading from my textbook, Kabalah, Magic, and the Great Work of Self Transformation, Regardies original Middle Pillar, and Modern Magick today. Side reading and The Golden Dawn reading as well. Not finishing each book yet, but reading and working in parallel.
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Sol nearing half decan Capricorn, Luna nearly in third decan Gemini, which mans by the 27th Luna will be in Cancer.
3°56’ Cap
22°04’ Gem
Waxing Gibbous (168°07’)
Mercury 26°24’ Sag R
Venus 25°21’ Sco
Mars 22°53’ Sag
Jupiter 5°37’ Tau R
Saturn 2°44’ Pis
Uranus 19°31’ Tau R
Neptune 24°59’ Pis
Pluto 29°10’ Cap
Node (M) 21°11’ Ari R
Node (T) 22°13’ Ari R
Lilith (M) 9°18’ Vir
Chiron 15°27’ Ari R
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Mercury in Sagittarius -- Eight of Wands, Lord of Swiftness
Venus in Scorpio -- Seven of Cups, Lord of Debauchery
Saturn in Pisces -- Eight of Cups, Lord of Indolence
There are the cards of the month, for now...
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Speaking of cards for the day ... double major day again.
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Ehieh.
0 The Fool. Elemental Air, Uranus. The 11th Path, the Scinitillating Intelligence. Kether to Chokmah. Crown to Wisdom.
Aleph, ox, 1.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Shaddai El Chai.
VI The Lovers. Gemini (Mercury ruled). The 17th Path, the Disposing Intelligence. Tiphareth to Binah, Understanding to Beauty.
Zayin, sword, 7.
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128 pages of reading from Modern Magick by Kraig, plus all chapters up through Zelator in Kabalah, Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation.
Plus size reading and work through of exercises. Going to be a busy camper reading and practicing past mundane stuff
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Going to jot down Earth exercises in my ritual diary, as well as other Neophyte and Zelator rituals from Modern Magick. Also from Christophers book. I should, by three months to four months move into Zelator.
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Tuesday, 12-26-2023
Day of Mars (in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter). Madim, Elohim Gibor, Kamael, Seraphim. Red candles, Dragons Blood incense.

Slept fairly well, no dream details remembered/recalled.

My studies for the week:
Modern Magick, lessons 1 to 4 (Air grade and LRH, 162 pp).
Kabalah, Magic, and the Great Work of Self-Transformation, chaps 1 to 5 (Earth grade, 128 pp)
Nothing Special:Living Zen
Israel Regardie and the Philosophers Stone
The Middle Pillar
The Astrologers Handbook
The Art and Practice of Geomancy
The Golden Dawn, Book Four (Primary Techniques, particularly LRH, GRH, Four Forms)
As well as a Shemhamphoresh paper, 72 Angels of Magick, The Power of the Archangels, The Powers of Angels and Demons, and other books of or on angels, for the Lost and Forgotten project.

Got a few pens, a cup of coffee, my ritual diary, and the books by Christopher and Kraig. Going to jot down rituals out of Kraig's book, as well as exercises out of both books into my ritual diary.
Fifteen earth exercises to do, four from Kraig, eleven total from Christopher. Yet, feel compelled to do the other element exercises in each grade, as Malkuth is of the four elements. Adding in Cicero's ideas, it expands the list. I recall a crystal growing kit and creation of hand painted earth talismans.

Tarot draws for the day, slightly interesting...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Adonai.
XXI The World. Saturn/Elemental Earth. 32nd Path of the Sepher Yetzirah, The Administrative Intelligence. Malkuth to Yesod. Tav, cross/seal, 400.

Tarot Card of the Day (Tuesday, Mars in Sagittarius, Sag ruled by Jupiter):
Drawn under Ehieh.
X Fortune. Jupiter. Chesed to Netzach, the 21st Path of the Sepher Yetzirah, The Intelligence of Conciliation. Kaph, Palm of the hand, 20.

Huh .. 420.
Wish I had some about now.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Tuesday, 12-26-2023
Day of Mars (in Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter). Madim, Elohim Gibor, Kamael, Seraphim. Red candles, Dragons Blood incense.

Slept fairly well, no dream details remembered/recalled.

My studies for the week:
Modern Magick, lessons 1 to 4 (Air grade and LRH, 162 pp).
Kabalah, Magic, and the Great Work of Self-Transformation, chaps 1 to 5 (Earth grade, 128 pp)
Nothing Special:Living Zen
Israel Regardie and the Philosophers Stone
The Middle Pillar
The Astrologers Handbook
The Art and Practice of Geomancy
The Golden Dawn, Book Four (Primary Techniques, particularly LRH, GRH, Four Forms)
As well as a Shemhamphoresh paper, 72 Angels of Magick, The Power of the Archangels, The Powers of Angels and Demons, and other books of or on angels, for the Lost and Forgotten project.

Got a few pens, a cup of coffee, my ritual diary, and the books by Christopher and Kraig. Going to jot down rituals out of Kraig's book, as well as exercises out of both books into my ritual diary.
Fifteen earth exercises to do, four from Kraig, eleven total from Christopher. Yet, feel compelled to do the other element exercises in each grade, as Malkuth is of the four elements. Adding in Cicero's ideas, it expands the list. I recall a crystal growing kit and creation of hand painted earth talismans.

Tarot draws for the day, slightly interesting...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Adonai.
XXI The World. Saturn/Elemental Earth. 32nd Path of the Sepher Yetzirah, The Administrative Intelligence. Malkuth to Yesod. Tav, cross/seal, 400.

Tarot Card of the Day (Tuesday, Mars in Sagittarius, Sag ruled by Jupiter):
Drawn under Ehieh.
X Fortune. Jupiter. Chesed to Netzach, the 21st Path of the Sepher Yetzirah, The Intelligence of Conciliation. Kaph, Palm of the hand, 20.

Huh .. 420.
Wish I had some about now.

Reminisced with a friend about my past two years, and how I've had improvement in some ways, and destruction/loss in some ways.
Went out for lunch.

Practiced my first Earth exercise during lunch per Kraig:
Palm trees.
Fir trees.
Flowers in bushes in soil in gardens.
Wooden fences.
Brick and wooden house frames.
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I wonder if it would work. Damon Brand has the Master Ritual, in which Raziel is evoked using Evocation Keys and a sigil.
So why could it not work using adapted evocation keys from Demons of Magick, adapted or changed to brighter or slightly different constructs for the Shem angels, as long as the Angels sigil is used and the appropriate calls made?

Example Evocation Keys:
I pass through the arch of stone.
I walk through a field of golden corn.
I am warmed by the fire of the sun.
I am cooled by the water of the ocean.
I am steady on the firm earth.
I breathe a sweet breeze.
I feel the weight of the earth beneath me.

These are for conjuring Raziel, the archangel of Chokmah.

I see the color of the white sand in the distance.
I feel the texture of cool sand under my feet.
I smell the scent of swampy water.
I hear the sound of small breaths or fluttering wings.
I taste something like salt.

These are for conjuring Agares, the number two Demon of the Goetia.

So, we would combine the use of the five senses (the five senses used * are *the evocation keys), or conjure Raziel first.
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Side note on natal chart aspects....
We may see in books what houses signify, what planets signify, what aspects signify, and what signs signify; but rarely do books actually spell out the how of natal chart transits.

Example: I'm a Libra, but a Scorpio ascendant with Neptune in the first house.
We know that the ascendant is the constellation coming up over the horizon at the time of birth.
We know the sun sign is the date of birth with the primary ascendant in the sky during that month.
We know Neptune is a mystery, drug dependant and occult knowledge planet.
We know Scorpio is a sign of water, ruled by Mars. We know it is a sex driven, back biting, and moody sign.
We know how the first sign operates as the house of identity - the I Am house, the House of self.

We don't know how much is taken away if the ascendant is different than the sun or moon sign, we don't know that planets in detriment or exaltation or fall, and how those affects the rulership of the sign.

We don't know how all the transit aspects are affected by the ascendant difference from sun or moon sign.

Luckily there are books that explain exactly what I'm asking, which may be my next purchase. Such as The Astrologers Handbook.

But having owned it before, I don't recall the hows explained very well.
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Nearly done writing down Kraig's Earth exercises.
Next are Christopher's Exercises for the Earth grade.
Will do Zelator Formula using The Great Voice later this evening.
Reading tonight, up through Neophyte in Christopher and Kraig.
Tomorrow Mystical Qabalah, part one and Philosophers Stone chaps 1-4.
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Finished with the exercises of Kraig, will resume Christophers exercises transcribing tomorrow. Onto reading of both. Chapters 1-4 of Christopher, and Lessons 1-2 of Kraig. Thus finishing Neophyte material. Then Zelator Formula to be done before bedtime.
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5°03’ Cap
6°06’ Can
Full Moon (181°02’)
Mercury 25°13’ Sag R
Venus 26°40’ Sco
Mars 23°41’ Sag
Jupiter 5°36’ Tau R
Saturn 2°49’ Pis
Uranus 19°29’ Tau R
Neptune 25°00’ Pis
Pluto 29°12’ Cap
Node (M) 21°08’ Ari R
Node (T) 22°00’ Ari R
Lilith (M) 9°25’ Vir
Chiron 15°27’ Ari st
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Four of Disks - Sol in Capricorn - Lord of Power/Works - Chesed of Assiah
Four of Cups - Luna in Cancer - Lord of Luxury - Chesed of Briah
Eight of Wands - Mercury in Sagittarius - Lord of Swiftness - Hod of Atziluth
Seven of Cups - Venus in Scorpio - Lord of Debauchury - Netzach of Briah
Eight of Cups - Saturn in Pices - Lords of Indolence - Hod of Briah
XII Hanged Man - Neptune in Pisces - Reversalk or Sacrifice - Elemental Water.
The cards of today.
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Zelator Formula has been completed using "The Great Voice" as speech in the silence, image, symbol, and gesture.

E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Solar Adoration per Butler (Theoricus)
E: Ascent Into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: LRP, Earth Banishing
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: LRH, Saturn Banishing
S: Solar Adoration per Butler (Philosophus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
W: Solar Adoration per Butler (Practicus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
N: Solar Adoration per Butler (Zelator)
N: Body in Assiah and Zelator Meditation
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe

By the time South came around, leg tremors were kicking up. Was using foot to root chakra breath. By the time I was doing the MPR, was sweating. Great voice and mind were one, simultaneously. At Body in Assiah, visualized Earth element glyph superimposed over my body. Visualized putrefaction, skeleton, muscle, skin.
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Wednesday 12-27-2023
Dreams: Went out with a woman who I was driving somewhere. Tried to save a Greek restaurant from closing and a book and magazine store from going under. Picked up a few porn magazines and had sex with a few women.
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Wednesday, day of Mercury. Kokab, Elohim Tzabaoth, Raphael, Beni Elohim.
Orange candles, Lavender or Black Storax incense. Travel, communication and commerce.
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Reading for today:

Mystical Qabalah, part one and Philosophers Stone chaps 1-4.

Continue reading of Kraig and Christopher up to Zelator.
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My studies for the week:
Modern Magick, lessons 1 to 4 (Air grade and LRH, 162 pp).
Kabalah, Magic, and the Great Work of Self-Transformation, chaps 1 to 5 (Earth grade, 128 pp)
Nothing Special:Living Zen
Israel Regardie and the Philosophers Stone
The Middle Pillar
The Astrologers Handbook
The Art and Practice of Geomancy
The Golden Dawn, Book Four (Primary Techniques, particularly LRH, GRH, Four Forms)
As well as a Shemhamphoresh paper, 72 Angels of Magick, The Power of the Archangels, The Powers of Angels and Demons, and other books of or on angels, for the Lost and Forgotten project.
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Tarot Draws for the day...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Adonai.
XIII Death. Scorpio. 24th Path of the Sepher Yetzirah. Netzach to Tiphareth. The Imaginative Intelligence. Nun, fish, 50.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
Ten of Cups. Mars in Pisces. Lord of Saciety. Malkuth of Briah.
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Mostly through Chapter 2 of Christopher, 26pp left to read up to Neophyte.
Then Lessons 1-2 from Modern Magick.
Then Nothing Special:Living Zen, The Mystical Qabalah, The Philosophers Stone (Alchemy) & The Middle Pillar to read and reflect upon.
Then Geomancy and Astrology, then Primary Techniques and Evocation of Shemhamphoresh.
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An example evocation key...

I see an archway of stone leading to a field of ripe wheat.
I hear the sound of loose gravel and sand under foot.
I smell a sweet scent óf roses on the wind.
I feel the warmth of the sun on my head and shoulders.
I taste a spearmint or pepper type taste.

Now, who am I?
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Wednesday 12-27-2023
Wednesday, day of Mercury. Kokab, Elohim Tzabaoth, Raphael, Beni Elohim.
Orange candles, Lavender or Black Storax incense. Travel, communication and commerce.

Dreams: Went out with a woman who I was driving somewhere. Tried to save a Greek restaurant from closing and a book and magazine store from going under. Picked up a few porn magazines and had sex with a few women.

Reading for today:
Christopher/Kraig. Mystical Qabalah, part one and Philosophers Stone chaps 1-4.

Continue reading of Kraig and Christopher up to Zelator.
My studies for the week:

Modern Magick, lessons 1 to 4 (Air grade and LRH, 162 pp).
Kabalah, Magic, and the Great Work of Self-Transformation, chaps 1 to 5 (Earth grade, 128 pp)
Nothing Special:Living Zen
Israel Regardie and the Philosophers Stone
The Middle Pillar
The Astrologers Handbook
The Art and Practice of Geomancy
The Golden Dawn, Book Four (Primary Techniques, particularly LRH, GRH, Four Forms)
As well as a Shemhamphoresh paper, 72 Angels of Magick, The Power of the Archangels, The Powers of Angels and Demons, and other books of or on angels, for the Lost and Forgotten project.

Tarot Draws for the day...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Adonai.
XIII Death. Scorpio. 24th Path of the Sepher Yetzirah. Netzach to Tiphareth. The Imaginative Intelligence. Nun, fish, 50.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
Ten of Cups. Mars in Pisces. Lord of Saciety. Malkuth of Briah.

Mostly through Chapter 2 of Christopher, 26pp left to read up to Neophyte. Then Lessons 1-2 from Modern Magick.
Then Nothing Special:Living Zen, The Mystical Qabalah, The Philosophers Stone (Alchemy) & The Middle Pillar to read and reflect upon.
Then Geomancy and Astrology, then Primary Techniques and Evocation of Shemhamphoresh.

Plans got slightly derailed due to things at home after lunch.
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Working through Christophers book, transcribing Zelator exercises into Ritual Diary. Will soon do Zelator Formula, using "The Great Voice".
Looking up hyperspheres, hypercubes and hyperplanes in wikipedia.
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Pondering the tesseract (HyperCube) in an n-Sphere (HyperSphere), while transcribing exercises.
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Taking a break from writing and getting tired. No work has been done today, just study and thought.
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Thursday 12-28-2023. Day of Jupiter. El, Tzadkiel. Royal Blue, Cedar.
Dreamt I dined in an underwater restaurant, eating a snake I picked up, skewered and roasted bbq style, with a dinner date (woman). Also, two friends married and had a child, grocery workers were on a strike.
Finished writing out Earth (Zelator) and probationary (Neophyte) exercises in journal. Per Kraig and Christopher. May include Cicero recommended exercises as well as they are useful. An interesting test for Portal may be to review and redo all previous grade exercises and current Portal exercises to have truly mastered the five elements.
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Need to do Neophyte Formula and Zelator Formula today. As I 0rogress into the next grade, Theoricus, will do Zelator Formula in morning and Theoricus Formula at night, with Air and Earth exercises during the day. And so on.
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Have already had two cups of coffee and now a sixteen ounce diet Pepsi. Weight is slowly dropping.
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Recording 0=0 and 1=10 exercises from Cicero's Self-Initiation Into the Golden Dawn Tradition into my journal.
Listening to at the same time to:
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Brunch: had coffee, coffee, diet pepsi, Pesto pasta with chicken, garlic bread and diet pepsi.
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Tarot draws for the day...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Ehieh.
I The Magician. Mercury. The 12th Path of the Sepher Yetzirah. Kether to Binah, Crown to Understanding. Beth, house, 2.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Knight of Cups. M of HCOMA. Air of Water. 20 deg Libra to 20 deg Scorpio.
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Above drawn under Adonai.
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Napped. No dreams.
Got up and had coffee, did Zelator Formula.
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Zelator Formula:
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: LRH Banishing Saturn
E: Solar Adoration per Butler (Theoricus)
S: Solar Adoration per Butler (Philosophus)
W: Solar Adoration per Butler (Practicus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration per Butler (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
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Going to continue my reading over coffee.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

Thursday 12-28-2023. Day of Jupiter. El, Tzadkiel. Royal Blue, Cedar.

Dreamt I dined in an underwater restaurant, eating a snake I picked up, skewered and roasted bbq style, with a dinner date (woman). Also, two friends married and had a child, grocery workers were on a strike.

Finished writing out Earth (Zelator) and probationary (Neophyte) exercises in journal. Per Kraig and Christopher. May include Cicero recommended exercises as well as they are useful. An interesting test for Portal may be to review and redo all previous grade exercises and current Portal exercises to have truly mastered the five elements.

Need to do Neophyte Formula and Zelator Formula today. As I 0rogress into the next grade, Theoricus, will do Zelator Formula in morning and Theoricus Formula at night, with Air and Earth exercises during the day. And so on.

Have already had two cups of coffee and now a sixteen ounce diet Pepsi. Weight is slowly dropping.

Recording 0=0 and 1=10 exercises from Cicero's Self-Initiation Into the Golden Dawn Tradition into my journal.
Listening to at the same time to:

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Brunch: had coffee, coffee, diet pepsi, Pesto pasta with chicken, garlic bread and diet pepsi.

Tarot draws for the day...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Ehieh.
I The Magician. Mercury. The 12th Path of the Sepher Yetzirah. Kether to Binah, Crown to Understanding. Beth, house, 2.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Knight of Cups. M of HCOMA. Air of Water. 20 deg Libra to 20 deg Scorpio.

Above drawn under Adonai.

Napped. No dreams.

Got up and had coffee, did Zelator Formula.
Zelator Formula:
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: LRH Banishing Saturn
E: Solar Adoration per Butler (Theoricus)
S: Solar Adoration per Butler (Philosophus)
W: Solar Adoration per Butler (Practicus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration per Butler (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Good I did this while I had the chance. Not as powerful as the other day, the day missed in between may be the cause, stopping the momentum.

Continuing reading over coffee.
Through Zelator in both Christopher and Kraig, all exercises from Christopher, Kraig and Cicero to be transcribed in journal, completed by tomorrow. If time 0erm8ts read through Neophyte and Zelator from Cicero as well.

Tomorrow start incorporating exercises for three months, Neophyte Formula in morning and Zelator Formula at night.

Tomorrow's reading - The Mystical Qabalah, The Philosophers Stone, Nothing Special, The Art and Practice of Geomancy, and The Middle Pillar.
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Got through Zelator in Christopher, following up with Kraig. Finished coffee long ago, running on diet pepsi fumes now.
Dinner -- had Pesto pasta with Pinenuts, Bacon and Chicken along with Garlic Herb Cheese bread and Diet Pepsi.
Delving into Kraigs Modern Magick to get through Zelator in the book.
Zelator Formula will come later, if I dont fall asleep first. Will be done using The Great Voice and fixed mind, with intent.
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Friday, 12-29-2023. Day of Venus, YHVH Tzabaoth, Haniel, Elohim. Green candles, Rose incense.

Sun 7°43’ Cap -- Four of Disks, Lord of Power, Chesed of Assiah
Moon 8°46’ Leo
Full Moon (211°03’)
Mercury 23°07’ Sag R -- Eight of Wands, Lord of Swiftness, Hod of Atziluth
Venus 29°51’ Sco -- Seven of Cups, Lord of Debauchery, Netzach of Briah
Mars 25°37’ Sag
Jupiter 5°35’ Tau R
Saturn 3°02’ Pis -- Eight of Cups, Lord of Indolence, Hod of Briah
Uranus 19°26’ Tau R
Neptune 25°02’ Pis -- Natural Ruler
Pluto 29°17’ Cap
Node (M) 20°59’ Ari R
Node (T) 21°25’ Ari R
Lilith (M) 9°43’ Vir
Chiron 15°27’ Ari

The planets in signs and cards for the day.
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A few dreams. The only one I recall was something about cat poop in the dryer causing a fire. No good sleep. Was angry about the past.
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Tarot draws for the day ...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Ehieh.
XVII The Star. Aquarius. Yesod to Netzach, Foundation of Victory. Tzaddi, fishhook, 90.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
IX The Hermit. Virgo. Tiphareth to Chesed, Beauty of Mercy. Yod, hand, 10.
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Continuing reading over coffee.

Through Zelator in both Christopher and Kraig, all exercises from Christopher, Kraig and Cicero to be transcribed in journal, completed by today. If time permits read through Neophyte and Zelator from Cicero as well.

Today start incorporating exercises for three months, Neophyte Formula in morning and Zelator Formula at night.

Today's reading - The Mystical Qabalah, The Philosophers Stone, Nothing Special, The Art and Practice of Geomancy, and The Middle Pillar.
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Starting to read Nothing Special:Living Zen.
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Friday, 12-29-2023. Day of Venus, YHVH Tzabaoth, Haniel, Elohim. Green candles, Rose incense.

Sun Sun 7°43’ Cap -- Four of Disks, Lord of Power, Chesed of Assiah
Moon Moon 8°46’ Leo
u_50_11.png Full Moon (211°03’)
Mercury Mercury 23°07’ Sag R -- Eight of Wands, Lord of Swiftness, Hod of Atziluth
Venus Venus 29°51’ Sco -- Seven of Cups, Lord of Debauchery, Netzach of Briah
Mars Mars 25°37’ Sag
Jupiter Jupiter 5°35’ Tau R
Saturn Saturn 3°02’ Pis -- Eight of Cups, Lord of Indolence, Hod of Briah
Uranus Uranus 19°26’ Tau R
Neptune Neptune 25°02’ Pis -- Natural Ruler
Pluto Pluto 29°17’ Cap
Node (M) 20°59’ Ari R
Node (T) 21°25’ Ari R
Lilith (M) 9°43’ Vir
Chiron 15°27’ Ari

The planets in signs and cards for the day.

A few dreams. The only one I recall was something about cat poop in the dryer causing a fire. No good sleep. Was angry about the past.

Tarot draws for the day ...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Ehieh.
XVII The Star. Aquarius. Yesod to Netzach, Foundation of Victory. Tzaddi, fishhook, 90.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
IX The Hermit. Virgo. Tiphareth to Chesed, Beauty of Mercy. Yod, hand, 10.

Continuing reading over coffee.

Through Zelator in both Christopher and Kraig, all exercises from Christopher, Kraig and Cicero to be transcribed in journal, completed by today. If time permits read through Neophyte and Zelator from Cicero as well.

Today start incorporating exercises for three months, Neophyte Formula in morning and Zelator Formula at night.

Today's reading - The Mystical Qabalah, The Philosophers Stone, Nothing Special, The Art and Practice of Geomancy, and The Middle Pillar.

Started to read Nothing Special:Living Zen and got sidetracked due to waiting for a mundane matter that concluded well.

Have a mundane issue that pissed me 9ff about a friend undergoing hormonal and other issues. Unfortunately may have to have my cat put up for adoption. My resentment is her blowing her stack about my not planning to go back to Michigan during Winter. It's a complicated matter.

I resent having the wind taken out of my sails by someone else's issue. What gets me is that the person is not truly homeless (she is better off than me), nor new to snowy winters. From the Yukon for Christs sake. I'm simply done with drama from others, I have my own issues to resolve. I am not on a relationship with anyone, and my life and mind are too unstable to do so.

Currently studying Modern Magick, and Kabalah, Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation.
Will do Zelator Formula tonight before bed. Morning Neophyte Formula was not done.
Last edited:
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

Friday, 12-29-2023. Day of Venus, YHVH Tzabaoth, Haniel, Elohim. Green candles, Rose incense.

Sun Sun 7°43’ Cap -- Four of Disks, Lord of Power, Chesed of Assiah
Moon Moon 8°46’ Leo
u_50_11.png Full Moon (211°03’)
Mercury Mercury 23°07’ Sag R -- Eight of Wands, Lord of Swiftness, Hod of Atziluth
Venus Venus 29°51’ Sco -- Seven of Cups, Lord of Debauchery, Netzach of Briah
Mars Mars 25°37’ Sag
Jupiter Jupiter 5°35’ Tau R
Saturn Saturn 3°02’ Pis -- Eight of Cups, Lord of Indolence, Hod of Briah
Uranus Uranus 19°26’ Tau R
Neptune Neptune 25°02’ Pis -- Natural Ruler
Pluto Pluto 29°17’ Cap
Node (M) 20°59’ Ari R
Node (T) 21°25’ Ari R
Lilith (M) 9°43’ Vir
Chiron 15°27’ Ari

The planets in signs and cards for the day.

A few dreams. The only one I recall was something about cat poop in the dryer causing a fire. No good sleep. Was angry about the past.

Tarot draws for the day ...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Ehieh.
XVII The Star. Aquarius. Yesod to Netzach, Foundation of Victory. Tzaddi, fishhook, 90.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
IX The Hermit. Virgo. Tiphareth to Chesed, Beauty of Mercy. Yod, hand, 10.

Continuing reading over coffee.

Through Zelator in both Christopher and Kraig, all exercises from Christopher, Kraig and Cicero to be transcribed in journal, completed by today. If time permits read through Neophyte and Zelator from Cicero as well.

Today start incorporating exercises for three months, Neophyte Formula in morning and Zelator Formula at night.

Today's reading - The Mystical Qabalah, The Philosophers Stone, Nothing Special, The Art and Practice of Geomancy, and The Middle Pillar.

Started to read Nothing Special:Living Zen and got sidetracked due to waiting for a mundane matter that concluded well.

Have a mundane issue that pissed me 9ff about a friend undergoing hormonal and other issues. Unfortunately may have to have my cat put up for adoption. My resentment is her blowing her stack about my not planning to go back to Michigan during Winter. It's a complicated matter.

I resent having the wind taken out of my sails by someone else's issue. What gets me is that the person is not truly homeless (she is better off than me), nor new to snowy winters. From the Yukon for Christs sake. I'm simply done with drama from others, I have my own issues to resolve. I am not on a relationship with anyone, and my life and mind are too unstable to do so.

Currently studying Modern Magick, and Kabalah, Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation.
Will do Zelator Formula tonight before bed. Morning Neophyte Formula was not done.
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Zelator Formula completed.
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A sad day within and without. It's 58 and raining in Southern California today. The friend taking care of my cat in Michigan has been threatening this or that with my cat to get me to return.
I'm of the opinion of calling the humane society to have the cat picked up for adoption.
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Saturday, 12-30-2023. Day of Saturn, YHVH Elohim, Tzaphqiel. Black candles, indigo candles, Sandalwood.

A sad day within and without. It's 58 and raining in Southern California today. The friend taking care of my cat in Michigan has been threatening this or that with my cat to get me to return. I'm of the opinion of calling the humane society to have the cat picked up for adoption.

Tarot Draws for the day, decided to try something else today...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Adonai.
XVI The Tower. Mars (Currently in Sagittarius). 27th Path of the Sepher Yetzirah. Hod to Netzach, Splendour of Victory.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under YHVH.
IX The Hermit. Virgo. 20th Path of the Sepher Yetzirah. Tiphareth to Chesed. Beauty of Mercy.
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Sun 8°44’ Cap
Moon 20°46’ Leo
Full Moon (222°02’)
Mercury 22°38’ Sag R
Venus 1°03’ Sag
Mars 26°21’ Sag
Jupiter 5°34’ Tau st
Saturn 3°07’ Pis
Uranus 19°24’ Tau R
Neptune 25°03’ Pis
Pluto 29°19’ Cap
Node (M) 20°56’ Ari R
Node (T) 21°14’ Ari R
Lilith (M) 9°49’ Vir
Chiron 15°27’ Ari
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Zelator, invvoking forms of the , Formula done.
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That is....
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Ascent Into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Earth Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Solar Adoration per Butler (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration per Butler (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration per Butler (Practicus)
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Body in Assiah
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe

An Invoking Field is what has occurred.
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Got good conversation and advice from a Saturnian relative, and we reached a few conclusions together regarding my situation.
I will go back, as I need to grab a few more things, but not by someone else' command. Time for me to manifest some things.
One month to do so, I guess I begin today on top of my normal routine and side project which also needs to get started into hyperdrive.
So, 72 Angels of Magick and the Shemhamphoresh paper. Two more books to work through. Two different additional workings.
Last edited:
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Saturday, 12-30-2023. Day of Saturn, YHVH Elohim, Tzaphqiel. Black candles, indigo candles, Sandalwood.

A sad day within and without. It's 58 and raining in Southern California today. The friend taking care of my cat in Michigan has been threatening this or that with my cat to get me to return. I'm of the opinion of calling the humane society to have the cat picked up for adoption.

Tarot Draws for the day, decided to try something else today...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Adonai.
XVI The Tower. Mars (Currently in Sagittarius). 27th Path of the Sepher Yetzirah. Hod to Netzach, Splendour of Victory.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under YHVH.
IX The Hermit. Virgo. 20th Path of the Sepher Yetzirah. Tiphareth to Chesed. Beauty of Mercy.

Sun 8°44’ Cap
Moon 20°46’ Leo
Full Moon (222°02’)

Mercury 22°38’ Sag R

Venus 1°03’ Sag
Mars 26°21’ Sag
Jupiter 5°34’ Tau st
Saturn 3°07’ Pis
Uranus 19°24’ Tau R
Neptune 25°03’ Pis
Pluto 29°19’ Cap
Node (M) 20°56’ Ari R
Node (T) 21°14’ Ari R
Lilith (M) 9°49’ Vir
Chiron 15°27’ Ari

Zelator, invvoking forms of the , Formula done...That is....
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Ascent Into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Earth Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Solar Adoration per Butler (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration per Butler (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration per Butler (Practicus)
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Body in Assiah
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
An Invoking Field is what has occurred.

Got good conversation and advice from a Saturnian relative, and we reached a few conclusions together regarding my situation.
I will go back, as I need to grab a few more things, but not by someone else' command. Time for me to manifest some things.

One month to do so, I guess I begin today on top of my normal routine and side project which also needs to get started into hyperdrive.
So, 72 Angels of Magick and the Shemhamphoresh paper. Two more books to work through. Two different additional workings.

Another kitty went to the vet. Did an astral LBRH of Saturn around the entire house.
Napped a bit, then got up and had cereal and coffee. Blood draws/checkup this week.
Still doing reading. Was looking for a good source of use of unicersal hexagrams, have a few ideas.
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Update on the sick kitty, she is okay, x-rays came back okay, but she appears to have GI issues. Will have to take good care of her. She is on a special diet which is a fair thing to do.

Did not get far on hexagram rituals, will continue to study and practice out of the three books. I really dont understand my block on the four form hexagram ritual, which is according to some the LRH, while I view the LRH as the Star of David hexagram in the four quarters. But who am I?
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Mixed sleep. Dreampt I was a part of or was hanging out with Jewish families. Thats all that I recall. Dont recall the dreamscape even.
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Sunday, 12-31-2023. Day of Sol. YHVH Eloah ve Daath, Raphael/Michael, Melechim. Gold/Yellow candles, Frankincense.

Mixed sleep. Dreampt I was a part of or was hanging out with Jewish families. Thats all that I recall. Dont recall the dreamscape even.

The reading and practice continues....
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Tarot draws for today....
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Ehieh.
XI Justice. Libra. 22nd Path of the Sepher Yetzirah. Tiphareth to Geburah. Beauty of Strength. Lamed, ox goad, 30.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
Queen of Swords. Water of Air. A of EXARP.
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Did Morning Zelator Formula...

E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe.
E: Shining Cross Ritual.
E: Ascent into Cube of Space with Zelator Breath.
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual.
E: Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, Earth banishing.
E: Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram, Saturn banishing.
E: Solar Adoration per Butler (Theoricus).
S: Solar Adoration per Butler (Philosophus).
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth.
W: Solar Adoration per Butler (Practicus).
W: Middle Pillar Ritual.
N: Solar Adoration per Butler (Zelator).
N: Body in Assiah.
N: Zelator Meditation.
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe.

Fair visualization, fair memory. Using The Great Voice/whispering toward the North.
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Todays planets and the cards...

Sun 9°46’ Cap -- Four of Disks, Lord of Earthly Power, Chesed of Assiah
Moon 2°52’ Vir
Disseminating (233°06’)
Mercury 22°20’ Sag R -- Eight of Wands, Lord of Swiftness, Hod of Atziluth
Venus 2°17’ Sag
Mars 27°06’ Sag
Jupiter 5°34’ Tau
Saturn 3°13’ Pis -- Eight of Cups, Lord of Indolence, Hod of Briah
Uranus 19°23’ Tau R
Neptune 25°04’ Pis -- Natural Ruler
Pluto 29°20’ Cap
Node (M) 20°53’ Ari R
Node (T) 21°06’ Ari R
Lilith (M) 9°56’ Vir
Chiron 15°27’ Ari
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Centering Field (LIRP/LBRH): This combination sets up a field in which the interior world is engaged while influences from the exterior world are neutralized. This field is ideal for exclusively psychological magical work of all sorts.
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A new Zen exercise for me - working through lower mathematics.
Another new Zen exercise for me - complete required side reading.

Getting along transcribing exercises from Cicero and Cicero. Nearly halfway through 0=0 exercises, then onto 1=10.

Will be confined to my room tonight for the most part, so will be doing a lot of reading and workings.
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Lower mathematics for me = pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry.

Kabalah, Magic and the Great Work of Self Transformation
Modern Magick
The Golden Dawn
Self Intiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition

Math Reading
Madison College's College Math Book
Trig in Four Quadrants

Side reading:
A Garden of Pomegranites
The Mystical Qabalah
The Tree of Life
The Sacred Tradition of Ancient Egypt
The Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt
The Alchemists Handbook
Israel Regardie and the Philosophers Stone
Nothing Special : Living Zen
Chi/Qi Gong/Eight Meridians
Hatha Yoga
The Art and Practice of Geomancy
The Only Way to Learn Astrology
The Middle Pillar
Magick in Theory and Practice
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I am re reading chapters 3-5 of Christophers book which goes through Zelator, and Lessons 1-3 of Kraig.
I am going to integrate the exercises and non conflicting rituals that can only help.

Another way I could go about it is stay steady on Christophers course and integrate the elemental exercise from Kraig in order as mastery of Malkuth.

But that latter option would delay my moving into chapter six of Christophers book.
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I am up to Chapter Four of Christopher's book as a second (at least) reading, making myself aware of parts I glossed over. Will read up through chapter Five.
Then lessons One and Two of Modern Magick, then read through chapter Three.
That will have me caught up with both books.
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Just noticed Queen of Swords rules the whole of Libra (XI Justice).
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Got through Christophers reading up to Neophyte, and reading Kraigs first lesson, then Neophyte and Zelator material from each tonight.
Will be doing the exercises I should have been doing during Neophyte that I somehow glossed over. Most likely because I went straight into rituals. So, will be integrating Neophyte and Zelator exercises for the next three months, which will be challenging as Im not terribly stable in walking, at least distance walking and still have a morbid fear of heights. I live or am currently living right now anyway, on a mountain. So likely will be challenging.
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Filled in physical dream and calendar diary up through February of next year. Have noted January appointments, and am aware of my February appointment and need this week for bloodwork/STD testing (which should be clean as I havent got laid in a decade).
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This month will be getting a full health screen, dental exam and an optometrist test. This month will also be going back on a diet. Last I knew I was at 230, 60 pounds overweight for me. I am losing weight, but at a slow pace, due to walking and stability/balance problems. In addition, will be handling bankruptcy if the SSDI claim does not come through, so that I get settled in that matter. Less debt, less headaches. I will be studying lower end math and programming in three low level languages, in addition to my writing. I may move back to Michigan in spring temporarily. Which means I will need to get self employed and get an apartment, if I do not get SSDI approved. It is not that I am paralyzed, but I am physically, neurologically, and mentally disabled despite my smarts. The programming is for my own benefit, not for someone else and not for payment. If my programs dont work, the only one hounding me will be myself. I would however like to pass the HR Technician exam and build a transceiver out of an arduino.
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Onto Lessons 1-2 of Kraig and Chapter 4 of Christopher. Then a break, then Zelator reading. Tomorrow, or even tonight the exercises will be going into practice.
Last edited:
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

Sunday, 12-31-2023. Day of Sol. YHVH Eloah ve Daath, Raphael/Michael, Melechim. Gold/Yellow candles, Frankincense.

Mixed sleep. Dreampt I was a part of or was hanging out with Jewish families. Thats all that I recall. Dont recall the dreamscape even.

The reading and practice continues....

Tarot draws for today....
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Ehieh.
XI Justice. Libra. 22nd Path of the Sepher Yetzirah. Tiphareth to Geburah. Beauty of Strength. Lamed, ox goad, 30.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
Queen of Swords. Water of Air. A of EXARP.

Did Morning Zelator Formula...

E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe.
E: Shining Cross Ritual.
E: Ascent into Cube of Space with Zelator Breath.
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual.
E: Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, Earth banishing.
E: Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram, Saturn banishing.
E: Solar Adoration per Butler (Theoricus).
S: Solar Adoration per Butler (Philosophus).
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth.
W: Solar Adoration per Butler (Practicus).
W: Middle Pillar Ritual.
N: Solar Adoration per Butler (Zelator).
N: Body in Assiah.
N: Zelator Meditation.
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe.

Fair visualization, fair memory. Using The Great Voice/whispering toward the North.

Todays planets and the cards...

Sun 9°46’ Cap -- Four of Disks, Lord of Earthly Power, Chesed of Assiah
Moon 2°52’ Vir
Disseminating (233°06’)
Mercury 22°20’ Sag R -- Eight of Wands, Lord of Swiftness, Hod of Atziluth
Venus 2°17’ Sag
Mars 27°06’ Sag
Jupiter 5°34’ Tau
Saturn 3°13’ Pis -- Eight of Cups, Lord of Indolence, Hod of Briah
Uranus 19°23’ Tau R
Neptune 25°04’ Pis -- Natural Ruler
Pluto 29°20’ Cap
Node (M) 20°53’ Ari R
Node (T) 21°06’ Ari R
Lilith (M) 9°56’ Vir
Chiron 15°27’ Ari

Centering Field (LIRP/LBRH): This combination sets up a field in which the interior world is engaged while influences from the exterior world are neutralized. This field is ideal for exclusively psychological magical work of all sorts.

A new Zen exercise for me - working through lower mathematics.
Another new Zen exercise for me - complete required side reading.

Getting along transcribing exercises from Cicero and Cicero. Nearly halfway through 0=0 exercises, then onto 1=10.

Will be confined to my room tonight for the most part, so will be doing a lot of reading and workings.

Lower mathematics for me = pre-algebra, algebra, geometry, trigonometry.

Kabalah, Magic and the Great Work of Self Transformation
Modern Magick
The Golden Dawn
Self Intiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition

Math Reading
Madison College's College Math Book
Trig in Four Quadrants

Side reading:
A Garden of Pomegranites
The Mystical Qabalah
The Tree of Life
The Sacred Tradition of Ancient Egypt
The Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt
The Alchemists Handbook
Israel Regardie and the Philosophers Stone
Nothing Special : Living Zen
Chi/Qi Gong/Eight Meridians
Hatha Yoga
The Art and Practice of Geomancy
The Only Way to Learn Astrology
The Middle Pillar
Magick in Theory and Practice

I am re reading chapters 3-5 of Christophers book which goes through Zelator, and Lessons 1-3 of Kraig.
I am going to integrate the exercises and non conflicting rituals that can only help.

Another way I could go about it is stay steady on Christophers course and integrate the elemental exercise from Kraig in order as mastery of Malkuth.

But that latter option would delay my moving into chapter six of Christophers book.

I am up to Chapter Four of Christopher's book as a second (at least) reading, making myself aware of parts I glossed over. Will read up through chapter Five.
Then lessons One and Two of Modern Magick, then read through chapter Three.
That will have me caught up with both books.

Just noticed Queen of Swords rules the whole of Libra (XI Justice).

Got through Christophers reading up to Neophyte, and reading Kraigs first lesson, then Neophyte and Zelator material from each tonight.
Will be doing the exercises I should have been doing during Neophyte that I somehow glossed over. Most likely because I went straight into rituals. So, will be integrating Neophyte and Zelator exercises for the next three months, which will be challenging as Im not terribly stable in walking, at least distance walking and still have a morbid fear of heights. I live or am currently living right now anyway, on a mountain. So likely will be challenging.

Filled in physical dream and calendar diary up through February of next year. Have noted January appointments, and am aware of my February appointment and need this week for bloodwork/STD testing (which should be clean as I havent got laid in a decade).

This month will be getting a full health screen, dental exam and an optometrist test. This month will also be going back on a diet. Last I knew I was at 230, 60 pounds overweight for me. I am losing weight, but at a slow pace, due to walking and stability/balance problems. In addition, will be handling bankruptcy if the SSDI claim does not come through, so that I get settled in that matter. Less debt, less headaches. I will be studying lower end math and programming in three low level languages, in addition to my writing. I may move back to Michigan in spring temporarily. Which means I will need to get self employed and get an apartment, if I do not get SSDI approved. It is not that I am paralyzed, but I am physically, neurologically, and mentally disabled despite my smarts. The programming is for my own benefit, not for someone else and not for payment. If my programs dont work, the only one hounding me will be myself. I would however like to pass the HR Technician exam and build a transceiver out of an arduino.

Onto Lessons 1-2 of Kraig and Chapter 4 of Christopher. Then a break, then Zelator reading. Tomorrow, or even tonight the exercises will be going into practice.

Reading of Kraigs Lessons 1-2 and Chapter 4 of Christopher have been read.
On a break now.
Reading Lesson 3 of Kraig and Chapter 5 of Christopher (Zelator grade).
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Finished Lessons 1-2 (but re reading tomorrow), and Chapters 1-3. Reading tomorrow through Zelator in each.
As Zelator Formula was done this morning, calling it a night. Tomorrow I do ZF and read .. with coffee in hand.
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Side and LE Math reading did not occur.
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Monday 1-1-2024. Day of Luna. Shaddai El Chai, Gabriel, kerubim. Silver or white candles, Jasmine incense

Woke up to my Dad calling me, only to later in a matter of minutes be called by panda, then called my Dad and Jean back.

Hello Happy New Year 2024; it is time to backlog 2023 in my dream journal, and start utilizing the neophyte and zelator exercises as outlined by Christopher and Kraig.

2023 was an interesting year, to say the least. From white magic to Black magic, and then back to white magic. With some religion thrown in here and there.

But, wisdom is knowledge applied with experience. So to be a wise man, is to apply that knowledge and that experience and integrate them both.
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What today has the qualities of Earth, as a new year, new start, doing the exercises; the porch, cool and dry, the soil around the lawn, the grass on the lawn, the mountains and rocka around me, Streetlight poles.

One thing that occurs to me is choice. For example, living in that awful town back 9n Michigan in that awful apartment complex full of bloods, I had a choice all the time, as did they, they simply made a choice or be bad 8n life in all things. They had a choice to join a gang and throw their lives away. I had a choice to refrain from violence and move out of the area. I have a choice of the music I choose to listen to, even if it's gangster rap.

Will do Zelator Formula using the Big (Great) Voice shortly.
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Back to choices ... I choose to be unheard doing my Formulas of rituals. I choose to wear what I choose to wear. I choose what I listen to, as violent as it may be. I choose to live where I wish. I choose not to throw my life away, even wherever I may be living. I also choose to curse the fuck out of people and play nasty at a higher level if I'm harassed enough by someone. I also choose to bless the fuck out of someone to have them quit harassing me and let them self destruct on their own. In short, every single one of us makes choices and decisions every single second of our lives, knowingly or unknowingly.
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Back to exercises ...
Cicero and Cicero
Sensory exercises on a weekly basis using the six senses. Sensory enhancement and deprivation.
Physical exercise
Meditation on Maat and Thme
Neophyte and Zelator recommended exercises and rituals on a daily basis.

Each month through Zelator (approx 3-6 months left)
Neophyte and Zelator exercises and NF and ZF done on a daily and nightly basis, every day of every month.

Neophyte and Zelator exercises done daily for next 3 to 6 months until Earth element is controlled at will.
Daily rituals for Neophyte and Zelator done every day every month.
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When time for the Air grade to commence, all exercises for Neophyte, Zelator and Theoricus continue every day for every month.
Air element must be under control along with Earth element.
Daily Zelator Formula in morning and Theoricus Formula down every night daily every month.
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Had two bowls of cereal.
Have caught up my journal, and need to continue backlogging the previous year in my dream journal.
Cereal can be added without milk of course, as milk is more water than earth, but cereal could be listed as being cool and dry.
Likewise candy or dry goods without water such as chips or cookies could be considered of the earth element, as could flour, salt, sugar, herbs, spices etc.
Flooring and houses generally dry and cool, tile as well. Towels and clothes in general.
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Napping for a bit.
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Napped for a little bit, got up and went out to get some lunch and some nicotine. Came back home, ate, grabbed my books and back it is to studies.
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Reading Christophers Neophyte chapter carefully. Will finish up by fifteen minutes Id say (an hour for a chapter). Then will read through Neophyte out of Kraig, then do some side reading. Then some assigned Bible reading, then some math and programming to finish the night.
Zelator tomorrow.

Card draws for the day:
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
III The Empress. Venus. Binah to Chokmah. Understanding of Wisdom. Daleth, door, 4.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under ADONAI.
Six of Disks. Luna in Taurus. Lord of Success. Tiphareth of Assiah.
Last edited:
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

Monday 1-1-2024. Day of Luna. Shaddai El Chai, Gabriel, kerubim. Silver or white candles, Jasmine incense

Woke up to my Dad calling me, only to later in a matter of minutes be called by panda, then called my Dad and Jean back.

Hello Happy New Year 2024; it is time to backlog 2023 in my dream journal, and start utilizing the neophyte and zelator exercises as outlined by Christopher and Kraig.

2023 was an interesting year, to say the least. From white magic to Black magic, and then back to white magic. With some religion thrown in here and there.

But, wisdom is knowledge applied with experience. So to be a wise man, is to apply that knowledge and that experience and integrate them both.

Post automatically merged: Today at 1:35 PM

What today has the qualities of Earth, as a new year, new start, doing the exercises; the porch, cool and dry, the soil around the lawn, the grass on the lawn, the mountains and rocka around me, Streetlight poles.

One thing that occurs to me is choice. For example, living in that awful town back 9n Michigan in that awful apartment complex full of bloods, I had a choice all the time, as did they, they simply made a choice or be bad 8n life in all things. They had a choice to join a gang and throw their lives away. I had a choice to refrain from violence and move out of the area. I have a choice of the music I choose to listen to, even if it's gangster rap.

Will do Zelator Formula using the Big (Great) Voice shortly.

Post automatically merged: Today at 1:41 PM

Back to choices ... I choose to be unheard doing my Formulas of rituals. I choose to wear what I choose to wear. I choose what I listen to, as violent as it may be. I choose to live where I wish. I choose not to throw my life away, even wherever I may be living. I also choose to curse the fuck out of people and play nasty at a higher level if I'm harassed enough by someone. I also choose to bless the fuck out of someone to have them quit harassing me and let them self destruct on their own. In short, every single one of us makes choices and decisions every single second of our lives, knowingly or unknowingly.

Post automatically merged: Today at 1:58 PM

Back to exercises ...
Cicero and Cicero
Sensory exercises on a weekly basis using the six senses. Sensory enhancement and deprivation.
Physical exercise
Meditation on Maat and Thme
Neophyte and Zelator recommended exercises and rituals on a daily basis.

Each month through Zelator (approx 3-6 months left)
Neophyte and Zelator exercises and NF and ZF done on a daily and nightly basis, every day of every month.

Neophyte and Zelator exercises done daily for next 3 to 6 months until Earth element is controlled at will.
Daily rituals for Neophyte and Zelator done every day every month.

Back to exercises ...
Cicero and Cicero
Sensory exercises on a weekly basis using the six senses. Sensory enhancement and deprivation.
Physical exercise
Meditation on Maat and Thme
Neophyte and Zelator recommended exercises and rituals on a daily basis.

Each month through Zelator (approx 3-6 months left)
Neophyte and Zelator exercises and NF and ZF done on a daily and nightly basis, every day of every month.

Neophyte and Zelator exercises done daily for next 3 to 6 months until Earth element is controlled at will.
Daily rituals for Neophyte and Zelator done every day every month.

Post automatically merged: Today at 2:00 PM

When time for the Air grade to commence, all exercises for Neophyte, Zelator and Theoricus continue every day for every month.
Air element must be under control along with Earth element.
Daily Zelator Formula in morning and Theoricus Formula down every night daily every month.

Post automatically merged: Today at 2:54 PM

Had two bowls of cereal.
Have caught up my journal, and need to continue backlogging the previous year in my dream journal.
Cereal can be added without milk of course, as milk is more water than earth, but cereal could be listed as being cool and dry.
Likewise candy or dry goods without water such as chips or cookies could be considered of the earth element, as could flour, salt, sugar, herbs, spices etc.
Flooring and houses generally dry and cool, tile as well. Towels and clothes in general.

Post automatically merged: Today at 3:03 PM

Napping for a bit.

Post automatically merged: Today at 4:41 PM

Napped for a little bit, got up and went out to get some lunch and some nicotine. Came back home, ate, grabbed my books and back it is to studies.

Post automatically merged: 26 minutes ago

Reading Christophers Neophyte chapter carefully. Will finish up by fifteen minutes Id say (an hour for a chapter). Then will read through Neophyte out of Kraig, then do some side reading. Then some assigned Bible reading, then some math and programming to finish the night.
Zelator tomorrow.

Card draws for the day:
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
III The Empress. Venus. Binah to Chokmah. Understanding of Wisdom. Daleth, door, 4.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under ADONAI.
Six of Disks. Luna in Taurus. Lord of Success. Tiphareth of Assiah.

Napped for a bit, only to wake up to the Michigan and Alabama game in overtime and to see Michigan win the Rose Bowl.

Have my books and ritual diary in front of me.

Did Neophyte Formula. So Formula in reverse order today.

Will do Zelator Formula again shortly as I am alone in the house.
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Watching certain episodes of The Twilight Zone pits things in perspective, particularly good and evil.
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Depressing. According to Google results, there is no affordable place for me to live. Not without moving to a completely unfamiliar state. Cannot work most jobs, so that counts me out of living in my hometown due to the unchecked greed and selfishness that has grown over the past thirty years, or the past ten years of my not being proactive enough to stay in the workforce. So my homeless problem is not going away anytime soon for me.
I might as well move back there and rent a room forever that is somewhat affordable until I can get section 8 housing. Not really uplifting for me. I'm not going and able bodies enough to just get up and move somewhere new. Most towns in familiar enough with are now too expensive.
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Yet nobody is coming to my rescue. So I guess I do whatever I have to do.
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Tuesday, 1-2-2024. Day of Mars, Elohim Gibor, Khamael, Seraphim. Red candles, Dragons Blood incense.

I slept fairly well. Dreamed I was working at a department store of sorts, it was mainly a pharmacy, but it included clothing, groceries, and other stuff. We as a group were trapped in the basement there was a rope however. This rope was like a fireman's pole, but it was exceedingly hard to climb as time went on. So, we found a service elevator, that was hidden within the wall. The service elevator took us up to the main floor where we rode off clothing that we took and groceries that we took to get us by. It was apparently a time of lack. Now, I got trapped again, and I found a different elevator, a service elevator. The service elevator took me up to a floor where there was red carpeting .. but the red carpeting was fleeting, what I mean by fleeting was that it was as if it was getting stuck between floors and, the red carpeting that was going upstairs like a stair runner, was becoming flat. It was semi frightening but I was able to make it out.

It is a day of noise, a day of mars. Dogs barking and howling, could be a coyote. Could be a dog reacting to a coyote. Someone driving by in a white SUV made some snide remark and laughed, but I let it go because I have no idea who the person is or what they were even talking about. It could have or could have nothing to do with me. There were also crows kind earlier, but that has been replaced with birds chirping. I had a salamander look at me the other day it sensed I was no threat to it .. so it just stood there and stared at me for a while, as if beholding a giant.

I have not yet done the Neophyte Formula or the Zelator Formula, it did not seem an opportune time, even though it was. I will do it later however, using The Great Voice.

I have come to realize that I am f*****. There is no way for me to get a decent paying job, there is no way for me to get affordable housing as I have no money. The likelihood of me re-entering the workforce is a very very remote, and even renting an apartment, is way outside whatever I could make. It does not matter what state I move to, it's the same across the board.
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Tarot draws for the day..
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
XIV temperance. Sagittarius. Yesod to Tiphareth, the foundation of beauty. Samekh, prop or leg, 60.

Tarot Card of the Day:.
XIV Art sagittarius. The same as above.
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Hop1ing for the days when the middle East isn't in the news.
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I'm irritable this week, maybe it's because the gravity of my situation has come to fruition in my mind, or their external variables that annoy me to the point of irritation. Such as, people walking by me staring at me speaking in a foreign language I don't understand, perhaps I should pick up that language so I can say right back at you now.
Or, perhaps it's the realization that the country that I grew up in is crumbling from within, due to unchecked greed and selfishness.
Or, perhaps there is a logical reason as to why I should be irritated.
Nonetheless I have done no formulas as of today as of yet. My glance up and look at a palm tree in the shape of a rooster's head with bunny ears reminding me of someone that I contacted long long ago, but I blew up at without reason.
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However, ahem, it's unrealistic to learn every language under the sun. The Asian dialects in general have at least 10 grouping languages. Some languages of Asian persuasion, have at least 10 variations of one language. I've not even touched Arabic, certain sub dialects of arabic, Spanish with the same situation.
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Perhaps the irritation is due to the day of mars, Mars in Sagittarius if I'm not mistaken, whereas both tarot draws today were both of sagittarius. Sagittarius I have no planets in in my natal chart. Perhaps another irritation is due to the fact that I have not improved my self over the span of 30 years. Maybe it's that failure that is landed me in the position that I am in today. But who's to say? I could be entirely wrong on that point.
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Whatever the cause, I'm uncomfortable being irritated. I'm uncomfortable with my situation. I'm uncomfortable with my future. I'm uncomfortable with the uncertainty of everything. Is that so wrong?
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However, if I want certainty, then ceremonial magic may not be key. Ceremonial magic is to be uncertain, it is to have your life shook up, it is to experience new things and new places.
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Meddling people. What is it about your life that requires you to meddle with others? Is it boredom with your own life? Is it your curiosity that you're too afraid to step up to the plate and ask a question? Or is it that you're just looking to aggravate somebody?
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Daily Zelator Formula has been completed. Did LIRH, Ararita, YHVH Elohim. Knees and legs got wobbly during Invication of the Four Powers of Earth. Thought failed me at the Southern quarter, so simply did LIRP with Adonai ha Aretz, Adonai. Invoking field.
Drenched in sweat after the Middle Pillar ritual.
In detail:
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe.
E: Solar Adoration per Butler (Theoricus sign)
E: Shining Crosses Ritual (Yehovashah, Yeheshuah)
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, Earth banishing
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram (Ararita, YHVH Elohim)
S: Solar Adoration per Butler (Philosophus sign)
S: Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram (Adonai h Aretz, Adonai)
W: Solar Adoration per Butler (Practicus sign)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
N: Solar Adoration per Butler (Zelator sign)
N: Zelator meditation
N: Body in Assiah
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
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Ended Neophyte chapter on re read of chapters one through four. Starting chapter five. After that, Kraig is next.

After that, pre- Algebra and Algebra.

After that side reading - a re read of Mystical Qabalah, Tree of Life, and Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt.

After that, C and Python.
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Also took a shower and had two bowls of cereal.
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Switching to math and computer science study. C, Python, general programming/computer science, low end math.
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Tuesday, 1-2-2024. Day of Mars, Elohim Gibor, Khamael, Seraphim. Red candles, Dragons Blood incense.

Today at 09:00
I slept fairly well. Dreamed I was working at a department store of sorts, it was mainly a pharmacy, but it included clothing, groceries, and other stuff. We as a group were trapped in the basement there was a rope however. This rope was like a fireman's pole, but it was exceedingly hard to climb as time went on. So, we found a service elevator, that was hidden within the wall. The service elevator took us up to the main floor where we rode off clothing that we took and groceries that we took to get us by. It was apparently a time of lack. Now, I got trapped again, and I found a different elevator, a service elevator. The service elevator took me up to a floor where there was red carpeting .. but the red carpeting was fleeting, what I mean by fleeting was that it was as if it was getting stuck between floors and, the red carpeting that was going upstairs like a stair runner, was becoming flat. It was semi frightening but I was able to make it out.

It is a day of noise, a day of mars. Dogs barking and howling, could be a coyote. Could be a dog reacting to a coyote. Someone driving by in a white SUV made some snide remark and laughed, but I let it go because I have no idea who the person is or what they were even talking about. It could have or could have nothing to do with me. There were also crows kind earlier, but that has been replaced with birds chirping. I had a salamander look at me the other day it sensed I was no threat to it .. so it just stood there and stared at me for a while, as if beholding a giant.

I have not yet done the Neophyte Formula or the Zelator Formula, it did not seem an opportune time, even though it was. I will do it later however, using The Great Voice.

I have come to realize that I am f*****. There is no way for me to get a decent paying job, there is no way for me to get affordable housing as I have no money. The likelihood of me re-entering the workforce is a very very remote, and even renting an apartment, is way outside whatever I could make. It does not matter what state I move to, it's the same across the board.

Today at 12:45 PM
Tarot draws for the day..
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
XIV temperance. Sagittarius. Yesod to Tiphareth, the foundation of beauty. Samekh, prop or leg, 60.

Tarot Card of the Day:.
XIV Art sagittarius. The same as above.

Today at 1:09 PM
I'm irritable this week, maybe it's because the gravity of my situation has come to fruition in my mind, or their external variables that annoy me to the point of irritation. Such as, people walking by me staring at me speaking in a foreign language I don't understand, perhaps I should pick up that language so I can say right back at you now.
Or, perhaps it's the realization that the country that I grew up in is crumbling from within, due to unchecked greed and selfishness.
Or, perhaps there is a logical reason as to why I should be irritated.
Nonetheless I have done no formulas as of today as of yet. My glance up and look at a palm tree in the shape of a rooster's head with bunny ears reminding me of someone that I contacted long long ago, but I blew up at without reason.
However, ahem, it's unrealistic to learn every language under the sun. The Asian dialects in general have at least 10 grouping languages. Some languages of Asian persuasion, have at least 10 variations of one language. I've not even touched Arabic, certain sub dialects of arabic, Spanish with the same situation.
Perhaps the irritation is due to the day of mars, Mars in Sagittarius if I'm not mistaken, whereas both tarot draws today were both of sagittarius. Sagittarius I have no planets in in my natal chart. Perhaps another irritation is due to the fact that I have not improved my self over the span of 30 years. Maybe it's that failure that is landed me in the position that I am in today. But who's to say? I could be entirely wrong on that point.Whatever the cause, I'm uncomfortable being irritated. I'm uncomfortable with my situation. I'm uncomfortable with my future. I'm uncomfortable with the uncertainty of everything. Is that so wrong?
However, if I want certainty, then ceremonial magic may not be key. Ceremonial magic is to be uncertain, it is to have your life shook up, it is to experience new things and new places.
Meddling people. What is it about your life that requires you to meddle with others? Is it boredom with your own life? Is it your curiosity that you're too afraid to step up to the plate and ask a question? Or is it that you're just looking to aggravate somebody?

Today at 2:03 PM
Daily Zelator Formula has been completed. Did LIRH, Ararita, YHVH Elohim. Knees and legs got wobbly during Invication of the Four Powers of Earth. Thought failed me at the Southern quarter, so simply did LIRP with Adonai ha Aretz, Adonai. Invoking field.
Drenched in sweat after the Middle Pillar ritual.
In detail:
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe.
E: Solar Adoration per Butler (Theoricus sign)
E: Shining Crosses Ritual (Yehovashah, Yeheshuah)
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, Earth banishing
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram (Ararita, YHVH Elohim)
S: Solar Adoration per Butler (Philosophus sign)
S: Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram (Adonai h Aretz, Adonai)
W: Solar Adoration per Butler (Practicus sign)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
N: Solar Adoration per Butler (Zelator sign)
N: Zelator meditation
N: Body in Assiah
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe

Today at 3:00 PM
Also took a shower and had two bowls of cereal.
Ended Neophyte chapter on re read of chapters one through four. Starting chapter five. After that, Kraig is next.
After that, pre- Algebra and Algebra.
After that side reading - a re read of Mystical Qabalah, Tree of Life, and Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt.
After that, C and Python.

Today at 5:18 PM
Switching to math and computer science study. C, Python, general programming/computer science, low end math.

Today at 6:07 PM
Had a turkey sandwich, with chips and rice. And whipped cream and a stick of mozarella cheese.
Will be having dinner soon, but was starving.

After that side reading - a re read of Mystical Qabalah, Tree of Life, and Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt.
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Tuesday, 1-2-2024. Day of Mars, Elohim Gibor, Khamael, Seraphim. Red candles, Dragons Blood incense.

Today at 09:00
I slept fairly well. Dreamed I was working at a department store of sorts, it was mainly a pharmacy, but it included clothing, groceries, and other stuff. We as a group were trapped in the basement there was a rope however. This rope was like a fireman's pole, but it was exceedingly hard to climb as time went on. So, we found a service elevator, that was hidden within the wall. The service elevator took us up to the main floor where we rode off clothing that we took and groceries that we took to get us by. It was apparently a time of lack. Now, I got trapped again, and I found a different elevator, a service elevator. The service elevator took me up to a floor where there was red carpeting .. but the red carpeting was fleeting, what I mean by fleeting was that it was as if it was getting stuck between floors and, the red carpeting that was going upstairs like a stair runner, was becoming flat. It was semi frightening but I was able to make it out.

It is a day of noise, a day of mars. Dogs barking and howling, could be a coyote. Could be a dog reacting to a coyote. Someone driving by in a white SUV made some snide remark and laughed, but I let it go because I have no idea who the person is or what they were even talking about. It could have or could have nothing to do with me. There were also crows kind earlier, but that has been replaced with birds chirping. I had a salamander look at me the other day it sensed I was no threat to it .. so it just stood there and stared at me for a while, as if beholding a giant.

I have not yet done the Neophyte Formula or the Zelator Formula, it did not seem an opportune time, even though it was. I will do it later however, using The Great Voice.

I have come to realize that I am f*****. There is no way for me to get a decent paying job, there is no way for me to get affordable housing as I have no money. The likelihood of me re-entering the workforce is a very very remote, and even renting an apartment, is way outside whatever I could make. It does not matter what state I move to, it's the same across the board.

Today at 12:45 PM
Tarot draws for the day..
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
XIV temperance. Sagittarius. Yesod to Tiphareth, the foundation of beauty. Samekh, prop or leg, 60.

Tarot Card of the Day:.
XIV Art sagittarius. The same as above.

Today at 1:09 PM
I'm irritable this week, maybe it's because the gravity of my situation has come to fruition in my mind, or their external variables that annoy me to the point of irritation. Such as, people walking by me staring at me speaking in a foreign language I don't understand, perhaps I should pick up that language so I can say right back at you now.
Or, perhaps it's the realization that the country that I grew up in is crumbling from within, due to unchecked greed and selfishness.
Or, perhaps there is a logical reason as to why I should be irritated.
Nonetheless I have done no formulas as of today as of yet. My glance up and look at a palm tree in the shape of a rooster's head with bunny ears reminding me of someone that I contacted long long ago, but I blew up at without reason.
However, ahem, it's unrealistic to learn every language under the sun. The Asian dialects in general have at least 10 grouping languages. Some languages of Asian persuasion, have at least 10 variations of one language. I've not even touched Arabic, certain sub dialects of arabic, Spanish with the same situation.
Perhaps the irritation is due to the day of mars, Mars in Sagittarius if I'm not mistaken, whereas both tarot draws today were both of sagittarius. Sagittarius I have no planets in in my natal chart. Perhaps another irritation is due to the fact that I have not improved my self over the span of 30 years. Maybe it's that failure that is landed me in the position that I am in today. But who's to say? I could be entirely wrong on that point.Whatever the cause, I'm uncomfortable being irritated. I'm uncomfortable with my situation. I'm uncomfortable with my future. I'm uncomfortable with the uncertainty of everything. Is that so wrong?
However, if I want certainty, then ceremonial magic may not be key. Ceremonial magic is to be uncertain, it is to have your life shook up, it is to experience new things and new places.
Meddling people. What is it about your life that requires you to meddle with others? Is it boredom with your own life? Is it your curiosity that you're too afraid to step up to the plate and ask a question? Or is it that you're just looking to aggravate somebody?

Today at 2:03 PM
Daily Zelator Formula has been completed. Did LIRH, Ararita, YHVH Elohim. Knees and legs got wobbly during Invication of the Four Powers of Earth. Thought failed me at the Southern quarter, so simply did LIRP with Adonai ha Aretz, Adonai. Invoking field.
Drenched in sweat after the Middle Pillar ritual.
In detail:
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe.
E: Solar Adoration per Butler (Theoricus sign)
E: Shining Crosses Ritual (Yehovashah, Yeheshuah)
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, Earth banishing
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram (Ararita, YHVH Elohim)
S: Solar Adoration per Butler (Philosophus sign)
S: Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram (Adonai h Aretz, Adonai)
W: Solar Adoration per Butler (Practicus sign)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
N: Solar Adoration per Butler (Zelator sign)
N: Zelator meditation
N: Body in Assiah
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe

Today at 3:00 PM
Also took a shower and had two bowls of cereal.
Ended Neophyte chapter on re read of chapters one through four. Starting chapter five. After that, Kraig is next.
After that, pre- Algebra and Algebra.
After that side reading - a re read of Mystical Qabalah, Tree of Life, and Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt.
After that, C and Python.

Today at 5:18 PM
Switching to math and computer science study. C, Python, general programming/computer science, low end math.

Today at 6:07 PM
Had a turkey sandwich, with chips and rice. And whipped cream and a stick of mozarella cheese.
Will be having dinner soon, but was starving.

After that side reading - a re read of Mystical Qabalah, Tree of Life, and Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

Tuesday, 1-2-2024. Day of Mars, Elohim Gibor, Khamael, Seraphim. Red candles, Dragons Blood incense.

Today at 09:00
I slept fairly well. Dreamed I was working at a department store of sorts, it was mainly a pharmacy, but it included clothing, groceries, and other stuff. We as a group were trapped in the basement there was a rope however. This rope was like a fireman's pole, but it was exceedingly hard to climb as time went on. So, we found a service elevator, that was hidden within the wall. The service elevator took us up to the main floor where we rode off clothing that we took and groceries that we took to get us by. It was apparently a time of lack. Now, I got trapped again, and I found a different elevator, a service elevator. The service elevator took me up to a floor where there was red carpeting .. but the red carpeting was fleeting, what I mean by fleeting was that it was as if it was getting stuck between floors and, the red carpeting that was going upstairs like a stair runner, was becoming flat. It was semi frightening but I was able to make it out.

It is a day of noise, a day of mars. Dogs barking and howling, could be a coyote. Could be a dog reacting to a coyote. Someone driving by in a white SUV made some snide remark and laughed, but I let it go because I have no idea who the person is or what they were even talking about. It could have or could have nothing to do with me. There were also crows kind earlier, but that has been replaced with birds chirping. I had a salamander look at me the other day it sensed I was no threat to it .. so it just stood there and stared at me for a while, as if beholding a giant.

I have not yet done the Neophyte Formula or the Zelator Formula, it did not seem an opportune time, even though it was. I will do it later however, using The Great Voice.

I have come to realize that I am f*****. There is no way for me to get a decent paying job, there is no way for me to get affordable housing as I have no money. The likelihood of me re-entering the workforce is a very very remote, and even renting an apartment, is way outside whatever I could make. It does not matter what state I move to, it's the same across the board.

Today at 12:45 PM
Tarot draws for the day..
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
XIV temperance. Sagittarius. Yesod to Tiphareth, the foundation of beauty. Samekh, prop or leg, 60.

Tarot Card of the Day:.
XIV Art sagittarius. The same as above.

Today at 1:09 PM
I'm irritable this week, maybe it's because the gravity of my situation has come to fruition in my mind, or their external variables that annoy me to the point of irritation. Such as, people walking by me staring at me speaking in a foreign language I don't understand, perhaps I should pick up that language so I can say right back at you now.
Or, perhaps it's the realization that the country that I grew up in is crumbling from within, due to unchecked greed and selfishness.
Or, perhaps there is a logical reason as to why I should be irritated.
Nonetheless I have done no formulas as of today as of yet. My glance up and look at a palm tree in the shape of a rooster's head with bunny ears reminding me of someone that I contacted long long ago, but I blew up at without reason.
However, ahem, it's unrealistic to learn every language under the sun. The Asian dialects in general have at least 10 grouping languages. Some languages of Asian persuasion, have at least 10 variations of one language. I've not even touched Arabic, certain sub dialects of arabic, Spanish with the same situation.
Perhaps the irritation is due to the day of mars, Mars in Sagittarius if I'm not mistaken, whereas both tarot draws today were both of sagittarius. Sagittarius I have no planets in in my natal chart. Perhaps another irritation is due to the fact that I have not improved my self over the span of 30 years. Maybe it's that failure that is landed me in the position that I am in today. But who's to say? I could be entirely wrong on that point.Whatever the cause, I'm uncomfortable being irritated. I'm uncomfortable with my situation. I'm uncomfortable with my future. I'm uncomfortable with the uncertainty of everything. Is that so wrong?
However, if I want certainty, then ceremonial magic may not be key. Ceremonial magic is to be uncertain, it is to have your life shook up, it is to experience new things and new places.
Meddling people. What is it about your life that requires you to meddle with others? Is it boredom with your own life? Is it your curiosity that you're too afraid to step up to the plate and ask a question? Or is it that you're just looking to aggravate somebody?

Today at 2:03 PM
Daily Zelator Formula has been completed. Did LIRH, Ararita, YHVH Elohim. Knees and legs got wobbly during Invication of the Four Powers of Earth. Thought failed me at the Southern quarter, so simply did LIRP with Adonai ha Aretz, Adonai. Invoking field.
Drenched in sweat after the Middle Pillar ritual.
In detail:
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe.
E: Solar Adoration per Butler (Theoricus sign)
E: Shining Crosses Ritual (Yehovashah, Yeheshuah)
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, Earth banishing
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram (Ararita, YHVH Elohim)
S: Solar Adoration per Butler (Philosophus sign)
S: Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram (Adonai h Aretz, Adonai)
W: Solar Adoration per Butler (Practicus sign)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
N: Solar Adoration per Butler (Zelator sign)
N: Zelator meditation
N: Body in Assiah
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe

Today at 3:00 PM
Also took a shower and had two bowls of cereal.
Ended Neophyte chapter on re read of chapters one through four. Starting chapter five. After that, Kraig is next.
After that, pre- Algebra and Algebra.
After that side reading - a re read of Mystical Qabalah, Tree of Life, and Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt.
After that, C and Python.

Today at 5:18 PM
Switching to math and computer science study. C, Python, general programming/computer science, low end math.

Today at 6:07 PM
Had a turkey sandwich, with chips and rice. And whipped cream and a stick of mozarella cheese.
Will be having dinner soon, but was starving.

After that side reading - a re read of Mystical Qabalah, Tree of Life, and Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt.

P.S. Sorry about the duplicate posts, someone took away journal editing privileges.
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Suicidal thoughts. Not sure why I want to live.
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Jan 19, 2022
Reaction score
Apologies for posting in your journal but f*uck suicide man.

Call a help line or call a family member.

I struggle with those thoughts at times too but it’s a transitory state and a transitory situation and the feelings will pass.

But if it’s seriously bad please call someone.

I was in a really dark place about 6 months ago and saw no way out and thought no one could or would help me and I was wrong.

I made 2 phone calls and both people helped me and they also got more people involved that helped.

I promise you … you friends and/or family won’t abandon you.

You just have to reach out.

You are valuable here too and none of us want anything bad to happen to you either.

You’ll be okay man.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
I appreciate your reply. It is transitory, and that's what makes it difficult to deal with. It's also oddly enough regularly encountered in the Zelator grade, perhaps banging on the gates invoked that spirit.

Wednesday, 1-3-2024. Day of Mercury. Elohim Tzabaoth, Michael, Beni Elohim. Orange candles, Lavender or Storax incense.

Just woke up. Will try for some coffee, some reading and the morning Zelator Formula.

Slept in chunks, no dreams recalled.
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A rainy day, high of 58⁰ in Mission Viejo.

Last kcup of coffee .. pumpkin spice. Was going to go for espresso powder actually.

Tarot Cards drawn today....
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
XIII Death. Scorpio. Change and transformation. 24th Path, the Imaginative Intelligence. Netzach to Tiphareth, the victory of beauty.

Tarot Card of the Day:
XVIII The Star. Aquarius. Hope and nature. 29th Path, the Natural Intelligence. Yesod to Netzach, foundation of victory.
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Had a McDonalds breakfast after talking with my Sister, and came back home to watch and discuss Lost City explorations from the National Geographic channel.
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It's interesting that aster continental drift, 50% of the world population believes only in the JCI narrative, while the Mayans and Aztecs were around nearly as long. Also inconvenient truth: Aboriginals in Australia Outbacks.
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Didn't realize it until glancing at my card pulls side by side, that they are my first and fourth houses. The sun is about transition from my third to my fourth house.

Which brings us to this:

12°56’ Cap - Four of Disks
9°45’ Lib - Two of Swords
Disseminating (266°48’)
Mercury 22°23’ Sag - Eight of Wands
Venus 6°05’ Sag
Mars 29°25’ Sag
Jupiter 5°36’ Tau
Saturn 3°30’ Pis - Eight of Cups
Uranus 19°19’ Tau R
Neptune 25°07’ Pis .. natural ruler
Pluto 29°26’ Cap
Node (M) 20°43’ Ari R
True Node (T) 20°57’ Ari st
Lilith (M) 10°17’ Vir
Chiron 15°28’ Ari
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Zelator Formula was done:
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Cross Ritual
E: Ascent Into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, EB
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram, SB
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Body in Assiah
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus sign)
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus sign)
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus sign)
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator sign)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe

Centering Field (LIRP/LBRH): This combination sets up a field in which the interior world is engaged while influences from the exterior world are neutralized. This field is ideal for exclusively psychological magical work of all sorts.
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My bad, today is Elohim Tzabaoth, Raphael, Beni Elohim.


Wednesday- Day of Mercury


In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of ELOHIM TZAVAOTH, who governeth the sphere of Hod and Mercury, I call upon RAPHAEL, Healing of God, and Divine Messenger. Form us unto completion through the learning and disbursement of Truth as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Raphael, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Mercury. Rid me of confusion, anxiety, distraction, indecisiveness, and overanalysis. Inspire me with reason, coordination, clear understanding, versatility, and concise communication.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.
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Today, the day of Raphael, Thoth and Hermes.
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Studies and transcribing rituals today. Testing each ritual in my Diary.

@stratamaster78 and @SeekerofKnowledge ... Thank you for your kind words. Truly appreciated.
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Reading my books with coffee 9n the porch.
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Wrote in my diary what I believe is the proper Analysis of the Keyword with inclusion of the statement:
"Let the Divine Light Descend!"
Drew the unicursal and star of David Hexagrams, and the Pentagram with the Kerub glyph.
Write out the phrases for the Invoking the Four Powers of Earth. I believe there is in fact a typo in the directions for North and East due to "the midnight depths" and "the matrix of the Rose" statements 9n the direction phrases, then a second circumambulation back to the East after completing the circle, to issue the final phrase for the ritual.
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Likewise in the Middle Pillar Ritual, "Let the Divine Light Descend!" is uttered, after the four ADONAI HA ARETZ vibrations.
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That is done during or after the circulation of breath and energy in the Body of Light during the Middle Pillar Ritual conclusion.
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Still studying Christopher and Kraig.
Last edited:
Sep 9, 2021
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Thursday 1-4-2024. Day of Jupiter. El, Tzadkiel, Chasmalim. Royal Blue, Cedar or Frankincense incense.

Went to Behavioral Health appointment this morning, went to Krispy Kreme for donuts and coffee.
Did non Enochian Opening by Watchtower.
Came inside and did Neophyte Formula.
Going to Dentist soon.
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Cards for the day:
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Ehieh.
XI Justice. Libra (Cardinal Air). Tiphareth to Geburah. Beauty of Strength. Lamed, ox goad or whip, 30.
Reminds me of my concern with my case.

Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
Queen of Swords. Rules Whole of Libra. Binah of Yetzirah. Understanding of Formation. Water of Air, A of EXARP.
A deja vu experience. These two cards were drawn recently.
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Not great news at the dentist. An extraction necessary and two root canals with crowns needed.
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And lots 9f dental work needed, no more pop or sugar.
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Had Cains chicken strips meal for lunner.
For dinner having pasta and garlic bread.

Starting tomorrow I'm going back on an Atkins style diet, coffee and water my only drinks, citrus fruits for a snack.

Will do Zelator Formula before bedtime.
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Not quite a Deja Vu experience, I was mistaken....
Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
Queen of Cups. Not sure which sign it rules as a whole. Binah of Briah. Understanding of Force. Water of Water.
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Been locating Anthropology books to read. Originally my chosen major before I foolishly switched to Computer Science, I find at my age to look at the news on the street and beyond from an anthropology perspective. Turning to writing. Also looking into remote Customer Service positions.
Add to this Arduino and Ham Radio, since I found there is an Arduino emulator, I may drop the programming for a bit, but perhaps pick up on Mathematics and the Sciences to go with the Arts and Humanities as a well rounded education on my terms and my terms only. No shame in reading and writing.
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The Queen of Cups rules the whole of Cancer.
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Regarding reading and time management for the mage to be:
need to get up before everyone else, do my ritual Formula, and then go to bed last, doing the nightly ritual Formula.
I guess I need to just let the book flow and set a chime alarm on my phone to signal breaks or the shift to the next book.
Schedules and alarms, leading to routine. I think with me that is a key. One teacher remarked that I needed structure.
So, I am dropping all programming at the moment except for Arduino, and substituting Anthropology studies in place of programming, which I find drastically more interesting than computer programming.
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Greek Mythology and planting on the Greek tree of life it is.
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Interesting Meditation session on the point, while on inhale and exhale, called out to Zeus, Poseidon and Hera.
With Zeua, is was a frightening/humbling feeling.
With Poseidon, it was more peaceful while acknowledging his terrifying and gentle forms.
With Hera, it was an apprehensive feeling at first that grew into comfort.

6 minute meditation.
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Okay, cup of coffee and Latin research for a couple of minutes before Zelator Formula and bedtime.
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Friday, 1-5-2024. Day of Venus. YHVH Tzabaoth, Haniel, Elohim. Green candles, Rose incense.

IRT Sleep: Went to bed at 23:30. Awoke at 07:30, fair sleep. No dream details recalled.

IRT Formulae: No Zelator Formula done last night. Wont be able to do anything until after dental cleaning appointment.

Tarot draws...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual (full RW 22 Keys used):
Drawn under Shaddai El Chai.
XV The Devil. Capricorn. The Renovating Intelligence. 26th Path. Tiphareth to Hod. Beauty of Splendor. Ayin, eye of fountain, 70.

Tarot Card of the Day (Full 78 Thoth deck):
Drawn under Shaddai El Chai.
Two of Swords. Luna in Libra. Binah of Yetzirah. Wisdom of Formation.

Studying Lingusitic Anthropology later, with special emphasis on Celtic, Egyptian, and Greek.
Getting ready to go to dental appointment.
Last edited:
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

Friday, 1-5-2024. Day of Venus. YHVH Tzabaoth, Haniel, Elohim. Green candles, Rose incense.

IRT Sleep: Went to bed at 23:30. Awoke at 07:30, fair sleep. No dream details recalled.

IRT Formulae: No Zelator Formula done last night. Wont be able to do anything until after dental cleaning appointment.

Tarot draws...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual (full RW 22 Keys used):
Drawn under Shaddai El Chai.
XV The Devil. Capricorn. The Renovating Intelligence. 26th Path. Tiphareth to Hod. Beauty of Splendor. Ayin, eye of fountain, 70.

Tarot Card of the Day (Full 78 Thoth deck):
Drawn under Shaddai El Chai.
Two of Swords. Luna in Libra. Binah of Yetzirah. Wisdom of Formation.

Studying Lingusitic Anthropology later, with special emphasis on Celtic, Egyptian, and Greek.
Getting ready to go to dental appointment.
Just got back from a family lunch after the dental appointment, both went well.

As I'm a guest in a house that doesn't fully approve what I do, will pick a time of my choosing to do my ritual Formula. Even if it is later tonight and twice the next day.

IRT Diet: Mainly coffee today, bacon cheeseburger and fries at restaurant after then dental appointment, No sweets allowed.
IRT Books studying: Still working through Zelator in Christopher's book (despite my questions and critiques, he presents a workable system lighter than The Golden Dawn and side offshoots. Also still studying Modern Magick, and Self-Initiation into the Golden Dawn Tradition for other information, and the primary text last but not least, The Golden Dawn 7th Ed. Side reading continues. Anthropology has replaced C, Assembly and Python programming.
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Closed door while others were on a party line group call, and did the Zelator Formula:
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, banishing
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram, banishing
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram, invoking
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Body on Assiah
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
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Anthropology studies resume.
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15°10’ Cap
6°20’ Sco
Third Quarter Moon (291°10’)
Mercury 23°14’ Sag
Venus 8°45’ Sag
Mars 1°03’ Cap
Jupiter 5°38’ Tau
Saturn 3°42’ Pis
Uranus 19°16’ Tau R
Neptune 25°09’ Pis
Pluto 29°30’ Cap
Node (M) 20°36’ Ari R
True Node (T) 20°56’ Ari R
Lilith (M) 10°32’ Vir
Chiron15°29’ Ari
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Will do card comparisons later. I'm outside on the porch with coffee, my Zyn, my ritual diary and pen, and Christopher's book. I'm figuring out a way to test sub elements within Malkuth without trying to leap into a next element.
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Figuring out a way to handle sub elements of Malkuth, without leaping early into the next grade; the Observer exercise and hindsight are good tools for this.
Need to know I can own the subelements of Earth.
Need to know i have mastered the earth element.
My dream diary has also been helpful.
Perhaps later tonight will backtrack my journal here for past dreams and card pulls.
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Banishing Field (LBRP/LBRH): This is how most magicians begin their rituals when working with the Golden Dawn forms. It is, in effect, the "full shutdown" - it clears mental and spiritual forms from both the interior and exterior worlds. In can be used to completely cleanse a temple, banish spirits permanently, or neutralize a magical effect that is targeting the magician. What it also does, though, is shut down any ongoing spells that the magician has running unless they are bound to talismans or some anchor other than the magician's consciousness. If you are casting a spell that you want to work over the next week, don't end the ritual with this combination under any set of circumstances unless you're convinced you made a mistake and want to stop the spell. The effect that you just set in motion will be negated when the field goes up.
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Initial stage of Zelator Formula
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Centering Field (LIRP/LBRH): This combination sets up a field in which the interior world is engaged while influences from the exterior world are neutralized. This field is ideal for exclusively psychological magical work of all sorts.
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Resulting stage of the Zelator Formula
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Sol in Capricorn - Four of Disks, Power, Chesed of Assiah
Luna in Scorpio - N/A, Yesod of Briah
Mercury in Sagittarius - Eight of Wands, Swiftness, Hod of Atziluth
Venus in Sagittarius - N/A, Netzach of Atziluth
Mars in Capricorn - Three of Disks, Work, Binah of Assiah
Jupiter in Taurus - N/A, Chesed of Assiah
Saturn in Pisces - Eight of Cups, Indolence, Hod of Briah
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Had Kung Pao chicken with white rice and water for dinner, now relaxing to tv series with coffee.
Will get back to updating my compendium of gods and goddesses, and do a Zelator Formula before bedtime.
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Exhausted. Have done ZF earlier.
Tomorrow is the day for change to twice daily. And more.
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Brushed teeth. Went to bed at 21:00. Alarm set for 07:00.
Will get up, shower, and do ZF then laundry.
Have other plans later and will report on results.
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Tomorrow is an invoking day.
Starting with invoking the Archangel of the day. Invoking Saturn. Invoking the Four Powers of Earth. Working on earth exercises and a prayer routine. Will try to remember my dreams.
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Saturday 1-6-2024. Day of Saturn. YHVH, Tzaphquiel, Aralim. Black candles, sandalwood incense.

Again, need to quit promising things that I would won't deliver on. Woke up late today .. woke up at 9:00 a.m., had some cereal, and now having coffee with reading out on the porch.
No dreams were recalled. No cards drawn for today as of yet. No formula done today yet.
Last edited:
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

Saturday 1-6-2024. Day of Saturn. YHVH, Tzaphquiel, Aralim. Black candles, sandalwood incense.

Woke at 07:30, went back to bed.
Slight homoerotic dream of two India natives going down on each other after I turned one to have them 69 each other. Work on sign of Cancer?
Again, need to quit promising things that I would won't deliver on.

Woke up late today .. woke up at 9:00 a.m., had some cereal, and now (10:00) having coffee with reading out on the porch.
No further dreams were recalled.

10:00 - 10:40
Reading Modern Magick outside with coffee.

10:45 Came back inside, brewed second cup of coffee. Reading Modern Magick at the moment.

Performed Zelator Formula
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing (Earth) Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing (Saturn) Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe

15°57’ Cap - Four of Disks, Lord of Power, Chesed in Assiah
16°03’ Sco
Third Quarter Moon (300°06’)
Mercury 23°39’ Sag - Eight of Wands, Lord of Swiftness, Hod in Atziluth
Venus 9°41’ Sag
Mars 1°37’ Cap - Three of Disks, Lord of Material Works, Binah in Assiah
Jupiter 5°39’ Tau
Saturn 3°46’ Pis - Eight of Cups, Lord of Indolence, Hod in Briah
Uranus 19°16’ Tau R
Neptune 25°10’ Pis - Natural Ruler
Pluto 29°32’ Cap
Node (M) 20°34’ Ari R
True Node (T) 20°54’ Ari R
Lilith (M) 10°37’ Vir
Chiron 15°30’ Ari

Cards for the Day: An interesting Draw.
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Ehieh.
III The Empress. Venus. The Creative Intelligence. Binah to Chokmah. Understanding of Wisdom. Daleth, Door, 4.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Shaddai El Chai.
Four of Wands. Venus in Aries. Lord of Completion. Chesed of Atziluth.

Back to reading Modern Magick, Lessons 1-3
After that, Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Linguistic Anthropology. Greco-Roman.
After that, Work on Compendium of God(desse)s. Add and analyze Greco-Roman.
After that, study Kabalah, Magic, and the Great Work of Self-Transformation. Chapters 1-5.

Ordered a Chopped Salad with Chicken and a Diet Coke from Rubios for lunch. Had a bowl of Fruit Loops with milk and coffee for bfast.

Envisioned a user here, and to the left, a gossiping crowd. A water glass was tipped downward over the gossipiers, and thrust into the sea, sealed with Poseidons trident.

12:35 - 14:00
Had my chopped salad with chicken and Diet Coke, and commented to my niece on how good it was to see her after so many years.

Reading commences.

Having done my tarot draws for the day (TCR, TCotD), and recorded "I chose not to recall my dreams", in my dream diary, did the Relaxation Ritual (RR). It worked slightly. As I have done Body Awareness (BA) but not RR in a number of years, found it hard to visualize but acknowledged it was there. Drawing the golden light up with each inhale and strengthening it or pushing it outward or upward with each exhale, finally spewed out black murky energy with final exhale through my nose. Feel much better.
On with Lesson One from Modern Magick.

14:20 - 14:45
Completed Lesson One (skimmed over a bit of it). Testing myself with the test questions to see how much was absorbed.

14:45 - 23:00 (Bedtime)
Posted Journal
Reread Lesson One, read onto Lesson Two and through Lesson Three from Modern Magick. Test self after each chapter, re read incorrect areas.
Then Chapters One through Four from Christophers book. Test self on each chapters material.
Memorize his method of LRH and Invoking Four Powers of Earth and all visionary exercises.
Then draw kinship diagrams for Greek Gods and Goddesses, and their positions in the universe, and situation on the Tree of Life.
Then figure out Earth deities and Air deities and continue meditations with those on the RHP including Poseidon.
Then practice invoking the elemental triangles for tomorrows work. Have Archangel Prayers and triangle diagrams and ritual written in ritual diary.

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My niece has just left back home with Mr Oatmilk. I pray the Lord keeps them and all our family and friends safe and free from harm or evil.
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My sister has left for work. I pray she is kept safe and free from harm or evil and she gets the job she is seeking.
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So just my brother in law and I. I know he is upbeat but saddened the kids have left home from the holidays to go back to school and work.
Unfortunately, after my cup of coffee, I too must get back to work.
But .. will spend hang time if he wants to lessen the sadness.
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Sunset. Time to get to work before the midnight hour approaches.
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Finishing cup of coffee. Then go back in to finish laundry and reading and compendium of God/desses work.
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It turns out it (My Compendium) was in fact not lost, and can now be updated.
Will fill in the necessary information according to the tree of life.
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Break for television hang time.
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Sunday 1-7-2024. Day of Sol. YHVH Eloah ve Daath, Michael, Malachim. Gold or yellow candles, frankincense incense.

Woke at 07:00, got up.
went back to bed.
Dreamed I was looking into 9mm handguns and tried to rob a convenience store unarmed and got arrested.
Again, need to quit promising things that I would won't deliver on.

Had some cereal, and now coffee. Back to my reading and compendium.
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Tarot draws for the day...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
IV The Emperor. Aries. Chief Among the Mighty Ones. The Constituting Intelligence. Heh, window, 5.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
XXI The World. Saturn/Elemental Earth. The Great One of the Night of Time. The Administrative Intelligence. Tav, cross, 400.
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Study triangles for Novem. Study and write it out. Study Christophers book Kabalah Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation, chapter two to five. Study Kabbalah in Modern Magick, Lessons two to three. Work on Neophyte and Zelator exercises.
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Performed Zelator Formula
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing (Earth) Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing (Saturn) Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
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Centering Field (LIRP/LBRH): This combination sets up a field in which the interior world is engaged while influences from the exterior world are neutralized. This field is ideal for exclusively psychological magical work of all sorts.
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Wrote the invoking triangles on my diary for rituals. Recorded all but the dream 8n my dream diary.

Morning Zelator Formula was done. Before anyone got up. May have to do a 7am 7pm routine from now on.

Been sitting reading Modern Magick and started a Book Club post.

Waiting on a Chipotle lunch delivery, had Fruit Loops cereal and coffee for breakfast.

Been sitting out in the sunny California porch .. not missing the snow in Michigan.
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Retired inside to await Chipotle and work on researching and writing my compendium of God(desse)s. Let's face it, I've done no work on tools outlined in the book. I suppose it's time, but with what money?
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Have finished my chipotle burrito bowl, with rice as the only carbs. Diet coke to drink as well.
Back to reading.
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Recalling the dream from this morning. My friend and I were checking out glocks and apparently we had not purchased one. We then went to a liquor store where the clerk was armed and while I was scoping out the back counter, a gun was shoved in my face by the clerk and.my friend and I were arrested.
What's funny is that I've fired rifles and a pistol before, but I detest guns and have no desire to go to prison.
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Day one of Novem done.
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Invoking AA Michael
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Invoked AA Michael.
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14:15 - 14:25
Not copying and pasting/duplicating my day, just appending to it.

Earlier I did a Relaxation Ritual and Middle Pillar Ritual combined lying down on my bed. I started with imagining a golden ball of light warm to the touch at my feet, and a bright white ball of light on my head as I silently chanted the God-Name Eieyeh, (eight times). By the time a white ball of light was encircling my throat, the Golden ball of light was covering my feet to knees, relieving any pain or tension, as I silently chanted YHVH Elohim(again eigjt times). As a ball of white light was forming in my chest, the golden light was covering my feet to hips, I silently chanted (again eight times) the godname YHVH Eloah ve Daath. As I had a bright white ball of light covering my groin, the Golden light covered my feet to shoulders and arms, I chanted (again eight times) the godname Shaddai El Chai. As the white ball of light encircled my feet, the Golden light had spread my entire body. I turn chanted (eight times) the godname Adonai Ha Aretz. I let the energy circulate a bit, and resumed normal waking consciousness. I then got up and performed the Novem rite.
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Resuming anthropology and mythology studies.
Last edited:
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

Sunday 1-7-2024. Day of Sol. YHVH Eloah ve Daath, Michael, Malachim. Gold or yellow candles, frankincense incense.

Woke at 07:00, got up.
went back to bed.
Dreamed I was looking into 9mm handguns and tried to rob a convenience store unarmed and got arrested.
Again, need to quit promising things that I would won't deliver on.

Had some cereal, and now coffee. Back to my reading and compendium.
Post automatically merged: Today at 10:32 AM
Tarot draws for the day...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
IV The Emperor. Aries. Chief Among the Mighty Ones. The Constituting Intelligence. Heh, window, 5.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
XXI The World. Saturn/Elemental Earth. The Great One of the Night of Time. The Administrative Intelligence. Tav, cross, 400.
Post automatically merged: Today at 10:35 AM
Study triangles for Novem. Study and write it out. Study Christophers book Kabalah Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation, chapter two to five. Study Kabbalah in Modern Magick, Lessons two to three. Work on Neophyte and Zelator exercises.
Post automatically merged: Today at 10:48 AM
Performed Zelator Formula
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing (Earth) Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing (Saturn) Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Post automatically merged: Today at 10:49 AM
Centering Field (LIRP/LBRH): This combination sets up a field in which the interior world is engaged while influences from the exterior world are neutralized. This field is ideal for exclusively psychological magical work of all sorts.
Post automatically merged: Today at 3:09 PM
Wrote the invoking triangles on my diary for rituals. Recorded all but the dream 8n my dream diary.

Morning Zelator Formula was done. Before anyone got up. May have to do a 7am 7pm routine from now on.

Been sitting reading Modern Magick and started a Book Club post.

Waiting on a Chipotle lunch delivery, had Fruit Loops cereal and coffee for breakfast.

Been sitting out in the sunny California porch .. not missing the snow in Michigan.
Post automatically merged: Today at 3:15 PM
Retired inside to await Chipotle and work on researching and writing my compendium of God(desse)s. Let's face it, I've done no work on tools outlined in the book. I suppose it's time, but with what money?
Post automatically merged: Today at 3:40 PM
Have finished my chipotle burrito bowl, with rice as the only carbs. Diet coke to drink as well.
Back to reading.
Post automatically merged: Today at 3:52 PM
Recalling the dream from this morning. My friend and I were checking out glocks and apparently we had not purchased one. We then went to a liquor store where the clerk was armed and while I was scoping out the back counter, a gun was shoved in my face by the clerk and.my friend and I were arrested.
What's funny is that I've fired rifles and a pistol before, but I detest guns and have no desire to go to prison.
Post automatically merged: 56 minutes ago
Day one of Novem done.
Post automatically merged: 48 minutes ago


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These are seven simple prayers to the Archangels that I created for my own personal use and for private ceremonies with local fellow magicians. They were made to be used as daily invocations and to…


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Invoking AA Michael
Post automatically merged: 41 minutes ago
Invoked AA Michael.
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14:15 - 14:25
Not copying and pasting/duplicating my day, just appending to it.

Earlier I did a Relaxation Ritual and Middle Pillar Ritual combined lying down on my bed. I started with imagining a golden ball of light warm to the touch at my feet, and a bright white ball of light on my head as I silently chanted the God-Name Eieyeh, (eight times). By the time a white ball of light was encircling my throat, the Golden ball of light was covering my feet to knees, relieving any pain or tension, as I silently chanted YHVH Elohim(again eigjt times). As a ball of white light was forming in my chest, the golden light was covering my feet to hips, I silently chanted (again eight times) the godname YHVH Eloah ve Daath. As I had a bright white ball of light covering my groin, the Golden light covered my feet to shoulders and arms, I chanted (again eight times) the godname Shaddai El Chai. As the white ball of light encircled my feet, the Golden light had spread my entire body. I turn chanted (eight times) the godname Adonai Ha Aretz. I let the energy circulate a bit, and resumed normal waking consciousness. I then got up and performed the Novem rite.
Post automatically merged: 19 minutes ago
Resuming anthropology and mythology studies.

The planets in the cards...

17°06’ Cap - Four of Disks, Lord of Power, Chesed in Assiah
0°48’ Sag - Nine of Wands, Lord of Strength, Yesod in Atziluth
Third Quarter Moon (313°41’)
Mercury 24°23’ Sag - Eight of Wands, Lord of Swiftness, Hod in Atziluth
Venus 11°04’ Sag
Mars 2°28’ Cap - Three of Disks, Lord of Work, Binah in Assiah
Jupiter 5°41’ Tau
Saturn 3°53’ Pis - Eight of Cups, Lord of Indolence, Hod in Briah
Uranus 19°15’ Tau R
Neptune 25°11’ Pis - Natural ruler
Pluto 29°34’ Cap
Node (M) 20°30’ Ari R
True Node (T) 20°49’ Ari R
Lilith (M) 10°44’ Vir
Chiron 15°30’ Ari
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For dinner, had water, pizza Marguerite and garden salad.
Took a break from reading to watch Avenue5.
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Daily Novem occurred.
Daily Zelator Formula occurred.
Twice daily Zelator Formula did not occur.
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Resuming reading after a shower.
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I think my dream and a recent response to someone's post, is telling me my life is jacked, and perhaps instead of looking for easy money, helping a person out in any way i can may help me out in some way.
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I thought we had a required or suggested reading list here.....
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Monday 1-8-2024. Day of Luna. Shaddai El Chai, Gabriel, Kerubim. Silver or White candles, Jasmine incense.

Got up. No dream details recalled/chose not to remember them. Slept well. Fixed cup of coffee, grabbed a Zyn pouch and Modern Magick and went out on porch to read. Too hot so came inside.

Fixed another cup of coffee.

Wrote this.
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Ate four granola bars with my first coffee.
Ass coffee mug and granola bars to earth list of cool and dry. Same with books. Houses. Chairs. Cement. Grass.
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Ate pasta with Parmesan cheese and spicy tomato sauce.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

Monday 1-8-2024. Day of Luna. Shaddai El Chai, Gabriel, Kerubim. Silver or White candles, Jasmine incense.

Got up. No dream details recalled/chose not to remember them. Slept well. Fixed cup of coffee, grabbed a Zyn pouch and Modern Magick and went out on porch to read. Too hot so came inside.

Fixed another cup of coffee.

Wrote this.
Ate four granola bars with my first coffee.
Add coffee mug and granola bars to earth list of cool and dry. Same with books. Houses. Chairs. Cement. Grass.

Ate pasta with Parmesan cheese and spicy tomato sauce.

Daily Novem completed 3pm.
Using nicotine patch for first time today.
Zelator Formula nor Tarot draws done yet today. Will do shortly or before bedtime.
Sep 9, 2021
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You had quite a busy day.
Not really, just an odd day.
My house mates back to work today, me trying to establish a schedule to do a twice daily Zelator Formula, calling people to get my life sorted out from post apocalyptic rubble. The usual.
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Actually watching a football game right now. My sister made an excellent game dinner. So now it's just hoping Michigan for the win.
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Still leading by one TD. Ever since the first quarter.
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Thinking about forgiveness and apologies. Does it really make you a better person? I don't believe that crap any longer.
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Outside ATM. In a not so great mood and trying not to do what Id do irl ... Make some quirky comment and get hit..I just cannot forgive the family that lived beneath me. I really didn't like half the family. Then through some cosmic shit storm from a kids comment related to a personal phone call I was on, my life went to absolute crap. No, I can't blame them for everything. But I sure as hell want to curse their entire family ancestral lines to the youngest ones. See, life goes on fine for all of them. Not for me though.
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I called it .. 35 to 13 Michigan.
It's funny. Looking at these kids half my age will become millionaires and have their whole life road wide open for them.
People twice my age will probably cease to be.
So. Puts a few recent thoughts in perspective. Not a whole lot I can do about the past..Ann Arbor is fairly dead to me now however. Without a security escort anyway.
So now what to do.
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We all take things worse than they are. Look at these football players for colleges. They don't know it, but even losing the championship doesn't make them losers. If they were only able to have a heart to heart conversation with me.
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Or perhaps I'm just bitter about my own poor choices in life.
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God bless my family though. And a handful of friends. They were the only ones around me who cared about me.
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So ... How do the homeless get their lives stitched together after being torn apart by wolves...JK Rowling is the only one I'm aware of.
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No Zelator Formula done, turned in early.
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Tuesday 1-9-2024. Day of Mars. Elohim Gibor, Khamael, Seraphim. Red candles, Dragons Blood incense.

Out on porch with coffee. Since I was in a crappy mood thinking about that family, slept early. No dreams recalled.
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I guess I just need to forgive them since I no longer have to deal with them which is fine by me.
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Perhaps since I was doing black magic and cursing at the time it was a test? Especially since they were fake Christians?
Or maybe I should work with my magical partner to wipe my enemies off the map. The same magical partner I worked with to successfully curse one of my partners enemies.
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Taking 24 hours off to get my head right.
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Well, kitty food and litter is being delivered thanks to my family. Thanks to my friend receiving it for taking care of my cat in my absence.
Off to my doctor shortly.
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At doctors offíce.
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Yesterday's Zelator Formula did not take place but Novem did.
Will be doing both tonight.
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Getting my health stitched back up after years of abuse on some form or another.
My therapy will begin next month.
So ... Accentuate the positive and use the therapist aide worksheets.
When I go shopping tomorrow, will try to get notebooks for an offline journal, or a binder and three ring paper for same purpose.
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Also ... Need to structure my journal for formula AND exercises for the elemental grade, so that they are being done. Even neophyte rituals AND exercises included in each grade, everything cumulative.
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Plans for evening:
Novem (whispered)
Zelator Formula (whispered)
Textbook reading.
Side reading pertaining to 0=0.
Mythology reading.
Work on Book of Trees.
Work on Compendium of God(desse)s.
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Depression. And anger management...side effects of it being Tuesday and moon likely in a winter sign?
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Will update journal in the morning.
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Sep 9, 2021
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Watched latest LTC video on YouTube on Godforms this morning. Went to my dental appointment.

Did daily Novem (day 2) at 5:30ish. Waiting to update my journal in the morning.

Back to Chapter Five and Lesson Three in Christophers and Kraig's Books. My reading journey continues until I do ZF at bedtime.

Had leftover pasties and salad. Watching a movie while reading.

Zelator Formula completed for the day.
Novem completed for the day (2).

No cards drawn for the day, will do in morning.

Did simultaneous Middle Pillar Ritual and Relaxation Ritual.

Wednesday, 1-10-2024. Day of Mercury. Elohim Tzabaoth, Raphael, Beni Elohim. Orange candles, Lavender incense.

09:20 Awoke. Back to Chapter Five of Kabbalah Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation, and Lesson Three of Modern Magick. After coffee.
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Relaxed with the last cup of coffee on the porch with my books and journals. Finished my coffee, so it's all espresso (until I go shopping later) from here on out. Going to memorize my rituals today and start the unicursal hexagram.
Following Yazata advice, will try doing the rituals with a candle in a glass.
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Practiced Ascent into Cube of Space, eyes open and eyes closed.

Practiced Body in Assiah up to Nogah and back down to Olam Uesodoth while staring at the North Watchtower Tablet of Earth.
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19°59’ Cap
Moon 10°06’ Cap

Balsamic Moon (350°06’)
Mercury 26°39’ Sag
Venus 14°32’ Sag
Mars 4°35’ Cap
Jupiter 5°46’ Tau
Saturn 4°09’ Pis
Uranus 19°12’ Tau R
Neptune 25°14’ Pis - Natural Ruler
Pluto 29°40’ Cap
Node (M) 20°21’ Ari R
True Node (T) 20°22’ Ari R
Lilith (M) 11°03’ Vir
Chiron 15°33’ Ari
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Will update planets with cards later.
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Practiced memorization of the passages for the Invoking the Four Powers of Earth ritual. Visualized at each quarter the invoking pentagram with the Kerub drawn in the center.
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Reflected on the Body of Assiah ritual, that was done from Malkuth to Netzach.
With the Earth sub tablet, felt and heard and observed the hustle and bustle of Earth. With the sub quarter tablet of air felt the wind pick up and heard the rattling of the leaves. With the water sub quarter tablet felt the coolness of the day. With the sub quarter tablet of Fire felt the warmth of the sun on me.
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A package was dropped off by FedEx.
Speaking of Mars and Mercury, did invocations for the Archangel of Mars, Khamael, and the Archangel of Mercury, Raphael.
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Planets in the cards:
Sol in Capricorn - Four of Disks, Lord of Power, Chesed in Assiah
Luna in Capricorn - N/A
Mercury in Sagittarius - Eight of Wands, Lord of Swiftness, Hod in Atziluth
Venus in Sagittarius - Seven of Wands, Lord of Valour, Netzach in Atziluth
Mars in Capricorn- Three of Disks, Lord of Material Works, Binah in Assiah
Jupiter in Taurus - N/A
Saturn in Pisces - Eight of Cups, Lord of Indolence, Hod of Briah

Tarot draws for the day:
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Ehieh.
XIV Temperance. Sagittarius. The Probationary or Tentative Intelligence. The 25th Path. Yesod to Tiphareth, Foundation of Beauty. Moderation.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
Three of Swords. Lord of Sorrow. Binah of Yetzirah.
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Reading and working on Compendium of God(desse)s.
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Have been reading the Z.1 document from The Golden Dawn, and updating my compemdium with the requirements for the writing assignment of the 0=0 grade.
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Realizing that what I did not complete is coming back to bite me in the ass. However, I realize what is taken for granted is the material station of the candidate. In this day and age, it should not still be the well off as the only candidates, there are many well off spiritual seekers who are still as a whole (as the Kabalah of the soul speaking) utter walking talking douche bags or walking talking colostomy bags.
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Completed Zelator Formula '
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah, Malkuth to Hod
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
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Back to Z.1, Z.2 and my Compendium.
Looking to mege or associate the Compendium and Book of Trees with entities from Shemhamphoresh and Goetia.
During the Zelator Formula, it was still dark but visualization was improved. Shining Crosses were seen in a gold and white light, QC seen as white with gold flecks, pentagrams and hexagrams were seen as a bluish white light, hexagram from LBRP switched red and blue to gold, It4PoE were seen as green and black.
During MPR I was sweating profusely from the warmth, so by time I was nearly done, facing north doing BiA, sweat was rolling down my back, and my front was fairly dry and cool. I also saw colored elemental triangles for Yesod and Malkuth, yellow and black respectively.
For compendium will start with Near East, add Greece and Rome, then Africa and Egypt, then Americas and Europe.
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Reading material for the Compendium:
The Natural Genesis (Gerald Massey)
Understanding Planets in Ancient Mesopotamia (Kasak, Veede)
Yahweh and the Gods and Goddesses of Canaan (John Day)
Deities and Demigods (Lawrence Schick, E Gary Gygax)
Encyclopedia of World Mythology )Arthur Cotterell)
The Life of the Ancient Greeks (Charles Burton Gulick)
Practical Greek Magick (Murray Hope)
Magika Hiera (Faraone, Obbink)
The Sacred and the Profane (Mircea Eliade)
Greek Magic, Greek Religion (Robert L Fowler)
Ancient Aryan Gods (Mozhgan Yahyazade)
Ancient Man in Britain (Donald A Mackenzie)
Ancient and Modern Britons (Kegan Paul, Trench and Co)
The Sacred Magic of Ancient Egypt (Rosemary Clark)
The Sacred Tradition in Ancient Egypt (Rosemary Clark)
The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt (Richard H Wilkinson)
The Gods of the Egyptians (E.A. Wallace Budge)
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Anthropology research for the Compendium begins. Willost likely end research to go grocery shopping after 14:30 or 15:00, then one home do Novem and resume research.
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Will most likely
Once home
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Sister arrived home with a Big Mac meal for me which I devoured quickly. We are handling business of mine for health matters.
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Researching history of the near East - Hurrites, Sumerians, Babylonians, Akkadians, Hittites, Phonecians.
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16:00 Handled business, namely taxes. Just finished up at 17:35.
18:00 Return to reading and research on Egypt and the Near East to build the compendium. Make this the plan for the next week, then following weeks add Africa, Europe, Asia, and Americas. So a five week project. Namely build in the first couple weeks, Egypt, Israel and the rest of the Near East, then Greece and Rome, then the Europeans and Americans. Squeeze in the Asians as well, namely China Japan and India.
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Egyptian mood music while reading.
Invocation of Thoth, Invocation of Isis, Invocation of Horus, and others onto Rosicrucian Giza Pyramid Sacred Sounds meditation. Done with 6-7-8 Breath. Feel more centered but an aery feeling.
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Up to pge 13 of Gods of the Egyptians by E.A. Wallis Budge. Over 2000 gods and goddesses could be catalogued, given gods and goddesses abounded in and around everything and everywhere, not counting the leaders who ruled parts of Egypt or pyramids.
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Espresso refill time, before returning to Gods of the Egyptians by Budge.
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Switching to The Complete Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Egypt (Richard H Wilkinson) for my reading.
Will be having Peanut Satay noodles with perhaps some chicken thrown in, or a Thai veggie dinner for tonight.
Will do Novem shortly thereafter, and perhaps a second Zelator Formula before bedtime.
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Starting tomorrow, will be more proactive and regiment in schedule. Mundane over Spiritual during business hours.
After business hours, well, game on.
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Upon seeing someone briowsing a thread of mine, I revisited and updated the thread:
"I tried it invoking only the non Enochian aside from tablet of union names, and it's ... A bit odd.

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I did this again outside one morning, after visualizing and aloud doing the Invoking the Four Powers of Earth (followed by the Invoking the Four Powers of Air) rituals, followed by Opening and Closing by Watchtower, doing as little Enochian as possible.

I was a little ashamed to expect a response by doing so, but heard a loud yet distant "well, what do you want?". Now, whether or not this was a neighbor chiding me, a neighbor or someone else talking to someone else about a completely different matter, or a spirit talking to me telepathically/astrally (clairaudience opening?), or in general an auditory hallucination, I do not know. Yet I should have expected something of the sort playing with that ritual.

I did notice over the next following weeks that lizards would pop up, scatter across the ledge, and dramatically stare at me before continuing about their business.

It just reminds me of hearing "voices in the hallway" in a brownstone building in Chicago decades ago, again, playing around with Enochian.
And summarily not too long after getting extreme bouts of paranoia preceding a nervous breakdown and moving back to Michigan."
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Pondering the twelve gods or twelve goddesses in ancient egypt of this or that, the twelve sacred deities of the sky religion in ancient egypt, the twelve zodiac signs, the twelve sacred processes of nature to the ancient egyptians, and the twelve olympic gods. Also the ark of the covenant as the ship of Ra, Isis and Horus and Virgin Mary and Immanuel, Osiris and Yahovah, Horus and Jesus, etc.
The similarities outweigh the scarce references.
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Dinner time. 20:35.
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Kitty and I return to our reading. Will do Novem soon.
May scrap the second Zelator Formula, as the one done today was splendid.
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Novem day three completed.
Enough Near East studies reading for the day.
Listening to a Lyam Christopher video now while the kitty gently sleeps.
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Had peanut satay noodles for dinner. Kitty is sleeping next to me.
Enough Near East studies and Egyptian invocations for the evening. Winding down for sleep now, to resume my studies and journal in the morning hours, after mundane matters are handled.
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Have retired for the evening.
Expecting bizarre egyptian-hebraic dreams.
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Sep 9, 2021
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Thursday, 1-11-2024. Day of Jupiter. Wealth and Poverty. El, Tzadkiel, Chashmalim, Tzedek. Royal Blue, Cedar.

No bizarre Egyptian dreams as expected. There was negative energies hanging around, until evening Novem was done. There was no evening Zelator Formula done.

Business today is to continue reading, and handle mundane business.

Tarot draws for the day...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Shaddai El Chai.
XX Judgement. Elemental Fire. Malkuth to Hod, Kingdom of Splendor. 31st Path, The Spirit of the Primal Fire, The Perpetual Intelligence. Shin, a tooth/fang, 300.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai ha-Aretz.
Six of Cups. Venus in Scorpio, Lord of Pleasure. Tiphareth in Briah.

The Cards in the Planets:
21°00’ Cap - Four of Disks, Lord of Earthly Power, Chesed in Assiah
24°34’ Cap - N/A
New Moon (3°33’)
Mercury 27°34’ Sag - Eight of Wands, Lord of Swiftness, Hod in Atziluth
Venus 15°44’ Sag - Seven of Wands, Lord of Valour, Netzach in Atziluth
Mars 5°19’ Cap - Three of Disks, Lord of Material Works, Binah in Assiah
Jupiter 5°48’ Tau -N/A
Saturn 4°15’ Pis - Eight of Cups, Lord of Indolence, Hod in Briah
Uranus 19°11’ Tau R - N/A
Neptune 25°15’ Pis - Natural Ruler
Pluto 29°41’ Cap - N/A
Node (M) 20°18’ Ari R - N/A
True Node (T) 20°09’ Ari R - N/A
Lilith (M) 11°10’ Vir - N/A
Chiron 15°33’ Ari - N/A

Zelator Formula Started 10:30:
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual 1=10
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space 1=10
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual 0=0
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram 0=0
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual 0=0
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram 1=10
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth 1=10
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual 0=0
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Zelator Meditation 1=10
N: Body in Assiah 1=10
N: Zelator Meditation 1=10
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Completed 1-11-2024 10:45
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Lunch. Green veggie curry, primarily tofu, sweet potatoes, bell peppers and green curry sauce.

Reading of Near East study continues.
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Compendium requirements:

After familiarizing yourself with the Neophyte ritual, take note that there are sub- tleties that may be further conveyed by studying the Egyptian gods that participate in it.

For this Neophyte grade, fill up one page for each deity with the following information:

• Near East, Greek, Roman, African, Egyptian, American, and Celtic names of the god

• Illustration of the deity's most common form (drawn or cut and pasted)

• Force of nature to which the god corresponds

• Aspects of civilization the god governs

• The officer in the Neophyte ritual who wears this godform

• The part of the candidate's psyche the god might represent

• Various titles given to the god in Ethnic (primarily Egyptian and Greek) and Hermetic literature

• Position(s) on the Tree of Life where the god would be most at home

You may wish to continue adding to this book throughout your future studies as your knowledge deepens.

If you like, add the gods of other pantheons that interest you.
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Coming to the conclusion that the past is the past, ther is nothing that can be done about it, and to avoid repeating the pattern in present and future. Love all, Serve all. Not just the motto of Hard Rock Cafe.
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Lunch from McDonalds - Double Quarter meal with a large Diet Coke, and M&Ms to snack on as well with my espresso.
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Reading continues. Have switched from the Egyptians to the Hittites.
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From the Compendium Journal:

Will be adding a List of Hittite Deities once I read enough about them and extract names, titles and so forth.

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Too little is known of the Hittites, and most likely tie in with Mesopotamian gods and goddesses. There is good research and well written books, however it is not clear enough to provide a list of names.

So, onto Egyptian again, and the assignment at hand.

Then, onto Greek and Roman.
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-18:00 Still working on research and compendium.

18:00-18:25 - Completed evening Zelator Formula (Partial).
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe 0=0
E: Shining Crosses Ritual 1=10
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual 0=0
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram 0=0
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual 0=0
E: Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram 1=10
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual 0=0
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe 0=0
Reason for the partial Formula -- Was not sure I was alone in the dwelling, didnt want to startle others. Became aware of it during the LRH.
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19:00 Back to reading. Diiner later. Then Novem. Then bedtime.
Tomorrow will be doing work later as tomorrow is bloodwork day for moi.
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Jad dinner while watching Echo, from 20:00 to 22:00.
Brushed teeth, took meds.
22:10-22:35 Novem day four completed.
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Friday, 1-12-2024. Day of Venus. Love and War. YHVH Tzabaoth, Haniel, Elohim, Nogah. Green candles, Rose incense.

No dreams recalled, faint short dreams though including one falling. There was an evening Zelator Formula and Novem done yesterday.

Blood work went well. Full panel including STDs ordered.

Got Zyn and a Sausage egg McMuffin meal with Diet Coke.

Back to studies and Compendium writing/Book of trees work.
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Zelator Formula Started 09:30:
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual 1=10
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space 1=10
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual 0=0
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram 0=0
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual 0=0
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram 1=10
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth 1=10
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual 0=0
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Zelator Meditation 1=10
N: Body in Assiah 1=10
N: Zelator Meditation 1=10
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Completed 1-12-2024 09:45
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Friday, 1-12-2024. Day of Venus. Love and War. YHVH Tzabaoth, Haniel, Elohim, Nogah. Green candles, Rose incense.

No dreams recalled, faint short dreams though including one falling. There was an evening Zelator Formula and Novem done yesterday.

Blood work went well. Full panel including STDs ordered.

Got Zyn and a Sausage egg McMuffin meal with Diet Coke.

Back to studies and Compendium writing/Book of trees work.
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Zelator Formula Started 09:30:
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual 1=10
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space 1=10
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual 0=0
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram 0=0
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual 0=0
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram 1=10
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth 1=10
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual 0=0
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Zelator Meditation 1=10
N: Body in Assiah 1=10
N: Zelator Meditation 1=10
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Completed 1-12-2024 09:45

Cards in the planets....
Sun 22°00’ Cap - Four of Disks, Lord of (Earthly) Power, Chesed in Atziluth
Moon 9°05’ Aqu - Seven of Swords, Lord of Futility, Yesod in Yetzirah
New Moon (17°05’)
Mercury 28°33’ Sag - Eight of Wands, Lord of Swiftness, Hod in Atziluth
Venus 16°56’ Sag - Seven of Wands, Lord of Valour, Netzach in Atziluth
Mars 6°03’ Cap - Three of Disks, Lord of (Material) Works, Binah in Assiah
Jupiter 5°51’ Tau - N/A
Saturn 4°21’ Pis - Eight of Cups, Lord of Indolence, Hod in Briah
Uranus 19°10’ Tau R
Neptune 25°17’ Pis - Natural Ruler
Pluto 29°43’ Cap
Node (M) 20°15’ Ari R
True Node (T) 19°58’ Ari R
Lilith (M) 11°16’ Vir
Chiron 15°34’ Ari

Tarot Draws for the Day:
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Shaddai El Chai.
XIV Temperance. Sagittarius. Tentative or Probationary Intelligence, 25th Path of Sepher Yetzirah. Moderation. Samekh, prop, 60.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
Two of Wands, Lord of Dominion, Sol in Aries, Chokmah in Atziluth.
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Beginning Field:
Operant Field (LBRP/LIRH): This is the one that I use the most. The field clears the interior world and then merges it the with the exterior world, setting up a space in which thought can more easily become material reality. All of the energy of a spell cast within this field is targeted on the macrocosm and the resulting probability shifts show that magick done this way just influences the outside world better - significantly better.
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Ending Field:
Centering Field (LIRP/LBRH): This combination sets up a field in which the interior world is engaged while influences from the exterior world are neutralized. This field is ideal for exclusively psychological magical work of all sorts.
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