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Journal Journal of Night and Day, Son and Moon

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.
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Sep 9, 2021
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Sunday 1-28-2024. Day of Sol. YHVH Eloah ve Daath, Michael, Malachim.. Gold or Yellow candles. Frankincense incense.

Dreams involving transgenders and trannies tied to the mob. A gay version of the movie Taken.

Morning solar adoration done with grade sign of Theoricus. 07:00

Tarot contemplation ritual:
XI Justice. Libra. Balance, equilibrium, justice. Tiphareth to Geburah. Daughter of the Lords of Truth, Ruler of the Balance. 22nd Path of the Sepher Yetzirah.

Tarot card of the day:
Seven of Disks. Saturn in Taurus. Lord of Failure. Netzach of Assiah.
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Split Hexagram Spread - "Ok Lord, what is up with my aversion to Water?"
Greater Spiritual Influence - XIII Death. (Kerubic Scorpio, water sign). Change/Transformation.
Lesser Spiritual Influence - IX The Hermit. Virgo (mutable earth sign). Law of Response.
Spiritual Advice - III The Empress. Venus (ruling Kerubic earth Taurus and Cardinal air Libra signs). Creative power/imagination.
Unconcious Desires - X Wheel of Fortune. Jupiter (ruling Mutable Sagittarius fire and Mutable Pisces signs). Cause and Effect.
Conscious Desires - XI Justice. Libra (Cardinal Air sign). Action-Work.
Practical Advice - XXI The World. Elemental Earth/Saturn (rules Cardinal earth Capricorn and Kerubic air Aquarius). Cosmic Consciousness.
Final Outcome - XVIII The Moon. Pisces 9mutable water sign). Organization/Sleep/Dreams.
Top of deck: XIV Temperance. Sagittarius (mutable fire sign). Moderation.
Bottom of deck: XIX The Sun. Sol (ruling Kerubic fire Leo sign). Regeneration.
Interpretation -
Death, as the GSI, has the meanings An Evolutionary change or transformation; also the meaning Stagnation. The LSI as The Hermit has the meanings Caution or Spiritual advancement; also the meanings Fear, overly cautious, unwise acts. The Spiritual Advice SA here is The Empress, with the meanings Fruitfulness, action, creativity; also the meanings Inaction due to vacilation, losing power.
Wheel of Fortune as the UD has the meanings Good fortune, success luck; also the meanings Bad luck, ill fortune. The CD here as Justice has the meanings Balance, justice, equilibriation; also the meanings Imbalance, bigotry, bias. The PA here as The World has the meanings Assured success, completion; also the meanings Failure, inertia, evil reward. The FO here is The Moon, which has the meanings Deception, hidden enemies; also the meanings Deceptions only slight. This will come to pass if PA and SA are followed.

Ive never been a good swimmer, and as nearly blown off into the frigid Atlntic one night off the deck of the wet floored cruise ship on a cruise to Nova Scotia while my parents were inside and I went out to explore. My swimming class teached singled me out and ridiculed and embarrassed me. Being overweight, in later years used to swim but only the shallow end as I wasnt a good swimmer. This as well as the tremors ans seizure disorder have me frightened to swim, even to dip my toes in the water. Combine this with dreams of a flood or typhoon tsunami and it warns me of a couple things,m including my neurosis regarding water and the Atlantic. Her at the Pacific and near lakes, I have the opportunity to have fun, but refrain due to being a bookworm and homebody.
So, fear of death, being a hermit, creative power - fruitfulness by getting out and experiencing water using caution might be wise to gain power over circumstances.
Bad luck or good luck regarding water is clearly shown above. Balance and equilibrium are in question, as well as success. The advice here seems to be earth bound.
The FO indicates deception and hidden enemies, possibly self deception and being my own worst enemy as well.
Moderation and mixing is key.
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Had cereal for brunch. Will have a light dinner. Going to do crunches, planks and sit-ups today.
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Spoke with a friend for an hour, then napped for four hours.
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Switching tonight to recommended Solar Adorations and LRH (Unicursal). Will see if it improves my situation.
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Had potato salad as a dinner meal.
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Watched NFL and then watching Mr Robot.
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To update:
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To read chapter two and update:
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Created a thread 9n Solar Adorations before, but this in an opinion thread here:
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My Solar Adoration tutorial: (Butler style)
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77/50 partly cloudy tomorrow where I am.
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Still watching Mr Robot. Will get back into normal routine tomorrow.
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Did Zelator Formula:
Started 22:15
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Neophyte signs
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Split Hexagram Spread
"What is the nature of true Good?"
Greater Spiritual Influence - VI The Lovers. Gemini.
Lesser Spiritual Influence - XVIII The Star. Aquarius.
Spiritual Advice - XIX The Sun. Sol.
Unconscious Desires - IV The Emperor. Aries.
Conscious Desires - III The Empress. Venus.
Practical Advice - XIV Temperance. Sagittarius.
Final Outcome - I The Magician. Mercury.
Top of Deck: II The High Priestess. Luna.
Bottom of Deck: XVI The Tower. Mars.
Interpretation -
Given the GSI as Lovers, we have the meanings A test which you will pass, a new love. The LSI as The Star has the meanings as Hope and a bright future.
The Sun as SA has the meanings as Happiness and Contentment.
The UD as The Emperor has the meanings as Power, effectiveness, reason. The CD as The Empress has the meanings as Fruitfulness, action, creativity.
Temperance as PA has the meanings as Combine or unite seemingly unlike things, moderation.
The FO as The Magician has the meanings as Skills, Willpower, self confidence.
Gemini, the Twins, and Aquarius, the Water Pourer, are both air signs, one mutable and one fixed. Sol is the spiritual advice, and is The Sun.
Aries (Cardinal fire) and Venus are the desire to rule, each in their own manner but joined, just as the twins are and just the same number as the vases the water pourer empties. It takes at least two. Temperance also pours from two cups.
The Magician is a creator, creating something out of nothing but divine force into form. Luna, the luminary looks on.
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Monday 1-29-2024. Day of Luna. Shaddai El Chai, Gabriel, kerubim. Silver or white candles, jasmine incense.

No dream details recalled.

Got up, had a bowl of cereal and cup of coffee.

Came back into room and did Adoration to the Lord of the Universe and morning Solar Adoration (Theoricus).

Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
XIV Temperance. Sagittarius. 25th Path. The Daughter of the Reconcilers, The Bringer Forth of Life. Probationary or Tentative Intelligence. Samekh, prop or leg, 60. Yesod up Tiphareth, Foundation of Beauty.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Six of Disks. Luna in Taurus. Lord of Success. Tiphareth of Assiah.
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Was tired still, so went back to bed for a few hours.
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Reading Alchemy and Astrology today.
What I know of Alchemy is this (so far):
Alchemy is the "raising of vibrations".
There are two circulations and two kingdoms: Lesser and Greater, plant and Mineral.
There are three elements to Alchemy: Salt, Sulphur and Mercury (not in that particular order).
There are four stages, though one is not emphasized (in parentheses): Blackening, (Yellowing), Whitening, and Reddening.
There are three forms or states of matter: Solid, Liquid, Gaseous.
The rest is yet to be learned.
What I know of Astrology so far:
There are twelve houses and twelve signs, each ruled by one or two of the ten planets.
There are four triplicities:
Fire, Earth, Air, Water. (Aries, Leo, Segittarius, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).
There are three classes of signs: Angular (1,4,7,10), Succeedent (2,5,8,11), and Cadent (3,6,9,12),
There are twelve signs in order: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
There are ten major planets, the first seven the ancient planets: Luna, Mercury, Venus, Sol, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus.
Each sign is ruled by a planet, has a Ruler, an Exaltation, a Detriment and a Fall.
I know more, but this is in brief off top of my head.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Monday 1-29-2024. Day of Luna. Shaddai El Chai, Gabriel, kerubim. Silver or white candles, jasmine incense.

No dream details recalled.

Got up, had a bowl of cereal and cup of coffee.

Came back into room and did Adoration to the Lord of the Universe and morning Solar Adoration (Theoricus).

Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
XIV Temperance. Sagittarius. 25th Path. The Daughter of the Reconcilers, The Bringer Forth of Life. Probationary or Tentative Intelligence. Samekh, prop or leg, 60. Yesod up Tiphareth, Foundation of Beauty.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Six of Disks. Luna in Taurus. Lord of Success. Tiphareth of Assiah.

Was tired still, so went back to bed for a few hours.

Reading Alchemy and Astrology today.
What I know of Alchemy is this (so far):
Alchemy is the "raising of vibrations".
There are two circulations and two kingdoms: Lesser and Greater, plant and Mineral.
There are three elements to Alchemy: Salt, Sulphur and Mercury (not in that particular order).
There are four stages, though one is not emphasized (in parentheses): Blackening, (Yellowing), Whitening, and Reddening.
There are three forms or states of matter: Solid, Liquid, Gaseous.
The rest is yet to be learned.
What I know of Astrology so far:
There are twelve houses and twelve signs, each ruled by one or two of the ten planets.
There are four triplicities:
Fire, Earth, Air, Water. (Aries, Leo, Segittarius, Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, Gemini, Libra, Aquarius, Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces).
There are three classes of signs: Angular (1,4,7,10), Succeedent (2,5,8,11), and Cadent (3,6,9,12),
There are twelve signs in order: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
There are ten major planets, the first seven the ancient planets: Luna, Mercury, Venus, Sol, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto, Neptune, Uranus.
Each sign is ruled by a planet, has a Ruler, an Exaltation, a Detriment and a Fall.
I know more, but this is in brief off top of my head.

Just in case you are interested, here are the book discussions/book clubs Im currently involved in:
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Watched Lyam Thomas Christophers newest video, which was interesting, as it touched on my Conquering Fears and Phobias thread.
Reading The Alchemists Handbook by Frater Albertus.
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LTC's newest viedo:
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And his channel:
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And his book is "Kabalah, Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation which can be bought on
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"Kabalah, Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation"
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Received a call from my chosen Therapy group, so completing registration for that and for my psychiatry group today.
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Completed my registration for both.
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Reading The Alchemists Handbook, then The Only Way to Learn Astrology.
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I was supposed to call a service today and forgot. In fact, I did not do all of my tasks today. I see my psychiatrist tomorrow. Hopefully I can get my mind clear enough to be able to sit still and meditate with the aim for still mind.
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No Zelator Formula done today.
Will do in mornings.
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Dreamed I was a Stock Investor, then that I was a Computer Programmer.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Tuesday 1-30-2024. Day of Mars. Elohim Gibor, Khamael, Seraphim. Red candles, Dragons Blood incense.
Sleep okay. Dreamed I was a Stock Investor, then that I was a Computer Programmer.

Got up, had a protein bar and a couple cups of coffee.

10:00-10:45 Zelator Formula
W: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe.
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus).
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator).
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe.
E: Shining Crosses Ritual.
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual.
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram.
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual.
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram.
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus).
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth.
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus).
W: Middle Pillar Ritual.
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus).
N: Body in Assiah (Malkuth).
N: Zelator Meditation.
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator).
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe.

Performed Body Awareness and Relaxation ritual with breath control.

Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
XI Justice. Libra. 22nd Pth of Sepher Yetzirah. The Faithful Intelligence. Daughter of the Lords of Truth, Ruler of the Balances. Action-Work.
Equilibrium, balance, justice.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
Nine of Disks. Venus in Virgo. Lord of Gain. Yesod of Assiah.
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Reading for Today:
"Kabbalah, Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation", "Modern Magick", "Nothing Special: Living Zen", "The Only Way to Learn Astrology", "The Alchemists Handbook", "The Eight Extraordinary Meridians Qi Gong". Six books. 10pp-40pp apiece.
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Jul 2, 2022
Reaction score
Reading for Today:
"Kabbalah, Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation", "Modern Magick", "Nothing Special: Living Zen", "The Only Way to Learn Astrology", "The Alchemists Handbook", "The Eight Extraordinary Meridians Qi Gong". Six books. 10pp-40pp apiece.
Jesus Christ bro
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Tuesday -20-2024 (Continued)

And there is more -- but have to tackle those first. That's the thing about Christophers book, and Modern Magick for that matter .. a shit ton of side reading. I've already read "Sacred Magick of Ancient Egypt", "The Tree of Life" and "Mystical Qabalah" for Neophyte grade.
Zelator and the others have at least twice as much. Still have to read "The Art and Practice of Geomancy" and "Techniques of High Magick" yet. Theoricus is mainly matters of the mind, so a lot of psychology reading in that grade.

Will be having lunch soon after I shower and dress for my psychiatrist appointment.
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Finished chapters 1-2 of "Nothing Special:Living Zen". Interesting. So interesting I have yet to come up with meditations on the second chapter as I did with the first chapter in my Book Discussion on it.
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Taking "Modern Magick" with me to my psychiatrist appointment, to read while waiting or on my way back home. "The Alchemists Handbook" is next. Then "The Only Way to Learn Astrology". Then "Eight Extraordinary Meridians Qi Gong". Then before bed will read "Kabbalah, Magic, and the Great Work of Self-Transformation", Zelator and Theoricus chapters.
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Showered and dressed and ready to eat and go.
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The song lyrics "There ain't no easy way out" fits my poverty situation, with the unemployment directly related to my disabilities.
That said, I've lost approximately 6 pounds in a weeks time, still fifty some pounds to get back to my 170 ideal weight, and seeing my psychiatrist for the first time today.
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Saw my new psychiatrist, went well. Now to get into therapy.
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Onto The Alchemists Handbook.
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Read pp 1-31 of The Alchemists Handbook, actually approaching pg 41 when I realized I hadnt fullt absorbed chapters one and two.
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Onto The Only Way to Learn Astrology.
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Took a break from reading to go grocery shopping and get pizza and Zyn.
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Did not get to the reading assignments I tasked myself with today, will give it another go tomorrow in between phone calls.
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Listening to old Gospel music for the right mindset.
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Had to switch to the Black Crowes and Rolling Stones.
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Having found the two volumes of Le Kabblah Practique by Amberlains translation, will look it over. You can actually copy and paste text from it as its not a scan like the Utah Lodge papers inclusion of it that was a scan.
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Wednesday, 1-31-2024. Day of Mercury. Elohim Tzabaoth, Raphael, Beni Elohim. Orange candles, Lavendar incense.

Slept oky, went to be around midnight, got up briefly at 4am. Went back to sleep, woke up at 10. Dreampt I lived with lesbian stripper roommates, and we had an auarium of fish that somehow had the glass disappear. The fish could be seen with UV light.
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Did Zelator Formula:
W: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Wednesday, 1-31-2024. Day of Mercury. Elohim Tzabaoth, Raphael, Beni Elohim. Orange candles, Lavendar incense.

Slept okay, went to be around midnight, got up briefly at 4am. Went back to sleep, woke up at 10.

Dreamed that I lived with lesbian stripper roommates, and we had an aquarium of fish that somehow had the glass disappear. The fish could be seen with UV light.

11:00 -11:45
Did Zelator Formula:
W: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe

Visualization and feeling of divine light was for shit.

Breakfast was two bowls of cereal and a protein bar, lunch was just a stouffers bowlful of garlic shrimp mac n cheese and diet pepsi.

Reading for today:
"Kabbalah, Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation", "Modern Magick", "Nothing Special: Living Zen", "The Only Way to Learn Astrology", "The Alchemists Handbook", "The Eight Extraordinary Meridians Qi Gong". Six books. 10pp-40pp apiece.
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Spoke with a friend for a couple hours and made the calls I was supposed to make today.
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Set about 15 members to ignore that deal with the LHP.
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Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
IV The Emperor. Aries. Son of the Morning, Chief Among The Mighty. The Constituting Intelligence. Power, order, management. Sight.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
XIII Death. Scorpio. Lord of the Gates of Deat, Child of the Great Transformers. The Imaginative Intelligence. Change, transformation.
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Alright, while semi-watching "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon", will be reading in Order "The Alchemists Handbook (Albertus)", "The Only Way to Learn Astrology (March)", and "Nothing Special:Living Zen (Beck)". Before going to bed, missed yesterday, will read and practice "Eight Extraordinary Meridians Qi Gong (MacRitchie)".
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An interesting mental note on the Tarot draws today and the dream this morning.
The dream details recalled:
"Dreamed that I lived with lesbian stripper roommates, and we had an aquarium of fish that somehow had the glass disappear. The fish could be seen with UV light."

Emperor: Rules whole of Aries (First house, house of Self and identity (Lesbian strippers? Oh my. Or pirhanna like fishes? Oh my!)).
Heh, Window, 5.

Death: Rules whole of Scorpio (Eighth house, house of Other peoples' money, taxes, death - likely the strippers).
Nun, fish, 50.

55 is gematric value of the password for the Zelator grade.
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Had two slices of pizza and a bagel with cream cheese for dinner.

Spoke with another friend of mine for over an hour.

Not a whole lot of reading has transpired.
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Duly invoked for healing and the other requests.


Wednesday- Day of Mercury

+ In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of ELOHIM TZAVAOTH, who governeth the sphere of Hod and Mercury, I call upon RAPHAEL, Healing of God, and Divine Messenger. Form us unto completion through the learning and disbursement of Truth as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Raphael, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Mercury. Rid me of confusion, anxiety, distraction, indecisiveness, and overanalysis. Inspire me with reason, coordination, clear understanding, versatility, and concise communication.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.
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Sep 9, 2021
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Thursday, 2-1-2024. Day of Jupiter. El, Tzadkiel, Chasmalim. Blue candles, cedar incense.

Many un-recalled dreams, slept poorly.

Going to therapy appointment soon.
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Went to therapy, was highly useful. Went to Krispy Kreme and got donuts. Went to pharmacy and got my medications. Went to smoke shop and got some Zyn. Came home, prepped a cup of coffee. Jotted down in journal. Will do Zelator Formula in a bit.
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Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
XIV Temperance. Sagittarius. 25th Path, The Tentative or Probationary Intelligence. Daughter of the Reconcilers, The Bringer Forth of Life. Samekh, prop or leg, 60. Yesod to Tiphareth, foundation of beauty.
Combine or unite seemingly unlike things, moderation. Or Clashing interests.
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Tarot card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
Prince of Cups. Air of Water. M of HCOMA. Tiphareth of Briah. Rules 20 Libra to 20 Scorpio, Ophiucus, front half of serpents head, part of Hercules.
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Reading for today:
"Kabbalah, Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation", "Modern Magick", "Nothing Special: Living Zen", "The Only Way to Learn Astrology", "The Alchemists Handbook", "The Eight Extraordinary Meridians Qi Gong". Six books. 10pp-40pp apiece.
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Duly invoked.


Thursday- Day of Jupiter

+ In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of EL, who governeth the sphere of Chesed and Jupiter, I call upon TZADKIEL, Justice of God, Archangel of Divine Clemency. Form us unto completion through wisdom and humility as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Tzadkiel, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Jupiter. Rid me of haughtiness, arrogance, and greed. Inspire me with productive ambition, optimism, generosity, tolerance, health, wealth, and the ability to accurately rule and govern my own faculties towards prosperity and beneficial attitudes.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.
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Meditation attempt on 'empty mind' - 3 minutes
First hurdle was sitting still in one posture - within first minute
Second was batting away idle thoughts until settling on housing as thought. - within third minute
What does it look like? Like a stereotypical gingerbread house.
How strong is your foundation? Luke 6:48-49.
How well is your kingdom governed, being governed by a government? No answer on this.
Finally, a few moments peace from idle thoughts. - third minute conclusion.
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Thoughts on cards drawn today:
XIV, Temperance, is Sagittarius and thus related to Jupiter and Thursday.
Prince of Cups, my true self, came out in therapy today and after therapy.
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Read Nothing Special, chapter three and summarized/commented on it in the Book Discussion thread on it.
Reading The Alchemists Handbook, chapter two, and will comment on it in my Book Discussion thread on it.
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Did Zelator Formula:
W: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
Visualization okay
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
Visualization had to be forced. Face appeared to be blocking me, banished it.
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
Built up warmth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
Knees started to get shaky at the midpoint (heart) of the Middle pillar.
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
By this time profusely sweating.
W: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
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Jul 2, 2022
Reaction score
Meditation attempt on 'empty mind' - 3 minutes
First hurdle was sitting still in one posture - within first minute
Second was batting away idle thoughts until settling on housing as thought. - within third minute
What does it look like? Like a stereotypical gingerbread house.
How strong is your foundation? Luke 6:48-49.
How well is your kingdom governed, being governed by a government? No answer on this.
Finally, a few moments peace from idle thoughts. - third minute conclusion.
Good, keep at this mate. It WILL bear fruit.


Apr 28, 2021
Reaction score
First hurdle was sitting still in one posture - within first minute
What I’ve learnt is best is to try and feel, and go into that discomfort as much as possible. If you are truly present and in the moment, you are in that state of no-thought. In that state your body isn’t thinking and therefore not labeling your experience, it simply is experiencing it.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Appreciate it @Vandheer and @Lemongrass00

Friday 2-2-2024. Day of Venus. YHVH Tzabaoth, Haniel, Elohim. Green candles, Rose incense.

Had a horrible fight with my sister last night and seems irreparable. Which also means I may not be in good graces to stay or come back. Which would mean near homelessness. People don't understand how loyal I can be until they snap at me about meaningless things, that I am a person entitled to therefore have feelings as well, and that I don't communicate well, that I speak how I feel and not how I really feel, that I hurt when accused to speak how I feel.

Not good and not healthy.

So alternatives were on my mind all night.

Slept poorly. No dreams.
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Did Zelator Formula:
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
Visualization had to be forced. Face appeared to be blocking me, banished it.
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
W: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
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Slept until 12:50 then did ZF.
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Still in a shitty mood.
Split Hexagram Spread from last night:
"How do I make peace with my sister?"
Greater Spiritual Influence: III The Empress. Venus.
Lesser Spiritual Influence: X Wheel of Fortune. Jupiter.
Spiritual Advice: V The Hierophant. Taurus.
Unconscious Desires: VI The Lovers. Gemini.
Conscious Desires: XVIII The Moon. Pisces.
Practical Advice: XIV Temperance. Sagittarius.
Final Outcome: XI Justice. Libra.
Top of Deck: XVIII The Star. Aquarius.
Bottom of Deck: II The High Priestess. Luna.
First, the situation. All was well until we got home, then I was deemed as a freeloader who can't do anything right.
Got mad and retired for the night since I wasn't allowed or entitled to have feelings, especially anger.
The GSI has the meanings as Fruitfulness, action and creativity.
Today I cleaned the bathroom and 0ut the towels in the dryer to thoroughly dry them, and am cleaning up after myself and staying in my room as if Im renting a room.
The LSI has the meanings as Good Fortune, success, luck.
A major stressor has been my SSDI case, and received some good news on it. It's out of my hands and in the hands of my lawyer.
The SA has the meanings as Mercy and goodness, a person who shows these qualities.
So perhaps I should reconsider the issues and act on them and lighten up. Act as if nothing had happened.

The UD has the meanings as A test which you will pass, a new love.
Perhaps the argument was a test for living together in which I horribly failed. So perhaps unconsciously I want to rewind to before we got home yesterday.
The CD has the meanings as Deception, hidden enemies.
Withholding my suspicions on this matter.
Will perhaps test the waters to prove 8ts validity.
The PA has the meanings as Combine or unite seemingly unlike things, moderation.
Lost on this matter, but perhaps treat this as a Lesser Circulation experiment. Combine lower emotions with low vibration with high emotions with high vibration rates.

The FO has the meanings as Balance, justice, and equilibrium.
So pursue mundane matters, pitch in, and don't get upset. Match low vibrations with high vibrations.

The ToD reminds me of the meanings as Hope and a bright future, while the BoD reminds me of the meanings as Science, education and knowledge.
Perhaps continue studies, use alchemy, and meditate on a bright future and pleasant living conditions.
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Today's tarot draws...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual: XIX The Sun. Sol. The Lord of the Fire of the World. The Collecting Intelligence. Resh, a head reversed, 200.

Tarot Card of the Day: XVIII The Star. Aquarius. Hope and a bright future.
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Funny the RW SHS ToD was XVIII, and today's TCotD is Thoth XVII.
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That 8s both were XVII The Star.
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My sister and I dont see eye to eye still, but at least what I did put us back on speaking terms.
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When I conjured Sitael earlier this week, I was facing West/sitting in the East. No candles or incense. Praise to God for his work was the offering.
Sitael is Six of Wands, Jupiter in Leo, therefore should have been facing south?
Since I felt a prick in the back of my neck and then in between and below the shoulder blades, I would then have felt them on my left?

Follow the conjuration according to the Practical Kaballah ... and probably face West next time.
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I am going to attempt the conjuration again, this time facing west (as a test). If it works, wonderful. If not, then I will face East, trying the Cardinal Fire direction.

Full post of thread:
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Duly invoked.


Friday- Day of Venus

+ In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of YHVH TZAVAOTH, who governeth the sphere of Netzach and Venus, I call upon HANIEL, Grace of God, bringer of joy and warmth of the heart. Form us unto completion through integrity and responsibility and unselfishness as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Haniel, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Venus. Rid me of vanity, overindulgence, and superficiality. Inspire me with love, compassion, sympathy, artistic expression, and provide me with healthy relationships; the means to maintain them, and the influence to facilitate them in others.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.
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Researching the Alexander Technique. Perhaps combined with Qi Gong, it will be the start of exercise and energy work.
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Ave all,

Most of my meditation has been of a visualization nature, concentrating on a symbol such as a cube or a tarot card. I have before sought empty mind meditation but could not break through, I know everyone has their own method and timeline, but any beginners tips for the goal of empty mind?

Care, LVX


he ‘Empty Mind’ is my preferred type of meditation because I have ADHD really bad and get racing thoughts at times.

I use the Trataka method of gazing at a Candle Flame and stilling the mind.

I just focus on the changing flickering flame and sort of soften that gaze and enter a trance like state.

If a thought enters I don’t berate myself but simply acknowledge it and re center to a thoughtless state.

Sometimes I use light meditative music in the background and sometimes I use silence.

I do remember that you can’t burn candles right now but if you want to try this method you can use a YouTube video of a Candle Flame and several are on there with music playing.

Another bonus is that if you are trying to work on holding images in your mind’s eye you can focus on the flame for a few minutes eyes open and then close your eyes and the after image will be strong and especially in a dark room.

Continue to hold the Flame image even after the phosphenes fade away.

Open your eyes and gaze at the Candle again and repeat.

This way you are kind of multitasking and working on quieting the mind and visualization at the same time.


There are various mental skills to be developed including:

  • ceasing thoughts that are not useful or distracting
  • distinguishing incoming thoughts from home grown
  • developing the inner senses on all the mental subplanes of which the most obvious is clairvoyance. There may be more than 5 senses per subplane
  • control and clearing of each subplane, in part so that proper mental substance can be chosen at will for construction of thoughtforms etc
  • connection with transpersonal sources and functions


A visualisation exercise helpful for me was imagining/feeling myself a stream of water and the bed of rocks (thoughts) my water-self flowed over. Feeling the stream as self, imagine the rocks of/in the stream floating up out of the water. Feel/observe urself without thoughts and allow the rocks to settle back down into the stream. Do this for several sessions until a sense of self can be observed flowing without noticable thought.
I find myself naturally now existing at times without thought in a state of no mind in an awareness of being...without judgement or prejudice. I often then choose to move into a state of "bliss" than dwelling/staying in neutrality.


For me it's void meditation - just sitting still, spine erect, and watching your breathing.

Posture: I use the 'god position' (just sitting on a hard chair with my hands on my thighs, no mudra or anything, without touching the backrest!). Jason Miller thinks that posture is too unstable and recommends sitting on the floor with crossed legs. I admit that he may be right because my pelvis started to wobble when I first started out but then I chanced upon this trick with the cushion (see p. 3), and now it's fine.

I confess it took me some months to find the correct posture. I tend to slump forward, and somebody somewhere even wrote that he first had to develop the right muscles in his back to sit upright because he was so used to lounging around (there may be something to it). Anyway, when I think of the ideal posture, the Egyptian statues at Abu Simbel are as good as fixed in my mind:

Now it's beginning to feel like the correct posture is locked in place whenever I practice although I still make some small adjustments now and then.

Not-thinking: probably one of the hardest things you can do (or not do, as the case may be) with your mind. "While motionless and breathing deeply, begin to withdraw the mind from any thoughts which arise. The attempt to do this inevitably reveals the mind to be a raging tempest of activity. Only the greatest determination can win even a few seconds of mental silence, but even this is quite a triumph." (Peter J. Carroll, "Liber Null & Psychonaut"). Spot on. Let intruding thoughts come and go, let that tempest blow itself out and don't berate yourself for your initial inability to still the mind.

I once read somewhere that meditating meant "ceasing to struggle". That raging tempest Carroll speaks of? Let it rage, it will eventually calm down. Noises from outside your room? Most human environments produce noises, you're not meditating in the basement, are you? Worries? Accept them but here is a chance to take some time out from brooding if you want to. So I try ceasing to struggle (and ceasing to struggle with ceasing to struggle, etc. as well) for half an hour or so.


Mouni Sadhu has a good practice in his Concentration. You sit and try to watch a clock without any thought creeping.


This does sound interesting. Will try it later.
(Originally I was going to say something about how it sounds like some jobs I've worked---watch the clock and no thinking.)


Meditation attempt on 'empty mind' - 3 minutes

First hurdle was sitting still in one posture - within first minute
Second was batting away idle thoughts until settling on housing as thought. - within third minute
What does it look like? Like a stereotypical gingerbread house.
How strong is your foundation? Luke 6:48-49.
How well is your kingdom governed, being governed by a government? No answer on this.
Finally, a few moments peace from idle thoughts. - third minute conclusion.

Also recorded in daily journal.
Will check the thread and follow the advice. I like the flame meditation. Flame meditations are also good will-strengthening exercises.


Finding the right posture is beneficial for all forms of meditation IMHO - I can't believe that anything can be gained from lolling around on a couch and listening to ambient music on the headphones while calling it 'meditation'. Whether you do visualisation exercises, pathworking or mantra chanting, it's my conviction that it's best practising while sitting upright in some posture (or standing up, that may be more appropriate for some routines, e.g. for Donald Tyson's kinetic magic). Like I said, it will take some time to find a "pleasant but firm posture" (Patanjali).
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Late start to day.
May get off to bed early and early to rise, would like to do ZF before my dental work appointment.
After that, and probably downing tylenol, will be doing Alexander Technique and Qi Gong exercises best I can
Then probably side reading.
Busy week ahead, appointments darn near every day. Dental, medical, pyschiatric, neurology, social work, etc.
Meditation before bedtime. May ask to pull a chair into my room to do meditation with.
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Sep 9, 2021
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Saturday 2-3-2023. Day of Saturn. YHVH, Tzaphqiel, Aralim. Black candles, Sandalwood incense.

No dreams recalled. Slept poorly.

No work done today as of yet.

Have to go to DDS today to have three teeth extracted. Yay. Then crowns put on.
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Surgery was successful. Trying to relax.
Not doing any voice work today. Ditto on exercise.
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Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
IV The Emperor. Aries. The Constituting Intelligence. Sight, order, management.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Seven of Swords. Luna in Aquarius. Netzach of Yetzirah.
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Had a McDs sausage muffin and diet coke before the operation, had butternut squash soup for dinner.
Hopefully the healing will be quick so I can eat and chew regular food again soon.
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Sep 9, 2021
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Sunday 2-4-2024. Day of Sol. YHVH Eloah ve Daath, Michael, Malachim. Gold or yellow candles, Frankincense incense.

Slept six hours or so. No dreams recalled.

Was man down yesterday post surgery. It is still soft foods only. Was able to swish some mouth wash this morning to take out the nights germs from my mouth and take the anti pain and antibiotic pills this morning. Still need to to take my daily medications. Mouth appears to have stopped bleeding. Sutures feel weird in mouth as well as loss of molars. But good signs of healing.

Probably soup today. Having a cup of instant coffee right now.

Will do Zelator Formula after shower and draw cards for the day after that. No ZF was done yesterday. No exercise was done yesterday. No Qi Gong was done yesterday. No reading took place yesterday.
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Tarot draws for the day.....
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
XV The Devil. Capricorn. The Lord of the Gates of Matter, Child of the Forces of Time. The 26th Path, The Renovating Intelligence. Ayin, an eye, 70. Tiphareth to Hod. Beauty of Splendour.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
XII The Hanged Man. Elemental Water, Neptune. The Spirit of the Mighty Waters. The 23rd Path, The Stable Intelligence. Mem, water, 40. Hod to Geburah. Splendour of Fear.
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Staying in today. Resting and recovering.
Butternut squash soup for lunch today.
Coffee for breakfast.
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Meanings of cards ..
XV Something must happen but in the long run it is for the good.
XIII Wisdom as a result of Self-Sacrifice.
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Learning Alexander Technique and Eight Meridians Qi Gong this week.
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From Modern Magick discussion thread:
Lesson two introduces us to the solar adorations, words of power/tool of vibration, QC, LBRP, Middle Pillar Ritual, and loads of Kabbalah lore.

Lesson three introduces us to reflection, elemental Earth and exercises to control this element, IOB and more.

Within the earth element, my life has been shook, my finances shook, my health has been shook, my body shook, my residence shook, my mental health has been shook. All this is normal. To feel the weight of your world and the earth world.
The trick is in rising. I was sixty pounds overweight, now losing weight. My health in all levels has been addressed. Family matters were shook and now improved. I feel the effects of gravity and earth. Now to learn to control it. For weight control will be doing The Alexander Technique and Eight Meridians Qi Gong. For finances, doing good with state benefits and healthy food, tax returns, and writing.
For mental health I am in therapy and it is going well. Seizures and tremors are being addressed. Depression and anxieties are being addressed.
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My nicotine use has gone down since oral surgery as well. Had butternut squash soup and coffee.
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The Alexander Technique:
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Did Zelator Formula:
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
Visualization sucked.
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
Was sweating profusely by now. Visualization forced.
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
W: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
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Duly invoked. Was not invoked yesterday.

Saturday- Day of Saturn

+ In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of YHVH ELOHIM, who governeth the sphere of Binah and Saturn, I call upon TZAPHKIEL, Contemplation of God, Archangel of spiritual strife against evil, and keeper of the Akashic records. Form us unto completion through silence, steadiness, and perseverance as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Tzaphkiel, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Saturn. Rid me of inertia and self-destruction. Inspire me with patience, discipline, responsibility, wisdom of experience, meditation, and the proper management of all structure, limitations, and boundaries.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.
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Duly invoked.


Sunday- Day of the Sun

+ In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of YHVH ELOAH VE-DA’ATH, who governeth the sphere of Tiphareth and Sol, I call upon MICHAEL, Who is Like God?, leader of the host of the celestial armies, prince of the first rank, protector of God’s children. Form us unto completion through integrity and devotion as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Michael, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Sol. Rid me of pride and arrogance. Inspire me with harmony, balance, peace, and strength of equilibrium in all my aspirations to succeed in discovering my true identity and purpose.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.
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9, 5 and 12. Three hours to take oral surgery meds. Took morning medications. Including oral surgery meds.
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Onto reading.
Modern Magick Lesson 2&3. Kabalah, Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation Chapter 4&5. The Alchemists Handbook, chapters 2&3. The Only Way to Learn Astrology chapters 1-4. Eight Meridians Qi Gong Part II. Alexander Technique. Nothing Special:Living Zen Chapters 3&4. That should get me caught up on my downtime. Will practice non strenuous AT and visual EMQG.
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Astrology reading with people I know in mind, will be interesting to look up an ephemeris and try to create an am chart and a pm chart for each person, and compare the chart house, planet and sign placements.
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Created a post as it was on my mind:
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Invoked Yahovah for truth to the messge sked to come through the 22 cards of art.
A Split Hexagram Spread - "Are the Goetia fallen angels, or fallen gods?"
Greater Spiritual Influence - XVII The Star. Aquarius. Tzaddi, fishhook, 90.
Lesser Spiritual Influence - XX Judgement. Elemental Fire/Pluto (Rules Scorpio). Shin, fang, 300.
Spiritual Advice - III The Empress. Venus (Rules Taurus and Libra). Daleth, door, 4.
Gematria total: 394.
Unconscious Desires - VI The Lovers. Gemini. Zayin, sword, 7.
Conscious Desires - XVIII The Moon. Pisces. Qoph, back of head, 100.
Practical Advice - IV The Emperor. Aries. Heh, window, 5.
Gematria total: 112.
Final Outcome - XV The Devil. Capricorn. Ayin, an eye/fountain, 70.
Gematria total: 70.
Total Gematria Values: 576.
Top of Deck: XIII Death. Scorpio. Nun, fish, 50.
Bottom of Deck: XXI The World. Saturn/Eleental Earth (Rules Capricorn).
Wow, this will be lengthy.
GSI has the meanings fishook (Tzaddi), Hope and a bright future; also Expectations disappointed, barrenness.
LSI has the meanings fang or tooth (Shin). Renewal, rebirths; also Setbacks and delays.
SA has the meanings door (Daleth), Fruitfulness, action, creativity; also Inaction due to vacillation, losing power.

FO has the meanings an eye or fountain (Ayin), Something must happen, but in the long run it is for good; also Something must happen, but for evil.

UCD has the meanings sword (Zayin), A test which you will pass, a new love; also A failed test, lost love.
CD has the meanings "back of head", which indicates the brain area that regulates sleep (Qoph), Deception, hidden enemies; also Deceptions only slight.
PA has the meanings window (Heh), Power, effectiveness, reason; also Immature emeotions, destruction to plans.

Gematria meanings:
Upper Triad - 394 -
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Final Outcome - 70 -
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Lower Triad - 112 -
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Total - 576 -
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Astrological meanings/placements:
Aquarius (Saturn/Uranus), Elemental Fire/Pluto, Venus.
Capricorn (Saturn).
Gemini (Mercury), Pisces (Neptune, Jupiter), Aries (Mars).

It does not look good for them bearing fruit as innocent ancient gods. It coud be that they were given limited power to be deities, to test man for good or for evil. It could be they were ancient gods attributed to star placements, or demons which reside within these spheres.

Intuitively - A woman is escorted by an Ibis to pour and collect water from two vases, "the water pourer". The dead are called to repentance or glory by the blow of Gabriels horn (Pluto). A field of ripe wheat is ready for harvest, a woman may bear a child soon (Venus).
A couple are brought together in matrimony, by the Archangel Raphael, "the twins" unite. "The fishes" may be the dogs, and the idol the crayfish or man in the moon, but which is which? Only "the ram" can say for sure. The outcome? "The he-goat, Capricornus".

Aquarius - February. Pluto - November. Venus- May, October.
Gemini - June. Pisces - March. Aries - April.
Capricorn - January.

The gates of Janus open up from the Winter Solstice toward the Spring Equinox.
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Journal work tonight. Astrology and AT-QG reading as well. Zen and Alchemy tomorrow along with AT-QG readings.
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Eight Meridians Qi Gong follows eight channels for movement, exercise, and energy circulation. Each affects an organ and thus relate to one of the five Chinese elements. Heart/Fire, Lungs/Metal, Spleen/Earth, Liver/Wood, Kidneys/Water.

Practice 1: Smile at yourself. To relax internally, and prepare for further practice.
This simple process is a way of sending your own warm, gentle, loving energy to yourself. It releases tension and stress, and generates deep relaxation. It calms your emotions, refreshes your sense organs, and stimulates the tissues. It also makes you feel good.

In the following practice you are going to smile at yourself, inside, at your yin organs - heart, lungs, liver, kidneys
and spleen - and then gather your energy at your navel. Each organ is accompanied with a list of its basic corresponding characteristics:

  • Color
  • Temperature
  • Season
  • Emotion
  • Sound
  • Coupled yang organ
Using your mind, think of and activate these correspondences when you smile at each organ.
In each organ you can hold the healing energy of your smile for as long as you wish, or for the count of a certain number of breaths, or until you feel it overflow. This is indicated by the instruction “Hold your Qi there.”
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Sit on the front edge of a chair with both feet flat on the floor, knees parallel and shoulder-width apart. Relax. Clasp your hands in front of you in your lap, left palm facing upwards and right palm facing downwards on top of it, to seal-in your Qi. This is a remarkably stable sitting position, and can be maintained for extended periods of time.

The Practice:
Close your eyes and clear your mind. If unrelated thoughts occur, gently let them go, like letting go of a balloon, and then bring your attention back inside yourself. Pay attention to how you feel.

- Using your mind, activate a memory, thought, image, or picture which causes you to smile - one of those soft, warm, friendly smiles that gently softens the corners of your mouth.

- The corners of the mouth are very special energy points. They are the Meeting Points of the two major channels which run up the midline of the body on the front and back, and separate us into left and right halves.

Running up the midline of the front is The Conception Vessel/Ren Mo which ends in the center of the lower lip. Running up the midline of the back and over the top of the head is The Governing Vessel/Du Mo which ends in the center of the top lip. The corners of the mouth are energy points - numbered in Acupuncture as Stomach 4 and called Earth Granary - which are meeting points for these two major channels. The warmth that you might feel there when you smile is the Qi/Energy gathering and accumulating.

- Let the warm, soft, gentle energy of this smile increase.

Your mind leads your energy, so, using your mind, bring this smiling energy to the point in the middle of your forehead between your eyebrows. This point is called The Original Cavity of the Spirit/Yin Tang. Allow your Qi/Energy to gather and accumulate there like warm water slowly filling a deep bowl, by breathing in to this point.

The Tip Of Your Tongue
Place the tip of your tongue in-between your two top front teeth, then run it upwards until it meets the roof of your mouth.
Find the point there which tingles or feels ‘right’. Placing the tip of your tongue in this location lets your energy flow through the internal energy pathways to your yin organs.

Smile at your Heart.

Let your Qi/Energy overflow from your brow point. As you breathe in, draw this warm energy down from your brow through your tongue and throat to your Heart.

Your heart is the size of a clenched fist. It is inside your chest, slightly to the left.

All day long and every day your heart is working for you, to send blood and oxygen to every cell. This is an opportunity to thank your heart and to give it your love and care.

Directing your energy with your mind, send your smiling, loving, energy to your heart.

Think of and activate the following correspondences of your heart.

The Element is FIRE
The color is RED
The temperature is HOT
The season is SUMMER
The emotion is JOY
The sound is LAUGHING
The coupled organ is SMALL INTESTINES

Breathe in and out 3, 6, 9, or more times.
As you slowly breathe in and out, hold your smiling energy in your heart and send it your love. Hold your mind there.
Let your heart fill with smiling energy until it overflows.


Personal note:
This shall be week one, strengthening and focusing on the Heart - From Eight Meridians Qi Gong (MacRitchie)
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Week one Alexander Technique - 5 each:

Stretching and mobilising

One-legged knee curl - Alternate knee to chest
  • Lie on your back
  • Lift one knee at a time towards your chest
  • Hold for 20 seconds
  • Start with _5

Two-legged knee curl - Supine knee curls
  • Lie on your back
  • Lift both knees together towards your chest
  • Hold for 20 seconds
  • Start with 5_
Prone back stretch - Spinal extension
  • Lie on your front, supported by your elbows
  • Keep your tummy in contact with the ground
  • Hold for 20 seconds
  • Start with 5_

Kneeling back stretch - Spinal flexion in kneeling or child pose with shoulder elevation
  • Start on your hands and knees
  • Keeping your hands still, sit back on your heels
  • Feel the stretch between your shoulder blades
  • Hold for 20 seconds
  • Start with _5

Log roll - Log roll
  • Lie on your back with one arm out to the side
  • Roll like a log towards the arm, bringing your hands together
  • Return to the centre and roll to the other side
  • Start with _5

Knee drops - Lumbar rotation
  • Lie on your back with your knees bent
  • Roll your knees to one side
  • Return to the centre and roll them to the other side
  • Start with _5

Supine back stretch - Lumbar rotation with knee extension
  • Lie on your back. Bend your left knee, leaving your right leg on the floor
  • Place the left leg over the right leg, keeping the shoulders in contact with the floor
  • Start with 5_ to each side

Pelvic tilting on hands and knees - Pelvic tilting in four-point kneeling
  • Start on your hands and knees
  • Round and hollow the back slowly and then arch down
  • Start with 5_

Pelvic tilting with towel - Crook lying pelvic tilt with towel
  • Lie on your back with your knees bent
  • Place a folded towel under your hips
  • Gently tilt your pelvis up and down
  • Start with _5

Personal note-
This shall constitute week one. For each week, add 5 to each exercise.
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More could be added, but I will start with these for the duration of a week, not to procrastinate, but starting tomorrow will have my undivided attention, plus Im still recovering so the less increase of blood flow the better for the day.
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Monday 2-5-2024. Day of Luna. Shaddai El Chai, Gabriel, Kerubim. Silver or white candles, Jasmine incense.

Before I went to sleep, did five each leg:
One-legged knee curl - Alternate knee to chest.

Did nine breaths smiling at the heart, visualizing on out breath red energy coming through tip of tongue while silently vibrating HAAAWWW. Would visualize on in breath joyful summer memories.

Thinking it was 07:00 upon waking, realized it was actually 04:30.

Contemplating what the brain and optical nerves have to go through and how they produce visualized graphics when eyes are open or closed.

Logic would dictate all that would be produced is darkness if eyes are closed, and simply seeing everything around you while eyes are open.

Yet this is not the case, especially among those who daydream.
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Had a dream that I was trying to convince my workplace that voudoo was a possible solution to problems, professionally and personally.
Last edited:
Sep 9, 2021
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Monday 2-5-2024. Day of Luna. Shaddai El Chai, Gabriel, Kerubim. Silver or white candles, Jasmine incense.

Before I went to sleep, did five each leg:
One-legged knee curl - Alternate knee to chest.

Did nine breaths smiling at the heart, visualizing on out breath red energy coming through tip of tongue while silently vibrating HAAAWWW. Would visualize on in breath joyful summer memories.

Thinking it was 07:00 upon waking, realized it was actually 04:30.

Contemplating what the brain and optical nerves have to go through and how they produce visualized graphics when eyes are open or closed.

Logic would dictate all that would be produced is darkness if eyes are closed, and simply seeing everything around you while eyes are open.

Yet this is not the case, especially among those who daydream.

Had a dream that I was trying to convince my workplace that voudoo was a possible solution to problems, professionally and personally.

Duly invoked.

Monday- Day of the Moon

+ In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of SHADDAI EL CHAI, who governeth the sphere of Yesod and Luna, I call upon GABRIEL, Strength of God, trumpeter of Judgement, and Angel of the Annunciation. Form us unto completion through trust and independence as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Gabriel, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Luna. Rid me of idleness, fickleness, and delusion. Inspire me with true initiation through the discovery of personal strengths and weaknesses through introspection and reflection upon inner truths revealed from within.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.

Will do Zelator Formula shortly, and also try invoking Luna LRH and Invoking the Four Powers of Air today.

Tarot draws for the day....
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
XVII The Tower. Mars. Lord of the Hosts of the Mighty. 27th Path. The Exciting Intelligence. Peh, a mouth, 80. Hod to Netzach.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Ten of Cups. Lord of Satiey. Mars in Pisces. Malkuth of Briah.
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Mad respect for those who can relate public speeches via sign language, and those who can do sign language in general. It takes a high amount of mental alertness, awareness, and concentration to effectively relay messages via ASL.
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Did Zelator Formula:
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Lesser Invoking (Luna) Ritual of the Hexagram
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
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Had Banana Bread and coffee for Breakfast, and Coconut Chicken Curry soup for Lunch with coffee.
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Got a call from my Oral Surgeons to see how I was doing,
Made a call to reschedule a missed therapy appointment for today, only to find out it is tomorrow.
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Also received a call from my Lawyers office this morning.
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Tonight ... continue week long process to smile at Heart center and focus and gather Qi in center. Within two months should complete the first practice of the seven organ smile process with sound per orgn, color per organ and emotion per organ, which in turn effect other organs.

Expanding Qi Gong practice tonight, as long as nothing is strenuous to the back/spinal area. Would like to do as much as possible aside from cardio, yoga ball, or anything strebuous to the spinal column.

Was thinking about psychicism today and and may get back into tarot card guessing tests, and try to vastly improve within two months.

Also am thinking about doing morning Invoking Field Zelator Formula and evening Invoking Field Theoricus Formula. Note change in dreams.
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Attempted the Invoking the Four Powers of Air ritual, basically a Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Pentagram (Air). Will see if this and the Lesser (Luna) Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram have an effect on dreams tonight.

Had a Stouffer's Bowlful dinner tonight.
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Post dinner, put dishwasher dishes away and watching TV.
Will do Theoricus Formula, Qi Gong Smile at the Heart and Center Qi, and Alexander Technique exercises and Meditation before bedtime.
Tomorrow, I have a therapy appointment, calls to make in the morning, then a Social Worker appointment in the afternoon.
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Will do five alternating knee to chest tucks ten seconds each and five chest tucks at ten seconds each.

Cards already drawn for tomorrow.
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
I The Magician. Mercury. 12th Path, The Intelligence of Transparency. Magus of Power. Kether to Binah. Beth, house, 2.
Tarot Card of the Day:
Four of Wands. Venus in Aries. Lord of Completion. Chesed of Atziluth.

Will do three breaths of Smiling at the Heart.
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No Theoricus Formula to be done tonight.
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Tuesday 2-6-2024. Day of Mars. Elohim Gibor, Khamael, Seraphim. Scarlet Red candles, Dragons Blood incense.

Slept okay after regulating breathing to a fourfold breath state, after Qi Gong, silent mind meditation and knee and chest tucks.

Awoke at 08:00 a.m. by my sister waking me up. Had two dreams, both related as they were at the University of Michigan campus in a dormitory.
First was working in a computer lab and saw people getting hit by or plowed over by snowplows.
Second one i was living in the dorm , was naked and got lost trying to find my room right after lunchtime.

A root canal is ordered by my dental surgeon to save a tooth, probably lower jaw. My sister is calling to schedule with Emon. And is scheduled for 07:00 a.m. tomorrow morning.

Will do Zelator Formula after my phone appointment with a behavioral therapist.

May do invoking Luna LRH and Invoking the Four Powers of Air again tonight for day of Mercury in morning hours for informative dreams. (Invoking Field).
Will do invoking Saturn LRH and Invoking the Four Powers of Earth during Zelator Formula. (Invoking Field).
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Took morning medications.
Last edited:
Sep 9, 2021
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Tuesday 2-6-2024. Day of Mars. Elohim Gibor, Khamael, Seraphim. Scarlet Red candles, Dragons Blood incense.

Slept okay after regulating breathing to a fourfold breath state, after Qi Gong, silent mind meditation and knee and chest tucks.

Awoke at 08:00 a.m. by my sister waking me up. Had two dreams, both related as they were at the University of Michigan campus in a dormitory.
First was working in a computer lab and saw people getting hit by or plowed over by snowplows.
Second one i was living in the dorm , was naked and got lost trying to find my room right after lunchtime.

A root canal is ordered by my dental surgeon to save a tooth, probably lower jaw. My sister is calling to schedule with Emon. And is scheduled for 07:00 a.m. tomorrow morning.

Will do Zelator Formula after my phone appointment with a behavioral therapist.

May do invoking Luna LRH and Invoking the Four Powers of Air again tonight for day of Mercury in morning hours for informative dreams. (Invoking Field).
Will do invoking Saturn LRH and Invoking the Four Powers of Earth during Zelator Formula. (Invoking Field).
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Took morning medications

Just ended my therapy call, have been advised on anger management strategies and anger triggers handling strategies, dreams I had, and to keep up with daily rituals. All therapists I've had so far are fine with my occult rituals and keeping a public journal for recording of my practices, which is nice. Later today I have a social worker appointment, and will be grounded at a Panera in Los Angeles near my sister's workplace until my brother in law can pick me up on his way home, so will bring books by Christopher and Kraig with me to read.
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Had counseling appointment and it went well. Since I have PNS and Shanti, she said when I return to Camino Health Services, i can schedule another counseling appointment.

We discussed general situation and feelings, the dreams, anger management triggers and strategies, and debt issues as part of frustrations, and other stuff.

She said keep up with daily rituals and dream work, and try to implement the anger management strategies.
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I see steeet gangs sort of like fraternities, and even though I grew up in blood areas, my Fraternity flew blue and white, while a rival Fraternity that both of us were spawned from the same fraternity before us flew red and white. Do I like criminals? No, not really except for weed works, but in terms of self preservation when you have confrontations with teen gangs, you might have to pick a side. Just like you might pick one of the two fraternities. I picked the animal house type fraternity. My big brother and his actual brother both looked like metal loving bikers, one of our brothers had a boa and a 9mm and usually carried a knife, my little brother was an ex football player from another university up north. Nearly had a multi player fight with our rival Fraternity and that might 8 had my knife in my hand on my pocket while the one confronting me uad a beer bottle in his hand. Tough times create tough people. Except I'm not tough.
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The night I had my knife in my hand in my pocket
I was also wearing my trenchcoat for deflection of incoming strikes and to conceal kicks.
You can see contemporary times a lot different when you really look at your past.
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Why do I bring all of this up? It's Mars (Tues)day. What rose would I talk about?
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what else would i talk about
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Good thing I'm going in for the root canal tomorrow morning so the sutres can also be looked at or redone.
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The dreams imply to me a couple points...
1. Things could always and likely would be worse in Michigan.
2. Frustration leaves us powerless and Or hopeless (without clothes)
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Time to get dressed for the social worker appointment. So much for doing laundry today, looks like I do it tomorrow instead.
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Time to Invoking Field Zelator Formula.
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Did Zelator Formula:
W: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
N, E, S, W, N: Neophyte signs
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Lesser Invoking (Saturn) Ritual of the Hexagram
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah (up to Shemesh)
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
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Duly invoked.

Tuesday- Day of Mars

+ In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of ELOHIM GIBOR, who governeth the sphere of Geburah and Mars, I call upon KHAMAEL, Warmer of God, the Archangel of Geburah. Form us unto completion through energy, courage, and loyalty as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Khamael, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Mars. Rid me of impulsivity, cruelty, anger, and hate. Inspire me with proper motivation, assertiveness, vitality, the ability to calm my inner conflicts, and the endurance to overcome enemies both within and without.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen
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Listened to gangster rap and got ready for my appointment.
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Went to appointment after a text mex meal lunch, made a call to my lawyer again. Appointment went okay but little new information. Be that as it may, my current case was therefore closed as I'm in treatment. Then went grocery shopping, a few Stouffer's bowlfuls and six lean cuisine meals, six tubs of varied soups, three packs of pudding, some chocolate soy milk, some coffee and a few other things. Now back home with Zyn, coffee and.my sister.
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Root Canal dentistry appointment with Oral Surgeon and afternoon psychiatric appointment with Psychiatrist.
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Will invoke Mercury LIRH and Air LIRP tonight before bed. Then in afternoon will do Saturn LIRH and Air LIRP. Then evening will do full Zelator Formula.
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So 6 Months review:
1. Left MI for CA to avoid winter homelessness
2. Got on health insurance through the county.
3. Got on EBT food stamps through the county.
4. Booked appointments with case workers.
5. Booked medical appointments.
6. Booked neurology appointments.
7. Booked psychiatric appointments.
8. Booked therapy appointments.
9. Relayed all information to my lawyer.
10. Did Zelator Formula daily with all side reading, started completion of all outstanding overdue Neophyte projects.
11. Looked into a local real life social networking group.
12. Looked into transportation and In Home health support services.
13. Reconnecting with old friends and family.
14. Reconnecting with old and new hobbies.
15. Starting Alexander Technique and Eight Meridians Qi Gong for exercise and energy work.
16. Pursuing several forms of meditation.
17. Working on visualization.
18. On proper medications and dosages.
19. Praying daily archangel prayers.
20. Reconnecting with loving myself and others and God.
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Wednesday, 2-7-2024. Day of Mercury. Elohim Tzabaoth, Raphael, Beni Elohim. Orange candles, Lavender incense.

No significant Dream details recalled.

Went to Lavender Dentistry today to have root canal and crown put in, return on two weeks for checkup. Sutures were removed as well. Seen to be healing well.

Will be doing Zelator Formula shortly, with the exceptions of Invoking Field (Mercury, Air). Will then do Banishing field in evening Zelator Formula as normal.

Have not drawn cards yet for today.
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Card draws for today...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual
Drawn under YHVH.
XVII The Tower. Mars. 27th Path. The Lord of the Hosts of the Mighty. The Exciting Intelligence. Peh, mouth, 80.

Tarot Card of the Day
Drawn under Adonai.
Seven of Disks, Saturn in Taurus, Lord of Failure. Netzach of Assiah.
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Wednesday, 2-7-2024. Day of Mercury. Elohim Tzabaoth, Raphael, Beni Elohim. Orange candles, Lavender incense.

No significant Dream details recalled.

Went to Lavender Dentistry today to have root canal and crown put in, return on two weeks for checkup. Sutures were removed as well. Seen to be healing well.

Will be doing Zelator Formula shortly, with the exceptions of Invoking Field (Mercury, Air). Will then do Banishing field in evening Zelator Formula as normal.

Have not drawn cards yet for today.
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Card draws for today...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual
Drawn under YHVH.
XVII The Tower. Mars. 27th Path. The Lord of the Hosts of the Mighty. The Exciting Intelligence. Peh, mouth, 80.

Tarot Card of the Day
Drawn under Adonai.
Seven of Disks, Saturn in Taurus, Lord of Failure. Netzach of Assiah.

Had Thai Chicken Coconut Curry soup mixed with Tomato Bisque soup and a King Hawaiian dinner roll, with Brown Sugar Crumble coffee. Took morning meds for teeth and gums.
Last edited:
Sep 9, 2021
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Wednesday, 2-7-2024. Day of Mercury. Elohim Tzabaoth, Raphael, Beni Elohim. Orange candles, Lavender incense.

No significant Dream details recalled.

Went to Lavender Dentistry today to have root canal and crown put in, return on two weeks for checkup. Sutures were removed as well. Seen to be healing well.

Will be doing Zelator Formula shortly, with the exceptions of Invoking Field (Mercury, Air). Will then do Banishing field in evening Zelator Formula as normal.

Have not drawn cards yet for today.
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Card draws for today...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual
Drawn under YHVH.
XVII The Tower. Mars. 27th Path. The Lord of the Hosts of the Mighty. The Exciting Intelligence. Peh, mouth, 80.

Tarot Card of the Day
Drawn under Adonai.
Seven of Disks, Saturn in Taurus, Lord of Failure. Netzach of Assiah.
Post automatically merged: 13 minutes ago
Wednesday, 2-7-2024. Day of Mercury. Elohim Tzabaoth, Raphael, Beni Elohim. Orange candles, Lavender incense.

No significant Dream details recalled.

Went to Lavender Dentistry today to have root canal and crown put in, return on two weeks for checkup. Sutures were removed as well. Seen to be healing well.

Will be doing Zelator Formula shortly, with the exceptions of Invoking Field (Mercury, Air). Will then do Banishing field in evening Zelator Formula as normal.

Have not drawn cards yet for today.
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Card draws for today...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual
Drawn under YHVH.
XVII The Tower. Mars. 27th Path. The Lord of the Hosts of the Mighty. The Exciting Intelligence. Peh, mouth, 80.

Tarot Card of the Day
Drawn under Adonai.
Seven of Disks, Saturn in Taurus, Lord of Failure. Netzach of Assiah.

Had Thai Chicken Coconut Curry soup mixed with Tomato Bisque soup and a King Hawaiian dinner roll, with Brown Sugar Crumble coffee. Took morning meds for teeth and gums.
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Duly invoked.

Wednesday- Day of Mercury

+ In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of ELOHIM TZAVAOTH, who governeth the sphere of Hod and Mercury, I call upon RAPHAEL, Healing of God, and Divine Messenger. Form us unto completion through the learning and disbursement of Truth as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Raphael, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Mercury. Rid me of confusion, anxiety, distraction, indecisiveness, and overanalysis. Inspire me with reason, coordination, clear understanding, versatility, and concise communication.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.
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Half hour before workmen come to build on the house. Speaking of houses, amidst all the appointments, I need to continue to look into housing and jobs should I be declined for SSDI.
But where to live...Michigan is tempting but no longer a fan of my home state. Wisconsin is likewise tempting but have never lived there. Illinois is tempting, but live and work there where in an atrocious cost of living?
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Revised tasks today:
1. All side reading (40 pp)
2. Writing projects
3. Text Reading (Zelator)
4. Meditation (one hour)
5. Qi Gong (Heart smile)
6. Alexander Technique s/m
7. Zelator Formula (Saturn/Earth)
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Due to exhaustion, none of the tasks were completed. On the upside, it's off the Dental burner, and back to Psychiatry, Neurology and Therapy burners for the next month. Tomorrow is Neurology and an EEG.
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Thursday 2-8-2024. Day of Jupiter. El, Tzadkiel, Chasmalim. Royal Blue candles, cedar incense.

Slept well I guess, woke at 02:30, 05:30 and 06:30. Had dreams but no detail recalled.

Have neurology appointment and EEG test today, this afternoon. Will shower and dress shortly.

Duly invoked:

Thursday- Day of Jupiter

+ In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of EL, who governeth the sphere of Chesed and Jupiter, I call upon TZADKIEL, Justice of God, Archangel of Divine Clemency. Form us unto completion through wisdom and humility as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Tzadkiel, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Jupiter. Rid me of haughtiness, arrogance, and greed. Inspire me with productive ambition, optimism, generosity, tolerance, health, wealth, and the ability to accurately rule and govern my own faculties towards prosperity and beneficial attitudes.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.
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Been thinking about why I don't follow through - with directions, with tasks I set for myself, and red flags that prevent me from doing my work.
My three common complaints, excuses or red flags are:
1 Someone will overhear me and therefore obstruct me and or my will.
2 I'm too tired, fatigued or exhausted.
3 I don't have the time to do it.
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Tarot draws for the day...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
XIX The Sun. Sol. The Lord of the Fire of the World. 30th Path, The Collecting Intelligence. Yesod to Hod. Resh, a head reversed, 200.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
X Fortune. Jupiter. The Lord of the Forces of Life. 21st Path, The Intelligence of Conciliation. Chesed to Netzach. Kaph, Palm of the Hand, 20.
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Gematria results of 220 (200+20):
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Thursday 2-8-2024. Day of Jupiter. El, Tzadkiel, Chasmalim. Royal Blue candles, cedar incense.

Slept well I guess, woke at 02:30, 05:30 and 06:30. Had dreams but no detail recalled.

Have neurology appointment and EEG test today, this afternoon. Will shower and dress shortly.

Duly invoked:

Thursday- Day of Jupiter

+ In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of EL, who governeth the sphere of Chesed and Jupiter, I call upon TZADKIEL, Justice of God, Archangel of Divine Clemency. Form us unto completion through wisdom and humility as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Tzadkiel, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Jupiter. Rid me of haughtiness, arrogance, and greed. Inspire me with productive ambition, optimism, generosity, tolerance, health, wealth, and the ability to accurately rule and govern my own faculties towards prosperity and beneficial attitudes.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.

Been thinking about why I don't follow through - with directions, with tasks I set for myself, and red flags that prevent me from doing my work.
My three common complaints, excuses or red flags are:
1 Someone will overhear me and therefore obstruct me and or my will.
2 I'm too tired, fatigued or exhausted.
3 I don't have the time to do it.

Tarot draws for the day...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
XIX The Sun. Sol. The Lord of the Fire of the World. 30th Path, The Collecting Intelligence. Yesod to Hod. Resh, a head reversed, 200.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
X Fortune. Jupiter. The Lord of the Forces of Life. 21st Path, The Intelligence of Conciliation. Chesed to Netzach. Kaph, Palm of the Hand, 20.

Gematria results of 220 (200+20):
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Last edited:
Sep 9, 2021
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Thursday 2-8-2024. Day of Jupiter. El, Tzadkiel, Chasmalim. Royal Blue candles, cedar incense.

Slept well I guess, woke at 02:30, 05:30 and 06:30. Had dreams but no detail recalled.

Have neurology appointment and EEG test today, this afternoon. Will shower and dress shortly.

Duly invoked:

Thursday- Day of Jupiter

+ In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of EL, who governeth the sphere of Chesed and Jupiter, I call upon TZADKIEL, Justice of God, Archangel of Divine Clemency. Form us unto completion through wisdom and humility as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Tzadkiel, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Jupiter. Rid me of haughtiness, arrogance, and greed. Inspire me with productive ambition, optimism, generosity, tolerance, health, wealth, and the ability to accurately rule and govern my own faculties towards prosperity and beneficial attitudes.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.

Been thinking about why I don't follow through - with directions, with tasks I set for myself, and red flags that prevent me from doing my work.
My three common complaints, excuses or red flags are:
1 Someone will overhear me and therefore obstruct me and or my will.
2 I'm too tired, fatigued or exhausted.
3 I don't have the time to do it.

Tarot draws for the day...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
XIX The Sun. Sol. The Lord of the Fire of the World. 30th Path, The Collecting Intelligence. Yesod to Hod. Resh, a head reversed, 200.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
X Fortune. Jupiter. The Lord of the Forces of Life. 21st Path, The Intelligence of Conciliation. Chesed to Netzach. Kaph, Palm of the Hand, 20.

Gematria results of 220 (200+20):
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Sorry for the duplicate entries ... First was to do early morning recording of thoughts and invocation to Tzadkiel, then later entries(s) were attempts to get it on thf list asap, misjudged by seconds or a minute.

Cooking brunch at the moment, will turn shower or at least wash my hair. Gotta be clean and dry for afternoon EEG.
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Showered and dressed and groomed, for brunch had a Lean Cuisine meal and an everything bagel with cream cheese.
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The books arent going to read themselves.
Scaling back to fifteen pages per day from where Im at in a given book, which is more achievable than 40pp per day.
So, have roughly an hour or two before the Neurology appointment.
Books to read: Techniques of High Magic, Geomancy, Only Way to Learn Astrology, Voice and the Alexander Technique, Nothing Special, Eight Meridians Qi Gong, Alchemists Handbook, The Golden Dawn, Modern Magick, Christophers book (primary text).
Fifteen pages in one then switch to the next. Take notes if necessary.
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That is 15 pages per book, 10 books, 150pp per day to read.
On average the books are between 150-300pp, so 20 days in which to complete most of them.
Since I am involved in a few Book Club and am behind in Astrology, The Only Way to Learn Astrology comes first.
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Read through chapter one and started (through Libra) of chapter two of The Only Way to Learn Astrology. Finished 1:26pm. Started around 1pm.
Next as related is The Art and Practice of Geomancy by Greer. Will try to finish by 2pm or when I leave for my appointment.
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Read most of chapter one from Greers book before I had to leave for the appointment. The EEG results have yet to be released, but looked fairly good.
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Got home shortly before 5pm. 5:35pm just completed Zelator Formula.
W: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Lesser Banishing (Saturn) Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
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Back to my reading...Geomancy, then Alchemy.
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Have read nearly all of the fifteen pages (chapter one) of The Art and Practice of Geomancy.
Will then go back to Chapter two of The Alchemists Handbook, plus fifteen pages.
After that will move on to chapter three (four?) of Nothing Special and read fifteen pages.
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Had a bowl of Tomato Bisque and a Lean Cuisine Chicken Parmesan with spaghetti and shredded parmesan cheese for dinner.
Reading The Alchemists Handbook, chapters two and three.
Last edited:
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Friday 2-9-2024. Day of Venus. YHVH Tzabaoth, Haniel, Elohim. Green candles, Rose incense.

Slept okay, had multiple dreams but could not recall details.

Watching a hilarious film called Heartbreakers, that nobody else seems to find funny.
Their loss, its been a long while since Ive had an authentic, deep laugh.

Had cereal, a bagel, and pudding for breakfast with coffee (moving from soft foods only to chewable foods and soft foods as dental health stages.

Will be invoking shortly.
Friday- Day of Venus

+ In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of YHVH TZAVAOTH, who governeth the sphere of Netzach and Venus, I call upon HANIEL, Grace of God, bringer of joy and warmth of the heart. Form us unto completion through integrity and responsibility and unselfishness as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Haniel, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Venus. Rid me of vanity, overindulgence, and superficiality. Inspire me with love, compassion, sympathy, artistic expression, and provide me with healthy relationships; the means to maintain them, and the influence to facilitate them in others.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.
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It seems Alchemy loves the number three for some odd reason.
Solid, Liquid, Gas. Salt, Mercury, Sulphur. Maceration, Extraction, Circulation. Blackening, (Yellowing) Whitening, Reddening. Vegetable Kingdom, Animal Kingdom, Mineral Kingdom. Vegetable Mercury, Animal Mercury, Mineral Mercury.
I wonder how many more examples exist.
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Tarot draws for today...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
XIX The Sun. Sol. The 30th Path, The Collecting Intelligence. Yesod to Hod. Resh, a head reversed, 200.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
III The Empress. Venus. The 14th Path. The Illuminating Intelligence. Binah to Chokmah. Daleth. Door. 4.
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For lunch had chicken coconut curry soup and two bowls of Frosted Flakes cereal.

Had coffee and did some meditating.
Silent mind was not achieved. 60 min.
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Has chicken curry soup and Asian sesame beef for dinner.
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Did Zelator Formula:
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Lesser (Earth Banishing) Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Lesser Banishing (Saturn) Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N; Solar Adoration. (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Saturday, 2-10-2024. Day of Saturn. YHVH Elohim, Tzaphquiel/Cassiel, Aralim. Black candles, Sandalwood incense.

Slept okay. Got up a few times in the night for bathroom breaks or whatever. No dreams recalled.

Got up early, had cereal. Lunch will be butternut squash soup. Will have coffee.

No Zelator Formula done yet.

No Reading done yet.

Will be invoking shortly

Saturday- Day of Saturn


In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of YHVH ELOHIM, who governeth the sphere of Binah and Saturn, I call upon TZAPHKIEL, Contemplation of God, Archangel of spiritual strife against evil, and keeper of the Akashic records. Form us unto completion through silence, steadiness, and perseverance as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Tzaphkiel, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Saturn. Rid me of inertia and self-destruction. Inspire me with patience, discipline, responsibility, wisdom of experience, meditation, and the proper management of all structure, limitations, and boundaries.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.
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Had conflict with family, and did not help myself by doing so. Need to learn patience and communication skills.

Family will be away at a social function that I bowed out of going to, will do Invoking Field Zelator Formula when alone.

Will work on visualization and will to action on behalf of the powers that be that hold my life in their hands.
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Have not yet had lunch, dinner it is after the Zelator Formula has been done. Will also work on Alexander Technique, meditation, and fitness.
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Had dinner, soup with Diet Pespsi and two pieces of bread.

Did Zelator Formula:
W: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
N: Neophyte Signs
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
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Had coffee and a protein bar.
Doing laundry later, will be a time for meditation once clothes are in the dryer.
Before bed will do some AT exercises.
A thought on magic, magic should not be for the well-to-do, the well to do have abundant opportunity for anything, good or bad.
Therefore, whatever works, by any means necessary is my new view. Preferably the RHP is what I choose to follow.
Yet...it is the fault of the RHP otherwise.
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Been combing "another forum" for tutorials.

One on Angelic Words of Power and Mantras by DarkestKnight:

One by Kindrathe on Prepatory immersion:
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Card draws for the day...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
IX The Hermit. Virgo. 20th Path, The Intelligence of Will. The Magus of the Voice of Power. Yod, hand, 10.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
III The Empress. Venus. 14th Path, The Illuminating Intelligence. The Daughter of the Mighty Ones. Dalty, door, 4.
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Sunday, 2-11-2024. Day of Sol. YHVH Eloah ve Daath, Michael, Malachim. Gold, yellow, or white candles. Frankincense incense.

Slept not so good. Told myself I would remember my dreams yet recalled nada.

Woke up early and had two bowls of cereal and two protein bars.

Tarot draws for the day ..
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
XIV Temperance. Sagittarius. The 25th Path, the Probationary or Tentative Intelligence. Yesod to Tiphareth. To combine or unite seemingly unlike things, moderation.

Tarot Card of the Day:
XVII The Star. Aquarius. The 28th Path, The Natural Intelligence. Yesod to Netzach. Hope and a bright future, meditation.

To be invoked shortly ..

Sunday- Day of the Sun

+ In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of YHVH ELOAH VE-DA’ATH, who governeth the sphere of Tiphareth and Sol, I call upon MICHAEL, Who is Like God?, leader of the host of the celestial armies, prince of the first rank, protector of God’s children. Form us unto completion through integrity and devotion as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Michael, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Sol. Rid me of pride and arrogance. Inspire me with harmony, balance, peace, and strength of equilibrium in all my aspirations to succeed in discovering my true identity and purpose.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.

Weight is needing scaling back. Going to get on and stick to doing five situps and five crunches, and five chest tucks today.
Tomorrow I add five, and five each day after. By a months time should be doing 150-155 situps, crunches and chest tucks.

Meditation needs to be done daily. 30 minutes minimum, 90 minutes daily preferred.

Alexander Technique and the Five Tibetan Rotes of Rejuvenation yoga need to be done daily as well.

Zelator Formula needs to be done every day, no red flags allowed. if someone overheard they overheard. Will might be compromised, but the will to do my will through the daily done Zelator Formula shall stand.
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Split Hexagram Spread
"How will it go at the party tonight?"
Greater Spiritual Influence - I Magician.
Lesser Spiritual Influence - XI Justice.
Spiritual Advice - V The Hierophant.
Unconscious Desires - IV The Emperor.
Conscious Desires - X Wheel of Fortune.
Practical Advice - XIX The Sun.
Final Outcome - III The Empress.
Top of Deck: XVII The Star.
Bottom of Deck: XV The Devil.
The GSI has the meanings of (Occult) Skills, will power, self-confidence. The LSI has the meanings of Balance, justice, equilibrium. The SA has the meanings of exhibiting and having the qualities of Mercy and goodness.
Here in the water triangle we have Mercury, Libra and Taurus, water, air and earth. While there may be the occult or magic temptation, in balance and action to exhibit and be merciful and good. That religion must reign and be over justice and the occult.
The fire triangle UCF has the meanings as power, effectiveness and reason, while CD ha the meanings as good fortune, success and luck; the PA has the meanings of happiness and contentment.
Aries, Jupiter and Sol, a very fiery combination.
Finally the final outcome, Venus, has the meanings as fruitfulness, action and creativity.
The star points to overseeing hope and a bright future.
I predict a win and or a good time by the Kansas City Chiefs.
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Had a Potato and bacon Butternut squash soup for lunch with Diet Pepsi. Two pieces of Mill house bread to soak up the soup with.
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Going to a Superbowl party today, so likely won't be updating my journal tonight. Need to shower and dress for the party soon.
Will do exercise, Alexander Technique, Meditation and evening Zelator Formula tonight before bed.
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Tomorrow morning I will update the journal after morning Zelator Formula and card draws have been done.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Sunday, 2-11-2024. Day of Sol. YHVH Eloah ve Daath, Michael, Malachim. Gold, yellow, or white candles. Frankincense incense.

Slept not so good. Told myself I would remember my dreams yet recalled nada.

Woke up early and had two bowls of cereal and two protein bars.

Tarot draws for the day ..
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
XIV Temperance. Sagittarius. The 25th Path, the Probationary or Tentative Intelligence. Yesod to Tiphareth. To combine or unite seemingly unlike things, moderation.

Tarot Card of the Day:
XVII The Star. Aquarius. The 28th Path, The Natural Intelligence. Yesod to Netzach. Hope and a bright future, meditation.

To be invoked shortly ..

Sunday- Day of the Sun

+ In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of YHVH ELOAH VE-DA’ATH, who governeth the sphere of Tiphareth and Sol, I call upon MICHAEL, Who is Like God?, leader of the host of the celestial armies, prince of the first rank, protector of God’s children. Form us unto completion through integrity and devotion as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Michael, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Sol. Rid me of pride and arrogance. Inspire me with harmony, balance, peace, and strength of equilibrium in all my aspirations to succeed in discovering my true identity and purpose.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.

Weight is needing scaling back. Going to get on and stick to doing five situps and five crunches, and five chest tucks today.
Tomorrow I add five, and five each day after. By a months time should be doing 150-155 situps, crunches and chest tucks.

Meditation needs to be done daily. 30 minutes minimum, 90 minutes daily preferred.

Alexander Technique and the Five Tibetan Rotes of Rejuvenation yoga need to be done daily as well.

Zelator Formula needs to be done every day, no red flags allowed. if someone overheard they overheard. Will might be compromised, but the will to do my will through the daily done Zelator Formula shall stand.

Split Hexagram Spread
"How will it go at the party tonight?"
Greater Spiritual Influence - I Magician.
Lesser Spiritual Influence - XI Justice.
Spiritual Advice - V The Hierophant.
Unconscious Desires - IV The Emperor.
Conscious Desires - X Wheel of Fortune.
Practical Advice - XIX The Sun.
Final Outcome - III The Empress.
Top of Deck: XVII The Star.
Bottom of Deck: XV The Devil.
The GSI has the meanings of (Occult) Skills, will power, self-confidence. The LSI has the meanings of Balance, justice, equilibrium. The SA has the meanings of exhibiting and having the qualities of Mercy and goodness.
Here in the water triangle we have Mercury, Libra and Taurus, water, air and earth. While there may be the occult or magic temptation, in balance and action to exhibit and be merciful and good. That religion must reign and be over justice and the occult.
The fire triangle UCF has the meanings as power, effectiveness and reason, while CD ha the meanings as good fortune, success and luck; the PA has the meanings of happiness and contentment.
Aries, Jupiter and Sol, a very fiery combination.
Finally the final outcome, Venus, has the meanings as fruitfulness, action and creativity.
The star points to overseeing hope and a bright future.
I predict a win and or a good time by the Kansas City Chiefs.

Had a Potato and bacon Butternut squash soup for lunch with Diet Pepsi. Two pieces of Mill house bread to soak up the soup with.

Going to a Superbowl party today, so likely won't be updating my journal tonight. Need to shower and dress for the party soon.
Will do exercise, Alexander Technique, Meditation and evening Zelator Formula tonight before bed.

Got back home and did the evening Zelator Formula using will, concentration, and The Great Voice:
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser (Earth Banishing) Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser (Saturn Banishing) Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
W: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Obstruction that tested my concentration: a too loud TV
Also did fifteen crunches, and attempted a sixty minute silent mind meditation, which failed.

Monday, 2-12-2024. Day of Luna. Shaddai El Chai, Gabriel, Kerubim. Silver, or white candles. Jasmine incense.

To be invoked shortly:
Monday- Day of the Moon

+ In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of SHADDAI EL CHAI, who governeth the sphere of Yesod and Luna, I call upon GABRIEL, Strength of God, trumpeter of Judgement, and Angel of the Annunciation. Form us unto completion through trust and independence as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Gabriel, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Luna. Rid me of idleness, fickleness, and delusion. Inspire me with true initiation through the discovery of personal strengths and weaknesses through introspection and reflection upon inner truths revealed from within.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.

Awoke at 3:45 a.m.
Had a dream where I did everything in my day, including cooking and recruiting fifteen strangers to be roommates in a city suburb, in an Earl Nightingale voice.

In four or five hours will do morning Zelator Formula. Until then reading I suppose.
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Tarot draws for the day...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
XXI The World, The Great One of the Night of Time. Saturn/Elemental Earth. 32nd Path, The Administrative Intelligence. Malkuth to Yesod.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
Ten of Disks, Lord of Wealth. Mercury in Virgo. Malkuth of Assiah.
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Recalled the dream from yesterday. I was naked, running around the streets of Ann Arbor, trying to dodge the cops and other disapproving people.
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Listened to ganster rap for an hour, and replayed certain events in my head, and how I wished, for better worse, how they couldve played out in very bad ways. Cut to the chase, Im listening to Lyam Christophers new video on The Magical Diary. Even though someone might be butthurt how Im not an eternal Neophyte and the system assigned title based on my volume of posts made for over a year, so be it.
So, objectifying habits. A bad habit named Skipper and a good habit called Diligenter. Two images I need to objectify, like the stereotypical shoulder demon and angel.
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Tried a combo of constructing a psi ball, feeling the energy of the created and imagined ball of earth energy, like a bowling ball, and dropping it as it picked up speed and became a strike, disappearing into the Earth.
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Went back to sleep as Id only had three or four hours of sleep. Had a dream that I became acting manager of a nonfunctional Jimmy Johns shop, and there was a hiring rush, and was taking a young lady through a tour of the shop and she started acting sexually with me to a comfortable degree. A real manager came onsite wearing a plastic darth Vader mask.
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Incurred the wrath of moderators. Oh my.
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Got up, had a bowl of cereal with coffee. Lean cuisine for lunch and soup with bread for dinner.
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Last nights silent mind meditation failed due to invasive noise.
On the upside, the invasive noise may be good cover for use of voice of Zelator Formula.
It's the sound drops and awareness of being overheard that is the distraction.

Will integrate ten knee-chest tucks, and another AT exercise.
Did fifteen crunches last night, tonight will do twenty.
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Yesterdays dream was that I was running naked in Ann Arbor around the UM campus, trying to dodge the cops and other disapproving folks. This recollection came to me last night during attempt to meditate.
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Researching neurobiology effects on the brain from Abilify:
"Aripiprazole activates somatodendritic 5-HT1A receptors, reducing serotonin release and subsequently increasing dopamine release in the cortex, which may translate to treat negative and cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia."

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Found some interesting detail on neurobiology/neuropharmacology of the brain and abilify, as well as any anti-psychotic medication effects on visualization and hallucinations:
Post created.

Received a good news phone call and made a post:
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New side project:
Try them out regularly and listen to binaural beats (theta and gamma in particular) and solfreggio (sp?) frequencies while doing mantras.
Practice various Words of Power and incantations from 72 Angels of Magick as mantras for angelic works. Even chanting the psalms.
Record results in journal.

New side project:
Start at five minutes of silent mind zen (mindfulness, in the now) meditation, even if it takes 125 minutes to achieve five solid minutes of silent mind meditation success.
Increase by five minutes ech day, goal, two hours solid meditation.

New side project:
Drawing. Preferably colored pencils/pens. Drawings of Neophyte, Zelator and Theoricus meditations. Do the work. Build the astral cube temple.
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Duly invoked.
Monday- Day of the Moon

+ In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of SHADDAI EL CHAI, who governeth the sphere of Yesod and Luna, I call upon GABRIEL, Strength of God, trumpeter of Judgement, and Angel of the Annunciation. Form us unto completion through trust and independence as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Gabriel, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Luna. Rid me of idleness, fickleness, and delusion. Inspire me with true initiation through the discovery of personal strengths and weaknesses through introspection and reflection upon inner truths revealed from within.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.
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Zelator Formula done:
W: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
N: Neophyte signs
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser (Earth Banishing) Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesse (Saturn Banishing) Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
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The planets placements today ...

23°40’ Aqu
5°20’ Ari
New Moon (41°39’)
12°12’ Aqu
Venus 25°21’ Cap
Mars 29°44’ Cap
Jupiter 8°41’ Tau
Saturn 7°50’ Pis
Uranus 19°12’ Tau
Neptune 26°08’ Pis
Pluto 0°43’ Aqu
Node (M) 18°36’ Ari R
Node (T) 16°54’ Ari R
Lilith (M) 14°44’ Vir
Chiron 16°27’ Ari
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Lunch time .. butternut squash ravioli and butternut squash soup with white bread and coffee.
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Created post:
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Was delighted yesterday for two things, one was I was able to button my jeans without a huge fight, which indicates to me that Im losing weight slowly; two at the end of the Superbowl Party, I visualized a parting of the sea of 49ers defense, allowing for a straight run into the goal for a KC touchdown, which occurred.
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Took trash out, took care of dishes. Took care of cat box.
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Psychiatry appointment tomorrow.
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Could it be possible? Perhaops I should tkae care with Earth psi balls for Kraigs element mastery exercise.
Perhaps thats what the anthropologist and earth spiral hole dream series was all about.
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Meditation time.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Tuesday 2-13-2024. Day of Mars. Elohim Gibor, Khamael, Seraphim. Scarlet Red candles, Dragons Blood incense.

Slept poorly. Awoke at 3:45, used bathroom and went back to sleep. No dreams recalled.

Will do routine and reading shortly.
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Reading not done but because it's a complicated day, bringing Kraig and Christopher with me for reading if I need to kill time.
Doing routine in a few minutes.
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E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
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Just got back from psychiatrist. We have a plan to wrangle me off or significantly reduce the dosage of the anti psychotics.
I feel much better in the medication to reduce or treat the tremors. Significant reduction.
Now to make a few calls and emails, do some journal (offline) work, and then reading and writing work.
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I was going to read but sat withy sister for a bit until she stopped coughing after a large cup of tea, and we went grocery shopping. We arrived back home after that, about ten minutes ago. She is making gumbo, chicken gumbo for dinner. I picked up groceries for myself as well.
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Today I had reflection on my violent past and discussed dreams and anger management issues with my psychiatrist.
Avoided painful confrontations today.

From my journal
Duly invoked.

Tuesday- Day of Mars

+ In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of ELOHIM GIBOR, who governeth the sphere of Geburah and Mars, I call upon KHAMAEL, Warmer of God, the Archangel of Geburah. Form us unto completion through energy, courage, and loyalty as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Khamael, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Mars. Rid me of impulsivity, cruelty, anger, and hate. Inspire me with proper motivation, assertiveness, vitality, the ability to calm my inner conflicts, and the endurance to overcome enemies both within and without.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.
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For brunch had pasta with shrimp, and for dinner had gumbo and cornbread.
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Wednesday, 2-14-2024. Day of Mercury AND Valentine's Day. Elohim Tzabaoth, Raphael, Beni Elohim. Orange candles, Lavender incense.

Slept well. Had a dream that the Mormon church actually contained child abduction, sex magic via LaVeyan sex magick, acts of perversion and Baal worship.
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