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Journal Journal of Night and Day, Son and Moon

A record of a users' progress or achievements in their particular practice.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

Friday, 1-12-2024. Day of Venus. Love and War. YHVH Tzabaoth, Haniel, Elohim, Nogah. Green candles, Rose incense.

No dreams recalled, faint short dreams though including one falling. There was an evening Zelator Formula and Novem done yesterday.

Blood work went well. Full panel including STDs ordered.

Got Zyn and a Sausage egg McMuffin meal with Diet Coke.

Back to studies and Compendium writing/Book of trees work.

Zelator Formula Started 09:30:
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual 1=10
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space 1=10
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual 0=0
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram 0=0
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual 0=0
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram 1=10
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth 1=10
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual 0=0
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Zelator Meditation 1=10
N: Body in Assiah 1=10
N: Zelator Meditation 1=10
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Completed 1-12-2024 09:45

Cards in the planets....
Sun 22°00’ Cap - Four of Disks, Lord of (Earthly) Power, Chesed in Atziluth
Moon 9°05’ Aqu - Seven of Swords, Lord of Futility, Yesod in Yetzirah
New Moon (17°05’)
Mercury 28°33’ Sag - Eight of Wands, Lord of Swiftness, Hod in Atziluth
Venus 16°56’ Sag - Seven of Wands, Lord of Valour, Netzach in Atziluth
Mars 6°03’ Cap - Three of Disks, Lord of (Material) Works, Binah in Assiah
Jupiter 5°51’ Tau - N/A
Saturn 4°21’ Pis - Eight of Cups, Lord of Indolence, Hod in Briah
Uranus 19°10’ Tau R
Neptune 25°17’ Pis - Natural Ruler
Pluto 29°43’ Cap
Node (M) 20°15’ Ari R
True Node (T) 19°58’ Ari R
Lilith (M) 11°16’ Vir
Chiron 15°34’ Ari

Tarot Draws for the Day:
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Shaddai El Chai.
XIV Temperance. Sagittarius. Tentative or Probationary Intelligence, 25th Path of Sepher Yetzirah. Moderation. Samekh, prop, 60.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
Two of Wands, Lord of Dominion, Sol in Aries, Chokmah in Atziluth.

Beginning Field:
Operant Field (LBRP/LIRH): This is the one that I use the most. The field clears the interior world and then merges it the with the exterior world, setting up a space in which thought can more easily become material reality. All of the energy of a spell cast within this field is targeted on the macrocosm and the resulting probability shifts show that magick done this way just influences the outside world better - significantly better.

Ending Field:
Centering Field (LIRP/LBRH): This combination sets up a field in which the interior world is engaged while influences from the exterior world are neutralized. This field is ideal for exclusively psychological magical work of all sorts.

Working on my writing projects.
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One mystery of the compendium solved with the Egyptians.
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Lunch. Leftover meat pastie and Michigan slad with basalmic dressing. Very tasty and filling.

Back to reading and research for writing project.
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A well needed nap took place.
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Pizza for dinner ... Followed by watching Echo.
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Novem day five complete.
Feel warm, energized and at peace.
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64/44 partly cloudy tomorrow.
Tried doing Middle Pillar Ritual and Relaxation Ritual simultaneously, to no avail..visualization just did not occur.
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The feeling of walking on green grass.
The sound of fluttering butterflies.
The smell of young fresh roses.
The taste of a blade of grass.
The sight of a field of wheat.
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I ask, how did I come to be here?
I ask, how did I come to be at peace?
I ask, who am I, and who are you?
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Saturday, 1-13-2024. Day of Saturn. YHVH (Elohim), Tzaphqiel (or Cassiel), Aralim. Black or Indigo candl;es, Sandalwood incense.

A dream of a lion and a tiger in a standoff, around my family and I. Then another dream of my family again, in danger regarding drugs, but forget what exactly.

04:50 The cards in the planets...
Sun Cap - Four of Disks, Lord of (Earthly) Power, Chesed in Atziluth
Moon Aqu - Seven of Swords, Lord of Futility, Yesod in Yetzirah
New Moon
Mercury Sag - Eight of Wands, Lord of Swiftness, Hod in Atziluth
Venus Sag - Seven of Wands, Lord of Valour, Netzach in Atziluth
Mars Cap - Three of Disks, Lord of (Material) Works, Binah in Assiah
Jupiter Tau - N/A
Saturn Pis - Eight of Cups, Lord of Indolence, Hod in Briah
Uranus 19°10’ Tau R
Neptune Pis - Natural R
Pluto Cap

The planets in position...
Sun 22°48’ Cap
Moon 20°55’ Aqu
New Moon (28°06’)
Mercury 29°22’ Sag
Venus 17°55’ Sag
Mars 6°39’ Cap
Jupiter 5°53’ Tau
Saturn 4°26’ Pis
Uranus 19°10’ Tau R
Neptune 25°18’ Pis
Pluto 29°45’ Cap
Node (M) 20°12’ Ari R
Node (T) 19°49’ Ari R
Lilith Vir 11°22’
Chiron 15°35’ Ari
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Awoke for third time or fourth time,
Enjoying my cafe americano.
Near East studies per Neophyte writing project continues.
I view all the work as cumulative, not as five seperate classes, but classes with summer school, to make up for what was missed.
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Tarot Draws for the day....double Major day.
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
II The High Priestess. Luna. The 13th Path of the Sepher Yetzirah, The Priestess of the Silver Star, The Uniting Intelligence. Gimel, camel, 3.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
V The Hierophant. The 16th Path of the Sepher Yetzirah, The Magus of the Eternal, The Triumphant or Eternal Intelligence. Vav, nail, 6.
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House to myself, think I will do my Zelator Formula, invoking field method.
Zelator Formula Started 10:15
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual 1=10
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space 1=10
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual 0=0
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram 0=0
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual 0=0
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram 1=10
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth 1=10
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual 0=0
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Zelator Meditation 1=10
N: Body in Assiah 1=10
N: Zelator Meditation 1=10
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Completed 1-12-2024 10:30
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Hand shaky from start, thumbs interlocked anf fingers straight during opening and closing adorations to the Lord of the Universe.
Legs shaky, body warm during Middle Pillar Ritual.
Fair visualization, eyes open or closed.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

Saturday, 1-13-2024. Day of Saturn. YHVH (Elohim), Tzaphqiel (or Cassiel), Aralim. Black or Indigo candl;es, Sandalwood incense.

A dream of a lion and a tiger in a standoff, around my family and I. Then another dream of my family again, in danger regarding drugs, but forget what exactly.

04:50 The cards in the planets...
Sun Cap - Four of Disks, Lord of (Earthly) Power, Chesed in Atziluth
Moon Aqu - Seven of Swords, Lord of Futility, Yesod in Yetzirah
New Moon
Mercury Sag - Eight of Wands, Lord of Swiftness, Hod in Atziluth
Venus Sag - Seven of Wands, Lord of Valour, Netzach in Atziluth
Mars Cap - Three of Disks, Lord of (Material) Works, Binah in Assiah
Jupiter Tau - N/A
Saturn Pis - Eight of Cups, Lord of Indolence, Hod in Briah
Uranus 19°10’ Tau R
Neptune Pis - Natural R
Pluto Cap

The planets in position...
Sun 22°48’ Cap
Moon 20°55’ Aqu


New Moon (28°06’)
Mercury 29°22’ Sag
Venus 17°55’ Sag
Mars 6°39’ Cap
Jupiter 5°53’ Tau
Saturn 4°26’ Pis
Uranus 19°10’ Tau R
Neptune 25°18’ Pis
Pluto 29°45’ Cap
Node (M) 20°12’ Ari R
Node (T) 19°49’ Ari R
Lilith Vir 11°22’
Chiron 15°35’ Ari

Awoke for third time or fourth time,
Enjoying my cafe americano.
Near East studies per Neophyte writing project continues.
I view all the work as cumulative, not as five seperate classes, but classes with summer school, to make up for what was missed.

Tarot Draws for the day....double Major day.
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
II The High Priestess. Luna. The 13th Path of the Sepher Yetzirah, The Priestess of the Silver Star, The Uniting Intelligence. Gimel, camel, 3.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
V The Hierophant. The 16th Path of the Sepher Yetzirah, The Magus of the Eternal, The Triumphant or Eternal Intelligence. Vav, nail, 6.

House to myself, think I will do my Zelator Formula, invoking field method.
Zelator Formula Started 10:15
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual 1=10
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space 1=10
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual 0=0
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram 0=0
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual 0=0
E: Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram 1=10
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth 1=10
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual 0=0
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Zelator Meditation 1=10
N: Body in Assiah 1=10
N: Zelator Meditation 1=10
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Completed 1-12-2024 10:30
* Had copied and pasted from yesterday, so changed times and LBRH to LIRH.*
Hand shaky from start, thumbs interlocked anf fingers straight during opening and closing adorations to the Lord of the Universe.
Legs shaky, body warm during Middle Pillar Ritual.
Fair visualization, eyes open or shut.

Research/reading and writing continues.
Near East research today, Greco Roman tomorrow.
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So ... all rituals to be enveloped by Opening by Watchtower then, enochian tools or no enochian tools.
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Ritual diary work today as well. Read Rosemary Clarks Egypt books today as well as Tree of Life in critical thinking mode.
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To break my morning diet of Cafe Americano and Zyn, had Chicken Fried Rice and Sunny Delight for brunch.
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The reading did not take place as I napped for a bit and need to do some shopping tonight as well.
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The daily Novem will take 0lace.hetween a shower and bedtime after dinner and shopping.
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will take 0lace between
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Another thing to add to the list of things earthy ... Instant coffee/espresso.
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Finishing up birthday shopping.
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Shopping and dinner were completed.
Sausage pizza, chicken fried rice, and diet coke.
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Novem day six complete.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

Sunday 1-14-2024. Day of Sol. YHVH Eloah ve Daath, Michael, Melachim. Gold or yellow candles, Frankincense or Cinnamon incense.

Slept fairly well, awaking from a series of dreams. The last dream was at a convenience store that sometimes sold black market items, and only had a few dollars on me but wanted cigars or cigarettes. All they sold were bulk boxes of cigars for around twenty dollars, until I persuaded them to open a box. Awoke after purchasing it.

Had an English muffin and espresso cafe Americano for breakfast.

About to fill in ritual diary with rituals Yazata and others have posted. Tutorials, meditations, rituals etc.

24°05’ Cap
Moon 9°34’ Pis
Crescent Moon (45°28’)
Mercury 0°44’ Cap
Venus 19°28’ Sag
Mars 7°36’ Cap
Jupiter 5°57’ Tau
Saturn 4°33’ Pis
Uranus 19°09’ Tau R
Neptune 25°19’ Pis
Pluto 29°47’ Cap
Node (M) 20°08’ Ari R
True Node (T) 19°40’ Ari R
Lilith (M) 11°30' Vir
Chiron 15°36’ Ari
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Just about done transcribing The Adjuration of Metatron in my Ritual Diary.
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Done transcribing The Adjuration of Metatron in my Ritual Diary.
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Choices, choices ... Which are worthy to be in my Ritual Diary...
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Sol in Capricorn - Four of Disks, Lord or (Earthly) Power, Chesed in Assiah.
Luna in Pisces - N/A, Yesod in Briah
Mercury in Capricorn - N/A
Venus in Sagittarius - N/A
Mars in Capricorn - Three of Disks, Lord of Material Works, Binah in Assiah
Jupiter in Taurus - N/A
Saturn in Pisces - Eight of Cups, Lord of Indolence, Hod in Briah
Uranus in Taurus - N/A
Neptune in Pisces - Natural Ruler
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Pizza (two slices), coffee and water for lunch.

Back to reading. Greece and Rome, youre up this week.
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Slept a few hours. Got up, got Zyn, took shower and dressed for bed. Will do Novem day seven before bedtime.
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Currently 49 degrees here. Was cloudy today, high in low sixties.
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Novem day seven complete.
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Some light reading before bed, Routledge Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses. On the lookout for Greek and Roman deities.
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Tarot draws for the day....
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
XVIII The Star. Aquarius (Luna in Aquarius currently). Daughter of the Firmament, Dweller Between the Waters. 28th Path, The Natural Intelligence. Tzaddi, fishhook, 90.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
Queen of Disks. Rules whole of Capricorn (Sol currently in Capricorn). Water of Earth. N(f) of NANTA.
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The Routledge Dictionary of Gods and Goddesses, Devils and Demons. The light bedtime reading scouting for Greek (G) and Roman(R).
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Tried simultaneous Relaxation Ritual and Middle Pillar Ritual. That was not working, so I did the Body Awareness Ritual and then the toe to head Relaxation Ritual. That was successful.
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Monday 1-15-2024. Day of Luna. Shaddai El Chai, Gabriel, Kerubim. White or Silver candles, Jasmine incense.

Slept fairly well, awake. No dreams recalled.
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07:30 awoke.
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My sister unwrapped her gift gifts and was very pleased. Researching gods and goddesses of Greece.
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Monday 1-15-2024. Day of Luna. Shaddai El Chai, Gabriel, Kerubim. White or Silver candles, Jasmine incense.

Slept fairly well, awake. No dreams recalled.

07:30 awoke.

My sister unwrapped her gift gifts and was very pleased.

Researching gods and goddesses of Greece. Up to G.

25°07’ Cap
24°08’ Pis
Crescent Moon (59°01’)
Mercury 1°52’ Cap
Venus 20°41’ Sag
Mars 8°21’ Cap
Jupiter 6°00’ Tau
Saturn 4°40’ Pis
Uranus 19°08’ Tau R
Neptune 25°20’ Pis
Pluto 29°49’ Cap
Node (M) 20°05’ Ari R
True Node (T) 19°36’ Ari R
Lilith (M) 11°37’ Vir
Chiron 15°37’ Ari

Will do planets in the cards after card draws.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

Monday 1-15-2024. Day of Luna. Shaddai El Chai, Gabriel, Kerubim. White or Silver candles, Jasmine incense.

Slept fairly well, awake. No dreams recalled.

07:30 awoke.

My sister unwrapped her gift gifts and was very pleased.

Researching gods and goddesses of Greece. Up to G.

25°07’ Cap
24°08’ Pis
Crescent Moon (59°01’)
Mercury 1°52’ Cap
Venus 20°41’ Sag
Mars 8°21’ Cap
Jupiter 6°00’ Tau
Saturn 4°40’ Pis
Uranus 19°08’ Tau R
Neptune 25°20’ Pis
Pluto 29°49’ Cap
Node (M) 20°05’ Ari R
True Node (T) 19°36’ Ari R
Lilith (M) 11°37’ Vir
Chiron 15°37’ Ari

Will do planets in the cards after card draws.
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Tarot draws of the day...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
II The High Priestess. Luna. Princess/Daughter of the Silver Star. 13th Path of the Sepher Yetzirah. Gimel, camel, 3. Subconsciousness.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai ha Aretz.
Two of Disks, Jupiter in Capricorn. Lord of Change, Chokmah of Assiah.
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Sol in Capricorn - Four of Disks, Lord of Power.
Luna in Pisces - N/A
Mercury in Capricorn - N/A
Venus in Sagittarius - N/A
Mars in Capricorn - Three of Disks, Lord of Material Works, Binah in Assiah
Jupiter in Taurus - N/A
Saturn in Pisces - Eight of Cups, Lord of Indolence, Hod in Briah
Pluto in Capricorn - N/A
Uranus in Taurus - N/A
Neptune in Pises - Natural Ruler
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Thai noodles and or Wonton soup for Lunch me thinks.
The Greek gods can wait.
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Zelator Formula Started 11:25
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual 1=10
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space 1=10
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual 0=0
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram 0=0
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual 0=0
E: Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram 1=10
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth 1=10
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual 0=0
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Zelator Meditation 1=10
N: Body in Assiah 1=10
N: Zelator Meditation 1=10
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Completed 1-15-2024 11:45
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Lunch time.
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Lunch complete.
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Up to O in the Greek Gods and Goddesses.
Then to fit them into the assignment.
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Tomorrow I'm handling mundane affairs through the week, and keeping appointments made.
Tomorrow I'm meditating on a Shem angel to help me win victory with my case.
Tomorrow I'm doing Zelator Formula and Novem.
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Taking a break from compendium research until tomorrow.
Reading Christopher and Kraig and making sure all is in my Ritual Diary.
Zelator Formula was done earlier.
Doing Novem now.
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Week two Novem day one complete.
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Kraig up first, then Christopher.
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Was 64/41 and cloudy today.
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Tuesday 1-16-2024. Day of Mars. Elohim Gibor, Khamael, Seraphim, Red candles, Dragons Blood incense.

07:30 Awoke to a phone call from a friend. Chatted til 8:30.

Listening to a YouTube video of Christophers. Not terribly impressed.

Spoke with my sister about medical, psychiatric, neurology and gastroenterology appointments and got it ironed out for now.
So need to make calls and get dates ironed out.

Will do Zelator Formula and week two Novem day two shortly.

Cards drawn today....
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Ehiyeh.
XVII The Star. Aquarius. Daughter of the Firmament, Dweller Between the Waters. 28th Path of the Sepher Yetzirah. The Natural Intelligence. Hope, Meditation. Tzaddi, fishhook, 90.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
Six of Swords. Mercury in Aquarius. Lord of Science, Tiphareth of Yetzirah.

Zelator Formula started 09:00
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Last edited:
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

Tuesday 1-16-2024. Day of Mars. Elohim Gibor, Khamael, Seraphim, Red candles, Dragons Blood incense.

07:30 Awoke to a phone call from a friend. Chatted til 8:30.
Slept okay, no dreams recalled.

Listening to a YouTube video of Christophers. Not terribly impressed.

Spoke with my sister about medical, psychiatric, neurology and gastroenterology appointments and got it ironed out for now.
So need to make calls and get dates ironed out.

Will do Zelator Formula and week two Novem day two shortly.

Cards drawn today....
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Ehiyeh.
XVII The Star. Aquarius. Daughter of the Firmament, Dweller Between the Waters. 28th Path of the Sepher Yetzirah. The Natural Intelligence. Hope, Meditation. Tzaddi, fishhook, 90.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai.
Six of Swords. Mercury in Aquarius. Lord of Science, Tiphareth of Yetzirah.

Zelator Formula started 09:00
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe

Cards in the planets....
Sun 26°05’ Cap - Four of Disks, Lord of Earthly Power, Chesed of Assiah
Moon 7°56’ Ari
Crescent Moon (71°50’)
Mercury 2°59’ Cap
Venus 21°52’ Sag
Mars 9°04’ Cap - Three of Disks, Lord of Material Works, Binah of Assiah
Jupiter 6°03’ Tau
Saturn 4°46’ Pis - Eight of Cups, Lord of Indolence, Hod in Briah
Uranus 19°08’ Tau R
Neptune 25°22’ Pis - Natural Ruler
Pluto 29°51’ Cap
Node (M) 20°02’ Ari R
True Node (T) 19°34’ Ari R
Lilith (M) 11°43’ Vir
Chiron 15°38’ Ari

Awaiting a call.

Self-Initiation thoughts....
Others seem divided on the topic. I can name at least three books that self initiate into the Golden Dawn tradition, while the answer from other parties is no, you cannot self initiate.
I will still work the books and see what transpires, if anything at all.
I will then attempt to conjure shemhamphoresh angels and get educated through them.
Or, I will work grimoires of times past before freemasonry, and see what transpires there.
Disappointing matter. Frustrating, disappointing matter. Maybe summon a shem to get my money back for the books and materials bought.
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And just like that depression set in. Now I realize why reasoning and logical atheists are the happiest people by and large.
If religion and magic are both bullshit (for me anyway), why am I wasting the latter half of my life with either?
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Magic isn't for everyone I guess. At least high magic, there are two other routes I can take to take my power back. But it involves money of course, candles, oils, incense. And spirits. Spirits I may be vampirized by or destroyed by. Nothing new I suppose.
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Had lunch

Shopping trip/fridge reorganization.
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Verdict from the lab: No STD's, doubted I wouldve had one. Only discrepancy was a shortage of Vitamin B12. Bought supplement, food and deoderant. Problem solved.
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Tuesday- Day of Mars


In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of ELOHIM GIBOR, who governeth the sphere of Geburah and Mars, I call upon CHAMAEL, Warmed by God, the Archangel of Gevurah. Form us unto completion through energy, courage, and loyalty as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Chamael, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Mars. Rid me of impulsivity, cruelty, anger, and hate. Inspire me with proper motivation, assertiveness, vitality, the ability to calm my inner conflicts, and the endurance to overcome enemies both within and without.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.
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A few non standard archangel names
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Books to read for the year, as magic systems:
Kabalah, Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation (Christopher)
The Golden Dawn (Regardie)
Ceremonial Magic (Regardie)
Modern Magick (Kraig)
Magical Trilogy (McCarthy)
Magic in Theory and Practice (Crowley)
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Taking night off from research.
Week two, day two of Novem will be done.
Working on forming an astral temple.
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Im not getting any younger, Might as well try summoning a shem angel. GoM here I come I guess, in parallel to a dead (for non lodge members) system. Once the two books I started are finished in full, will tackle Quareia. Shem in parallal with saints as inner plane contacts.
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VIII Venite adoremus, et procidamus: et ploremus ante Dominum, qui fecit nos.
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Mercury in Taurus, Knight of Pentacles.
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“POWERS of the Kingdom, be beneath my left foot, and within my right hand. Glory and Eternity touch my shoulders, and guide me in the Paths of Victory. Mercy and justice be ye the Equilibrium and splendour of my life. Understanding and Wisdom give unto me the Crown.
Spirits of Malkuth conduct me between the two columns whereon is supported the whole edifice of the Temple.

Angels of Netzach and of Hod strengthen me upon the Cubical Stone of Yesod. O GEDULAHEL! O GEBURAHEL! O TIPHERETH!
BINAHEL, be Thou my Love!
RUACH CHOKMAHEL, be Thou my Light!

Be that which Thou art, and that which thou willest to be, O KETHERIEL!

Ishim, assist me in the Name Of SHADDAL

Cherubim, be my strength in the Name of ADONAL

Beni Elohim, be ye my brethren in the Name of the Son, and by the virtues of TZABAOTH.

Elohim, fight for me in the Name of TETRAGRAMMATON.
Malachim, protect me in the Name Of YOD HE VAU HE.
Seraphim, purify my love in the Name of ELOAH.
Chaschmalim, enlighten me with the splendours of ELOHI, and of SCHECHINAH. Aralim, act ye; Auphanim, revolve and shine.

Chaioth Ha-Qadosch, cry aloud, speak, roar, and groan; Qadosch, Qadosch, Qadosch., SHADDAI, ADONAI, YOD CHAVAH, EHEIEH ASHER EHEIEH!

Halelu-Yah! Halelu-Yah! Halelu-Yah. Amen.”
Post automatically merged:

Priest: Lord Have mercy on us
All: Lord Have mercy on us
Priest: Christ Have mercy on us
All: Christ Have mercy on us
Priest: Lord Have mercy on us
All: Lord Have mercy on us
Priest: Christ Hear us
All: Christ Graciously hear us
Priest: God the Father in heaven,
All: Have mercy on us
Priest: God the Son, redeemer of the world,
All: Have mercy on us
Priest: God the Holy Spirit,
All: Have mercy on us
Priest: Holy Trinity, one God,
All: Have mercy on us
Priest: Holy Mary,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Holy Mother of God,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Holy Virgin of virgins,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Michael,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Gabriel,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Raphael,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy angels and archangels,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy ranks of blessed spirits,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint John the Forerunner,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Joseph,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy patriarchs and prophets,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Peter,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Paul,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Andrew,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint James,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint John,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Thomas,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint James,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Philip,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Bartholomew,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Matthew,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Simon,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Thaddeus,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Matthias,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Barnabas,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Luke,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Mark,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy apostles and evangelists,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy disciples of the Lord,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou Holy Innocents,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Stephen,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Lawrence,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Vincent,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saints Fabian and Sebastian,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saints John and Paul,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saints Cosmas and Damian,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saints Gervase and Protase,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy martyrs,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Sylvester,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Ambrose,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Basil,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Gregory,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Augustine,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Jerome,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Martin,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Nicholas,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy bishops and confessors,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy doctors,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Anthony,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Benedict,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy priests and clerics,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy monks and hermits,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Agnes,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Cecilia,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Agatha,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Anastasia,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Seraphim,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Herman,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Mary Magdalene,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Mary of Egypt,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Lucy,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Catherine,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy virgins and widows,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou penitents,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy men and women, saints of God,
All: Intercede for us.
Priest: Be merciful,
All: Spare us, O Lord
Priest: Be Merciful,
All: Graciously hear us O Lord
Priest: From every evil,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: From every sin,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: From everlasting death,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: From Thy wrath,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: From sudden and unprovided death,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: From the snares of the devil,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: From anger, hatred, and every evil of the will,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: From the spirit of fornication,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: From lightning and tempest,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: From the scourge of earthquakes,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: From plague, famine, and war,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: Through the mystery of Thy holy Incarnation,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: Through Thy coming,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: Through Thy birth,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: Through Thy Nativity,
All: Deliver us O Lord
Priest: Through Thy baptism and holy fasting,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: Through Thy Cross and Passion,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: Through Thy death and burial,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: Through Thy holy Resurrection,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: Through thy wonderful Ascension,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: Through the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, Paraclete,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: In the day of judgment,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: Sinners that we are,
All: We beseech Thee to hear us
Priest: That Thou wouldst spare us,
All: We beseech Thee to hear us
Priest: That Thou wouldst pardon us,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst bring us to true penance,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst govern and preserve Thy holy Church,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst preserve the Apostolic Patriarchs and all ranks
in the Church in holy religion,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst humble the enemies of holy Church,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst give peace and true union of hearts to Christian
(kings and rulers OR government officials),
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to grant peace and unity to the whole
Christian world,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst restore to the unity of the Church all who have
strayed from the truth and lead all unbelievers to the light of the Gospel,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to confirm and preserve un in holy
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst lift up our minds to heavenly desires,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst render eternal blessings to all our benefactors,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst deliver our souls and the souls of all our
brethren, relatives, and benefactors from eternal damnation,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That thou wouldst repay with everlasting goods all who have done
good to us,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst give and preserve the fruits of the earth,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst grant eternal rest to all the faithful departed,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst listen to us,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: Son of God,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
All: Spare us, O Lord
Priest: Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
All: Graciously hear us, Lord
Priest: Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
All: Have mercy on us
Priest: Christ, Hear us
All: Christ, Hear us
Priest: Christ, Graciously hear us
All: Christ, Graciously hear us
Priest: Lord, have mercy on us
All: Lord, have mercy on us
Priest: Christ, have mercy on us
All: Christ, have mercy on us
Priest: Lord, have mercy on us
All: Lord, have mercy on us
Post automatically merged:

Week two day two Novem completed 23:00
Post automatically merged:

Bedtime in a few. Reviewing. few RC self defense docs that were sent to me externally.
Post automatically merged:

Prayers and bedtime.
Post automatically merged:


Wednesday 1-17-2024. Day of Mercury. Elohim Tzabaoth, Raphael, Beni Elohim, Orange candles, Lavender incense.

08:30 Awoke from a dream, it was a free bus ride day, I was dressed in nothing but a bath towel, of a color white, where I knew various people on the bus that I had known in real life. I also had had a Starbucks coffee, and kept tasting something chunky or weird in my mouth I finally opened the cup to see dead flies in the coffee. It was dark outside.

9:30 Awoke and had breakfast. Pop tart, cereal and coffee.
Post automatically merged:

Prayers from the rite of exorcism prayed.
Prayer to Archangel Raphael about to be posted and prayed.
Post automatically merged:


Wednesday- Day of Mercury


In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of ELOHIM TZAVAOTH, who governeth the sphere of Hod and Mercury, I call upon RAPHAEL, Healing of God, and Divine Messenger. Form us unto completion through the learning and disbursement of Truth as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Raphael, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Mercury. Rid me of confusion, anxiety, distraction, indecisiveness, and overanalysis. Inspire me with reason, coordination, clear understanding, versatility, and concise communication.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.
Post automatically merged:

Prayed Archangel Raphael prayer for Wednesday.
Post automatically merged:

Zelator Formula Started 10:00
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual 1=10
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space 1=10
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual 0=0
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram 0=0
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual 0=0
E: Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram 1=10
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth 1=10
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual 0=0
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Zelator Meditation 1=10
N: Body in Assiah 1=10
N: Zelator Meditation 1=10
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Completed 1-17-2024 10:30
Last edited:
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

Wednesday 1-17-2024. Day of Mercury. Elohim Tzabaoth, Raphael, Beni Elohim, Orange candles, Lavender incense.

08:30 Awoke from a dream, it was a free bus ride day, I was dressed in nothing but a bath towel, of a color white, where I knew various people on the bus that I had known in real life. I also had had a Starbucks coffee, and kept tasting something chunky or weird in my mouth I finally opened the cup to see dead flies in the coffee. It was dark outside.

9:30 Awoke and had breakfast. Pop tart, cereal and coffee.

Prayers from the rite of exorcism prayed:
Priest: Lord Have mercy on us
All: Lord Have mercy on us
Priest: Christ Have mercy on us
All: Christ Have mercy on us
Priest: Lord Have mercy on us
All: Lord Have mercy on us
Priest: Christ Hear us
All: Christ Graciously hear us
Priest: God the Father in heaven,
All: Have mercy on us
Priest: God the Son, redeemer of the world,
All: Have mercy on us
Priest: God the Holy Spirit,
All: Have mercy on us
Priest: Holy Trinity, one God,
All: Have mercy on us
Priest: Holy Mary,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Holy Mother of God,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Holy Virgin of virgins,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Michael,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Gabriel,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Raphael,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy angels and archangels,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy ranks of blessed spirits,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint John the Forerunner,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Joseph,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy patriarchs and prophets,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Peter,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Paul,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Andrew,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint James,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint John,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Thomas,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint James,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Philip,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Bartholomew,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Matthew,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Simon,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Thaddeus,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Matthias,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Barnabas,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Luke,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Mark,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy apostles and evangelists,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy disciples of the Lord,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou Holy Innocents,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Stephen,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Lawrence,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Vincent,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saints Fabian and Sebastian,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saints John and Paul,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saints Cosmas and Damian,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saints Gervase and Protase,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy martyrs,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Sylvester,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Ambrose,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Basil,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Gregory,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Augustine,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Jerome,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Martin,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Nicholas,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy bishops and confessors,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy doctors,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Anthony,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Benedict,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy priests and clerics,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy monks and hermits,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Agnes,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Cecilia,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Agatha,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Anastasia,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Seraphim,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Herman,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Mary Magdalene,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Mary of Egypt,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Lucy,
All: Pray for us
Priest: Saint Catherine,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy virgins and widows,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou penitents,
All: Pray for us
Priest: All thou holy men and women, saints of God,
All: Intercede for us.
Priest: Be merciful,
All: Spare us, O Lord
Priest: Be Merciful,
All: Graciously hear us O Lord
Priest: From every evil,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: From every sin,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: From everlasting death,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: From Thy wrath,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: From sudden and unprovided death,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: From the snares of the devil,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: From anger, hatred, and every evil of the will,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: From the spirit of fornication,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: From lightning and tempest,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: From the scourge of earthquakes,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: From plague, famine, and war,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: Through the mystery of Thy holy Incarnation,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: Through Thy coming,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: Through Thy birth,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: Through Thy Nativity,
All: Deliver us O Lord
Priest: Through Thy baptism and holy fasting,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: Through Thy Cross and Passion,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: Through Thy death and burial,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: Through Thy holy Resurrection,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: Through thy wonderful Ascension,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: Through the coming of the Holy Spirit, the Comforter, Paraclete,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: In the day of judgment,
All: Deliver us, O Lord
Priest: Sinners that we are,
All: We beseech Thee to hear us
Priest: That Thou wouldst spare us,
All: We beseech Thee to hear us
Priest: That Thou wouldst pardon us,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst bring us to true penance,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst govern and preserve Thy holy Church,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst preserve the Apostolic Patriarchs and all ranks
in the Church in holy religion,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst humble the enemies of holy Church,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst give peace and true union of hearts to Christian
(kings and rulers OR government officials),
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to grant peace and unity to the whole
Christian world,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst restore to the unity of the Church all who have
strayed from the truth and lead all unbelievers to the light of the Gospel,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst vouchsafe to confirm and preserve un in holy
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst lift up our minds to heavenly desires,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst render eternal blessings to all our benefactors,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst deliver our souls and the souls of all our
brethren, relatives, and benefactors from eternal damnation,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That thou wouldst repay with everlasting goods all who have done
good to us,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst give and preserve the fruits of the earth,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst grant eternal rest to all the faithful departed,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: That Thou wouldst listen to us,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: Son of God,
All: This we ask thee, hear our prayer
Priest: Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
All: Spare us, O Lord
Priest: Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
All: Graciously hear us, Lord
Priest: Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
All: Have mercy on us
Priest: Christ, Hear us
All: Christ, Hear us
Priest: Christ, Graciously hear us
All: Christ, Graciously hear us
Priest: Lord, have mercy on us
All: Lord, have mercy on us
Priest: Christ, have mercy on us
All: Christ, have mercy on us
Priest: Lord, have mercy on us
All: Lord, have mercy on us

Prayer to Archangel Raphael about to be posted and prayed.
Prayed Archangel Raphael prayer for Wednesday:

Wednesday- Day of Mercury


In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of ELOHIM TZAVAOTH, who governeth the sphere of Hod and Mercury, I call upon RAPHAEL, Healing of God, and Divine Messenger. Form us unto completion through the learning and disbursement of Truth as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Raphael, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Mercury. Rid me of confusion, anxiety, distraction, indecisiveness, and overanalysis. Inspire me with reason, coordination, clear understanding, versatility, and concise communication.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.

Zelator Formula Started 10:00
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual 1=10
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space 1=10
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual 0=0
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram 0=0
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual 0=0
E: Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram 1=10
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth 1=10
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual 0=0
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Zelator Meditation 1=10
N: Body in Assiah 1=10
N: Zelator Meditation 1=10
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Completed 1-17-2024 10:30

Doing laundry and listening to music, will shower and dress when clothes are dry.
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Readiong ocXrc, Cromlech Temple paper, Cicero, Regardie, Christopher and Kraig today, but will get back on My Compendium of God(desse)s.
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When I have money again, will buy a hockey puck to paint as a pentacle and consecrate.
Post automatically merged:

Clothes washed.

Made lunch. 1/4 lb honey roasted turkey on mill bread, with honey pecan cream cheese spread on one side and mayo on the other side.

12:45 Clothes in dryer.
Have Christopher's and Kraig's books and my diaries. About to dig into reading.
Post automatically merged:

Had red grapes and diet Pepsi with the sandwich as well.

Watching Bar Rescue, recalling days of restaurant work where I was treated like crap.by managers and staff alike. Thank God those days are gone.
Post automatically merged:

Will be getting to my reading post shower.
Plan on Kraig Lessons two to four.
Plan on Christopher chapters four to six.
Emphasis on visualization, rituals, and astral temple.
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Showered and dresses. Now to read what Ive started.
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Read a bit, researched mail correspondence magic schools, watched TV over dinner which was very tasty and filling. Meditated before dinner for about ten minutes on point-line.
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Post automatically merged:

This is preemptive praise to Archangel Raphael for concise communication overnight and tomorrow, and other positive influences of Mercury.

I've prayed his prayer this morning.

I just completed the LBRP using in the E, S, W "Elohim Tzabaoth, Raphael, Beni Elohim" and closing in the N with "AGLA".

I then closed as normal, and it was preceded by and succeeded by the Qabalistic Cross Ritual.
In other news, week two day three Novem followed the LBRP.
Post automatically merged:

No cards were drawn for the day.
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Thursday 1-18-2024. Day of Jupiter. El, Tzadkiel, Chasmalim, Blue candles, Cedar incense.

From the thanksgiving to Raphael post of mine
This is preemptive praise to Archangel Raphael for concise communication overnight and tomorrow, and other positive influences of Mercury.

I've prayed his prayer this morning.

I just completed the LBRP using in the E, S, W "Elohim Tzabaoth, Raphael, Beni Elohim" and closing in the N with "AGLA".

I turn closed as normal, and it was 0rwceded by and succeeded by the Qabalistic Cross Ritual.

Post automatically merged: Today at 11:21 AM

Sadly, it did not go as expected. I had a dream but did not immediately write it down.

Post automatically merged: 4 minutes ago

Awoke at 08:00
Had a poptart and coffee. Went back to sleep at 08:30

Had a dream causing me to choke in my sleep. Recall the fact I had a dream the other night that in the coffee I was drinking causing me to feel odd sensations that upon inspection there were dead flies in it.

In the dream i was on vacation with family, and it was Lake Michigan connected to the University of Michigan Hospital (two completely different geographical areas). There was a casino hotel attached to the lake. I got disconnected from family and began to drown. I scrambled upwards and got to safety (I was swimming in fairly shallow water as i cannot swim or was afraid of the depth). At two points I was kicked out of a particular random room by a trio, a well dressed older man and what appeared to be his son and daughter, the son and daughter were always unconcerned and laughing at me. I ended up in a bathroom puking and coughing, and was letting out embarrassing feminine sounds during the coughs, trying to get whatever out of my throat. A man appeared, with curly sandy hair, good looking. He had a fork and asked if he could help. Others prior to and after all tried to help as well. I was abut to check into the psych ward, to get medical and pyschological help, but woke up.

I am alone in the house, and coughed and cleared my airway so I could breathe.

Thank you Archangel Raphael!
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

Thursday 1-18-2024. Day of Jupiter. El, Tzadkiel, Chasmalim, Blue candles, Cedar incense.

From the thanksgiving to Raphael post of mine:
This is preemptive praise to Archangel Raphael for concise communication overnight and tomorrow, and other positive influences of Mercury.

I've prayed his prayer this morning.

I just completed the LBRP using in the E, S, W "Elohim Tzabaoth, Raphael, Beni Elohim" and closing in the N with "AGLA".

I turn closed as normal, and it was preceded by and succeeded by the Qabalistic Cross Ritual.

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Sadly, it did not go as expected. I had a dream but did not immediately write it down.

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Awoke at 08:00
Had a poptart and coffee. Went back to sleep at 08:30

Had a dream causing me to choke in my sleep. Recall the fact I had a dream the other night that in the coffee I was drinking causing me to feel odd sensations that upon inspection there were dead flies in it.

In the dream i was on vacation with family, and it was Lake Michigan connected to the University of Michigan Hospital (two completely different geographical areas). There was a casino hotel attached to the lake. I got disconnected from family and began to drown. I scrambled upwards and got to safety (I was swimming in fairly shallow water as i cannot swim or was afraid of the depth). At two points I was kicked out of a particular random room by a trio, a well dressed older man and what appeared to be his son and daughter, the son and daughter were always unconcerned and laughing at me. I ended up in a bathroom puking and coughing, and was letting out embarrassing feminine sounds during the coughs, trying to get whatever out of my throat. A man appeared, with curly sandy hair, good looking. He had a fork and asked if he could help. Others prior to and after all tried to help as well. I was abut to check into the psych ward, to get medical and pyschological help, but woke up.

I am alone in the house, and coughed and cleared my airway so I could breathe.

Thank you Archangel Raphael!


Will do invocations, prayers, and Zelator Formula shortly.
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Thinking about my life, listening to music with soul, and looking into mail order magic schools.
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Mars carries influence today...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
XIII Death. Scorpio. The 24th Path of the Sepher Yetzirah. The Child of the the Great Transformers, Lord of the Gates of Death. The Imaginative Intelligence. Nun, fish, 50.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under ADNI.
Two of Wands. Mars in Aries. Lord of Dominion. Chokmah of Atziluth.
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Thursday- Day of Jupiter


In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of EL, who governeth the sphere of Chesed and Jupiter, I call upon TZADKIEL, Justice of God, Archangel of Divine Clemency. Form us unto completion through wisdom and humility as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Tzadkiel, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Jupiter. Rid me of haughtiness, arrogance, and greed. Inspire me with productive ambition, optimism, generosity, tolerance, health, wealth, and the ability to accurately rule and govern my own faculties towards prosperity and beneficial attitudes.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.
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Zelator Formula Started 13:00
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Crosses Ritual 1=10
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space 1=10
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual 0=0
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram 0=0
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual 0=0
E: Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram 1=10
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth 1=10
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual 0=0
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Zelator Meditation 1=10
N: Body in Assiah 1=10
N: Zelator Meditation 1=10
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Completed 1-18-2024 13:30
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Completed at 14:00 actually.
Legs shaky during MPR, sweaty during Body in Assiah, and propping myself up during BiA.
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Fair breath control and visualization.
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Thank you Archangel Raphael!

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It just occurred to me that Hod and the 23rd path are both related to water and emotion, and Raphael is attributed to Hod.

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Thank you Archangel Raphael for remembering the dream and the guarding in the dream per my prayer to you last night and your invocation yesterday!!
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Konsciencia said:

Start with building a bond with your Soul, and talk to it.

Be a human pendulum.

Ask questions in which your Soul could answer for you via It's Energy.

For example: "My Beautiful Soul, let me feel your Energy if it's true that you are me." If your Soul don't answer, that means that is not true. But, make sure you feel the Energy.

But make build a relationship with your Soul. Cherish it, nurture it, and learn to Love it.
This strikes a huge chord with me. Thank you for this post.
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Lazarus said:

My advice (which is only worth the wisdom of a dew drop):

Right now, the only entity you should be concerned with making contact and pacts with is your higher self. Your true self. The One that resides in Tiphareth.
This also strikes a huge chord with me right now. That and starting on building a strong aura and body of light.
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Just got home from my Neurology appointment and have a followup appt scheduled. Got ice cream on the ay back, having sloppy joes tonight.
My sister felt willing and bought me three packs of Zyn, planning ahead and knowing how often I go through them.
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Thank you AA Raphael and AA Tzadkiel!
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Circadian Rhythm
Meditation (preferably in nature)
Being in the present
Being in nature
Healing emotional traumas
Letting go of emotions built up
Unplugging to recharge
All of these can heal the aura and help build the Body of Light.
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Also, shun negative people and negativity.
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Week two day four Novem complete.
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Zelator Formula was completed this morning or afternoon.
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Zelator Formula following invocation of Tzadkiel was started at 13:00 and finished at 13:30.
Time currently 23:10.
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Circadian Rhythm training starts today.
Early to bed early to rise.
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Completed QC, then LIRP vibrating in E, S and W "El, Tzadkiel, Chasmalim", and finishing in N with "AGLA". Closed with QC.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

Friday 1-19-2024. Day of Venus. YHVH Tzabaoth, Haniel, Elohim, Green candles, Rose incense.

Slept poorly. Tried to get myself to remember my dreams. Dreamed that I was out exercising in my neighborhood near my house, and some woman came up to me asking if I was so and so. I said yes, thinking it could be a romantic interest or the like of a pleasant nature. Was then served a summons by her to pay $3k to Bausch and Lomb, the names and addresses were close but messed up, the choices were pay or go to Orange Prison. Weird.

08:00 Got up, had cereal and coffee.

09:00 Started work on My Compendium of God(desse)s, back to the Greeks, N-R. Finishing up within the next couple days.

10:40 Break time.

Tarot draws for the day...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Ehieh.
0 The Fool. Elemental Air. The Spirit of the Aethyr. The 11th Path of the Sepher Yetzirah. The Scintillating Intelligence. Kether to Chokmah. The No-Thing. Beginning.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Shaddai El Chai.
Ace of Disks. Spirit of Earth. Root of the Powers of Earth. Kether of Assiah. N of NANTA.

11:20 Posting.
Will most likely have lunch shortly thereafter.
Will have house to myself for a bit, so will work on my Zelator Formula and Novem.
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Performed LBRP with E, S, W "YHVHV Tzabaoth, Haniel, Elohim", and to the North "AGLA". Evocation of the Archangels. Opening and closing with Qabalistic Cross Ritual.

Prayed the following then:


Friday- Day of Venus


In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of YHVH TZAVAOTH, who governeth the sphere of Netzach and Venus, I call upon HANIEL, Grace of God, bringer of joy and warmth of the heart. Form us unto completion through integrity and responsibility and unselfishness as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Haniel, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Venus. Rid me of vanity, overindulgence, and superficiality. Inspire me with love, compassion, sympathy, artistic expression, and provide me with healthy relationships; the means to maintain them, and the influence to facilitate them in others.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.
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12:00 Lunch break, then back to my reading and eventually my Zelator Formula and Novem.
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Sloppy Joes or Chicken Tortilla soup. Choices choices...
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Sloppy Joes and cornbread chili casserole with diet Pepsi was lunch.
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Watching The Two Towers.
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Back to reading Christopher while the movie plays in the background.
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Daily Zelator Formula done.
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E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah (To Shemesh)
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
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Watching "Cast Away" brought up two of my favorite images, mountain heights, amd tidal waves/underwater scenes.
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Watching Cops series for the night til the Novem then bedtime.
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Going to quit offering my two cents and limit my posting.
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Novem week two day five complete.
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Relaxing with coffee, Zyn and Cops.
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Getting drowsy, so may do my prayers amd go to bed after one more episode.

Grudges are amazing things, aren't they?
Such silly reasons for one, yet make us obsessed with the grudge.
Sometimes you just need to relocate to solve most of the grudge. Sometimes that is not a possibility. Sometimes we are the ones causing the grudge, knowingly or unknowingly.

Just saying. Some people make themselves an enemy even though I have walked away. A prime example were the gang members that drew first blood so to speak, and wouldnt let up. People half or a third of my age. So relocation was best for me. As for others, I'm not aware of any since I left a couple forums a long time ago.

Yet a lot of people view my journal anonymously. Why is that?
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score

Saturday 1-20-2024. Day of Saturn. YHVH Elohim, Tzaphqiel, Black candles, Sandalwood incense.

Slept okay. Awoke at 12:00. Dreamt of playing card games with family. Not gambling, just fun. Awoke at 12, had sloppy joes for lunch.

No cards drawn yet nor Zelator Formula done.
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Tarot draws for the day...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH Elohim.
0 The Fool. Elemental Air. The Spirit of the Aether. The 11th Path. The Scintillating Intelligence. Aleph, ox, 1. The No Thing.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Princess of Disks. Earth of Earth. A of NANTA. Malkuth of Assiah.
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Did W2 D6 Novem.
Not doing ZF until late it seems.
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Had rest of sloppy joes for lunch, cereal tonight.
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Napped an hour or two, had cereal.
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Reading, will do ZF tonight.
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Zelator Formula completed 23:35
E: Shining Cross Ritual
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah (to Shemesh)
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
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Sunday 1-21-2024. Day of Sol (just entered Aquarius). YHVH Eloah ve Daath, Michael, Malachim. Gold or yellow candles, Frankincense incense.

Dreams but no detail recalled. Have a vague recollection of angels and family in them.

Slept after turning in early and completing Novem and Zelator Formula for the day.
Had done some reading before then.

Up and watching the Lions Buccaneers game. Had a bagel and coffee for breakfast. Brunch will be broccoli cheddar soup.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Sunday 1-21-2024. Day of Sol (just entered Aquarius). YHVH Eloah ve Daath, Michael, Malachim. Gold or yellow candles, Frankincense incense.

Dreams but no detail recalled. Have a vague recollection of angels and family in them.

Slept after turning in early and completing Novem and Zelator Formula for the day.
Had done some reading before then.

Up and watching the Lions Buccaneers game. Had a bagel and coffee for breakfast. Brunch will be broccoli cheddar soup.

Will do Tarot draws for the day and do my Zelator Formula in a bit.
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Zelator Formula started13:30
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah (To Shemesh)
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Zelator Formula done 14:15
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Received an anonymous package in the mail. A book... 12 Rules Of Life:An Antidote To Chaos by Jordan Peterson
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Tarot draws for today...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
XI Justice. Libra. The Daughter of the Lords of Truth, Ruler of the Balance. The 22nd Path, The Faithful Intelligence. Lamed, ox goad, 30.

Tarot Card of the Day:
XI Lust. Leo. The Daughter of the Flaming Sword. 19th Path. Intelligence of all the Activities of the Spiritual Being. Teth, serpent, 9.
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First drawn under YHVH Elohim, second drawn under Shaddai El Chai.
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Meditated, and visualized for a few minutes, a room, cobblestone, gray in color except for a Jerusalem Cross on each wall. Then there appeared a fountain in the west, a tree in the north, a window for the rising sun in the door to the east, and to the south a fireplace.
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What to read ... Suppose I should update the compendium, finishing the Greeks.
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Exorcism prayers over geographical areas. Hmm. This could be interesting.
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Blessed be thou, LORD God of Israel our father, for ever and ever,
Thine, O LORD, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, and the victory, and the majesty: for all that is in the heaven and in the earth is thine; thine is the kingdom, O LORD, and thou art exalted as head abive all.
Both riches and honour come of thee, and thou reignest over all; and in thine hand is power and might, and in thine hand it is to make great, and to give strength unto all.
Now therefore, our God, we thank thee, and praise thy glorious name.
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1 Chr 29:10-13
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Prayed for friends and enemies. Listening to gospel music. Not for self righteousness, but to stay in the mind frame.
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Reading Christopher, focusing on the kabballistic exercises, body of light, and aura control.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Monday 1-22-2024. Day of Luna (just entered Aquarius). Shaddai El Chai, Gabriel, Kerubim. Silver or white candles, Jasmine incense.

Dreams but no detail recalled. Have a vague recollection of angels and family in them.
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Tarot Draws ... Both drawn under YHVH
Tarot Contemplation Ritual 0 The Fool. Elemental Air. Uranus to Neptune. Kether to Chokmah. 11th Path, The Scintillating Intelligence. The Spirit of the Aethyr. No Thing or a Beginning. Aleph, ox, 1.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Ace of Cups. Spirit of Water, Kether of Briah, H of HCOMA. Root of the Powers of Water.

Rather disgusted with myself today, severely overweight. Wondering what qualities I have that any would be interested in as a partner.

Have done nothing worthwhile today.
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Incorrect about Luna, it just entered Cancer, while Sol is in Aquarius.
59 degrees, 80% humidity, 80% precipitation.

Sun Aquarius 2°31’ Aqu
Moon Cancer 2°06’ Can
Waxing Gibbous (149°34’)
Mercury Capricorn 11°00’ Cap
Venus Sagittarius 29°38’ Sag
Mars Capricorn 13°51’ Cap
Jupiter Taurus 6°28’ Tau
Saturn Pisces 5°26’ Pis
Uranus Taurus 19°05’ Tau R
Neptune Pisces 25°31’ Pis
Pluto Aquarius 0°03’ Aqu
Node (M)Aries 19°42’ Ari R
True Node (T)Aries 19°09’ Ari R
Lilith (M) Virgo 12°25’ Vir
Chiron Aries 15°47’ Ari
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Zelator Formula started17:50
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah (To Shemesh)
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Zelator Formula done 18:35
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Discussed sexual non sexual relationships with a good female friend of mine. I told her I have ED and was tying to wrap my mind around what makes it any different than just being a friend with a partner. Y'all women are far too complex for me. Anyway, it boils down to I could be sexual in every way than the obvious, there are still strap ons and other toys I suppose. Dont want my partner to be left wanting.

So meditation and visualization now that that subject is off my mind.
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After my curiosity with the hexagram rituals is satisfied.
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Watched episodes of The Fall after I took a break from reading.
Novem has been completed for two weeks, and Zelator Formula has been done for the day.
Tomorrow and every day will get up early and practice as much as possible. I find I do t have to rely on my ritual diary to do the invoking of banishing hexagrams though need to learn the unicursal.
I also have memorized the Invoking/Banishing the Four Powers of Earth ritual.
Geomancy. Need to get on that and the projects. Would like to complete the assignments by a months time.
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Jul 2, 2022
Reaction score
Rather disgusted with myself today, severely overweight. Wondering what qualities I have that any would be interested in as a partner.
I could send you a calisthenics program if you want, its solely push and pull ups. I don't guarantee weight loss but I can so for vitality. Its six weeks long.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Tuesday 1-23-2024. Day of Mars. Elohim Gibor, Khamael, Seraphim.
Red candles, Dragons Blood incense.

Dreams but no detail recalled.

Seems my mind was more preoccupied with getting up at six to do solar adorations per 06:00-12:00-18:00-24:00 timing by establishing routine than to remember dreams. Current time 05:45.

3°02’ Aqu
8°20’ Can
Waxing Gibbous (155°18’)
Mercury 11°40’ Cap
Venus 0°15’ Cap
Mars 14°13’ Cap
Jupiter 6°31’ Tau
Saturn 5°29’ Pis
Uranus 19°05’ Tau R
Neptune 25°32’ Pis
Pluto 0°04’ Aqu
Node (M) 19°40’ Ari R
Node (T) 19°03’ Ari R
Lilith (M) 12°29’ Vir
Chiron 15°47’ Ari

Tarot draws for today...will do later along with Zelator Formula.
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Did both Liber Resh Vel Helios morning Solar Adoration, as well as my usual Butler-style Solar Adoration (Theoricus).
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I could send you a calisthenics program if you want, its solely push and pull ups. I don't guarantee weight loss but I can so for vitality. Its six weeks long.
Yeah Vandheer, I will let you know the baseline of exercises I can do. I don't want to mess up my back, but then again the excess weight has to go asap.
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Not a bad morning routine, get up, do solar adorations, do Neophyte Formula, do exercises, and so on.
Then in the evening do Solar Adorations, Zelator Formula, then exercises, and midnight Solar Adorations before bed.
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Since it is Tuesday, after Neophyte Formula, will do LiRP with Aries sign, using the God-Name vibration of "Elohim Gibor, Khamael, Seraphim".
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Will also do invocation of Tuesday to Khamael.
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Reading today - Kraig, Christopher and Regardies on :
astral work, astral temple, body of light, aura control, LRH, Tibetan Five Rites of Rejuvenation, unicursal hexagram, Invoking the Four Powers of Earth, Invoking the Four Powers of Air, LIRP (Aries), GIRH (Mars).
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Tarot draws for today....
Drawn under Elohim Gibor.
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
VI The Lovers. Gemini. The 17th Path, The Disposing Intelligence. The Children of the Voice, The Oracle of the Mighty Gods. Zayin, sword, 7. Binah to Tiphareth, Understanding of Beauty.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Four of Disks. Sol in Capricorn. Chesed of Assiah. Lord of Earthly Power.
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Ten situps and ten pushups done within two minutes tops. That is my baseline.
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When I have the house to myself will do the Zelator Formula for morning. Tonight will do evening Zelator Formula.
Today is meditation and visualization.
Not only shape but color as well.
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And I have an exercise plan .. thanks @Vandheer !!
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Google searched mail correspondence courses for magick.
Results found were two druid organizations, two GD organizations, two RHP sites, two PFC driven sites, two elemental magic sites, an astrology site, and a couple others including luckymojo with a hoodoo course.
Google searched improving shape and color visualization in meditation. Came up with some fair results.
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Performed Zelator Formula: 09:30
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Cross Ritual
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Finished : 10:20
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11:00-13:00 napped. No dream details recalled.
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13:30-14:30 Lunch (McD's Quarter Pounder meal with a diet coke)
Television time in the background while I do some reading.
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Consider lavendar, roses, cinnamon sticks/powder, sage, basil and essential oils. Consider making florida water.
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Reading "The Eight Extraordinary Meridians Qigong" by James MacRitchie. Gigong will be part of my daily routine moving forward.
That and The Five Rites of Rejuvination from Modern Magick.
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Missed afternoon adoration, will make up for it tomorrow.
6-12-6-12 cycle of adorations, six hours sleep.
06:30 Dream recall and detail in journals.
07:00 Morning exercises (situps, pushups).
08:00 Morning Qigong exercises (Eight Meridian).
09:00 Morning Zelator Formula.
10:00-12:00 Mundane affairs.
10:00-12:00 Mundane affairs.
12:00 Afternoon adoration.
12:30-17:30 Mundane affairs.
18:00 Evening Adoration.
18:30-21:00 Mundane affairs.
21:00 Evening exercises.
22:00 Evening Qigong Exercises.
23:00 Evening Zelator Formula
24:00 Midnight adoration and sleep.
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This is my proposed schedule for the week.
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Ahead of schedule.
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
S: Solar Adoration (Philodophus)
W: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Neophyte signs
E: Neophyte signs
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Evening adoration has been done ahead of time, but may repeat at 18:00. Trying to have a regimented schedule being kept, journals being kept. Have not done tarot draws, so may do that at 18:00 as well. Studying Eight Meridians Qigong to be ready by 21:00 for exercises and nightly Zelator Formula before midnight adoration and bedtime.
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Tonight begins a twice daily qigiong routine called The Eight Extraordinary Meridians Qigiong. Mainly breathing and visulization.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Wednesday 1-24-2024. Day of Mercury. Elohim Tzabaoth, Raphael, Beni Elohim. Orange candles, Lavendar incense.

Just got up. Will try to make up for lost time. Had cereal for breakfast, making coffee.

Tarot draws today...
Drawn under Elohim Tzabaoth.

Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
X Wheel of Fortune. Jupiter. 21st Path, The Intelligence of Conciliation. Lord of the Forces of Life. Chesed to Netzach, the Victory of Mercy.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Three of Cups, Mercury in Cancer. Lord of Abundance, Binah of Briah.
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Performed Zelator Formula: 12:15
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Cross Ritual
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Finished : 12:45
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Five situps and five crunches done today, all I could do. Tremors have been bad so no pushups done.
No Qiging has been done as Im still memorizing the exercise routines.
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The Twelve Exercises, still working on memorizing 1-4

The Practices:
1. Smile At Yourself
2. Focus At Your Center
3. The Six Healing Sounds
4. Cleansing The Emotions
5. Cultivating The Virtues
6. The Microcosmic Orbit
7. The Belt Channel
8. The Thrusting Channel
9. The Macrocosmic Orbit
10. The Master and Coupled Points
11. Drawing In Heaven And Earth
12. Sexual Qigong
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Had lunch after Qigong reading, had psychiatry appointment, had my social worker appointment. Picked up prescriptions and cereal. Had dinner. Watching television now.
Will restart my schedule idea and actually try to meet it tomorrow as today have been fatigued.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Thursday 1-25-2024. Day of Jupiter. El, Tzadkiel, Chashmalim. Blue candles, Cedar incense.

Just got up. Will try to make up for lost time. Had cereal for breakfast, making coffee.
No dreams details recalled.

Tarot draws today...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under Adonai ha Aretz.
XIV Temperance. Sagittarius. 25th Path, The Probationary or Tentative Intelligence. Yesod to Tiphareth, the Foundation of Beauty.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Shaddai El Chai.
Ace of Swords, Spirit of Air. Root of the Powers of Air, Kether of Yetzirah. E of EXARP.

Performed Zelator Formula: 10:55
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Cross Ritual
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Finished : 11:35

The Schedule:
Missed morning adoration and exercise, will make it tonight.
6-12-6-12 cycle of adorations, six hours sleep.
06:30 Dream recall and detail in journals.
07:00 Morning exercises (situps, pushups).
08:00 Morning Qigong exercises (Eight Meridian).
09:00 Morning Zelator Formula.
10:00-12:00 Mundane affairs.
10:00-12:00 Mundane affairs.
12:00 Afternoon adoration.
12:30-17:30 Mundane affairs.
18:00 Evening Adoration.
18:30-21:00 Mundane affairs.
21:00 Evening exercises.
22:00 Evening Qigong Exercises.
23:00 Evening Zelator Formula
24:00 Midnight adoration and sleep.

Qi Gong
The Twelve Exercises, still working on memorizing 1-4.
The Practices:
1. Smile At Yourself
2. Focus At Your Center
3. The Six Healing Sounds
4. Cleansing The Emotions
5. Cultivating The Virtues
6. The Microcosmic Orbit
7. The Belt Channel
8. The Thrusting Channel
9. The Macrocosmic Orbit
10. The Master and Coupled Points
11. Drawing In Heaven And Earth
12. Sexual Qigong

Lunchtime 12-5:30. Afternoon Adoration already made with full cycle of Adorations.


Jul 2, 2022
Reaction score
Qi Gong
The Twelve Exercises, still working on memorizing 1-4.
The Practices:
1. Smile At Yourself
2. Focus At Your Center
3. The Six Healing Sounds
4. Cleansing The Emotions
5. Cultivating The Virtues
6. The Microcosmic Orbit
7. The Belt Channel
8. The Thrusting Channel
9. The Macrocosmic Orbit
10. The Master and Coupled Points
11. Drawing In Heaven And Earth
12. Sexual Qigong

Lunchtime 12-5:30. Afternoon Adoration already made with full cycle of Adorations.
Just trust me on this, never start Micrososmic Orbit unless your Meridians are throughly cleansed.

Obviously, if the author thinks different, go ahaed. Just wanted to warn because MCO is really dangerous.
Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Awesome, will hold off on it for a bit until I get the hang of the rest and am noticing the benefit.

Cleaned kitchen counters and stove as an exercise in Zen, half hour. Organized dishes, soaking three while rest are in dishwasher.
Took out trash, replaced liner, prepared and ate lunch. Total lunch calories 600, total breakfast calories (tops) 300 (whole milk).
Organized kitchen counter a little. Made life easier for my sister. Checking out medical insurance selections vs providers Ive been to.
Reading for today: "Nothing Special: Living Zen" and "The Only Way to Learn Astrology Vol 1". Also "The Alchemists Handbook" (Albertus).
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200 calorie Protein bar (25g Protein) as a snack.
Have reached a decision on my health insurance for the providers Ive seen all belong to it.
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Still 60.4 pounds overweight. Am going to do exercise indoors only. Due to tremors in my legs as a medicine side effect, it's a win, as if tremors develop, I can sit down inside rather than outside looking like im weirder than I actually am. Speaking with my psychiatrist and telling him about my diary on here, he approved of it. As long as no laws are being broken.
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Got health insurance squared away after some research. Appointments confirmed. Good to go there including psychiatry and therapy.
Now I can relax.
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Went out to mail a few letters and looked at the sky for a minute or two, nice out and sunny with fluffy clouds in the sky, mild breeze.
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About to do evening adorations.
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Evening adorations done.
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Too exhausted to do anything but sleep.
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Friday 1-26-2024. Day of Venus. YHVH Tzabaoth, Haniel, Elohim. Green candles, Rose incense.
No dreams details recalled.

Tarot draws today...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
0 The Fool. Elemental Air. 11th Path, The Scintillating Intelligence. Chokmah to Kether, the Crown of Wisdom.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai Ha Aretz.
Six of Wands, Jupiter in Leo. Lord of Victory, Tiphareth of Atziluth.

Performing Zelator Formula: 12:55
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Cross Ritual
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Finished : 13:35

The Schedule:
Missed morning adoration and exercise, will make it tonight.
6-12-6-12 cycle of adorations, six hours sleep.
06:30 Dream recall and detail in journals.
07:00 Morning exercises (situps, pushups).
08:00 Morning Qigong exercises (Eight Meridian).
09:00 Morning Zelator Formula.
10:00-12:00 Mundane affairs.
10:00-12:00 Mundane affairs.
12:00 Afternoon adoration.
12:30-17:30 Mundane affairs.
18:00 Evening Adoration.
18:30-21:00 Mundane affairs.
21:00 Evening exercises.
22:00 Evening Qigong Exercises.
23:00 Evening Zelator Formula
24:00 Midnight adoration and sleep.

Qi Gong
The Twelve Exercises, still working on memorizing 1-4.
The Practices:
1. Smile At Yourself
2. Focus At Your Center
3. The Six Healing Sounds
4. Cleansing The Emotions
5. Cultivating The Virtues
6. The Microcosmic Orbit
7. The Belt Channel
8. The Thrusting Channel
9. The Macrocosmic Orbit
10. The Master and Coupled Points
11. Drawing In Heaven And Earth
12. Sexual Qigong

Somehow everything I wrote got deleted because I didn't submit it. Even though I'm doing my best to keep a daily journal
Awoke at 7am.

07:30 went to kitchen and had 300 calories Special K cereal and whole milk.

08:00-11:45 slept.

12:00 Got up, went and prepared a cup of Kona coffee, had two 200 calories 25g protein protein granola bars.
Somehow everything I wrote got deleted because I didn't submit it. Even though I'm doing my best to keep a daily journal.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Friday 1-26-2024. Day of Venus. YHVH Tzabaoth, Haniel, Elohim. Green candles, Rose incense.
No dreams details recalled.

Tarot draws today...
Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
Drawn under YHVH.
0 The Fool. Elemental Air. 11th Path, The Scintillating Intelligence. Chokmah to Kether, the Crown of Wisdom.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Drawn under Adonai Ha Aretz.
Six of Wands, Jupiter in Leo. Lord of Victory, Tiphareth of Atziluth.

Performing Zelator Formula: 11:55
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Shining Cross Ritual
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
Finished : 12:35

The Schedule:
Missed morning adoration and exercise, will make it tonight.
6-12-6-12 cycle of adorations, six hours sleep.
06:30 Dream recall and detail in journals.
07:00 Morning exercises (situps, pushups).
08:00 Morning Qigong exercises (Eight Meridian).
09:00 Morning Zelator Formula.
10:00-12:00 Mundane affairs.
10:00-12:00 Mundane affairs.
12:00 Afternoon adoration.
12:30-17:30 Mundane affairs.
18:00 Evening Adoration.
18:30-21:00 Mundane affairs.
21:00 Evening exercises.
22:00 Evening Qigong Exercises.
23:00 Evening Zelator Formula
24:00 Midnight adoration and sleep.

Qi Gong
The Twelve Exercises, still working on memorizing 1-4.
The Practices:
1. Smile At Yourself
2. Focus At Your Center
3. The Six Healing Sounds
4. Cleansing The Emotions
5. Cultivating The Virtues
6. The Microcosmic Orbit
7. The Belt Channel
8. The Thrusting Channel
9. The Macrocosmic Orbit
10. The Master and Coupled Points
11. Drawing In Heaven And Earth
12. Sexual Qigong

Somehow everything I wrote got deleted because I didn't submit it. Even though I'm doing my best to keep a daily journal
Awoke at 7am.

07:30 went to kitchen and had 300 calories Special K cereal and whole milk.

08:00-11:45 slept.

11:45 Got up, went and prepared a cup of Kona coffee, had two 200 calories 25g protein protein granola bars.
Somehow everything I wrote got deleted because I didn't submit it. Even though I'm doing my best to keep a daily journal.

Did Zelator Formula even though it was overheard and got slightly distracted.

Reading for today: The Only Way to Learn Astrology, Nothing Special: Living Zen, The Alchemists Handbook. Modern Magick. Kabalah, Magic and the Great Work of Self-Transformation.
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Despite warnings on qi gong, going to keep at it.
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Adding Eight Meridians Qi Gong to the list. (Reading for today)
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Made a few phone calls, talked with two friends and left a message for my prospective therapist. Looking foirward to socializing at a community center.
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Did afternoon adoration.
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Time for my daily reading.
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Updated thread for Book Club on "Modern Magick".
Read up through Chapter Four in "The Only Way to Learn Astrology, Vol 1". Updated Book Club thread on it.
Had a few nachos, and two pieces of Banana bread.
Realized my morning medications have not been taken due to forgetfulness.
Reading next The Alchemists Handbook.
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Took morning meds with coffee.
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What does this lad want. What do I want?

It's a very expansive question.

Too many prying eyes and clapping tongues on my journal. It's been made abundantly clear from the threads I post.
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First of all ... What do I believe in?

This too is an expensive question.
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What do I believe in?

This too is a very expansive question.
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Friday- Day of Venus


In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of YHVH TZAVAOTH, who governeth the sphere of Netzach and Venus, I call upon HANIEL, Grace of God, bringer of joy and warmth of the heart. Form us unto completion through integrity and responsibility and unselfishness as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Haniel, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Venus. Rid me of vanity, overindulgence, and superficiality. Inspire me with love, compassion, sympathy, artistic expression, and provide me with healthy relationships; the means to maintain them, and the influence to facilitate them in others.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.
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Haniel duly invoked.
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Late for evening solar adoration. Doing now with a preemptive midnight solar adoration.
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(Walking into room westward)
W: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus) - Evening
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator) - Midnight
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
(Walked Eastward out of room)
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Okay, skipped on Alchemists Handbook reading, and have Living Zen and Eight Meridians still to be read.
Have to complete My Compendium within the next couple of weeks, finish the Greek and Egyptian this weekend.
Next week my schedule may become limited. Due to social network engagement offline, and therapy and medical appts.
So, need to really practice when I can, however I can.
"Nobody will give you magickal powers - you have to earn them! The only way you can earn them ... practice, practice, practice!"
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After dinner (mashed potatoes, steak tips and veggies), had a bowl of cereal with whole milk.
Reading over a RC document or two for banishing purposes.
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#44. Ielahiah 108th verse of Psalm 119: “Accept, I beseech thee, the freewill offerings of my mouth, O Lord, and teach me thy judgements” (Voluntaria oris mei bene placita fac Domine: et judiciatua doce me).
Pray over the sigil provided via DM.
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Performing Midnight Solar Adoration.
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“POWERS of the Kingdom, be beneath my left foot, and within my right hand. Glory and Eternity touch my shoulders, and guide me in the Paths of Victory. Mercy and justice be ye the Equilibrium and splendour of my life. Understanding and Wisdom give unto me the Crown.

Spirits of Malkuth conduct me between the two columns whereon is supported the whole edifice of the Temple.

Angels of Netzach and of Hod strengthen me upon the Cubical Stone of Yesod.

BINAHEL, be Thou my Love!
RUACH CHOKMAHEL, be Thou my Light!

Be that which Thou art, and that which thou willest to be, O KETHERIEL!

Ishim, assist me in the Name Of SHADDAL

Cherubim, be my strength in the Name of ADONAL

Beni Elohim, be ye my brethren in the Name of the Son, and by the virtues of TZABAOTH.

Elohim, fight for me in the Name of TETRAGRAMMATON.
Malachim, protect me in the Name Of YOD HE VAU HE.
Seraphim, purify my love in the Name of ELOAH.
Chaschmalim, enlighten me with the splendours of ELOHI, and of SCHECHINAH. Aralim, act ye; Auphanim, revolve and shine.

Chaioth Ha-Qadosch, cry aloud, speak, roar, and groan; Qadosch, Qadosch, Qadosch., SHADDAI, ADONAI, YOD CHAVAH, EHEIEH ASHER EHEIEH!

Halelu-Yah! Halelu-Yah! Halelu-Yah. Amen.”
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“Thus said Adonai, The heaven is my throne, and the earth my footstool:
where is the house that ye build unto me? And where is the place of my rest? For all those things hath mine hand made.”
Thus said Adonai: “I was glad also, when they said unto me, Let us go into the house of the Lord. Our feet shall stand within
thy gates, O Jerusalem. Jerusalem is builded as a city that is compact together,
Peace be within thy walls, and prosperity within thy palaces.
For except Adonai build the house, they labour in vain that build it; except Adonai keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain.
“Father of Power and Greatness, Being of Beings, Almighty Sanctifier, who created all things from nothing, despise not Thy servant,
but let it please Thee to purify, consecrate and sanctify this place dedicated to Thy service; command Thy Angels of the Shemhamphorash which bear Thy holy name to descend, reside and remain, for Thy Glory and Service. Amen.”
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"<Angel Name>
I invoke you to appear and render your essence in my divination, which appearance I summon by recitation of your verse"
<begin Chant>
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Spoke conjuration and request to Sitael.
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Split Hexagram Spread.. General Reading.
Top of deck drawing..spread #1
Greater Spiritual Influence: IV The Emperor. Aries. Sight/Order.
Lesser Spiritual Influence: VI The Lovers. Gemini. Discernment.
Spiritual Advice: V The Hierophant. Taurus. Sound/Hearing.
Unconscious Desires: XI Justice. Libra. Action-Work.
Conscious Desires: XVIII The Moon. Pisces. Organization.
Practical Advice: XIX The Sun. Sol. Regeneration.
Final Outcome: XV The Devil. Capricorn. Material Bondage.
Top of Deck: XIII Death. Scorpio. Change-Transformation.
Bottom of Deck: XIV Temperance. Sagittarius. Moderation.

Power, effectiveness and reason are the meanings of this card as the GSI. The LSI meanings are a test which I will pass, a new love. The SA here has the meaning mercy and goodness, what I need to show to others.
The UD has the meanings as balance and equilibrium, and justice. The CD here has the meanings as deception and hidden enemies. The PA has the meanings of happiness and contentment.
The FO, though somewhat scary as well as ToD, has the meanings that something must happen, but in the long run it is for the good.

Bottom of deck drawing..spread #2
Greater Spiritual Influence: VIII Strength. Leo. Law of Suggestion.
Lesser Spiritual Influence: VII The Chariot. Cancer. Will.
Spiritual Advice: III The Empress. Venus. Creative Imagination.
Unconscious Desires: X Wheel of Fortune. Jupiter. Cause and Effect.
Conscious Desires: I The Magician. Mercury. Self-Consciousness.
Practical Advice: 0 The Fool. Elemental Air. No-Thing.
Final Outcome: XX Judgement. Elemental Fire. Realization/Prophecy.
Top of Deck: XXI The World. Saturn/Elemental Earth. Cosmic Consciousness.
Bottom of Deck: IX The Hermit. Virgo. Law of Response.

The GSI here has the meanings as Spiritual power. The LSI has the meanings as triumph and overcoming obstacles. The SA here has the meanings as fruitfulness, action, and creativity.
The UD here has the meaning as good fortune, success, and luck. The CD has the meanings as skills, will-power, and Self-Consciousness. The PA here has the meanings as folly, foolishness, extravagance.
The FO here as comforted by the ToD and BoD, has the meaning as renewal, rebirths.

Quite frankly, all seemed well until the FO and ToD with spread #1. With the second spread dealt from the bottom in BoD order resulted in a more pleasant spread.
So what can be learned from this is two ways to see things as they are, which is the meaning as spread #1 FO, seeing things as they are and not illusion or appearances .. while the FO of spread #2 is an awakening or rebirth.
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@Vandheer ... Check this spread formation idea out. This is from Lesson One, the Split Hexagram Spread. Dealing a second time from the bottom and analysis was my idea.
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Sep 9, 2021
Reaction score
Yeah, Kraig's book. Lesson One after the Majors meanings.

Saturday 1-27-2024. Day of Saturn. YHVH Elohim, Tzaphquiel/Cassiel, Aralim. Black candles. Sandalwood incense.

Dreams involving family. Pleasant.
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Performed Neophyte Formula.

Tarot Contemplation Ritual:
I The Magician. Mercury. Self-Consciousness. Occult skill, wisdom. Mastery.

Tarot Card of the Day:
Knight of Disks. Fire of Earth. A of NANTA. Chokmah of Assiah.
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Today is a great opportunity to learn Eight Meridians Qi Gong breathing and visualization.
After that, reading on Alchemy, Zen and Astrology.
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After that, and before bedtime, full Zelator Formula. And more Qi Gong practice.
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Had two bowls of cereal with one bowl of milk, a cinnamon raisin bagel with cream cheese and an everything bagel with cream cheese as well as two cups of coffee.
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Read introduction and chapter one of Nothing Special:Living Zen. Opened a book discussion thread. Started reading chapter two.
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While listening to a Zen video on youtube, about to continue reading on Qi Gong. Eight Extraordinary Meridians Qi Gong.
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Read Living Zen to Gospel. Reading Qi Gong practices to Zen Koans..
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Read up on different forms of Qi Gong and fell asleep.

Got up, had a slice of banana bread and a piece of chocolate cream pie.

Watching Shawshank Redemption and Forrest Gump.
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Thus ends Shawshank Redeemption, and thus starts Forrest Gump...
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Evening reading - One chapter each (approx 30pp):
Eight Meridians Qi Gong (MacRitchie Part 2).
The Alchemists Handbook (Albertus)
Nothing Special:Living Zen (Beck, Smith)
The Art and Practice of Geomancy (Greer)
The Only Way to Learn Astrology, Vol 1 (March, McEvers)
72 Angels of Magick (Brand)
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Tried conjuring Sitael last night. Felt a presence, and expressed my true will according to his powers. Gave praise to the trinity, gave charge and thanksgiving. No incense was used, nor Celestial floorcloth. Will start writing in Celestial script with english translation on separate pieces of paper and collect and review them all daily. Petitions, iow. Unburnt petitions.
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Received to referrals for cancer screening from my doctor, one for colon cancer screening, and one for lung and thorax cancer screening.
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Two referrals, that is.
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Had dinner (steak tips in beef gravy, two slices bread and cup 9f milk).
Watched remainder of The Fall.
Watching Indiana Jones and the Dial 9f Destiny.
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May not do Zelator Formula tonight.
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Reading will commence tomorrow morning.
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Decided to complete the evening Zelator Formula.
E: Adoration to the Lord of the Universe
E: Ascent into the Cube of Space
E: Shining Crosses Ritual
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram
E: Qabalistic Cross Ritual
E: Lesser Invoking Ritual of the Hexagram
E: Solar Adoration (Theoricus)
S: Invoking the Four Powers of Earth
S: Solar Adoration (Philosophus)
W: Middle Pillar Ritual
W: Solar Adoration (Practicus)
N: Body in Assiah
N: Zelator Meditation
N: Solar Adoration (Zelator)
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Up for a minute, was sleepy before doing Zelator Formula, but now Im energized. Might as well read on Alchemy.
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Duly invoked.


Saturday- Day of Saturn

+ In the Name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, Amen.

Under the authority of YHVH ELOHIM, who governeth the sphere of Binah and Saturn, I call upon TZAPHKIEL, Contemplation of God, Archangel of spiritual strife against evil, and keeper of the Akashic records. Form us unto completion through silence, steadiness, and perseverance as inheritors of the world imperfect. Shape us as reliable agents of the Lord’s grace and glory to assist Mankind in the Great Work of Reintegration.

Archangel Tzaphkiel, I humbly ask of your guidance and to bless my endeavor to connect with the positive energies of Saturn. Rid me of inertia and self-destruction. Inspire me with patience, discipline, responsibility, wisdom of experience, meditation, and the proper management of all structure, limitations, and boundaries.

I submit this request in the name of the sovereignty of the Most High God the Father +, the unending love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ +, and the illuminating essence of the glorious Spirit Most Holy +. Amen.
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Read half the first chapter of The Alchemists Handbook.
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A Split Hexagram Spread reading - What is up with my aversion to Heights?
Drawn under YHVH.
Greater Spiritual Influence - XI Justice. Libra. Action-Work/Balance.
Lesser Spiritual Influence - II The High Priestess. Luna. Subconsciousness.
Spiritual Advice - 0 The Fool. Elemental Air. No-Thing.
Unconscious Desires - III The Empress. Venus. Creative Imagination.
Conscious Desires - VIII Strength. Leo. Law of Suggestion.
Practical Advice - XII The Hanged Man. Elemental Water. Reversal.
Final Outome - I The Magician. Mercury. Self-Consciousness.
Top of Deck: XX Judgement. Elemental Fire. Realization/Prophecy.
Bottom of Deck: V The Hierophant. Taurus. Sound/Hearing.
With the GSI being Justice, we have the meanings Balance, equilibrium, justice. An issue with physical balance due to left ear hearing loss and repeated concussions? With the LSI we have the meanings Science, education, knowledge. Perhaps this is a medical or neurological condition due to seizures, tremors and balance, or a side effect of medications such as the anti-psychotic and leg and arm tremors?
The Spiritual Advice is The Fool with the meanings Folly, foolishness, extravagance; also Hesitation, carelessness, trouble from ignoring foolishness. Libra, an Air sign, Cardinal Air sign. Luna, also an air sign and sign of the moon. Elemental Air, here is a pattern. Also biblical.
With the UD being Empress, we have the meanings Fruitfulness, action, creativity, which are all impaired due to the phobia; also the meanings Inaction due to vacillation, losing power. With the CD being Strength, we have the meanings Spiritual power; also Physical power.
Rings a bell with me. The Practical Advice is The Hanged Man, with the meanings Wisdom as a result of Self-sacrifice; also Selfishness, trying to fit in with the crowd. Ouch.
The FO as The Magician has the meanings (provided the SA and PA are done) Skills, will-power, self-confidence; also the meanings Wrong use of same, conceit, lack of skill.
The top of the deck points to Judgement, which has the meanings Renewal and rebirths; also Setbacks and delays.
Th bottom of the deck being The Hierophant has the meanings Mercy and goodness, a person who shows these qualities. Ill dignified, it shows the meanings as Overkindness, weakness.
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I recall the summer of 2001, and the fall. Working at a bank in Chicago, across from the Sears Tower. I went up to the top to sightsee and experience it as an adult. I think it jarred the memory of me as a kid climbing the stairs inside the Statue of Liberty and getting scared halfway up, which was probably induced by a babysitter forcing my sister and I to climb up onto the garage roof. Cant even climb a ladder now, especially with the leg tremors, but even a small stepladder scares me, stairs scare me, and having a seizure on top of the stairs in my home in 2004 did not help. So, some folly, some not within my circle of control. Be daring but do not be a fool. Reverse the suggestions of fear, but surrender to the higher power (God). Luna in Libra. Hmm. Venus in Leo .. hmm. Air, Water and Mercury. And Fire. Hmm.
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Seek science first and safety first then teamwork without being selfish to the other party. Therapy will start soon, will see psychiatrist soon.
Will be screened for colon cance and lung cancer soon. May ask for a referral for a MRI to screen for brain issues. EEG soon as well.
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Sunday 1-28-2024. Day of Sol. YHVH Eloah ve Daath, Michael, Malachim.. Gold or Yellow candles. Frankincense incense.

Dreams involving transgenders and trannies tied to the mob. A gay version of the movie Taken.

Morning solar adoration done with grade sign of Theoricus. 07:00

Tarot contemplation ritual:
XI Justice. Libra. Balance, equilibrium, justice. Tiphareth to Geburah. Daughter of the Lords of Truth, Ruler of the Balance. 22nd Path of the Sepher Yetzirah.

Tarot card of the day:
Seven of Disks. Saturn in Taurus. Lord of Failure. Netzach of Assiah.
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